The most popular gifts for girls 10 years old. Unusual handmade gifts for granddaughter, niece, classmate - gallery

Parents of a little princess are wondering what to give a girl for 10 years. The first anniversary is a rather responsible event when a girl is on the verge between childhood and adulthood. You can find out a birthday present in advance if you ask the child unobtrusively. You can try to make a surprise, but in this case, the expectations of the birthday girl are not justified. To avoid misunderstandings, you need to understand what to give a girl at the age of 10 and not make a mistake in choosing.

A gift for a 10-year-old girl is selected depending on the degree of kinship or friendship:

Fashionable and stylish things for beauty

Most Popular Gift Ideas

  1. Interesting book from a friend. An interesting book will be appreciated by a child at any age. Classmates and friends know the girl well, so they can choose the right genre for her. If the girl is not very familiar, then for her birthday it is recommended that she give a teaching encyclopedia.
  2. It is impossible to imagine a girl who would not have a doll. This is a universal gift even for adult ladies. Moreover, whole series are now being created.
  3. Computer games. Discs with games or training videos, an educational program will bring no less joy.
  4. Educational programs. You can push the girl to develop any skills and hobbies. Depending on the interests, training material or subjects are selected. It can be a kit for creating fragrances, soap making, or a kit for a young chemist. No less admiration will cause a small children's microscope. You can ask consultants in a children's toy store for the availability of such goods.
  5. Sport equipment. They also give sports equipment: hula hoops, jump ropes, rubber bands, balls.

The gift idea will depend on the character of the girl. There are those who love to play with cars, and there are women of fashion who will be happy to wear a pink dress.

Suggested board games include:

  1. Monopoly;
  2. Sea battle;
  3. Lotto;
  4. Tic-tac-toe on cards;
  5. Chess or checkers;
  6. Educational games for a large company.

This type of gift will be an alternative if you don’t know what to give a girl for 10 years. At the end of the evening, everyone can try the game and understand its structure.

Sports gifts

  1. Rollers, skateboards, scooters or a bicycle are a win-win option. If the child does not know how to ride, then be sure to learn.
  2. You can give table billiards or a bowling set. An exciting game to unite all the guests.
  3. Home basketball. Such toys are sold in children's stores. The basket can be hung on the door, it does not take up much space. There is a small ball or several that can be thrown.
  4. The most budget option is darts. Just choose the safe one.
  5. If the birthday girl has a private house, or you can give a small pool. It is expensive, so relatives mostly give such gifts.
  6. You can also ask your parents about a tracksuit or sneakers. Comfortable conditions are created for active recreation of a little athlete.


Even small children cannot be imagined without adult toys. Ideal for close relatives: parents, grandparents, sisters or brothers.

  1. Tablet. A universal thing that can serve as a computer or as a phone. With it, you can learn to watch cartoons and play educational games.
  2. Personal Computer. Expensive, but very necessary. It is impossible to imagine a modern child who would not do homework using a computer. Already from a small age, they begin to register on social networks and actively look for friends.
  3. Mobile phone. It will bring great joy and responsibility. He will add status to the girls in the school. It is recommended that the birthday girl choose such a present for herself.
  4. Camera. If the child has a desire to take pictures, you can give her a small camera. Special children's cameras are now on sale.

What to give a 10 year old girl who has everything?

If the girl has everything, you can present an original gift.

  1. Big teddy bear or an original interactive toy.
  2. A machine that makes popcorn or cotton candy. This gift will appeal not only to a 10-year-old girl, but also to adults. Therefore, the first samples of sweets will begin right on the holiday.
  3. A real magic show at the holiday. All this can be achieved with a magician's kit. The kit comes with instructions with answers to your questions.
  4. Tree house. If there is a master at home, and this house is private, you can make a real tree house. It will be small but very interesting.
  5. Swing. Another idea for a country house is a swing. Thanks to such a gift, you can while away the evenings.
  6. Attraction certificate. A girl can spend the whole day on her favorite swing.

Dolls or books, an embroidery kit or badminton... What to give a girl for 10 years - this question is asked by parents, godparents, and family friends. At this age, the girl has a fairly well-formed character, there are hobbies and addictions. The right gift will leave the most pleasant memories for years to come.

