Congratulations on the 70th man search php t. Examples of trick questions

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You are seventy. You are immensely rich.
Your wealth is wisdom, strength, mind.
May the anniversary and all other dates
Do not evoke sad thoughts at all.

Let only joy, only laughter and songs
Sound in your soul today and always.
Live more interesting every year
And look younger, regardless of the age!

Anniversary our dear,
Stately, prominent, mischievous,
Although already 70 -
Young at heart!

Let you be on the shoulder
All the cherished "I want."
And don't lose your passion
Take everything from life!

Please accept our congratulations on your anniversary! 70 years is a big date, a lot of experience, a lot of impressions. We wish that we all gather at your hundredth anniversary! Good health, prosperity, care and love of loved ones and relatives!

There is a special age, it is called “wisdom”.
Good at sunset will respond with good,
Will respond with friendship, love of relatives,
And the wise do not need riches because others!
Harmony in the house, comfort and peace,
Still nearby is the one for which any
Only you are needed, albeit not young,
Sometimes grouchy, and a little rude,
You are stingy with tenderness and affection -
You are more precious to her. For her and for her family.
So, we wish you good health!

Happy birthday to you today
Congratulations, we do.
Let the years on the black
They jump - now it’s not up to them!

Us and 70 horses
Don't ruin your anniversary.
Birthday - honor,
And for the appearance - offset.

And "excellent" for the mood,
Combat and business.
Well, "like" for laughter.
Our anniversary is the best!

It is said that with age, men want to catch up tenfold in their youth. Gray hair in a beard - a demon in a rib. So let your 70th anniversary be the beginning of the path of accomplishment. As they say, to want and be able. Let all the most secret desires be fulfilled, health does not fail, and good spirits and youthfulness of the soul will be enough for more than one century.

Gray hair decorates a man,
Time strengthens his spirit.
70 means so much
Well, years are just fluff ...

And today we say without a doubt:
You are a person rich in soul.
Only the right decisions are yours.
In temperament, as usual, young.

You are beautiful and amazing today.
Before you a new step
From now on, your path will be perfect.
And the past is just a shadow!

We wish you only happiness
On this glorious anniversary
Real male power
Only loyal friends!

Let it be 70 in fact
But in the soul, after all, 25 -
An armful of moods for you,
Further cheerfully you walk!

Let life please you more often
Let the energy boil
The soul sings sweeter
And pleasantly surprised!

We are in a hurry to congratulate you on your seventieth birthday,
Beloved, beloved, and we want to wish
Very good health, and life up to a hundred years,
And henceforth, to submit to any height.
So that children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are always with you.
Cheerful, wise, affectionate, be yourself!

We've gathered today
To celebrate a birthday.
Got away from all things
Having prepared an appeal for the anniversary:

We wish you many years
Make the whole world happy with your smile.
Life is not boring, but without troubles,
Treating us with his liqueur.

And soul to be forever young,
To sparkle in the eyes.
To always be loved by everyone,
And loved ones were not far away.

Don't wait for the sunset yet
And pour some champagne.
Seventy is not just a date
It's a whole anniversary.

Sir, this is for you today
Seven and zero happened years?
We do not believe, of course,
You don't look like a magpie.

For forgery of documents
We issue a fine.
But to hand it over to you,
You still need to be caught.

You are with a shovel in the garden,
In the park - with a chessboard.
Let the "bony" on edge
He looks with deep anguish.

And when she with a scythe
Only dare from the door
Step with one foot -
Checkmate her!

Dad is 70, not 20!
So what? You are young.
Well, how can they stay?
There is one simple recipe.

Take a kilo of comfort at home,
A liter of happiness, a pood of love,
Mix everything very cool -
And at least 300 years live.

You will be fresh, healthy and cheerful,
Full of strength and perspective.
Life will flow like a song
Negativity won't come.

Daddy, you are our foundation
Our wisdom, our stronghold.
You just get better with age
Cheerfully move forward!

