A letter to your beloved guy at a distance in your own words. Romantic letter to your loved one

Love letters to a girl

Letter to my beloved girl

It's difficult for me to love you. Indescribable feelings you brought into my soul. Your unexpected arrival into my life brought a bouquet of fantastic emotions into my heart. Now you are not around, but I know you feel my warming love for you. Teaching a person to dream again is not given to everyone. You did it. And I am again in a fairy tale, beckoning into the distance and frightening with its beauty... You are not a desire, but an opportunity to find yourself. Only with the advent of you, I was able to be reborn and understand who I am. Only you helped me become independent of my desires. My heart has learned to endure. Endure fire, flaring feelings and overwhelming emotions. Having gone through darkness, through the jungle of evil and the desert of suffering, I found light in my soul. Your harmony. I won’t give you to anyone now and I won’t let anyone take you away. But I’ll let you go if she wants to leave... I can give my life to you, but I’m afraid that you will throw it into the sky, bottomless and too spacious for one human life. I'm afraid that she will not return to me anymore, and I will only exist, and not live... You have become an angel in my life!..

Letter to my beloved girl

I want to thank you for appearing in my life. For leaving so many pleasant, beautiful memories and emotions. For giving me so much affection, warmth, care. Here's to wonderful nights. In the minutes when I was nearby. For your smile. For the kind words. For all the good things that happened between us.

I'm sincerely sorry that I couldn't appreciate this in time...

Only now (or rather after the May conversation), realizing that I was losing you, I realized how dear you are to me. Only now I realized that you are exactly the person with whom I am ready to walk my life’s path to the end. That you are exactly the one with whom I want to raise our children (lately I have been haunted by an illusion - I see you with a belly, and next to me I am kneeling and leaning my cheek against the baby, stroking my belly gently with my hands. I see this picture constantly and that’s why my heart begins to ache). That you are exactly the one to whom I want to give my affection and warmth, whom I want to take care of. It is you and our little ones that I want to make happy,

Letter to my beloved girl

My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person cannot live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I began to live and breathe.

I love you and will love you forever!

Letter to my beloved girl

We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because my heart can't beat only half...

Letter to my beloved girl

I love you madly, from the first time you looked into my eyes...

You are the one who gave me the best feelings. I didn’t have such feelings, but I was waiting, searching... and then the moment came... you appeared!

I love you more than life!..

Sometimes it seems as if my love is so great that your love is not even noticeable... But I know that you love me! You give me joy and fill my life with meaning!

I really want to shout to the whole wide world that I LOVE YOU!!!

Letter to my beloved girl

You are the most dear person to me! I love you with all my heart and cannot live without you! I am ready to share both grief and joy with you! I am ready to go even to the ends of the world, if only you were next to me!

Letter to my beloved girl

My beloved and dearest in the world!

You are the most beautiful, and I am very happy that I have you! You know that I love you, I have already told you this many times, but I want everyone to know about it. We found out that I love you madly, and I don’t doubt my feelings at all, I value you very much! You are the most dear person to me in this world!

You suddenly appeared in my life, and this feeling arose so suddenly and grew into boundless love for you!

I really understand that I can no longer live without you, I don’t need anyone except you and no one can replace you!

My heart forever belongs only to you. Only with you am I truly happy and only with you do I always want to be!**

Letter to my beloved girl

There is a lot I want to say. Even more is left unsaid. Something that can only be felt, something that the best writer cannot convey in words. Feel like the touch of your lips, like the touch of silky skin, a feeling that pierces the soul and leaves a deep trace of sweet memories, anticipation of wonderful sensations and an anxious heartbeat. Like a whirlwind of images into which you slowly plunge, wanting to save every second, extend it into eternity, and not wait for the end of the elements of feelings. Save it like gold, like the most valuable gift, keep in memory eternity that protects you. And never betray what is sacred for two in their little world of oblivion and joy.

Letter to my beloved girl

I miss you very much... I wait for YOU every day... With dry lips I whisper your name... and tears come to my eyes from the realization of the impossibility of a miracle, from meaninglessness and hopelessness. Yes, I never heard from you those words that I was waiting for...

Nothing can be fixed. Start from the beginning??? I... I only feel loneliness and your indifference, which may not be there, but you don’t show anything different.