At the age of ten, the girl is no longer a baby, and not yet a capricious teenager. The young lady is still completely dependent on her parents, but she already has character. Do not try to “foist” on your daughter or goddaughter what you think is necessary. A present that does not correspond to desires will gather dust in the far corner. A gift for a 10-year-old girl should be useful and interesting.

Present what she has long dreamed of. How to do it? Long before the birthday, casually ask the child what she would like to have. Find out about personal passions and hobbies.

Most Popular Gift Ideas

An analysis of the opinions and advice of parents communicating on Internet forums suggests what to present as a gift to a ten-year-old girl. Popular ideas can be divided into the following categories.

  • Ladies stuff. These include various jewelry: bracelets, earrings, pendants, cute watches, original jewelry boxes. Just keep in mind that the sets should not be "baby", but close to adults. At this age, the girl is already beginning to follow fashion, imitating the main authority - her mother.
  • Games and toys. Girls at the age of ten still play with dolls or constructors. If the birthday girl is in this category, feel free to give her sets of long-legged Barbies with carriages and horses, houses with furniture for dolls or complex Lego constructors for girls for her birthday. If the child is assiduous and loves collective leisure, a board game for the whole family like Monopoly or the good old loto with wooden kegs will be a great gift. For fidgets, the Twister outdoor game is suitable.
  • Cloth . At the age of ten, girls love to dress up. Wardrobe items as a gift are more appropriate from parents or grandparents who know the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl. Cool caps, fashionable jeans with studs that she has long dreamed of, an original sweatshirt or a flirty scarf ... The only requirement is originality. Choose from bright prints, clothes featuring her idols, trendy teen cuts and patterns.
  • Creator's Kit. Girls are naturally creative. Give her a kit for embroidery or for sewing a tilde doll. Painting by numbers, rhinestone panels or beaded compositions (money trees, trees of happiness) are at the peak of fashion.
  • Sports and active recreation. Does the birthday girl love sports or does she drive from morning to night in the yard with friends? Pay attention to gifts for outdoor activities: roller skates, skates, skateboards, balls, bicycles, badminton or table tennis sets, swimming masks. A bright and stylish sports backpack will become an original present, and a gyro scooter is a subject of special desire for modern girls.
  • Children's cosmetics. Choose beauty products according to age. Suitable sets of shampoos and shower gels, fragrant bombs or bath foam, eau de parfum, hygienic lipstick, nail polish. The hero of the occasion will be especially pleased to receive such a gift from a friend.
  • Books. In addition to fiction, pay attention to educational books: collections of self-care tips, children's cooking and home economics. Usually these books are called "Encyclopedia for Girls".

But with the opinion that it is better to make a gift for a girl of 10 years old with your own hands, you can argue. Of course, in the adult world, handmade items are valued more than those that came off the assembly line, but a little girl is hardly able to appreciate the uniqueness and exclusivity of the present.

What not to give

If you don’t want the gift to disappoint the birthday girl, and then lie around unnecessarily or be re-gifted, then a list of bad ideas will help you avoid mistakes.

  • Out of season. If the birthday is in the summer, then skates, skis and a snowboard will not work as gifts. And if the child is "winter" - do not buy an inflatable pool or a swimming circle. The child will be upset because he will not be able to immediately try out the present in action.
  • Too simple and trite. Not the best idea to "get off" with a chocolate bar or a postcard. Such "amenities" are given without a reason.
  • Toys not for age. Do not give toys that are too childish: prams for dolls, puzzles with cartoon characters, children's dishes or a doctor's set. A ten-year-old child has definitely grown out of these toys. And vice versa, too “adult” gifts: massive expensive jewelry, ladies' decorative cosmetics (powders, foundations, bright lipsticks, mascara) - a ten-year-old princess grows and grows before them.
  • Stationery. Judging by the reviews, girls aged 10 do not like to receive stationery as a gift: pens, pencils, notebooks, notepads. This good parents and so buy schoolchildren regularly.
  • Gifts for boys. Obviously “boyish” presents: a car (even if it is radio-controlled) or a cool robot from Star Wars will not impress the little princess.

Expensive gifts: pros and cons

It so happened that the most expensive gifts a child receives from parents, grandparents or from the godfather. However, the choice of an expensive present is not always the right one. Do not indulge every whim of a child.

According to psychologists and experienced mothers, if you mindlessly fulfill all the whims of your daughter, then with age, “appetites” will only grow. It is not a fact that by the age of 18 you will be able to give a girl a convertible. Choose your gift wisely. It should be necessary for games and recreation, for study and development.

