Psychological features of the upbringing of boys. How to raise a modern boy to be a real man tips

10 years for a girl (and for a boy) is not only a “round” date, but also the beginning of a crisis pubertal (adolescent) period. This is the time associated with a huge number of emotional reactions (mostly negative, since most of them are provoked by a lack of understanding of their condition).

Age features

Most of the changes at the age of 10 - 11 years occur at the hormonal level, psychology also changes. A certain independence appears in behavior, the exclusive dependence on mom and dad gradually disappears. Each parent should treat this with understanding and accept the fact that the child has a need for communication outside the home and interests on which he can spend his personal time (and the child must have them).

Girls at the age of 10 begin to feel like girls

Attempts to overly control the social circle and activities of a growing girl can result in:

  1. Rebellion, a clear demonstration of disobedience (accompanied by anger, aggression, the desire to act “contrary to” results in truly unreasonable and life-threatening decisions).
  2. Indifference (ignoring all the requirements of the mother and father).
  3. Conditional humility that disappears as soon as the child is out of sight of the parents (accompanied by lies and the development of distrust of others).
  4. True humility (accompanied by a drop in self-esteem, lack of initiative, a tendency to self-destruction).

Completely submissive behavior is dangerous by raising a weak-willed personality

In each individual case, one of these tactics of behavior is predominant, but in general they can alternate with each other. This is due to the variability of the emotional state, which is typical for a girl aged 10-11 years. You should not worry about such instability, you just need to show, if possible, that you are ready to understand your child if he wants to explain himself to you or decides to discuss his condition.

Features of education

It happens that having a good intention to raise a “decent person”, parents raise their child in the conditions of numerous “shoulds” and a categorical “no”, not supported by any explanations. The presence of such groundless (from the point of view of children) prohibitions is very difficult for a growing person to endure, since cognitive processes are still active, the desire to explore the world around is also just parental disagreement is no longer an enough argument to stop.

Do not rely only on prohibitions

Remember: explain your decisions to your child.

It doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy - if your children know why you expect certain actions from them, they will be much more attentive to your requests. Talk to them about the consequences of possible transgressions. Not about punishment, but about how the offense will turn out personally for them.

How to conduct a dialogue

You need to be able to talk with a child of 10-11 years old. Never put pressure on your age, and don't say that you "know better". If you know, then explain, if you are worried, then tell me. Show your child that you are not just a parent, an authoritative, powerful person, but also a loving person who worries and tries to save him from trouble.

If you think that this is already clear, then there is a high probability that you are wrong. Speak out your reasons, your attitude. But be prepared that even after listening to you, the child will act in his own way. It's inevitable, he gets his experience. It is quite possible that you will flare up about this - this is natural, but you must definitely explain that the reason for your anger is not that the child is bad and naughty in itself, but in your worries about his life and health.

You need to learn how to talk to a child

Also, in the process of communication, one should not compare children with their brothers and sisters, or with other people's children. This makes them devalue themselves and doubt their abilities. Moreover, there is no need to shout at them.

Understand: it is in the ability to control yourself that adulthood is manifested.

This does not mean that an adult is a robot. Of course, we all experience emotions, but it is as we grow older that the skill of self-control is acquired. You cannot demand this from a child, but you can set an example for him.


It is impossible to compare children with someone not only in a negative, but also in a positive way.

parenting mistakes

That is, to say “You are beautiful (smart, kind, and so on)” will be true, and the option “You are beautiful (smart, kind), like ...” is erroneous. Firstly, in such a comparison, children may get the feeling that they are not unique, not valuable in themselves. Secondly, there is a risk that there will be a desire to imitate in everything that other personality, to which they turned out to be similar, which again leads to a loss of individuality.

Incomplete families

There is a special situation in single-parent families, and if a girl lives with her dad, it is advisable to make sure that she has an older “girlfriend” (grandmother, aunt, nanny), who, from her own, female position, will help in solving certain issues. If you are fulfilling such a mentoring role, then take it seriously, do not divulge the secrets entrusted to you and do not ridicule the still immature decisions of your ward.

An incomplete family requires a special relationship with the child

It is quite possible that a girl at the age of 10 will not dare to discuss any of the problems that concern her, so you should carefully “probe” the situation, inadvertently touching on “difficult” topics and noting the reaction for yourself. Fear of discussion is associated with the fear of showing one's ignorance, stupidity or awkwardness. If you have figured out what exactly hurts the child, then you can tell something funny about yourself on this topic. Let him see that everyone has failures and absurdities, and that there are no taboo topics for discussion.