70th Anniversary
Today we celebrate yours, dad.
Best health, long life
And we wish you happiness.

Let the years of your strength not take away.
You do not get sick at all and do not grow old,
Instructing with his advice,
My grandchildren, my children.

Daddy, Happy Anniversary! You are already 70, and I remember you very young, and you will always be like that, because your soul is young. May it remain so, may fate give happiness and prosperity, the joy of a new day and the love of relatives. I wish you bright thoughts, fresh ideas, a festive mood and everything that you deserve with your long, noble life!

Seventy years is a wonderful date,
There is still a lot to do in life
Today we congratulate dad
We wish him happiness and health!
May my beloved father be cheerful,
Forever happy, forever beautiful
We love you and wish you peace
Together we all congratulate you!

Today we, dad, meet your
Glorious 70 years
You lived them honestly and proudly,
Left a mark in my life.

And the first word on your anniversary,
There will be our toast to health,
So that you don’t know doctors for 50 years,
Treated only with love.

We wish you happiness and strength,
For all, so that there is enough love,
And we ask God to prolong
Happy years are yours.

Today I especially want to tell you
What is closer, dearer than you to anyone on earth.
Thank you for loving me, taking care of me
What in life you always support and advice you give.

Congratulations on your 70th birthday.
Let, dear father, life shelter you from various troubles.
May everything that you want and can dream come true.
Always be with me, well, you just don’t need to wish for more.

70 years is a celebration of perseverance and honoring the life achievements of the hero of the day. Most often, birthday people spend this day with their families, gathering around them only their closest ones: children, grandchildren, perhaps even great-grandchildren and friends tested over the years. To make this day one of the most pleasant and memorable for the hero of the occasion, relatives should prepare a script for the anniversary of the 70th anniversary of the man. So you will please the birthday man, and do not let him plunge into sad thoughts about old age.

70th Birthday Ideas

At this age, the attention of all people close to him will be very important for the hero of the day, so you should take care of the design and distribution of invitations in advance.

It is best to celebrate at home so that the birthday person is comfortable, but this does not mean at all that everything should be held within four walls. If you have a country house with amenities, then it will be an ideal place for a holiday. Fresh air, space, birdsong and no city fuss. It is very important that a couple of weeks before the holiday you have a script ready for implementation. Do not miss a single detail so as not to create unforeseen situations.

Music should be chosen according to the tastes of the celebrants. You do not need to insert something from yourself, follow only the wishes of the birthday man. It would be nice if there was an accordion player at the celebration. And karaoke will not hurt, in case the guests wish to demonstrate their vocal skills.

How to decorate the place of the holiday?

The anniversary is not a joke, so you should not save on creating a solemn atmosphere. Decorate the most prominent place on the festive site with the number "70" assembled from balloons. Surround and hang everything around with bright large and small crepe paper pompoms. Golden ribbons will look beautiful on the walls, and balls of threads under the ceiling. Make a huge stand with collages of photos of the birthday boy. More fresh flowers and beautiful dishes. Let the hero of the day feel like an emperor at the reception. If you will spend a holiday outside the city, we recommend ordering day or night fireworks. Or you can do both at the same time. And be sure to prepare congratulatory speeches!

Scenario of the 70th anniversary of a man. There is life in the old dog yet!

The scenario is chosen for conducting in a calm, homely atmosphere. You don't need a lot of space to do it. Contests and games are selected taking into account the age of the hero of the day and will not require any special physical effort. The number of participants from 5 people or more.


Low bow to the dear birthday man! And I welcome you dear guests! How are you? Would you like to take part in interesting competitions and win a couple of trophies to please our hero of the day? Then let's start!

Quiz "Trick Questions"

A good option for fun entertainment can be a quiz. To get people interested, you can promise some worthwhile prize to the participant who gives the largest number of correct answers.