What do girls dream about on social media?

If you are thinking about what to give your daughter for 10 years, study this list. It is compiled taking into account the preferences of girls of this age, who share their dreams and desires with their peers in social networks.

  • Modern Gadgets. These include tablets, laptops, smartphones, e-readers and digital cameras. Treat such desires with understanding, otherwise the girl will feel like a “black sheep” among peers who have both iPhones and tablets. It is better to choose electronic things together with the birthday girl - only she knows for sure what functionality is needed.
  • Pets. If you can afford to have a kitten or a cockatoo parrot - this is a wonderful New Year's gift for a girl of 10 years old. The birthday girl will squeak with delight when she sees a guinea pig, puppy, hamster or turtle. Children of this age are kind to pets and are ready to fully take care of them.
  • shopping certificate. Ten-year-old girls like to shop on their own, manage personal finances. Depending on the preferences of the growing daughter, this can be a gift certificate from a toy store, a teenage fashion department, or any other.

Instead of a certificate, you can give your daughter, goddaughter, niece or granddaughter money in an envelope. She will be very happy, especially if she has been saving for the right thing for a long time.

If the girl has everything and it is difficult to surprise her, you can make an unusual surprise:

  • inexpensively and very fun to stage a "treasure hunt" in the yard or invite your friends to play a "quest in reality";
  • order a professional photo session;
  • make a book-photo album with a birthday girl in the title role;
  • send to a water park, oceanarium or dolphinarium;
  • give a ticket to the circus;
  • sign up for a master class in soap making, floristry or cooking;
  • arrange a trip abroad for the child, if finances allow.

Try to present a gift for 10 years to a girl in an unusual manner. Wrap in a beautiful wrapper, send by mail. You can hide in the room and play the game "hot-cold". Do not forget to give the hero of the occasion a sincere compliment and shower her with wishes.


A girl at 10 years old is an interesting creature. She is on the verge of adolescence, and at the same time she thinks and acts just like a child. She carefully observes adults. Her mother is her role model. She wants to dress and comb her hair like her mother. But there is no experience yet, so her attempts to put makeup on her face, to do a manicure look very funny. But these failures should not be ridiculed. The child needs adult support. And the best way is a suitable gift for a 10 year old girl that will convince her that her parents are best friends.

Shopping - shopping in search of a gift

Girls at this age have their own ideas about fashion, and this should be treated with understanding and respect.

First independent purchases

Most likely, your little fashionista is already secretly dreaming of a particular dress or piece of jewelry. Even if you don’t really like the choice, do not refuse the birthday girl to fulfill her wish, especially since she has already admitted it. If you rely on your taste, choose a thing yourself, you can spoil the effect of the gift. Therefore, why not talk to your daughter long before the holiday, find out what kind of fashion she likes?

If you still do not dare to make a choice on your own, go with your daughter to a clothing store, which will give the birthday girl great pleasure. Already at this age, shopping and choosing gifts for girls is a joyful and exciting event.

Children's cosmetics

Many girls dream of a large and beautiful set of children's cosmetics, which includes a lot of all sorts of makeup products. If it seems to you that it is too early to give such a set, then let the gift set include face and hand creams, shampoo, shower gel, flavored water, lip balm. These tools will teach her to take care of herself. The main condition is exclusively natural ingredients in the composition of cosmetics.

Beautiful jewelry

If both the girl and the parents liked the idea of ​​cosmetics, but you want to add something else to this gift, then it is quite appropriate to visit a good hairdresser. Shortly before the start of a family celebration, you can make a beautiful hairstyle. You will see, this gift for a 10 year old girl will be appreciated.

Be sure to explore with her the department of jewelry and various accessories. Perhaps it is here that the girl will find what will please her the most. In addition, you can do something with your own hands, for example, a bracelet, beads, beautiful hair clips

Educational gifts

10 years is not yet a teenager, but girls are already interested in the opposite sex, they want to please boys. Naturally, their desire to be not only beautiful, but also to be able to show their intelligence. And this must be taken into account when choosing a gift for the daughter for the first "round" date.

