Russian about American men. Why is that so? “I’m married to a Russian”: revelations of American husbands

From newspaper to newspaper, from site to site, the statement wanders that Western men dream of Russian brides. Let's see how it really is...

In the last couple of years, an increasing number of European men from prosperous countries are marrying women from the Baltic states, Poland, and Romania. Neither a man nor a woman needs a visa to travel for the sake of dating.

Women often speak English, French or German quite well. And the mentality is closer. And there are no less beauties in those countries. And not everyone needs beauties, they just need caring wives. Big hearted.

In recent years, Americans have increasingly married women from Southeast Asian countries. I myself know a 65-year-old American who, after the death of his wife, married a woman from the island of Taiwan. She is almost 60. They are good together. I sent photos, I’d better keep quiet about the appearance of the newlywed…. But he's happy.

The previously held opinion of Western men: Russian women are kinder, more caring, more economical, and they are good wives, was shaken by those of our compatriots who went there not for family happiness, but for a better life in their new country. Such women could not make anyone happy: neither men, nor themselves. But the reputation of our women has been thoroughly damaged. “What foreigners think about Russian women.”

But Western men still remain interested in us. It is possible to find your happiness on a dating site. Everyone believes that he will definitely be lucky. And indeed, many are very lucky. If two good people find each other, then there are no boundaries for them.

So what really distinguishes our women from Western ones? There women grow up to be internally independent. They are not used to thinking about having to adapt to someone at the expense of their health or their beliefs. They clearly know their rights and know how to defend them. Therefore, to many men they seem “tough and not very charming.”

Women in the West are also good at running a household and caring for children and husbands. But they don’t forget themselves either. They are well aware of their value. And they do not allow the whole family to sit “on their neck”.

Most Western men are not looking for housekeepers, as opponents of marriages with foreigners like to claim. On the contrary, they are attracted to our smart, educated women. A smart man understands that a smart man will learn the language. And it won’t be boring with her, since a good education and a certain cultural level will give him the opportunity to happily go home after work. A beautiful and smart wife will be waiting for him there.

Our women know how to dress attractively and sexy. This attracts male gaze. It's nice to have a wife who is attractive, charming and at the same time faithful and caring.

Many foreigners I know note that our compatriots are indispensable in difficult situations. While another man is thinking about how he can get out of what he got into, his “Russian wife” will immediately offer a way out.

This option will not always be legal. And a Western, law-abiding man will reject him. But he knows that his wife is always with him in difficult situations. And this causes admiration among his friends who do not have such wives.

Our women, growing up in our difficult living conditions and household conditions in general, know how to find a way out of any situation. They are hardened by difficulties. And Western ones grow in greenhouse conditions compared to ours.

Western and our women behave differently in family conflicts. Ours more often compromise, and their ladies act based on their understanding of the situation. But let's not generalize. It’s enough to watch the series “Desperate Housewives” to understand that women there are also able to make compromises that are sometimes not understandable to us.

For any person, the ability to see life as it is is very important. And don’t make problems into a universal tragedy.

One of the important factors that attract Western men to our women is their family orientation. Most women in the West are in no hurry to get married or have children. They want to study, work, travel, and leave starting a family for later.

Although family is the most important priority in their society. But there is no such desire to immediately marry the first person you meet, otherwise everyone will call you “an old maid or a loser.”

Of course, in our society a generation of women has already grown up who want to have a full-fledged family, but only after they become masters of their own destiny. But this is a topic for another discussion.

It must be said that successful and intelligent foreigners, with serious intentions, often emphasize in their profiles that they are looking for “an educated woman who has achieved success in life. And aimed at the family, the woman.” They are ready to take care of her child, if she has one.

Therefore, when writing a letter for a marriage announcement, try to indicate not only the usual set of qualities: kind, cheerful, practical, cook and neat. This is more quality for a questionnaire for recruiting housekeepers.

And write about your intentions to have a stable family. Indicate what you love and can do outside of your main profession. If there are any skills and abilities. Which will help you make money at first in any country, do not intrusively write about them. A lot of men pay attention to the presence of such skills.

Look in men's advertisements to see what qualities they are looking for in their future partners. Read up on what foreigners are looking for. And try to find these qualities in yourself. Just do not write about what you do not have, or you do not know how. The truth will then come to light, and it will be very embarrassing for your lies.

If you decide to look for the man of your dreams in the West, remember that all the advice you find on different sites is good, but it may turn out to be almost useless in your specific situation.

