Bizarre New Year's traditions in different countries. The most unusual New Year's traditions around the world New Year's traditions of Italy

It is better to plan a trip for the New Year abroad now - or not to plan it at all. The bigmir)net poster has chosen the most interesting options.

Finland, Rovaniemi

Perhaps the most New Year's country in the world is Finland. Snow is strewn all around here, you can day and night ride a sleigh pulled by a couple of reindeer, in a dog sled or go ice fishing. But the main thing here is the presence of a foreign colleague of our Father Frost - Santa Claus. You should definitely visit his residence. The trip will cost you 60 euros per person. And on the way back you can look at the farm where huskies are bred. They are located near every tourist town. It costs 75 euros and if you wish, you can even buy a dog.
Albiz Tour company will take you for a week for 2108 euros. Tel: 522-9315

Czech Republic, Prague

It is only two hours from Kyiv to Prague, but you will feel the difference as soon as you get to this incredible city, which is especially beautiful at the end of December. Everyone knows about Charles Bridge - the most beautiful Gothic building in Europe, Golden Lane and many cozy cafes that this city is famous for. But you need to go to celebrate the New Year on the Old Town Square under the 14th century astronomical clock, surrounded by a motley crowd from all over the world. And if you do not want to freeze - go to the restaurant at the Prince's. There, listening to the piano music of the 1930s, you can watch what is happening on the square or simply admire the view of Prague's tiled roofs. But we recommend booking a table in advance.

Vietnam, Phan Thiet

Vietnam is the exact opposite of the usual idea of ​​winter holidays. But if you want exotic or variety, you need to look for them there. After all, the history of this country is built on solid legends, the landscapes stagger any imagination, the cuisine is unique, however, as in any Asian country, and the beauty of the underwater world will surprise even the most sophisticated diver. You can celebrate the New Year, for example, on the white beach of the Phan Thiet resort. And after that, look at Halong Bay, which is on the list of the new 7 wonders of the world, Pacu cave, Kuang Shi waterfall, Lake of the Returned Sword, ancient royal palaces and temples and floating villages.
Joinup offers 13 nights for 4330 USD. Tel: 303-9999

Austria Vienna

Vienna is a small city, but it does not hold diversity. If you arrive a little earlier on December 31, you can still catch the Christmas markets, whose history goes back to the 13th century, buy all kinds of handmade toys, eat gingerbread cookies and drink hot mulled wine. But the New Year itself can be celebrated in any of the coffee houses or restaurants, each of which is unique in its own way and is famous for its chefs and, of course, Viennese coffee. Vienna is very cozy and compact, in a few hours you can walk through snow-covered parks, admire the Gothic in St. Stephen's Cathedral or the best examples of Baroque in local churches, imagine all the luxury of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, looking at palaces, moving from squares to the vaults of opera and theaters, looking in for a while to warm up in a small restaurant. And you can linger and if you're lucky - get to one of the Viennese balls.
Teztour offers 6 nights in Vienna for around 1500 euros. Tel: 392-7777

Israel, Red, Dead Sea and Jerusalem

In Israel, you can combine the incompatible: entertainment with a pilgrimage. The plan is this: first, have a good New Year's Eve at one of the resorts of the Dead or Red Sea, and then go on Christmas to atone for your sins in Jerusalem. In winter, the season begins on Israeli beaches, the temperature of the air and sea at this time becomes ideal. A huge number of entertainment, bars, clubs - for those who do not like to celebrate the New Year in a close family circle. Having thoroughly enjoyed the stormy holidays, you can join the pilgrims and go to the holy places. Pilgrims from all over the world flock to Jerusalem for Christmas, so the atmosphere here is quite special. To touch all the shrines of the ancient city, you will need to visit Jerusalem more than once, but you can see the main sights and historical sites in a few days. Well, and, of course, it would be a sin not to go to Bethlehem, the place where, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was born.
Joinup offers a combo tour for $2820. Tel: 490-6592