First of all, you have to learn to consider a teenager of 10-11 years old not only as a child, but also as a person who wants to make decisions on his own, without regard to what they say or think about him. It is possible that he will consider the performance of household duties not as an objectively necessary action, but as an act of submission to someone else's will.

Discuss with the future hostess that you are not able to do everything around the house and it would be wise (if she is already old enough) to share worries with her. Give her your “territory,” for which she will be responsible, entrust her with a certain (but strictly limited) list of cases that are in her jurisdiction.

At the age of 10, a girl must clean her room on her own.

Attention: if your child has a separate room, then you do not need to try to control the process, quality and frequency of putting things in order in it.

Better instead:

  • Keep your room in order (set a personal example).
  • Discuss the consequences of such negligence (the occurrence of allergic reactions and frequent illness due to excess dust and poor hygiene, the appearance of an unpleasant smell in clothes, to which classmates may react badly).
  • To be able to show a moderately positive reaction to the fact that the daughter nevertheless took up the cleaning (stormy enthusiasm, as well as ignoring, can cause a teenager to have a negative attitude towards the experience of housekeeping).

If a daughter of 10 years old does something outside the regulated list, then be sure to note how much she helped you, because this is not part of her duties, and she spent her free personal time taking care of her family and household chores.

Joint rest

According to most parents, a modern child by the age of 10 is not interested in anything other than phones, games and walks. But it is not the children who are to blame for this, who are often left to their own devices for a long time. They do not have not only a habit, but even a single experience of other pastimes. Give him such an experience, do something together, agree that for one day (or at least for a few hours) you will put down your phone, TV, computer together and do something else.

Joint walks and recreation are very close

It does not have to be "useful" leisure, you can fool around, but in a special way. Practice co-creation.

But! Always be prepared that the child will not agree with your proposal. He needs to be able to dream up himself, try to negotiate. You can alternate the days when your child plans classes, and when you yourself. Do not try to adjust her plans to suit your needs, children feel this and can be seriously offended or lose motivation. But it is possible and even necessary to make reasonable remarks about practical issues in a calm, non-critical manner.


Parents who want to earn respect from their offspring must understand that the power of personal example also operates here. It is not necessary to indulge all the whims of the child, but to treat him with respect is a must.

In general, girls are characterized by more tactful behavior and a greater sense of responsibility. They are easier than boys to understand someone else's point of view, and therefore respectful (as well as compassionate) attitude towards others is more characteristic of them.


At 10-11 years old, girls may be interested in psychology. Support this hobby, try to figure out your inner world together. Read the relevant literature, encourage the child to think about his inner state. Self-knowledge, self-development - this is exactly what will allow the child to develop self-confidence, to socialize safely.

Psychological help of parents will help the child to understand himself

As one daughter told her mother when asked about how to behave with children at the age of 10: “Be sincere and natural. And don't overload it with too much information.


There are no universal laws on how a boy or daughter should be brought up at 10-11 years old (and at any other age). Just be careful with your kids. These are actually separate individuals who a priori do not owe you anything. But if you want, you can become their reliable friend and excellent teacher. Then they will listen to you and help of their own free will, and not under pressure, and this, you see, is much more pleasant.

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The upbringing of children 10-12 years old should take into account the psychological characteristics of the period, as well as with the appearance in the child of a sense of independence. During this period, puberty begins, which seriously affects the behavior of a teenager.

At the age of 11, children experience the peak of emotional instability, and the behavior of adults towards them should be especially careful, but at the same time firm.

Mistakes in upbringing in the period from 10 to 12 years lead to serious psychological problems in the period of older adolescence, which lasts from 13 to 15-16 years.

Features of children at 10-12 years old

  1. The child is more and more drawn to peers. Boys and girls prefer to be friends with children of the same gender. The emerging interest in the opposite sex remains hidden for the time being and outwardly sometimes manifests itself only as small aggressive attacks (mockery, pushing, name-calling, etc.)
  2. The motor activity of the child increases: he walks a lot and quickly, runs. The distance that children cover at 10-12 years old and their speed doubles compared to the previous age period.
  3. Children develop stable interests that often last a lifetime. They can be connected both with the choice of a future profession, and with a hobby.
  4. Children become even more curious, want to know everything about everything, actively absorb information from different sources. The child is interested in the conversations of adults. Of course, he does not understand everything, but he listens, observes their behavior and communication style, reflects, draws his own conclusions.
  5. In connection with the beginning changes in physiology and psychology, complexes and self-doubt may begin to appear in children at this age. Therefore, it is important to be patient, praise them for their skills, achievements and correct behavior in order to prevent a decrease in self-esteem.

