Happy anniversary of 55 years sincere woman. Kind words from family, friends and co-workers

The anniversary of a woman of 55 is one of the most significant dates in her life, and it is simply impossible to leave it without attention. Therefore, if such an important day as fifty-five years is approaching in the life of your wife, girlfriend, relative or colleague, then preparations for it must begin in advance.

May your dear birthday girl be surrounded by flowers, gifts, and most importantly, warm wishes on the cherished day. After all, you can’t limit birthday greetings to material gifts alone, they must be backed up with gifts for the soul - gentle words dedicated only to her.

Of course, the best wishes are those that come from the very heart, but often it is impossible to express them in your own words. There is no need to despair, we will help you, among hundreds of other wishes for a woman's anniversary, find that sincere wish that is ideal for your birthday girl.

Let's first think about what kind of relationship you have with the hero of the day, and how you want to congratulate her. In the article we have collected the following wishes:

  • On "you"
  • With humor
  • Pun of fives
  • Inspiring
  • At the feast
  • Short messages

Best words from loved ones, family members and acquaintances:

  • Son daughter
  • Brother/Sister
  • mother in law
  • From friends
  • From employees / subordinates

From officialdom to pun

By 55, a woman achieves a certain position in life. She proved herself at work and enjoys authority among the people around her, so congratulations on her 55th birthday carry a respectful tone.

The woman we address as "You" can be congratulated with the verses below. Such wishes are distinguished by a courteous tone, but are not devoid of tender feelings, so they are perfect for birthday wishes to a female colleague, boss, acquaintance or relative.

Congratulations on 55 can sound solemn and at the same time fun. Funny congratulations will especially please the laughter ladies. Do not forget only that you can joke with the hero of the day only by extolling him.

Comic congratulations should sound funny not only for you or the guests, but also for the main woman at this holiday. Cool congratulations verses you will find below:

Not all representatives of the weaker sex tend to hide their age. If the hero of the occasion meets her 55 with her head held high, then this number can be very advantageously presented in congratulations. Anniversary of 55 years for a woman is successfully beaten by such verses:

55 years is not only a resounding anniversary. This is also a cherished date for many women when you can retire and devote your life to something new. Therefore, congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years for a woman should be appropriate - they need to inspire and inspire the birthday girl to open new horizons.

We envy the lucky ones who are gifted with the talent of eloquence and pronounce the most beautiful, touching and blossoming birthday toasts. If your eloquence is lame, and you still want to dedicate a toast for 55 years to a birthday woman, it doesn’t matter. For you, we have collected toasts for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman, all of them are in verse, so if you wish, you can easily learn them:

Kind words from family, friends and co-workers

The most important thing in the life of every woman is her family, so she expects birthday wishes from her closest relatives and friends. In the family circle, sincere congratulations and kind words are much more important than all gifts.

The mood on the anniversary directly depends on the wishes of the household - after all, they are the first to congratulate the birthday girl, so it is very important to prepare congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years to your mother, wife or sister in advance.

Most of all, on this day, a woman expects warm words, of course, from her husband. Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a dear friend in life or a beloved woman can be both in verse and in prose, the main thing is that the love and gratitude of the spouse be felt through the lines:

Congratulations to dear mother for 55 years are no less warm. A birthday will certainly brighten up a poem from a gentle son and from a daughter:

The wishes of the mother-in-law may differ in tone, for some she is “mother”, and for someone she, for example, is “Alla Vasilievna”, but they should contain the same feelings. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you have with your mother-in-law, a woman will definitely find a suitable congratulation on her anniversary:

And congratulations to your sister can be like this:

Friends also cannot stand aside and will definitely come to visit to congratulate you on your 55th birthday. Their wishes will surely bring joy to a woman, because a true friend often knows even better than her relatives what she lacks in life.

Well, if you still can’t come up with a worthy congratulation to your girlfriend, then we are ready to help you. How do you like this congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years? Suitable for your friend?

For the anniversary of 55 years, wishes are prepared with special trepidation not only by relatives, but also by employees. The whole team is in a hurry to congratulate the colleague, because, perhaps, this year the birthday girl wants to retire.

Congratulations on a birthday at the age of 55 to a female colleague are sometimes combined with the sadness of farewell, but we will not give a reason to be sad for our hero of the day and will focus only on pleasant emotions. Let's choose a congratulation on the anniversary of 55 years, which is well suited to a female colleague from labor brothers:

We also will not dare to leave our beloved boss without congratulations on her 55th birthday. You can congratulate the leader seriously and solemnly, and if your boss likes to laugh, she will also like a comic congratulation.