France Paris

Better than a trip to Paris can only be a trip to New Year's Paris. The city, beautiful at any time of the year, day or night, sparkles with lights on New Year's holidays, is filled with the aroma of hot mulled wine and the smell of roasted chestnuts. But, you need to immediately prepare for the fact that there will be no snow in Paris on New Year's Eve, rather rain, and there will be no usual scope in the celebration either. Since Christmas is considered the main holiday throughout Europe, Parisians are used to celebrating the New Year quite calmly. The first classic version of the celebration is a procession on the Champs Elysees, champagne and fireworks under the Eiffel Tower. The second is an evening in one of the many restaurants, cabarets or bars, which, of course, spawn with a varied New Year's program. We have travel agencies that offer a tour to Paris with the ability to immediately pay for the New Year's Eve at the Moulin Rouge, Lido or several other expensive and famous places. You can book an evening in less fashionable establishments on the Internet yourself.
Many mistakenly think that visiting Paris, especially on New Year's Eve, is a story only for the rich. Paris is a very large city with an incredible number of different hotels, restaurants, cafes for any budget.
Also, if you're bringing your kids, it's the perfect time to take them to Disneyland Paris with shorter ride lines compared to summer and a fabulous Christmas atmosphere.
Bus tour for 6 days will cost 375 USD. from a person. Lucky Air flight and seven days of accommodation - 1565 euros. Firm Nadra Marina.

United States, New York

During the Christmas holidays, New York turns into a fabulous village of Santa Claus. The city just shines these days. Absolutely everything, including shop windows, people's dwellings, huge buildings, trees, bushes, benches, is decorated with electric garlands that flood the city with light beyond recognition. Santa Clauses, elves and New Year's deer roam the streets in droves, and you can even whisper your wishes for the New Year into the ear of the American Santa Claus. In general, being in New York for the New Year is the best way to plunge headlong into an idealized festive mood.
Most often, tourists go to celebrate the New Year in Times Square. Here, everyone is traditionally waiting for colorful confetti, an incredible laser show, fireworks, fireworks, performances by show business stars and a cheerful multinational crowd of 50 thousand people. This pleasure will cost 350 USD, which is the cost of an entrance ticket to the celebration in Times Square.
A trip to New York will cost about four thousand dollars. Will take you

New Year is one of the most beloved holidays not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. And if for us the main New Year's traditions are the Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines, Olivier salad, champagne and making wishes under the chiming clock, then residents of other countries perform certain actions before the New Year and during its onset, promising different benefits. So what are they doing in different countries to attract health, luck, happiness, love and wealth? We bring to your attention a rating of the most unusual New Year's traditions in the world.

1. New Year's traditions of Italy

It is well known that on New Year's Eve in Italy it is customary to throw out everything unnecessary from the house - be it clothes, furniture or even plumbing. However, this is just a beautiful legend to attract tourists. And the New Year traditions in the country are completely different. Since the inhabitants of this beautiful country adore not only Santa himself - Bobbo Natale, but also the styles of his vestments, that on New Year's Eve the entire population of Italy, both women, men and children, wear something red, even if it is underwear. Therefore, meeting the New Year somewhere on the streets of Milan, Florence or Rome, you should not be surprised if you see a policeman in red socks, on the contrary, this meeting portends good luck. Another Italian tradition is eating dried raisins right on the bunches. Since grapes resemble coins, it is believed that those who eat more of them will earn more money in the coming year.

2. Argentine New Year Traditions

The dream of every office employee, however, as well as a lover of collecting waste paper, is to celebrate the New Year in Argentina. Already in the middle of the day, the centers of Argentine cities are covered with an even layer of unnecessary paper, sometimes even whole piles of papers. According to local tradition, unnecessary magazines, newspapers and other papers should be thrown out of the windows. Plus, it's a great way to relieve stress. The people of Argentina celebrate the New Year like most of us - with their families, close friends are often present at the festive table. They also open champagne at 12 midnight. Young people after the onset of the New Year usually continue the fun in a variety of clubs. But the Argentines exchange gifts only on Christmas, they have no tradition of giving gifts on New Year's Eve.