Sexual development of children at 10-12 years old

Sex education is a particularly important stage in the process of personality formation. The main task falls on the parents, who should be able to prepare the teenager for what changes in his body will occur.

Girls, first of all, must be competently brought to the understanding that they will begin menstruation, which at first will be unstable and can go wrong for several months. It is not enough just to tell the child that his body has matured. The mother should explain to her daughter in detail what is happening to her. It is also necessary to teach the girl how to properly care for herself during menstruation.

Special attention should be paid to ensuring that the teenager does not see anything indecent and shameful in the change taking place in the body. It is important that the girl does not have a guilt and shame complex due to menstruation, which occurs if she is brushed aside when she wants to know about what is happening to her.

In boys, hormonal changes also begin between the ages of 10 and 12, and adolescents are faced with such a phenomenon as wet dreams. Parents need to prepare their son for this so that he does not experience shock and does not perceive what is happening as something shameful, requiring constant concealment. It is better that the father conducts the conversation, as in this case the boy will be less shy. At the same time, if the son is in a more trusting relationship with his mother, it is better for her to talk to him.

Conducting sexual education of a child at the age of 10-12, one must take into account the fact that talking about puberty always causes embarrassment in children. You can not make fun of a son or daughter or somehow, even without malice, humiliate them. A teenager must understand that, despite adult sexual manifestations, his body is not yet ready for procreation. Before that, it should be fully formed.

In the same period, it is necessary to gradually begin to explain to children about the need to comply with certain safety rules during sexual intercourse. Also at the same time it is necessary to explain that too early (before 16 years) sexual life leads to health problems, especially in girls.

The development of a child at 10-12 years old, what he should know and be able to

During the period of early adolescence, which lasts from 9.5 to 12-12.5 years, children move from a dependent position to an independent person who can fully take care of himself. At this age, regardless of gender, children should be able to:

  • clean up the apartment;
  • use a washing machine and wash small items by hand;
  • cook simple meals with or without a stove;
  • wash yourself and observe all necessary hygiene rules;
  • wash the dishes;
  • plan your personal time and distribute tasks depending on their importance;
  • stand up for your opinion and accept constructive, justified criticism;
  • stand up for oneself;
  • get out of awkward situations;
  • accurately follow the instructions given by the parents;
  • seek help from emergency services and clearly explain what is happening;
  • distribute and accumulate pocket money;
  • take care of pets;
  • be responsible for your actions;
  • look after the younger ones;
  • analyze actions and their consequences.

From the age of 11, a teenager should be able to navigate in the store in the composition of products and choose them not according to the attractiveness of the packaging.

From the age of 12, children become quite independent and can be left alone at home for the whole day. At the same time, they are already able to heat or cook their own food, allocate time for work and rest.

In early adolescence, the child must fully master the school subjects. He also already knows and clearly understands that he is a person who has rights and obligations, as well as responsibility for his actions.

How to raise a child at 10-12 years old

  • Be very attentive to the opinion of the child. At this age, he has his own point of view on almost everything. If you do not learn to respect his views, then in adolescence he will either respond with a violent protest at attempts to “shut him up”, or close in on himself and stop expressing his opinion, which is no less dangerous.
  • Try not to use harsh phrases when communicating with your child, do not be overly categorical. The expressions “I forbid you”, “You are obliged”, “Because I said so!” etc. will be met by your child extremely negatively and will only cause resistance. If you think his behavior is inappropriate or you do not like one of his friends, say so calmly, argue your point of view (get used to doing this all the time), and express your feelings. Be sure to listen to your child.
  • Do not hide your fears and concerns for the child under the mask of severity and inflexibility. Openness and sincerity in communicating with him will help maintain a warm trusting relationship between you.
  • Pay attention to what your child is interested in at this age, in order to contribute to his inclusion in a particular activity. By the beginning of adolescence, your child should have one or more useful hobbies (creative or sports), then it is easier to direct his energy in the right direction.
  • Your ability to trust your child begins to play an increasingly important role. Demonstrate with all your behavior that you do not doubt him, provide a reasonable degree of independence and initiative, designate his area of ​​​​responsibility. You cannot forbid children to want to become adults, but it is important to show that this is not so easy.
  • Accept the child as he is, do not compare with others. He needs to feel loved and protected no matter what the conditions.
  • Create conditions for confidential conversations with your child. If you want him to communicate more with you, do not build a conversation in the form of an interrogation, that is, do not use many questions at once that require one-word answers ("yes" or "no"). Ask the child how his day went, what he learned new, what he thinks about any phenomenon, etc. It is open questions that stimulate communication. Remember that before bed, children are more inclined to sincere conversation, and use this time to show tenderness and kindness.
  • Always maintain eye contact when talking to your child. And don't forget the importance of touch. Supportive hugs help you feel accepted and protected.