Developing gifts should also be focused on the mental development of the girl. Parents are always concerned about how to support the child's interest in learning? Choosing a gift for the development of logic and thinking can help in this to some extent. Pay attention to educational books, board games, puzzles. If it is a richly illustrated encyclopedia, it will surely seem to the girl much more interesting than boring textbooks, it will contain a lot of useful information, which will then allow her to show off her erudition among her peers, surprise them and attract attention to herself. And why is the book bad, which in an accessible form tells about the rules of etiquette: how to behave in the cinema, theater, shop and other public places, what clothes correspond to a certain place and time, and about many other cognitive things.

The book has always been considered a good gift. An encyclopedia for girls, for example, will teach young ladies the basics of housekeeping, and this is important for them, because they want to be like their mothers.

Books about popular movie characters (Twilight, Harry Potter, etc.) are popular among girls of this age.

However, it must be borne in mind that not every birthday girl will like the presentation of such a gift for a girl of 10 years old, focused on the development of intelligence. It will be unpleasant to watch that a donated book or game will stand on a shelf untouched.

"Necessary" gifts

This is a category of birthday offerings that sometimes comes in very handy for 10-year-old girls. After all, they are all very different, which means that their desires cannot be the same. Parents, of course, know what kind of daughter they have - sociable or silent, advanced or romantic. Already by the nature of the child, you can choose a gift - useful, and at the same time attractive. This may be a doll - after all, many at the age of 10 have not yet departed from the world of toys.

Surely the girl herself and her friends will be interested in a sewing kit or a children's sewing machine. It is good that now she will be able to make clothes for dolls with her own hands, sew on a button, without turning to her mother for help. Young needlewomen can be presented with a set for beading or embroidery. Lovers of drawing and modeling will be happy with paints, sculptural clay.

Of the necessary things that can be presented as a gift, tablets, smartphones, laptops, e-books and other technical innovations are especially valued.

However, you need to be careful with these. It is unlikely that they will bring joy to a fashionista girl, and then there will be no pleasure from the long-awaited parental gift.

Handmade gifts also fall into this category. Of course, special warmth will come from socks knitted and donated by grandmother, a fashionable dress sewn by mother. The picture painted by the younger brother is very touching. These are good, truly "family" gifts, necessary and presented from the heart. The main thing is that the birthday girl herself appreciates them, and this already depends on how her parents raised her.

Gifts for school, home and sports

As a rule, at the age of 10, children are still quite willing to attend school, and gifts related to their studies are of interest to them: backpacks of unusual colors, stationery.

In addition, the birthday girl, by her first “round” date, already truly appreciates her personal space. She wants it to be in the best possible way. Therefore, gifts such as a digital photo frame, a miniature alarm clock - a heart, a liquid lamp will be very useful. Try to arrange a room for her or make her a favorite corner in which she will feel cozy and comfortable. Of course, not all parents will be able to bathe new furniture, but a mother can do a lot with her own hands! For example, sew soft pillows, bedspreads, new curtains.

If a daughter at the age of 10 is a mobile, athletic person, then feel free to buy her roller skates or a bicycle as a gift. Any girl wants to be slim, like the models in the pictures. Therefore, sports equipment will be a useful gift.

And there are gifts that give pleasure to everyone - adults and children. These are useful and delicious gifts. There is an enthusiastic reaction to a luxurious cake with pink and white cream foam. Cake is a symbol of the holiday. And if the confectioners decorated it with a personalized congratulation, it will be the highlight of the celebration!

Such gifts please not so much in themselves as their design. If you have conceived such a surprise, find a good pastry chef or place an order for the delivery of a ready-made sweet bouquet. When the guests of your birthday girl see this wonderful composition of sweets, they will be delighted and will remember such an unusual gift for a long time to come.

Good day, dear readers. Probably, you have a question, what gift to give a girl for 10 years. That is why you are interested in this article. Many guests, and sometimes parents, are at a loss and do not know what to do. The baby has her first birthday and she is already such an adult. Does she need more toys or is it time to give adult gifts? This is what we will try to figure out. You will find out which gifts will be welcome at the holiday of a ten-year-old girl, and which are not. And then you just have to choose what exactly suits the birthday girl best and will correspond to her interests.