3. Estonian New Year Traditions

One of the "hottest" is New Year's Eve in Estonia, because it is customary to spend this holiday in the sauna. In order to enter the New Year clean and healthy, you even need to listen to the chimes in this institution. However, not everyone, of course, adheres to this tradition, because then there would not be crowds of its cheerful inhabitants on the streets of the country and they would not go to visit each other on New Year's Eve. However, it is customary to repeat such an event also on the day of the summer solstice. Estonians believe that happiness will be brought to them by a chimney sweep in a high top hat, holding a tool of his labor in his hands. For this very reason, children are often given toy chimney sweeps smeared with soot.

4. Scottish New Year Traditions

Being on the streets of Scotland on New Year's Eve, you need to be very careful, because this is the only night in the year when ignited tar barrels are rolled along the decorated New Year's streets of the country, symbolizing the outgoing year. And in the Scottish village of Stonehaven, it is customary to walk down the street, waving huge fireballs above your head, symbolizing the sun, which cleanses the coming year. But there is another interesting New Year's tradition in Scotland. Before the onset of the New Year, members of the whole family sit down near the lit fireplace, and with the first chimes, the head of the family must open the front door, and silently. Such a ritual is designed to spend the old year and let the New Year into your home. The Scots believe that whether luck or bad luck enters the house depends on who is the first to cross their threshold in the new year.

5. Spanish New Year Traditions

On New Year's Eve at midnight, in Spain there is a tradition - to quickly eat 12 grapes, and each grape is consumed with each new strike of the chimes. At the same time, each of the grapes should bring good luck in each month of the coming year. Residents of the country gather in the squares of Barcelona and Madrid to have time to eat grapes and drink cava. The tradition of eating grapes for more than a hundred years, the first time it was a reaction of the population to an overharvest of grapes.

6. Panama New Year Traditions

There is a very unusual New Year tradition in Panama. Here it is customary to burn effigies of politicians, athletes and other famous people. However, the inhabitants of Panama do not wish evil on anyone, for example, they can burn the effigy of the Olympic champion of the country's national team in running or Fidel Castro himself. All these scarecrows are called by one word - muñeco, and symbolize all the troubles of the outgoing year. And since if there is no scarecrow, then there are no problems in the coming year. Moreover, every family should burn the scarecrow. Apparently another Panamanian tradition is connected with this. At midnight, on the streets of Panamanian cities, the bells of all fire towers begin to ring. In addition, car horns are honking, everyone is screaming. Such noise is meant to threaten the coming year.

7. Danish New Year Traditions

There is a tradition in Denmark to celebrate the New Year by standing on a chair and jumping from it. It is believed that with this action, the inhabitants jump into January of the coming year, driving away evil spirits. In addition, it will bring good luck. At the same time, the Danes follow another New Year's tradition - throwing broken dishes at the doors of friends and neighbors. And this does not annoy anyone, but on the contrary, it is very pleasing. After all, that family, on the threshold of which there will be the most broken plates, cups and glasses, will be the most successful in the coming year. It also means that the family has the most friends.

8. Peruvian New Year Traditions

For Peruvian young people, New Year's Eve is a rather dangerous time. It's all about the unusual New Year tradition of this country. At night, girls in Peru pick up willow twigs and go for a walk around the neighborhoods of their city. And her fiancé should be the young man who will be asked to take up the twig. Therefore, sometimes on the streets you can meet strange couples - a girl with a twig and a guy with a suitcase. Since, according to another Peruvian tradition, the one who walks around his entire quarter with a suitcase on New Year's Eve will go on the desired journey in the coming year.

9. Greek New Year Traditions

Greeks spend New Year's Eve almost the same way as we do - they visit each other with gifts. However, there is a peculiarity - in addition to gifts, they carry a stone to the owners, and the more the better. It will seem strange to us, but in Greece it is believed that the heavier the stone, the heavier the purse of the recipients in the coming year will be. According to another Greek tradition, the eldest member of the family must break a pomegranate fruit in the courtyard of his house. If pomegranate seeds scattered around the yard, then his family will have a happy life in the coming year.

