Why does fetal rejection occur in the early stages. Rejection of the fetal egg in early pregnancy. Rejection of the ovum

Early pregnancy is most at risk. Most miscarriages occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, newly-made expectant mothers should take care of themselves from the first days.

The cause of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy may be the detachment of the fetal egg. Rather, it is its first stage. The fetal egg begins to be rejected from the chorion, a wound forms here due to damage to the vessels, blood accumulates behind the fetal membrane, forming a hematoma, which is why this phenomenon is also called in obstetrics. This blood formation can increase and further contribute to the detachment of the fetal egg. Ultimately, there is its complete rejection and death.

If no action is taken, it is almost certain that the pregnancy will be terminated. However, timely treatment in most cases can stop the process.

Causes of detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy

Why the fetus begins to be rejected in each case is almost impossible to find out. But there can be a large number of reasons contributing to such a beginning miscarriage:

  • hormonal disorders (in particular, a deficiency in the body of a woman);
  • , emotional turmoil;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • pathology of the structure and development of the uterus;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • tumors of various origins;
  • transferred infectious and;
  • fetal malformations;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • performing artificial abortions in the past;
  • other adverse factors (domestic, environmental, industrial).

Symptoms of detachment of the ovum

Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict detachment, but this can happen with any of the pregnant women. Therefore, each of them must be extremely attentive to themselves and immediately respond if any suspicious signs appear. The probable rejection of the fetus will first of all be indicated, which can be given to the lower back as during menstruation, accompanied by spotting. You should immediately go to the hospital if you find traces of blood on the linen (with detachment, they have a coffee or bloody color). Brown discharge indicates that the hematoma is already beginning to resolve, but a second tear is not ruled out, therefore, if you do not want to tempt fate, then it is better to seek medical help. Usually a detachment is diagnosed by ultrasound.

By the way, there is an opinion that natural selection occurs at the initial stage of pregnancy. And if the fetus is complete and self-sufficient, then it will survive without outside help. In the process of his struggle for life, detachment can be repeated several times, but in the end, the fetal egg is securely fixed and begins to grow and develop safely.

In general, not all women prefer to go to the preservation of the detachment of the ovum in the early stages. However, doctors insist: the risks of abortion due to the onset of fetal rejection without treatment are incredibly high.

Treatment of detachment of the fetal egg

If suspicions of detachment of the fetal egg are confirmed, the woman will certainly be admitted to the hospital. Detachment is treated in a hospital and under the supervision of doctors, although you have the right to refuse hospitalization.

The most important thing when detachment has begun is the complete rest of the pregnant woman. You can not only do more or less hard work, but even walk. The abdominal wall should be in an absolutely relaxed state, and this is possible only in the prone position. When performing any action, it is at least to the smallest extent, but still strains, and when walking, vibration is still created and, in any case, intra-abdominal pressure increases, which also brings the uterus into and can only accelerate detachment. In addition, your doctor may recommend that you place a pillow or bolster under your buttocks to help drain blood from your pelvic area.

Too active intestinal motility now also poses a certain danger, which is why a woman is prescribed a sparing diet with the exclusion from the diet of foods that strengthen, weaken and cause gas formation, as well as coffee and tea.

There is no need to talk about sexual contacts: any sex with the threat of termination of pregnancy is strictly prohibited!

Equally important is the emotional peace of the expectant mother. It is necessary to exclude any stress and worries from a woman's life.

Unfortunately, medication is also not enough, but they help to keep the pregnancy, doctors say. These can be hemostatic drugs (Etamzilat), antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne B6), sedatives (mainly Valerian Extract), vitamins (mainly vitamin E), hormonal drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan) and others. All appointments must be made by the attending physician.

The duration of treatment in each individual case will be different, but it will be at least two weeks. In many ways, it depends on the degree to which a woman complies with all medical prescriptions. So if you want the fastest improvement, then follow them strictly.

In the future, a pregnant woman who had a detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages should be under strict medical supervision until the very end of gestation. Do not neglect scheduled check-ups and examinations. Gynecologists say that the increased risk of recurrence persists until the placenta completes its formation.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Pregnancy is an unforgettable period in the life of every woman. Any future mother would like this time to pass without worries and worries. And what a pity if such an amazing time is overshadowed by the appearance of any problems. In the early stages of pregnancy, detachment of the ovum often occurs - a dangerous condition that threatens to terminate the pregnancy. What to do if such a nuisance happened?

Why does a fertilized egg exfoliate?

Under normal conditions, the fetal egg performs its protective function until the very birth. Its inner shell is called the amnion and faces the embryo. The outer shell (chorion) is attached to the wall of the uterus. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the placenta is formed from the chorion. In a normal situation, nothing prevents the fetal membranes from protecting the baby from external influences. Even periodic toning of the uterus should not lead to detachment of the fetal egg. Why does this situation happen from time to time?

Detachment of the fetal egg can lead to the death of the embryo and termination of pregnancy. There are several reasons that create such a situation in the early stages:

  • defect of the fetal egg;
  • chromosomal mutations of the embryo;
  • hormonal failure in a woman's body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • diseases of the blood coagulation system.

