Signs of rapid childbirth. How to understand that childbirth has begun: important signs

Omission" of the abdomen

A woman may notice that the stomach has shifted down. The “lowering” of the abdomen occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus into the entrance of the small pelvis and the deviation of the bottom of the uterus forward due to some decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. In primiparas, this is observed 2–4 weeks before delivery. In multiparous - on the eve of childbirth.

Breathing becomes easier

As a result of moving the child down, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach. Breathing becomes easier. Heartburn may go away. This increases the pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking becomes a little more difficult. After the child has moved down, the woman may experience difficulty sleeping, it is difficult to find a comfortable position.

Frequent urination and defecation

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder increases. The hormones of childbirth also affect the intestines of a woman, causing the so-called preliminary cleansing. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Pain in the lower back

After the child is shifted down, a woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by an increase in the stretching of the sacroiliac connective tissue.

Change in appetite

Appetite may change just before childbirth. Most of the time it decreases. It is good if a woman at this time trusts her intuition more when choosing products. You shouldn't eat for two.

Weight loss

Before childbirth, a woman may lose some weight. The body weight of a pregnant woman can decrease by about 1-2 kg. So the body naturally prepares for childbirth. Before childbirth, the body must be flexible and plastic.

Sudden change of mood

The woman is looking forward to giving birth. The mood may "suddenly" change. Mood changes are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. Explosions of energy are possible. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to violent activity. The instinct of the "nest" is manifested. A woman prepares to meet a baby: she sews, cleans, washes, tidies up. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Irregular uterine contractions

After the 30th week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. Perceptible, but irregular uterine contractions in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman may feel certain contractions a few weeks before giving birth. If a regular and prolonged rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then, as a rule, they do not mean the onset of labor at all.

Three main signs of childbirth

  • The beginning of childbirth is considered the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus - contractions. From that moment on, the woman is called a woman in labor. Rhythmic contractions are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity. The uterus becomes heavy, pressure can be felt all over the abdomen. Moreover, not the fact of contraction itself is of greater importance, but its rhythm. Real labor pains at first repeat every 15–20 minutes (other periodicity is also possible). Gradually, the intervals decrease: up to 3-4 minutes. Between contractions, the abdomen is relaxed. At this time, the woman is resting.
  • Vaginal discharge of cervical mucus - mucous plug. She can move away 2 weeks before the birth, or maybe directly on the X day. This usually occurs after the onset of uterine contractions. Discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly blood-stained, slightly pink mucus may occur.
  • Discharge of water. Amniotic fluid can leak (especially in a horizontal position), and can leave at the same time - when the fetal bladder ruptures. This can happen before rhythmic uterine contractions appear. More often this occurs in multiparous. When the rupture of the fetal bladder pain is not felt. If the waters have broken, you should go to the hospital immediately (since there is a risk of infection of the fetus).

How does childbirth proceed?

Every pregnant woman has a different birth process. Some women give birth "classically", that is, contractions develop gradually, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease and there is a desire to push. Others give birth "quickly", that is, the contractions are immediately active and the intervals between them are short. For others, the prelude to childbirth can be delayed.

How to understand that childbirth is coming soon, what are their signs? In another way, they are also called harbingers. They appear shortly before the onset of labor. Usually no more than 2 weeks. But the first signs of imminent birth in primiparous and multiparous are not always felt. Multiparous may not pay attention to them. And primiparas, on the contrary, take for symptoms what they are not, although they are similar. What are the signs that multiparous labor will soon begin and what can they be easily confused with?

1). Are the contractions real or training? The uterus is a muscular organ. And in order for the child to be born, it is necessary that her muscle layer contract well and correctly. Due to this, the cervix opens and, in the future, the birth of a child on attempts. For this reason, the mother’s body starts the “training” process a few weeks before the birth. A woman has something like contractions, but not painful and light. Just periodically stony stomach. Many also call this uterine tone or hypertonicity. And doctors in such cases like to treat for the threat of premature birth, while this should be done only if the cervix begins to open and shorten. But in this case, we are already talking, rather, about real generic activity.

False contractions do not lead to the onset of labor, although they can anticipate real contractions soon. Especially often this happens in primiparous women, who perceive any uterine contractions very sharply, do not disregard.

