Diarrhea in a child: causes and methods of treatment. Medicinal and folk remedies. The child has diarrhea: what to give first (pills, drugs, folk remedies) and why it is dangerous

The stool in babies does not look the same as in an adult. Therefore, we can talk about diarrhea not so much by the results of observing its consistency, but by the results of counting the number of bowel movements and the presence of impurities in the feces. in children under one year old, it can be physiological and pathological (a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases, penetration of bacteria, viruses into the intestines).

Diarrhea is rapid, repeated loose stools.

While a person is in this state, he does not fully absorb the incoming nutrients and fluid. Therefore, dehydration may develop as a result. It is dangerous for adults, and for babies with low weight it is deadly.

Video about diarrhea in a child:

Diagnosis of diarrhea in babies

Diarrhea does not always affect the well-being of the child.

The main signal of the onset of diarrhea is becoming more frequent. Each age group has its own rules.

Knowing them, you can orient yourself in time and without delay begin to deal with the pathological condition.

  • . The most difficult thing to diagnose diarrhea in the youngest children. They can normally defecate after each feeding. Therefore, the number of bowel movements is sometimes 10 times. The stool at this age is completely liquid, so you can’t focus on the consistency either. The stool should be liquid. This feature is associated with the use of exclusively liquid food. Usually people start talking about diarrhea when there are already signs of dehydration. A good result gives careful observation of the chair. If deviations from the usual state are detected, a local pediatrician should be consulted.
  • One-year-old children normally have already formed feces. Therefore, it is easier to understand that diarrhea has begun. The signals of the onset of the pathology are unformed and the number of bowel movements exceeding 5 times a day.
  • Children 2 - 3 years old go to the toilet for the most part no more than 2 times a day. they have it set up. If the stool liquefies, and bowel movements become frequent (more than 4 times a day), they talk about the onset of diarrhea.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

Diarrhea in young children can appear quite unexpectedly. There are many reasons for this condition:

  1. Eating undesirable foods most often leads to diarrhea. This also applies to mothers. If the baby is on, even the most insignificant liberties of the mother in food lead to loose stools in her baby.
  2. The introduction of complementary foods is a crucial moment. Exceeding the norm of vegetables and fruits entering the body always ends in diarrhea in a child. Moreover, each baby has its own norm, so complementary foods are introduced in small portions, increasing them very slowly.
  3. Medications often provoke loose stools. Antacids, anti-inflammatory laxatives, and bile acid preparations can lead to unwanted liquefaction of feces in infants.
  4. Often the cause of diarrhea is an intestinal infection that has entered the body. One-year-old children are admitted to infectious diseases hospitals with a diagnosis of salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, and rotavirus infection.
  5. The main causative agents of these pathologies are viruses, fungi.
  6. Lack of enzymes.
  7. Biliary dyskinesia.
  8. Excessive excitement, being in a nervous environment.
  9. Moving to another climate zone.
  10. Violation of the functioning of organs.
  11. Often parents attribute all the problems from the baby to cutting teeth. Indeed, during teething, diarrhea can begin. But it should not be strong, the condition should return to normal in a couple of days.

There are several classifications of diarrhea. One of them is based on the features of development mechanisms:

  • Hyperosmolar. It develops in the absence of normal absorption of water in.
  • Hyperkinetic. The cause of such diarrhea is the acceleration of intestinal motility.
  • Exudative. It is caused by inflammation of the intestinal wall.
  • Secretory. It is possible when an excess amount of water appears in the intestines due to malfunctions of related organs.

There is a classification based on the causes of diarrhea:

  1. infectious diarrhea.
  2. Dyspeptic.
  3. Toxic.
  4. Alimentary.
  5. Neurogenic.
  6. Functional diarrhea has nothing to do with the functioning of the digestive system.

The duration of the pathology is also the basis for the classification:

  • Acute. This form disturbs up to 2 weeks.
  • . You can talk about this form if diarrhea lasts from 3 weeks.

signs of diarrhea

Disorder as a cause of crying in babies.

The main symptom of diarrhea is frequent, watery stools. In addition, there are other signs that are almost always present.

  1. discomfort in the lower part;
  2. flatulence;
  3. loud rumbling;
  4. false urges.

If diarrhea began due to the ingestion of bacteria, viruses, its manifestations are more pronounced. To the symptoms listed above are added impurities, greens, blood in the stool, fragments of food that has not been digested.

Almost always, there is nausea. Diarrhea with fever may appear during teething. Only then the temperature is not very high, and the total duration of the deterioration does not exceed 2 days.

If there is no temperature, and the child is only worried about diarrhea, nausea is most likely a common food poisoning. This condition is possible with dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia. Sometimes it shows up like that. Lasting diarrhea always leads to dehydration, this is a very dangerous condition, outwardly it manifests itself as follows:

  • dry mouth, lips;
  • desire to drink;
  • , drowsiness;
  • rapid breathing;
  • sunken eyes;
  • flaccid skin;
  • lack of urination;
  • the baby cries without tears.

Parents should monitor the condition of the baby, if the signs listed below appear, immediately seek medical help:

  1. Diarrhea began in a baby who is not yet a year old.
  2. Signs of dehydration were noted.
  3. The stool has a black, green color, impurities are visualized.
  4. With diarrhea, the temperature is above 38 °.
  5. Diarrhea is accompanied by severe pain.
  6. The duration of diarrhea is more than 3 days.
  7. Diarrhea began after the use of drugs.