10 Japanese New Year Traditions

When celebrating the New Year in Japan, keep in mind that bells ring at night, and 108 times. The tolling of the bell denotes one of the six human vices: frivolity, stupidity, greed, anger, envy, and indecision. But why are there 108 strokes and not 6? And the thing is that the Japanese believe that each human vice has 18 shades, so there are 108 strokes. According to another Japanese New Year tradition, it is customary to give relatives and friends postcards with images of an animal - a symbol of the coming year. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun also have a specific attitude to the decoration of their homes - for this they use kadomatsu, which means "pine tree at the entrance." This product is made from bamboo, pine, rice straws are woven into it. Decorate kadomatsu with ferns and mandarin branches. Well, children traditionally receive New Year's gifts.

New Year is one of the most ancient holidays on the planet. It is celebrated in Europe on January 1, in Burma on April 1, in India the beginning of the year is celebrated eight times, and the Eskimos are sure that it comes with the first snow. It has been known from time immemorial how you will celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it, therefore, to this day, traditions and customs that help to attract good luck and prosperity are carefully preserved in different countries of the world.

In Germany The New Year usually takes place in the family circle. The culmination of the holiday is the Besherung, a traditional gift-exchange ceremony. Adults give each other nice little things, the Christmas grandfather Weinakhtsman in an inside-out fur coat and the girl Kristkind, a colleague of the Snow Maiden, come to the children. Everyone sits down at the festive table, and when the clock starts to strike midnight, they climb onto the chairs and, with the last blow, “jump” into the New Year together. It is not customary to sit at home on New Year's Eve: the Germans walk the streets, meet friends and set off fireworks. And if during a walk you meet a chimney sweep, good luck will accompany the whole year.

With the advent of the New Year in Mongolia, traditional nationwide festivities begin in the country. On the eve of the farewell to the Old Year, which is called "bituun". During this period, it is considered a great sin to argue, quarrel, deceive or swear. New Year is a family holiday and all old grievances should be forgotten. An indispensable festive accessory in East Asian countries is a special rake, which is richly decorated and decorated. It is believed that on New Year's Eve they help to "row happiness."

In Scotland The old year is "burned". A grandiose torchlight procession, when burning barrels of tar roll through the streets, illuminates the way for the New Year and forever relieves the sorrows and hardships of the departing. The Scottish holiday, called Hogmanay, begins in the early evening and continues until the morning. Exactly at midnight, everyone sings a New Year's song in chorus and congratulates each other. After the onset of the New Year, it is customary to go to visit friends. You need to take wine and a cake as a treat, and be sure to take a piece of coal with you. This is the surest way to provide yourself with drink, food and warmth for the whole year.

To celebrate New Year's Eve in Cuba, it is necessary to fill all the dishes in the house with liquid in advance, and at exactly midnight start pouring water out of the windows. According to the inhabitants of the island, this is a wish for the New Year of a happy journey, which is as bright and pure as the water itself. In addition, while the clock strikes twelve, you need to have time to swallow twelve grapes, and then prosperity, harmony and prosperity will accompany every month. For Cuban children, the New Year's holiday is called the Day of the Kings. They write letters with cherished desires, and three wizard-kings bring gifts.

New Year is celebrated in Japan January 1 is one of the most popular holidays in the country. It is customary to hang bundles of straw on the facades of houses, which scare away evil spirits. Rice cakes and tangerines are placed in a conspicuous place in the dwelling, symbolizing health and longevity. The main decoration welcoming the New Year's Deity is kadomatsu - "pine tree at the entrance." It is made of fern, pine, bamboo, tied with a rope woven from rice straw and put up in front of the entrance.

Before the holiday, it is customary to observe the custom of seeing off the Old Year. The Japanese give each other cards with the image of the animal of the coming year, toys and souvenirs. One of the most wonderful traditions is to laugh at the first moment of the coming year, because laughter will certainly bring good luck and happiness. On New Year's Eve, you need to visit the temple, where the bell beats 108 beats. According to beliefs, each blow "kills" one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are six of them, but each has eighteen different shades.

