Wishes to the graduates of the preparatory group. "Kids see off graduates." Performance of children of the younger group at the graduation party

What words to say goodbye to preschool children, seeing them off to school? What do you wish them goodbye? Remember funny or good? Poetry, song or prose to express feelings? Everyone must decide for himself. The most important thing is that kindergarten graduates come from the heart. Where to start, how to finish, what to start from in preparing a solemn farewell speech? If these questions are before you, then this article is designed to help. It contains poetry and prose, exemplary words and speeches, as well as advice to everyone who congratulates preschoolers on the end of kindergarten.

The children of the kindergarten are graduating, we really need to congratulate them!

The end of kindergarten is a touching and solemn date in the life of children and parents. From very tiny kids, preschool children have grown to first graders. During this time, they learned a lot, read, counted, drew, played, sang, sculpted and glued. The teachers have become close friends for the kids and, saying goodbye to the children, they will solemnly say parting words to the kindergarten graduates. On this day, future first-graders will hear kind words from their parents, garden workers and, of course, from the headmaster.

Give teachers the floor to see them off to school

Every day there were educators near the children, who sometimes know more about the kids than their parents. They are witnesses of successes and failures, ups and downs, assistants and senior comrades. Their kids respect and love. Together with them, the children have come a long and interesting way, so at the farewell party, parting words to kindergarten graduates from the teacher traditionally sound. You can recall interesting moments, statements of the guys, their discoveries and successes, wish them successful studies and new good friends in a poetic or free form.

Poetic speech of the teacher

My dear preschoolers!

Oh, how big you have become!

You go to first class

And I remember crumbs of you.

How did you come to the group timidly,

He did not sleep, but this one did not eat,

Almost everyone asked for hands,

And now…how you have changed!

How many books have we read

You probably don't remember!

And according to fairy tales, we understood life,

Where is good and where evil is distinguished.

Blots with a brush put clearly

But they learned to draw well,

And everyone admired the work,

We also placed them in competitions!

We fought with mathematics for a long time,

We took knowledge for a walk,

Cones, trees, steps were counted.

How much did you love music?

They clapped loudly and marched.

And now in the music room

You sang and danced!

It's easy to be friends with physical education,

If you can run and jump,

Jump with a skipping rope

And, of course, play ball.

We became a sports group

And more than once others won!

Every day started with a charge,

So that health is in order!

My dear guys!

Before you were a preschooler,

But go to first class

I'm sorry to let you go!

You try to study at school,

And I'll be proud of you

Don't forget kindergarten

Report your successes!

All that we learned, keep,

Cherish your friendship,

Be patient, pay attention

Good luck, friends, goodbye!

Need a hint, so be it, so as not to forget the words!

A parting word to kindergarten graduates from a teacher can also be heard in prose. Then the teacher selects the words that, in his opinion, will reach the hearts of the children. In any case, the congratulations must be prepared in advance and preferably placed on a beautiful postcard. Even if you plan to speak by heart, at such an exciting moment, words can simply fly out of your head, and, having lost your bearings, it will be difficult to continue the speech. And a small, beautifully designed "cheat sheet" in your hands can, in this case, help you out great.

The administration of the garden for kids is happy to try

The first person to meet the kids and their parents in the garden is the head of the kindergarten. It is from a meeting with her that the child’s life begins, accepting documents, distributing them into groups, organizing meals, cleaning, repairs and other moments. Solving hundreds of important issues every day, this person creates all the conditions for a child to live comfortably in the period of preschool childhood within the walls of a preschool institution. Parents and children are sure to invite the leader to a farewell party, thank you for the difficult and hard work, and in response, parting words to kindergarten graduates from the head traditionally sound. And it is very good at the same time to choose not pompous and official words, but those that will come from the heart.

As has traditionally been the custom, the teaching staff annually prepares parting words for kindergarten graduates. In prose or in verse it will be pronounced, it does not matter. Most importantly, children will hear words of love and wishes for further success. Leaving the walls of the preschool institution, they will take with them the warmth and care with which they were surrounded.

