Calculation of the height of the child according to the parents calculator. How to calculate how tall your child will be

The child height and weight calculator from birth to 12 years of age will help determine the height and weight range of the child according to his age.

The calculator has an additional function - a forecast of the height and weight of the child. Based on the parameters entered, you can assume height and weight for future years, but for this you need to fill in the appropriate fields with the child's data for today.

Please note that the result of the answer is given in two versions:

  1. according to centile tables;
  2. according to the weight of the child to his height.

Example: boy 8 years old - height 141 cm and weight 30 kg.

According to centile tables, the ratio of weight and height to age:

  • Child height: high (normal - 122-131 cm)
  • Child weight: overweight (normal 23-28 kg)

Child's weight according to his height:

  • low (normal weight for this height - 33-35 kg)

The child weighs above average, and his height is even higher (tall child), i.e. weight does not catch up with height parameters. Therefore, according to the centile tables, the weight will be excessive for the norm, but insufficient for growth.

Calculate the weight and height of the child

You can also calculate the weight and height of a child according to his age by comparing the indicators according to the centile tables (tables 1 and 2), as well as comparing the ratio of the height and weight of the child (table 3). Keep in mind that all children are different, so your child's growth and weight gain may differ from those shown in the chart.

Boys height and weight table

Girls height and weight table

Table of the ratio of the height and weight of the child

Height and weight of a child up to a year

To calculate the height and weight of a baby up to a year old, there is a table that will show how much a newborn should gain in weight.

Table of increase in height and weight of newborns

For a quick calculation of the ratio of height and weight, as well as a forecast of indicators, use our calculator for the height and weight of a child from birth to 12 years.

One of the first things you hear after a baby is born is their height and weight. This information is first entered into the child's medical book, and it is also shared with friends and relatives. I propose to understand why these indicators are so important.

Firstly, the height and weight of the child, as well as the circumference of the head and chest, help doctors correctly determine the condition of the newborn, suggest or exclude a number of diseases and pathologies. In the future, as the baby grows, these indicators serve as an indicator of the physical development of the child.

It is by the ratio of height and weight, as well as by the speed of development, that experts determine whether the sleep and rest regimen is correctly selected, how nutrition should be adjusted, and what physical activity will have a beneficial effect on the child's body.

Baby's height at birth

  • The growth of a newborn at a gestational age of 38-40 weeks, as an important anthropometric indicator, can range from 46 to 56 cm. It depends on the blood flow of the placenta, the nutrition of the expectant mother, heredity, and also on the sex of the child.
  • When assessing the condition of a newborn, small stature is not always a sign of poor development or prematurity of the fetus. For example, if the parents of the child are short, then the newborn may also be small.
  • In addition, the norm also fluctuates for multiple pregnancies, in which children are born lower and smaller in weight. However, each case is evaluated by pediatricians individually according to general anthropometric indications and the physical condition of the newborn.
  • The ratio calculated by the formula weight / height (Quetelet index) is important. For full-term babies, the normal rate is 60-70

In the first year of life, given the active development of the baby, growth is extremely important for assessing health and nutritional balance. It is believed that the norm is an increase in growth of about 25 cm per year. Here is an approximate table of growth in the first year of a child's life:

In the first six months of a baby's life, its weight is calculated by the formula: newborn weight + 800 * number of months. So, if at birth the weight of the child was 3200g, then at 4 months the weight should be no less than 3200 + 800 * 4 = 6400g.

After 6 months, the formula becomes more complicated. We now add 400g each month for 6 to 12 months. So, take the same data for a child of 8 months: 3200 + 800 * 6 + 400 * 2 = 8800 - the average weight of the child.

Important: Height and weight are important indicators of a child's development, and if you have any doubts about your baby's height, share them with your pediatrician.

A baby is considered premature until 38 weeks. Naturally, the norms of growth and weight for such children are different, moreover, further development also occurs in a different way. So, for example, the growth rate of a premature baby at birth is 35-45cm.