When educating relatives and teachers, one should take into account the psychological state of the teenager and the fact that he goes through a period of self-determination and the development of independence. The experiences associated with puberty are also taken into account.

Children need to be supported in undertakings and showing initiative. You can not be treated with irony or disrespect for personality and appearance. This age period instills a lot of complexes with improper behavior on the part of parents.

Relatives should not put pressure on a teenager and force him to accept their opinion, regardless of his own. A son or daughter should be able to express their views and, according to individual preferences, choose their own clothes and hobbies (if they are not dangerous).

  1. Do not resist the manifestation of their emotions. In order not to lose contact with children at the moment of emotional instability, when they react to everything excessively violently and defiantly, and tantrums can suit prohibitions, one must not resist the manifestations of their emotions. After a surge that finds no barriers, the children are ready for a constructive conversation, as they do not feel opposition from adults and the need to fight for interests. They realize that a calm conversation with reasoned arguments gives a lot more.
  2. A place for freedom. Control over the lives of children in a number of areas should be weakened. You should not strictly dictate what clothes to wear (you can only express your opinion, but without using guilt-inducing words: “well”, “your business”, “whatever you want” and “I don’t like it”). For example, if you want to convince a growing daughter that the dress she chose does not suit her, it is better to do this by explaining that it hides her strengths and creates the effect of non-existent flaws.
  3. Appropriate appraisal. Parents should not underestimate or overestimate the external data of children. Both will cause complexes. It is necessary not to poke at the shortcomings, but in a mild form to show the teenager what weaknesses he has in appearance, and how they can be hidden or even turned into advantages, characterizing them as an individual feature.

The daily routine of a child at 10-12 years old

Compliance with the strict implementation of the daily regimen is difficult, since at this age adolescent independence begins to manifest itself. During this period, parents must make compromises to maintain the correct rhythm of the day in children. It is also necessary not only to indicate when and what to do, but should, with reasonable arguments, explain to the son or daughter why this is necessary and how not following the schedule will harm them.

It is also necessary to allow the teenager to experience the disadvantages of violations. For example, if he sat in front of a TV or computer until late at night, then in the morning he will not be able to easily wake up to school, and during the day he will suffer from poor health. Faced with this, it is unlikely that you will want to repeat the mistake.

Classes with a child 10-12 years old

In early adolescence, awareness of one's interests and abilities begins. Children develop inclinations for creativity or abilities for the exact sciences, as well as sports. Classes should become, as it were, the interaction of two personalities, in which one does not dominate the other. Parents help to learn new skills and support children in this, but do not do everything for them, allowing them to overcome difficulties and feel satisfaction that they succeeded.

Games and toys for children aged 10-12

Toys that interested children at an early age turn into the quality of guarded and carefully kept talismans, which they do not part with, but do not play with them anymore. For boys and girls, complex puzzles, radio-controlled models, logic board games and computer games become the main toys.

The latter should not be forbidden, as this will only lead to their becoming especially desirable. However, it is necessary to dose the time spent at the monitor, organizing for the child no less exciting pastime, preferably with a sports bias.

Any toys should be bought only with the interests of the teenager in mind, so that they do not become a disappointment. In most cases, children want to receive various sports equipment as a gift.

When raising a boy or a girl, relatives need to first analyze their behavior. It should be aimed at the formation of an independent and full-fledged personality, and not at manipulating the child in order to keep him around him.

Often, parents unconsciously try to instill in their children a sense of guilt and duty to them, which, in their opinion, can save their sons and daughters from mistakes and disappointments. As a result of such an illiterate approach, they only achieve that children either acquire a mass of complexes and cannot live fully, or break off relations with loved ones as early as possible, wanting to finally become a person.