Examples of trick questions:

  • The man is in the room, but his head is not in the room. How so? (He leans out of the window.)
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)
  • How to make several people stay in one boot? (Remove one boot from each.)
  • A bird flies, and a dog sits on its tail. How is this possible? (The dog sits on its own tail.)
  • In which month is the most talkative person speaking the fewest words? (The shortest is February.)
  • When a horse is bought, what does it look like? (Wet.)
  • A man has one, a cow has two, a crane has none. What is this? (Letter "o").
  • It belongs to you, but others use it hundreds of times more than you do. What is this? (Your name.)
  • In what year do people eat more food than in other years? (In a leap year.)
  • Can an ostrich say that it is a bird? (No, he can't speak.)
  • What stones are not in the sea, or in the river, or in the lake? (Dry.)
  • What disease no one ever gets sick on earth? (Nautical.)
  • What can be cooked but never eaten? (Homework at school.)
  • Which hand is best for stirring tea? (More conveniently with a spoon.)
  • What will increase in size if you turn it upside down? (Number "6".)


So, the first prize has already found its owner! Let's not stop there, friends!

Competition "Bag of money"

2 teams are participating. Each is given a bag containing souvenir banknotes of different countries (rubles, euros, dollars, etc.). Moreover, there should be banknotes of different denominations. Players must sort the common pile by type of banknotes, put them in piles in ascending (or descending) order. Which team did it faster, she won.


Wonderful! As I can see our birthday boy has tucked everyone in his belt! Let's raise our glasses to this tireless fighter! Who is ready to say a few kind words to the hero of the day? Do not be shy! In the meantime, I'll prepare the next tasks!

Contest "Harvesters"

There are 3 people who play the role of harvesters. The hero of the occasion (birthday) plays the role of the host. A basket with different fruits (apples, pears, etc.) is placed in front of each participant. Bowls or plates are placed nearby (their number should correspond to the number of fruit varieties). Participants are blindfolded. On command, they begin to sort the fruit. At the same time, they must hum something or read poetry so that the owner is sure that the players do not taste the fruit. The winner is the participant who quickly puts the fruit on plates. As a prize, the owner gives him some part of the harvest.

Competition "Answer"

The host selects three or four people who will answer questions related to the hero of the day. There is only one difficulty - all their answers must begin with the first letter of their name, for example, Mikhail. The most resourceful - a prize.

What could be the questions:

  • What does the hero of the day like to eat for breakfast? (Meat).
  • The best character trait of a birthday boy? (Sincerity).
  • What does the hero of the day like to drink? (Hennessy).
  • Favorite place for walking at the hero of the occasion? (Alley).
  • What is the wife / daughter of the hero of the day? (Ideal).
  • What was your birthday boy's favorite lesson at school? (Literature).


How resourceful and attentive you are! Everyone knows about our dear hero of the day! Let's take a break, once again raise our glasses to the host of the holiday! And then we will have to briefly ask him to retire to the next room.

Contest "Greeting Card"

The hero of the day is asked to go to another room. The guests of the celebration write their congratulations on a piece of paper (or whatman paper) without signing them. At the end of the birthday card, the birthday boy is called back. His task is to guess (by the handwriting and / or the content of the congratulations) who owns which record. The hero of the day has three rights to make a mistake, if he uses all three and still does not guess the author of the congratulations, he will have to dance or sing. Attention: do not forget to remind the guests at the end of the competition (or during it, if the entry they left is correctly guessed by the birthday boy) to sign their congratulations.


Do you still have kind words for the hero of the day? A lot, you say? Well, let's see how inexhaustible your supply is!

Wish Ball Competition

Two people are involved. They are given one balloon. The task of the participants is to throw the ball to each other with their heads and at the same time wish something for the hero of the day (good luck, health, happiness, etc.). The one who dropped the ball or did not have time to say the wish loses. The winner is a prize.


Now let's move on to music competitions! Who is ready to show off their vocal talents?