If in Italy at the last minute of the outgoing year, dishes, clothes or furniture will fall on you, do not be surprised. According to tradition, it is customary to throw old things out of the windows of houses onto the pavement so that in the New Year good luck does not pass by and helps to replace them with new ones. Italians care not only about updating the home. New Year's Eve should be celebrated in new clothes, and on December 31, red underwear should be given to loved ones, because red is the symbol of novelty. The children of Italy are waiting for gifts from the sorceress La Befana, who arrives on a broom, sneaks through the chimney and puts them in special shoes.

Brazilian New Year is an amazing combination of European traditions with Indian and African rites. It annually gathers about three million people - ardent fans of the carnival and beach parties. It is customary to celebrate New Year's Eve in white, because it is this color that brings happiness. However, clothes can be supplemented with other colors if there are additional requests to the deities: if you want health, include pink in your outfit, wealth - yellow and gold, love - red.

Brazilians believe that the New Year is the best time to achieve the location of higher powers, so every Brazilian should present gifts to the African goddess Imange, the mistress of the seas, identified with the Virgin Mary. White flowers, mirrors and decorations will serve as gratitude for all the good things that happened in the Old Year. When burning candles go to the sea on wooden stands, you need to make your most cherished wish, and if the fire does not go out for a long time, it will certainly come true. The celebration continues with a grandiose New Year's carnival, fireworks, champagne and incendiary samba.

In England When the Big Ben clock begins to strike midnight, according to ancient tradition, it is customary to open the back doors so that the Old Year can leave the house, and with the last blow, open the front doors, letting in the New Year. Gifts are ordered by the British from Father Christmas - Father of Christmas. If you write him a detailed letter and throw it in the fireplace, the smoke from the chimney will deliver the wish list the fastest. In the family circle, the old custom is often observed to send greeting cards to all acquaintances on the eve of the New Year, as well as to give gifts of the same value to each other and distribute them among the household by lot.

The most "Christmas" country in the world - India. Here, the beginning of the year is celebrated about eight times, which is associated with the diversity of religions and cultures. Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians live in the country, and each part of the population celebrates the New Year according to its customs. For Hindu residents, Gudi Padva is celebrated in the spring, and according to the lunar calendar, each year falls on different days. In the western states, the New Year is celebrated in October. On this day, thousands of lanterns are lit, and it is believed that the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, goes from house to house in search of a place to rest, but she will stop only where it is brightly lit.

Muslims in India celebrate the holiday on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox. It is called Navruz, which means "new day". If the European New Year comes at night, Navruz is celebrated during the day, but still in the family circle. January 1 is also celebrated in the country, since many social spheres are focused on the Christian chronology. Residents of the northern part decorate themselves with flowers, in the southern part they put sweets and gifts on a special tray. It is also customary to kindle a large fire - its smoke, as the Indians believe, will carry away all the failures of the outgoing year.

In Russia there are many celebration traditions, but almost all of them came from the West. With the adoption of Christianity by Slavic Russia, the ancient pagan customs of celebrating the New Year were forgotten. For a long time, nobles imported into Russia traditions borrowed from Western culture. Many were accepted, "took root" and became popular. By decree of Peter I, a New Year tree, toys and a festive table were approved, and the USSR gave us Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, champagne and the chiming clock on the Spasskaya Tower.

The New Year is celebrated in different ways and at different times, but still remains one of the kindest and brightest holidays. Despite the diversity of cultures, traditions and customs, in every country in the world the New Year has a common feature - it must be celebrated cheerfully and on a grand scale.

Shipilov Timofey

In the first part of this article, we mentioned the traditions inherent in the Russian celebration of the New Year and talked about the fact that many years of repetition of rituals can be tiring. But after all, there are festive customs in other countries, and they are completely different from ours. To paraphrase folk wisdom, we can say: what is a tradition for an Australian, then a show for a Russian. And today we invite you to learn about how the New Year is celebrated around the world in an unusual way, and, perhaps, choose where to meet the most magical night of the year.

