Useful toys for children 6 years old. or fairy tales in English

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the age and the child himself. 4-5 year old children are more persevering than three year olds, and they also begin to develop interests - a passion for drawing, designing, and music.

We invite you to consider the best toys for children 4 - 5 years old, the benefits and advantages of each gaming accessory for the development of a boy or girl.

Features of children 4 years of age

Before considering in more detail for children 4 - 5 years old, it is necessary to understand What features are typical for children of this age:

  1. Curiosity. It is not for nothing that children of this age period are called why. The baby actively asks questions and looks for answers on his own.
  2. Communication skills. If before the child was interested in communicating with his parents, now he makes his first friends and plays together.
  3. Games with plots and roles. Such entertainment is familiar to everyone: “Mothers and Daughters”, “Visiting the Clinic”, “Firemen”. The child actively tries on roles, expanding his own skills.
  4. Visual-figurative thinking. Children aged 5 years are characterized by thinking in images, which they strive to translate into reality using available materials. For example, plasticine, paints or construction parts.
  5. Fine motor skills. Previously inaccessible actions that require precise finger movements become entirely possible. The child is now able to draw, write letters, cut out figures with scissors, and make appliqués.
  6. Perseverance. A one-year-old baby and a five-year-old child are, as they say, two big differences. Of course, the characteristics of attention and perseverance largely depend on temperament, but their level is still quite high.
  7. Speech. The volume of active and passive vocabularies increases significantly, the child communicates in detailed sentences and constructs correct phrases.
  8. Gross motor skills. Children aged 4 years are characterized by more perfect control of the body. At this age, children begin to master bicycles, scooters, and do gymnastics and dancing.
  9. Independence. At the age of 3, the so-called period occurs, as a result of which the child becomes more independent. Board games for children 4 - 5 years old will keep kids occupied for quite a long time.

A brief description of the features of the age period allows us to roughly understand which toys are suitable for boys and girls over four years old.

Toys for girls 4 years old

Four-year-old children are already beginning to choose toys based on gender. Previously, kids played approximately the same games (in the sandbox, a ball, etc.), but now girls prefer to receive typically “feminine” gaming accessories as gifts.

Baby Born dolls

For several years now, such dolls have been included in the list of the most desirable toys for a 5-year-old girl. And in 2017, such dolls are also in deserved demand.

Interactive toys are practically a copy of a baby. The doll is able to close its eyes, cry, relieve natural “needs,” and drink milk from a special bottle. The child’s responsibilities include changing a diaper, feeding the baby doll, bathing, etc.

Thus, never before has playing mother-daughter been so naturalistic. Parents also like this doll because it allows them to keep their child occupied for a long time.

Baby Born doll (it all depends on the modification) can:

  • sleep (open and close your eyes);
  • eat from a special container (the mixture is included in the kit);
  • suck on a pacifier;
  • demonstrate pleasure and indignation;
  • go to the toilet;
  • move your legs and arms;
  • bathe in the bath.

Various doll models are equipped with additional play accessories that further enhance the positive effect of using the toy. Among the most interesting accessories can be distinguished:

  • a medical scanner that allows girls to feel like a doctor, examine a doll and cure it of a supposed “disease”;
  • a white horse, also characterized by interactivity: it can move its hooves, neigh if its little mistress scratches it behind the ear;
  • a naturalistic washbasin from which water comes (the set includes a towel, toothbrush and glass);
  • a bathtub with special visual and sound effects: the sound of flowing water, lighting;
  • strollers for falling asleep and walking, these devices will be useful for those kids who do not want to be separated from their charges even on the street.

Baby Born dolls are popular toys for little girls aged 3 years and older. The dolls are distinguished by high-quality execution and naturalistic appearance. The only drawback is the high cost. You can buy a doll for 4,500 rubles.

For more information about what children's products are available on the modern market, read the most detailed and informative article by a psychologist.

Our mothers and grandmothers dreamed about such a toy, but today almost any parent can buy it. Doll houses are the most desirable gifts for girls aged 4 - 7 years on name days or New Year's holidays.

In addition, such a toy can help in organizing story games, puppet theaters, and also decorate a children's room. High-quality multifunctional house for dolls allows:

  • develop communication skills, as the child communicates with toys, takes on the role of “mother,” “baby,” and storyteller. All this helps improve speech, logic and thought processes;
  • instill in the girl everyday skills, because the “housewife” learns cleaning, cooking, room design and other important skills that will be needed in later life;
  • improve fine motor skills, because most elements are small in size, which requires the girl to perform complex manipulative actions during the game;
  • to develop social skills, since many children play in a dollhouse in groups of several people.

Prices for such gaming devices vary significantly. Depending on the manufacturer, size and material, you can purchase a dollhouse for 4 - 25 thousand rubles.

These are very useful toys for curious girls aged 3 years and older. During this age period, children learn about the world around them through role-playing games. And it’s hard to imagine them without the appropriate gaming accessories.

