Simple Halloween makeup for girls. Stylish and spooky halloween makeup for girls

The autumn holiday of Halloween is another great occasion for fun. Every year, October 31st becomes the day when ghosts, zombies and other evil spirits visit the earth. All Saints' Eve is a massive costume party. You can dress up as a scary mythical character and compete with your friends who will scare whom more. In addition to the costume, it is important to consider makeup. Let's take a look at unusual and bright Halloween makeup ideas.

A girl in the guise of a vampire can look not only intimidating, but also seductively beautiful. This idea is very popular on Halloween, but don't give up on it because of it. Everyone gets to do their makeup differently, so you won't find yourself in a crowd of clones. There are several options for applying makeup to embody the image of a vampire.

Option 1:

  • the whole face is covered with a light tone;
  • a beautiful spectacular make-up with arrows, shadows and false eyelashes is applied to the eyes;
  • we paint the lips with burgundy lipstick, and on top of it we apply bloody stains with the help of red gloss;
  • false fangs will be the final touch.

Option 2:

Option 3:

  • cover the face with white make-up;
  • we apply an arbitrary make-up on the eyes and lips;
  • With a black or red pencil, draw cracks all over the face: under the eyes, around the lips and on the forehead.

As you can see, vampire makeup is very simple, easy to do with your own hands. The selection of clothes also does not require much effort. Any black clothes will fit perfectly into the image.

Vampire Makeup - Video

witch makeup

The mystical image of a witch is very useful on Halloween. The make-up can be the most fantastic. Clothing - black, burgundy, purple and other vestments of dark saturated colors.

Step-by-step make-up "Black Witch":

Grim "Old Witch":

Makeup for Halloween in the style of pannochki from "Viya":

Halloween zombie makeup

Zombie is a frequent party goer on the night of October 31st. Many of us have managed to review a lot of films with the theme of the zombie apocalypse. You can try to draw on the face of the most terrible character from these films.

Everyone knows how terrible zombies are: torn face, lifeless eyes, "dead" skin. Try one of the following zombie makeup options.

Method 1:

Zombie Makeup - Video

Method 2:

  1. Wear white or light blue lenses.
  2. We put a porcelain tone on the face.
  3. We create the effect of circles under the eyes with the help of burgundy and black shadows. Shade them under the lower eyelid and on top.
  4. We paint the arrows, emphasize the eyebrows with eyeliner.
  5. The corner of the mouth can be smeared with red lipstick. Gently blend the stain.
  6. You can finish the artificial wounds, gore on the hairline.

To complete the look, military-style clothing or any other, purposely torn, worn and soiled, is suitable.

Makeup like a ghost

One of the oldest images for Halloween is a ghost. Dressing up in it is as easy as shelling pears: you need white clothes, a cape or a regular sheet. With makeup for a ghost, you have to try a little more.

Other original Halloween looks

Consider alternative interesting ideas for a festive masquerade.

Makeup "Cheshire Cat"

  1. You will need "cat" lenses with an elongated pupil. Color - turquoise, a shade of a sea wave.
  2. We circle the eyes with a white pencil - at the inner edge, black - at the outer. We paint lush eyelashes.
  3. Eyebrows tinted with blue shadows.
  4. Mouth: draw white teeth and black space between them. Take a look at what a cat in a cartoon looks like and repeat its famous smile on yourself.
  5. A blue wig will be the final touch.

Skeleton Halloween Makeup

You can copy the features of the skull on the entire face or on half of it. It will take only white and black paint for makeup and a lot of diligence. A printed image of a skull or a visual exhibit will be invaluable help.

It will be great to add bone drawings to the brushes. There are even clothes with the image of a skeleton - T-shirts and leggings.

Puppet make-up in honor of the day of all saints

This is another unusual version of makeup.

The images of animals are also very interesting.

Dressing up as a kitten is fun and easy. You can buy cat ears or sew them yourself by attaching them to the headband.