Congratulations from the relatives (pronounced by dads and moms)

Leaving the kindergarten, the children say goodbye to his team. The only ones who always stay close are moms and dads. It is with their help that future schoolchildren will begin to storm the heights of knowledge, begin to do homework and receive their first grades, so it would be logical to hear parting words from parents for kindergarten graduates at a festive event.

Dear our children!

You go to first grade

And on a day like this, of course,

We are very happy for you!

We used to be very afraid

Even to bring you to the garden.

What if your daughter starts crying?

Will the son suddenly become sad?

But then we realized:

It's comfortable here for the guys,

A cheerful laugh will tell us

That the child is happy to be here.

Are you going to school

We worry. Oh oh!

Educator and nanny

Can't you take it with you?

Suddenly the teacher will be strict?

Does the child understand something?

And they will cook in the dining room

Compote, but he doesn't drink it?

But those torments are in vain,

Children go to first grade

Get knowledge there

And they grow up healthy.

You guys try

To behave,

So that not only dad and mom,

And don't let your garden down.

Our children grow up

In this, in general, the whole point.

Educators - thank you

Well, children - good luck!

Here is a treat for the ears - the wishes of the little ones

Today is not an easy day -

Joyful, cheerful.

Today is your graduation

You are going to school.

We remain for you

To play with toys

Let's drive the truck

Put dolls in pillows.

You collect in portfolios

Pens and notebooks

And bookmarks in it,

And take away for breakfast

Dough pie.

Is it for a toy?

Can't find a place?

But I'll grow up a little

Just don't be lazy!

To distinguish letters

Make friends with them.

Somehow I became a cow

Got three first

And then I decided that five.

For problem solving

You look more carefully

Do you remember that the cow

Four legs, not three.

In general, do not be bored at school,

Visit our kindergarten!

How to prepare a farewell speech?

It is better to start wishes with some kind of appeal that attracts the attention of children. Often speakers exclaim how children have grown up and how beautiful they are today. You can express surprise: “Are these the same children who a few years ago cried and called for mommy?”

Each group has its own characteristics, its own traditions, its own successes. This “highlight” should be remembered on such a day. For example, if the children were distinguished by artistry, then remind them of their best performances or performances, some kind of event or award. If the group is sports, then you should name the best athletes and remember victories in competitions and tournaments. We can talk about children with creative abilities as future soloists of the big stage and great artists. The mention of specific deeds and merits of the group will enliven the farewell to kindergarten graduates, make it targeted, prepared for specific children, and not just faceless, taken from the Internet.

The next point of speech should be wishes. Traditionally, graduation from the walls of the garden aims children at school, so there are calls to study well, to be diligent, attentive, polite, to find new friends and not forget old ones, to remember everything that kindergarten has taught.

Parting words to kindergarten graduates usually end with the words: “Good luck!”, “Good hour!”, “Congratulations!”


We examined the exciting moments associated with preparing for the solemn moment of graduation from a preschool institution, told how to write parting words for kindergarten graduates, gave examples of congratulations and wishes. We hope that our article will help you adequately send future first-graders to school.

Natalia Stetsenko
"Kids see off graduates." Performance of children of the younger group at the graduation party

Attributes: Basket designed to look like a baby cradle on satin ribbons. Doll - baby doll in a children's envelope.

The phonogram "The heartbeat of the mother and baby".


Year 20. (named year of birth alumni) .Calmly and rhythmically beats the heart of a little man under his mother's breasts. He is waiting for his birth. Only future mothers and fathers are worried, relatives are worried. When and how will all this happen, how will this long-awaited little man be born?

Finally the hour has come. And flew telegrams:

"Congratulations on the birth of your daughter";

"Congratulations on the birth of your son";

"Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter";

"Congratulations on the birth of your grandson."


And the worries and troubles began.

The phonogram "Crying of a newborn" sounds. The right side of the curtain opens, a baby cradle appears with baby. The teacher rocks the cradle.


And the first joys appeared.

The phonogram "The laughter of a newborn" sounds.

Opens the left side of the curtain come out kids, perform the musical-rhythmic composition "Merry Travelers" (music by M. Starokadomsky). At the end children line up in one line.