Think, seek, but always keep your dignity. After all, you are the woman who can make a man happy and become very happy yourself. Believe in yourself. Your possibilities. And everything will work out.

Alexandra, a site specially for the magazine.

03 June 2009

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8 comments to “ Why foreigners marry Russian women

  1. Tom:

    I have been married to an American for 3 years. According to my observations, Russian women are kinder, more caring, more economical, and they are good wives.

    Women in the West, according to the general male point of view, are too materialistic, demanding and spoiled. To some extent this is true.

    Russian women also look better, dress smarter and neater, and seem kinder and more “homey.”

  2. Vika:

    Russian women are unpretentious compared to foreign women.

    We grew up in cramped apartments, where if you sneezed, you could hear “Bless you!” from behind the neighbor's wall.
    A family of 4 people, spanning three generations, got along (and gets along well) well in a small two-room apartment, which by Western standards is too cramped for one person.
    Even at school we have two students at a desk, and they have one.
    The fewer requests a woman has, including material ones, the easier it is for a man to find a common language with her.

  3. Vika:

    The majority of Russian emigrants also have good brains, know a foreign language and have a higher education, which is valued much more in the West than in Russia.
    Having a higher education is an honor in itself, regardless of the field of knowledge. After all, education there is most often paid and very expensive

  4. Marina:

    I’m also married to an American, but I won’t say that Russian women are neater and better than foreign women. Americans even in adolescence and old age smell ONLY SOAP!!!
    Russians shy away from their compatriots, how many times have they noticed a face with a hoe and immediately fall silent so that no one can pry out unnecessary state secrets :)
    Even with a higher education, it is difficult to find a job in your specialty, and to get a good job you will still have to study at least a little more. This is the question of Russian education. In addition, you will also have to spend a lot on your Russian wife - a visa, a green card, a car, until she still finds a job there...
    Yes, we are less whimsical, but this also depends on our upbringing and what we fantasized about before moving.
    I like American women in communication as friends and neighbors more. They will always find kind encouraging words and say them sincerely, unlike their compatriots who are sure that just by moving they have earned themselves the title of “the best and most worthy.”
    By the way, my son in an American school sits at the same desk with a girl, because in different classes there are different tables - for one and two students. And we all communicate closely and amicably with our American neighbors, and even go to each other for salt, so there is no need to say that they are not sociable. The whole village taught me to ride a bike 😀
    And I really liked the article!

  5. Sofia:

    At one time I thought a lot about why there is now such a negative attitude towards Russian brides (Ukrainian and others - all residents of the former USSR here are Russian),
    This hits me and even my daughter - you can’t imagine how closely the local gossips watched my daughter - after all, her mother is “Russian”.

    I think such a disgrace with our young ladies is due to the wild distortions of even Bolshevism. When the family as the basis of life was destroyed. When a woman who did not work outside the home was not good. My classmates were ashamed of housewife mothers, without thinking that housework was hard work.
    When a man as a breadwinner and protector was no longer needed. Children were raised by the state - in my mother’s time, leave after childbirth to care for a child was 5 months, and after that the child had to go to kindergarten, and in my grandmother’s time it was generally 2 weeks. The war also made its own monstrous adjustments - it turned out that a woman without a husband could very well give birth to a child, and raise him, and become successful as a citizen... but no one even thought about her becoming successful as a WOMAN.

    And it so happened that by the end of the 80s, our women became extremely emancipated, absolutely equal in both rights and responsibilities with men. But at the same time TIRED of such emancipation.
    No country in the world has such a terrible experience - simultaneous destruction of the family by the state, and extreme loneliness and forced self-sufficiency of women.
    We can cut down forest (not a single country in the 20th century, except the USSR, had women’s concentration LABOR camps; the Krauts even had EXTERMINATION CAMPS), and lay sleepers, and fly into space, and do repairs... so why do we need men - purely for the reproduction of children it turns out. This is of course rude, but close to reality.
    And against the backdrop of the masculinization of women (remember the portly and strong heroines of films from the 30s to the 70s), men begin to lose STIMULUS in their masculine behavior. Because By nature, the male is assigned the role of provider and protector... and if this role is leveled out over generations, then men accept the position that women assign them. And it turns out that this position of “schmuck in sweatpants with beer and a newspaper on the couch” is COMFORTABLE for them. On the other hand, men began to place increased demands on women - from 90-60-90 to business acumen and sexual emancipation. And it turned out that it is very easy to manipulate women, supporting and creating complexes in them.
    And such a woman, tired of her surroundings, to which she SHOULD all around, finds herself in a place where the language “without bones” has always been valued - oriental praises to the ancient rulers, if you read them, are nauseating to the point of horror... and in these countries there are almost no free women (they reap the fruits of his dislike for newborn girls), religion does not allow fornication and is quite new (Christianity also does not allow fornication, but has already become old - after all, it is almost 700 years older than Islam). Hormones are boiling... local women are already old women at the age of 40. And then white-skinned, well-preserved aunts arrive, to whom just say 3-4 sweet words - and they’re done! We are even ready to pay with gifts! And then it turns out that not only the aunts, but the younger ones are just as accessible and gullible. And the level of education of those who serve is 4th grade... actually the same as everywhere else in normal countries (only in our country in the 90s, people with higher education became servants en masse; and girls dreamed of becoming currency whores, and boys dreamed of becoming racketeers).