And maybe only waking up one day in a nightmare, with something inside bursting with unbearable pain, not immediately realizing where I am, and that I am alone, and now REALLY ALONE - maybe only then will I understand HOW I REALLY AM I LOVE YOU... And these are not just words... Tell me what I have to do, and I will do everything... if you say to die, then I will die, no doubt about it!

How to LIVE with such love?..

Letter to my beloved girl

It’s still great to love you!.. Sometimes you don’t understand where you are going, and, in fact, why. I remember your eyes, and the earth flies out from under my feet, intoxicated with delight and pride that I can love you!

(Selection of material for the site: Lyudmila T.)

Friends, please do not judge me harshly. I’m probably wrong, and this letter should not be seen by the world, and the world should not see this letter. Perhaps it should be written and burned. It may not even have had the right to be written. But I do what I do. And I can't bring myself to do anything differently. This is a letter to an ex-boyfriend. It is written as a cry from the soul, as a farewell kiss, as an unspoken hope. It is written into a past that has no future. In general, here is actually my letter to a guy about love, which will not end up in an envelope and will not fly to the addressee.

Hello, my friend!


Only with this phrase can I convey how much I miss you.

I’m writing this letter to you and I know that it won’t change anything, it’s too late to change anything. But I can’t carry all this pain and aching melancholy within me anymore. And so I pour it all out on paper. Although you probably won’t even read this letter...

I love you madly! I love you for a long time and constantly. Even on the day when I asked you to remain friends, I loved you with every fiber.

Why did I do this? Then it seemed to me that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was unworthy of you. I thought that our relationship was becoming obsolete and wanted to end it on a good note. God, how wrong I was! Alas, this mistake cannot be corrected, although I have regretted what I did thousands and millions of thousands of times.

I dream about you very often, and every morning I don’t want to wake up in order to prolong these dreams at least a little.

Now it seems to me that the reason for our separation is my fear, my uncertainty and my haste. You have always been a mystery to me, a puzzle. But no matter how hard I tried to unravel you, to get closer to you, I couldn’t. I wanted to lose myself in our love, but your incredible mystery made me think that there was some kind of wall that I couldn’t get over. And I gave up. I didn’t have enough strength, patience, and I abandoned our love.

The strangest thing is that when I asked you not to hold me and let me go, I desperately wanted you not to let me go...

And yet I continued to love you. So I suggested that we remain friends. After all, you can see a friend, you can touch him, you can communicate, and you can continue to admire him.

And I loved just looking at you! You are so beautiful, brutal, unusual. When I looked at you, I felt tenderness growing in me. Yes, yes, tenderness! She gradually grew and became stronger, like an avalanche. And I really wanted to give it all to you, so that you could bathe in it, so that you would be happy. But I didn't know how to do this.

I still remember many moments of our love. And for me this memory is worth its weight in gold.

I remember our crazy train ride. I remember how your friends made fun of us. I was embarrassed, but at the same time I didn’t care, because I was happy from our crazy love.

I remember a bouquet of cornflowers. It was the most beautiful bouquet of my life!

I remember how we fooled around. I remember your smile, your jokes that drove me crazy.

And one of the most valuable memories is our night under the starry sky.

I remember how we met. It's impossible to forget. Although... Maybe you forgot. But I don’t blame you, I don’t blame you for anything! It is my fault. The fact is that she refused all this.

I remember even the most ordinary things, because they ceased to be ordinary when you were nearby.

I remember our walks after breaking up. And how desperately I wanted to get you back, but I couldn’t.

And also music. The music you listened to was not the music I liked to listen to. But at the same time, I admired your musical passions! By the way, I still fell in love with several melodies from you. And when I listen to them, your image immediately pops up in front of me.

Now I caught myself thinking: I don’t even have a single photograph of us together. I wonder if you have such a photo... I would like to have one. Not to mourn, no. In order to look at her and remember our happiness with a smile.

We remained friends, but we had already grown apart. We don't see each other like before. You are in another city, I have my own family... We very rarely call each other. Basically, in order to congratulate you on the next holiday.