Child -1:

We are guys kids, everyone came to congratulate you

You enter first grade, don't forget kindergarten.


We are funny, funny, you were like that too.

We will grow up a little - we will also come to school!

Child -3:

You have always played with us called babies.

Child -4:

They never offended, but they did not give toys.

Child -5:

But now you are not like that, you are already quite big

We came to congratulate you on the transition to the first class!

caregiver junior group:

And at your holiday, we will dance for you now!

A phonogram sounds; children perform a musical-rhythmic composition "Colorful game" (music by B. Saveliev).

preparatory teacher groups:

Guys let's thank you kids for congratulations.

Preparatory children groups clap.

caregiver junior group:

And we guys let's say goodbye to alumni and wish them to remember their kindergarten and the small country of childhood more often.

The phonogram "Little Country" sounds (muses, lyrics by And Nikolaev).Children junior waving to graduates and groups"snake" out of the room.

Like lightning, like a flash:
All of a sudden, the years flew by!
Our beloved kids
You have matured very quickly!

And now, kindergarten is over,
Your first ever graduation...
Let your eyes burn with joy
Life will be bright and colorful!

May success await you at school,
And also in music, in vocals,
In wrestling and dancing and football
Everything you wish for!

Everything that means a lot in life
We wish you with all our hearts:
Health, happiness and good luck,
Good luck bright and big!

Our dear children, little pranksters, rays of happiness, today is your first graduation, today you say goodbye to kindergarten and set off towards a more adult life and we wish our adult children health, courage of hearts and a wonderful mood. Let any peak submit to you, and we will always be there and at any moment will help to cope with any trouble. The most important thing is to be happy, dear ones, and may all your dreams come true!

Children, congratulations on your first graduation. You have become a little older. And ahead of you is waiting for an interesting adventure in school life. We want to wish you that you always make the most of your diligence and perseverance when doing your homework. Always be attentive in the classroom, listen to the teachers, as well as your favorite teachers. Remember everything that you were taught and prepared in kindergarten and always remember that we, parents, are always there and will always help.

Our children are dear
Your first graduation
You are big now
And go to first grade.

We want the school
You were interesting
So that you find many friends
And they studied with a bang!

To write and count
And read everything
Never forgot
Your favorite kindergarten!

Our beloved children, today is your first graduation, today you will say goodbye to your favorite kindergarten. And we will always be with you and help you in every way to cope with any trouble. Children, let there be a lot of interesting and exciting things ahead of you, let energy and strength only increase in you, and even more enthusiasm and curiosity. We love you and wish you to remain the same radiant, happy, cheerful children as before.

Today, all parents are extremely happy and everyone is especially proud of their child! This is your first graduation, time flies very quickly and now you are no longer kids! Be smart and clever so that you like studying and have fun!

Have you completed kindergarten?
Dear beloved children!
Let your eyes burn bright
Be the happiest of all!

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you all
Get new knowledge at school!
Let luck follow on your heels
So that all your wishes come true!

Kindergarten - the path to the beginning.
Time passed quickly.
You are almost students
So that all roads are easy.
All efforts are not in vain
Your life will be wonderful.
So that everything works out for you
The sun smiled at you.
So that you study diligently
And everything, everything was achieved!

We wish you kids
Confidently pick up books
And happy to read
To know a lot.

You leave the kindergarten yard
And it's time for you to go to school.
Learn and play kids.
May the sun shine brightly into the future.

You are graduating today
Our beloved kids!
May life always be colorful
You, daughters and sons!

We wish you success in everything,
Good and many bright days,
Fun, joy and laughter,
So that the heart beat more cheerfully!

It is not easy to come up with an ideal congratulation for kids and teachers, because here it is necessary to take into account the young age of the kids and use the simplicity of rhymes. Of course, such poetic lines can also be found on the Internet, but many of these wishes are stereotyped and banal. Much more interesting and touching will be congratulations to children at graduation in kindergarten, invented and compiled independently. How to create it and what should be paid attention to in the process?

Congratulations in prose from parents and educators

When planning a prom in kindergarten, parents often forget that the main characters of the celebration are their children. That is why congratulations to educators and other kindergarten staff should not take too much time.