Competition "Smart Vocalist"

Take a microphone and pass it to the guests sitting at the table to the music. When the music ceases to sound, the guest, who remains with a microphone in his hands, must sing a short excerpt from any song (preferably on the theme of the celebration). The most cheerful and artistic performer wins.

Game "Flow, song"

To participate in this competition, it is necessary to select five guests from the total mass, so that they play the role of singers. Before that, you should prepare the same number of pieces of paper with various musical styles, from opera to rock. Then the birthday boy voices his favorite song and the countdown of the time given for preparation begins, one minute long. Depending on what musical style they have chosen, the participants perform the named song in it, while showing their talent and creativity. The best performer and winner is chosen by the birthday boy and guests, who award the title of the singer of the evening.


And now a couple more entertainments, and I will have to leave your holiday. But nothing! After all, we will surely meet again!

Competition "Explanatory"

Participants of the competition do not need to know about its conditions in advance. In three minutes, everyone has to come up with an excuse for being late to work three times in a row. The more fantastic the story, the higher the chance of winning the competition, the winner will be determined by the hero of the day.

Competition "Squeeze all the juice"

Several people receive half a lemon, a glass to squeeze juice on command, and an apron to keep their clothes on. Whoever has more juice in a glass is the winner.


See you soon, dear friends! Once again, Happy Anniversary! Happiness to you and long life! See you!

Such a script for a 70-year-old man's birthday will surely appeal to everyone, including the birthday man. Fun, provocatively and taking into account the age of the hero of the occasion. Happy holiday!

Respectable age - 70 years,
Your anniversary is great!
So much knowledge and skill
Passing on for generations!

We wish, of course, health,
Let the years go by slowly!
We are in awe of you
Fireworks in your honor!

Touching congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years

Good things in life will take you,
cloudless happiness,
Energy - for hundreds of years!
Decorate the world with a smile.

May your relatives always appreciate you
And gives a lot of light.
We want to keep the joy.
Health - without pills!

Let there be vivacity and enthusiasm,
Fate gives all blessings.
Sadness will go away, the illness will not touch.
You are 70 - bravo to you!

SMS congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

The laid table calls the guests,
On the seventieth anniversary
I wish you grief not to know
Drive the firebird into the field,

To be the happiest person in the world
And forget about the disease!
Never be discouraged
May the years be bright!

Kind congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years

We'll put the card in an envelope
And I'll put a stamp on it.
And our greetings will rush to you!
Happy anniversary!

Seventieth -
The date is nice.
Let's drop the words
Routine, familiar.

Seventieth -
Of course, not the result:
I would like to celebrate the centenary
Come up with a poem!

To the seventieth anniversary
Until we say hello...
Only a century left
Only thirty years!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

On the day of this anniversary
We wish you
good mood
And do not submit to the years.

May it always be
Excellent health.
relatives always
Surrounded by love.

Here we have made
A poem for you
Short but capacious
Just a few lines.

Let these considerable
seventy years
Will add happiness to you
Here is the couplet!

Funny congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

Seventy! Rough date!
She demands respect!
Let the whiskey be a little grayish,
But it's still spring in my soul
Yes, and become - all young men envy!
We want to wish you now
In addition to lush, but on-duty phrases,
To live, after years without snapping,
Live your own life without worrying too much
To nurture the grandchildren of their beloved ovary,
And - health! Happy anniversary to you!

Short congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

Let this day be only one in a series of others,
When you hear the pleasant words of relatives.
Words about how happy they are
That next to you are able to spend days.

We wish you good health and good luck,
Jump through life at seventy like a ball!

New congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

Happy Birthday! Celebrating
Your worthy anniversary,
There will be a huge cake with tea
And bouquets of sweet plume!
Having met seven dozen springs,
Tell us a secret:
What is the most important thing in the world?
How to leave a mark in life?
Grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children
They will begin to congratulate
Wish you longevity
Strengthen the strength of the spirit.
We are from the heart of health,
Do not lose clarity of thought
With tenderness, warmth, love,
Remember seven tens.
Long life to you! Let it happen
Dates round more than once
Celebrate and have fun.
Happy Birthday! Good time!

Congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years in verse

Today on this birthday
On a beautiful, glorious anniversary
Please accept our congratulations
From family, friends, relatives.
Divine number - seven -
Your path further is autumn.
Let it be cloudless
And your wisdom is kind, vigilant.
So that your faithful one often shines,
Like the flame of a living lamp,
In the soul, anyone could light a light
And support the shaky in doubt.
Let it be as if in a garden
Grandchildren are blooming
children grow up,
Let him not recognize trouble here
No one and never in the world!

Short congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

In a good mood
You welcome your guests.
I can't believe that 70
You celebrate with us.

We wish you to live happily
Take care of yourself and enjoy
With a smile, in good health
Celebrate the centenary!

Cool congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

How beautiful you are in the light of these lamps,
The restaurant is booked, the whole family is together!
You are happy, life is not lived in vain!
We knew the taste of happiness, success - the sea!
And let it be long retired, for you,
No time for gossip benches
You have chosen your hobby for a long time,
And took place in it, be proud of it!
Today there will be dances and songs for the soul,
Flowers, sea cards and gifts,
We wish you a great anniversary
You will not be sorry for what you have wasted!

Comic congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

Your youth has grown older
Not just because of age, no!
70 is just the beginning
Your aspirations and victories!
70 - golden autumn,
70 is the wisdom of years
70 is the age of the pines
This life is a deep trace.

Congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years

It used to count seventy
Advanced age, now - no.
Old people are now more cheerful
In seven decades of jubilee years.

Everyone is actively interested
Attend dances and circles,
And sometimes you just give a diva
How loose and light they are.

So it is necessary! Be an example in everything
Those rookies that are under sixty,
After all, they went to the pioneers,
When you received your certificate.

Remember the post-war famine
And you went to the factory in two shifts,
You endured poverty and cold,
Went for two at that time every year.

That's why you're good
Although there are no older people around.
May the soul be young forever
Like this glorious anniversary!

Fanfares sound, and fireworks thunder
An example of longevity!
We would like to congratulate you
Happy 70th Anniversary!

Health so that the supply does not run out
And the mind was always clean and bright
Proclaim a toast to you
All grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children!

You are 70 today
On your anniversary, I want to tell you
So that nothing oppresses you,
Didn't force reverse!

You should know that friends will always help
May your soul always shine with happiness!
Let love always be at the threshold,
Health and warmth!

Today is your special day
You are 70, but there is no need to hide them.
let these years not frighten you,
they are your wealth and reward.

And it does not matter that the hair turned gray,
the soul, as before, remained young!
and 70 is not autumn, not the limit,
then your maturity, wisdom, is not the limit,
then experience, joy, but not yet old age.

70 is not a holiday of old age.
Let your heart not feel tired.
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is a great experience.

This is a very young age.
If you do not grow old in soul.
I wish you a full cup of happiness
For your hard work and dedication.

Maturity knocks at 70
Soft, velvet lining
Everything is done, everything is done
No assignments for later.

We wish you a birthday
Heart - restlessness
So that the slightest desire
Performed in one breath!

On this festive day
When your anniversary came
From my heart I sincerely want to wish
Live a hundred years, do not know troubles.

Your age is admirable
I'm ready to listen to all the morals,
But in your 70s, let me wish
Health, happiness, do not forget past years.

70! Rough date!
She demands respect!
Let the whiskey be a little grayish,
But it's still spring in my soul
Yes, and become - all young men envy!
We want to wish you now
In addition to lush, but on-duty phrases,
To live, after years without snapping,
Live your own life without worrying too much
To nurture the grandchildren of their beloved ovary,
And - health! Happy anniversary to you!