Or maybe you want to reduce our communication to nothing? And I won't let you do this? If that's the case, then I wouldn't want to force myself on you. I didn’t value our love, but I value our friendship. However, if she bothers you, I have to let it go, I have to let you go and not bother me anymore.

I'll finish this letter and call you. And I’ll find out how you feel about our communication.

But even if... if this is our last conversation, I will have happy memories of OUR time and endless love for you, and after this letter I will not say a word about them anymore. Nobody will know. Only my heart will know.

I love you.

Even though this is a letter to the past, which has no future, it made me feel a little better.

Thank you for everything and be happy! I promise that your name will sound in every prayer I pray.

Sorry if anyone was confused by my letter to my ex-boyfriend.

To keep abreast of all new events on the Striped Life blog, subscribe! I'm always glad to see you!!

And to please me, go through the social network buttons

Mar. 24th, 2012 at 1:41 PM

The other day I had a candid conversation with a childhood friend. He called from the capital late at night to “complain about life”: his next relationship with a woman ended with her turning off all phones and refusing to communicate with him. A merry fellow, a jokester, a pleasant-looking 45-year-old successful business man breathed in confusion into the phone, sniffling resentfully: “I’m serious about her!.. But we’re not children!... Well, yes, I wanted sex with her, but What can we do without him? Who builds a relationship without sex? Why should I pretend to be an idiot with little need?... And she shows off like a girl, “I’m not like that, I’m waiting for the tram”!... Ksyu, how can I understand you women? "After a conversation with I walked around with him all evening and mentally seemed to continue the dialogue... And then I decided to write this letter to him. I think it will help many “adult-age” men understand their mistakes (so obvious to women). It would seem that everything is simple... But in my practice, I again and again encounter the same mistake of some “adult-age” men. .. And I understand that what may be excusable for youngsters is perceived as shocking by a mature man!
I hope this open letter will help them understand their mistake in relationships with women. The text contains profanity, but... you can’t remove the words from the song;))) I apologize for my “bad French”!

Hello! For some reason, I can’t get my conversation with you yesterday out of my head.

I’m mentally replaying some dialogues with you, and therefore I decided to put everything in a letter.

I think you behave wrongly with women. And if you don’t realize this, then you will step on the same rake again and again.

As far as I know you, you are a very sentimental and kind person. You are caring in your own way, you want to make everyone around you happy! :) But you cover up your sincerity (at least in relationships with women) with bravado and cavalry pressure, hussar jokes in the style of Rzhevsky and sentences “Madam, let me show you off!” For what? Why? I don’t know... Perhaps there were episodes in your life when some young lady (or even mother) did not understand or appreciate you... And this is where such feigned cynicism comes from... I immediately caught it in my communication with you even when we met in Moscow then for the first time 25 years after school graduation...

But I'm a psychologist. And therefore I can understand the motives for such male behavior. But many women sometimes cannot understand their feelings... how can they understand men’s “twists”? Hence the conclusion:

With cavalry attacks you have a chance to attract into your life an exceptionally marketable bazaar woman who will perceive you adequately and innocently, she herself will make the same soldierly joke, and - after making friends with you - she will drag you into bed to fuck... Do you want one? I doubt it... Finding one is as easy as shelling pears, I think. You are drawn to others.

An adequate single woman (especially in our age category) perceives a man primarily by how COMFORTABLE she will be with him. Not a day, not two - but for a long time... maybe for the rest of our lives... And the older we get, the more we want harmony and comfort. Agree.

Both men and women of our age category, looking at themselves in the mirror in the morning, sadly state the fact of aging of our body. And although our soul, perhaps at 45 years old, is still the same “berry”, the body noticeably betrays itself. Therefore, when a mature man invites a mature woman to go to bed on the first (second or even third) date... without having had time to get to know each other properly... this, to put it mildly, leads to some embarrassment (to put it mildly, I repeat). Because I no longer want sex as much as I want harmony and comfort. And this is in no way a contradiction!!! You can tumble in bed like little kids - for days... but at the same time you really want to wake up with the same man in the morning... and even live together... more than once or twice... At our age, you already think not so much about the quality of sex, but about what quality of life is it? And who will we have to grow old with next to...

The differences between women and men are that a man can only fall in love with the woman who initially arouses his sexual appetite! And a woman can sexually lust after a man exclusively AFTER she has fallen in love with his certain human qualities... Do you catch the difference?