  • Premature babies develop differently. Parents in such a situation should calm down and not push events
  • If babies with normal weight gain their bulk and height in the first months of life, then a premature baby begins to grow actively, catching up with peers, only after 3 months
  • This is due to the fact that the baby needs to gain weight lost at birth (and it is up to 15% of the total weight) and gain weight back to normal.

The increase in height in the first year of life is about 26-36 cm, in the first six months the increase is 2-5 cm monthly. Premature babies not only differ in size, they have a different physical and mental development, which scares many parents, because the child begins to hold his head later, later walk, etc.

Important: Remember, the baby will not be lagging behind, he will definitely catch up with his peers. Sometimes, firming massage courses can help him develop.

Child Growth Chart: Growth Rates for Boys and Girls from Birth to 18 Years

Growth is influenced by many factors - physical development, nutrition, and a well-established sleep and rest regimen is also important. In addition, we should not forget about heredity and the fact that each child develops differently.

Anthropometric centile tables will help determine the approximate growth rate for your child. They are compiled on the basis of an analysis of the growth of several million children, as a result of which they derive an average indicator by age.

It is worth noting that the growth rates for boys and girls are different. Find the age and height of the child in the table and see which column it is in.

Table of height and weight for girls

Growth, which is indicated in the columns highlighted in red, fits into the norm. Everything that is indicated to the left: 10% - below the norm within acceptable limits, 3% - beyond the acceptable limits. The same is true with the columns to the right, only in the direction of increase.

Important: If the height and weight of your child is in the extreme columns, consult with specialists: a pediatrician, an endocrinologist, a therapist.

Table of height and weight for boys

How to calculate the height of a child by the height of the parents: formula

Naturally, it is impossible to accurately determine how tall the baby will be, but it is still possible to assume based on the hereditary factor. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular formulas for calculating the height of boys and girls.

The ratio of height and weight in children, tables

  • Equally important is the ratio of height and weight in a child, which reflects his physical development. Observation of indicators in dynamics will help prevent the baby from lagging behind or developing obesity
  • Even if your child is a couple of centimeters taller or shorter than his peers, or his height or weight does not fit into the norms for age, you should pay attention to their ratio.

Based on the above tables, you can make an approximate conclusion about the anthropometric indicators of your child.

Please note that you can also use a calculator to quickly calculate your child's weight-to-height ratio. You only need to enter your age, height and weight to determine your body mass index and development level.

Periods of intensive growth of children: growth spurts

In the first year of a newborn's life, approximately 5 so-called growth spurts are noted:

  • 1-3 weeks
  • 6-8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

During growth, your child may become whiny, most likely, his appetite will improve significantly and he will need more time and food to satisfy his desires. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you may feel like you are not getting enough milk. The main thing is not to worry and continue feeding. Your body will do everything for you.

  • It is worth noting that in infants, growth spurts do not last very long - an average of 2-3 days. In addition to increased appetite, you may notice increased anxiety during these periods, the emergence of new skills.
  • Sometimes a sudden sleep disturbance may indicate a growth spurt - the child wakes up more often or does not sleep at all, or, on the contrary, may fall asleep unusually hard and for a long time

After a year, the child gains weight and grows more steadily. The next noticeable growth spurt occurs at about 6-7 years.

  • You need to understand that at this age, extremely important changes occur in the child's body, among which in the first place is the formation of the musculoskeletal system and the strengthening of the skeleton
  • Pay attention to the posture of the child, right now you can earn problems with the spine. The average increase in height is about 8-10cm per year

Important: In the period of 6-7 years, it is difficult for a child to maintain one position for a long time or is immobile.

The next major growth spurt occurs during adolescence's puberty. In this case, it is impossible to guess at what age it will occur. In girls, puberty occurs at 10-12 years of age, while in boys it is usually 1-3 years later. Growth per year can reach 8-10 cm, sometimes more.