There is an opinion that in the very early stages of pregnancy, detachment of the ovum is the result of natural selection. Thus, the body signals to the woman that the embryo is seriously ill and will not be able to exist safely after birth. Another thing is that modern medicine copes even with severe diseases of newborns. Many malformations are successfully treated immediately after the baby is born or even in the womb.

So what about a woman who has begun detachment of the membranes? Accept and wait for any outcome, or try to keep the pregnancy with all your might? None of the doctors can give an answer to this question. The decision remains with the woman and is determined only by her desire to maintain or terminate the pregnancy.

Options for detachment of the ovum in the first trimester

Departure of the membranes can occur in different ways. There are several situations in which spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

Biochemical pregnancy

This term is understood as a pregnancy that was interrupted for a period of 1-2 weeks, even before the delay in menstruation. At the same time, the fetal egg is not determined by ultrasound, and only a blood test for hCG makes it possible to find out that conception has occurred. Many women are not even aware that they were pregnant. For a period of about two weeks, detachment of the fetal egg occurs. Bloody discharge from the genital tract appears, which is taken by a woman for menstruation. The cause of a miscarriage at this time is considered to be a defect in the fetal egg, which occurred even at the time of the formation of the embryo. Hormonal imbalances are not excluded.

Incomplete detachment of the fetal egg (beginning miscarriage)

In this situation, only part of the fetal membranes exfoliate from the uterine wall. A hematoma is formed - a blood clot between the chorion and the uterus. A woman has pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding from the genital tract of varying degrees of intensity. Incomplete detachment does not always end in miscarriage. If the heart of the embryo beats, there are considerable chances to keep the pregnancy.

Complete detachment of the ovum

In this case, the fetal membranes exfoliate from the walls of the uterus and the embryo dies. The uterus comes into tone, trying to get rid of the fetus. There is a strong cramping pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and sacrum. Bleeding develops, often threatening the woman's life. It is impossible to save the pregnancy in this case.

Non-developing pregnancy

The condition in which the death of the embryo occurs before the detachment of the fetal egg is called a non-developing (regressive) pregnancy. In this case, the heartbeat of the embryo on ultrasound is not determined. The uterus decreases in size, all signs of pregnancy disappear. There are bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. Detachment of the fetal egg does not occur immediately, but only a few weeks after the death of the embryo. In many cases, the membranes never come out on their own and have to be surgically removed.

Diagnosis of detachment of the fetal egg in early pregnancy

If a detachment of the membranes is suspected, a gynecological examination and ultrasound examination are mandatory. On ultrasound, the doctor assesses the condition of the chorion (the outer part of the fetal egg), notes whether there is a hematoma. Be sure to listen to the fetal heartbeat. An ultrasound examination can detect a fetal egg for a period of 3-4 weeks, and listen to the baby's heart after 6 weeks.

Methods of treatment of detachment of the fetal egg in the first trimester

In early pregnancy, therapy is carried out only if the embryo is alive, and its heartbeat is heard on ultrasound. To eliminate hormonal disorders, progesterone preparations are prescribed. These funds create the optimal hormonal background for the development of pregnancy up to 14-16 weeks. After 16 weeks, progesterone begins to be produced by the placenta, and the need for its intake from the outside disappears.

To relieve pain and reduce the tone of the uterus are used antispasmodic drugs. In the first trimester of pregnancy, drotaverine or papaverine is used. Both of these drugs effectively eliminate uterine hypertonicity and reduce the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

To maintain general immunity and increase the body's defenses, a pregnant woman is recommended to take vitamin complexes. If, against the background of toxicosis, multivitamins are not absorbed, you should drink at least folic acid. Of great importance is good nutrition, as well as a properly organized daily routine. For the entire period of treatment, physical activity and sexual activity are prohibited.

Prevention of detachment of the fetal egg has not been developed. Refusal of bad habits and timely treatment of infectious diseases of the uterus and appendages reduce the risk of spontaneous miscarriage. Before planning a pregnancy, it makes sense to undergo a full examination by a specialist in order to exclude the possibility of hormonal disorders and other health problems.

Unfortunately, the sad outcome of pregnancy does not always depend on the woman. As a rule, the reaction of her body to the “new resident” plays a primary role. This is how most often experts explain the detachment of the fetal egg. Currently, many representatives of the fair half have to hear such a diagnosis. This definition should not be confused with the so-called low-attached ovum. The thing is that these are two completely different concepts. It is important to note that the latter diagnosis still suggests more chances for the survival of the baby inside the mother's womb.

general information

Treatment usually lasts at least one week. However, even after discharge, the expectant mother should be under constant medical supervision. At this time, it is better to limit physical activity, observe bed rest, try to relax more.


According to experts, timely and competent treatment makes it possible to give birth to a healthy baby. Unfortunately, most often, miscarriage and detachment of the fetal egg become inseparable concepts, since the baby in the womb does not have normal constant nutrition, as a result, placental insufficiency develops. In this kind of situation, the woman, together with the doctor, decides on further bearing. There can be only two options here - either save the fetus, or clean it.