Men: SEX --> LOVE

Women: LOVE --> SEX

And never otherwise! If otherwise, then there are no feelings at all. But there are either complexes, or naked calculations, or a drunken head... And do you know why such a situation is important for both sides? Because both men and women are afraid of defeat! A man is afraid that he will not be at his best in bed later, and therefore it is important for him to check this right away, to make sure of some kind of guarantee of his success (like if it doesn’t work out, then he won’t build a relationship)... And a woman is afraid that a man will will turn out to be unreliable and will leave her after sex, which is why it is so important for her to check many human qualities in her chosen one so that she can count on a long-term harmonious relationship...

Both men and women often lie to themselves and to each other... The one who is more cunning wins this game. If an alliance with a man is important to a woman, she will agree to sex and then use all sorts of tricks to keep the man near her constantly. If the union is more important for a man, he patiently “hills up” this flowerbed, hoping to sooner or later pick the most beautiful flower from it. But both fall into traps :)

What am I talking about?

If you really want to build a long-term relationship with a worthy woman, then you still need to restrain your cavalry habits. Trust me! Do not rush things. Sometimes it’s really easier to hire a call girl than to mess with a decent woman! If you are so much concerned about the contents of your scrotum, and not what a woman will think of you.

At 45 years old, a normal woman cannot be surprised by any penis, believe me! And for some reason, some men think that their penis is almost the only thing they can offer to their beloved. Alas... just as there are a lot of long-legged pussies around, there are a lot of fuckers around (sorry). Both of them, unfortunately, have one common drawback: they suffer from the lack of brains that you value so much...

Answer yourself: what else, besides your penis and an important deputy title, can you offer a worthy woman (smart, self-sufficient, pretty, sexy and able to take care of her man)? And if you answer in more than one or two words, then there is a chance to arrange your personal life. I guarantee you this! Just the next time you meet a woman with whom you want to communicate for more than one evening, try to let her understand that for her you are exactly that “reliable stone wall” that women so often look for. And I’m sure you will get EVERYTHING: sex to the point of being “unbearable” as in your youth, and a spectacular girlfriend at social events, and delicious dinners at home, and care, and tenderness, and understanding, and even a wise adviser in some matters!

I hug you and sincerely wish you happiness!

Give your loved one a letter in which tender words will turn into gentle lines with a kind and gentle meaning, with love and respect, with a rainbow of feelings and emotions...

Imagine that you have fallen in love (very much!) with a man who, unfortunately, lives a little far from you. You've loved him for a long time. But you no longer have the strength to hide your love for him. Describe what you feel in writing. You will feel better. It’s more pleasant for him. If you love, don’t pay attention to the kilometers that separate you! On the contrary, let him understand that kilometers are nonsense, the main thing is feelings!

Write to your loved one

Something that will melt his heart. Do you doubt that he needs you? You are afraid that he will not reciprocate. Do not be afraid. You write!

Do not spread any negativity on the lines. Try to avoid him, no matter how difficult it is for you. Imbue the entire letter with kindness, tenderness and good mood.

An example of a gentle and kind letter for a loved one

My beloved and affectionate angel! Night. I know that you are already sleeping. And I write because I want you to learn a lot. Even what you already know...

I love you sweetheart! You have no idea about these feelings. Maybe you can guess. You and I are very close friends. You are closer than a friend. I definitely told you about this. Sorry for repeating myself again.

We've never seen each other

We have never met in reality, but I am waiting for the day when you arrive. We just have to wait a little over a month. But I will wait for you, my happiness. We agreed that we would leave everything as it is. I will not insist on anything, I will not demand anything. What's important to me is that we see each other. You know how I'm looking forward to this...

We joke when we correspond on the topic of love. I try not to show my feelings. I’ll tell you what I love when we meet. I don’t know how you will answer. But the main thing is that I will open up to you. Now I'm afraid...

Kitten, you are the very... I'm so scared. That you will find another while we are at a distance. You once went to the VKontakte website. It was a summer night. But I know that at this time you are sleeping.

I had two versions:

  • First: “He is not alone. Some girl is crawling on his page.”
  • Second: “He went online to see if I was there or not. At the same time, admire my photographs”….