Remember these signs of the onset of labor, how true contractions manifest themselves:
1. They do not go away if you take a warm bath, no-shpy tablets, take a comfortable body position.
2. Each time they become longer in time.
3. The time intervals between contractions are always reduced, it does not happen that the contractions suddenly disappeared for an hour, and then reappeared with the same intensity. This effect can only be achieved by taking certain medications. They are issued in the maternity hospital in order to prevent the weakness of labor.
4. True contractions are like a wave. At first, mild soreness, which increases, reaches its peak and disappears. A few minutes later, everything repeats. Proper breathing helps to survive the fight - inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
5. Soreness. Real contractions are always at least unpleasant. And for primiparas, this sign of approaching childbirth sometimes seems unbearable.

2). A sharp drop in the level of the abdomen. This is due to the advancement of the presenting part of the baby, most often the head, into the mother's pelvis. Sometimes uterine prolapse is noticed by women who have another 1.5-2 months before the expected date of birth, and consider this a possible symptom of premature labor. But you don't always have to panic. It happens that the stomach changes its shape somewhat due to the fact that the child has changed the position of the body, for example, lay across in the uterus. Of course, this is not good, in terms of the fact that in this position it is impossible to give birth to a child naturally, but it does not mean that the child will be born prematurely.
When the fetus descends into the pelvis, if this happens in the last month of pregnancy, the woman experiences relief - her heartburn, shortness of breath, belching disappear, it becomes easier to breathe, but at the same time, she wants to go to the toilet more often, there is more frequent stool. Few people have constipation before childbirth. On the contrary, it passes without any laxatives and dietary changes. But the pressure is felt on the bladder, perineum and rectum. It becomes uncomfortable to sit and walk. In order to maintain more or less tolerable physical activity, and sometimes extend the pregnancy a little, delay the onset of childbirth, a special bandage in the form of a belt or panties will help.

3). Discharge of the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. In primiparas, the mucous plug usually comes off immediately at the onset of labor, and not in parts over several days, as happens in multiparas. Sometimes women confuse the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. In principle, if a woman does not have oligohydramnios, then it is not at all difficult to understand that the waters have broken, there will be a real stream, which is unlikely to be held by the most reliable sanitary napkin.

If the discharge is relatively small, but it does not end after 30-60 minutes and is more liquid than mucous, a test for leakage of amniotic fluid should be done. Of course, it is better not to buy it yourself, as the result cannot be obtained quickly and it will not be 100% accurate, but in the hospital. Plus, it will be absolutely free.

Having noticed a clear sign of an imminent birth, do not forget to check whether everything is collected in the maternity hospital, whether all the documents (policy, passport, birth certificate), call your doctor if you have agreed with a certain specialist on the conduct of childbirth.

Signs of the onset of labor is a question that worries all women without exception in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes the expectant mother may mistakenly take training contractions for symptoms of incipient labor, and sometimes their bright signs do not attract due attention. In order not to be mistaken in their assumptions, every woman should know how to determine the onset of childbirth, and what sensations this process causes in a woman in labor.

When and why do the first prenatal symptoms appear?

Approximately 14-20 days before the onset of labor, the patient's hormonal background gradually changes. The level of progesterone, which is responsible for the safety of the fetus inside the uterus, begins to decline, and estrogen, which prepares the expectant mother's body for the upcoming birth, on the contrary, grows. The placenta "gets old", which is also one of the signals that very soon a happy mom will meet her long-awaited baby.

The first signs of childbirth are a collective name that implies the preparation of the birth canal for the soft and safe movement of the baby along them. This happens gradually to reduce the risk of injury to the uterus and vagina during the birth process.

As for the question of when the harbingers of childbirth begin to appear, this happens approximately 14 days before the baby is born. However, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. In some patients, specific sensations characteristic of the onset of labor activity appear a few days before the birth of the long-awaited baby. However, this usually happens.

During the second pregnancy, obvious or hidden (this is also a purely individual factor) signs of imminent childbirth appear a few hours before their onset. Due to the fact that the onset of labor can be latent (even in primiparas), as well as for the purpose of constant monitoring of the patient's condition, the gynecologist may recommend her hospitalization 3-5 days before delivery.

Why does labor start?