Complications after diarrhea

Diarrhea is a dangerous condition that can provoke several complications:

  • Fluid loss. Dehydration develops quickly in infants.
  • Salt loss. This condition is dangerous for the development of seizures.
  • Nutrients are not absorbed, so there are signs of a lack of other important elements.
  • Pathologies of the state of the intestine develop, up to the prolapse of the rectum.

Finding the cause of diarrhea

To normalize the condition of a child suffering from diarrhea, it is necessary to identify the cause of its development. This is done using several diagnostic methods.

  1. Inspection, detection of complaints.
  2. Research feces.
  3. To understand the level of intestinal motility, a contrast radiography with barium sulfate is done, a carbolene test can be performed.

Methods of treatment

Enterosgel - will remove toxins from the body.

Diarrhea is considered a very dangerous condition for one-year-old children. The biggest difficulty is the loss of fluid and salts.

To exclude an unfavorable development of events, it is necessary to immediately take measures to replenish the lost fluid.

Today in the pharmacy network you can buy effective drugs to avoid dehydration. Medicinal solutions are prepared from such means:

  • Citroglucosolan.
  • Glucosolan.

These are powders packaged in sachets. They should be opened and the solution prepared in accordance with the instructions in. The resulting solution is given to the baby a little during the day. The simplest recipe for preparing a rehydration solution has long been known.

Salt, soda, sugar are taken per liter of water. Proportions: 1 tsp. / half a teaspoon / tsp If the baby is breastfed, it is applied to the breast as often as possible. Mom during this period should strictly monitor her own, so that her milk helps the baby, and does not worsen his condition.

In addition to combating dehydration, it is necessary to take sorbents.

The purpose of these actions is to collect toxic substances that have entered the body, and then remove them naturally. Popular sorbents:

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Polysorb.
  3. Polyphepan.

The ingestion of pathogenic microorganisms leads to the development of dysbacteriosis. Often, the existing dysbacteriosis itself becomes the cause of diarrhea. Then you need to give the child probiotics to normalize the condition.

  • Bifiform.
  • Bifikol.

Diarrhea in a child can occur with many diseases. In a similar way, the baby's body often reacts to various factors: allergies, teething, colds, violations of the diet and diet, pathologies of the digestive system. When diarrhea occurs, it is imperative to establish the cause of this phenomenon, and it is also advisable to consult a doctor on how to stop diarrhea in a child. To do this, you can use various means, both sold in a pharmacy and offered by traditional medicine.

How to quickly stop diarrhea in a child

  1. Rice decoction. It gives a quick and pronounced effect, eliminating loose stools in a child. An important factor is the consistency of the broth, it should be quite thick, viscous. Also, along with the decoction, you can give the baby a small amount of rice porridge, cooked without sugar and milk.
  2. In pharmacies today, quite a lot of different drugs are offered to help quickly cope with diarrhea in a child. The action of most of them is aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora. Smekta or activated charcoal can also help with diarrhea.
  3. Pomegranate peels. An infusion is prepared from them, pouring boiling water over the shells and crusts. Take the remedy several times a day after meals, a single serving - 1-2 large spoons.
  4. Herbal decoctions and teas. Means based on mint, chamomile, hawthorn can help with diarrhea.

When using folk remedies for the treatment of diarrhea in a child, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's body to the chosen remedy. In addition, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the causes of this condition and methods of its treatment.

How to stop diarrhea in a child at home

You can stop diarrhea in a child on your own at home. However, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

  • proper nutrition for the child. With diarrhea, spicy, fried, salty and fatty foods, as well as foods that can cause allergies, should be excluded from the diet. Also during this period, the baby should not be given poorly digestible dishes, muffins and sweets;
  • you need to feed the baby during the period of diarrhea in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • to prevent dehydration, the child should be given enough fluids;
  • during this period, it is better to reconsider the baby’s day regimen, he should lie down and rest more;
  • do not overfeed the child or feed him on the run. While eating, he must carefully chew each piece of food.

How to stop diarrhea in a child with rotavirus

One possible cause of diarrhea in a child is rotavirus. In this case, folk remedies and medications can be used to stop diarrhea. It is not recommended to wash the stomach, this procedure is carried out only in extreme cases, when the baby, in addition to diarrhea, has severe vomiting and weakness. If the child does not have symptoms of dehydration and his condition is relatively normal, then vomiting and diarrhea should not be stopped, because in this way the baby's body gets rid of the infection. In this case, you need to feed the child with extreme caution, if he refuses to eat, then you do not need to give him food. If the baby asks for food, you can offer him a baked apple, oatmeal cooked in water, or another light dish.

How to stop diarrhea after antibiotics in a child

Taking antibiotics often causes diarrhea in children and adults. This is due to the destruction of such preparations of the intestinal microflora, which leads to dysbacteriosis. And he, in turn, can be manifested by diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and other symptoms. Diarrhea causes particular harm to a child's body that has not yet recovered from an illness. Together with the feces, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances are excreted.