  • The growth spurt is accompanied by hormonal changes in the child's body, secondary sexual characteristics appear
  • Moreover, often the child's body negatively experiences rapid growth and weight gain.
  • A teenager may begin to worry about cramps, headaches, dental problems
  • Hormonal changes affect the behavior of the child: he can become whiny or aggressive, get tired quickly

During this period, it is important for you to provide the child with all the necessary substances and vitamins. Please note that during the growth spurt, fluid requirements may increase by up to 20-30%.

Very tall problems in children

With the reasons that affect the growth of the child, the factors leading to high growth, as well as recommendations for parents of a tall child, you can read in detail

Small growth in a child, what to do?

If your child's weight is much lower than normal, do not rush to draw conclusions, because it is possible to influence growth until the growth zones are closed.

Important: Before taking any steps on your own, consult your doctor - missing centimeters in some cases can be a symptom of gland failure.

Factors that can affect the growth of a child:

  • Complete nutrition
  • Healthy sleep, properly adjusted sleep and rest regimen
  • Sports loads
  • Favorable psycho-emotional environment

What height and weight can a child have, video

It is believed that 70-95% of a person's height is determined by his heredity, and above all - the growth of his parents. Therefore, to calculate final growth of the child specialists use formulas that take into account only data on the growth of his father and mother. There are quite a lot of such formulas to date. We present five of them and try to test their performance on the example of well-known families.

The authorship of one of the most popular formulas at the moment is attributed to a certain Dr. J. Hawker from the Mayo Clinic. He proposes to calculate the final height of the child by adding the height of the father and the height of the mother and dividing the resulting amount by two. Add 6.4 cm to the result if the boy's height is calculated, or subtract 6.4 cm if the girl's height is calculated.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM): 2 + 6.4;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM): 2-6.4,

Where RO is the father's height in centimeters, RM is the mother's height in centimeters, and PR is the estimated height.

The second well-known formula, based on experimental data, was developed by a researcher from Czechoslovakia (when such a country still existed) V. Karkus. To calculate the growth of boys, you need to multiply the mother's height by 1.08, add the father's height to this result and divide the resulting amount by 2. To calculate the girl's height, you need to multiply the father's height by 0.923, add the mother's height to the result and divide the amount by 2.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM * 1.08): 2;
PR girls \u003d (RO * 0.923 + PM): 2.

The authorship of the third formula is unknown, which does not detract from the prevalence of its use. To calculate the final height of the boy, the height of the father and the height of the mother are added, the resulting amount is multiplied by 0.54, and 4.5 cm are subtracted from the result of the multiplication. To calculate the height of the girl, the sum of the height indicators of the father and mother is multiplied by 0.51, and then from the result subtracted 7.5 cm.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM) * 0.54 -4.5;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM) * 0.51 - 7.5.

The authors of the article "Short stature in childhood" Professor Vladimir Smirnov and endocrinologist Gleb Gorbunov give a formula that is very similar to Dr. Hawker's calculation method (the first formula), but assumes an accuracy of calculations plus or minus 8 cm:

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM + 12.5): 2 ± 8;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM-12.5): 2 ± 8.

Basically, it can be rewritten like this:

PR boy \u003d (RO + PM): 2 + 6.25 ± 8;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM): 2-6.25 ± 8.

This formula predicts not so much the final height as the maximum and minimum possible height of the child with the current growth of his parents.

You can also give a formula obtained on the basis of the results of a survey by Moscow students of 30 families. Its source is the article "How Much Will Your Child Grow" published in the sixth issue of the journal Science and Life in 1998. The author of the article, B. Gorobets, promises that the accuracy of the calculations is plus or minus 4-5 cm.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM) * 0.57 - 14.5;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM) * 0.505 - 5.

But what happens in practice?

Let's analyze the data on the growth of members of four famous families (we will take the data from open sources) and see which of the formulas is more efficient.

1. It is known that the height of Prince Charles is 180 cm, his first wife Princess Diana is 178 cm. If they decided to start calculating the final height of their sons when they were still small, they would get the following results:

Formula #1: 185.4 cm;
. Formula #2: 186.12 cm;
. Formula #3: 188.82 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 185.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 189.56 cm.

Now the height of their son William is 191 cm, and Prince Harry is 189 cm.