The first signs of the onset of labor appear in women when the uterus is completely ready for this process. This is one of the main reasons for starting it. In addition to it, there are several other factors that play an important role in this matter. They are:

  1. Sufficient weight of the fetus and its size.
  2. Absolute readiness of the neuromuscular apparatus of the uterus to contract.
  3. Complete maturation of the placenta.

For the full preparation of the patient's body for the upcoming birth, the normal functioning of her nervous system is extremely important. It is she who is responsible for the ability of the uterus to contract, which is the main guarantee of the birth of a child in a natural way (that is, without surgical intervention).

Symptoms of an upcoming birth

Various signs can signal the beginning of the process of expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity. First of all, it concerns:

  1. contractions.

These are the sensations and signs that every pregnant woman will definitely notice before giving birth.

Are cramping pains a sign of labor?

Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, pain during contractions may be insignificant, when she may well be engaged in daily activities. But it happens differently: the pain syndrome develops so intensely that the patient has to take certain postures to alleviate the condition. Pulling sensations in the lower back soon join the uterine pain.

Contractions are real, when they really signal that a woman is starting the process of childbirth, and training, which occurs when the body is preparing for the birth of a baby.

In addition, real marriages are distinguished by the presence of equal intervals between uterine contractions. For each woman, this period of time is different - from 10 to 20 minutes. The less time left until the birth of the baby, the shorter the time interval between contractions becomes. In order not to confuse real and training contractions, a pregnant woman should time the intervals between contractions of the uterine muscles.

There is another way to help distinguish real contractions from false ones. For this, the expectant mother should take one tablet of No-Shpa and lie down for a while. If the birth is really close, the cramping pains will not go away, but, on the contrary, will intensify. If the contractions are false, then the spasms in the genital area will soon disappear.

Contractions are the first signs of labor

Excretion of amniotic fluid

Another signal announcing that labor is beginning is the rupture of the bladder with amniotic fluid. As a rule, after this, the process of expulsion of the fetus from the uterus is not delayed for more than 12 hours.

If a discharge of water has been noticed, then the first thing a woman should do is to call the gynecologist and inform him of this. Among other things, you should notify the doctor about the color and smell of the amniotic fluid, and also name the time of its discharge.

In the absence of any pathologies, the woman should first have contractions, and only then (namely, before the start of attempts) should the water break. However, this is a purely individual phenomenon. In some patients, the fluid bubble may not burst until the last moment, so the gynecologist has to pierce it with a special needle.

In other pregnant women, fluid is poured out long before the due date, but this is not considered the norm. If this happened, you should not ignore such an anomaly - you must urgently contact a gynecologist. This condition can be dangerous for the fetus.

Other signs that occur before childbirth

There are several more options for recognizing the beginning of the process of expelling the fetus from the uterus. They are associated not only with the physical sensations of a pregnant woman, but also with other equally important factors. In order not to miss the signs of the onset of childbirth, it is necessary to consider each of them in more detail.

Prolapse of the abdomen

Around the 35th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may notice the disappearance of discomfort in the diaphragm. In addition to the fact that shortness of breath disappears, heartburn also disappears, as the baby "hides" in the mother's pelvis, and the uterus no longer presses on nearby organs. This phenomenon in gynecological practice is commonly called.

Decreased fetal intrauterine activity

When the fetus gradually increases in size, there is less and less free space in the uterus. For this reason, the baby begins to behave calmer, his activity is significantly reduced.

During this period of time, the expectant mother should be vigilant: if the child moves less than 10 times a day, it is urgent to inform the gynecologist about this.

Sharp weight loss

Sudden weight loss may indicate that the expectant mother will soon begin giving birth. It is explained by the gradual disposal of the body of excess fluid. At the same time, a woman loses approximately 2-3 kilograms in a fairly short time. For the same reason, edema, if any, may disappear in a woman.

Removal of the mucous plug

The mucous plug is a strong barrier that protects the uterus and fetus from infection by various pathogenic bacteria. It consists of a lump of mucus and blood streaks.

It can occur, both before childbirth, and directly in the process of passing the baby through the birth canal.

Frequent urge to urinate and defecate

Approximately 7 days before childbirth, a woman's body begins to actively produce the hormone prostaglandin. It is he who is responsible for preparing the birth canal for the expulsion of the fetus. Thus, this hormone relieves the body of the expectant mother from excess fluid and solid waste products.