If you want to make makeup thematic, but not so defiant, there are also a lot of ways:

And how do you like the idea of ​​dressing up on October 31 as an angel or a demon, an alien or a scary clown, or even a terrible character invented by yourself? With such interesting Halloween makeup ideas, it's impossible not to fall in love with this holiday.

All Saints' Day was the original name of the holiday. It is celebrated noisily and on a large scale, without forcing atmosphere and gloomy messages, despite the root cause of its appearance. People believed that the dead - departed relatives, friends and even pets, are in another, ghostly world. You can see the dead only during the night of October 31 - at this magical time, souls descend into the world of the living to see their loved ones.

Along with good spirits, evil, lost souls also descended. To scare away such uninvited guests, it is customary to dress up with various monsters, as well as apply appropriate makeup. So ghosts do not recognize an enemy in a person and will not touch him, and if you try hard with the image, then they will be completely frightened.

At first, only classic costumes and masks of monsters were relevant - witches, werewolves, vampires, etc., but the modern Halloween culture allows any costumes, their theme should not even correspond to any creepy or scary image. Children are happy to use this, fully showing their imagination, and the fair sex, who on this special night have the opportunity to transform into anyone.

What is the best makeup for Halloween?

Of course, you first need to decide on a costume. Makeup or make-up is just an addition if the decision on a full-fledged image has already been made. Even if there is no time / desire for a costume, make-up must be done in one style, harmonious and festive, so as not to look stupid or inappropriate.

If you are going to do makeup for a Halloween themed party, it is better to know the theme of the event. For example, it would be strange to appear as a zombie or a lycanthrope wolf at a vampire-themed party. Complex demands are rarely put forward at such meetings - after all, Halloween has long lost its sacred meaning and is now only an excuse to get together with friends and have fun.

If you don't have a costume or preferred makeup base themes, it's a good idea to let go of your imagination and quickly come up with a look from scratch, based only on your intuition and sense of style. Here are a few tips that can guide the newbie in celebrating All Saints' Day:

  1. Dark tones are not required! If the holiday is on a gloomy theme, this does not mean at all that bright colors should be excluded. On the contrary, colorful elements are very common in standard costume party themes. You can brightly make up, depicting a pumpkin, a cute witch, a cat or a fairy. Don't be afraid to look positive.
  2. Glowing elements. Fluorescent face and body paint will help you stand out from the crowd and create a believable look. This can be bought in gift shops, make-up shops or on the Internet. Face and body paints are completely safe and are designed for ten hours of continuous wear.
  3. Stickers or drawings, sequins. Depending on the image, extraneous decor elements will also be appropriate. The main thing is not to overdo it, make sure that it is comfortable to breathe with makeup, the skin does not sweat.
  4. patterns. Standard Halloween makeup can be decorated with patterns typical of the holiday - a cobweb, a spider, a cute turtle or black cats in hats. You can make a drawing in front of a mirror yourself, but it is better to ask someone else to make the result as satisfying as possible.

Purchase special make-up products. You can make a small contour drawing with ordinary paints, but no more - applying makeup to the skin with the help of drawing supplies is dangerous, since some of them can be toxic and are not intended for this at all. Even if the effects are not overtaken during the party, they may well appear later, the next day, in the form of a rash or redness of the skin.

Stylish images for Halloween

In every business there are newcomers, and the celebration of All Saints' Day is no exception. Experienced hunters of sweets and positive emotions have long decided which costumes suit them best, but if you are not one of them, there is nothing to despair. Even with minimal experience, you can create an excellent image for yourself.

cute/creepy kitty

Every girl at least once in her life associated herself with this graceful, graceful and wise animal. We can say that in every woman there is a cat - why not give it free rein on this special holiday?

  1. The basis of the image of a cat is the eyes. It would be wise to throw all your efforts into the correct eye makeup. You can line your eyes with arrows, use more mascara, bold eyeliner and shadows - feel free to apply everything that you would not dare to do in everyday life. For a complete and unique look, use false eyelashes and contact lenses with narrow pupils.
  2. Draw in ink a mustache, a nose, even an imitation of wool, if you are confident in your abilities.
  3. Lips, on the contrary, are better to hide, make pale or leave a very weak outline. This will give the image an unusual look, expand the upper part of the face and narrow the lower part - just like a real cat.

pumpkin princess

Halloween has a popular symbol - Jack pumpkin, the king of the holiday, a monster that steals naughty kids. You can wear makeup to match his female version and get the most admiring glances at any party without putting in much effort.

