The role of ensigns and midshipmen in the patriotic education of military personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. The value of patriotism in strengthening the country's defense capability. Octobrists, pioneers, Komsomol members

Young people should be educated with a conscious desire to build and protect their Fatherland

You can learn military science from a young age. Photo from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

At one of the meetings with the youth of Russia back in September 2012, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted that how we educate the youth depends on whether Russia can save and multiply itself. Will it be able to be modern, promising, effectively developing, but at the same time, will it be able not to lose itself as a nation, not to lose its originality in a very difficult modern situation.

In the future, the leadership of the country set the task at a qualitatively new level to organize work on patriotic and military-patriotic education, the improvement of youth, the development of military-applied sports and physical culture among them in general, based on all the best that was in the previous system.


Patriotic education of the younger generation is a long-term program. The state needs to invest money in it, since this is one of the main tasks of any country that wants to educate a new generation capable of fulfilling and defending all the leading directions of its development in the future.

Patriotism without a certain ideology and constant information support of the state is impossible - after all, patriots are not born.

The ideology of modern Russian patriotism should be based on educating young people in a conscious desire to build and protect their Fatherland. At the same time, the main emphasis must be placed on respect for our history and traditions, the spiritual values ​​of our peoples, our thousand-year-old culture and the unique experience of the coexistence of hundreds of peoples and languages ​​on the territory of Russia. To instill in the younger generation a feeling of love for their homeland, as for their mother.

A mother may not always be right, she can be overly strict, but she is a mother. And we love her not for something, but because ... because she is our mother.


All institutions of power need to participate in strengthening traditional values.

At present, the “Russian Movement of Schoolchildren” has been created in secondary educational institutions, the main task of which is to educate adolescents and form a personality based on our own system of values. Taking into account the experience of youth and children's organizations that have been in the history of our country, this movement can play a very important role in the current education system, primarily in the education and socialization of students.

It is active and purposeful work in this direction that will lead to the fact that young people will consciously appreciate the place where they were born and grew up, a sense of responsibility for their country and its future will appear - this can be called real patriotism with confidence.

Today, most young Russians consider themselves patriots, but often this patriotism has the character of some kind of bravado, since, calling themselves patriots of Russia, they practically do not know the history of their own country. At the same time, some of them do not want to fulfill their constitutional duties; juvenile delinquency and drug addiction remain high. Such problems exist in all regions of our country, especially in the largest cities. The feeling called true patriotism lives inside a person. And at crucial moments, it suddenly breaks out. Today, some of the youth perceive all sorts of magnificent events, their excessive overorganization, many times out of place repeated phrases about patriotism with a degree of irony. After all, when we start talking about something incessantly, we devalue the very concept of patriotism.

True patriotism is brought up in the lessons of literature, history, geography. Without loud words and programs.

The very history of Russian multinational statehood testifies that true patriotism has nothing in common with the ideas of racial, national and religious exclusivity. A sense of patriotism, a system of values, moral guidelines is laid in a person in childhood and adolescence. Here a huge role belongs, of course, to the family and the whole society. And, of course, the educational and cultural policy of the state itself.


Today, a scientific search and substantiation of new forms and methods of educating modern youth of high moral principles, which are the source of personality formation, is needed.

An additional impetus in this work was the All-Russian military-patriotic movement "UNARMIA", created on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and with the support of the President of the country. In a short time of its existence, it has covered almost all corners of our country, having its structural divisions in 84 regions. Any student, military-patriotic organization, club or search party can join the movement. Participation in it is voluntary.

Among the main tasks facing the UNARMIA, such as:

- instilling in young people a sense of patriotism;

- fostering commitment to the ideas of internationalism, friendship and military partnership, countering the ideology of extremism;

- instilling in young citizens respect for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the formation of positive motivation for military service and the comprehensive preparation of young men for the performance of military duty;

– study of the history of our country and the military-historical heritage of the Fatherland;

- promotion of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening physical hardening and endurance.

To organize interaction with the Yunarmiya movement, appropriate positions have been introduced in the military commissariats.

Representatives of the all-Russian military-patriotic movement "UNARMIA" are planned to be involved in the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service in the form of military-patriotic education during the youth-patriotic action "Conscript's Day", ceremonial events associated with sending young replenishment to the troops.

Schools, educational institutions at all levels should truly become centers for the patriotic education of youth, and not institutions for the provision of services. However, for this, it is probably necessary to revise some school curricula in the humanities. After all, a huge amount of educational literature is still being published, in which the history of Russia is often covered in a distorted form, and individual historical events are simply grossly falsified. At the same time, social, political, legal, spiritual and moral ideas, the education of the public consciousness of young people, as well as their psychological and spiritual education, have so far been in the background.

On the example of the closest neighbor - Ukraine, we see how, in a short time, thanks to the introduction of “new” textbooks of history and literature into schools, the ideals in the education of the younger generation were transformed, practically sinking to the recognition of Nazi ideology.

Listening to homegrown "liberal oracles" who claim that there is no ideology in the United States, one simply wonders: is it the primitivism of their thinking or the active propaganda of the American way of life in our country? It has already become clear to the majority of our population, especially recently, that the United States is a country with a strong hegemonic-ideological thinking, which is cultivated in its own country, and then throughout the world by all means available today. The main ideological slogan of this propaganda lava is the assertion that America is the most democratic country, the most powerful militarily and economically, and it has the best state system in the world. That is why all other countries should learn from it and imitate it. Figuratively speaking: America is above everything. True, the country that previously professed such a slogan ended badly in May 1945.


At the same time, along with the positive trend of a significant improvement in work with youth, there are currently problems that need to be addressed with the most serious attention.

In the context of information confrontation and propaganda attacks by our “liberal well-wishers” on negative coverage of patriotic and military-patriotic topics in relation to the younger generation in our country, there is a need to adopt new forms of competitive struggle against them, especially in social networks.

Today, the Internet is an important factor in the education of young people. Previously, when it was not there, the family, school, mass media were engaged in the upbringing of a person from his birth, which systematically laid in the consciousness those moral and moral values ​​that had priority in society. Without disputing the need for the Internet today, we have to state that its complete lack of control by the state and society in terms of ideology has a devastating effect on the process of education and a negative impact on the state of moral and moral foundations among the youth.

On various sites on the Internet, original information cocktails still appear, consisting of distorted and unverified facts, as well as outright lies on the issues of the military development of the state.

That is why we need to be constantly ready for mandatory clarifications of the real position of the Ministry of Defense in various publications, regularly post information materials on various sites most visited by young people that help increase the prestige and attractiveness of military service by conscription and contract.

The active involvement of the Internet resource today can be used with the greatest benefit to create a stable positive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it will become a real conductor of the ideas of building a modern army among the population of the country, especially among young people, bringing them information from primary sources through social networks.

The role of warrant officers and midshipmen in the patriotic education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The centuries-old history of Russia for many generations of Russian citizens is an inexhaustible source of patriotic feelings, which play a huge role in educating the spiritual and moral values ​​of the defenders of the Fatherland.

The history of the emergence and development of patriotism in Russia

In Rus', the mention of patriotism as a phenomenon of social life is found in military-historical documents and chronicles of the 9th-12th centuries. This era is associated with the birth of statehood, so patriotism then had a peculiar, submissive character - with the adoption of Orthodoxy, it was expressed in fidelity to holy Orthodox Rus'.

A vivid idea of ​​patriotism as a source of serving the national interests of the Russian people is given by the literary work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". All this was reflected in it in the form of allied relations of all Russian princes. Thus, already in ancient Russian literature, an idea was formed of the unity of the world, humanity and its history, combined with a high patriotic feeling.