    And in Europe, a Russian wife is a cheap purchase from Germans/Norwegians who have gone into circulation; their own women have long forgotten how to cook and manage the house, and even if they know how, they will add it to the husband’s bill. And here a 22-25 year old girl is ready to marry a 45-50 year old burgher, without any pretensions, and cooks/cleans/has sex like a Hindu hetaera. At least that was the case in the 1990s and early 2000s.
    In the vastness of the former Soviet Union, a normal middle-level woman does not know what a servant is. She does everything herself. But in the rest of the world, there are either visiting professionals or permanent servants. And at the same time, these are not oligarchs or show business stars. Our women don’t even know how to talk to servants... either they behave disrespectfully, or they are familiar (and neither is possible).
    For example, I had to learn this “art”.
    Because the communist past excluded such a concept as servants - “service”. Our people curried favor with doormen and hotel administrators... and it remained in their blood.

    Sofia, you need to write books! It's just a pleasure to read your comments and analytics. After all, there is a real lack of knowledge about the Arab world. We live in the imagination of 1001 Nights, resort guides and other popular fiction.
    Yes, I can understand when women go to resorts for sex. And the boys are beautiful and speak beautifully. And our ladies, who have not had sex for half a year or more, want a beautiful fairy tale. But girls, if you are plus or minus 20-25, do not waste your precious youth time on these oriental beauties. Look for a guy in your home country! Yes, and they are not all wonderful, but at this age you still have the opportunity to choose and have a chance to create a normal family.

  6. Julia:

    I am married to a foreigner, I can say that they are good only before the wedding. My husband is German and he believes that Slavs are slaves. Our beloved girls, beauties, be independent and know that you are loved as long as you have your own ground under your feet.

Yes, and this is not at all an understatement of the merits of Russian men. I myself am married to a Russian, but I would advise my single friends to marry an American (with some reservations).

No, Americans are not princes. Not all of them have a Hollywood smile and a toned body, not all of them. But the fact is that if a free girl fell for such a smart and smiling guy in his homeland, there is a 99% chance that he would be busy. However, it is far from a fact that the heart of a handsome man whom the same girl would meet in an American fitness club is not free.

Why? They really have a different attitude towards girls. Our guys are very rarely motivated to change themselves in any way if they want to win over a person. “You don’t like me the way I am? Well, okay, I need a sincere girl who will love me without embellishment.” Americans believe that the right to a relationship must be earned. If you are fat and uninteresting, no girl will suit you (even someone who is just as fat and even less interesting). Therefore, Americans consider it their duty to run in the morning, sweat in the gym, drink a green smoothie, ride a bike, and so on. They think that by putting themselves in order, they will finally deserve a reward in the form of a woman.

What about American women? They also love sports and healthy eating, but men still take more care of themselves. Having married a fit, handsome man, an American woman can easily get fat and wash her hair once a week: that’s it, the guy’s caught, he’s not going anywhere. General loans, a house with a mortgage, a couple of the cutest children - how can you leave all this for the sake of some fifa who takes care of herself? And the American continues to go to the gym - but more in order to stare at women and, perhaps, have an affair with one of them.

Americans are not princes, but they mostly respect women. They prefer not to dominate, do not play alpha males, but conduct relationships as equals. I know one happy couple: she is a petite Russian blonde, he is a former military man, he served in Iraq. We met on the Internet, for a whole year we called each other at night - with minimal knowledge of English on the other hand and Russian on the other. Then the girl flew to California, where she married her American lover. He always speaks of her with great respect. Americans appreciate in women the ability to stand up for themselves and the confidence that they know what they want. And of course, beauty: the bright appearance of girls from Russia and the former republics of the CIS, Americans just go crazy.