There are other symptoms of the onset of labor or their imminent onset. In particular, this applies to:

  1. Increased activity of the expectant mother, who wants to have time to complete all the planned tasks before the birth of the baby.
  2. Softening of the cervix.
  3. Vomit, .
  4. Changes in the psycho-emotional state.
  5. Posture changes.

Such signs of the imminent onset of labor can be observed both in primiparas and in women who have previously given birth. Noticing such changes, every expectant mother can be sure that a happy event is already very close.

Symptoms on the eve of childbirth in nulliparous and multiparous women

In primiparous women, the symptoms of approaching labor are somewhat different than in expectant mothers who carry a second or third child under their hearts. At the same time, many mothers cannot distinguish real contractions from false ones, since they have never encountered such a phenomenon before. For this reason, they begin to worry and panic, packing things for the hospital when it is too early to think about it.

Among other things, primiparous women may not show all the signs of incipient labor, but only some of them. However, it is not uncommon for cases when, for certain (often individual) reasons, the process of opening the cervix is ​​completely asymptomatic.

Signs of childbirth in multiparous

May differ from those observed in primogeniture (future mothers expecting their first child).

The uterus in experienced mothers contracts faster, while it also has a wider lumen. As for what signs of impending childbirth are observed in women pregnant for the second time, it is worth noting that they can be more pronounced and intense. However, they proceed much faster, and the interval between contractions is much shorter than in primiparas.

Among other things, it is worth noting the following differences:

  1. In women who have given birth before, the stomach drops almost before the very birth.
  2. The first birth signs occur a few days before the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.
  3. Contractions cause much more pain than the first birth.

In order not to miss an important moment when you need to urgently go to the hospital, the expectant mother must definitely listen to all the signals that her body gives. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether she gives birth for the first or second time.

Doctors can resort to its artificial stimulation. This is a very unpleasant and painful process, so to avoid it, you need to follow simple rules a few weeks before hospitalization:

  1. Walk more outdoors.
  2. Go in for sports (moderately).
  3. Do household chores at a brisk pace.
  4. There are natural vegetable salads with unrefined vegetable oil.

Knowing what the signs and symptoms of impending labor can be, every woman will be able to properly prepare for this process. Let it not be as quick and painless as we would like - this will not reduce the joy of the future mother from an early meeting with her long-awaited and beloved baby!

Childbirth is the most responsible and expected moment of pregnancy. Especially reverently, women are waiting for the birth of their first child, constantly monitoring their body and its signs. Harbingers of childbirth in primiparas may appear long before childbirth, signaling that it is time for the expectant mother to actively gather in the hospital. How to recognize the harbingers of childbirth and what they are in primiparous, read the article below.

As the last weeks of pregnancy approach, a lot of changes occur in a woman's body. First of all, its hormonal profile changes. As a rule, this occurs at the 36th week of pregnancy and is considered a latent harbinger of childbirth. As the placenta naturally ages, the amount of progesterone secreted by it decreases, while the amount of estrogen, on the contrary, increases. This is due only to the fact that progesterone is a hormone that is aimed at maintaining and maintaining pregnancy, the main action of estrogen is aimed at preparing the body for childbirth. As a rule, a significant decrease in progesterone can be observed at 37-38 weeks of gestation and is considered one of the harbingers of childbirth. When the concentration of estrogen in a woman's body reaches its maximum, brain receptors perceive this signal as the beginning of labor. With the normal course of the period of gestation, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the main harbinger of childbirth appears - the preparation of the birth canal for the birth of a child. This process occurs naturally, with some signals that a woman can notice.

The first harbingers of childbirth

A woman can notice the first harbingers of childbirth already a week before the expected moment of "X". Among them are the following.

  • Dropping of the abdomen. It is not in vain that there is such a sign among the people as "lowering of the abdomen is a harbinger of an early birth." This statement is absolutely true and is based on the anatomical features of the female body during pregnancy. So, if the fetus is located head down, then closer to the beginning of labor, the baby drops even lower and now the head takes an even more fixed position. In more scientific terms, the head of the fetus descends into the small pelvis. At the same time, the upper part of the uterus also descends, ceasing to put pressure on the lungs and stomach. Women often notice this harbinger, because in most cases the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn go away, and it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe. Also, according to reviews of the harbingers of childbirth, a bulging of the navel appears during this period, and the skin of the abdomen becomes even more stretched.