Today is your wonderful anniversary!
You are 70 years old - congratulations!
Siberian health and happiness
We wish you sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts!
You have done so much, you have managed everything in your life!
A house has been built, gardens and sons are growing!
We wish you care and attention
You are surrounded by your friendly family!

You are not tired of being kind and gentle,
Remained beautiful and in 70 years,
You have achieved everything, raised children,
And we wish you further victories.

May your sunset be brighter than the dawn,
And autumn will warm more reliably than summer.

With all my heart, with great excitement,
Sometimes I can't find words
We congratulate you on your birthday,
Happy 70th birthday to you.

Our dear hero of the day, do not be sick,
Don't get old, don't be sad, don't be bored
And many more years
Meet birthdays.

Do not regret the past years
Life is always good.
Happy Anniversary
And we wish you good health.

Daddy, take from us children
Congratulations on a glorious anniversary.
70 is a long time for everyone,
But we want you to be able to

Rejoice in your presence.
You know how dear to us, we love.
How we need your affectionate glance,
Your humor - you are always rich with it,

Wise, from the heart, instructions.
On the anniversary, glorious birthday
We wish you joy and good
To make life boring

So that the disease does not torment you.
The soul would not hurt for us.
He was in a great, cheerful mood,
Like today, on a glorious birthday!

Are you 70?! God:
On this day, at this hour
You are stronger, younger
And smarter than all of us!

Faithful eyes, strong hands,
Lots of lovely grandchildren...
Live in health, without boredom
Another fifty years!

In these good 70 years,
I want to give you advice:
Live and enjoy
Try to be happy.
And don't regret anything
And you never get sick.
Let the holiday in the soul will always be.
May your years be long.

You have lived for many years
And 70 is an impressive date.
Live on you, not knowing the troubles.
I love you like a brother.

We shared together grief and misfortune
We used to defend each other in fights.
Now you are a grandfather, and I am waiting for grandchildren,
But let you not meet sadness in life.

Let life play like wine in a glass
And the sun shines brighter day by day.
And I can hardly forget our friendship,
And please don't forget me.

70 years is a wonderful date!
It doesn't matter that the years go by
Life is beautiful and very bright,
That you should never be sad.

Where to get some prosperity,
It doesn't happen - it's a fact!
But more is better
And there will be less “somehow”.

We want to always be loved
In the circle of friends - necessary,
You do not see evil in life
And let the hardships of life
Never be scared!

70 is not that much.
After all, you still live and live,
There's still a road ahead
Very long lies.
May God give you health
Children - surrounded by love,
May your evening be cozy
As it used to be in the morning.

You are 70 years old today
We celebrate your anniversary
There are no better men in the world
You amaze with your mind!

And let your eyes always shine
Good health and good luck
And let hope speak
What will be more interesting next!

Let the glasses clink solemnly,
And congratulations turn your head
And on the anniversary there will be a lot
Pleasant beautiful words addressed to you sound,

Let the seventieth year begin
For new deeds, desires and ideas,
And let everything that you have long dreamed of
Exceeding expectations will be fulfilled soon!

A man at 70 - respect,
Great age, great.
Let there be a better mood
You are adorable today!

Everything you want in life
We are in a hurry to wish for the anniversary.
Do not know the heart of loneliness
Soul blossom, do not lose heart.

You are 70 years old
I wish on such an anniversary
To be proud of yourself,
And getting stronger every day!

I wish you love and kindness
A lot of luck and different victories,
There is a lot of warmth in the heart,
So many happy years for you!

On the seventieth day
I congratulate you, dear.
Let the shadow dissipate,
Adversity will pass by.

Let your dreams come true,
There is enough health for everything.
You will master all the roads,
And happiness overflows.

I want my body to be in order
Soul only to be young,
Follow happiness without looking back
And our age is a convention, after all.