Your son is gradually growing up: externally and internally. You can barely keep up with what's happening to him. A lot is changing: from clothes and habits to worldview and attitude towards girls.

The difficult teenage stage is laid down by nature, it cannot be avoided. For some, it happens earlier, for others - later, but on average, boys begin to turn from a child into a man at the age of 11-12 years.

Believe me, your son is not easy right now. Unstable mental processes and new views of the world around us are superimposed on physical malaise. If you understand what is happening in your son's body and can explain it to him, then this stage will be a little easier.

Let's start with physiological changes.

What happens in the body of adolescents at 11-12 years old

The cardiovascular system. The heart of a teenager increases significantly, this is due to the growth of the heart muscle - myocardium. The heart volume of a 10-year-old boy is 130 cc, while that of a 13-year-old boy is already 443 cc. At the same time, blood vessels grow more slowly and the heart needs to exert more effort so that the body does not suffer from a lack of oxygen. The load on the heart increases and pain may appear in it.

Respiratory system. The volume of the lungs also increases. But it is not yet possible to use all the oxygen received, so the brain does not have enough proper nutrition, which leads to headaches. The larynx begins to grow and the voice changes.

Musculoskeletal system. The tubular bones of the arms and legs and vertebrae grow rapidly. At the same time, the spine remains very mobile, the probability of its curvature is high. Large muscles grow faster than small ones, so it is difficult for the boy to work with small objects, he quickly gets tired. Teenagers at 11-12 years old look disproportionate: long arms and legs, big feet.

Leather. The changes that occur in the boy's body lead to the fact that the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and irritations, rashes and pustules appear on the skin.

Nervous system. The brain begins to develop actively, especially the anterior sections of both hemispheres. The teenager begins to respond sharply to all the comments that are directed at him. Excitation prevails over inhibition, so adolescents are unbalanced, their mood often changes.

The work of the autonomic nervous system, which connects the spinal cord and brain with internal organs, is also not fully balanced. The blood vessels are poorly filled with blood, the pulse and breathing quicken, the brain lacks oxygen, dizziness and weakness appear. Vegetovascular dystonia is a frequent companion of adolescents.

Endocrine system. In boys at the age of 11-12, the thyroid gland begins to actively grow, which is responsible for the energy balance in the body. The sex glands also develop, and the amount of testosterone in the blood of boys increases.

About the effect of testosterone on the body of a man in general and a teenager in particular, see the video excerpt from the webinar "10 important secrets that mothers should know about boys."

Boys' behavior during adolescence

Internal changes have a very strong effect on the behavior of boys.

  • become very emotional, even those who used to be calm. All this is accompanied by mood swings: in one minute, stormy joy can be replaced by intense sadness;
  • looking for "thrill" and taking big risks;
  • begin to pay attention to girls and want to like them;
  • begin to consciously approach the choice of clothes and care for the skin;
  • react painfully to comments and violently express disagreement;
  • they don’t finish what they started, and sometimes they don’t start what they were talking about;
  • get tired quickly;
  • become irritable;
  • they can do something energetically, and after a couple of minutes they fall on the bed exhausted.

Relations with girls at this age are difficult to build, one of the reasons is that it is at the age of 11-12 that girls are larger and stronger than boys. This affects the self-esteem of children.

Our free book "" will help you understand and cope with your son's emotions.

In general, if you look at what a teenager wants to be and what he really is from the outside, then these are almost two parallel worlds. Inside the boy is strong, handsome, the girls like him and he succeeds. And on the outside, he is still clumsy, disproportionate and with a changing voice.

Which boys show the most pronounced changes in behavior at the age of 11-12?

The visibility of changes in the behavior and health of the boy for him and those around him will also depend on what lifestyle he led in childhood and leads in adolescence.

Children who move a lot, go in for sports and generally lead an active lifestyle, are easier to endure the difficulties of adolescence. Physically, they develop more harmoniously and they have where to throw out excess energy, and sometimes aggression.

Such active boys even before adolescence make parents and other adults “nervous”, so their behavior change at the age of 11-12 is not so noticeable.

Boys who stay at home all the time, move little and may be overweight, have a much harder time. Their changes in health and behavior are more pronounced.

Adults who are used to a calm child can also find it difficult to readjust.