Thanks to the Orthodox faith and patriotism, many victories of Russian weapons were won. It was Orthodox patriotism and national unity that largely determined the victory of Russian soldiers on the Kulikovo field in 1380. St. Sergius of Radonezh blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy to fight Mamai. The Ryazan prince Oleg, who was supposed to go against Dmitry Donskoy, having learned about the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh, abandoned plans to fight against the Moscow regiments.

Another example. Suvorov taught Russian soldiers: “Wonderful heroes! Peace, support, glory of the Fatherland! God is with us! Pray to God - victory is from Him ... Start every business with the blessing of God. Until you breathe out, be faithful to the Sovereign and the Fatherland ... Strengthen the spirit in the faith of the father, the Orthodox. To teach an unfaithful army is to sharpen burnt iron. Like a tree without a root, then reverence for the power of the earth without reverence for the power of God. Honor the sky, and then the earth."

Other historical events in the life of the Russian people testify that the idea of ​​defending the Fatherland has become an invincible moral force. The national-state unification of the people on a patriotic basis contributed to the might of Russia, the strengthening of the Orthodox patriotic idea and its connection with statehood.

During the period of activity of Peter I and his followers, patriotism was GREAT (state) above all values ​​and virtues. This stage of the existence of the Russian Empire as an autocratic-monarchical state was characterized by the dominance of a triune idea: “Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality". Service to the Fatherland, diligence in state affairs were declared the main virtue, they were mentioned in the "Table of Ranks", they were an indispensable condition for obtaining ranks, awards, titles. At the beginning of the 17th century, state patriotism was enshrined in law in the "Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs", acquiring military professional significance and becoming the norm for the behavior of soldiers.

From the middle of the 18th century, the pedagogical foundations for the patriotic education of soldiers began to be created, and a system of patriotic education was developed. In particular, the “Instruction of an Infantry Regiment to a Colonel” required commanders to carry out patriotic education of soldiers by regularly explaining and reading charters, articles, and orders to them. It was an immutable rule that every officer is a bearer of high patriotic feelings. In conversations with subordinates, officers always promoted the glory and power of the peoples of Russia, its great-power symbols.

This, of course, contributed to the manifestation of miracles of courage and heroism by Russian soldiers in the defense of their Fatherland. A vivid example of this is the Patriotic War of 1812, during which not only the Russian army, but also the civilian population stood up to defend the Motherland.

On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, in 1812, the soldiers prayed before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk. In honor of the victory in the Patriotic War, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built in Moscow. “The harder the feat was for the Russian people,” wrote Professor Tsarevsky A.A., “the more formidable the danger, the stronger than usual he took up the saving banner of his faith. Preparing for battle, the Russian army prayed, fasted, often partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. He was accompanied by the most revered holy icons... And when it pleased the Lord to bless the Russian army with victory, then everyone, from the commander to the last warrior, usually attributed their success to the grace of God, the intercession of the Most Pure Mother of God and the saints... Thus, the Russian emperor Alexander on medals in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812, he ordered to knock out significant words: “Not to us, not to us, but to Your name.” Surprising the world with all his physical endurance, the Russian warrior is strong and invincible mainly by spiritual strength ... The Russian soldier is truly strong
he is dreadful and formidable in that he has always been and is, first of all, a Christ-loving warrior.

The next form of patriotism should be called CIVIL patriotism (liberal-state), which began to assert itself in the late XIX - early XX centuries in Russia. He was characterized by such features: love of freedom and denial of all forms of social oppression;, citizenship, combined with the idea of ​​"Eurasianism" and "geopolitics"; spiritual and moral share sublimity, intellectualism and military-practical orientation; the inseparable connection of patriotism with Orthodoxy, the existing statehood and nationality (the slogan "For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland!"); historical continuity; love for the motherland and intolerance for social selfishness, national exclusivity.

These ideas received their theoretical substantiation in the principle of "common good" aimed at consolidating people. Supporters of the idea of ​​patriotism said that the interest of the nation is the highest interest for the true "son of the Fatherland", and love for the Motherland, national pride is the first virtue of a true citizen.

Russian enlighteners emphasized that social egoism is incompatible with patriotism. The motives of unity, solidarity of peoples on the basis of patriotism find their expression in the works of many Russian progressive thinkers and public and political figures.

Russian revolutionary democrats argued that patriotism has social roots, is a feeling that expresses the interests of the people. In his patriotic activity, a person must rely on the idea of ​​an advanced social order, contribute by his activity to the establishment of this system.

The idea of ​​Russian pre-Soviet patriotism had both positive and negative aspects. With all the strength of the patriotism of the Russian people, their desire to protect the Fatherland, the official Russian propaganda identified the Motherland with the image of the autocratic tsar, calling on the people and the army to faithfully serve and fight for him.

The main features of SOVIET patriotism were: devotion of the working people to the socialist Fatherland, its social and political system; preservation of the best patriotic traditions of the past; inextricable link with internationalism; nationwide; conscious character, clarity of people's concepts of civic duty; activity and efficiency. The essence of all this was expressed in the slogans: “For the socialist Fatherland! For the victory of communism! For Soviet power!

In the Soviet period of national history, the concept of "Fatherland" acted as an object of patriotism. Under the Fatherland was understood not only the native land - the "country of the fathers", not only the nation (nationality) with its language, common territory, economic and cultural life, but basically - the economic and political system, the nature of the relationship between classes. At the same time, the Fatherland was presented as a social, strictly historical entity, changing its appearance, its content, not only with a change in the class structure of society as a whole, but also within the same social system, depending on the stage of development at which it is located. And also depending on the position of a given country in relation to others (oppressive or oppressed), and in times of war also depending on the nature of the war waged by this country.

Soviet patriotism was characterized by a class character. Representatives of Marxism argued that in an antagonistic society there is no place for patriotic feelings among the working people, because it is a machine for their oppression. The patriotic feelings of the working people are manifested only at the moment of their struggle for the overthrow of the power of the exploiters, for the democratization of the existing political system, for the national and political independence of the country.

The theoretical substantiation of the class character of patriotism and the Fatherland led to the fact that only the socialist Fatherland began to be considered the Fatherland of the working people, and the one who serves this Fatherland and defends it is a true patriot. Standing on the positions of a nationwide, non-class Fatherland were classified as socially alien elements, enemies.

The Marxist-Leninist interpretation of patriotism also consists in exaggerating the role of the international character of socialist patriotism, in its inseparable connection with internationalism.

In practice, it turned out that in the post-October period, domestic interests were resubordinated to the task of international proletarian solidarity, and Russian and Russian interests - to the task of internationalizing social relations within a multinational country.

In modern conditions, the concept of patriotism is reduced to NATIONAL-STATE patriotism and is understood as a manifestation of a sense of pride in one's country with the active participation of its citizens in strengthening statehood. Proceeding from this, state patriotism contains the ideas of sovereignty, citizenship, integrity and sovereignty of the territory of the Russian state, responsibility to the Fatherland, hostility to nationalism, pride in belonging to Russia.

At the same time, the main directions of the spiritual and patriotic education of military personnel are: the formation of citizenship, loyalty to the Constitution of the Russian Federation; restoration of national honor and dignity, pride in our Fatherland; creation of a coherent system of historical and patriotic education.

Education of military personnel on the example of defending the Fatherland

The historical and geographical conditions of our country forced it to constantly fight for its state and national independence. This could not but affect the formation of a special attitude towards military service. In folk epics, songs, epics, fairy tales, the heroism, courage and courage of those who did not spare their strength, life itself, defending their native land, were sung.