To introduce your child to household chores, visiting an institution, or certain actions in a given situation, you can purchase one (or more) from the following game sets:

  1. "Kitchen". A stove, a set of pots, pans and tableware made of high-quality plastic will allow the girl to realize her culinary talents and “cook” delicious dinners for the dolls.
  2. "Hospital". In early and preschool age, most girls see themselves as doctors. With this kit, a child will be able to diagnose and treat a doll or teddy bear.
  3. "Supermarket". Cash registers, counters, sets of vegetables and other products are a good idea for teaching your child to visit the store and make purchases.
  4. "Dressing table". A home beauty salon is a dream for a girl who loves to preen herself, try on beautiful clothes and make her own dolls beautiful.

The cost of play sets depends on the number of accessories, material and manufacturer. The average price for a set is 1,500 rubles.

It’s hard to imagine games for girls 4-5 years old without physical activity. In 2017, dance mats are very popular. Such excitement is quite understandable, since the girl receives positive emotions and physical activity.

The operation of such a toy is based on touch buttons covered with a special anti-slip material. A child, stepping on such sensors, learns the first coordinated movements, simply has fun and has fun.

Features of dance flooring can be attributed:

  • use in the production of special anti-slip materials that are particularly durable;
  • several operating modes: independent, connection to an audio system, TV or computer;
  • ease of storage (after use, the mat is rolled up and stored on the mezzanine or closet);
  • versatility of use - interactive toys will help you not only learn to dance, but also learn numbers and the names of various domestic and wild animals.

It is possible to choose dance mats for girls of both early and primary school age. Fun dance steps help increase motor activity, develop a sense of rhythm, train coordination and reaction speed.

If a girl grows up shy, the mat will be an opportunity to establish contact with girls her own age. It’s enough just to invite your friends home and arrange a disco for the little ones.

Dance sensory surfaces are sure to interest a child with their bright colors, unusual shape, images of their favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters, and the ability to choose different game modes.

If you purchase a dance platform for the whole family, then the mother will not only get the opportunity to spend more time with the child, but will also be able to use the mat as a kind of weight loss exercise machine.

Children's sketchbooks are a universal toy that is suitable for both a 3-year-old girl and a 9-year-old child. This type of play device is a great gift for children who show interest in paints, markers and pencils.

Traditionally, there are 2 types of drawing boards: floor and tabletop. The first ones are more popular because they can be placed anywhere in the room and even taken with you outdoors. In turn, tabletop easels are more compact.

When choosing a children's sketchbook, it is important to know What types of this toy are available for sale:

  • unilateral– the most inexpensive option for a creative accessory. Can be made of both plastic and wood. More expensive models are equipped with a shelf or table on which drawing supplies (crayons, paints, pencils) are placed;
  • bilateral– as the name suggests, the device consists of two surfaces, so it is mostly suitable for large families. Most often, such devices are installed in children's studios and preschool institutions;
  • multifunctional– the working surface is equipped with a coating that allows for several activity options: drawing with chalk, felt-tip pens, paints, attaching magnets. This is the optimal model for a child;
  • adjustable– such a sketchbook “grows” with the child. If a girl continues to draw at the age of 9, you can purchase a height-adjustable model in advance. The tripod of such devices increases to 110 centimeters.

Folding models are also available for sale, which not only increase the mobility of young artists, but also allow them to adapt the workplace to any needs. The sketchbook can be easily disassembled and transported, for example, to nature; it is enough to purchase an ordinary suitcase.

Despite the dominance of phones and other gadgets, many girls are not against doing manual labor – needlework – at the age of 5 and 9. This activity is extremely useful for children, as it helps improve fine motor skills, concentration, perseverance and patience.

In addition, creativity kits help develop artistic skills. A girl, having sewed the first outfit for her favorite doll at the age of 5, is already able to move on to modeling more complex clothes at the age of 9.

Depending on age and skills, you can choose any toy related to needlework for a girl. Very simple ones are designed for kids who do not have any special skills. In this case, the mother must show how to create an unusual product.

Available for sale the following craft kits:

  • embroidery ribbons;
  • bead weaving;
  • creating paintings from wool or threads;
  • kits for making bracelets;
  • cutting and sewing clothes for dolls;
  • modeling;
  • making pendants;
  • making “dream catchers”;
  • pompom crafts;
  • painting on canvas;
  • burning (suitable for both girls and boys).

The big advantage of such toys is their fairly low cost. You can buy a handicraft kit for 140 rubles. More complex gaming sets can cost up to 1,000 rubles.

Popular toys for girls 5 - 6 years old are board games. Such entertainment helps children develop almost all psychological processes, as well as the emotional sphere.

Such games are educational, developing, and are interactive. A popular type of game is “walking games”, which are entertainment that teach you how to play according to the rules and in a group.

With the help of such toys, a girl from 4 years old can develop the following skills and abilities:

  • fine motor skills;
  • attention;
  • spatial thought processes;
  • mathematical abilities;
  • reading;
  • memory;
  • speed reaction;
  • ability to work in a team.

It is difficult to give a definite price for board games. You can purchase both inexpensive toys and unique gaming accessories.

Puzzles are special puzzles that represent a mosaic image, divided into many elements of various sizes and shapes.

Folding pictures are the most popular toys for stay-at-home kids. In 2017, they also have not lost their importance, since for a relatively low price you can purchase entertainment, which develops:

  • logic;
  • attentiveness;
  • memorization;
  • imagination;
  • thought processes;
  • intelligence;
  • fine motor skills;
  • spatial perception;
  • distinguishing fragments by color, shape, size;
  • perception of the element and the whole.