Of course, 70 is a lot,
But that's not the point, it's just an account.
Let there be more years today
The soul is still blooming.

Let everything that happened in life -
So many dates, events, cases -
Brings harmony and joy.
And this is not the limit at all.

Living soul with relatives in soul,
Share your experience.
May the day ahead be better
Health will be golden.

May every day bring you joy.
You, so as not to blame the age,
Do not say the word "old age"
In your heart you are forever thirty-five.
And we want to wish you
So that health is not naughty,
And the heart was beating exactly to the beat,
For children to visit
And with them many grandchildren.
May there be more in your life
So many new bright days
We'll raise a glass to you
On the seventieth anniversary!

We want to congratulate you on your anniversary
And wish you happiness in life
After all, 70 is not old age,
And wisdom, experience seal!

Let the rays light up the sky
Let the trills of the nightingale be heard ...
And let them surround with care
Relatives, relatives, friends!

Many years have passed
But it's not over yet.
Life is always multifaceted.
And it has enough to do.

Happy anniversary to you!
Many happy days
Optimism and happiness!
Don't get sick, don't get old.

Even at 70
And laugh, love
Take a sip of road dust
And somewhere to hurry.

And breathe in deeply
And meet the sunrises
Live on a hundred turns...
And add more!

You are seventy better and more beautiful,
Than many at forty-five!
Accept our congratulations
Let me say with admiration:

These heroic seventy,
Let's celebrate your anniversary!
So let the sun shine on you
And softer and warmer!

We wish you such health
So that boldly enough to a hundred!
Let's celebrate a hundred ... And again
Start with a clean slate!

For you, the years are fearless, know.
A pure soul does not grow old
After all, around you is a beautiful paradise:
Children, grandchildren, true friends.

Let sometimes yearn for the night
About the years that flew by so fast
Those years were given only to us,
Imperceptibly, quickly matured.

70 years - no, this is not the limit,
This is happiness, a holiday, congratulations!
Take a break today,
And accept birthday gifts!

You are moving forward with optimism.
And even time stopped counting.
You can master the Internet.
As before the bicycle is not forgotten.
In the soul, energy and youthful enthusiasm,
It's like you're still seventeen!
And let the seventh decade pass,
There is no more cheerful hero of the day in the world!
We wish to keep the strength of the spirit,
And live up to a hundred magical years!

Your age is admiration
Your age is respect.
Your age is intelligence and experience.
And wisdom, and care for children.

We wish you many more years of life
Knowing no sorrows in life, no troubles.
Let every minute, second, moment
Life fills you with inspiration again.

After all, you have done a lot in life,
Your health will be 100 points.
And let hymns sound for you at seventy,
Warm children and grandchildren with love!

You have lived seven dozen
Done a lot of different things
Been through a lot of hardships
But there is only one answer:

You didn't work in vain
Everything is worthy and beautiful,
You raised children
Got a hundred friends!

May your years last
Adversity will pass by,
May you be loved, respected,
Never offended!

Imagine seven tens...
Oh wow, this is it!
Think furtively -
Yes, the years go by...
Unwind on this date
And it's an anniversary!
You are so rich in soul
Open to friends.
Strong, be healthy
Play and dance
Avoid all threats!

Wrinkles decorate you
Charm is betrayed by gray hairs
And the years that you lived
You have been gifted with wisdom.

70 is a big date!
I want to live richly
Do not mope and do not get sick,
It's more fun to see the world.

Let there be no grief
Trouble, deprivation.
To live happily
Up to 100 years and do not grieve.

Congratulations on your anniversary
Happy seventieth!
And with all my heart I wish
Health, longevity.

Let the soul and body be
Only stronger with time
Let problems and worries
They won't be a heavy burden.

May you not need
You are never on medication
Let the pulse rise
From joyful moments!

Seven tens - is it a lot or a little?
"To live life is not a field to cross," -
Mom used to tell us
At the beginning of our life's journey.