  1. You don't have to paint your entire face pumpkin orange. The best solution would be, oddly enough, a tan. It is easy to apply on the face with the help of cosmetics, and the next morning it is just as easy to wash off. If there are special small sequins for the face, use them too.
  2. Pumpkins always have glowing eyes, so you need to imitate this effect as well. The brightest result can be achieved if you use light mascara - white, yellow, with sparkles. Ideally, if the model has a dark eye color, as the end result will resemble ominous highlights inside a pumpkin head.
  3. It is important to draw lips in dark colors - brown, black, gray. You can do with a simple lipstick or pencil, or you can draw a creepy or cute grimace that looks like a crooked pumpkin mouth.


A classic option for a girl, which, however, can hardly be called banal. Although this look is often seen at themed parties, it is very difficult to find two identical witches, because each girl wears makeup, reflecting her personality. Do not copy the finished image, build on your own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Do not be afraid to emphasize the sexuality of makeup. The image of a witch implies playfulness, not devoid of taste and dignity. Remember the most advantageous features of your face and emphasize them with cosmetics.
  2. Accentuate your eyes, eyebrows, lips, even if you are not used to bright makeup. Faded witches are quickly lost against the background of rivals, so do not be modest. You can give the image a certain absurdity and hypertrophied unnaturalness - whiten the skin of the face, add blush.
  3. Feel free to draw cute traces of lips, spiders, skulls on your cheeks - all this will not harm the image at all, if you follow the measure. Do not overdo it with the details, they should be correctly shaded by pale skin.

No long and tedious preparations are needed to celebrate All Saints Day in full readiness for fun and the opportunity to show off in your own way, a standard set of cosmetics that every girl has, fantasy and a little free time will suffice. Celebrate the spooky holiday in style!

Here are more Halloween makeup looks:

Holidays change our lives. If earlier carnival costumes were used only on New Year's holidays, today another costume holiday, Halloween, has become very popular.

Children also take part in festive events in honor of Halloween. After all, they love to dress up in unusual costumes, depicting zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits.

To make the image complete, you need not only to choose a costume, but also to come up with a make-up appropriate for the character. For example, a vampire costume will not produce the desired effect if the child does not have sharp fangs and deathly pale skin.

How is children's vampire makeup for Halloween different from makeup for adults? First, you should take into account the age of the child. If this is a baby, then makeup should not scare him. Therefore, for a child, we try to make makeup not scary, but rather funny. Secondly, it should be noted that the skin of children is thinner and more sensitive, so the cosmetics that you plan to use must be hypoallergenic and harmless.

Important point! Allergy tests should be done before applying makeup. You need to take a little of the cosmetics that you plan to use and apply to the skin of the baby's hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist or elbow. If after a couple of hours there is no negative reaction (rash, redness, itching), you can start working with makeup.

There are several types of make-up you can use to give your child Halloween vampire makeup.

Read also: Makeup for teenagers

The best option is face painting. These are hypoallergenic water-based paints. After application, they do not cause discomfort, do not tighten the skin, and hold well. This remedy is sold in dry (in tablets) or already diluted form. The first option is more practical for use at home, since undiluted makeup has a long shelf life, it can be used for several years. And this is an important factor, since face painting is not cheap.

Apply this product with sponges and brushes. To remove makeup, it will be enough just to wash your face.

Theatrical make-up can also be used, as a rule, it does not cause allergic reactions. However, this tool is made on a fatty basis, the skin under a layer of makeup does not breathe. Therefore, this option for young children is better not to use or apply only to small areas of the skin, and not to cover the entire face with makeup. To remove such makeup, you will need cosmetic milk or oil.

Another tool with which you can make vampire makeup for Halloween for children is special face crayons. This product is harmless to the skin, easy to apply. However, crayons have a significant drawback - they are quickly erased, so the makeup made with their help will not last long.