Toys for little girls are selected based on age. For 3 years, you can give puzzles from several parts, and at the age of 6 you should choose something more complex and perfect. For 9-year-old children, folding pictures can consist of hundreds of parts.

At 4-5 years old, sand is of particular interest to girls, but some mothers believe that playing with this material does not happen at home. But this is just another misconception.

For exercises with sand at home, toy manufacturers offer:

  • kinetic sandbox (it contains a special material that imitates wet sand);
  • multi-colored sand to create bright pictures;
  • a sandbox of compact size (reminiscent of a suitcase).

There are many benefits to playing with sand, including: development of fine motor skills, improvement of imagination, thought processes, and speech formation.

Exercises with sand contribute to better expression of thoughts (since you have to explain your creations), increased self-esteem, the disappearance of fears, improved concentration and attentiveness.

To learn how to choose the right one, how to play with it, and how you can make an inexpensive analogue at home, read the article by a child psychologist.

Barbie dolls are the best toys for five-year-old girls, at least that’s what the little princesses themselves think. This toy is a timeless classic that was as popular 50 years ago as it is in 2017.

However, despite their universal prevalence, there is a lot of speculation, disapproving opinions and various conflicting responses from parents and psychologists around curvy blondes.

Barbie dolls, dollhouses and other play accessories from this series are the preferred gifts for girls aged 5 - 7 years.

Opponents of platinum blondes with an unnatural figure now have practically nothing to repel, since in 2016 manufacturers released dolls of various body types: miniature, tall, curvy and original. Thus, Barbie is changing along with ideas about the beauty of the female body.

Toys for boys 5 years old

Of course, toys for boys 4 years old and older will differ from girls' play accessories. Typically, parents buy a variety of toy weapons, cars, railroads and, for example, remote-controlled helicopters for future defenders of the fatherland.

Lego for boys is a very useful construction set that promotes the development of fine motor skills, imagination and engineering thought processes (an extremely complex type of imaginative thinking).

Designers are produced in series. Parents can purchase didactic games for boys, which feature filibusters, knights, miners, drivers, firefighters, police officers and other characters.

These interesting toys give children truly limitless possibilities. The future engineer is able to build a big city, and he can rely on his imagination. Additional accessories will give the structure a finished look.

As a gift for a four or five year old boy you can buy the following series of Lego constructors:

  • "Lego Duplo";
  • "Lego City";
  • "Lego Nexo Knights";
  • "Lego Ninjago";
  • "Lego Technic";
  • "Lego Creator".

With the help of the Lego constructor, a 4-5 year old child will plunge into a whole world, which consists of colored figures and, thanks to children's imagination, turns into fairy-tale characters, comic book heroes, cartoons and feature films.

Interactive children's toys, which are robotic dinosaurs, will really appeal to children who are fascinated by extinct “monsters.”

In their functions, such toys are somewhat reminiscent of the cats and dogs we are used to, since when they first appear in the house they begin to behave like fearful animals.

Some models can even be taught to give a paw, which brings such robots even closer to pets. The kit includes special plastic vegetation that the dinosaur can chew.

Such interactive toys are interesting for children 10 years old because they allow them to train and care for a pet, even if the child is intolerant to the fur of real pets.

Thus, if parents are calm about such gaming devices, then you can buy a robotic dinosaur for your baby. However, the toy also has a disadvantage - its high cost.

Popular toys for boys aged 3 - 4 years are radio-controlled cars. A 9-year-old boy will definitely like such a gift, if, of course, the model is more advanced and complex. Moreover, radio-controlled cars appeal to both quiet people and fidgety people.

Cool, bright, “brutal” radio-controlled cars can put starting a hobby that:

  • will definitely bring positive emotions;
  • promotes spending free time not at the computer, but in the fresh air;
  • will allow you to study the original design of the vehicle;
  • will develop engineering thinking and design skills.

In addition, for children from 4 years old, such toys contribute to the development of coordinated movements, reaction speed and spatial thinking and perception.

This kind of technological toy is for all boys. But if previously it was difficult to find a “railroad” set, today you can purchase both a gaming accessory in a minimal configuration and an improved version.

In 2017, the railway is not a simple toy for a child, but a whole scientific complex for the whole family.

Entertainment with such gaming accessories will keep the boy interested for a long time, and the ability of the game to be modernized will extend the life of the rails and locomotives.

Toys for children over 5 years old are varied. For a novice railway worker, you can choose a mechanical type of road, which is simple and reliable. Such entertainment is characterized by colorfulness and opportunity for imagination.

Toys modeled after modern high-speed locomotives are also available for sale. Such railways are usually radio-controlled, which will enhance the positive effect of the game and allow you to develop fine motor skills of your fingers.

Modern toys for children are as close to real life as possible. For example, when turned on, the models may have headlights, beeps, and other signals may sound, and such realism captivates absolutely all children.

Despite the increasing spread of video and computer games, the good old classics in the form of board sports games are not disappearing anywhere.