Kiss and clean up

Let's start our tour of countries and their holiday traditions with Argentina. Here, they prepare for the holiday in a very unusual way - they throw out all unnecessary paper products from the windows: old bills, newspapers, letters. As a rule, in the middle of the day the streets are already covered with a thick layer of paper. The main thing is not to throw away anything you need in the festive frenzy. By the way, there is a similar custom in Italy, but it is customary to throw away all the old things so that the new year will bring you a replacement.

Inhabitants Bulgaria consider the New Year a family holiday and, like most Russians, celebrate it at home. But with the first strike of the chimes, all the similarities end, because with the onset of midnight, the Bulgarians begin “ kiss pause". At this time, the lights go out in the houses, and instead of long toasts, it is enough to kiss a loved one - this will be a wish for happiness. When the three minutes are up, the lights are turned on and the Christmas cake is cut, which contains several surprises that bring good luck, love and wealth to the person in whose piece they end up.

patriarchal Great Britain also similar to Russia in many ways. But it is customary to make wishes here by writing on paper and throwing a letter into the fireplace - the smoke will convey to Santa all the most secret dreams. And the most ancient tradition of the British, which came to them from the Vikings, of course, is the Christmas log. It is believed that if it burns to the ground, then the family living in this house will be happy in the coming year.

We beat the dishes and feed the goats

IN Norway the role of Santa Claus is played by a goat. This strange fact has a historical explanation: according to legend, King Olaf II was a merciful man and, seeing a wounded goat on a hunt, ordered to cure her in the palace and release her into the wild. The goat turned out to be a difficult animal and, in gratitude, brought rare medicinal plants to her savior every night. According to tradition, on New Year's Eve, children put treats for the magic goat in their shoes, and those who behaved well all year receive a gift from her, and naughty and fidgety find a potato in their shoes.

IN Sweden it is customary to wish happiness in a very peculiar way - you need to break the dishes at the door of the one you want to congratulate. However, the whole holiday with the Swedes is very noisy. On the eve of the celebration, shops begin to sell special whistles and rattles that must be used at midnight. By the way, one of the obligatory New Year's gifts for the Swedes are handmade candles. In cold winter, when daylight lasts only a few hours, these candles symbolize friendship and care.

Scots on the last day of the outgoing year, they roll a barrel of burning tar along the central street of the city - this is how they clear the way for everything new. And when the clock strikes twelve, the owner of the house opens the door to let out the old year and let in the new one. Traditionally, a New Year's gift should include bread, wine and coal, symbolizing the food, fun and warmth that the guest wishes for the house. By the way, the expected well-being largely depends on who will be the first guest to cross the threshold of the house after midnight.

Santa Claus in ... swimming trunks

For an exotic holiday worth going to Australia. On the Sydney beach you can meet, perhaps, the most unusual Santa - because of the heat, he comes in a hat, with a beard and ... in swimming trunks! And instead of deer, he has a surfboard. Australians spend midnight itself on beaches and squares where they watch fireworks, after which they quickly return home and go to bed, because the new year must be met with full strength.

A wonderful place on New Year's Eve will be brazilian beach. The traditions of this country have preserved the features of the ancient cult of the ocean goddess Iemanje: beautiful girls dressed in long dresses enter the water and throw flower petals into the surf. And those who dream of fulfilling their cherished desire should launch a boat with a burning candle into the water. After midnight, a grandiose disco begins on all the beaches of the country, lasting until the morning.

Instead of a Christmas tree - bamboo and daffodils

Mysterious China celebrates the holiday with daffodils and lanterns. Moreover, the latter have a specific practical purpose - along with crackers and fireworks, they are designed to scare away evil spirits and light the way for the New Year. By the way, the holiday itself in China is celebrated later than in other countries - on the new moon, which falls at the end of January.