This instilled in Russian soldiers the following qualities: decisiveness in the offensive, steadfastness in defense, courage, mutual assistance and contempt for death at critical moments in the battle.

And the Slavic tribes laid the foundation for the emergence of these glorious traditions, defending their freedom and independence with weapons in their hands. “The tribes of the Slavs and Antes,” wrote the ancient Greek historian Mauritius the Strategist, “are similar in their way of life, in their customs, in their love of freedom: they can in no way be persuaded to slavery or submission ... They are numerous, hardy, easily endure heat cold, rain, nakedness, lack of food.”

These qualities were also characteristic of the warriors of the ancient Russian army - the princely squads. The combatants were distinguished by good organization, discipline, courage and courage, a manifestation of high patriotism. To stand to the death for a brother and father, for the Fatherland - was an unwritten rule for them. Obligatory observance of the oath, loyalty to the prince, his banner were also considered obligatory. In ancient Rus', the banner served not only as a means of command and control, but also as a symbol of honor and glory. The squad that entered the battle defended the banner to the end.

The unbending strength of the Russian people, their irresistible desire for freedom and independence was demonstrated by the victories of Russian weapons over numerous nomads, crusader knights, and Mongol-Tatar hordes.

Thus, the military traditions of Ancient Rus' underlie the military prowess of Great Russia. Their core was patriotism based on the spiritual and moral basis of love for one's Motherland.

The Time of Troubles was called by Russian people the period of the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries. The question arose before the Russian state - whether the Russian people should be free or fall under foreign domination. Everyone rose up to fight the invaders. At the head of the zemstvo militia were Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, elected by the people and endowed with their trust. The advantage of the militias was in the high military spirit of the military people. They fought for their native land, for the liberation of the Russian state, their capital.

The power achieved by Russia towards the end of the 18th century was not a generous gift of Providence. Commanders and naval commanders, soldiers and sailors, winning victories over the enemies of the Fatherland, thereby strengthened the state, serving the progressive cause of the whole people. Such is the dialectic of historical development.

The creator of the regular army and navy, Peter I paid great attention to the formation of patriotic and professional qualities in soldiers. The traditions laid down by him were deepened and expanded by the faithful disciples and associates of the king. In the era of Peter the Great, the patriotic idea acquired a legal basis. In the oath, created in 1716, it was said: “... I appeal to Almighty God to serve our most radiant tsar and sovereign faithfully and obediently ... His Royal Majesty the state and the lands of his enemies, body and blood, in the field and fortresses, water and by land, in battles, parties, sieges and assaults and other military cases of whatever rank they are, brave and strong mending resistance, and in every way I will try to defeat them ... ". Both the soldiers of Peter the Great and subsequent generations of defenders of our Fatherland were faithful to the oath.

It is impossible to talk about the patriotism of our Fatherland, calling it simply "Russian". Since ancient times, the national composition of the Russian army has been diverse. And what made this multi-tribal and multi-lingual mass united? There can be no two opinions - the origins of the strength of the multinational Russian army should be sought in the policy pursued by the state to strengthen it. Above racial views, currents and beliefs, our ancestors put the concept of "Motherland". For example, many Germans lived in Russia since ancient times, and they willingly went to military service, considering it a matter of honor to participate in the defense of the land on which they live.

Brilliant victories on land and at sea firmly strengthened the military and international prestige of Russia. Western armies have clearly understood: a meeting in battle with Russian grenadiers does not bode well. Napoleon's army also experienced this. The legendary feat of the heroes of Borodin was an inspiring example of the patriotic fulfillment of duty to the Motherland for subsequent generations of Russian people. In the Patriotic War of 1812, the names of Russian Germans became famous: General Karl Klodt, a naval officer who later became an admiral, Theodor Litke, one of the organizers and leaders of the partisan movement against the French, Alexander Figner and others.

Vivid examples of the courage and heroism of the Russian troops, examples of steadfastness and patriotism were demonstrated by the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The feats accomplished by the Russians in the battle of Sinop and in the defense of Sevastopol are forever in the memory of grateful descendants. Russian Germans voluntarily participated in the Russian-Persian, Russian-Turkish, and Crimean wars. Our memory also preserves the legendary epic of the defense of Port Arthur. Russian soldiers and sailors preferred death in battle to surrender.

The heroes of the First World War remain honored by our people. The steadfastness and heroism of Russian soldiers were no less worthy of imitation than the exploits of their ancestors. So, on August 18, 1914, during the withdrawal of the 13th Corps of General Klyuev, the column of the Nevsky Infantry Regiment, carried away by the regiment commander Pervushin, rushed with hostility to the 17th German Corps of Mackensen, who stood in their way. The entire column was killed in a bayonet attack, repeating the feat of Ipatiy Kolovrat and his squad.

During the First World War, given the unethical service of German soldiers on the Russian-German front, the army command sent them to the Caucasus, to the area of ​​hostilities with the Turks. Thus, the Russian Germans actively participated in the assault on the powerful Turkish fortress of Erzurum. During the siege, according to some sources, about fifty thousand German colonists laid down their lives, who showed examples of heroism, loyalty to their Fatherland and military duty. Other nations and peoples that inhabited the vast expanses of the Russian Empire did the same.

The traditions of the heroic past of our people have become a symbol of unbending fighting spirit in the struggle against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War. These national traditions united the whole society. Only in Moscow during the first three days of the war, more than 70 thousand applications were received with a request to be sent to the front.

It is difficult to single out anyone when the whole country, in a single patriotic impulse, stood up to defend its independence. Heroism during the war years was massive. Entire military units, companies and battalions covered themselves with unfading glory.

Victory in the Great Patriotic War became possible only thanks to the solidity of our multinational state. Mankind knows no other such example, when the war would unite all nations and peoples so closely. In the fight against the enemy, the representative of each nation considered himself first of all a patriot and citizen of the country, and then a Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Georgian, Kazakh, etc. over 70 nationalities. Among the famous commanders of the PC. Zhukov - Russian, I.Kh. Bagramyan - Armenian, N.E. Berzarin - Latvian, L.M. Dovator - Belarusian, YES. Dragunsky - Jew, R.Ya. Malinovsky - Ukrainian, I.A. Pliev is an Ossetian, K.K. Rokossovsky is a Pole, etc.

Already after the war, reflecting on the greatness of our victory, G.K. Zhukov wrote: “What did the fascist troops stumble over when they took their first step on the territory of our country? What, first of all, prevented them from moving forward at their usual pace? One can firmly say - mainly the mass heroism of our troops, their fierce resistance, perseverance, the greatest patriotism of the army and people.

The military traditions of the Russian army are based on three key moral concepts "patriotism", "military honor" and "duty". The army is alive as long as there are carriers of these concepts in its ranks.

Personifying the main purpose of the army with the highest patriotic duty, the idea of ​​​​the most selfless and consistent service to Russia, the great Russian philosopher Ilyin wrote that “the Russian army has always been a school of patriotic loyalty” and acts as “our strength, our hope, the basis of our national existence. An army is impossible without patriotism and sacrifice. Its slogan is "Live for Russia and die for Russia".

Patriotism is usually associated with a person's love for his homeland, his attachment to the places where he was born and raised, and his readiness to defend all this.

But the patriotism of Russians is unique in its nature. The love of a Russian person for the Motherland can only be compared with the love for his mother. We will not find the phrase "motherland" in any language of the world. These words, most dear to a person, express the depth of the patriotism of our people.

What is this phenomenon - the mysterious Russian soul? What drives millions of Russian citizens in dashing summer for the country? What is the manifestation of Russian patriotism and the national character of Russians?