You can cope with diarrhea after antibiotics if you follow some recommendations:

  1. It is impossible to take antibiotics on your own, without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to choose the right course of treatment and recovery of the body after taking antibiotics.
  2. To eliminate side effects, in parallel with antibiotics, children are prescribed the intake of probiotics and prebiotics, which restore the intestinal microflora. These drugs include Bifidumbacterin, Lineks, Bifiform and others.
  3. Proper nutrition plays an important role during the recovery period. At this time, the baby is not recommended to give raw fruits, soda, milk and its derivatives, sweets, fatty foods and other similar foods.

How to stop diarrhea in a child with folk remedies

How to stop diarrhea in a child 1 year old and younger

Diarrhea in children aged 1 year or less occurs quite often. You can stop it with the help of various folk remedies. So, the use of oak bark, which is sold in pharmacies, is quite effective in such cases. It is brewed and given to the child as written in the attached instructions.

Helps with diarrhea in infants and a decoction of raisins. To prepare it, a handful of berries is poured with a liter of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour, after which the resulting product is rubbed through a sieve and given to the child in a small spoon 3-4 times a day.

Another well-known folk remedy for diarrhea in children of the first year is dill tea. It helps to get rid of not only loose stools, but also to cope with colic, flatulence, bloating and even vomiting. You can prepare it yourself by brewing a small spoonful of dill seed in 400 ml of water and boiling the remedy for a couple of minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and given to the child warm.

To relieve irritation, stop diarrhea and vomiting, you can give your child chamomile or mint tea.

How to stop vomiting and diarrhea in a child

In order to stop vomiting and diarrhea in a child, you can use the following folk recipes:

  1. Barley flour. A large spoonful of it is added to a glass of boiling water and boiled lightly. The resulting remedy is given to the child.
  2. Pear decoction. Suitable for stopping diarrhea and vomiting in children over one year old. They can be given a decoction or compote of a pear, but the pulp of the fruit should not be eaten, as it irritates the intestinal walls.
  3. Rye crackers. To stop diarrhea and vomiting, they are soaked in warm water, and when the crackers are soaked, the resulting slurry is given to the baby.
  4. Gooseberry. These berries are ground with sugar and laid out in glass jars. Such a remedy can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and if diarrhea and vomiting appear, give the baby a small spoonful three times a day.
  5. Potassium permanganate. Its weak solution helps to cope with vomiting and diarrhea caused by poisoning and intestinal infections. When preparing the solution, it is imperative to ensure that all grains of potassium permanganate are completely dissolved in water.

In folk medicine, vast experience has been gained in dealing with such an unpleasant ailment as diarrhea. When it appears, it is not at all necessary to resort to medications, the use of which can be fraught with side effects. Sometimes it is much safer to use alternative medicine recipes, especially since many of their components are almost always at hand.

It will not be difficult to prepare a decoction of rice or swallow a few black peppercorns, brew strong tea or look for activated charcoal in the medicine cabinet. Infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants, as well as the fruits of some shrubs and trees, will be effective. There are in the piggy bank of folk healers and quite extraordinary drugs for the treatment of diarrhea, for example, blue iodine or powder from the elements of chicken stomachs. We will tell you more about them and not only below.

Rice broth for diarrhea

It is one of the most affordable, easy-to-prepare, and safe remedies for diarrhea. The effectiveness of rice water is related to its ability to envelop the intestines and prevent the irritating effect of gastric juice on it. Along the way, the peristalsis of this organ improves, the excrement begins to form correctly. The astringent properties of the decoction are the result of the high content of starch in rice groats. Once in the body, it absorbs excess fluid, contributing to the thickening of the intestinal contents.

In addition, a decoction of rice provides nutrition for the body, which is especially true for diarrhea, when eating food can provoke a deterioration.

It should be noted that this remedy for diarrhea is safe, so it can be safely given to children in whom medications can provoke allergies. In addition, the decoction is prepared from rice cereal, which is always at hand.

Recipe for rice water for diarrhea

It remains only to find out how to properly prepare this healing potion: Two teaspoons of rice pre-soaked in cold boiled water are dipped into half a liter of water boiling in an enamel bowl. Stirring, the product is kept on fire for 50 minutes. The finished broth is left to cool to room temperature, filtered through gauze or a strainer and a medicine is obtained.

The dosage depends on the age of the patient. Adults take 150 ml. rice water every three hours, children's dose varies from 50 to 100 ml. thrice or four times a day.

An hour after the use of the remedy, improvement will come, the symptoms of diarrhea will become less pronounced. It is recommended not only to drink a decoction, but to eat a little rice porridge in between, this will speed up recovery. In children, the body recovers much faster, so when improvement occurs, rice water is no longer given, replacing it with strong sweet tea with homemade rye crackers.

Bird cherry from diarrhea

The healing properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. At that time, people used bird cherry fruits for food and noted their astringent properties. Today, the flowers and bark of this shrub are also used to combat diarrhea. Medicines based on bird cherry have a high content of tannins, which have the desired effect. But they are recommended to be used only if the diarrhea is non-infectious.

Decoction of bird cherry from diarrhea

A decoction of bird cherry is prepared as follows: Ripe clusters of bird cherry are washed under running water, fill a glass with them halfway and pour into a container in which the remedy will be prepared. 2 cups of boiling water are also added there and everything is sent to a water bath, where they are kept for about half an hour. Then for another half an hour the finished drug is infused under the lid. After that, it is filtered and topped up with an equal amount of blueberry juice. The mixture is given to the child every hour in a tablespoon, for children under three years old it is recommended to reduce the dose to a teaspoon every two hours.

