How to sharpen razor blades. How to sharpen a razor vest or any other machine? Features of sharpening a straight razor

With the help of a knife we ​​cook food, cut food and do other housework. Therefore, it is very important that the knife blade always remains sharp. Theoretically, there is nothing difficult in sharpening knives, but in practice it turns out that not everyone can sharpen a blade well. To have an idea of ​​what to sharpen knives with and how to do it correctly, we recommend reading our article.

Before you start sharpening a knife, you need to find out what material it is made of. There are several types of knives:

  • Carbon steel knives are the most affordable, made from an alloy of iron and carbon, easy to sharpen and remain sharp for a long time. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the knife blade oxidizes from interaction with food or an acidic environment, due to this, rust and stains appear on the knife, and food acquires a metallic taste. Over time, after plaque forms on the blade, oxidation stops.
  • Low carbon stainless steel knives are made from an alloy of iron, chromium, carbon and in some cases nickel or molybdenum. Stainless steel knives are inferior in hardness to carbon steel, so they quickly become dull and require regular sharpening. The advantages include corrosion resistance.
  • Knives made of high-carbon stainless steel are a higher class of knives, with a higher carbon content and additions of cobalt or vanadium. Due to the higher quality alloy, this type of knives does not require frequent sharpening and is not subject to corrosion.
  • Damascus steel knives are mainly made as edged weapons, but there are also kitchen options. A Damascus steel knife is a multi-layer blade made from different high-quality alloys. The disadvantages include the high cost of knives.
  • Ceramic knives have gained popularity because of their sharpness and ability to remain dull for a long time. But in addition to their advantages, ceramic knives have a significant disadvantage, which is their fragility when dropped from a height and poor resistance to fracture.
  • Sharpening tools

    Touchstone (sharpening stone)

    Sharpening stones are available with different numbers of abrasive grains per square millimeter. Therefore, for rough sharpening and finishing grinding, you need to use bars with a minimum and maximum abrasive content. In foreign-made whetstones, information about the number of abrasive grains is on their labeling. You have to choose domestically produced sharpening stones “by eye” or ask the seller which whetstone to use for initial sharpening and which for final sharpening.

    Mechanical sharpener

    Mechanical sharpeners are mainly used for sharpening kitchen knives. Although the sharpening process is quick, the quality leaves much to be desired. For this reason, for hunting and sporting knives, it is recommended to use other sharpening methods.

    Electric sharpener

    Modern models of electric sharpeners allow you to achieve high quality sharpening due to the built-in function of automatically determining the angle of the blade. The electric sharpener is perfect for both household use and for sharpening knives in catering establishments. The range of electric sharpeners is presented in a wide range, so the price may vary, but if you want your knives to always remain sharp, then buy more “advanced” and expensive models.


    Musat - designed to maintain the sharpness of the knife edge. In shape, the musat resembles a round file with a handle. Musats are included in knife sets, and many owners often confuse them with a tool for fully sharpening a blade. Please note that with the help of musat you can maintain the sharpness of a sharpened knife, but if the knife has become completely dull, you will not be able to sharpen it with musat.

    Sharpener "Lansky"

    This sharpener is used for sharpening small and medium-sized knives. The design of the sharpener allows you to sharpen the blade at the angle you choose. The Lansky sharpener consists of a rod with a removable touchstone and two corners connected to each other. The corners simultaneously serve as a vice for the knife and a scale for selecting the sharpening angle. The sharpener kit also includes sharpening stones of different grits with ANSI markings.

    Sharpening and grinding machines

    Sharpening machines are used mainly in production for high-precision sharpening of rotating shaft blades. In addition to high-precision machines, there are electrically driven abrasive wheels and rotating discs for grinding. Sharpening knives on such machines should only be done by an experienced craftsman, because due to the speed of rotation of the circle or disk and the high heating temperature, with any unsuccessful movement, the knife blade will become unusable.