At the age of 4, boys begin to become interested in team sports, among which football and hockey are unrivaled. And if you can play them outside in summer and winter, then what to do in the autumn-spring period? There is a solution - purchasing board sports games.

Among the advantages of such entertainment are: the following positive points:

  • organization of family (or friendly) competitions;
  • the opportunity for a child to prevail over an adult opponent (which increases self-esteem);
  • development of strategic thinking;
  • honing the reaction;
  • improving coordination of movements;
  • fine motor skills training.

A box with a sports game is a great gift not only for a 4-5 year old boy, but also for his dad. It is curious that international competitions are even held for some models of table hockey.

The toy also has some disadvantages - for example, the rather impressive size of the playing field and the rather high cost. But, on the other hand, a high-quality product will delight a child at both 9 and 12 years old.

Indoor racing tracks are popular toys for little boys.

Such a gaming complex, which is a kind of similarity to a railway (only dedicated to road transport), gives even more opportunities for realizing children's fantasies.

The car track is equipped with an obstacle course, which consists of overpasses, sharp turns, and tunnels. Such obstacles will give young racers an unforgettable experience.

You can choose a car track to suit every taste. The main difference between toy racing tracks is the size and structure of the “road surface”. A child can become the owner of a small auto track for two cars or a huge play complex for several cars with many additional accessories.

Most often, cars move along the track using joysticks. But you can also purchase gaming complexes in which vehicles are turned on using the start button and move to the finish line on their own.

The third year of life is characterized by some motor clumsiness, but as children approach five years of age, their movements become more coordinated.

In addition, boys rarely sit still, so parents have to direct their energy in a creative direction.

A physical education corner in a children’s room is perfect for this purpose; it will not only captivate the child for a while, but will also instill in him a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle.

The only problem is to fit the maximum set of sports equipment into a small area. In this case, it is worth stopping at universal design, which may include:

  • gymnastic mat (mandatory element);
  • Swedish wall;
  • rope;
  • rope ladder;
  • gymnastic rings;
  • pull-up bar;
  • basketball hoop.

New sports equipment, for example, a punching bag, will appear constantly, so it is better to think in advance about the location of the physical education corner. In this case, it will be possible to reliably mount the structure and not re-drill the fasteners for ladders or horizontal bars.

If the little boy is drawn to the art of music, you can give him a toy piano - a synthesizer. Toys for 3-year-old children are, of course, simpler, but their capabilities are enough to immerse a child in the magical world of sounds.

Parents can purchase a synthesizer with a built-in educational program; such models have a display with tips and backlit keys. For preschoolers, they even produce keyboard instruments with built-in microphones.

For a 4-5 year old child, you should buy a model with 34 keys. In this case, children will be able to operate the instrument with both hands. You should also check whether the buttons are easy to press. The ability to play without much effort is extremely important for a preschooler.

Nice toys allow:

  • record and play music;
  • sing in karaoke mode;
  • adjust the sound.

It is better to purchase products from well-known companies. In this case, you won’t have to worry about the quality of materials and sound. On average, a good children's synthesizer can be bought for 3,500 rubles.

At 4 - 5 years old, toys usually become as similar as possible to their adult counterparts. That's why boys look at their father's toolkit with special interest. After all, dad is a real master in the house and a model of behavior for the future man.

A workbench with tools is an excellent opportunity to teach a child male homework. A table with a huge number of shelves and cells will allow you to store various hammers, screwdrivers, as well as bolts and other small parts.

In such a game set usually include:

  • helmet for the young master;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammers;
  • bolts, nuts, screws;
  • electric or mechanical drill;
  • vice;
  • pliers, etc.

Of course, at first it is better to play with such a set of tools and small parts under the supervision of parents. Firstly, it is safe, and secondly, the father will always be able to tell the novice master the order of actions.

The usefulness of a home workshop is undeniable:

  • the child learns to use tools, which is essential for adult life;
  • a child who regularly disassembles and assembles structures develops fine motor skills;
  • Children improve their logical and spatial thinking and improve their memorization processes;
  • The preschooler is more likely to learn order, putting all the details in the right places.

These tool sets are made of high-quality plastic and are completely safe for a child 4 to 5 years old. You can buy a home workshop for 2 - 4 thousand rubles.

Popular toys for diligent boys aged 5 years and older are board games. It is curious that today such entertainment is an alternative to computer toys. Parents need to try to get their child distracted from virtual shooters and walkers and switch to real board games.

Among the most interesting There are several toys that can be distinguished:

  1. "Road Bingo"– great entertainment on the road. The child needs to cover those images on the cards that he observes with his own eyes at the moment.
  2. "Camouflage: North Pole" is a game from Bondibon, a company that produces a whole series of board games. In this entertainment, you need to arrange the cards so that the polar bears remain on the shore, the killer whales remain in the sea, and people are not hidden by the animals.
  3. "Knight's Battle"– allows you to introduce your child to knightly traditions and tournaments. The set contains plastic cards depicting knights: infantrymen, horsemen, crossbowmen. The task is to lay out cards in order to defeat the opposing warriors.
  4. "Big races"– boys’ love for cars can also be used to play an inexpensive but high-quality “walker.” The child will additionally be able to study the structure of a passenger car.