Decoction of bird cherry bark

For adults, a decoction of bird cherry bark prepared in accordance with the following recipe is suitable:

    A tablespoon of bark is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes in a water bath. The broth is cooled, filtered and taken one hundred milliliters three times a day.

You can cope with diarrhea with the help of bird cherry flowers:

    Two tablespoons of flowers are brewed with half a liter of boiling water and insisted for two hours, after which the remedy is filtered and taken two tablespoons three times a day.

pomegranate peel for diarrhea

They are usually thrown away when cleaning the fruit, not suspecting how many useful qualities these wastes have. The value is a dense dry shell of red color, covering the pomegranate from the outside, the second, white layer, should be cleaned, since it does not contain healing elements.

Pomegranate peels are also used to treat cases of diarrhea in children, but before that you should consult a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications and the consequences of excessive use of this drug are quite serious, up to internal bleeding. With anal fissures, hepatitis, nephritis, it is impossible to use products based on this product. Combining treatment with pomegranate peels with the use of antihistamines is prohibited.

Preparation of the medicinal product begins with the preparation of crusts. The pomegranate is thoroughly washed, dried and peeled. White pulp is cut from the crusts, and the healing red layer is sent to dry in the oven or under the sun, previously covered with gauze and periodically turning. Store the workpiece in a paper bag or glass jar in a dry place.

pomegranate decoction

Pomegranate broth is prepared as follows: Dry peels are ground in a mortar or coffee grinder, a teaspoon of the resulting powder is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. The finished broth is infused for about 40 minutes and taken in a teaspoon four times a day until the stool returns to normal. After about two days, the body will completely cope with the disease and all its consequences will disappear.

Ready-made broth is given to children after agreement with the pediatrician, and the dose should not exceed half a teaspoon three times a day. It is important to remember that pomegranate peels can cause allergies.

Dried blueberries for diarrhea

This plant has unique properties, which largely depend on the method of application and the selected element. So, dry fruits are used to eliminate diarrhea, and fresh blueberries have the opposite effect and are effective in combating constipation.

Decoctions, infusions, teas, kissels are prepared from dried blueberries.

Dried blueberry drink recipes:

    To prepare jelly, you should know the proportions - 300 ml are taken per tablespoon of blueberries. water, a teaspoon of starch and add sugar to taste. Prepared like a regular jelly, and taken freely.

    A good remedy for diarrhea is a decoction of 40 g of dry blueberries, filled with 200 ml. water and boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. The funds are filtered and taken half a cup three times a day.

Children can be given dry blueberry fruits to chew in small portions 6 times a day. In order for them to have the desired effect, they should be chewed as long as possible and then kept in the mouth for some time before swallowing. In some cases, a special blueberry tea is prepared and given to the child instead of the usual drink. Here's how it's prepared:

    5 teaspoons of dried blueberries are thrown into half a liter of cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for about 10 minutes. The drink is filtered and given to the child to drink three times a day in a cup.

Blueberry-based products are safe for health, so they can be safely used at the first sign of a disorder in both adults and children.

activated charcoal for diarrhea

This is one of the time-tested remedies for the manifestations of diarrhea, but it will not be really effective in all cases. The reason for this lies in the specifics of the action of activated carbon. Once in the body, this agent acts as a powerful adsorbent that removes harmful toxins, but also captures useful substances, such as vitamins.

Moreover, he is able to get rid of only those dangerous substances that have not yet had time to be absorbed into the blood and are in the stomach or intestines. Therefore, activated charcoal will be effective in combating diarrhea caused by food poisoning, an allergic reaction to a food, or chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

If the diarrhea was caused by viruses or a microflora disorder provoked by the use of antibacterial drugs, activated charcoal will not bring relief and may even be harmful. It will remove from the body along with harmful substances those beneficial bacteria, the purpose of which is to normalize the microflora and prevent disorders.

The natural origin of activated charcoal makes it suitable for use in case of diarrhea in children, but the causes of the disorder should first be analyzed and specialists should be consulted. The child is usually given crushed tablets, which he must drink with plenty of liquid, the drink is continued to be offered even after that in small doses. Activated charcoal is harmless enough, only in case of a significant overdose, constipation is possible.

How to take activated charcoal?

For the treatment of diarrhea, it is recommended to take activated charcoal three times a day. The required dose is calculated according to the following scheme - one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. The treatment course should not exceed 10 days, otherwise there is a risk of weight loss and exhaustion. After treatment with activated charcoal, it is recommended to start taking probiotics to restore the number of beneficial bacteria in the body.

Activated charcoal tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid, only in this case the effectiveness of the drug will be at the proper level.

Oak bark for diarrhea

The use of this drug allows you to approach the solution of the problem of diarrhea in a complex manner. In addition to a high concentration of tannins, oak bark contains components that can have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In addition, when interacting with proteins, tannins form a special protective layer that protects the gastrointestinal tract from manifestations of irritation. Therefore, the use of drugs with this substance helps not only to eliminate diarrhea, but also to cope with the problems that often accompany this disease.

Remedies based on oak bark are equally effective for diarrhea caused by both infection and poisoning or overeating. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures are prepared from it, there is a practice of using enemas for small patients.