2. Bruce Willis (183 cm) and Demi Moore (165 cm) have three daughters. Since two of them have not yet reached the age of cessation of growth, it is possible to check the "workability" of the formulas only with the help of data on the growth of the oldest - Rumer. According to the calculations, it should have been like this:

Formula #1: 167.6 cm;
. Formula #2: 166.95 cm;
. Formula #3: 169.98 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 167.75 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 170.74 cm.

In fact, Rumer Willis is 168 cm tall.

3. The son of actors Donald Sutherland (193 cm) and Shirley Douglas (159 cm) Kiefer Sutherland had to grow up quite tall:

Formula #1: 182.2 cm;
. Formula #2: 182.36 cm;
. Formula #3: 185.58 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 182.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 186.14 cm.

But the growth of an adult actor turned out to be very average - 175 cm, which is 7 cm less than the smallest result.

4. In the infamous Osbourne musical family, both parents and two younger children, Kelly and Jack, are famous. According to calculations, the daughter of Ozzy (178 cm) and Sharon (157 cm) Osbourne should have been this tall:

Formula #1: 161.1cm;
. Formula #2: 160.65 cm;
. Formula #3: 163.35 cm;
. Formula number 4: 161.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 164.18 cm.

The height of an adult Kelly is 160 cm.

The calculations for their son Jack are:
. Formula #1: 173.9cm;
. Formula #2: 173.78 cm;
. Formula #3: 176.4 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 173.75 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 176.45 cm.

Jack's height is 177 cm.

Despite the fact that in different cases different formulas became more “workable”, all the results turned out to be approximately the same and all turned out to be close to the truth. This means that all formulas can be successfully used to calculate the final growth of the child. The only exception (the example of actor Kiefer Sutherland) confirms the rule rather than refutes it. It is worth noting that all real data "fit" into the framework outlined by formula 4.

What to do with the calculations that you made for your child?

If the result does not suit you, do not be upset. Until the growth zones are closed, the situation can be corrected. Physical exercises that stimulate metabolism and bone tissue growth (swimming, jumping, hanging), proper nutrition, a positive psychological attitude and, in extreme cases, hormone therapy will help increase growth.

On the other hand, it is worth taking into account the following information: the figures obtained indicate the final growth of the child under optimal conditions for its development. Chronic diseases, deficiency or, conversely, excess nutrition, lack of certain substances in the body (for example, iodine), poor emotional state of the child, lack of sleep and inadequate physical activity (low physical activity or, for example, weightlifting) can lead to that the height of the child will be less than "programmed" by 5-15 centimeters.

This calculator estimates the weight and height of the child according to his age to the nearest day. Unlike, this calculator gives a comprehensive assessment of weight in strict accordance with the height and age of the child.

The ranges, methods and recommendations are based on methodological materials developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has conducted an extensive study of the development of healthy children of different nationalities and geographic areas.

Please remember that our calculator generates results based solely on the data you provide. If you made measurements with a large error, then the result will be inaccurate. This is especially true for measuring height (or body length).

If our calculator shows you that there is a problem, then do not rush to panic: measure your height again, and let two different people take measurements independently of each other.

Height or body length

In babies up to two years old, it is customary to measure the length of the body in a prone position, and from two years old, height is measured, respectively, in a standing position. The difference between height and body length can be up to 1 cm, which may affect the results of the assessment. Therefore, if for a child under 2 years old you specify height instead of body length (or vice versa), then the value is automatically converted to the one necessary for the correct calculation.

What is the growth (body length)

Growth is the most important indicator that should be monitored monthly (see). Getting "short" and "very short" ratings may be the result of prematurity, illness, developmental delay.

Tall height is rarely a problem, but an “extremely tall” score may indicate an endocrine disorder: such a suspicion should arise if both parents of a very tall child are of normal average height.