What else is good about Americans? They are familiar with the principles of feminism and will not pay for a girl in a restaurant or a movie (if you were paid for on a first date, you can regard this as a hint of ending the evening with intimacy). They love to joke and are generally easy to talk to. But if you really liked an American, it’s better not to pickle his brains with our Russian tricks a la “no” means “yes”, “get out of here = idiot, here.” They don’t understand such subtleties: if a girl is coy, it’s easier to switch to the next object.

And yet, are they really that good, these overseas princes? After all, marrying an American is technically not so difficult: find a candidate you like online, wrap, fly overseas, and that's it. But they also have disadvantages that cannot be kept silent about: particularly sensitive Russian women will probably not be able to put up with them.

So, Americans eat shamelessly a lot. If your chosen one is not a fitness enthusiast and does not watch his diet, he will endlessly drag you to fast foods, Chinese buffets, Mexican eateries and pubs. Once an American has eaten, he sees nothing wrong with burping (or even farting) in public. It's okay.

But the most terrible “shortcoming” of Americans, which may upset Russian brides, is their reluctance to get married right away. They are designed in such a way that first they want to build a career, travel for pleasure, buy real estate, and then have a wife and children. Although this approach is much more correct than a wedding “out of great love” on credit, three children in a young family and one tired father who must provide for everyone.

A friend went with her husband to live in the USA. I’m still in shock: men there behave completely differently. How is this expressed “differently”? Here's what she writes:

I remember in Russia, in the office, girls often discussed new clothes, dates, diets, fitness, recipes and household chores. It’s the same here, only they go crazy from excess weight, count calories, choose the right trousers for their figure and teach each other how to bake chicken more deliciously - men.

They make a career, yes. But they also consider it their duty to look good, clean up the house and have romantic dinners. Several times a week they go to the gym to tighten their butts. And this is in order to - oh happiness! - get a girlfriend.

Those who have acquired them continue to do all this even more actively, so that she does not abandon them and one fine day accepts a diamond ring from them in a glass of champagne.

And those who are abandoned, despite all their efforts, come to the conclusion not that all women are mercantile bitches, but that they should have tried harder.

This year, my colleague Sandra’s boyfriend proposed to her and they got married. What prize did this happy newlywed get? Sandra is lazy. If she wants to show her husband extra care, she makes him a peanut butter sandwich. If I tell her about borscht, she’s unlikely to believe it. Sandra is fat. She has a signature Southern California figure: a huge log on spindly legs, clad in leggings and a tight T-shirt. Sandra is ugly. She has oily, unkempt, thin hair with undyed roots. And so she sits like this, unfun, in flowers and sweets, and debates whether she should go home in the evening to her husband, who is preparing dinner after work, or go to a bar with friends to have a beer.

And around her there is an office full of young men who are racking their brains over what kind of yogurt to eat in order to meet their daily requirement of 2 thousand calories. Otherwise, their ass will grow and no one will give it to them.

America, of course, is full of assholes who drink and beat their wives. And there are a lot of normal men in Russia. I have my own beloved Russian husband. But, in my opinion, it is more atypical than atypical pneumonia. I’m talking about the impression of society as a whole, about the strong middle peasant.

At home, I looked around, listened to people, and I got the impression that the collective Russian man thinks something like this: “Let me be lazy, rude and unkempt. And let her be beautiful, stylish, love my friends and relatives, admire my collection of matchboxes, cook deliciously, want sex with me no less often and no more often than I want it with her, earn good money, but never get tired and forget about your household responsibilities. The number of children and the time of their placement, determined by me, should suit her 100%, and, of course, she will raise and take care of them, I will get involved when and if the mood and time is right. And yes, she must understand that at any moment I can have sex on the side, which I won’t even bother really hiding. But this is natural and intended by nature.”

And if all this doesn’t come true (strange!), Yaroslavna’s song begins: “Oh, no one gives me anything, because I don’t have enough money.”

But these Yaroslavnas know, let’s say, what’s wrong in a men’s ensemble: blue shirt + green pants + black socks + pink sneakers? Have they ever tried making fricassee? Do they have interior design skills? Are they ready to kneel in a public place and ask for her hand in marriage, because even though it’s fucking stupid, she’s been dreaming about this all her life? If something goes wrong at night, will they run to the pharmacy in the morning, blushing and pale, to buy an emergency contraceptive pill? Or do they even know what it is? And so, yes, it’s all about money.