We found different options for wishes for a 55-year-old woman in prose and in verse, perhaps you will find here the anniversary verses you were looking for:

Even a couple of lines in a text message can replace a million scarlet roses on a birthday. Short messages are increasingly replacing greeting cards, and although they are devoid of a share of romance, we will not exclude them. For 55 years, a woman in verse can send the following SMS:

We hope that today you have found a suitable verse on the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of your dear woman, or at least narrowed your circle of searches for the perfect wish. Or maybe you managed to be inspired by the poems you read and are now ready to create yourself? Author: Julia Bibik, sources: www.pozdrav.ru, pozdravliki.ru, pozdravok.ru, www.pozdravik.ru, tostun.ru, t-loves.narod.ru, otebe.info.

Don't summarize
At fifty-five!
Shines in your eyes
Beautiful wise light!
Happiness and health,
Vivacity, warmth!
I wish you joyful
Your life was

Move it like this, like this
There will be only the number five!
Good on white
Do not notice your years!
We wish you many new
Find hobbies.
The life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant the brought
From distant lands jasmine.
Stay in love!
You are always needed by others.

Time to collect stones
I think it has come
At fifty - with an increase of five -
Life has rewarded you with happiness.
The kids are grown, it's time
It has come to live for myself,
Have fun until the morning!
A lot of joy awaits you!

Anniversary 55 years to mom - congratulations and wishes in verse

Let sorrows not enter your house,
Let sickness go away.
We would put the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.
But even that wouldn't be enough.
To repay your kindness
All our life, our dear mother,
Indebted to you,
Thank you, dear, for raising
For not asking for anything in return
What grief and joy dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.
Beautiful, caring, sweet, gentle,
We need you every day and forever!

Mom, what are those tears in your eyes?
What's with the gray hairs?
Mommy, these five and five
It is not necessary, right, to notice;
Don't look at your age
Wipe sadness off your face,
Go through life more fun
Especially on your anniversary!

Happy Birthday,
My dear mother,
On your anniversary, no doubt
I sincerely wish
Eternal well-being
Never know worries
And in life - only the best,
Joy - at 55!

Today I congratulate my mother
And on a holiday I sincerely wish
Worthy to celebrate the anniversary!
Gather us as a family,
We will honor you
Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart,
I hasten to congratulate my mother!
Wish you well at 55!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years to a woman

Fifty plus five years old
Your holiday today!
Ready to say many words
In honor of your beautiful!

May health never
Doesn't fail in life
And for many years
Let the sadness go!

Congratulations to a woman at 55 years old

This anniversary date is special:
There are only fives in it, whatever one may say.
Every day let the ray of dawn meet you,
And the crimson of the dawn accompanies you to sleep.

Let health be a devoted friend for you,
All your dreams will come true soon
There will be less doubt and confusion in the soul,
And you will be cheerful and young.

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman

Today is your holiday
only fives.
Today exactly 55
Don't regret it at all.

We want to be loved forever
Don't age at all,
Give everyone the warmth of the soul cordially,
Look at the world through the eyes of a child. (WITH)

It seemed that this date would not come,
Days, years, decades passed...
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.
May this day not add wrinkles,
And the old will smooth and erase,
And happiness will bring to the house for a long time.
We wish to live without knowing the troubles,
Knowing no misfortune
And to last for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness!

Anniversary of 55 years to a woman - comic congratulations

Fifty-five - but is that a lot?
Let them say "everything is lived" - do not believe
While we live, what was, is - everything is alive.
When else will life slam the door for us.

You still have a lot to do,
Live long, wisely and beautifully!
And I want to raise the first glass,
For our hero of the occasion.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Happy birthday to a 55 year old woman

Fifty-five for you
Half life!
And today do not appease
Our feelings an avalanche!
You can't turn back time!
But let yourself be forced
So that in a hundred and ten years again
We could congratulate you!

Anniversary of 55 years to a woman - congratulations in verse and wishes

You are satisfied with everything in fate:
Life smiles at you
We can only wish
And keep it up!

And be forever cheerful
And, as today, good,
And even on a modest anniversary
Happy all people.

We hasten to congratulate you
And we want to wish you
Of what I dared in my dreams,
What have you been waiting for!