A lot has been done in seven dozen
And I would like a lot more.
Be on time. enjoy life,
Rush to where the sun is hot.

Where herbs smell with a delicate aroma,
And rare birds bring out a trill.
Where with the second half side by side
Tired, sit down under the spruce.

We congratulate you on your seventieth birthday,
We wish you good health, long years,
And let the smile hide in wrinkles
Light radiates from a good heart.

You have traveled many roads
From creation to completion.
And then came to the threshold
Seventieth birthday.

Leapfrog events rushed,
Threads of facts intertwined in fate.
You were always needed
We tried to be in the center of events.

Used to not sparing themselves
Work hard without sparing.
Sending you family and friends
Hello in poems in honor of the anniversary.

Age requires respect, and this respect must be reflected by presenting or to a man. Here it is necessary, on the one hand, to show warmth and sincerity, but on the other hand, restraint in words and a gift.

As for the main present, a man at any age will be happy to receive some kind of watch, cufflinks for a jacket, a solid purse or something like that as a gift. In general, everything that will be able to emphasize its status and solidity.

But with words, everything is a little more complicated. It is not so easy to take into account all the above criteria and at the same time present quite original congratulations to a man on his 70th birthday. You will have to experiment both with the content of congratulations and with their form. And, perhaps, the most successful option here will be poetry.

If you have poetic ability, then you can try to write a poem yourself. If not, then we suggest that you take ready-made congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years for a man on our website. Believe me, any of the verses you have taken will bring the birthday man a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions for life. The hero of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised and even delighted with your congratulations, as his sincere smile and laughter will once again testify to.

Today is your wonderful anniversary!
You are 70 years old - congratulations!
Siberian health and happiness
We wish you sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts!

You have done so much, you have managed everything in your life!
A house has been built, gardens and sons are growing!
We wish you care and attention
You are surrounded by your friendly family!

70 is not a holiday of old age.
Let your heart not feel tired.
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is a great experience.

This is a very young age.
If you do not grow old in soul.
I wish you a full cup of happiness
For your hard work and dedication.

When we're young, we think it's forever
Years are flying, headlong - you can’t stop,
And the days come and go like trains
And you spend your life waiting for something.

The Seventieth Jubilee is a joy for the soul.
Let toasts, congratulations be endless.
And regret that mature age, do not rush,
As in youth, be happy and carefree!

A man at 70 - respect,
Great age, great.
May the mood be the best
You are adorable today!

Everything you want in life
We are in a hurry to wish for the anniversary.
Do not know the heart of loneliness
Soul blossom, do not lose heart.

You are 70 today
On your anniversary, I want to tell you
So that nothing oppresses you,
Didn't force reverse!

You should know that friends will always help
May your soul always shine with happiness!
Let love always be at the threshold,
Health and warmth!

You are a real, true man
And on this day we congratulate you loudly!
And at seventy you don't need a reason
To live in the world a hundred times better!

We wish you a lot of light
So that you can smile more often ...
We want to wish you only summer in your soul,
So that you can stay young!

We wish you more inspiration
So that you can fulfill all your dreams...
We wish you a Happy Birthday!
And you from us all the best recognition!

You are 70 years old today
We celebrate your anniversary
There are no better men in the world
You amaze with your mind!

And let your eyes always shine
Good health and good luck
And let hope speak
What will be more interesting next!

I managed so much, I achieved so much in my life,
And yet you are not an old man!
Full of energy, strength and desires,
Passionate hopes, hidden dreams!

Dad, believe me, there will still be good luck,
He himself said: "After all, men do not cry,"
Believe and fight, you can, I know
I often remember your words.

Our childhood hours are priceless with you
In youth, mustache taught us to shave,
Often repeated: "You are strong, fight,"
This is a memory for the rest of our lives!

Dad's big birthday today!
The house is full of joy, grandchildren, guests!
Dad, we really need you, live,
Give confidence, strength and vivacity!