In addition to the listed tools, to create an image of a vampire, you will need:

  • cosmetic pencils of different colors (at least you need to have black and red on hand);
  • eyeliner and mascara;
  • dark blush;
  • a palette of shadows with several shades, it is important that dark tones are present in the palette, preference is burgundy, purple, dark brown, gray, black;
  • concealer.

From the tools you will need sponges, brushes of different sizes and shapes, as well as cotton swabs and discs for correction.

How to do makeup?

First of all, you need to come up with an image that will be supported by a suit, makeup and accessories. To do this, you should look at the photo of children in the role of the selected character. Of course, it is not necessary to copy the image created by someone, you can just get the basic ideas, and then create an exclusive make-up with your own hands.

Consider how to make a light vampire makeup, describing the work in stages.

First you need to prepare and protect the baby's skin. To do this, a baby cream is applied to the face. After fifteen minutes, when the cream is absorbed, you can get to work. Our task at this stage is to give the skin a deathly pallor. To do this, you can use white makeup, to which you can add a little blue paint. If there are freckles or pimples on the face, then concealer should be applied to them.

If makeup is not at hand, you can whiten your face with a home remedy that can be prepared from flour, starch and a few drops of glycerin. This composition is applied with a sponge. If you apply it too thickly, then over time it may crack and crumble slightly. However, this will make the image of a vampire even more terrible.

Then you should powder your face with baby powder, brush off excess powder with a powder puff.

Now it's time to apply blush. You can use a bronze or other dark shade, blush can be replaced with dark brown or gray shadows. Apply the product with a wide brush on the cheekbones and sides of the forehead and temples.

If you've been invited to a Halloween party, it's time to think about your look. If you have already decided on the character, then you need to choose the appropriate costume, accessories and paraphernalia, as well as take care of the hairstyle. But in order for the image to be complete and realistic, special attention should be paid to makeup or makeup. If you have no idea how to paint your face for Halloween, then some valuable tips and ideas will help you make the right choice.

Face preparation

A woman or child should always apply only to a previously prepared face. Otherwise, you risk damaging your skin or even getting chemical burns. It is necessary to degrease the upper layers of the skin well, for this wash with ordinary soap, and then use any tonic on alcohol. Then apply a thin layer of cream or this will protect the face from the harmful and drying effects of cosmetics.

Makeup options for women

How to paint a face for Halloween for a woman or girl? Everything will depend on the image and complexity of the costume, we will consider the most popular options.

Gothic makeup

Classic makeup is suitable for the image of a witch, demoness, mistress of shadows or similar face painting for Halloween does not take much time and does not require special skills.

Skeleton image

Making such an unusual face makeup for Halloween is very difficult, but the result is worth the effort and time spent.

  • First you need to draw the contours of the main bones of the skull. The places where the bones are supposed to be are painted over in white, the voids are highlighted in black. The main elements of drawing are the eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw. If your suit does not cover the neck and décolleté, you need to draw the cervical spine and upper chest.
  • Start painting with "voids", for this, use black and dark gray shadows. The intensity of the shade should decrease from the center to the edges.
  • Paint the rest of the face with white. Cover your lips completely. With the help of silver and light gray shadows, highlight the cheekbones and temporal lobes.
  • Final touches. The lines of the teeth and protruding bones need to be made very sharp and clear, for this you will need a liquid eyeliner or pencil.

Artistic images

It is not at all necessary to make a scary and frightening face for Halloween with the help of makeup: the photos below are a vivid confirmation of this. Your image can be mysterious, fatal and even romantic. With the help you can turn your face into a real work of art.

When applying make-up, it is worth remembering that it must be kept in the same color scheme as the costume. Too rich a palette of colors can spoil the image and turn it into a carnival.