IN Japan the main holiday of the year is celebrated in a big way. It is preceded by golden week”, during which almost all organizations do not work, and friends and relatives meet in restaurants and give each other symbols of the coming year. In matters of preparation for the New Year, the Japanese are quite a superstitious nation: in every house, straw wreaths are hung to protect against evil spirits, and a straw rope is pulled in front of the door, bamboo branches are used to decorate the house (for children to grow quickly), pine trees (for longevity) and plums (for strength and health). At midnight, every Japanese should laugh, because laughter brings happiness that will accompany him all year. And on the first night of the coming year, you should definitely visit the temple to hear how the bell beats 108 strokes, chasing away all the bad.

Of course, these are far from all the amazing traditions inherent in the cultures of different countries.

New Year in Russia is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate it with family and loved ones. Young people prefer noisy parties in clubs. On the main squares of cities, on the eve of the New Year, a spruce is lit, near which the main ...

The Germans celebrate the New Year, as in most countries of the world - on the night of December 31 to January 1. Unlike the Slavic countries, in Germany it is not considered a family holiday. Instead of a home feast, young people prepare in advance for parties in clubs and bars. The older generation prefers...

The Spaniards, like most peoples of the world, celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Unlike Christmas, New Year's Eve in this country is usually celebrated not in the home family circle, but in large and noisy companies. Residents of Spain gather in the streets and squares, arrange ...

New Year in the United States of America is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. In popularity, this holiday is inferior to Catholic Christmas (December 25). Unlike Christmas, which is a family celebration, most Americans celebrate the New Year in public, in the company of friends on ...

New Year in France is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. The French meet him in the circle of close friends and relatives. They arrange home gatherings, go to parties in clubs or restaurants, have fun, sing and dance on the streets of cities in fancy dress. Heart...

New Year in Italy is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. It has the names "head of the year" (Capodanno), the supper of St. Sylvester. Italians spend this holiday noisily and cheerfully, in the company of friends in clubs, restaurants or on the streets and squares of cities. New Year's Eve...

New Year in the UK is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is less popular than Christmas. In Scotland, they love and honor the New Year more. In this part of the Kingdom he is called Hogmanay. Its celebration takes as much as 3 days (from December 30 to 1...

New Year in Finland is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. In the coldest country in Europe, during the winter holidays, an atmosphere of warmth and fun reigns. New Year's Eve the older generation and large families spend at home at the solemn table. Young people prefer to celebrate the New Year in ...

New Year in Ukraine is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Most people in the country celebrate this holiday in the family circle. Close and dear people gather at the festive table, drink champagne, give gifts to each other and say wishes for the next year. On the eve...

New Year in Kazakhstan is celebrated twice. According to European tradition, its offensive is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. In accordance with Eastern traditions, it is celebrated on March 21-23 and is called Nauryz meiramy. New Year January 1 Favorite place to celebrate the New Year ...

New Year in Belarus is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Most of the inhabitants of the country meet him in the family circle. After midnight, young people go with friends to the main squares of cities, to parties in clubs or restaurants. The older generation prefers to stay at home and watch...

New Year in Turkey is celebrated twice. According to the Gregorian calendar, the beginning of the year falls on January 1st. This celebration is popular in large cities of the south-west of the country and is celebrated in the style of European traditions. According to the ancient Turkic custom, the New Year is celebrated on March 21, the day of the spring...

India holds the record for the most New Year celebrations in a calendar year. Christians celebrate it on January 1, Muslims celebrate it on the first day of the month of Muharram (according to the Islamic calendar). Some residents of the country celebrate it in late October - early November, on the day of Diwali....

New Year in Japan is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. The celebration takes a whole week - from December 28 to January 3. The Japanese celebrate the New Year calmly, solemnly, with the observance of traditions and rituals. During the winter holidays, a special atmosphere reigns in the capital of the country. Behind...

Chinese New Year is celebrated twice. According to European tradition, it is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1 and is called Yuan-dan. Residents of the country celebrate it in the family circle, modestly and calmly. Since ancient times, the New Year in China has been celebrated on the second new moon after the winter ...

The onset of the New Year in Brazil is traditionally celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Locals call this holiday Confraternização or Reveillon, which means "fraternization". The participants of the celebration call each other brothers and sisters, hug and ...