For parents who want to understand their children, and especially for mothers who want their sons to maximize their potential for courage, we have created a special training.

Remember: "Forewarned is forearmed"? The useful knowledge and practice that you will receive at the training will be a support, a foundation in order to help your son pass this difficult age with dignity, calmly and confidently.

This course only about boys, features of their physiology and outlook. During the training you will learn:

  • how to understand and predict the behavior of your teenager in certain cases;
  • about when to let go of the situation, and when, on the contrary, to take control;
  • how, in a bond, mom-dad-son does not turn into a “swan, cancer and pike”;
  • how your fears can poison your son's life.

The training will start on March 29 and will last 1.5 months. Details about the training program and conditions of participation.

Adolescence is also called the transitional age - the transition to adulthood and responsibility. This stage is difficult for both the boy and the parents. To help your son, you need to listen to him, understand him, accept the changes that are happening to him. You can not make fun of his appearance and relationships with girls.

A question for mothers of girls - is an article about physiological and behavioral changes in girls in adolescence needed?

Even the most obedient children can change their behavior drastically from time to time. Most often, such turning points occur during the psychophysiological restructuring of the body. One of the most difficult periods for parents is adolescence. And if earlier moms and dads with minimal nerves could calm the child, then few people know what to do if the child is nervous and naughty at 10 years old.

Psychological characteristics of children at 10 years old

This period is marked by the beginning of the manifestation of teenage maximalism, both in boys and girls. In children at this age, ideas about the world and themselves are collapsing and radically changing. At the same time, everything around them is presented as extremes: if someone is good, then he ascends to an idol, hostility or a bad attitude can meet with absolute aggression.

In addition, children at the age of 10 are in dire need of such social phenomena, at least at the family level:

  • sincerity of relations;
  • respect for their interests;
  • a clear perception by relatives of the child as a person;
  • sufficient level of attention and demonstration of true love of parents.

At this stage, both girls and show a lot of aggression. This is a kind of universal way to protect against psychological and physical violence, as well as a desperate attempt to attract attention. In addition, it is at this time that early puberty begins and the manifestation of some interest in the difference between the sexes. At the same time, curiosity is more of a general educational nature and practically excludes deep sexual overtones.

In view of the emergence of interest in the opposite sex, both in girls and in girls, defiant and aggressive behavior is a way to attract the necessary level of attention. Nervousness is especially often and uncontrollably manifested in the event of an acute lack of it, both at home and at school. To understand their importance, children need to feel love and care. But, at the same time, it is important for both boys and girls to assert their “I” and achieve the perception of themselves by adults as a person who has the right to voice and opinion.

The main reasons for disobedience at 10 years old

The main reasons for the emergence of bright outbreaks of aggression and the implementation of deliberate meanness is the feeling of being useless to parents and others. The child feels unloved, deeply lonely. Even with acute aggressive reactions, their main point is to attract attention and seek support and a share of understanding of deep problems.

Quite often, in children of this age, not only aggression is noted, but also frequent crying, turning into tantrums. The phenomenon occurs not only in girls, but also in boys. In this case, often the child himself is not able to explain the reasons for such behavior. All this is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, together with the urgent need for self-realization.

Quite often, attacks of nervousness and crying occur when you want to show independence and try to eliminate a number of existing prohibitions or restrictions, as well as to reduce the area of ​​parental control. It is important for children to be able to make an independent choice in elementary things, to express their opinion and feel their significance and usefulness.

Methods for eliminating aggressive behavior in children 10 years old

In order to effectively work to eliminate nervousness and disobedience in boys and girls at the age of 10, it is important for parents to understand, first of all, that even the most reckless hooligans and hysterical kids are in dire need of love, understanding and support. The very principle of eliminating aggression is based precisely on these needs of children.

Initially, any baby needs help to throw out accumulated emotions. However, it is important to teach him to do this not on people and animate objects. Let the baby beat the pillow, talk about the problem. It is important not to show aggression at the moment and talk to the child in a normal voice.

In the event that tantrums and whims do not occur due to the child’s poor health, they must be ignored as much as possible. In no case should one indulge such whims or respond with aggression, as a result of the calmness of the parents, the baby will understand that such “concerts” do not make sense

It is worth noting that in the course of disputes, it is important for adults and the child to find a compromise, and not to crush the baby with their authority. Any conversation, especially educational, should be conducted on an equal footing. To do this, mom or dad needs to sit down so that the child is almost at the same height and does not feel infringed.