The second one came later. It’s always like this: first the bad comes to mind. Jealousy. How she infuriates me! I didn’t think that she would move into me either. But she has taken possession and does not let go. Will he let you go?

About the past

You know that I broke up with my boyfriend. And you applied for his place. Yesterday he called me. And I told you about this too, because I have no secrets from you. Our mutual friends say that he wants to return to me. And you found out about this. Sad, without a smiley face, you asked: “What are you doing?” I thought for a long time about how to answer so that you would understand everything correctly. And I answered like this: “Most of all I want to meet you. If I return to him, a lot can change.” You didn’t answer me for half an hour, which seemed like an eternity to me... Do you remember what you answered? You replied: “Hmm...”. I don’t know how to interpret it... That’s why I had to say that I was joking again. I polish all my words so as not to offend or offend you.

About future

My dear, you are very, very dear to me. If I lose you, my life will end. And I want to spend it with you! I want to erase all boundaries of friendship... All! Every single one! I want there to be only friendship and love between us.

I really dream of dialing your number, but yesterday you dropped your mobile phone. He does not work. This makes me sad. I don't know my home number. I asked him, but you didn't write. Apparently I was afraid that I would call you often? - Kidding!

I love you! I love you, my dear boy. Let's be together forever? It's so sad and bad without you. All my friends see how “gray” I am when I don’t talk to you on the Internet or on my mobile phone. Give me a rainbow, please. My rainbow is you and your feelings for me...

I dream of not letting you go... I want your touches, your caresses, your kisses... Do you know how I imagined our first meeting? You call me from the station, say that you have arrived and are waiting for me at the entrance. I run out of the vestibule doors, call the elevator... In the elevator - you. You come out of it, take me in your arms and kiss me sweetly.


I forgot that we are not dating, but friends. How I wish it were different. I love it when you call me angel... Soon I will put a new status on VKontakte: “I work as a personal angel for my closest friend. I'm not going to quit." I'm so tired of communicating virtually. My beloved sunshine, come soon. I don't claim much. I just want to see you. I promise that I will restrain all the impulses of passion that live within me for you. I promise I will kiss you on the cheek, just like we agreed. I will fulfill everything I promised you, my beloved sun.

Patience is running out

I’m ready to rush to you now, my happiness. If I can’t stand it, I’ll buy a train ticket and come to you. There are five hundred kilometers between us. These are huge little things. It's a pity that there is any distance between us at all. But we will overcome it, my beloved!

I am writing this letter, knowing that everything in it is sincere and beautiful. Everything is dedicated only to you, my extraordinary dream. Yes, by the way, about sleep... I remembered something... We spoke on a mobile phone. I wished you good night. And you hinted that you would dream about me. My dear, I really want to dream about you every night! I want to fall asleep next to you and wake up... I'm sorry that I want so much. But I have the right to tell you everything as it is.

You are the man of my dreams

Yes, we have not met in life, but I fell in love with you so much... I resisted my feeling, choosing not to believe in it. But love is very strong. She defeated me, burst out of my chest, flew into every line of this letter... Love you…. Forgive for this if you can... Just know, remember that you are the only one for me.

Without you, I am a drop of dew, a drop of rain on the glass, a grain of sand on the coast... Be with me, my angel! I can give you unearthly happiness. I just need one chance to implement such a plan.

My love is real

You will understand that I am not lying if we are together. I need you…. More than air. You are my life. Because I love you madly. Anyone who has fallen in love on the Internet will be able to understand me.

I'm waiting for you, my little bunny. You call me that too... And I’m so pleased, it makes me feel so good. I am your sunbeam who protects and loves you.

Continuation. . .

Everything tender and pleasant - for your loved one

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Friends, please do not judge me harshly. I’m probably wrong, and this letter should not be seen by the world, and the world should not see this letter. Perhaps it should be written and burned. It may not even have had the right to be written. But I do what I do. And I can't bring myself to do anything differently. This is a letter to an ex-boyfriend. It is written as a cry from the soul, as a farewell kiss, as an unspoken hope. It is written into a past that has no future. In general, here is actually my letter to a guy about love, which will not end up in an envelope and will not fly to the addressee.