Makeup options for men

If everything is clear with the fair sex, then how to paint the face of the male half of the population on Halloween? The stronger sex in this regard was much more fortunate, because their image can be really awesome, while the girls still want to keep a little femininity and beauty.

the walking Dead

Perhaps the most popular characters among guys are skeletons and zombies. However, the variations are very different, it can be a stylish skeleton guy or a real Horseman of Death. But the general essence of the makeup does not change, usually it is a white face and dark accents on some parts of the skull.

Characters from movies and comics

If you want to emphasize individuality and stand out from the gray mass, then for the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmakeup, you can use the image of a character from your favorite movie or comics. Heroes such as Edward Scissorhands or the Mad Hatter are especially popular. Fans of Batman films can use the makeup of the Joker or Harley Joker. But fans of Marvel comics are the luckiest, as they have hundreds of thousands of characters to choose from from the Hulk to Spider-Man.

Makeup options for children

Do not forget about the smallest members of the family. Even though kids prefer to wear scary face masks, for Halloween, you can pick up an image in which they are not needed at all. Therefore, it will help to complement the costume.

Makeup for girls

How to paint a girl's face for Halloween? This, first of all, depends on her age and costume. For a baby, for example, the image of a Pumpkin is very suitable.

  • Take paint or theatrical makeup and draw the outline of a pumpkin on the child's face. It should capture the eyebrows, cheeks and the top of the chin. Using different shades, create a smooth gradient from light yellow to bright orange. The color intensity increases from the center to the edges.
  • Using brown paint, apply longitudinal curved lines. They will imitate pumpkin sectors.
  • With black eyeliner or gouache, apply triangular eyes and a carved mouth of the future festive pumpkin.
  • Finish the makeup with a stalk and green leaves.

An older girl can dress up as a witch, for this you need a bright and beautiful make-up. Use different glitters and rich colors. And to give the image a holiday spirit, draw a web, bat wings or an imp's tail. Well, if the daughter is not afraid to be funny, she will like the image of a real witch with a creepy green face.

Makeup for boys

The boys can choose a variety of holiday makeup options. Various animalistic characters are very popular. For example, a puppy, a kitten or a tiger cub. They are very easy to draw and look quite cute. For a more specific image, it is worth choosing an individual make-up. If your son decided to be Count Dracula, then you should put on vampire makeup, if he chose then the symbols of Batman or Spider-Man will come in handy. And for the living dead, zombie or skeleton, there is a detailed photo instruction.

How to remove makeup

After the holiday, it is necessary to properly remove makeup from the face. To do this, it is better to use a special milk, but if it is not available, you can do with water and soap. To do this, wet your face with warm water and apply a little liquid soap on a cotton pad or sponge. Wait until the paint becomes soft and flowing, and carefully remove it layer by layer. Do not rub the skin or smear makeup all over the face, harmful substances can get into the eyes. After washing, wipe the skin with an alcohol-containing tonic and moisturize with a fat cream.

The fair sex at any age strives to look bright and attractive. Women have to put on make-up every day. What can we say about the holiday called Halloween.

It is worth noting that in recent years the celebration of this celebration has gained great popularity. On this day, every girl can let her imagination run wild and do any light makeup for Halloween. Consider some interesting options for creating an image.

Foundation preparation

Before you start doing easy, you need to properly prepare your face. The skin should be thoroughly cleansed, as well as for the application of everyday cosmetics.

To begin with, wash yourself with a means that suits you. After that, wipe your face with tonic or lotion. Next, you need to apply a daily cream. When the facial prep is complete, wait a few minutes for the moisturizer to be absorbed.

on Halloween

On this day, you can choose absolutely any image for yourself: a witch, a vampire, a Catwoman, an old witch. The image of any evil can be created on your face. However, when applying makeup, you must follow some rules, depending on what you want to get in the end.

Option One: Catwoman

This easy Halloween makeup for a 12 year old girl will come in handy. It uses a minimum of cosmetics, but this image does not become less spectacular.

On a cleansed face, you need to apply the foundation. Choose a tone so that it is slightly lighter than your skin. Next, apply powder to the skin. It will make your face soft and velvety.

After you have made the necessary tone, you can move on to eye makeup. This easy Halloween makeup features greys, blacks and browns. You will need shadows, eyeliner and pencils.