According to available statistics, recently, detachment of the fetal egg, an ultrasound photo of which can be found in medical journals and books on gynecology, has become quite common. Some explain this fact by bad ecology, frequent stress, unhealthy diet. Others see the reasons in the wrong structure of the uterus. In any case, every woman should understand that the successful outcome of her pregnancy depends on a number of factors that only she can influence.

Pregnancy at any time requires a woman's careful attitude to her condition. After all, it is now in it that the future life is born and develops. However, the expectant mother needs special attention at the very beginning of bearing the baby, since this new state of the body is still very sensitive to external factors. Often there is a detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages. At the same time, there is a risk to both the health of the woman and the baby.

fertilized egg

A fertilized egg is an egg that has been fertilized by a sperm. It attaches to the walls of the uterus. In other words, this is the name of the environment in which the unborn child is in the initial stages of development. This is the very first structure that can be seen on ultrasound and confirm pregnancy. It has an oval or round egg and over time its size increases. At about 5 weeks, a yolk sac can be observed inside. Its presence indicates that the pregnancy is proceeding normally and the embryo has nutrients. The fetal egg makes it possible to establish the gestational age (according to its diameter), as well as possible violations (by form, a specialist can identify the tone of the uterus).

What is a detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy? Photo

One of the stages of spontaneous abortion is retrochorial hematoma. At the same time, the fetal egg that has formed begins to be rejected from the chorion. Vessels are damaged, a hematoma is formed due to the accumulation of blood. It may increase further. This situation leads to the fact that the detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages of pregnancy will occur until it is completely rejected. Early treatment will help keep the pregnancy going.

Why is this condition dangerous? Degrees of detachment

The most severe consequences are caused by hematomas, which occupy about 40% of the fetal egg. The growth of the embryo is disrupted. The main danger of detachment lies in the fact that with untimely treatment, the child can be lost. There is a very big threat of interrupting the bearing of the baby. Detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages of pregnancy can have quite deplorable consequences, but a problem detected in time allows the child to develop further. Depending on the stage at which the retrochorial hematoma is located, the following types are distinguished:

  • threatening miscarriage (in which detachment is just beginning);
  • (there are lingering pains in the abdomen, spotting can be observed);
  • abortion in progress (bleeding and pain increase, detachment increases); it is often impossible to save such a pregnancy;
  • (a part of the fetal egg is born);
  • (the egg develops in the cervix); the main method of treatment is surgery;
  • septic abortion (the most difficult abortion);
  • late abortion (from 13 weeks).

There is also a failed abortion. In this case, the fetal egg stops development, but is not rejected.


Often it is impossible to determine the specific cause of this condition. Experts name only a number of factors that can lead to fetal rejection. Among them, hormonal disorders, pathologies of the pelvic organs (mainly the uterus) are distinguished. Stresses, strong nervous tension are capable of disturbing the natural. Great physical exertion can also lead to a condition in which detachment of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy is quite real. Some doctors identify among the causes and Rh-conflict of mother and child. It is important that alcohol abuse, previous abortions are also risk factors. Viral diseases, infections can also contribute to the onset of such a process as detachment of the fetal egg in early pregnancy. Causes - these are all unfavorable factors for bearing a child, both domestic and medical.

Symptoms of the onset of spontaneous abortion

To be able to keep the pregnancy, it is very important to know the first symptoms of retrochorial hematoma and recognize them in time. Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen should alert and make you pay attention. If you find any discharge (in this case, they will be bloody, coffee-colored), you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Often there is bleeding, blood pressure drops. In a hospital, further diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound. The doctor monitors whether the hematoma increases and whether the detachment of the fetal egg continues in the early stages of pregnancy. Symptoms associated with any deviation from the normal state should lead to seek the advice of a specialist.

Treatment Methods

The main goal of treating retrochorial hematoma is to stop its growth. Of course, this happens in the hospital. The woman is shown absolute peace. Walking is also not recommended, as this can often be advised by doctors to put a pillow or blanket under the pelvis to ensure the outflow of blood. If a diagnosis of "detachment of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy" is made, the treatment involves the observance of a special diet. Since stress on the intestines is not desirable, foods that lead to constipation (or diarrhea) and increase gas formation are excluded. Emotional balance is equally important. Used in the treatment and medications, including those that stop bleeding, antispasmodics, sedatives, vitamins. Hormone therapy is often performed. The type of treatment is selected by the doctor purely individually. The duration is at least two weeks. The more strictly the recommendations are followed, the sooner the result will be visible. After such treatment, the woman should be under constant supervision. Planned visits to the antenatal clinic should not be avoided.

Prevention of the occurrence of detachment

In order to avoid such a condition as detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy, it is important to carefully plan conception. Before such a responsible step, it is worth visiting a number of doctors and curing possible infectious diseases. The gynecologist may prescribe some additional studies. If there are inflammatory processes, then in no case should you self-medicate. It is important to treat your health responsibly in the first weeks of pregnancy, to avoid alcohol, drugs, and heavy physical exertion. Stress is one of the main enemies of the unborn child. Strong emotional outbursts are not very desirable in this state, unless they are caused by positive moments.