    Do-it-yourself blade sharpening

    Sharpening a knife with a whetstone

    Sharpening a blade made with a sharpening stone is considered to be of the highest quality, provided, of course, that it was carried out by an experienced craftsman. To sharpen a knife on a whetstone, do the following:

    How to sharpen a knife using a sharpening stone, see also in the video:

    Sharpening a hunting knife on a Lansky sharpener

    Hunting knives are made of hard steel, so their initial sharpening requires sharpening stones with a low content of abrasive grains.

    How to sharpen knives in a Lansky sharpener, watch the video:

    Sharpening scissors

    Sharpening of scissors must be done on a special sharpening machine. Sharpening blades using improvised materials (sandpaper, the edge of a glass, etc.) can temporarily improve the sharpness of scissors, but not for long. If you do not have the opportunity to have your scissors sharpened by a professional, you can try to sharpen them yourself on an abrasive stone. When sharpening you need to follow a few simple rules:

    When sharpening scissors, do not rush; patience will be your ally in this matter.

    You can also watch the video on how to quickly sharpen scissors:

    Sharpening plane and chisel blades

    Sharpening the blade of a plane and a chisel are practically no different from each other. Therefore, the sharpening process described below applies to both tools:

    In addition to manual sharpening, the chisel can be sharpened on a machine with a rotating abrasive disk:

    Do not forget that when sharpening products on a machine, a lot of sparks and small particles are generated that can get into your eyes, so be sure to wear safety glasses. To avoid damaging your hands on the rotating disk, wear gloves.

    You can also learn how to sharpen tools from the video:

    Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools


    You can quickly sharpen a knife on a hike or on a picnic using an ordinary cobblestone. Use any stone lying on the ground instead of a whetstone and run the knife blade along its surface. You won't achieve razor sharpness, but you will return the knife to working condition.

    Second knife

    It is quite possible to sharpen two knives at once, without sharpening stones or tools. To do this, you need to take a knife in both hands and begin to sharpen the blade of one knife on the blade of the other. After 5-10 minutes of this work, the knives will become sharper than before.

    Glass objects

    The knife blade can be slightly sharpened on the rough edge of glass or ceramic objects. For example, on the bottom of a glass or the edge of a tile. The main thing is that the surface is rough.

    Leather belt

    A leather belt is more suitable for finishing and giving the knife blade a razor sharpness than for rough sharpening. But if there is nothing at hand except a belt, then you can try to sharpen the knife on it. To do this, you need to tighten the belt and start moving the blade along it; you may not achieve strong sharpness, but you will polish the knife to a shine.

    By learning to sharpen knives and tools yourself, you will acquire a skill that will be useful to you throughout your life!

Among all the variety of shaving devices, the most effective is the machine from a regular razor. However, this product has one big drawback: it quickly becomes dull and the cassette has to be changed frequently. For owners of razors, several effective home methods for sharpening them have been invented. This is discussed in more detail below.

Do I need to sharpen my razor myself?

The following facts support a positive answer to this question:

  1. If you take it yourself, you can extend the life of the machine by approximately the same period of time.
  2. Such actions allow you to save significantly, because... When buying a replacement, you are spending a significant amount of money. And sharpening helps to postpone the trip for new accessories by 2-3 months.
  3. In some situations, it is problematic to buy a new pack of replacement blades. For example, when you urgently need to shave. To do this without being distracted by going to the store, you just need to sharpen the blades.

Using jeans: sharpening from scrap material

For those who don’t know how to sharpen a razor and need to shave urgently, old jeans will help solve the problem. Processing with this material is simple and accessible to restore the sharpness of the device.

Such sharpening of shaving blades will require a little more time than when processing using special devices. However, the result will be at the same level. To work, you need a round piece of jeans and a dull blade.

Additionally, you need to use a foil sleeve, a ruler, or take another flat wooden object. The width of the latter should be less than the length of the cutting part of the razor. This condition must be observed, because The edges of the blade contain ridges that may interfere with sharpening the razor.