  • If during pregnancy you kept your weight under constant control, then a few weeks before the onset of labor, you can notice a sharp decrease in it. Often, women note a weight loss of 1-1.5 kg. This process occurs due to a decrease in edema on the body. If the tissues that were swollen earlier are a little “dead”, then this is a direct reason to prepare for the imminent appearance of the baby.
  • Posture change. As a result of the displacement of the uterus, the center of gravity changes. This entails a change in posture: the woman acquires a characteristic proud look, the gait resembles a “duck”, and the head is slightly unusually thrown back.
  • Another harbinger of childbirth is diarrhea and an increase in the frequency of urination. Such phenomena also occur due to the displacement of the uterus into the pelvic cavity. The fetus presses on the pelvic organs, in particular the bladder, significantly reducing its volume. Moreover, at the moment of increasing the concentration of estrogen, the stool is liquefied. This means that diarrhea may indicate that childbirth is just around the corner and it is time to mentally prepare for a meeting with the baby.

Harbingers of an imminent birth

What harbingers say that labor will begin in the next few days? There are several such signs.

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparas: features

The forerunners described above accompany the prenatal period in primiparous. But, since these harbingers are subjective, women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time, due to inexperience, can interpret them as a malaise. Also, a special role is played by the fact that the harbingers of the first-born are very smooth. They can begin a couple of weeks before the birth, so they are indicated rather conditionally. Most often, primiparous women already notice the harbingers of an imminent birth, when there are from several days to a few hours before the trip to the maternity hospital.

It is worth noting that sometimes even at 40 weeks of pregnancy there are no harbingers of childbirth. Because of this, you should not panic, but you just need to consult a doctor. Depending on the situation, he will either offer you to wait a little longer, or prescribe labor induction for you.

Harbingers of childbirth: what to do

Having noticed the first signs of preparing the body for the birth process, you should not make a commotion. If these are the first signs of childbirth, then try to completely limit yourself from work until the birth of the child, get more rest and prepare to become a mother morally and emotionally.

If you have signs of imminent labor, then consult a doctor over the phone and act according to his recommendations.

Harbingers of childbirth in a primipara. Video

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparas appear about a week before the onset of the birth process. As a rule, after 38 weeks of the “interesting position”, a period begins, which is called “prenatal” or “prenatal”, since it precedes the onset of labor.

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Signs of the onset of labor

Every woman who is expecting her first child is afraid that she will not be able to determine when the birth process will begin. However, it is simply impossible to confuse contractions with anything else. They are rhythmic uterine contractions that increase in frequency and intensity.

As soon as the expectant mother felt something similar, it is necessary to collect things and go to the hospital. It is not worth delaying this moment, since cases of rapid births are known even in primiparas.

As a rule, a week before the onset of active labor, harbingers of childbirth appear in primiparas:

  • a decrease in the height of the bottom of the uterus - the head of the fetus is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis, while most women note a significant decrease in the baby's motor activity;
  • weight loss of the expectant mother by 2-3 kilograms;
  • discharge of the mucous plug - it happens that a woman does not even notice this sign, since it occurs imperceptibly for about a week, in which case the cork separates in parts that look like ordinary mucous discharge (it happens that the mucous membrane comes off once, as a rule, this a sign of imminent delivery, since the complete discharge of the cork occurs with the rapid opening of the cervix);
  • the occurrence of training contractions - they are non-rhythmic contractions of the uterus, which are painless, they are needed to prepare for the birth process;
  • a sign of nesting - the expectant mother instinctively prepares for the birth of a child (washes, irons, cleans the apartment).

Future mom

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparas may appear 2-3 weeks before the birth of the baby. During this period, the blood undergoes hormonal changes that provoke contractions. If the pregnancy is repeated, signs may occur a couple of days before the birth process.