Fifty-fifth date
holiday anniversary,
May you have many years
The nightingale sings sweetly
Sensuality, let it not fade,
Spiritual light does not fade,
Healthy wise force -
Future element!

Congratulations on 55 years to a friend

I want to be always loved
For husband, grandchildren and children!
And be truly happy
Do not get lost among people!

And be always visible everywhere
Beautiful in appearance and soul,
That sincere, all very necessary
Heart soft beauty!

Let them give fives for the joy of the year -
But the soul is always young
And let health not fail
Warm relatives with love!

Let it become a little warmer in the heart,
Flowers will decorate your Anniversary!
And in the house everything will be in good order,
Live with success, in love and prosperity.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years to a colleague woman

Fives you have always loved, proud of them in the diary,
And our years passed, and you walked light.
20, 30, 40 passed and 50 flew by,
The time has come for TWO FIVES,
They also cannot be returned.
Let two fives, this is not enough - no less will be ahead,
And in your life everything happened - and the sun was, and the rains ...
On your anniversary birthday,
We wish you with all our heart,
Good health, fun, great family joy!

Anniversaries are not to be missed.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.
You have an anniversary today.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And in life we ​​wish the main thing:
Health, happiness, joy
And up to a hundred years without old age!

Colleague, I am proud of you for good reason,
Today is the 55th anniversary!
There is not enough space for men next to you,
It's not a sin to fight for your beauty!
And glasses are filled, glasses famously,
Congratulations are flying to your address,
But I will say in my ear quietly, quietly,
Work tomorrow... Shall we go to bed?

At 55 - everything is simple, clear,
Live joyfully, easily!
And in the present everything is fine,
And the autumn of life is far away!
May happiness be with you
And gives a sparkle of love to the eyes!
Let it warm with a gentle look,
The person who is dear to you!
Let there be sunny years
And the horizon will be clear!
And let the music of nature
Harmony will enter your house!

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May the new year of life
Great news will bring you!
Health will become stronger
Yes, everyone is proud of you!
Work and salary always worthy!
And the weekend is, of course, calm
In the affairs of any you positive!
Excellent at the service of the team.
Buy you a cottage!
Rottweiler to boot!
Good luck to you, in all matters of luck!

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Fifty and five more!
We want to wish you:
First, be healthy
Don't forget about the diet
Secondly - forget about everyone
Think about yourself more often.
Thirdly, we want to wish
So that peace reigns in the family,
For you to be able
All wishes come true!

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Tell me, what do you feel when you open the diary of your beloved child and see two fives there? Joy and pride! How - all in me! Two fives is much
better than one, much more solid, and they add exactly two more confidence in the future. And we work better with such a boss. So
we wish ourselves and congratulate you on your 555th anniversary!

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Today the sun shines for you
Stretching the rays to the cheeks.
We have gathered so amicably here not in vain:
We brought an ode to your years.
You walk with a stately gait,
And is capable of straightening
Plug the youth into the belt, -
You are incomparable in this.
Beloved dad! On the anniversary
At your fifty five
We wish you happiness, do not be sick,
Be young again!

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The witty French have golden words: "If youth knew, if old age could." But there is a period in life when experience and strength can go hand in hand. This age can be called the happiest, it combines two good words: “still” and “already”. So living at this time is both easy and pleasant: everything is still accessible and everything is already clear. If life offers you a number of difficult puzzles, then it will not be difficult for you to solve them. After all, you are already 55! But when youth calls out, you can safely stand on a par with it. After all, you are only 55!
And on your birthday, we want to wish you to remain the same bright person that you are now. And let your life, on the contrary, does not stand still, but changes for the better, day by day presenting pleasant surprises and surprises.
Let all plans and dreams come true: a career will develop, relatives will touch you with sensitivity and care, true friends will share everyday life and holidays with you. Let the stars converge in the sky in a pattern favorable for your destiny, and the gifts of life will fall on you like from a cornucopia. Like a spring primrose, let love for this world bloom in your heart, and let this love be mutual! Happiness to you, health, good fortune and only beautiful days!