And here I have been for a month now watching my boss choke on chia seeds diluted in water instead of lunch in order to lose weight and finally find a girlfriend. He hasn’t got a girlfriend yet, he’s not worthy yet. But he doesn’t give up. His gym pass hangs instead of a key fob on his Lexus keys. Maybe someone will come down to him soon.

And it is also very unusual that I have never, anywhere, even in passing, heard men speak badly about women. In general, not only our own. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about Russians. You yourself will now confirm the correctness of my observation in the comments. Or will you refute it?

My answer to the question “why is this so?” such. There is a saying here that a son should be raised to be a gentleman, and a daughter should be taught not to settle for less. And it seems to be working out. Or would you not wish this for your children? The point, in my opinion, is in education. Or what?

In Russia there are many young ladies obsessed with the dream of meeting a foreign prince. And not just to meet, but to lead to a beautiful wedding, like in a fairy tale. Each of them has an individual fate. Someone has been sitting on various dating sites for years, of which there are a great many. Someone goes on a trip, hoping to meet him - the one and only. And sometimes, a miracle happens - and now the happy owner of the engagement ring flies with her husband to the USA.

The ForumDaily website tried to find out why the Americans are so willing to marry Russian women? Are they different from American girls? Some men were willing to share their stories.

California researcher Javier Cepeda said he met his future wife, Natasha, when she was 22 years old. He was attracted by a sense of humor in the chosen one, liked her passion for travel, ease of climbing, desire to learn something new. According to him, at this age, Russian girls seem more mature than American girls (who are still almost children). And in general, Russian young women have a broader outlook, more knowledge about the world.

Russian women also have a stronger attachment to their relatives. This is expressed, for example, in the fact that an American wife will calmly move after her husband anywhere - in the USA, many roam from place to place. But the Russian one will weigh everything, think about how she will endure separation from loved ones.

Another feature is that a Russian woman is unlikely to go out into the street in pajamas, unkempt, but American women often do this.

Serviceman Eric Anderson, also from California, married a Russian girl after he divorced his previous wife. He was looking for communication, and at the same time, he studied the Russian language, because he was interested in our country. On one of the sites he found Margarita. At first they communicated on the Internet and by phone, and then Eric came to Russia to see his virtual girlfriend in person. And a year later, Margarita flew to the USA, where the young people got married.

According to Eric, she is the person who always provides support and helps realize dreams. There are few such people in the USA - everyone there tries to do everything only for themselves. In addition, he likes what he called the Russian character - Margarita knows what she wants and is not too concerned about what someone from the outside will think about her. And he knows how to achieve what he wants.

The Californian also noted the beauty of Russian women and advised other Americans to come to Russia.

Another Californian is physician Francisco Diaz. He says that he cannot generalize how Russian women differ from American women, because he can only judge by his wife. It's probably all about charisma. He liked not only the beauty of his chosen one, but also her perky character and ability to dance.

Programmer Fred McDougal said that he was attracted to his wife Julia by her beauty and intelligence. He came to Russia to visit friends, met her and immediately fell in love. So much so that I didn’t notice how time flew by. But it was not easy for young people to overcome bureaucratic obstacles - Fred had to fly to Russia 15 more times after that. The programmer believes that Russian women are more feminine and attached to the family. This was another argument to marry Julia.

Virginia engineer Robert Hargrave and his wife Nellie cannot be called young. When they got married, she was 47 years old and he was 49. He was looking for a woman whose intelligence he could admire. This is exactly what he found.

Unfortunately, such acquaintances do not always end in a happy marriage. There are various stories, including tragic ones. For example, a Russian woman may find herself in a foreign country with “bird rights”, in fact being a hostage to her husband. But, in any case, you can be happy for those who have a happy life together and who found each other despite everything.

In September 2013, an advertising article about a web resource dedicated to international dating appeared on the portal of the famous British newspaper DailyMail. The emphasis in the article was on women from Ukraine and Russia. There is no point in discussing the article itself due to its obvious advertising nature, and the classic story of one of the mail order brides named Elena Adamchuk (34) from Odessa, who online met her bald, fat prince 11 years older and was inflamed with unrealistic feelings for him. In turn, the “prince” (in reality a mechanic barely making ends meet) describes the “advantages” of mail order brides. The interesting thing here is that this material became very popular and received hundreds of comments, from which it is clear what do Americans think about Russian girls?. I will translate the most interesting and popular opinions:

Pandora16, Seattle, USA: "In other words, he couldn't find a woman (i.e. an American) whom he could completely control and who would fulfill his every whim. So, he simply bought a Russian who will leave him as soon as she receives citizenship."

lilkadi2000, Nottinghamshire, UK: "Let's come back to this story in 2 years. Am I skeptical? Oh yes!"