Only oaks aged 15 to 20 years can act as medicinal raw materials. From their young shoots, the bark is removed in early spring before the leaves appear. If there is no possibility or desire to procure raw materials on your own, you can buy it at any pharmacy.

Oak bark recipes

Here are some of the most popular recipes for diarrhea using oak bark:

    Infusion. Shredded dry oak bark in the amount of one teaspoon is poured with half a liter of boiled cold water and left for 8 hours. The resulting remedy is divided into several equal doses and drunk throughout the day.

    Alcohol tincture. Dry crushed oak bark is poured into 400 ml. vodka, insist the drug for a week in a dark place. Take as needed, dosage - 20 drops twice a day.

    Decoction. Half a glass of bark is brewed with a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for about half an hour. After cooling, the remedy is taken 2 tablespoons three times a day.

Children can take advantage of the healing properties of oak bark exclusively in the form of an enema. Here's how it's prepared:

    Mix a tablespoon of chamomile and oak bark, pour the mixture with half a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for half an hour. The warm remedy prepared in this way is filtered, ten drops of valerian are added to it and an enema is made.

Black peppercorns for diarrhea

An amazing remedy for diarrhea, which can be found in almost any kitchen. The use of black pepper improves digestion by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid, which, in turn, promotes the release of enzymes in the intestines. This is due to the effectiveness of taking this spice for digestive disorders and diarrhea.

How to take black pepper for diarrhea?

For the treatment of malaise, it is recommended to take 10 peas, swallow without chewing and drink a glass of water. The most suitable time to take the remedy is before bedtime, in which case it is likely that in the morning the condition will improve significantly and the problem with diarrhea will lose its severity.

Children under 5 years of age should not resort to the use of black pepper to treat diarrhea, older children are usually given half the adult dose (that is, 5 peas), but not at one time, but divided into several doses.


Contraindications are not limited to young age, anemia, peptic ulcer, allergic diseases, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder - these are the cases when the use of black pepper is prohibited. In other controversial cases, if possible, coordinate this therapeutic measure with a specialist.

Strong tea for diarrhea

Such a familiar drink for many can help with signs of indigestion and diarrhea. In order for tea to acquire pronounced astringent properties, it should be brewed much stronger than usual.

For treatment, tea bags are not suitable, only leaves that do not contain additives and flavors. The amount of brewing should exceed the usual rate several times. You can drink a glass of the finished drink at once in one gulp or use the tea itself as a healing agent - tea thick, in the amount of several tablespoons.

Other tea recipes for diarrhea

You can make tea that will help to cope with diarrhea, a little differently: In a quarter cup of freshly brewed strong drink, put 5 tablespoons of sugar and add half a glass of sour grape juice. The tool will begin to work in a few hours. Children are advised to give a less concentrated sugary drink.

If diarrhea is caused by a virus entering the body, it is worth supplementing black tea with an onion. A cut onion is placed in a fresh strong hot drink for 10 minutes. Ready tea is drunk without honey or other sweeteners.


Before using this remedy, it should be noted that the caffeine contained in tea leaves can harm people with high blood pressure and those with a tendency to irritability and increased excitability. Too strong a drink in large quantities can cause dizziness, blurred vision, and even anemia with dehydration, as it promotes the removal of fluid from the body and interferes with the absorption of iron.

Chicken stomachs for diarrhea

The ability to eliminate diarrhea is possessed not so much by the digestive organs of these birds as by the yellow film inside their stomach. It contains digestive enzymes, which, when ingested, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and cope with the manifestations of diarrhea.

How to prepare a cure for diarrhea from chicken stomachs?

Raw materials should be prepared independently and in advance. Chicken stomachs purchased at the market or poultry farm are cut, washed and the yellow film is separated, which should have a rich and pure color. The resulting substance is left to dry at room temperature on a piece of paper. The very next day, the future drug is ready, it is ground into powder and stored in a glass container with a tight lid in a dry, dark place.

How to use?

When diarrhea appears, chicken stomach powder is taken orally: adults take a tablespoon, children take a teaspoon twice a day with water or strong tea. An hour later, there will be a significant improvement and soon the malaise will cease to remind of itself.

Iodine with water for diarrhea

The use of drugs based on this chemical element is aimed at solving several problems.

Recipes with iodine

Since diarrhea is always associated with a loss of trace elements by the body, it is recommended to use the following recipe to replenish them:

    In a glass of water at room temperature, dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Iodine is added to the same liquid in the amount of 5 drops. Take the solution in a dosage that can vary from a tablespoon to half a glass, divided into several doses throughout the day. The tool will not only help restore the mineral balance, but also cope with the root cause - diarrhea.

Blue iodine is a powerful tool

If diarrhea is caused by an infection, you can use a more effective and interesting method, which in folk medicine is called blue iodine. The composition of this drug includes not only iodine, but also starch. The combination of these two products gives the remedy for diarrhea unique properties, it acquires the ability to have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, to cope with even very severe cases of diarrhea. At the same time, preparing blue iodine is quite simple:

    A teaspoon with a slide of starch is diluted in 50 ml. boiled warm water, add a teaspoon with a slide of sugar and a few crystals of citric acid to the mixture. The agent prepared in this way is poured into 150 ml. steep boil. After the drug has cooled down, a teaspoon of a five percent iodine solution is poured into it.