Very short Severe stunting. It can also lead to excess weight. The participation of a specialist is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the backlog. undersized Growth retardation. It can also lead to excess weight. Specialist consultation is required. Below the average Short child, growth within the normal range. Average This growth in most healthy children. Above average Tall child, normal growth. High Such a large increase is not common, but it does not indicate the presence of any problems, therefore it is considered the norm. Usually this growth is hereditary. Very tall Excessive growth in a child is usually hereditary and is not a problem in and of itself. However, in some cases, such growth may be a sign of an endocrine disease. Therefore, exclude the possibility of an endocrine disorder by consulting a specialist. Growth does not match age You probably made a mistake when indicating the height or age of the child.
If the growth of the baby is really the same as you indicated, then there is a significant deviation from the norm, which deserves the special attention of an experienced specialist.

How weight corresponds to height

The ratio of height and weight gives the most meaningful idea of ​​the harmonious development of the child, it is expressed as a number and is called the Body Mass Index, or BMI for short. This value objectively determines the problems associated with weight, if any. And if there are none, then they are convinced that the BMI is normal.

Please note that the normal values ​​​​of the body mass index for children are fundamentally different from those for adults and are very dependent on the age of the child (see). Naturally, our calculator evaluates BMI in strict accordance with the age of the child.

Severe underweight (severe wasting) Severe underweight. Severe exhaustion. It is necessary to correct nutrition and treatment as prescribed by a doctor. Underweight (underweight) Deficiency in body weight. Underweight for height indicated. It is recommended to correct the diet as prescribed by the doctor. reduced weight Weight is within the normal range. The child is less well-fed than most peers. Norm Ideal weight to height ratio. Overweight (risk of being overweight) The weight of the child is normal, but there is a risk of gaining excess weight.
In this case, it is shown to pay attention to the weight of the child's parents, because. The presence of obesity in parents significantly increases the risk of overweight children.
In particular, if one of the parents is obese, then with a probability of 40% the child will gain excess weight. If both parents are obese, then the likelihood of overweight in a child increases to 70%.
Overweight It is recommended to correct the diet as prescribed by the doctor. Obesity It is necessary to correct nutrition and treatment as prescribed by a doctor. Obesity : Diet needs to be adjusted as directed by a doctor. Can't be assessed You probably made a mistake when specifying the height, weight or age of the child.
If all the data are correct, then there is a significant deviation of the indicators from the norm, which requires the special attention of an experienced doctor.

What is the weight

A simple assessment of weight (based on age) usually gives only a superficial idea of ​​a child's developmental pattern. However, obtaining "Low Weight" or "Extremely Low Weight" ratings is a good reason to consult a specialist (see). The full list of possible weight estimates is given below:

Strong underweight, extremely low weight The child is probably malnourished. It is necessary to consult a specialist. Underweight, low weight The child is probably malnourished. It is necessary to consult a specialist. Less than average Weight is below average, but within the normal range for the indicated age. Average Most healthy children have this weight. above average In this case, compliance with the norm should be assessed by body mass index (BMI). Very big In this case, weight is estimated by body mass index (BMI). Weight does not match age You probably made a mistake when specifying the weight or age of the child.
If all the data is correct, then the baby may have problems with development, weight or height. See height and BMI estimates for details. And be sure to consult an experienced specialist.

Young parents, of course, want to know how tall their child will be as an adult. In the anthropometric office, they usually ask: what is the height of the father (P), mother (M), how tall were they at birth and how old are they now. This data is immediately processed by a computer and gives a forecast: when the children grow up, the most likely growth of the daughter (D) or son (S) will be such and such. You can estimate the expected growth yourself with the help of a calculator, without resorting to doctors.

The main factor influencing the growth of children is the genetically determined growth of their parents. Statistical studies show that the growth of a child depends on him by about half. And the remaining fifty percent is much more difficult or completely impossible to take into account. These are lifestyles controlled with difficulty or completely uncontrolled, useful and bad habits, quality of nutrition, environmental conditions, mutagenic changes.