Hello, my friend!


Only with this phrase can I convey how much I miss you.

I’m writing this letter to you and I know that it won’t change anything, it’s too late to change anything. But I can’t carry all this pain and aching melancholy within me anymore. And so I pour it all out on paper. Although you probably won’t even read this letter...

I love you madly! I love you for a long time and constantly. Even on the day when I asked you to remain friends, I loved you with every fiber.

Why did I do this? Then it seemed to me that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was unworthy of you. I thought that our relationship was becoming obsolete and wanted to end it on a good note. God, how wrong I was! Alas, this mistake cannot be corrected, although I have regretted what I did thousands and millions of thousands of times.

I dream about you very often, and every morning I don’t want to wake up in order to prolong these dreams at least a little.

Now it seems to me that the reason for our separation is my fear, my uncertainty and my haste. You have always been a mystery to me, a puzzle. But no matter how hard I tried to unravel you, to get closer to you, I couldn’t. I wanted to lose myself in our love, but your incredible mystery made me think that there was some kind of wall that I couldn’t get over. And I gave up. I didn’t have enough strength, patience, and I abandoned our love.

The strangest thing is that when I asked you not to hold me and let me go, I desperately wanted you not to let me go...

And yet I continued to love you. So I suggested that we remain friends. After all, you can see a friend, you can touch him, you can communicate, and you can continue to admire him.

And I loved just looking at you! You are so beautiful, brutal, unusual. When I looked at you, I felt tenderness growing in me. Yes, yes, tenderness! She gradually grew and became stronger, like an avalanche. And I really wanted to give it all to you, so that you could bathe in it, so that you would be happy. But I didn't know how to do this.

I still remember many moments of our love. And for me this memory is worth its weight in gold.

I remember our crazy train ride. I remember how your friends made fun of us. I was embarrassed, but at the same time I didn’t care, because I was happy from our crazy love.

I remember a bouquet of cornflowers. It was the most beautiful bouquet of my life!

I remember how we fooled around. I remember your smile, your jokes that drove me crazy.

And one of the most valuable memories is our night under the starry sky.

I remember how we met. It's impossible to forget. Although... Maybe you forgot. But I don’t blame you, I don’t blame you for anything! It is my fault. The fact is that she refused all this.

I remember even the most ordinary things, because they ceased to be ordinary when you were nearby.

I remember our walks after breaking up. And how desperately I wanted to get you back, but I couldn’t.

And also music. The music you listened to was not the music I liked to listen to. But at the same time, I admired your musical passions! By the way, I still fell in love with several melodies from you. And when I listen to them, your image immediately pops up in front of me.

Now I caught myself thinking: I don’t even have a single photograph of us together. I wonder if you have such a photo... I would like to have one. Not to mourn, no. In order to look at her and remember our happiness with a smile.

We remained friends, but we had already grown apart. We don't see each other like before. You are in another city, I have my own family... We very rarely call each other. Basically, in order to congratulate you on the next holiday.

Or maybe you want to reduce our communication to nothing? And I won't let you do this? If that's the case, then I wouldn't want to force myself on you. I didn’t value our love, but I value our friendship. However, if she bothers you, I have to let it go, I have to let you go and not bother me anymore.

I'll finish this letter and call you. And I’ll find out how you feel about our communication.

But even if... if this is our last conversation, I will have happy memories of OUR time and endless love for you, and after this letter I will not say a word about them anymore. Nobody will know. Only my heart will know.

I love you.

Even though this is a letter to the past, which has no future, it made me feel a little better.

Thank you for everything and be happy! I promise that your name will sound in every prayer I pray.

Sorry if anyone was confused by my letter to my ex-boyfriend.

To keep abreast of all new events on the Striped Life blog, subscribe in the upper right corner! I'm always glad to see you!!

And to please me, go through the social network buttons

Hello, darling!
How are you there? How is your health? What's new with you?
Dear, I am writing you a letter. because I no longer found a way to express all my feelings and emotions. You know very well how long I have been waiting for a man like you, it is you who give me my dreams. I feel so inspired that any angel could envy me. Looking at your photo. my heart starts beating faster and faster every minute. It takes my breath away and gives me goosebumps all over my body. This is Love! I feel that you and I will be together. This is my wish, and I always make it!