If a child misbehaves everywhere

Most often, attempts at self-assertion occur, or in the circle of the closest relatives. However, if the child is nervous and naughty, not only at home, but also, first of all, it is necessary to find out the true reason for such behavior. Perhaps she hides in the presence of any fears or unpleasant subjects who periodically offend.

What to do if a child is nervous and naughty at 10 years old everywhere? Manifestations of acute and uncontrolled aggression are everywhere, often of a deep nature and may be manifestations of hidden disturbances in the work of the central nervous system. Therefore, systematic nervous behavior often requires the help of a child psychologist. At the same time, often the main problem lies in intra-family relations and the principles of communication and mutual respect. Therefore, a family counselor may also be required to eliminate negative factors.

The journey that a child goes through from birth to 10 years is huge. In a lanky little man entering adolescence, it is almost impossible to recognize an unintelligent baby. He differs even from a three-year-old baby, but this transformation took place unnoticed by his parents. The beginning of the pubertal period is characterized by the active actions of the child in the team. Previously, he had contact only with individual peers. In secondary school, the student and teacher staff is more diverse. The number of contacts of the child increases in the yard, in sections, circles. Boys and girls begin to perceive role-playing behavior as the attitudes of a certain community. The team becomes the strongest tough teacher of the growing child.

Physical changes that are noticed at the age of 10 show that girls and boys begin to develop faster - body weight increases, height increases. The body accumulates resources for the subsequent leap in development. Soon, the development of girls begins to outstrip, only by the age of 15-16, boys catch up with girls, and everything takes on a natural order. Noticeable differences are reflected in the psychological state of both girls and boys in the form of self-doubt, and often the number of these experiences depends on the parents. It is extremely important to talk about the features of development, to be always there and in full readiness to support the child in a difficult period, to prepare for the subsequent rapid development of the body.

Child development at 10 years old (what you should know and be able to)

At the age of 10, learning activity comes to the fore, a lot of strength is given to it, on its basis, children develop theoretical consciousness and thinking, they have the ability to reflect, analyze, plan their present time and future life. The needs of learning are reinforced by motives; 10-year-old children must be able to learn, operate with their knowledge, store a large amount of information in memory and reproduce it.

The child's sense of competence is enriched, which is reinforced by successful studies, awareness of their abilities and the ability to perform various tasks with high quality. Competence is new in the child's self-consciousness along with the development of the sphere of arbitrariness. A ten-year-old child strives to fit into the team, and communicates mainly with children of the same sex. The need for a mother and strong attachment is weakening, but the behavior of a 10-year-old child is still dependent on the upbringing of parents.

Nutrition for a 10 year old

The daily menu includes several main meals (3-4) and snacks. Nutrition consists of the same products as in adults, but the quantity and quality should be different. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in an adult is calculated according to the formula 1:1:4, in a ten-year-old child - 1:1:5, since the metabolic processes of the body require much more energy. Food should include a large amount of protein, which makes vegetarianism unacceptable. Protein starvation can provoke mental and physical development disorders.

In ten-year-old boys and girls, there is an increase in gastric digestion associated with hormonal changes, so food that is heavy, rough, difficult to digest can create problems for children in digestion. You should also not give them a lot of sour and spicy foods, spices, hot seasonings.
In primary school age, children may still develop allergies to some types of food. This is due to the fact that the increased permeability of the intestinal walls can provoke the entry of unsplit food molecules into the bloodstream, causing a response of the body's immune system.

Between meals should be approximately 4-4.5 hours. A younger student should consume 300-400 grams of vegetables daily, and the same amount of fruits or berries, preferably fresh. At the same time, they need to be changed so that the body receives various vitamins and minerals. Cereal products should provide the growing body with energy, support the immune system. More than 50 percent of calories are devoted to carbohydrates in the body. In general, nutrition should be correct - and this means balanced, varied, regular and enjoyable.

The daily routine of a child at 10 years old

To preserve the health of the child and provide the best conditions for development, it is necessary to observe the daily routine. In addition to nutrition, it is important to take time for hygienic procedures for walking in the fresh air, allocate time for doing homework with breaks, and also go to bed at the same time. The body of schoolchildren consumes calories especially intensively in the morning, so special attention should be paid to breakfast.