September47, St. Louis, USA: "He wants a doormat for himself."

Athena, Oakland, USA: “She was looking for a man who would pay her bills in good old America. And, obviously, American women simply don’t need him.”

Marianne Lee, Colorado Springs, USA: “This is her ticket to the West. That’s all. But he thinks he’s so cool. Men are so stupid sometimes.”

Tracy, Massachusetts, USA: "She'll just skin it as soon as possible, and then go off to graze on richer pastures."

Hoofer, Heartland, USA: "He must like women with hairy armpits."

Dbhollywood, Los Angeles, USA: "One word - Green Card."

Fiametta, Hyde Park, USA: “Why do men think that women in the ex-USSR are traditional and with old values? Think about who raised them. Mothers and grandmothers who themselves grew up under communism and absorbed the denial of those very traditional values ​​characteristic of this ideology. And since "The economies of these countries are very weak, then all these young women are really looking for food cards and green cards in this way. I have heard of many relationships that started out like this, but ended in a breakup due to unjustified expectations. Men like this are just stupid."

Casey, Brunswick, USA: "Mail order brides from Eastern Europe simply wait for documents and then file for divorce. This is very common."

RPH, Houston, USA: “My former colleague was recently dumped by a Russian mail order bride after she received her documents. She ran away with her real partner, leaving 2 children.”

TygerTyger, United States: "Scary guys are looking for girlfriends abroad."

Jean, USA: "Is he tired of local women? Rather, he was tired of receiving refusals from them, so this guy decided to take a wife from a catalogue. Now she's here, she'll look around, realize that she can hook something better and take off, leaving it in the dust."

Nepchan, Baton Rouge, US: "Trying to get a green card, it seems to me..."

man4allseasons, Washington, USA: "Another dunce."

Welshmans_wife, Cardiff, UK: "My husband has a friend who has rolled down the same path. After 5 years, he sleeps on the couch, she completely controls his money and does not work. She flies home and spends many months there, allegedly caring for relatives. She has a lot friends who do not speak English and whom he has never seen, but with whom his wife spends the weekend, and I can continue ... "

babybaby, New York, USA: “If all these women (mail order brides from the CIS) are so good, then why do men in Russia refuse them?.. If their own men do not want to have relationships with them, then this means that something is unclean here.”

Based on the results of this interesting discussion, a number of interesting conclusions can be drawn:

1) Despite the fact that the main character in this particular case is from Ukraine, 90% of commentators expressed negative emotions towards Russian women in particular, without making a difference. Of course, this is unfounded in a particular case, but it is quite true if we take into account the whole situation as a whole, since the flow of mail order brides and prostitutes from Russia is about the same, if not more, than from Ukraine.

2) Almost all Americans are well aware of the true goals of mail order brides, and some advise signing marriage contracts, rightly fearing for property. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Russian women to find a real sucker. Many men are ready to have fun with cheap and attractive (not always) ladies, but no one will marry them for obvious reasons. In principle, this is confirmed by Russian-language forums and blogs in which seekers Dolce Vita They are increasingly expressing their bewilderment and dissatisfaction - how can this be? They’re all so cool, they pretend to be awesome and are literally ready (in words) to wash the floors and cook, but come on, Americans don’t believe in this fairy tale anymore.

3) A significant amount of criticism and negativity came from American women. Therefore, the average MOB will have problems finding friends/girlfriends and generally having problems with their position in society/team. She will receive increased attention, many prejudices, and her every move will be scrutinized, which can easily lead to marginality.

4) It is also interesting that, despite the inflated self-esteem characteristic of Russian and Ukrainian women about their appearance and grooming, it is often not confirmed from the outside, and there is a stereotype about Eastern European women with unshaven armpits, etc.

5) Although this is obvious to everyone who is friends with their heads, it’s worth saying again - in this example, in other news on this site, and in the opinion of real Americans: it’s mostly losers who look for wives from abroad, whatever neither did the liars from marriage agencies say.

USA, 2013