The resulting blue iodine can be stored in a well-closed glass container at room temperature for several days without losing its healing properties. It is important to remember that it will be of value as long as it retains an intense blue color. Adults take from half a liter to 0.7 liters per day in a tablespoon, dividing the norm into several doses, the duration of use is a couple of days. The children's dose is measured in teaspoons while maintaining the main volume.

Vodka with salt for diarrhea

Quite an extreme way to deal with diarrhea, but no less effective. The vodka-salt potion can be prepared ahead of time and stored for cases of diarrhea, or made fresh just before use. In the latter case, simply mix 80 ml. vodka with a third teaspoon of salt, stir thoroughly and drink in one gulp at a time. The amount of salt can be increased.

Concentrated Recipe

And here is a way to prepare a more concentrated remedy:

    To prepare such a remedy, you need to pour vodka into a glass and add a teaspoon of table salt. Stir thoroughly and drink the resulting product in one gulp. It is necessary to take this remedy 1-2 times a day. Do not drink undissolved salt.


Of course, vodka with salt cannot be used to treat diarrhea in children, it is also not suitable for adults who suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcers, since the alcohol mixture can cause inflammation on the surface of the walls of the intestines and stomach.

herbs for diarrhea

Plants that have antimicrobial and antibacterial action, containing a high percentage of tannins, will be effective in resisting diarrhea. The necessary medicinal herbs can be prepared independently or bought at the pharmacy network. Before using, you should carefully study all the features of taking a particular herb and contraindications. It is especially important to do this if the child is to be treated, since not all plants are equally good for the child's body. If possible, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of using one or another phytocomponent.

To eliminate diarrhea, the following herbs are most often used: sage, wormwood, burnet, St. John's wort, mint, black elderberry, cuff and many others.

Bloodworm root for diarrhea

Here is an example of a recipe that is suitable for the treatment of diarrhea in children and adults:

    a tablespoon of chopped raw materials is steamed with a glass of boiling water and simmered for 40 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and taken in a tablespoon diluted in a quarter glass of water 5 times a day. Children drink a decoction of a teaspoon 2 hours after a meal or half an hour before it. Even after the diarrhea stops, it is recommended to continue using the remedy for another seven days, reducing the frequency of administration to three times a day.

Temperature and diarrhea in a child up to 12 months of age and older can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common of them are intestinal infections and improperly organized nutrition. Some parents, instead of seeking qualified medical help, prescribe treatment on their own and thereby only aggravate the condition. Doing this is strictly prohibited.

Diarrhea is frequent loose stools that occur more than four to five times a day. Loose stools occur periodically in any child. The phenomenon can be caused by various reasons:

  • fruit juice drunk in large quantities;
  • mild viral infection;
  • intestinal infection (vomiting occurs along with diarrhea);
  • surgical disease.

The main danger of diarrhea is the likelihood of dehydration, violation of the electrolyte and salt balance.

Characteristics of the chair depending on the age category:

  • Breastfed babies under one year of age normally empty up to six times a day. A baby's stool at the age of several months is usually yellow, has a mushy texture. Apply in the form of mucus and bloody streaks should be absent.
  • Children under one year old who receive artificial nutrition are emptied less often - up to four times a day. The color of feces can vary from yellow to brown. This is considered the norm.
  • Children aged one to two years empty less often - up to two times a day. The consistency of feces is thicker and more homogeneous, brown in color, has no impurities.
  • In children older than three years, emptying, as a rule, occurs once a day. The consistency of the stool is dense, the color is brown.

signs of diarrhea

Excrements in the form of loose stools are plentiful and exceed the medical norm (over 10 g per 1 kg of body weight). This phenomenon is qualified as a violation of water and electrolyte metabolism in the body.

Diarrhea symptoms:

  • rapid loose stools of yellow or greenish color;
  • pain and bloating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • weakness.


Diarrhea in childhood occurs for a variety of reasons, but the most common culprit is a viral or bacterial infection. Loose stools can be caused by salmonella (diagnosed as "salmonellosis"), Shigella Flexner and Sonne (causative agents of dysentery), Escherichia coli, for example, Staphylococcus aureus pathogen (cause of toxic infection of the gastrointestinal tract in children under 12 months).

Infection is caused by poor hygiene (unwashed hands), the use of spoiled food, as well as contact with an infected person. The infection can enter the body through water.

In 80% of cases of childhood diarrhea, a rotavirus infection is diagnosed, which occurs in the form of gastroenteritis. The disease often occurs in very young children who are only a few months old. In such patients, the disease is most severe, since dehydration occurs very quickly (vomiting accompanies diarrhea).

Intestinal infections often occur in children attending nurseries and kindergartens. It is necessary from an early age to teach the child to wash his hands with soap before eating and after going to the toilet.

Another cause of diarrhea in a child is antibiotic therapy. Treatment of children older than one year with antibiotics should be combined with taking drugs that prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.

Diarrhea can be chronic, with loose stools in children (two years of age or older) lasting three weeks or longer, with a frequency of four or more times a day.

Under the guise of ordinary yellow diarrhea, functional diarrhea may be hiding. In this case, the general condition does not worsen, the child continues to develop normally. You can determine the true cause of diarrhea by taking tests.