Now, in 2017, stylized proms are gaining popularity, for example, decorated on the theme of a favorite fairy tale for children or a famous cartoon. Consequently, congratulations to children at graduation in the garden themselves should reflect the general mood, correspond to the theme of the celebration.

If adults cannot come up with poetic lines for their children, they can stop at congratulations in prose. However, each such festive speech must comply with several rules:

  1. Congratulatory statements in prose should not be too long, as kids can get tired listening to them.
  2. It is necessary to carefully consider the structure of such a prosaic congratulation so that the statements are not boring and banal.

Complex speech turns and stilted words that children are unlikely to be able to understand should be avoided.

So, for example, ideal congratulatory lines in prose might sound like this:

“Taking a step outside your favorite kindergarten today, you are stepping on a completely new, uncharted path. Ahead of today's graduates are waiting for discoveries, fabulous and funny moments, new friendships. So let the fire of knowledge, lit in the garden, grow stronger every day, illuminating the path to a new, happy and adult life.

Such a congratulation will be touching, simple and fabulous at the same time. If you need to make wishes from educators in prose, then you should adhere to a slightly more business style.

For example, it might sound like this:

“For the past few years, you have illuminated this kindergarten with your irrepressible energy and love of life. Saying goodbye to the kindergarten today, do not forget those who worked here and tried to tell you as much as possible about the world. Entering a new, amazing stage in your life, sometimes think about your kindergarten, because it was here that you first learned what friendship and mutual assistance are.

Standard wishes for health and happiness should be avoided, as they do not express any emotions and often remain faceless. The more touching and personal the wish for the kids is, the more they will remember it.

Poetry wishes from parents and educators

Graduation wishes, composed in poetic form, are a special topic for discussion. The thing is that such rhymes appear on almost every children's holiday and therefore lose their individuality. Adults should not take poetry from the Internet or special editions, because then they will not have the soul and the necessary mood.

When compiling your own congratulations from parents in verse, you must consider the following nuances:

  • poetic works should not be too long so as not to tire the kids (maximum 8-12 lines);
  • grandiloquent metaphors and complex turns of speech should be avoided, as they will be incomprehensible to children;
  • poems do not have to have well-balanced rhymes, since touchingness is much more important here, and not the beauty of the syllable.

Congratulations from parents can be as follows:

“Today we congratulate children,

With this bright and joyful day.

We wish them knowledge, health,

We'll all go to school together soon.

We will work there, study,

We learn many different rules.

Let's strive for new heights

Don't forget your kindergarten.

In such congratulations, one can talk about how much the kindergarten gave the kids, how much they appreciate the knowledge and skills gained here. The congratulation itself can be composed by parents by reading it line by line. In this case, it will seem that each of them took part in the development of this holiday verse.

Wishes from educators or from the head can also be written in poetic form.

If the kindergarten staff do not have poetic talents, they should turn to ready-made poetic lines, slightly changing them.

An ideal greeting for preschoolers might sound like this:

“You came to the kindergarten as kids,

Here they played and studied.

You have found good friends here

And you plunged into the bottomless world of knowledge.

School coming soon, first grade

You will be swept away without looking back.

Just don't forget that

How they played hide and seek together.

How to grow and develop

New peaks were known.

Sometimes you quarreled, cursed,

But they always took the right path.”

Congratulations from kindergarten staff are almost always touching, with some notes of nostalgia. Absolutely the whole team can also take part in its reading.

Graduation greetings for kindergarten employees

Do not forget that graduation in the kindergarten is not only an important moment in the life of every child, but also a touching evening for the employees of the institution. Parents and children should make an interesting and bright congratulation that will fully reflect their feelings about the end of kindergarten. The most important thing here is not to write an interesting poem, but to present it correctly.

For example, adults can take on the design of a special poster, which will include photographs of kids and caregivers with a variety of congratulations and drawings. The administration of the kindergarten will be happy to hang a beautifully designed poster in a conspicuous place in one of the classrooms. On such a poster, congratulations can be the most common, taken from the Internet, because the effect here is achieved through the correct presentation of wishes.