Board games are a very useful entertainment that has no disadvantages. And the prices for such toys are quite affordable. A good set with cards can be purchased for 500 rubles.

As a conclusion

Toys for girls 3 years and older amaze with their variety. And at 4–5 years old, children become even more skilled, which significantly expands their play range.

The division of toys by gender can be considered conditional. Some girls enjoy playing table hockey or railway, and some boys draw magnificent pictures on a sketchbook.

Therefore, it is worth choosing games, focusing primarily on children's interests. Well, the right toys will contribute to the harmonious development and improvement of all psychological processes and the emotional sphere.

This is exactly the age of our Ksenia and I can tell you a lot about it;) Before talking about toys for children, let’s first determine what is typical for kids at this age in order to better understand their needs.

Features of the development of children 4-6 years old:

  1. This is the age of why. Questions, reflections, thoughtfulness, searches for answers and solutions.
  2. Communication skills are actively developing. Here the first friendship is struck, small groups of friends appear, joint games, common interests appear.
  3. Role-playing games are the basis for the development of communication and imagination.“Mothers and Daughters”, “Rescue Cars”, “Hospital”, “The Princess and Her Friends”, “Brave Knights”, “Soldiers Rush to Battle” - these are the figurative names of the games that are born in children at this age.
  4. Development of constructive thinking. Kids have ideas in their heads and actively try to implement them using available materials. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a constructor that you have at hand.
  5. High level of development of fine motor skills, allowing you to do many things that were previously unavailable. For example, draw what you have in mind, write words, glue, cut with scissors. Previously, the child also tried, but often he did not get exactly what he had in mind. Now the child is very happy that he can do it beautifully and is passionate about this activity.
  6. Perseverance appears. Of course, it’s not always the same for everyone, but still the level of attention and concentration increases.
  7. The child has a considerable vocabulary, even if he doesn't speak very well.
  8. Movement and the child are inseparable. He moves a lot, his movements are becoming more and more precise and he has very good control of his body. During this period, many children master bicycles, roller skates, scooters, football, gymnastic exercises and dance movements.
  9. The child feels old enough to help his parents, and he is very happy when this is encouraged.
  10. And yes, the most important thing: a fairy tale is real, close and very necessary for him!

And now we draw conclusions about what toys a 4-6 year old child needs:

1. Things that help you make discoveries, find answers to your questions, and deepen your child’s knowledge.

Firstly, of course, books: children's encyclopedias, books on a certain level with pictures that help to understand the essence of the subject (phenomenon) being discussed. For example, a book about dinosaurs, a book about sea creatures, a book about space, a book about plants, etc. But it should not be too abstruse, without a lot of text and light in weight so that the child can leaf through it independently.

Secondly, thematic games (DJECO, for example) and items for independent research: sets of thematic cards, maps of the world and individual countries, a globe, a magnifying glass, the simplest sets for a young chemist, a camera, a kaleidoscope, a flashlight.

2. Toys based on cartoons and other trends. Since the child is actively learning to make friends, he will most likely want to have the same toys as his friends. This is not always the case, but it happens. And if your friends’ hobbies do not contradict your educational principles, then it is better to buy toys that will help your child play with others together and on an equal basis. In our case, this happened with the craze for the cartoon “Poli Robocar” and we bought a set of rescue cars that the children played with both at home and in kindergarten until this craze passed. However, I would never buy a “Monster High” doll for my daughters, since toys from this series sharply contradict our principles of education.

3. Themed sets of toys are a very welcome gift at this age. A house with dolls, a garage with cars and a car repair shop, toy carpenter's tools, a doctor or hairdresser's set, a tree house and fairy figurines, a garbage truck with garbage bins, a pirate ship, a castle with princesses, a Formula 1 race track, human figurines different professions, cuisine, themed worlds, children's railway, construction track for cars.

4. Designers. At this age, you can’t live without them. The only rule for constructors: you need to enter them from simple to complex. That is, you cannot immediately buy a huge Lego set if the child did not have a smaller set before. This amount will make him confused and not feel very confident.

Construction sets that a 4-6 year old child will enjoy:

Large Lego Duplo sets, Lego “Classic” sets and Lego themed sets (“Friends”, “City”, etc.), which are suitable for age or slightly for growth.

Magformers. I already wrote about this one. It's very cool, kids play with it all the time.

Wooden construction set “Town”. This is a classic that will live forever. It is better if it is colored and with details of various shapes. No matter how much we want eco-minimalism, children still love and choose bright colors :)

Needle construction set “Bristle Blocks”. What complicated funny figures you can create from it, just a sight for sore eyes and a massage for your fingers;)

Zoob- a construction set that resembles joints in appearance. It is good to make various robots and other creatures from it.

Constructor with gears. Mmmmm, how fun it is to rearrange and scroll through them!

Wooden and plastic mosaics. Develop fine motor skills, creative, imaginative and logical thinking.

As a variation of mosaics – plastic tubes-beads “HamaBeads”, from which a pattern is made according to the principle of a mosaic, and then, using an iron, it is heated through a special film and the pattern becomes solid.

Constructor-pipeline for water or balls. This is a fascinating sight not only for a child, but also for an adult. This construction set will give you hours of playing together.