Create an outline around the eyes that fits the cat color. It can be large wide arrows or spots. After that, it is necessary to fill the voids of the contour. Use shades of suitable shades.

This easy Halloween makeup is perfect with cat ears, a tail and a matching costume. Also in specialized opticians you can buy lenses in the form of cat's eyes.

Option two: ghost

This easy Halloween makeup at home is very easy to create, despite the fact that at first glance it seems complicated.

After preparing the face, you need to make the so-called. Since everyone imagines this evil spirit of white color, it is precisely this basis that must be used. Of course, you can give preference to the usual foundation of a very light shade, but the effect in this case will be a little different.

In order to make a creamy, dense base in a pale shade, you need to mix regular potato starch with flour in equal proportions. After that, a little water and glycerin should be added to the loose mixture. When the consistency is the most suitable, apply the mixture on the face with a brush or a regular sponge.

Then you need to highlight the eyes. To do this, take a pencil for the inner eyelid and gently line your eyes with them from above and below. Lips are best left white. If desired, you can make them a pale beige shade. Complete the look with a matching suit.

Another way to do easy Halloween makeup for a girl

If you are the owner of red hair, then this method will be just perfect for you. When creating the image of a witch, green, brown and black shades are used.

First, treat your face with a tonal foundation. Choose a tone that matches your skin. After that, you can move on to eye makeup.

Bring the upper eyelid with a green pencil and make a big arrow with it. Line the bottom of the eyes with black eyeliner. Next, you need to apply shadows. Put a dark brown color on the outer corner of the eye. Treat the inner part of the century with marsh mother-of-pearl paints. Blend the transitions carefully. Remember that shading is not smearing paint on the face, but the maximum smoothing of the borders.

When the eyes are almost ready, use false eyelashes. They can be absolutely incredible colors. Also recently, products made from colored feathers have been very popular. They fit just perfect.

Apply bronze blush with glitter on your cheeks, and make up your lips not with lipstick, but with a soft green pencil with a mother-of-pearl tint.

Complement the created makeup with the appropriate hairstyle and outfit.

How to become a vampire?

Another way to do light makeup for Halloween. For him, you will need a minimum of effort, but a maximum of different colors. In the absence of decorative cosmetics, you can use ordinary felt-tip pens and face painting crayons. It is worth saying that such paints have a lesser negative effect on young skin than conventional cosmetics.

First, make a base. It should have a color that is a couple of tones lighter than your skin. Put the selected foundation in several layers. After that, proceed to the direct drawing of the face.

First of all, work with the eyes. Outline them with a red pencil. You can also use red false lashes or use the trick to color your lashes with red sparkles.

In this image, the maximum emphasis is not on the eyes, but on the mouth area. Here you have to show your imagination and remember drawing lessons. One half of the lips should remain unchanged, but the second part will look as if you have lost your skin.

Draw the outline of the mouth with a black pencil. In the part where the drawing will be performed, make the eyeliner of the created line in white. After that, you need to draw pink gums. You can also do this work with the help of special crayons for face painting.

Next, start drawing the jaw. The final result by and large depends on this point. The jaw should be as similar as possible to a human, but have a slightly larger size. The teeth are predominantly white, and make the space between them with a black pencil. You can also make a red bloody tint at the junction of the lower and upper jaws.

When the look is complete, complete it with the right outfit and hair styling.

In a similar way, you can draw completely one half of the face, but this will be much more difficult. Start with the most minimal and simple.

Use of accessories

If you wish, you can stick artificial parts on your face: warts, moles, scars, nose or mouth. Any such accessory is purchased in specialized stores. This type of decor is perfectly used in almost any image.


If you contact a specialized salon, then the makeup artist will make you a suitable image in a matter of minutes. However, you can save money and create your own bow.

It's pretty easy to do light makeup for Halloween. You can see photos of finished works in this article. Before you start applying cosmetics, carefully consider everything to the smallest detail. Your outfit should be in perfect harmony with your makeup.

After a noisy party, be sure to clean your face. You can do this with regular makeup removers. Have a nice holiday!