The sharpening process is as follows:

  1. The denim material is placed wrong side up on any smooth surface.
  2. Place a block (cardboard or ruler) under the fabric. In this case, the scars on the tissue should be located diagonally.
  3. Next, apply the razor itself, drag it along the fabric and in the opposite direction. This step will take up to 150 movements.
  4. When finishing sharpening, rinse the blade with water.

The “jeans” treatment process helps to increase the service life of the device by 2-3 times.

If you are wondering how to sharpen a razor and don’t want to buy any equipment, you can build a special pyramid for this purpose.

This device is useful for repeated use. Sharpening your razor is simple and convenient. When manufacturing, you should proceed from the dimensions of the machine. The device itself can be constructed from wooden slats and any available material that is used to cover the sides of the figure. Using machines with this device is very profitable.

The razor is placed in the inner part of the pyramid with the blade directed north. The device itself is also positioned taking into account the cardinal directions.

Why a razor blade becomes sharp is still an open question for debate. Judging by the reviews of those who tried to build a special pyramid, we can conclude that the method really works.

One razor must be processed in a pyramid for 1.5-4 years. Therefore, the device is considered effective and reliable, despite its secret technique of influence.

Sharpening accessories

When demand arises, supply always appears. Recently, on the windows of some stores you can find special devices that make it easy to sharpen a razor at home. The device itself resembles a special pen, which is equipped with a small plastic strip. On the outer part of which a composition (abrasive) is applied, which sharpens disposable and reusable machines. With this device, the service life is extended several times.

Such devices are easy to use and allow you to achieve good results. To process a razor using such a device, the following steps are taken:

  1. Apply a small amount of liquid soap, gel or shaving foam to the top of the device.
  2. The razor is taken and passed along the abrasive in the direction opposite to the movement during the operation of the blade
  3. To achieve the result, you need to do about 30 movements. And this is enough, the blade of dreams will become sharp.

These are all the methods that solve the question of how to sharpen a razor. Using these simple devices you can save money and extend the life of your blades by several months.

A razor for a man is an item for personal use and daily use for shaving. Regardless of which machine is used, disposable or reusable cassette, the blades in them become unusable after some time. Even those made of high quality steel become dull after a while. It is impossible to shave with them - irritation and small cuts on the skin are guaranteed with such shaving.

Sharpening blades of disposable machines

If disposable razors can be changed without regret, since they are cheap, then changing cartridges in a reusable razor requires significant financial costs. But razors can be given a “second” life by extending their service life several times. Sharpening shaving blades can help with this. This can easily be done at home.

1. Sharpening with denim

This is the easiest way and does not require any financial or physical costs. How to sharpen a safety razor blade if it is a disposable machine? Before you start sharpening, the razor must be prepared by cleaning it from dirt, rinsing it under running water and wiping it dry with a terry towel. After preparation, the following actions are performed:

  • denim fabric is being prepared. In order to protect it from small cuts, the fabric is turned inside out and placed on the table, that is, on a flat surface.
  • a solid, even object (ruler, block) is placed under it, having a smaller width compared to the width of the blade. The machine must move freely over the surface of the object located under the fabric.
  • a dense lining is located under the fabric, the hem of which runs diagonally.
  • The razor blade is placed on a ruler or block and drawn in the opposite direction to shaving 50 - 60 times.
  • the machine is turned and the other side of the razor is ground the same number of times.

In this way, the “life” of the razor is extended several times.

2. Sharpening with a leather belt

In addition to denim, good sharpening results can be achieved by using a leather belt or a piece of leather from something. The procedure is carried out according to the same rules as using denim.

  • The blade of the machine is sharpened on the reverse, unpainted side of the belt.
  • The result of the action will be faster than sharpening on fabric, due to the density of the belt leather.
  • You need to move the razor blade along the belt half as much, that is, 10 - 20 times on one side and the other of the shaving surface.

In addition to a regular leather belt, you can use a belt used for straightening straight razors to sharpen the razor. How to sharpen a razor blade on this belt?