Game "Jenga" in which a tower is first built from bricks, and then you need to very carefully pull out one brick at a time from the tower so that the structure does not fall.

Jewelry making kits for girls, such as “Battat B. Pop-Arty”. The trick of this set is that the beads do not need to be strung on a thread, but they have special fasteners with which the beads cling to one another. The set keeps my girls busy for a long time. And what jewelry can be made from these bright beads!

We will also include all kinds of puzzles here.(from 30 to 100 pieces). The complexity of puzzles depends not so much on age, but on the child’s experience in assembling them. The same rule applies here as with constructors: from simple to complex. If it’s the first time, then we take it simpler, and if the child is an ace in putting together puzzles, then you can safely take more than 100 pieces.

5. Sets and individual materials for creativity, for example, Play Doh, again DJECO, children's drawing tablets, magnetic and slate boards, stamp sets, paints, pencils, clay, mega-coloring books, books with creative tasks, children's creative notebooks, books and games with stickers, soap bubbles with various accessories for blowing, and of course, different options for children's furniture for creativity.

6. Simple board games, games with letters, words.

7. Sports accessories for active games: balls, rollers, bicycle, cycle runner, scooter, children's bowling alley, mask, swimming fins, accessories for dancing and gymnastics.

8. Inventory for mom's assistant. An apron for the kitchen to help mom cook, children's kitchen utensils, a collection of recipes for children, baking tins, a children's cleaning set (broom and dustpan, dusting mitten, fluffy dusting broom, water bucket), garden accessories, your own plant that needs to be looked after, a personal bed or container for growing plants, a watering can.

9. Costumes and attributes of fairy-tale characters(crown, magic wand, magic hat, dinosaur tail, fairy wings), pendants and home decor with fairy-tale characters, soft toys (there should not be many of them and it is better to let them be small so that they are convenient to take with you), unicorns , superheroes, kings and queens, shining stars for the ceiling, a “Starry Sky” projector lamp, a lava lamp and similar cute and “magical” things.

Most likely, I only remembered a small part of the toys that can be given to a child of 4-6 years old, but it seems to me that I was able to describe what a child at this age lives with. And yes, I completely forgot to write that this is the very age when the first serious interests and hobbies appear, so it will always be more pleasant for a child to receive a gift that matches his hobby. And it’s not scary that he already has 35 horses, the 36th won’t be extra;)

And to regularly receive useful materials and ideas for activities with children, feel free to subscribe to the blog news “Grow Smart!”

I wish you to easily choose gifts for your children and always, always make them happy!

Educational toys for children 5-6 years old. Templates. Master class with step-by-step photos

“What's inside?” making a fun educational toy from clothespins and colored cardboard, master class with templates

Gorbunova Elena Valerievna, senior teacher of MDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Zvezdochka”, Furmanov.

Description: The master class is intended for educators, additional education teachers and simply creative people; it can be used in working with children aged 5-6 years and older.
The finished toy itself can be used with children of primary preschool age to develop children’s fine motor skills and during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, to relieve emotional stress.
Games with clothespins are also useful for children of older preschool age, since in them the child uses the thumb and index fingers, which later take on the main load when writing. When you press the clothespin, a muscular action similar to the movement of holding a pen is performed, and a similar force is applied.
Target: making a fun educational toy from colored cardboard and clothespins.
- continue to learn how to cut out parts using templates;
- create images of an object from individual parts
- develop imagination, fantasy, creativity;
- cultivate perseverance and accuracy while performing work;
- cultivate the desire to make a toy with your own hands for kids.
Materials and tools: colored cardboard, glue, scissors, clothespins, templates.

Educator: Guys, very soon kids will come to our kindergarten. It will be very difficult for them to remain without their mother all day. Small, dependent, worry, cry, lose sleep and appetite.
Listen to an excerpt from Tatyana Shapiro's poem:
– I don’t want to go to kindergarten! –
Vova is crying loudly.
– I don’t want to go to kindergarten! –
Crying loudly again.
– I don’t want to go to kindergarten! –
He sobs loudly.
It's here anyway
Mom leaves.

Want to help kids?
To distract kids, you need to switch their attention to activities that bring them joy. Do you like to play? And kids love to play too.
When they get used to kindergarten, we will definitely go to visit the younger group.
Who has younger brothers and sisters? What do you play with them? What games do your mothers play with them? (children remember)
Games are played:
1. Finger game “Magpie-Magpie”.
2. “Playing with water” - toys are lowered into a basin of water, children play, remember objects that float - do not float.
3. “Games with clothespins” - add rays to the sun, needles to the hedgehog and others.
Educator: Here's how many interesting games you can play with kids.
And now I suggest you make a toy for kids with a clothespin and a surprise. But first we'll stretch our fingers.
"Finger massage with clothespins"
Using a clothespin, alternately “bite” the phalanges of the fingers from the index to the little finger and back for each syllable of the poem.
The kitten bites hard - silly,
He thinks: this is not a finger, but a mouse.
After the first couplet, change hands.
But I'm playing with you, baby,
If you bite, I’ll tell you “Shoo!”
Educator: Let's start creating gifts and toys. We select any template that we want to use.