1. The special love of Russian people for their native land.

2. Community as a stable inclination and need of Russian people in a collective life.

3. Love of freedom, readiness for conscious self-sacrifice for the sake of the freedom of the Fatherland.

4. Vitality and courage.

5. A special understanding of military heroism.

6. Sovereignty (state self-sufficiency) as a historically and geopolitically determined form of development of the Russian state.

7. The pride and dignity of the Russian nation, combined with the manifestation of peacefulness and good neighborly relations with other peoples.

8. The effectiveness of the manifestation of patriotic feelings.

Russia differs from other countries of the world also in that, finding itself in a seemingly historically insoluble situation, each time it found the strength to “reborn from the ashes”, to become an even stronger and more united power. There are more than enough examples in our history. Hence our confidence in overcoming the crisis of modern life, in successfully reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. But this will require from each of us the exertion of all spiritual and physical strength in the name of our people, our Motherland.

1. In the opening speech, the head of the UCP should note the importance of the date of the topic, determine the purpose of the lesson, name its main issues, remind the audience of their role when working with subordinates to instill patriotic feelings in them.

2. When considering the first question, it is advisable to focus on the idea of ​​the origin and development of patriotism in Russia, to support all this with examples from history and the present.

3. In the course of covering the second question, it is important to emphasize that the basis of the patriotic education of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is love for the Motherland, devotion to the Fatherland, which are formed by objective conditions and purposeful, persistent educational work. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that examples from the history of Russia are the most convincing arguments in carrying out this work.

4. In conclusion, it is necessary to draw brief conclusions, answer the questions of the audience, give recommendations on the organization of patriotic education of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, carried out by ensigns and midshipmen, and once again recall the role of students in this important and necessary work for our today's society.

1. State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001 - 2005". - M., 2001.

2. The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation // Krasnaya Zvezda. - 2003, 5 July.

3. Kuznetsov R. Patriotism - the source of the spiritual strength of the Russian warrior / / Landmark. - 2003. - No. 12.

4. Strelnikov V. Patriotism - the source of the morale of the Russian warrior // Landmark. - 2002. - No. 7.

5. Strelnikov V. Patriotism is the most important factor in strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Landmark. -2003. - No. 1.

Lieutenant colonel
Evgeny Murash,


conducting classes on public-state training with military women of the military unit

SUBJECT: "Ways for the formation of patriotic feelings and personal responsibility for the defense of the Motherland among military personnel."

Educational goals:

- to instill in military personnel a readiness for worthy and selfless service to the Fatherland;

- to form in them a feeling of love and devotion to the Motherland, pride in belonging to the great Russian people.

Learning goals:

- to encourage the desire of military personnel to effectively fulfill their official duties, to improve their professional skills;

- to form in the military personnel the readiness to endure the difficulties of military service in defense of the Fatherland.

Questions: 1. Historical roots and milestones of Russian patriotism.

Date of:

Time: 1 hour

In the service of the Fatherland. A book for reading on the UCP for soldiers, sergeants of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 1999

Conduct method: lecture


This year, at a meeting of the Government Commission on social issues of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation was approved. This document reflects the totality of officially accepted views on state policy in the field of patriotic education, including military-patriotic education, which play an exceptionally important role in strengthening the spiritual forces of the Russian soldier.

Russian patriotism... Recently, it has been an inexhaustible topic for disputes, discussions, round tables. Representatives of various strata of society, including the military, are trying to uncover the meaning of this concept. Sometimes there is a clash of diametrically opposed views, judgments, ideas.

The word "patriotism" comes from the Greek patris - homeland, fatherland. In the explanatory dictionary of Vl. Dahl states that a patriot is a lover of the fatherland, a zealot for its good ...

“Patriotism,” the Concept notes, “is love for the Motherland, devotion to one’s Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, up to self-sacrifice, to protect it.”

At the personal level, a patriot is characterized by such features as the presence of a stable worldview, moral ideals, and observance of norms of behavior.

At the public level, patriotism can be understood as the desire to strengthen the significance of one's state, to increase its authority in the world community.

Russian politicians began to turn to the problems of patriotism more and more often. Their speeches emphasize the need to strengthen the Russian state, recognizing the fact that the reforms carried out in the country need a clear ideological justification. And it can be based only on patriotism.

Without cultivating love for the Fatherland, propagating historical traditions, it is impossible to strengthen the spiritual strength of the people, to revive a new strong state. Without an emphasis on protecting Russia's interests, it is unthinkable to work out any fruitful and independent foreign and domestic policy. Without instilling in young people a sense of respect for the history of Russia, for the deeds and traditions of previous generations, it is impossible to build a strong army.

How many generous impulses, heroic deeds are caused by a deep feeling - patriotism. How many beautiful words have been said and written by thinkers of all peoples of the world about patriotic feeling. Let us recall Pushkin's words: "... My friend, Let us dedicate our souls to the Fatherland with wonderful impulses!". Is it possible to forget the ingenious line: "... And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!". And how many folk proverbs exist about love for the Motherland: “A man without a Motherland is a nightingale without songs”, “His own land is sweet even in sorrow.”

The idea of ​​patriotism in Rus' has deep roots. It can be found in the annals of the 9th century. True, in those days it was distinguished by very limited features: it did not extend beyond personal devotion to one's family, squad, prince.

Since the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the patriotic idea has been enriched with new content - a sense of devotion to the Christian faith. The patriotic ideal gained national significance.

As the Russian lands were liberated and united into a single centralized state, the sprouts of Russian patriotism grew stronger. Calling on the Russian people to rally to fight the interventionists, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky said: “So that we, against the enemies and destroyers of the faith of the Christian, Polish and Lithuanian people, stand for the Muscovite state with one mind ...”

The true flowering of patriotism is associated with the personality of Peter I, with his many-sided activities aimed at strengthening Russia. The great reformer and reformer put loyalty to the Fatherland above all other values, even above devotion to oneself.

In the "Table of Ranks", established by Peter I, services to the Fatherland, diligence in state affairs were declared the highest valor and were fixed as the most important conditions for receiving ranks and awards. In order to form a patriotic consciousness, the relevant symbols, awards, rituals, and traditions were approved.

The victory in the Battle of Poltava, the subsequent numerous victories of Russian weapons raised the prestige of the defender of the Fatherland in Russian society. Patriotic values ​​were enriched by the idea of ​​protecting other peoples and states from foreign slavery. The readiness to defend their country and come to the aid of peoples in trouble has become a tradition of the Russian army.

Patriotism, courage and bravery have been demonstrated more than once by the miraculous heroes A.V. Suvorov. Amazing examples of the mass patriotism of the Russian people were also shown to us by the Patriotic War of 1812, which strengthened the national self-consciousness of Russians, their pride and dignity. Old and young rose to fight the invaders. And Russia survived and won... Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 Denis Davydov wrote that Suvorov "put his hand on the heart of a Russian soldier and studied its beating... He multiplied the benefits brought by obedience tenfold. Combining it in the soul of our soldier with a sense of military pride and confidence in superiority over all the soldiers in the world ... "

But, on the other hand, the Patriotic War of 1812 also revealed Russia's lag in the organization of the state and private life of its citizens, in ensuring civil liberties.

It is important to note that the development of the patriotic idea in Russia encountered many obstacles along the way. For example, the prohibition of Paul I on the use of the words "Fatherland", "citizen".

The bearer of the patriotic idea has always been and remains the Russian army. It was she who preserved patriotic traditions, symbols, rituals in her midst, managed to protect the consciousness of soldiers from dubious political ideas.

Patriotism was one of the sources of mass heroism of the Soviet people in the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War.