A couple of weeks before the birth process, a number of signs of childbirth in nulliparous women can be noted:

  • prolapse of the abdomen - this is due to the fact that the child's head falls lower into the small pelvis, the bottom of the uterus falls lower and puts less pressure on the diaphragm and stomach;
  • when a woman's stomach drops before childbirth, she breathes easier and more freely, her heartburn sensation disappears;
  • the pressure on the bladder area becomes stronger, the woman goes to the toilet more often;
  • there is a shift in the center of gravity forward, due to which the gait of the expectant mother changes;
  • a symptom of childbirth is also a protrusion of the navel - as a result of exposure to estrogens, the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall becomes weaker;
  • a change in the behavior of the expectant mother - there is a high nervous excitability or, conversely, a state of apathy, this is easily explained by a change in the physiological processes occurring in the cerebral cortex due to the formation of a generic dominant;
  • at the 38th week of pregnancy in primiparas, a harbinger of childbirth is a decrease in body weight by several kilograms - before the onset of the birth process, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases;
  • another sign of the onset of labor is a decrease in fetal movements - this is due to the fact that the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, and the baby's head is fixed to the entrance to the small pelvis;
  • among the sensations before childbirth, discomfort and pulling pains in the lower abdomen, lower back can be noted;
  • discharge of the mucous plug - at the time of the maturation of the cervix, its canal becomes shorter, the activity of the mucous glands increases, the first signs of childbirth in primiparas are abundant discharge from the genital tract, similar to thick mucus, sometimes with pink streaks.

Preparation for the birth process

Sometimes complications occur during the bearing of a child, due to which a woman cannot give birth herself. If the doctors decide that the expectant mother has no contraindications, then she needs to be well prepared for the upcoming event.

Consider how you need to prepare for the birth process.

What to doDescription
Proper breathing technique during contractionsYou need to breathe slowly and extremely deeply, as the baby suffers from hypoxia during the birth process. If you breathe shallowly, then the blood will not be sufficiently saturated with oxygen, and the baby's condition will only worsen.
Behavior during fightsAs soon as women start giving birth, it is best to lie on their side. If it is easier for someone to endure contractions while standing or on the move, this is not prohibited. The duration of the first birth will be less if the woman spends the time between contractions not in a lying position, but walking.
Self pain reliefThis procedure is performed by massaging the points located at the upper edge of the iliac pelvic bones. If it is simply impossible to endure - you need to see a doctor.
Countdown between contractionsAs soon as the woman realized that childbirth had begun, it was necessary to constantly count the intervals between contractions and the duration of the contractions themselves. This will help the doctor navigate in time and identify possible deviations during the birth process.
Listen carefully to the midwife while pushingWith the start of the movement of the baby, sometimes it is necessary to breathe through the contraction so as not to harm the child. The midwife will tell you how to behave in such cases.

How long childbirth lasts in primiparas depends on the woman herself. Very often, due to stress and severe pain, a woman forgets all the rules. That is why you should carefully prepare for this process so that at the most crucial moment you do not forget about the main thing.

Support for a loved one before childbirth

Special gymnastics

Such preparation will not take much time and will not be difficult for the expectant mother. The main thing is to regularly and correctly perform the exercises below.

  1. Butterfly - sit on the floor, straighten your legs in front of you. Bend your knees, spreading them as wide as possible. Bring your feet together. Grasp your feet with your hands and pull them to the crotch. This exercise helps to strengthen the necessary muscles of the hips and pelvis.
  2. Cat - get on all fours so that the arms form a right angle with the floor, and the body and head are parallel to the floor. When inhaling, bend your back down, raise your buttocks, head and neck. As you exhale, arch your back. Exercise helps to reduce the tension of the nerve endings and vessels of the pelvic organs.
  3. Frog - squat down, spreading your knees to the maximum to the sides. Put your palms together and press your elbows on your knees, spreading them even wider. Stay in this position until you feel warmth in your legs.
The duration of the birth process

In total, there are 3 stages of labor activity.

  1. The first occurs under the influence of hormonal mechanisms and is normally 10-12 hours. Sometimes it can take up to 16 hours.
  2. The second is the period of expulsion of the fetus. It lasts about 30-40 minutes. If a woman was preparing for labor, this period may be shorter due to the correct behavior of the expectant mother.
  3. The postpartum period lasts 10-20 minutes. The last contractions of the uterus occur, and the placenta separates from the wall, leaving the uterine cavity.

As soon as the first harbingers of childbirth appear in primiparous already at the 36th week of pregnancy, it is desirable that a loved one be nearby. The woman will feel supported and experience the process less.