Diarrhea in children under one year old and older sometimes occurs due to lactose intolerance (lactase deficiency). In this case, there is a foamy liquid stool with a sour smell, sometimes there is nausea and vomiting. Lactose makes up 99% of the carbohydrates in milk and is digested by the enzyme lactase. Diarrhea is caused by a decrease in enzyme activity. If a violation is suspected, an analysis is made for the amount of carbohydrates in the feces.

Lactase production may be impaired due to the early introduction of artificial mixtures. Because of this, allergic inflammation develops. Visible signs of allergy may be absent. In such children, not only the digestion of lactose is disturbed, but also the absorption of other substances in the gastrointestinal tract. Prolonged diarrhea in "artists" aged 12 months or older is a reason for an allergological examination.

Lactase deficiency is similar to the symptoms of enzyme deficiency (sucrose, isomaltase, etc.). Such violations are quite rare. The first signs of sucrose intolerance occur with the introduction of complementary foods (sweetening of foods and drinks with sugar), fructose intolerance - with the introduction of honey and fruit juices into the menu.


Intestinal infection begins abruptly - with severe pain in the abdomen (the baby cries, kicks his legs) and diarrhea.
The stool may have mucous and blood streaks, inclusions of greenery and other impurities. Sometimes there is vomiting and fever.

How to stop diarrhea in a child? If these symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor, and before he arrives, provide first aid:

  • Since a child loses a lot of salt and water during diarrhea, it is important to prevent dehydration. You can give the baby a saline solution (oralite, rehydron). Take a sachet of the drug for one liter of water. The solution is given within two days, you need to drink it in small sips and with interruptions. For children up to a month, the drug is given only after consultation with a pediatrician.
  • A tool such as enterodesis also contains activated charcoal, which binds and removes toxins. It is important to completely replenish the volume of fluid that diarrhea and vomiting remove. If the child does not want to drink from a bottle, you can take a pipette or a teaspoon. Vomiting in small portions will not be provoked.
  • For an older child, you can prepare the following mixture: a liter of water is mixed with a cup of orange juice, ¾ tsp is diluted in the liquid. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 7-8 tsp. Sahara. The solution is given every fifteen minutes in a volume of 5-10 ml. If there is vomiting, the child is given 1 tsp. drink. If vomiting is not observed within two hours, the amount of fluid can be increased. If treatment does not help, and dehydration increases, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  • Together with a solution to replenish the lost fluid, the child should be given an adsorbent (smecta, enterosgel, etc.). Treatment consists in the absorption of toxins in the intestines by the drug. It should be borne in mind that diarrhea cannot be treated with adsorbents alone, since they do not destroy the infection.
  • It is important to establish proper nutrition. You should not force the child to starve, but reduce the daily amount of food by one-third or two-thirds (depending on what the maximum amount of food caused vomiting). Babies continue to be fed with milk, artisans are given sour-milk mixtures. A nursing mother should express about a quarter of the volume of one feeding and add lactase to her milk (for lactase deficiency). Feeding begins with this mixture and ends with milk from the breast. The dosage is selected by the pediatrician. Artists suffering from lactose intolerance are given a lactose-free mixture. Feed a baby at the age of several months should be often, but in small portions. You can also add a quarter tablet of mezim forte to the mixture.
  • As the condition improves, they gradually return to a normal diet. For the next few days, heavy foods should be avoided (if the child is two years old or older). Plentiful warm drink (tea, pear compote) is recommended. With diarrhea, you can give crackers, dry cookies, drying.

There is nothing more for parents to do. The correct treatment is prescribed by a doctor. It is forbidden to self-treat a child with antibiotics, since some of them are contraindicated in infancy (for example, chloramphenicol). For children under 12 months of age and older, symptomatic drugs such as Imodium are given with great caution. Only a doctor can choose the correct dosage.

Emergency help

You need to call an ambulance immediately if your child shows signs of dehydration with diarrhea:

  • small volumes of excreted urine, its darkening;
  • sunken eyes;
  • dry mouth;
  • drying of the skin;
  • drowsiness, loss of strength;
  • sinking of the fontanel (in babies up to 12 months);
  • no tears when crying.

It is impossible to treat diarrhea with pharmaceutical products, since they cause the accumulation of fluid and salts in the intestines. The symptoms of diarrhea are eliminated, but the dehydration process does not stop. This will only complicate the diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

It can be infectious diseases, and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea can even be the result of helminthic invasion. In addition, the manifestations of diarrhea differ from each other depending on the cause that caused it: the color of the stool, its consistency, the frequency of defecation - all this can tell you how to stop diarrhea in a child. The danger of diarrhea is that, due to liquid stools, minerals are not absorbed into the intestines and dehydration occurs.

First you need to understand that not every loose stool is diarrhea. In a child under 1 year old - a completely normal phenomenon, this is due to the fact that the baby feeds mainly on liquids. At each age, there is a threshold criterion at which the frequency of defecation begins to be considered diarrhea. For example, in children at 1 year old, defecation can occur 8-10 times a day, and this is normal. The older he gets, the less frequent defecation occurs.

With diarrhea, the feces are strikingly different from what comes out during normal health. It is liquid and watery. The frequency of defecation is higher than normal, in children aged 1 year and older it is more than 5 times a day. Children 2-4 years old should go to the potty no more than 4 times a day, if this number exceeds up to 5-7 times, then the child has diarrhea.