When our Motherland was on the verge of destruction, the Soviet warrior adequately showed his best qualities as a faithful son of the Fatherland.

During the war years, more than 7 million Soviet soldiers were awarded orders and medals, more than 11 thousand were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Heroism was massive not only at the front, but also in the rear.

It was thanks to patriotism that the soldiers of the Red Army managed to overcome the most difficult trials and defeat a cruel, strong enemy.

Today, when we have set ourselves the goal of building a new democratic society, the existing dogmas and postulates have been revised. To some extent, the roots of Russian patriotism were also hurt, and the patriotic feelings of millions of Russians were wounded.

Life convinces us that it is not a shame to be a patriot. It is shameful and scary to be unaware of one's kinship. This must finally be understood by all politicians, all public figures. You can have a variety of beliefs, put forward different platforms, programs, statutes, you can’t do only one thing - to harm your people, Russia.

Patriotism is necessary today for our country in order to preserve its national dignity and take a weighty position in the community of civilized states of the world. It should be sovereign, historically successive, enlightened and spiritually filled.

The dominance of Russian patriotism reflects the historical fact that for almost half a millennium Russia has been a great power - one of those states that, by virtue of their size and power, have and bear a special responsibility for maintaining stability in international relations.

The historical continuity of Russian patriotism means a common historical memory, a historical consciousness of the continuity of a historical state. Attempts to consign certain periods of our history to oblivion are simply meaningless, and besides, they cause great damage to the education of Russian citizens.

At present, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to be a school of patriotism, vitality, social maturity and professional excellence for tens of thousands of young men.

Love for the motherland, loyalty to military duty are inseparable from military honor and dignity. At all times, these qualities have distinguished people who have connected their lives with military affairs.

If love for the Motherland is a manifestation of patriotism, then the defense of the Fatherland is the duty and duty of a patriot. A person deprived of a feeling of love for the Motherland is not able to realize his duty to her. The history of the Russian army is rich in examples of the manifestation of courage by Russian soldiers.

No matter how one treats the "Afghan page" of the history of our country today, it cannot be denied that the vast majority of soldiers who went through Afghanistan honestly fulfilled their duty.

Many servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been awarded military decorations for their selfless performance of military duty in the Chechen Republic.

We can safely say that the morale of the Russian troops is quite high and contributes to the solution of the tasks assigned to them. Warriors are concerned about the fate of Russia. Such moral and combat qualities as military fraternity, military comradeship and mutual assistance are manifested with particular force.

The courage and heroism of the Russian soldiers, selflessly fulfilling their military duty in the Chechen Republic, were repeatedly spoken with pride and respect in their speeches by President of Russia V. Putin, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S. Ivanov.

Patriotism: origins, traditions, significance in strengthening the country's defense capability


Theoretical foundations, origins, traditions of patriotism.

The value of patriotism in strengthening the country's defense capability.

Patriotism as an important element of the national humanities and culture has a rich history and deep traditions. He has always been regarded as the embodiment of courage, valor and heroism, the strength of the Russian people, as a necessary condition for the unity, greatness and power of the Russian state.

The essence of patriotism was interpreted differently by various thinkers, primarily in terms of its spiritual expression and real-effective manifestation.

Despite the age of origin, the concept of "patriotism" (from the Greek patriotes - compatriot, patris - Motherland, Fatherland) still does not have a clear essential universal definition.

The diversity, multivariance and ambiguity of the interpretation of the term "patriotism" is largely due to the complex nature of this phenomenon, the multidimensionality of its content, the originality of the structure, the variety of forms of its manifestation, etc.

So, for example, Vladimir Dal interprets "patriotism" as "love for the Fatherland." The Military Encyclopedic Dictionary considers patriotism as "loyalty to one's Fatherland, love for the Motherland, the desire to serve its interests, to protect it from enemies."

At the present stage of development of Russian society, patriotism is called upon to give a new impetus to the spiritual improvement of the people, the modernization of the economy, and the formation of a unified civil society in Russia. The state-patriotic idea permeates all the activities of state bodies to create a new look for the Armed Forces and strengthen the country's defense capability. Therefore, the disclosure of the essence of patriotism, the development of its theoretical foundations, is given exceptionally great importance.

The theoretical foundations of patriotic education are formulated in the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation (2003). This document defines the purpose of patriotic education, its tasks and principles, the role and place of state bodies, public associations and organizations for the education of patriotism in modern conditions.

In particular, the Concept emphasizes that patriotism- this is love for the Motherland, devotion to the Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, up to self-sacrifice, to protect it.

At the personal level, patriotism acts as the most important, stable characteristic of a person, expressed in his worldview, moral ideals, and norms of behavior.

At the macro level, patriotism is a significant part of public consciousness, manifested in collective moods, feelings, assessments, in relation to one's people, their way of life, history, culture, state, system of fundamental values.

Patriotism is manifested in the actions and activities of a person. Originating from love for one's small homeland, patriotic feelings, having passed through a number of stages on the way to their maturity, rise to a nationwide patriotic self-awareness, to a conscious love for one's Fatherland.

The goal of patriotic education- the development in Russian society of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality, the formation of citizens with positive values ​​and qualities, able to show them in the creative process in the interests of the Fatherland, strengthening the state, ensuring its vital interests and sustainable development.

At the present stage of development of our society, the achievement of this goal is carried out through the solution of the following tasks:

Affirmation in society, in the minds and feelings of citizens of socially significant patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect for cultural and historical

Russia's past, to traditions, increasing the prestige of the state, especially military, service;

Creation and implementation of opportunities for more active involvement of citizens in solving socio-economic, cultural, legal, environmental and other problems;

Education of citizens in the spirit of respect for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legality, norms of social and collective life, creation of conditions for ensuring the implementation of constitutional human rights and duties, civil, professional and military duty;

Instilling in citizens a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the Russian Federation - the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem, other Russian symbols and historical shrines;

Formation of racial, national, religious tolerance, development of friendly relations between nations.

Over the centuries of national history, certain patriotic traditions have developed in our society and army. Among them in the Armed Forces of Russia include the following:

Boundless devotion to the Fatherland, readiness to consciously give one's life for it;

Fortitude and perseverance in battle, readiness for a feat as a norm of behavior;

The high concept of military honor and military duty among military personnel;

Loyalty to the regiment, ship, its banner and traditions;

Respect and observance of military rituals, awards and honor of the uniform;

A personal example of commanders and superiors to their subordinates.

An integral part of patriotic education is military-patriotic education, aimed at developing readiness for military service as a special type of public service. Military patriotic education is characterized by a specific orientation, a deep understanding by each citizen of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military service, conviction in the need to develop the necessary qualities and skills to perform military duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and organs.

In our country, the formation of a patriotic idea with its origins goes back to ancient times and coincides with the emergence of the Russian state. Evidence of such a quality of people as patriotism was found in military historical documents and annals as early as the 9th century. Patriotism was, as it were, personal in nature and manifested itself in devotion to one's prince and squad. Although warriors could move from one prince to another, loyalty was highly valued in the Russian army. It was considered a shame for the combatants to leave the battlefield, and vice versa, the prince considered it shameful to abandon his army.

In the monuments of Russian medieval literature, one of the leading ideas was the idea of ​​protection, and not the seizure of foreign lands.

The unwritten rule for a Russian warrior was to fight to the death for his father and brother, mother and wife, for his native land. Fidelity to military duty was sealed with an oral oath, an oath on weapons and before God. “Let us not disgrace the Russian land!” - these words of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav can be the leitmotif of the entire history of the Russian army.