Also, children can prepare a scene with reading congratulations for their beloved teacher and staff of the institution.

What should be such a congratulation from children for adults?

  1. It should not contain complex turns so that children can easily read and remember the rhyme.
  2. Such a work should either mention the name of the kindergarten, or the name and patronymic of the teacher, so that the wish turns out to be more personal and touching.
  3. The congratulation itself should not be too long, as it will be difficult for children aged 6-7 to remember a large amount of text.

So, for example, an ideal greeting for kindergarten employees might look like this:

“Our long-awaited holiday has come,

Our first ever graduation.

Our garden is cute and desirable,

today we are with you.

We wish our teacher

Good luck, creative victories.

And in good memory, let your

For us there is a fiery hello.

Of course, we will miss the kindergarten,

For everyone who made us smile.

But we must open a new world

And knowledge, learning to obey!

Children can read congratulations in chorus or at will, and here it all depends on the structure of the holiday itself. However, educators and managers will obviously be satisfied that the kids, together with their parents, made such touching wishes for them.

The main mistakes in the preparation of holiday wishes

Sometimes such children's holidays are not very diverse, and parents often make offensive mistakes when composing congratulations, which makes the celebration more boring and dull.

If adults plan to congratulate the children themselves with the help of poetic lines, they should avoid banality. It is better not to take poems from the Internet, since lines composed by yourself will be much more touching and vivid.

If we are talking about prosaic congratulations, then you should avoid complex adjectives and participles. Making their speech complex and incomprehensible, adults are unlikely to achieve the desired reaction from the kids. Most likely, the children will simply be bored at such a holiday, and they will not want to remember it in the future.

Of course, a children's graduation is a memorable and important event. The task of parents is to make this celebration fun and touching at the same time. In this case, the children will definitely remember not only the graduation itself, but also the bright moments from their kindergarten life.

Poems - wishes for children at graduation in kindergarten.

Olga Vasilievna Kuzminova, teacher, Kindergarten No. 128, Ryazan.
Dear colleagues, I want to bring to your attention poems for kindergarten graduates. I think many have come across the need for poetry - wishes for children to graduate, there are on the Internet and there are not so many of them. This year I had such a problem, I had to compose and redo it, taking poems from the Internet as a basis.
This material will be useful for educators and parents of older preschool children.

1. The most calm and hardworking
We want to wish
Good grades, great girlfriends
And good teachers!

2. Feel free to go to school,
Find your friends there.
Answer questions
And get five!

3. The smartest boy in the group
We want to wish.
Learning is always great
And be a good football player.

4. And calm and smart
And endowed with a soul
Feel free to go to school
And get five!

5. The most fun and mischievous
We wish with all our heart
Learn more and don't be lazy!

6. The most lively, businesslike
We will give advice
So that you study at school
And mom and dad were proud of you!

7. The most calm and wonderful boy
We wish to be the first everywhere.
And in study and in singing, and even in the game.
Don't be shy and don't be lazy
Anything you want, you can achieve!

8. The most nimble boy
We want to wish
To excel in sports
And it's great to study

9. Noble and calm
And a dreamer even where!
Expect success in school
And reliable friends!

10. To the most cheerful and mischievous
We want to wish.
To always study perfectly at school,
You need to slow down a bit!

11. A good boy, a little mischievous,
Learn well and be yourself!

12. Sachet we wish
Be a little smarter.
Meet as many as possible
Great friends!

13. Curious, cheerful,
Likes to answer questions.
We wish him at school
Get good grades!

14. The most calm and kind in the world,
We want to wish
Good grades, excellent girlfriends
And get the courage!

15. We want to wish Roma
Learn only five!
Be a good friend
And be tough on yourself!

16. Our sweet talker
Cute chick!
Don't talk too much at school
And get five!

17. You are our sweet little bell,
Katya is a sonorous voice!
At school, you also call
Fives are waiting for you ahead!

18. We wish our Sonechka
Only success ahead
Get one five
And grow up a little!

19. To our most serious boy
We want to wish.
The main thing is to smile more often
Do more sports
And not all girls fall in love!

20. You are Irina the best,
You can talk about your success for a long time
So keep going on
And get five!