Masya, I dream of the day when we will be alone with you. in the evenings I imagine how you take me to a wonderful place where everything exists only for the two of us. These hours will be the happiest and most beautiful for us. I want to plunge into your arms, forget about everything in the world and enjoy your presence…….

Darling. the only one, thank you for being with me. Only you can make my life truly happy. I love every cell of yours, every centimeter of your body, every smile, touch, look... I want you to look at me all my life, with your bottomless eyes! My happiness, my dear, my beloved, you are the most wonderful person, and wherever you are, whatever you do, may my love warm and protect you!

And most importantly, believe that no matter what happens, you are always in my heart. All my thoughts are only about you and about our life together with you. I so want you to be next to me always! I’ve already stopped thinking about what happened in the past, it’s as if it didn’t exist at all. I think only about the future, about our future with you! I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there was so much that was still unsolved in this person. I have never met a person with whom hours flew by like minutes and I would never want to part with. so close and dear to me. like you, with whom it is so easy, cozy and calm. Kitten. How I want to feel the warmth of your hands, I so want to be with you as soon as possible.

I don't know why I wrote all this. maybe because I love you madly... I am constantly haunted by the feeling that I have known you all my life. You know, when I first saw you, I thought: will anything work out with you? As you can see, it worked! You are probably smiling now, I really love your smile. How painful it is in my heart that you are not around, my dear, I think about you all the time, I dream of only one thing - to see you quickly, to feel the taste of your lips, the tenderness of your hands, to look into your eyes. I believe we will definitely be together, because you want this too, I know! So everything is in our hands. Everything will be wonderful with us... I kiss you tightly, hug you, love you and wait...... Your girl.

P.S My dear, I’m always there... Even now, when there are kilometers of dull roads between us. I am with you - with every drop of rain that knocks on your window, I am with you - with every ray of sunshine that wakes you up in the morning, I am with you - with every gust of wind that brings long-awaited coolness at night... I believe you and know that we can overcome any difficulties.

My dear, the only one, thank you very much for what I have. Only you can make my life truly happy. I am ready to give everything in the world for your “I love you” and for you to be happy with me. Wherever you are, whatever you do, may my love protect you!

Thank you for your strength, your wisdom, your beauty and even harmfulness:) For the fact that with you I learned what REAL LOVE is... I am very glad that we met. For me now there is no greater happiness than to love you, to be loved by you. I'm terribly afraid of losing you and that's why sometimes (Maybe not sometimes:)) I act stupid. I want to see happiness in your eyes and know that you need me. I want you to trust me. My dear, please, let’s never quarrel or betray each other.

Beloved, We must understand each other, support and protect each other. You and I have been through a lot together, we still have a lot to do together. I love you, Radnulka, and I won’t give it to anyone :)!

I wanted to run away from you, rather I wanted to run away from myself... but I can't. I can’t forget you, my thoughts are all about you, I understand, I understand everything, but I don’t want it.
Every time I understand and catch myself thinking that I need to forget you. YOU, you, you... Everything is YOU. Do not need anything. Only you. I don't want to live, I don't want to breathe, I can't do this, I can't. YOU are my air, YOU are my life... YOU are everything to me...

At least this way, but this way you are a little closer. I know I'll never see you again. For you, I do not exist and never have existed. I know all this, but this is the only way I can communicate with you, only by melting, I can talk about my love, this is the only way I can love you, this is the only way you are mine. You know, you must feel me, me, who is no longer there, who was not there before you... was not before, no and after - you were there, I was there too... You disappeared, a month has passed, a lot of time has passed, an eternity has passed. Just not for me. I remember everything, I feel everything as if it was a second ago, you just went for coffee, or just got distracted to talk. Although an eternity has passed, everything has passed, more time has passed, much more, but for me you always sit next to me, you are nearby, you will always be nearby, even though you are not there. Let me go…

No, don't let go, you are everything to me, you are my life. I thought I wouldn't write anymore... but I can't. YOU are in everything, YOU are in me, YOU fill me completely. I am everything that now lives for you, only for you. Even if I never see you, know, at least just feel... I am always yours, and I will be everything for you.
It’s incredibly strange that you, or rather I, don’t see anyone other than you in people. I do not want it. I'm trying to find at least a pathetic likeness, a small copy of you, but which is not a bit like you, will never be even a little like you. Will never be the meaning of my life, will never be my soul, will never be life for me. I’m probably repeating myself, and you’re tired of it, although I know, I’m sure that you will never read this, you don’t exist, you’re just a fairy tale invented by me... But that’s the only way I talk to you.