Mutual assistance, comradeship, courage, heroism, contempt for death in the name of saving the Fatherland were brought up in military campaigns and battles.

Gradually, these qualities became the basis of patriotism as the most important phenomenon in the socio-political and spiritual development of our society, which was an important component of the Russian mentality.

During the reign of Peter I, patriotism acquires the character of a state ideology, it is considered above all values ​​and virtues. Since then, education in the army has been based on the position: the Russian soldier serves not for the sake of his honor and glory or the emperor, but in the interests of the Russian state.

For the first time, patriotism was legislatively enshrined in the "Charter of military and cannon affairs" (1607-1621). The governors were strictly ordered to instill in the soldiers a sense of patriotism and set an example of serving the Fatherland themselves. Service to the Fatherland, diligence in state affairs were declared the main virtue and enshrined in the Table of Ranks, "Establishment for battle", "Military Article" as an indispensable condition for obtaining ranks, awards and titles.

From the 17th century, the formation of the patriotic idea began as a factor in rallying the state-national space of Russia in the spiritual area of ​​Orthodoxy, which has always played an important role in shaping the people's patriotic feelings and consciousness, fidelity to duty and honor, readiness to fight for their people, for the Fatherland.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the state idea was updated - the religious mentality was replaced by new secular principles, the main of which was "service to the Fatherland and one's neighbors."

For more than two centuries, officers and lower ranks of the Russian state carried out military service, fought and died with the patriotic motto "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland."

The history of our state is the history of numerous wars in its defense. Therefore, the idea of ​​state patriotism was noticeably developed in the works of the great Russian commanders and naval commanders P.A. Rumyantseva, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzova, P.S. Nakhimova, M.I. Dragomirova, S.O. Makarova, M.D. Skobelev and others.

The patriotic idea was preserved even after the October Revolution of 1917. The people of the Soviet Republic in their bulk supported the new government, became a patriot of their new Fatherland, which was proved during the years of the Civil War and foreign military intervention (1918-1922).

The strength of the patriotism of the Soviet people was especially clearly manifested during the years of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the 65th anniversary of the Victory in which was widely celebrated in our country. In this war, the people and the army showed patriotism unprecedented in terms of mass character, which was the basis of spiritual and moral superiority over Nazi Germany. Remembering the difficult days of the battle for Moscow, Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov noted that “it was not mud or frost that stopped the Nazi troops after their breakthrough to Vyazma and reaching the approaches to the capital. Not the weather, but the people, the Soviet people! These were special, unforgettable days, when the common desire of the entire Soviet people to defend the Motherland and the greatest patriotism raised people to a feat.

At the present stage, serious steps are being taken in Russian society and the army in order not only to preserve, but also to significantly develop domestic patriotic traditions, to make them the principles of the life and work of every young person, every soldier.

Thus, patriotism for many centuries of Russian history has been and is the most important moral quality of Russians, one of the sources of economic and military power of the Russian state.

The most important function of the state is to strengthen its defense capability. Many factors influence the strengthening of defense capability: economic, socio-political, military-technical, spiritual, military, and others. In the development of all components of the country's defense power, an exceptionally important role belongs to the human factor, to those leaders and specialists who solve these problems. Defensive power depends on their responsibility and professionalism, on their conviction in the necessity of this cause and, ultimately, on patriotism. Therefore, raising awareness, civic responsibility and social activity of Russian citizens is a priority area of ​​work to strengthen the state and its defense capability.

The country's defense capability is largely associated with the power and combat effectiveness of its Armed Forces, their technical condition, weapons, training of military personnel, and the moral and psychological state of the personnel. Historical experience shows that the army and navy will be much stronger if their personnel have a high patriotic consciousness, since the success of solving all the tasks facing military collectives depends on this quality. In support of this thesis, the following arguments can be given.

Firstly, in the course of military-patriotic education, the personnel develop the correct ideas about the features and nature of a possible war, the means of armed struggle, develop faith in the power of domestic weapons, the conviction that the successful mastery of entrusted military equipment and weapons is a reliable guarantee of victory in modern combat.

Of particular educational importance in this regard are exercises and maneuvers, which are a real test of combat maturity and endurance. In the course of them, the soldiers not only hone their combat skills, but also, seeing the huge military force in action, in dynamics, gain firm confidence that the Russian Armed Forces have everything necessary to protect the Motherland. Convincing proof of this was the Zapad-2009 operational-strategic exercise, which took place in September last year in a vast area from Severomorsk to Brest. This year, similar exercises "Vostok-2010" were held with the involvement of the forces of the Pacific Fleet, government agencies, formations and units of the Siberian, Far Eastern and Volga-Ural military districts. There is no doubt that they were also a serious step towards improving the combat and tactical training of the personnel of many units and formations and improving their combat skills.

Secondly, the military-patriotic education of the personnel of the army and navy helps to increase its morale. Even Napoleon noted that "victory is determined by three quarters by fighting spirit and only by one quarter by the numerical ratio of the opposing sides."

Morale is a deeply social, socio-political phenomenon. With regard to the army and taking into account its specifics and tasks, it means the spiritual ability of the personnel of the Armed Forces to endure any difficulties and hardships, the most severe trials of war and not lose the will to win.

The specific impact of military-patriotic education of soldiers on strengthening the morale of the troops is manifested primarily in the fact that in the process of its implementation, the moral and psychological preparation of personnel for the fulfillment of the duty of defending the Fatherland is carried out.

Strong moral and psychological hardening is necessary not only in war, but also in the course of everyday combat training. Combat duty, sea trips and flights, combat training and missile launches, exercises and maneuvers - all this makes exceptionally high demands on soldiers, is associated with great psychological stress, requires self-control, stamina, courage in the most difficult, and sometimes critical environment.

Thirdly, in the process of military-patriotic education, the tasks of moral improvement of soldiers, the formation of a healthy moral atmosphere in military collectives, the correct statutory relationships between military personnel, and educating them in the spirit of friendship and military camaraderie are also solved.

Particular attention is paid to the education of soldiers in the spirit of high organization and discipline, strict and precise implementation of the Oath and regulations, orders of commanders and superiors. The successful solution of these tasks will largely be facilitated by some steps taken by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation recently to humanize military service, increase its openness, and expand contacts between the army and society.

Fourthly, instilling patriotism in the personnel and raising their awareness ultimately contributes to ensuring the constant combat readiness of the army and navy - a defining indicator of their combat power. High readiness is achieved by thorough and comprehensive training of personnel, precise organization and continuity of educational work, impeccable fulfillment of duties by each soldier, and control over the fulfillment of all this by commanders of all levels.

Gone are the days when, with the declaration of war, troops began to concentrate and deploy outside the influence of the enemy. Modern means of armed struggle make it possible to organize and carry out sudden and large-scale strikes of enormous force not only against objects and troops located in the border zone, but also deep in the rear. At the same time, the enemy has the ability to strike simultaneously by all types of armed forces on land, from the air and from the sea. Therefore, the slightest delay in the combat readiness of even one of the types or arms of the troops can lead to grave consequences and adversely affect the overall course of hostilities.

The degree of awareness by each soldier of personal responsibility for the combat readiness of a unit, ship, subunit, his ability to put into action all technical systems and complexes of military weapons in the shortest possible time, to selflessly fight against any aggressor is a determining indicator of the combat and moral and psychological readiness of troops and forces fleet. The large-scale military adventure of the Georgian regime in August 2008 in South Ossetia is a convincing confirmation of the need for the Russian army to constantly show high vigilance and constant readiness to repel any aggressive actions against Russia and its citizens.

Today be a patriot- this means clearly knowing and fulfilling one's official duties, constantly improving morale and combat qualities, and strictly following the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors throughout army life.