A belt for straightening a straight razor is a piece of leather with wooden handles attached to the ends of the belt, or the same piece of leather, but attached to a wooden block, that is, it has a flat surface. Sharpening a disposable razor with this belt is not particularly difficult. After 10 - 20 passes, the blade returns to its previous cutting ability, and the razor becomes as good as new.

3. Sharpening using the forearm

How to sharpen a razor blade if there are no available tools? You can use your own hand to make the razor sharper. The skin on the forearm, covered with vellus hair, resembles the structure of the leather of a belt. This property can be used to advantage.

  • The disposable razor is carried from the elbow to the wrist.
  • the sharp part of the machine turns away from itself.
  • The razor is passed over the skin of the hand ten to twenty times.
  • Having turned the machine, it should be guided from the wrist to the elbow.

This way you can sharpen the blade of a disposable machine. The quality of sharpening in this case will be slightly lower than the same action carried out on denim or on a belt. This is explained by the fact that the “living” skin of the hand is softer, and the grip on the shaving surface is less than when sharpening on other objects. The result of such sharpening is of less quality. But in some cases this method is quite acceptable.

4. Sharpening using a pyramid

The most unusual method of sharpening razor blades is the pyramid method. Despite the fact that it is patented and exists, the mechanism of this action cannot be explained. To carry out this method, it is necessary to make a certain structure.

4.1. Pyramid parameters

The pyramid is made from various materials. You can use drywall, regular cardboard or chipboard.

  • The base of the pyramid is a square measuring 500 by 500 mm.
  • the height of the edge is 400 mm.
  • rib length – 480 mm.
  • pyramid height – 320 mm.
  • the height of the pedestal for the blade is one third of the height of the pyramid, that is, 107 mm.

The structure is glued using Moment glue or liquid nails. The main condition for the operation of the pyramid is the location of the faces and base of the structure along the cardinal points. The installation of the pyramid is carried out according to the compass. The edge of the pyramid is located to the north, and the sharpened blades “look” from south to north or vice versa.

4.2. Sharpening method

The blade of the machine is placed on the pedestal in the finished pyramid. A prerequisite for sharpening is that it does not come into contact with any objects. The razor remains in the pyramid for a week. After this period ends, it regains its original quality of sharpness.

Sharpening blades of reusable machines

Shaving machines are produced not only in disposable, but also in reusable versions. How to sharpen a razor blade on a cassette, and is there any way to do this?

The use of reusable machines takes much longer than disposable ones. But after a certain time, the blades of these devices become dull. You can sharpen a replacement cartridge using the same methods as disposable razors:

  • using denim;
  • using a belt;
  • using the skin of the hand;
  • using a pyramid.

The effect of sharpening by any of these methods will definitely be, in some cases greater, in others less. This method allows you to extend the life of razors and save money on purchasing new ones. Restoring blades after repeated use means you can always shave with a sharp razor, avoiding irritation and scratches on the skin.

Blades can become dull for a variety of reasons, from prolonged use to improper care. With a dull razor, not only will you not be able to shave properly, but you also risk cutting your face, opening the door to infections and other serious diseases. You can sharpen either a blade razor or a disposable razor, although the former will certainly last you much longer. Proper and regular sharpening will ensure that your razor is clean and able to cut even the most stubborn hairs.


Sharpening disposable razors

    Clean your razor.

    Dry the razor. Drain the razor and then dry it with a soft towel. You can also use a hairdryer or fan, or simply hang it upside down to let the water run off.

    Take a pair of jeans. The easiest way to sharpen a disposable razor and extend its life cycle is to use a pair of jeans. The denim will even out the ridges on the blade for a smoother cut and will extend the life of your disposable razor.