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Congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years
Today is your anniversary
Fives: five yes five.
And we have a desire
Congratulations out loud.
Fanfares sound in your honor,
Carcass pipes are playing!
Roles in life we ​​do not count,
You are a friend, father and husband.
You are our dear colleague,
And mom is the best son,
To all of you with a quivering soul,
For everyone - irreplaceable.
Today is the anniversary!
And we want to say:
Such a precious specimen.
We all need.
After all, the team is rich with you,
And I want to hope
That at sixty and at seventy
Nothing will change for you.
Your soul will stay with you
And this is your luggage and treasure.
And there are no tendencies to fade away
Your mind is powerful and rich.
And look into the distance with optimism
As long as among us
There is a man, not a master,
But there is no more beautiful than you!

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Congratulations to the woman
Move it like this, like this
There will be only the number five!
Good on white
Do not notice your years!
We wish you many new
Find hobbies.
The life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant the brought
From distant lands jasmine.
Stay in love!
You are always needed by others.

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Two fives in the anniversary!
Congratulations soon.
We need excellent students.
We respect knowledge.
Everything in your life is on the "five".
We can even prove:
For diligence and skill we put "five".
For calmness, patience - also "five".
For care and attention
Friendship, help, compassion
Also put only "five".
Even as many as "twenty-five"!
For children and grandchildren
And for the house, where the world is in harmony, -
You have five more rows.
The total will be fifty.
And five more for you
What is cheerful beyond her years.
And we wish you to continue
Don't get old, get younger.
Multiply a number of fives
Yes, live well
Without sadness and problems
Need to be always and everything.
Happy Anniversary!
Life will become even brighter!

Fifty and five today to you!
Although I won't give you that much:
Body, spirit, wind in the hair
And the fire in the open eyes ...
How do you perceive your age?
Just age is not a matter of years!
A woman is as old as brilliance
In her eyes, and interest!
I wish you - contrary to fate
Keep this youth in yourself:
Vivacity of spirit, body and soul,
May you be just as good! ©

Today is the best day!
Today you are fifty-five!
We will be a crowd of clouds
Disperse in your sky
So that a cloudless sky
Similar to the color of your eyes
Forgetting worries-troubles
It was joyful now!
That, like you, it laughed,
Sparks poured, joking,
To wait for words from you:
"Heaven, I love you!" ©

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Two fives is a class!
I wish you to get an “excellent” mark from life!
What do you see today!

Be responsible and irreplaceable
To without you, as without hands!
And then happiness will not be able to pass by,
And will be there, like a true friend!

Let the winds of change not frighten
It's all for the best, believe me!
Let doubts leave you
Just test your strength! ©

Today you are only 55,
And in the eyes - and these years do not give.
Look great as always
Warmth will warm your clear look.
Energetic and always beautiful,
May your strength not diminish.
Every year, and every day and hour,
Rejoice us with your attention.

Let me congratulate you on your anniversary,
Wish you good and warmth,
In your home, and in the country, and in the World
Let harmony and peace reign!
Let the soul feed on love
The heart beats joyfully in the chest,
May good luck and luck be enough
Will be in your life path.
55 is a mysterious date,
This is your highest score for experience,
We wish beauty and happiness
Like today, many more years to shine!

Fifty-five is a wonderful age
For a woman who is true
Yourself, family, work, loved ones,
After all, life has not yet been drunk to the bottom!

And there are many more achievements ahead
And joys, and happiness, and worries.
Health and blessings from God
We wish you! And things - a lot!

No time to cry
And be sad, and get sick - never!
Only love and joy of light
The days were always filled!

Move it like this, like this
There will be only the number five!
Good on white
Do not notice your years!
We wish you many new
Find hobbies.
The life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant the brought
From distant lands jasmine.

You are always needed by others.

Time to collect stones
I think it has come
At fifty - with an increase of five -
Life has rewarded you with happiness.
The kids are grown, it's time
It has come to live for myself,
Have fun until the morning!
A lot of joy awaits you!

I wish you on your anniversary
Stay as cute
Love your home and invite guests
Meet the best friends
Let children and grandchildren carry you
Peace, love and inspiration
Let the years go merrily
And take away all doubts!

Rearrange at least like this, at least that way,
There will be only the number five!
Good on the white board
Do not notice your years!
We wish you many new
Find hobbies.
The life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant the brought
From distant lands jasmine.
Stay in love!
You are always needed by others.

Birthday, anniversary 55 years!
Pyaterochki two stood in a row -
They look beautiful.
Friend after friend seed
Ah, what a marvel!
Lifting heads up
Like two girlfriends
Oh, they have a cheerful disposition
Not old ladies at all!