The system of military-patriotic education in the Russian Federation

Essence, tasks and principles of military-patriotic education

Patriotism is the most important source of life for the state, the army, and the individual, including the Russian soldier. It is difficult to overestimate its role in the history of Russia, in asserting national pride and dignity, protecting the Fatherland, and ensuring national security. Therefore, one of the central places in the system of education of soldiers is occupied by state-patriotic education, the essence of which is the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among the personnel of the army and navy, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Patriotism was and is a characteristic feature of the mentality of the Russian people, the spiritual basis for the development of Russian statehood.

The past of our Motherland convincingly testifies that at all times the state-patriotic idea has been one of the main factors ensuring the vitality of society. Patriotism has its origins in antiquity, during the period of struggle against numerous foreign invaders, when the traditional moral values ​​of our people were formed.

On a patriotic basis, the national-state unification of Rus' took place, which at the same time strengthened the patriotic idea itself, firmly connecting it with statehood. It should also be emphasized that already at the beginning of the 17th century, the "Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs" fixed patriotism as a military-professional quality and norm of behavior for soldiers. And during the reform reforms of Peter I, state patriotism began to be placed above all values. Service to the Fatherland, diligence in state affairs were declared the main virtue and even enshrined in the "Table of Ranks" as an indispensable condition for obtaining ranks, titles, awards. This moral quality was especially valued among Russian officers. The patriotic idea of ​​selfless, selfless service to the Fatherland was at the heart of his morality and culture. Officers can rightly be called in Russian history the most patriotic stratum of society, and patriotism is the soul of the Russian army.

Already in the 18th century, a system of patriotic education began to take shape in Russia, and in the Russian army, in modern terms, a system of military-patriotic education. Thus, the “Instruction of an Infantry Regiment to a Colonel” ordered commanders to carry out work on the patriotic education of soldiers through regular clarification and reading of charters, articles, orders, as well as stories about the glory and power of Russia. As an immutable rule, it was assumed that each officer would be a shining example and bearer of patriotism. All this, of course, was reflected in the courage and heroism of soldiers, sailors, officers, generals and admirals, shown by them in the wars that Russia had to wage. Military-patriotic education was one of the factors of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the 65th anniversary of which our country will celebrate next year.

It should be emphasized that the cardinal changes in the country in the 90s of the last century had a negative impact on the spiritual and moral atmosphere in society, including patriotic education.

The state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" notes that "The main tasks of patriotic education in our country in recent years have been addressed in the course of the implementation of the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005", the main goal which was the creation of a system of patriotic education.

At present, such a system has basically developed.

However, the implementation of the current program of patriotic education, designed until 2010, in the country and in the Armed Forces takes place against the backdrop of social and state difficulties and contradictions. Here are just a few of them:

1. Under the guise of spiritual freedom, Western values ​​are imposed on society, egocentrism instead of collectivism, the cult of violence instead of companionship, the thirst for profit instead of labor in its civilized and noble senses.

2. There are attempts by some writers and publicists to prove that in Russia patriotism causes a chain nationalist reaction. Meanwhile, patriotism in its rational, theoretically substantiated form has nothing in common with nationalism.

3. Significant deterioration in the material conditions of life for a significant part of Russians, their alienation from culture, power, economic management, the colossal social stratification of society negatively affects the authority of state power.

5. A negative impact on the formation of patriotism in the conditions of the Armed Forces is exerted by the weakening of the combat power of the army, the processes of its significant reduction, the decrease in the prestige of military service, the insufficiently high financial situation of military personnel and other negative factors.

At the same time, certain measures have been taken in recent years that have made it possible to intensify work on patriotic education in the country and the army, and to solve some problems in its organization.

“An integral part of patriotic education,” notes the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation, “is military-patriotic education aimed at developing readiness for military service as a special type of public service. Military-patriotic education is characterized by a specific focus, a deep understanding by each citizen of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military service, the conviction of the need to develop the necessary qualities and skills to perform military duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops. , military formations and bodies".

The patriotic education of servicemen is organized and carried out within the framework of a unified system of military education of servicemen. In recent years, it has been built on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation (2003), the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", the Concept of Education of Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70 of March 11, 2004), the departmental program of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010" (Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 28 of January 19, 2006 d) and other documents.

They further developed the system of patriotic education, the elements of which are the subjects and objects of education, tasks, principles, content, directions, forms and methods of education.

The practice of recent national history has confirmed that the system of patriotic education cannot remain unchanged, it is constantly being improved. Its change and development is due both to the achievements of the priority tasks of the system of patriotic education, and to the changes taking place in the economic, political, social and other spheres of Russian society, as well as the new conditions of the modern world.

In accordance with the state program, the subjects of patriotic education are federal structures of various levels, scientific and educational institutions, public organizations, the media, creative unions and religious denominations, and the family. In the Armed Forces, such subjects are military command and control bodies, commanders and chiefs of all levels, headquarters and services, educational work bodies, military teams, military cultural institutions, the media, and public organizations in military units.

The objects of education are officers, ensigns, midshipmen, sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors), cadets, students of military educational institutions and female soldiers who are serving in the military.

The subjects of patriotic education with specific capabilities and means solve the problems of patriotic education of certain groups of the population and citizens of the country as a whole.

The main tasks of military-patriotic education are:

Formation of patriotic values, patriotic self-consciousness among citizens of the Russian Federation;

Education of fidelity to the combat and heroic traditions of the Russian army;

Establishment in society of a conscious attitude towards the fulfillment of the constitutional duty to protect the freedom and independence of Russia, ensuring its security and sovereignty;

Active opposition to anti-patriotism, manipulation of information, propaganda of mass culture based on the cult of violence, distortion and falsification of the history of the Fatherland;

Formation of racial, national, religious tolerance, development of friendly relations between peoples;

Instilling in citizens a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the state - the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem of the Russian Federation, other Russian symbols and historical shrines of the Fatherland.

Military-patriotic education is carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

The unity of national and international interests of the peoples of Russia, which implies the love of Russians for their multinational state with respect for all the peoples of the world;

An integrated approach that involves the coordinated, purposeful work of all state and public structures, using various forms and methods for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation;

Activity and aggressiveness, providing for perseverance and reasonable initiative in transforming the worldview of citizens and their value orientations, focused on the national interests of Russia;

A differentiated approach that involves the use of special forms and methods of patriotic work, taking into account each age, social, professional and other population groups, various categories of military personnel;

The organic unity of military-patriotic education with practical military training, meaning the inseparability of words and deeds, concrete work to train citizens in military affairs, to form their military professional qualities;

A comprehensive account of changes and trends in the development of military affairs, the international military-political situation, providing for the implementation of military training at the level of modern requirements and various military specialties, taking into account specific military threats and dangers to Russia's national interests.

These principles are interconnected and implemented in unity.

The main directions, forms and methods of work of officers in the patriotic education of personnel

In the patriotic education of military personnel, there are a number of directions for its organization and implementation, the main of which are the following.

1. Formation of military-professional qualities necessary for the military defense of the Fatherland in the course of everyday training, combat training. This side of patriotic education occupies an important place in the daily activities of commanders and educator officers. In the classroom for combat and public-state training, in the process of military service, they strive to support the patriotic undertakings of soldiers, popularize examples of exemplary performance by soldiers and sailors of their military duty.