Nevertheless, mathematical statistics can offer a simple linear relationship for an approximate estimate of the height of children, based only on the height of the father and mother, and also indicate the accuracy of such an estimate. A survey of three dozen families made it possible to build a statistical dependence - a "cloud of points" inside an ellipse stretched upwards to the right: indeed, the greater the growth of parents, the greater the growth of their children. But using the "point cloud" is inconvenient. Mathematicians are looking for such a straight line or a curve passing through it, so that, having given a value on the abscissa axis, they can obtain the corresponding value on the ordinate axis with the smallest possible error. This is usually achieved using the so-called least squares method, looking for a linear function y \u003d Kx + b, where K is the slope of the straight line (the tangent of its angle with the abscissa axis), b is the segment cut off on the y-axis.

The optimal value of K is especially easy to calculate if, by the nature of the problem, the line passes through the origin. In our problem, of course, it will not go like this (growth cannot be equal to zero) and the formulas for calculating K and b turn out to be more cumbersome, although not beyond the scope of school algebra.

Their conclusion can be found in the book: Ya. B. Zeldovich, A. D. Myshkis. "Elements of Applied Mathematics". Moscow: Nauka, 1965 and later editions.

In our problem, x = P + M, y = D or y = S. By interviewing Muscovites, several dozen height values ​​​​of parents (P and M) and children (D and S) were obtained. Calculations gave for the daughter K = 0.505, b = 5 cm; for the son K = 0.57, b = 14.5 cm.

As a result, to calculate the expected height of the daughter, the formula was obtained: D \u003d 0.505 (P + + M) - 5 cm. For example, the father’s height is 180 cm, the mother’s height is 161 cm, in total 341 cm. Multiplying the last value by 0.505 and subtracting 5 cm, we get the expected height of an adult daughter of 167.2 cm. In the formula for estimating the growth of an adult son, instead of 0.505, you need to take 0.57, and subtract 14.5 cm instead of 5 cm: C \u003d 0.57 (P + M) - 14, 5. For example, for the same parents, the height of an adult son will most likely be 179.9 cm.

In probability theory, both calculated (children's height) and initial values ​​(parents' height) are called random variables. Here we found only the most probable height of an adult son and daughter. Deviations, of course, are possible, they are easy to observe in brothers or sisters in full accordance with the law of normal distribution of random variables - the most common in nature. On the graph, this law has the form of a bell-shaped curve: in the center is the most probable value of a random variable, on both sides there are deviations, the probability of which quickly tends to zero as they increase (it is also called the Gaussian curve after the great German mathematician Karl Gauss, who developed an analytical form normal distribution law - see "Science and Life" No. 2, 1995). Mathematical statistics can also estimate the most probable deviations from the predicted value, as it is often said: the value is plus or minus so much. To do this, you first need to set the confidence level of the estimate - usually 90, 95 or 99%. In the case under consideration of a fairly strong spread of random variables, it is reasonable to set a confidence level of 90%. Quite complex calculations make it possible to obtain the so-called hyperbolic confidence zones of the regression (they are shaded in the figure), but simply the values ​​of probable deviations from the straight line.

The final answer should sound something like this: if the father is 180 cm and the mother is 161 cm, then the most likely height of their adult daughter will be 167.5 cm, and the deviation from this value will not go beyond plus or minus 4 cm with a probability of 90%.

The volume of the statistical sample collected by the students is small - only thirty points. Therefore, the accuracy of the calculations is also not so hot - plus or minus 4-5 cm. In serious scientific work, data processing for people is carried out on representative samples (this term is now often used when publishing public opinion poll data and means that they can be generalized to a very large population group) of about a thousand people. At the same time, it seems to us that the accuracy of solving this problem will not increase much even for large samples; apparently, it will not be higher than plus or minus 3-4 cm due to physiological, genetic and environmental factors that affect human development. We wanted, firstly, to give a simple opportunity to anyone who wants to satisfy his so natural personal interest. And, secondly, to offer students studying probability theory and mathematical statistics (which are now being studied in the widest range of specialties), and their teachers, an interesting and close topic for solving a statistical problem. It is possible that they will get more representative samples and find more accurate and reliable formulas for predicting the growth of our children.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences B. Gorobets
"Science and Life", No. 6, 1998