We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And many sincere friends in life.
55th anniversary is a special date,
Where summed up mentally.
What could be wrong sometime,
That which is expensive, surely saved.
We congratulate you wholeheartedly
And we want to wish you happiness
Let in your home climate,
There will never be bad weather.
We do not give the birthday girl
No headsets, no rings,
Surely you will receive warmer,
Greetings from friendly hearts

You are fifty-five today!
Where can I get such words -
Sing great life in them,
To put all the feelings in the verse?
Away - illness, boredom, sadness;
Happiness - in children, let grandchildren!
You call everyone to the holiday
Strength, wisdom, love!!!

The most special of all days in the world -
Today is your holiday, your anniversary!
May you remember him forever
And his memory will carry through the years!

Rest green light
Retirement is knocking to visit you,
Fifty-five years old
So let all wishes come true!

Although it is difficult to call you a pensioner,
Here is a girl - a completely different matter,
Happy Anniversary, we hasten to congratulate
We wish life to be rich with happiness!

Anniversaries are great!
And the hero of the day without a doubt
Looks amazing today!
I declare without hesitation:

You are like an elite wine.
Not only me noticed -
Your husband is lucky.
What's next is a super woman.

I want you to smell
Blossom and enjoy life
And let five and five on the cake,
Let there be eighteen in your soul.

Two marks five and five,
Today you are excellent.
Good reason to take a walk
Beautiful birthday girl.

Well written
Like an exam, your life.
Succeeded in personal life,
At work and at home.

There is a fur coat and a car,
Honor and respect
You are happy - you can see right away.
Name - happy birthday!

Happy Anniversary
Fancy: five and five
Warm words will not regret
And we want to wish you:

Let there be prosperity in the house
Love, peace and understanding
Let them be fulfilled quickly
All dreams and all desires!

Stay pretty.
Many many more years
Charming and cute
Happiness to you big bouquet!

The age of the ladies' gold is fifty and five.
I managed to do everything and was able to take everything from life.
Now what? Now dessert - cream and wine,
To live in pleasure is not a sin at all!

Enjoy life and yourself every day
They say late love is drunker than wine.
You, like a saint in your youth, live with feelings,
You know, the meaning of our life is in children and in love!

A sweet glass of wine - a woman your age,
You have become even wiser, you have become even more beautiful.
You are fifty and five. Happy this wonderful day
We congratulate you. Let your house be filled
Happiness, love and harmony, laughter and wine by the river.
You won't find another one like it anywhere in the world!

This is an unusual anniversary. This age is marked by a person's knowledge and experience, success and recognition. Anniversaries sum up the past years and set new goals. Relatives, relatives, colleagues and friends say on this day unusual and warm wishes for success, well-being, new achievements and activities. In our country, for women, the anniversary of 55 years is the achievement of retirement age. So many ladies change their lives after this day. Someone leaves work and takes care of their grandchildren, someone begins to do what brings them pleasure, changing the type of their activity. In general, there are many prospects at the age of 55 ...

We offer you beautiful and cordial congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years in verse for lovely women and for glorious men. Come in, read and give joy to your favorite anniversaries in the form of beautiful postcards or SMS messages, or maybe an unusual toast at the festive table on the day of a bright anniversary ...

Two fives - is it a little or a lot?

This is a glorious, unusual anniversary,

It's a bright, beautiful road

This is a lot of wonderful, bright days!

This experience, and success, and recognition -

Life has marked 5 and 5!

It's wish fulfillment time!

Time to make new wishes!

And let fate be generous!

Life full, modern, dynamic!

Happiness, joy, smiles and kindness!

There is no better day than this!

5 and 5 - which means

All deeds, personal merits

Life put "excellent"!

We want to wish today

To make dreams come true more often

excellent health,

Inspiration and happiness!

On a wonderful day - fulfilled desires,

Hearty meetings and the warmest words!

Let the best gift for the Anniversary be

Native people responsiveness, love!

So that joy, light of goodness and inspiration

Keep in the shower and, even at 55,

Believe in luck and in your luck,

From life only happiness to receive!

bright years, optimism, good luck,

Achievements, success in everything,

To make life more interesting and brighter

Became you day after day!

Ahead - only bright events,

Next to you - only good people,

So that everything is the way you want

Good holiday - Anniversary!

With retirement...

There are a lot of heartfelt words today,

There is so much gratitude and love in them:

Thank you for your kindness, talent and experience,

After all, you generously shared them so much!