You know how much I want you to be happy. Even here, “only in me,” I’m afraid to bore you, I’m afraid to be too frank, I’m afraid to seem annoying... Funny...

It’s funny even to me... Or rather, what’s left of me is funny to my body, since it cannot die along with the soul, with the soul that belongs only to you, which this body no longer has.

The only thing that stops me, stops my soul, is that I want, at least from a distance, at least for a moment, at least impulsively, to make your life a little brighter, even a drop, and I believe in this, this is the only hope, which still gives life to my body, no, rather not life, it gives it hope, boundless hope... fills it... Thank you...

I won't prove anything to you anymore. You yourself have the right to think as you see fit. I just want you to know, Sergei, I’m crazy about you, there’s no peace when you’re not around, I lose control of myself when we’re together. Having loved you, I found suffering... fear that haunts me... fear of losing you... I had many dreams, but I forgot everything as soon as you appeared, because you are my most important dream... the one that replaces all the others for me. I gave myself to you without reserve...

I don’t want you to let me go... I only need you... you are my beloved... I am completely yours... I am terribly sad without you, I don’t exist without you... Now you are my guardian, my angel, my passion... I so want to be with you ...completely in your power... Now I want to sit down next to you... kiss you... tenderly, tenderly... I want you madly... only you... I am waiting and will wait for that meeting, which is still so far away... Previously... I was afraid of time... that it is so fast is running, but now I really want it to pass quickly, so that you will appear in my eyes again... Just as good, just as beloved as in those days... that we spent together... Know that all the passion that was between us was her no one else... she is only for you... I love you madly...

I will never exchange you for a light flirtation...for a temporary infatuation...Your words about love for me cause a slight chill throughout my whole body...and I imagine as if it were you hugging me and gently whispering in my ear something that makes me want to rejoice... I put shackles on myself... I don’t need freedom... I only need you... and there is no room left in my head for others... all the principles that were there turned out to be just wind... wind in my thoughts... I replaced them... replaced them with you... I love you...

Hello my sweet lover.
You will probably be surprised to see this letter somewhere on the site... Yes, today many are so shy about beautiful love letters. No, I’m not afraid or ashamed of my feelings, I’m not ashamed to talk about love... And even if this letter falls into someone’s hands, someone decisively reads it, I won’t blush, no, I’ll even be pleased with the fact that my feelings will stir up the feelings of others...

My love letter is my love song to you, my dear beloved... I just really appreciate the feelings that you have for me, the awe that envelops you when you just think about me... Nowadays, it’s rare for anyone to love the way you know how to love You…
A letter to a loved one in separation is not just a letter, it is a dream and dreams, it is the belief that the separation will end, that you, my sweet and smart romantic, will one day open the door, call me tenderly, I will quietly come to you... And that’s all what was written in a letter to a loved one will actually happen...

I often imagine how you hold my letter near your face, how, after reading it, you take off your glasses, enjoy the smell of the lined sheet, slowly inhale its aroma: the aroma of a pen that left a mark on the paper... and the aroma of a hand that tenderly and tenderly traced these letters for you...
How precious is a letter to a loved one... Many have stopped keeping these magical messengers of love, but you and I keep, we keep not only letters, we also keep our feelings... We keep all this so that our son, after reading our correspondence, will read our soul ( after all, we put our soul into a love letter), knew how to write a love letter to his beloved...

The world, my dear, is so huge, it is impossible to travel around it even in a few months, and you and I keep our world in our warm hearts. I believe that our separation will not last long, that when you re-read my letter, you will remember my world, and when you come to me, you will give me your peace - a world of love, a world of tenderness, the peace of your trembling soul.
I impatiently seal my envelope, gently put it in the mailbox and imagine that very soon it will be in your hands... and you will dream about me, dream about our meeting.

Love language for men in funny SMS to your loved one

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