Please do not forget about the rules for working with glue and scissors.

We cut out the parts according to the templates.

Prepare the top layer (explanation using the “Tree” template).
Take parts of the crown, connect them, but do not overlap each other; it is better to leave a small distance (cut line).

Glue the trunk onto the crown,

There is a hollow on the trunk.

When the work dries a little, turn it over and cut the tree along the cut line on the crown.

The tree is ready. And for the squirrel we draw the outline, nose and eye.

We glue the tree onto a clothespin, first the lower part of the crown, and after a while the upper part.

Glue the squirrel to the bottom of the clothespin, slightly bending its figurine away from the clothespin so that it does not get caught when opening.

The toy is ready.

The rest of the crafts are done in the same way; children can divide them according to the degree of difficulty - simple ones - “Cloud and Sun”, “Watermelon”.

- "Tree"

- “Matryoshka”

- "Chick"

There are many other options you can think of.
Educator: What beautiful surprise toys you have made. Well done!
Listen to the continuation of Tatyana Shapiro’s poem:
...Now a week has passed,
And then another.
And again and again
The boy is crying.

- I don’t want to go home! –
How to understand this?
Loved kindergarten
Very boy Vova.
Educator: I think, having received such interesting toys as a gift, our kids, just like the boy Vova, will quickly get used to kindergarten.
Thank you for the wonderful gifts for babies.

Similarly, just by turning the clothespin the other way (this is how the “Matryoshka” has already been made), you can make toys for left-handed children for whom the problem of developing fine motor skills and preparing their hands for writing is extremely important.
Thank you for your attention!

To buy toys for 6-year-old boys, you need to consider several features. First of all, these are the interests of the child. He can already say for himself which gift he will like. The catalog assortment includes toys for every taste. The most popular options include the following:

  • Robots - popular models are represented by small and large transformers. These can also be models with sound effects.
  • Sports options are represented by toys in the form of volleyball, basketball, bowling and others. They can have different sizes and are suitable for playing both outdoors and at home.
  • Educational - aimed at learning numbers, letters, music and other skills. You can practice together with your child, attracting his attention. You can buy cool versions of such games to make it more interesting for the boy.
  • Radio-controlled toys are almost the most fashionable toys today. They are made in different types from cars to tanks and aircraft.
  • Weapons include all sorts of pistols and blasters. You can immediately purchase a set consisting of several types of weapons. Children aged 6 love to play war, so these will be interesting toys for them.
  • Construction sets - these can be either Lego themed versions or metal or magnetic construction sets.

Child's interest. There are a variety of interesting toys for 6 year old boys. Of these, you need to try to choose a model that will suit the child’s preferences.

Assortment range. Toys come in a huge variety. The assortment is often updated. You can choose unusual or standard options, single toys or large sets.

Stimulation of action. When choosing modern toys, you need to take into account that they stimulate some kind of activity. It can be physical or mental. Educational toys that engage the child’s logic and thinking can handle this task.

Materials. For a 6-year-old boy, you can choose children's toys from almost any material. It can be either wood, rubber or plastic, as well as textiles or fur options.

Colors and appearance. Cool toys come in a wide variety of different colors.

Price. You can buy the best toys profitably from us by taking advantage of the offered discounts that apply to many models.

If at an early age children simply master different skills and actions with objects, then at the age of 4-5 years a real children's game becomes obvious to everyone. In play, the child develops comprehensively: physically, emotionally, intellectually. A five-year-old child is already a preschooler, for whom it is important to learn to think logically, establish relationships, follow rules, and find solutions to various problems. Toys play a very important role in this process, because with the help of them the child models the future “adult” reality, receives the necessary experience and simply enjoys the process of play. This article contains a rating of the 20 best toys for boys and girls aged 4-5 years.

10 toys for girls

Girls start playing “mother and daughter” quite early. This interactive baby can not only be rolled in a stroller or swaddled. The Baby Bon doll “can” drink water, eat porridge, pee in a potty, blink, and move her arms and legs. In addition, you can purchase various accessories for the doll, from clothes to diapers. By playing with such a doll, a girl learns to care for a baby, “training” the instinct of caring for a helpless creature. During these games, the girl is already beginning to prepare for the main period in her life - motherhood.

  • 2. Easel

Drawing for a 4-5 year old child is not just a way to pass the time. This is an integral part of the development and knowledge of the world around us. Drawing on an easel allows a child to feel like a real creator. There are a great variety of easel options: floor and tabletop, with a surface for drawing with markers, crayons or paints on an attached sheet of paper. Most models combine several functions. Drawing on an easel takes some getting used to, because it has some nuances compared to drawing on a horizontal surface, but children easily overcome all barriers.

  • 3. Cubes for learning to read

At the age of 4-5 years, many children already know letters, so they can move on to the next stage - learning to read. For such children, there are proprietary methods of teaching reading, with the help of which, in a playful way, you can teach the child to put letters into syllables, and syllables into words. Zaitsev's cubes and Chaplygin's cubes have proven themselves well in this topic. Both methods are suitable for home learning, but they differ from each other: syllables are written on Zaitsev’s cubes, and individual letters are written on Chaplygin’s cubes.