May happiness give every minute

Warmth, smiles, joy big!

Let there be a wonderful mood

The soul is always the same young!

We know one truth for sure -

Two fives is not a year!

Let there be a source of energy in the soul

It always beats with a life-giving key!

So Happy Anniversary

We sincerely wish to continue

Get stronger every day

And with every minute to get younger!

Smiles and kind words

Let them warm on the holiday of the Jubilee!

Let there be a favorable fate

And only gives bright moments,

So that life is filled with warmth,

The love of loved ones, tenderness, participation,

And it got bigger every day

In her optimism, joy and happiness!

On this joyful day of the Jubilee

We want to wish with all our heart

So that happiness reigns in your family

And things were good

So that gave good luck to fate,

And every dream came true

To always have enough in life

Understanding and kindness!

Great holiday date

Congratulate so nice on her!

May there be many pleasant meetings,

Give joy Anniversary!

In reality plans and aspirations

Let it be possible to implement

And be in a wonderful mood

Live brightly, as in 55!

Your anniversary is bright and beautiful

Warm smiles warm

And filled joy and happiness!

life is wonderful

Let her wishes come true

Makes you happy every new day

Relatives surround with care,

And the house will always be cozy!

Happiness, smiles, let it bloom

Anniversary Day is like a bright bouquet!

Generously let him give fulfillment

All the golden innermost hopes!

Tenderness of people dear and beloved

It will be warm every day!

Light, good luck, long, happy years!

Always enjoy life!

Two fives in the bright Anniversary date!

So much joy, smiles and flowers!

As if all moments are woven from happiness,

From the kindest and most kind words!

And it's not for nothing that today light on the heart

Dreams will surely come true

Every day will be more wonderful in life

Full tenderness, love and warmth!

Such a significant date

So it's nice to congratulate her:

55 - the flowering of talent,

Invaluable experience, brilliance of ideas!

Let it succeed in every business

Reach the intended heights

The motto in life remains

Success, moving forward!

Let it give joy, inspiration

Great holiday - Anniversary!

Brilliant ideas, accomplishments,

Support from family and friends!

Let everything be possible in life

And more new victories await

Good luck bright and beautiful,

Anniversary 55 years!

May a beautiful date give

You energy, happiness, success,

The strength of the spirit always helps

Win in the endeavors of all!

To you - health and strength, prosperity,

Bright plans and new ideas!

May your dreams and desires come true

This holiday is the Anniversary!

Everything in life is very important and valuable:

Achievements, big things,

Friendship, bold plans, aspirations,

A house where there is joy and a lot of warmth!

Let perspectives, ideas,

I want to do a lot, open,

To celebrate anniversaries with brilliance,

With pleasure, live happily!

Good luck! Don't lose speed!

Multiply your accomplishments!

After all, the Jubilee at 55 -

And a bright day, and confirmation:

Success accompanies only those

Who dared talented and energetic!

Discoveries of new, glorious deeds!

Be in a great mood!

You have passed the exam of life like a man,

And two fives are credited to you ...

And now you have become even wiser,

And there is a reason decorate yourself...

Today Happy Anniversary

And we wish you all the best in life!

Live a century, not regretting the past,

May he be impeccable in everything!

With a wonderful holiday, with triumph -

This the most important anniversary!

May great success come in everything

Plans come true soon!

Let there be new achievements!

Bold undertakings, bright years,

Joy, energy, luck,

Happiness and brilliant victories!

Bright thoughts, creative ideas,

Plans for interesting implementation!

May the 55th Anniversary open the way.

To new excellent achievements!

Strength, experience, knowledge - everything is there!

Let the mood be optimistic

To achieve all the blessings that are,

Life is easy, confident, great!

Day of remembrance and results,

Day for new plans and ideas!

50 and 5 - quite a bit

Young and bright Anniversary!

We wish from the bottom of our hearts

On this beautiful day:

Let life be beautiful

Bright, like a holiday!

There is no better anniversary

The house is full of flowers!

Let the holiday easily fulfill

All that was only in dreams!

Two fives means

Life of joyful flourishing!

May all days give good luck!

Prosperity! Bright years!

We have tried to find for you poems congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years, which could express your love and heartfelt attitude towards the person who celebrates this wonderful Anniversary, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. We hope that you liked these congratulations, and brought joy to your anniversaries and made them a little happier.

If you want to watch without specifying the age, as well as short verses for SMS messages, We invite you to visit this page...