Eating regularly in the morning reduces the risk of many diseases. Breakfast is simply necessary for better resistance to stress and high psycho-emotional and physical stress, and besides this, it maintains a normal weight in children. It has been found that more than 40 percent of obese teenagers do not eat breakfast, and boys are at greater risk of becoming obese. Everything turns out to be quite banal - in the evenings, mothers, experiencing a guilt complex, try to “feed” the child to the desired “amount”. As a result, food is not digested, the child sleeps poorly, eats poorly in the morning and continues to gain weight. For active, excitable children, you need to set aside 25 minutes before meals to calm down after exertion and prepare for eating.

Classes with a child at 10 years old (how to develop)

To preserve and reproduce information, it is very important to develop and strengthen memory in every possible way. At school, in almost every lesson, the teacher uses various methods to develop and strengthen memory. In your free time, you can also pay attention to this in a playful way, connecting the company of children. So that the exercises do not become boring, it is better to present them in a bright form - children are attracted to everything. What evokes an emotional response.

Several types of entertaining games to train memory and attention

1. "My favorite fruit"
Under the guidance of an adult, several children become in a circle. The first child names their favorite fruit. The next participant names their fruit and repeats the previous name, and so on. The last participant must list all the names that were pronounced in the circle. By joining the game in a chain, children concentrate and develop memory.

2. "Observation"
The task of the driver is to describe the atmosphere of a room or room known to everyone (for example, a school canteen or assembly hall), the rest listen carefully and supplement.

3. "Pairs of words"
This exercise can be used on the road, in nature, at home for adults and children. Naming several pairs of words (ball - skipping rope, plate - porridge, compote cup, bed - pillow, car - steering wheel), and the child should reproduce only the second words.

Games and toys for children at the age of 10

Despite the fact that the life of a younger student is connected to a greater extent with the school, games and toys remain interesting to him. They become a little different, but still occupy an important place in a child's life. Without a doubt, games should be educational. These are no longer just cars, cubes, dolls - constructors, logic games are best suited at this age.

1. Constructors
Develop logic, thinking and fine motor skills. Many kits for younger students - a young chemist, physicist, electrical engineer.

2. Board games
Children of this age are very fond of socializing. A small team is easy to rally and entertain with board games with several participants.

3. Labyrinths
Finding the right path and getting out of the labyrinth is not so easy - you need to constantly keep the rules in mind so as not to return from a new direction to the path traveled.

4. Games with pictures
In order to build game strategies, you will need logic, memory and the ability to analyze the situation, the player's chances in a given situation. The result of the game is displayed in points.

Of course, do not forget the old family games - chess, checkers, lotto, dominoes. When choosing games, be sure to consult with your child. Do not throw away old toys without consulting with the child - this can put him in a state of stress.

Raising a child at age 10

An important feature of the age of 10 is the emergence of interest in the opposite sex, when boys are not yet limited in groupings from girls, but contacts clearly arouse interest, and are also evaluated by their peers. Therefore, external attention is often hidden under the guise of aggression - for example, pulling a pigtail. This is the real equivalent of sympathy, hiding the desire for communication, embarrassment and timidity. Girls are also not indifferent to such attention. But communication is still devoid of sexual overtones, so this is a good time to use for sex education.

The information does not yet cause excitement and with the help of medical terms it is possible to acquaint the child with the physiological needs of the body, the functioning of the human body, and prepare for the onset of puberty. This knowledge will help you enter puberty without complexes and a decrease in self-esteem. In the children's team, it is important to instill masculine traits in boys, and feminine traits in girls, to educate moral qualities that will help resist the negative influence of the "street".

Attention should also be paid to respecting elders, fulfilling the laws of society, helping the weak and animals.

Useful tips for parents: how to develop creativity

At the age of 10, it is still possible to identify the child's abilities, but in the future it will be much more difficult to do. Children still perceive failure as a negative experience, especially if the activities or activities are carried out in a playful way. Their actions are not yet constrained by patterns and stereotypes, and you can arouse interest in creativity by giving the child a certain freedom of action in his personal time. In addition to watching TV and computer games, give your child the opportunity to draw, sculpt, play music or dance, enroll him in the sports section wherever he wants.

There must necessarily be restrictions on watching TV or playing games on the computer, but there must be mandatory compensation in the form of an interesting activity. In no case should you force a child to engage in creativity, this can even cause discord in relationships. Also, do not overload him with a variety of activities. The main thing is interest, the use of the strongest hobbies for the development.