  • 4. Dance mat

  • 5. Craft kits

Now, when manual labor is becoming less and less, girls simply need to be introduced to needlework. Craft kits are convenient because one box contains instructions and all the necessary materials. In specialized stores you can choose a set for every taste: weaving bracelets from rubber bands or beads, creating hair accessories, jewelry, cross-stitching and much more. In addition to developing fine motor skills, handicrafts train perseverance, accuracy, and develop the ability to sit patiently at painstaking work.

  • 6. Sets for story games

In a role-playing game, a child plays out familiar situations from “adult” life. For girls there are wonderful play sets on the theme of household chores: kitchens, kitchen utensils, washing and ironing, cleaning. An excellent option would be sets for story games in the profession: a doctor's set, a hairdresser's, a cash register and children's scales for playing shop.

  • 7. Board games

Board games have always been popular with children. In addition to the well-known lotto and dominoes, there are now a huge number of games that develop different abilities. For example, expressive girls always really like the board game “Activity”. The game involves several participants, each of whom needs to explain a word or concept using pantomime, drawing or synonyms. This game promotes the development of imaginative thinking and the emotional sphere.

Puzzles have not lost their popularity for a very long time. If kids assemble puzzles from 2-3 elements, then children 4-5 years old are already able to assemble pictures from many parts. Putting together puzzles is a meditative activity and is very calming. In addition, during this lesson, attention, imaginative thinking, and hand motor skills develop. Assembling a picture from individual parts involves almost all mental operations.

  • 9. Creativity kits

Of course, it is the creative component in such sets that is a little lame, because the child does not create anything new, but acts according to the instructions, but, nevertheless, such sets are very loved by children. Rather than developing creativity, they allow you to practice a skill and specific actions. Depending on what the child is drawn to, these can be kits for creating plaster figures, sand paintings, stained glass paintings, etc. Some sets contain blanks: photo frames, piggy banks, wooden figurines that need to be decorated. Having practiced certain skills on a ready-made set, the child can safely begin his own creations.

  • 10. Anti-stress soft toy

You literally don’t want to let go of soft toys with a special “ball” filling. This toy can be crushed and squeezed in every possible way, it is very soft, pleasant to the touch and never loses its shape. The effect of this toy is extremely positive: the release of psycho-emotional stress, the release of emotions, and in addition to this, the development of fine motor skills.

10 for boys

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • 1. LEGO constructor

The constructor is a universal and very useful toy. Games with construction kits promote the development of fine motor skills, imagination, and engineering thinking. An excellent option for a 4-5 year old boy are Lego constructors and their analogues. Such construction sets are produced in series, so you can select them according to themes and plots: pirates, knights, etc. Entire cities can be built from construction kit parts, without being limited by the manufacturer’s instructions. Usually this activity does not leave adults indifferent either, so the whole family is involved in Lego construction.

  • 2. Radio-controlled dinosaur construction kit

The dinosaur construction kit, which, after assembling and installing a motor, is able to move on its own, is already very popular with the boys. During the assembly process, you can try different combinations of parts, using imagination and imagination. The very work with the constructor develops fine motor skills and logical thinking.

At the age of 4-5, a boy is already able to comprehend the intricacies of remote control, so a remote control machine will definitely cause delight. This toy perfectly develops coordination of movements, reaction speed and spatial thinking.

  • 4. Railroad

Despite its age, this toy has still not lost its relevance. It will be very interesting for any boy to first build a railway and then watch how the train moves along it. By the way, toys usually offer several options for movement patterns, so a child can develop design skills by choosing one or another pattern.

Any boy loves auto racing, so the auto track will definitely appeal to him. You can play with this toy either in a group or alone. Building a track is a fun activity that develops design skills. Playing on a team is accompanied by competition, and this is a very important experience for a child: accepting victory and losing. A huge advantage of such a toy is that it can supplant a computer game, because real racing is much more interesting.

  • 6. Table hockey or football

Another great alternative to computer games is table football or hockey. The rules of these games are quite simple, and the benefits are simply enormous. In addition to the sports component - excitement and competition - such games develop the vestibular apparatus, reaction speed, and motor skills.

  • 7. Board games for boys

Boys are very interested in logical board games in which they need to find the right paths, make decisions, and look for ways out of dead ends. The games “Pathfinder Kolobok” and “Pirates Hide and Seek” would be very suitable for a 4-5 year old boy. These games promote the development of spatial, logical thinking, cognitive abilities and even hand motor skills.

  • 8. Sports corner

At the age of 4-5 years, boys are very active. It is better to direct their activity in a peaceful direction, especially since the child himself becomes interested in testing the capabilities of his body: climbing a rope, doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar, hanging on a wall bar. The most important thing is to make the sports area safe: securely fasten and place mats on the floor. At a minimum, the sports corner should have rings, a rope ladder, a wall bars and a horizontal bar. If budget and space allow, the corner can be equipped with a slide, swing and other “tricks”.

A children's synthesizer is an excellent toy for introducing a child to music. You can start playing by numbers (you can find sheet music for songs written in numbers on the Internet), and eventually get to the point of notation. The advantage of the synthesizer is that it reproduces not only piano sounds, but also allows you to use other sound options.

  • 10. Twister