1 Causes of diarrhea in a baby

An infant is subject to the most insignificant causes for the occurrence of diarrhea. In this regard, the list of causative agents of diarrhea is quite extensive:

  1. Loose stools can be the result of the fact that the child was overfed with fiber.
  2. A common cause of diarrhea is allergies. In infancy, almost any food can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Violation of the mode of introduction of complementary foods.
  4. If the baby is breastfed, then he is prone to diarrhea when the mother is malnourished.
  5. If a nursing mother takes various drugs, such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antacids, or laxatives, then the baby will have diarrhea.
  6. Until the age of 1, a child is susceptible to various infectious diseases. It can be viruses, bacteria or fungi. Most often, children suffer from salmonellosis, escherichiosis, campylobacteriosis, amoebic and bacterial dysentery, and rotavirus infection.
  7. Malfunction of the bile ducts, leading to diarrhea, most often affects children from 1 year and older.
  8. Stress, nervous tension.
  9. Change of climatic conditions. This happens when moving from one climate zone to another.
  10. Diarrhea often occurs with the growth of teeth. This type of disease is not dangerous and lasts for two, maximum three days, so it does not threaten with severe dehydration.

Diarrhea in medical practice is divided into infectious, alimentary, toxic, dyspeptic, drug-induced, neurogenic. The duration of diarrhea can be chronic - over 3 weeks - and acute, lasting up to 3 weeks.

2 Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of diarrhea is liquid stools. It has a watery substance and an unusual color and smell. In addition, the child has gas discharge. There are pains in the region of the large intestine, frequent urge to defecate, rumbling is heard in the abdomen.

If the baby's feces are greenish in color and contain mucus, blood and undigested food fractions, then most likely these can be diseases such as enteritis, colitis, or a malfunction of the bile ducts. If a baby has a fever with diarrhea, this means that he or she is teething, or there is an infectious disease. In the case of teeth, diarrhea disappears in 2-3 days. If there is no temperature during diarrhea, but vomiting, nausea are present, then these are signs of poisoning, worms, an allergic reaction or dysbacteriosis.

The main danger of diarrhea is dehydration and the associated electrolyte imbalance in the body. Signs of this condition:

  • frequent breathing;
  • decreased skin sensitivity;
  • the child does not lose the feeling of thirst;
  • the baby is lethargic and sleepy;
  • tongue and lips dry and hot;
  • the child cries without the release of tears.

If parents observe one of these signs in a child, and even more so several of them, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance or take the child to the doctor on their own. Especially if at the same time the baby has a green stool and the body temperature has risen, at 1 year and younger these are serious symptoms, the child may die.

3 Diagnosis of the disease

During the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor finds out the cause of diarrhea, a treatment that simply stops diarrhea is never prescribed - it is necessary to cure the disease that caused it. For this, a detailed and complete history is collected, that is, the mother of the child tells in detail how and what she fed him and when and how the first signs of pathology appeared.

4 Treatment of diarrhea

The main thing in the treatment of diarrhea in children is not just to stop diarrhea in time, but to quickly and competently restore the balance of electrolytes in the blood. Indeed, with diarrhea, the most dangerous phenomenon is dehydration of the body.

In order for potassium and other minerals to be restored in full, the child must be given Regidron, Glucosolan or Citroglucosolan. The dosage and regimen should be prescribed by a doctor, at least in the first case of diarrhea, in the future, parents will already know what to do when diarrhea reappears.

In addition, the child should receive sorbents that remove toxic substances from the stomach and intestines, such drugs include Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, Activated charcoal or Polyphepan. Again, for the first time, it is necessary that the medicines be prescribed by a doctor.

With dysbacteriosis, the baby is prescribed Bifikol, Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte or Linex. With a bacterial infection, the child should take Furazolidone, Enterofuril, Enterol, Ftalazol, Levomycetin, Intetrix or Sulgin.

To reduce intestinal motility, Loperamide, Imodium, Suprilol are prescribed. These are very serious drugs, and errors in the regimen or dosage are unacceptable, therefore, therapy is prescribed by a doctor after a complete examination of the child and finding out the exact cause of diarrhea. The disease that caused diarrhea is also treated. During therapy, the baby should drink more, the most useful drinks in this situation are rice water and starch solution.

No less important than treatment. Firstly, it is necessary to completely exclude grape, apricot and plum juices from the baby's diet for the duration of treatment - there is too much fiber in the pulp of these fruits. Secondly, you can not give fresh milk and fatty meat.

A child aged 1 year and older should eat white crackers, lean meat soup or lean fish soup during treatment, meat can also be steamed. Rice and barley porridge are very useful. You can eat cottage cheese, cheese, drink sour milk. Older children can eat boiled eggs and omelettes. You can drink green tea or cocoa.

5 Preventive measures

In order for diarrhea in a child to appear less often, it is necessary to follow several rules of prevention from childhood. First, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not put dirty hands in his mouth. To do this, he needs to wash them more often, accustom the baby to this process from childhood. Secondly, fresh vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed before use, and the child should also be taught this.

The first years of life the child should drink only boiled water. All animal products must be thoroughly cooked. You can not use medicines intended for adults to treat diarrhea in a baby. Along with antibiotics, the child must take a probiotic so that dysbacteriosis does not begin.

The child should walk more often in the fresh air, regardless of what season it is - summer or winter. A child should only walk under the supervision of a mother or another adult: if the baby is alone on the street, then it is not known what object he can put in his mouth.