Education on a positive example, a selfless deed is a particularly strong and effective means. In this regard, a wealth of experience has been accumulated. Promotion in the service, entry into the Book of Honor, propaganda of those who distinguished themselves at the meeting, in wall printing, photo and radio newspapers, in combat leaflet and military press, publication of leaflets specially dedicated to advanced soldiers, sending letters of thanks to parents, enterprises and organizations in the field past work and studies of soldiers and sailors, evenings honoring excellent students, masters of military affairs - all this creates a positive public opinion, encourages personnel to be equal to the advanced, most conscious and active defenders of the Motherland.

Simultaneously with education on a positive example, painstaking work is organized to correct negative traits in the behavior of individual soldiers. Commanders and superiors point out to such soldiers their wrong actions, explain that patriotic duty requires not verbal assurances of love for the Fatherland, but specific patriotic deeds. They use a variety of methods in the interests of overcoming shortcomings, actively using the forces of the army and navy public for these purposes.
2. An important area of ​​military-patriotic education is heroic-patriotic education based on the study of military history. To educate with history means to promote, preserve and increase the heroic past and present of our people and its Armed Forces. Centuries-old experience shows that the deeper you know the history of your Fatherland with its heroic past, the stronger will be the feeling of love for it, the more accurately you will comprehend its present and future.

Propaganda of the heroic deeds of compatriots in the process of military service is carried out both during combat training and during hours of cultural work. Warriors have a particularly strong influence on encounters with heroes whose tales of courage and selflessness sink deep into the souls of young people.

Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), "Afghan" veterans, combatants in the North Caucasus, as well as participants in local wars are organized in many Houses of Officers and clubs of units. It also organizes viewing of feature films and documentaries on a heroic-patriotic theme.
An important role in solving this problem is played by the museum and rooms of military glory, in which soldiers get acquainted with the heroes and military history, military relics and documents of the war years. Books of the history of parts (compounds), historical forms, books of honor serve the same purposes.

To promote the glorious pages of the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia, lectures, reports and conversations are held in many parts and on ships about significant dates and days of military glory: the Battle on the Ice, the battle on the Kulikovo field, the battles of Poltava and Borodino, the defense of Sevastopol, the most important battles during the Great Patriotic War and others.

3. One of the areas of patriotic education of military personnel is education on the military traditions of the Russian army. Military traditions are part of national-state traditions. They are understood as stable, historically developed, passed down from generation to generation, specific forms of social relations in the army and navy in the form of order, rules and norms of behavior of military personnel, their spiritual values, moral attitudes and customs associated with the performance of combat training tasks, organization military service and military life. They are based on such military virtues as devotion to the Fatherland, fidelity to civic and military duty, military honor, courage, selflessness and mutual assistance. The army is alive and growing as long as there are bearers of these concepts in its ranks.

According to the spheres of military activity, they distinguish: a) military traditions, reflecting the experience of glorious military victories; b) traditions of the process of education and upbringing; c) traditions of military life of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

An important place in the system of military traditions of the Russian army is occupied by combat traditions as elements of military heritage that remain relevant for combat training of troops and ensuring victory in battle.

The main combat traditions of the Russian Armed Forces include the following: courage and mass heroism; fidelity to the military oath, battle banner and St. Andrew's flag; selflessness and self-sacrifice in battle for the sake of achieving a common victory; mutual benefit and military fraternity; respect for the commander and his protection in battle; contempt for traitors, preference for a worthy death over captivity; military prowess; giving military honors to those who died in battle; concern for the preservation of the lives of subordinates in battle and others. A warrior who maintains these traditions and is ready to follow them cannot but be a patriot of his country, its faithful and devoted son.

4. Along with military traditions, an important role in shaping the personality of a patriot warrior is played by military rituals, which are understood as the historically established forms of behavior of military personnel during rituals, solemn and mourning ceremonies performed in the daily life of troops, during festive celebrations, important acts of military service and other cases.

Military rituals embody the noble ideals and lofty goals of serving the Russian soldier to his Fatherland. They cover three main spheres of military relations - the sphere of combat activity (taking the military oath, presenting military banners and state awards, solemn honoring of heroes, burial with saluting of honors, etc.), the sphere of combat training activity (taking up combat duty, combat reviews, general battalion and regimental checks, divorce and changing of guards, etc.), the scope of everyday activities (ceremonial meetings and rallies dedicated to public holidays, important events in the life of the country, military unit (ship), etc.). Military rituals contribute to the formation of high moral and combat qualities among military personnel, cause them to moral uplift, a sense of pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of Russia, to their unit.

5. An important direction in the patriotic education of military personnel is the explanation of the meaning and content of the national-state symbols of the Russian Federation - the coat of arms, flag and anthem, as well as public holidays. For this purpose, they use such forms of work as themed evenings, quizzes, competitions, film lectures, lectures, conversations, meetings with famous people, and others.

6. Among the most important areas of patriotic education is also education based on traditional Russian spiritual values, on morality and ethics. Our historical experience shows that the patriotic unity of people is based on belonging to a single national-spiritual way of life with its moral and ethical values, the most important of which are selfless service to one's people, loyalty to the Military Oath, military valor, military camaraderie, honor, nobility, humanism and others. .

The Russian army has always been one of the armies of the world, which was characterized by noble deeds and aspirations, and the officers were examples of the highest culture. The Russian soldier has always been valued in the world for displaying the greatest humanity, the strictest discipline, and a loyal attitude towards the civilian population.

Raised on the values ​​of high morality and morality, the Russian army often came to the aid of other peoples in delivering them from foreign yoke, in restoring the economy and culture, and in carrying out a peacekeeping mission. Convincing confirmation of this is the military operations of the Russian Armed Forces in South Ossetia and Abkhazia to force Georgia to peace, where Russian soldiers convincingly proved their fidelity to civic and military duty, devotion to their Fatherland, while showing courage, steadfastness and heroism.

When solving problems of patriotic education of military personnel, such areas are also used, such as: constant interaction of military units with state and local authorities, public organizations and military-patriotic associations; participation of military personnel in search work within the framework of the All-Russian Memory Watch; conducting classes on military affairs with pre-conscription and draft youth, and others.

In the practice of military-patriotic education, various forms of work are used. The already named forms include: evenings of military glory, lessons of courage, celebrations with the introduction of military banners, meetings, rallies, processions, events with the participation of internationalist soldiers, patriotic clubs, care for monuments and memorial cemeteries, laying flowers on memorial days , discussion of military-patriotic films, holding reader's conferences and others.

Among the methods of military-patriotic education, the most popular are the following methods: persuasion, examples, reliance on the life experience of the educated, individual approach, a combination of intellectual and emotional impact.

Thus, in recent years, the system of military-patriotic education has been further developed. It has clearly defined tasks, directions, forms and methods of education, which make it possible to successfully and effectively form in military personnel the qualities necessary for the defender of our Fatherland.

In the opening remarks, it should be emphasized that the patriotic education of military personnel is the most important component of all educational work with personnel, the role and importance of which in the conditions of crisis phenomena in the country and the creation of a new image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is increasing significantly.

When studying the first question, it is necessary to reveal the main elements of the system of military-patriotic education, while paying special attention to its essence and tasks.

In the course of considering the second question, it is advisable to reveal the main directions, forms and methods of work of the officers in the patriotic education of soldiers, and also to analyze the state of this work in the unit.

In conclusion, it is necessary to draw brief conclusions, answer questions from the audience, and give recommendations for studying the literature.

1. Education of patriotism: essence, content, recommendations. Tutorial. - M., 1998.

2. Education of patriotism. Method, aid. Issue two. M., 2003.

3. State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010". - M., 2005.

4. The concept of education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70 of 11. 03. 2004.

5. Patriotic education of military personnel on the traditions of the Russian army: Textbook / Ed. S. L. Rykova - M.: VU, 1997.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Viktor Strelnikov