    • Lay out a pair of jeans on a flat surface. Don’t even think about putting on jeans and doing this procedure on yourself.
    • Run the razor over your jeans. Run the blade along the pant leg. Move in the opposite direction to the shaving direction. Once you run the razor over your jeans 10-20 times, the blade will be sharpened.
    • The denim threads in your pants run at an angle, so to sharpen the blade evenly, move the razor up and down the leg of your pants, not as you would when shaving, but in the opposite direction.
  1. Use your forearm. The skin on the hand has a tougher structure, about the same as a razor belt, so it can be used for the same purpose. Run the razor along your arm from elbow to wrist approximately 10-20 times. Just do it not as if you were actually shaving, but by turning the sharp part of the razor away from you. Repeat the same, but in the opposite direction (from wrist to elbow), while keeping the blade away from you.

    Sharpen the razor using a special belt. A razor strop is a thick piece of leather used to sharpen the blades of a bladed razor. However, some of them can help disposable razors as well. Using the suede side of the belt, run a razor over it several times to sharpen the edges.

Sharpening blade razors

    Clean your razor. A little soap and water is all you need. You can even soak the razor in a cup of water for a few minutes. Then rinse it to remove any remaining dirt.

    Dry the razor. Drain the water off the razor and then dry it with a soft towel. You can also use a hairdryer or fan, or simply hang it upside down to let the water run off.

    Use a belt to shave razors. A razor strop is a thick piece of leather used to sharpen the blades of a bladed razor. This can be either a regular hanging strap (leather with handles on both ends) or a machine grind (leather attached to a piece of wood to form a flat surface).

    • When using a hanging strap, secure one end to a stationary object and pull tight.
    • Hold the razor in your dominant hand, with the back facing you, and the strap in your other hand. Using light pressure on the razor, quickly move the blade along the belt. Ten repetitions will be enough.
    • Turn the blade over to the other side and slide it in the opposite direction.
    • Leave the razor alone. A razor stropping belt smooths out blade defects. Set the blade aside for 24 to 48 hours to allow it to straighten before using it again. To keep your blade razor sharp and as effective as possible, you should sharpen it at least once a month.
  1. Use a whetstone. It is also called a "sharpener" or "grinding block". This flat stone is usually used to sharpen straight-edged blades. These stones differ in the degree of grit, the force applied to sharpen knives of various sizes and thickness. Your razor will require a fine grit stone (#4000-8000).

Keeping razors sharp

    Shave properly. As with any tool, using your razor correctly will keep it in working condition for a while. Use water or moisturizer to loosen facial hair and rinse the blade as you shave to remove hair and dead skin.

Multi-blade razors provide a clean shave, but their cost is such that you sometimes wonder if it would be cheaper to grow a beard. In addition, their manufacturers, having once promoted the brand of a product, gradually reduce the period of its comfortable use. Below are two very simple ways to sharpen razor blades if you decide to save money on buying a new cassette.

Sharpening method first
In order to sharpen a multi-blade razor using this method, you will need to go to the kitchen and look for a roll of food foil.

A razor is sharpened with its help as follows:
1. Place the roll on the table or simply take it by one end and hold it in your hand.

2. Lightly pressing the blades of the machine onto the foil, run it along the roll 100-150 times in the direction opposite to its normal movement during shaving.

If you don’t have a roll of foil in the kitchen, you can use another method of sharpening your razor.

Second sharpening method
To sharpen the blades of the machine using this method, you will need items that are probably found in every home: jeans and an ordinary wooden mop.

Blades are sharpened using them as follows:
1. Turn the jeans inside out, place them on the table and thread the mop through one of the legs.

2. Fix the fabric by pressing it with your hand to the table so that it fits the mop.

3. Drive the blades of the machine along the jeans in the same way as in the first method along the foil: in the direction opposite to the razor movement of the machine. But since the mop is longer than the roll, the amplitude of the machine’s movements is increased, and their number is reduced.

Instead of a mop in this method, you can use any hard and long oblong object, even a chair leg. The main thing is that its diameter should be less than the width of the shaving part of the machine, otherwise when sharpening it will rest on the fabric with its “sides”, and the blades will not come into contact with it.

If these options for sharpening a multi-blade machine seem too long, then the process can be speeded up by covering, for example, the cover of an electrical outlet with denim and securing it in the chuck of an electric drill. But this will be special