It may surprise someone, but the girl, as before, will be happy with this option, namely:

  1. Big puzzles. At this age, you can give a picture and 500 details. However, to make it easier for the birthday girl to collect it, it is necessary to choose an image that can please the girl and turns out to be simple. And if the birthday girl loves to put puzzles together and she already has many victories on her account, then you can choose something more complicated, for example, a landscape.
  2. The board game will captivate all the guests present. Now the girl will often be able to gather friends for exciting competitions.
  3. The outdoor game will also be of great interest and help bring friends and family together.
  4. The designer will be gladly perceived by a ten-year-old girl. That's just you need to choose options for girls.
  5. Give the birthday girl a big soft toy. Such a gift will definitely cause a storm of emotions and envy of girlfriends.

Gift for common development

Book for girls

  1. Books, as always, take first place at the holiday in honor of the decade of the child. That's just worth considering the age of the birthday girl and her interests. You should not give science fiction if the girl is fond of children's detective stories, a scientific encyclopedia if she loves fiction. In addition, you can not give books designed for adult readers, they will be complex and in many ways incomprehensible to a ten-year-old child.
  2. Give the baby any set for creativity: drawing or modeling. Stormy emotions will cause the appearance of a quality easel.
  3. The birthday girl will be delighted if she is presented with disks with training videos or simply educational programs.
  4. If a girl is fond of science, then a needlework kit will be a great gift. Which one is up to you. These can be kits for creating perfumes, soaps, a set of accessories for weaving jewelry, a set of everything necessary for sewing a soft toy, and much more. Store shelves are just full of such sets, for every taste and color.
  5. If the birthday girl loves science very much and cannot live a day without new information, give her a set of a young scientist: a physicist, biologist or chemist. You can also present a microscope or a telescope, just make sure you buy a really high-quality toy, and the baby will be able to see at least something through the lens.

Last year we gave a young biologist kit to the daughter of a close friend of mine. We were invited to the birthday party with the whole family. The girl really liked this gift. After the festive feast, together with my son and the birthday girl, I went to the children's room, where we began to conduct experiments. The children were delighted, and I myself was very interested.

For sports


  1. Rollers, skate, scooter or bicycle will be a win-win option if you know that the child does not have such a vehicle.
  2. Give the girl children's billiards or bowling. She will happily play with her friends.
  3. indoor basketball. The birthday girl could not even imagine that she would have her own basket and now there is no need to wait in line or quarrel with someone over a basket in the yard.
  4. If the birthday girl lives in a private house or she has a summer house, and it’s a warm season outside, give her a pool. The girl will be happy to splash in it.
  5. On the advice of parents, you can donate a tracksuit or sneakers. In general, everything to make the active rest of the child more comfortable.


Digital camera for a girl

The girl is already at the age when she dreams of adult gifts. The baby has an anniversary and if your financial capabilities allow, give her an expensive gift, she will appreciate it.

  1. Tablet. The girl will be happy to get such a gift. In addition to educational functions, here you can play various games.
  2. A netbook or laptop will be the most unexpected and ideal gift. The girl could not hope for such a thing. Now she will be able to watch her cartoons, play games and communicate with classmates on social networks.
  3. A mobile phone will be a joy. But it is better that the birthday girl chooses it herself.
  4. A digital camera, even the simplest one, will certainly please its owner.

Gift for a young fashionista

Children's watch

  1. Give the little princess a beautiful hairpin decorated with rhinestones, a hoop topped with multi-colored flowers.
  2. Family members can present the girl in honor of her anniversary with an expensive gift, jewelry made of silver or gold.
  3. The birthday girl will be very happy if you give her a watch, but not like adults, but with an interesting design and let there be more shiny pebbles.
  4. Give the baby an interesting pajamas with ears or slippers in the form of fluffy cats. She will be delighted.
  5. The birthday girl will be grateful if she is presented with a set of cosmetics. She wants to be just like her mother.
  6. A beautiful handbag, embroidered with pebbles or sequins, will certainly please the little princess.
  7. Give the girl an original umbrella. Such an item will be an excellent accessory to her image, besides it is very practical.
  8. The birthday girl will be delighted with a beautiful puffy dress, like a princess. But it is better to know the exact size of the girl, otherwise her disappointment will have no limit if it turns out to be small or large.

Original present

Interactive dog toy for girls

  1. Disco ball will be an unusual gift. Now the birthday girl will be able to arrange a mini-party for her friends.
  2. An interactive toy will be a good friend and will help you have fun in the evenings.
  3. Apparatus for making popcorn and cotton candy. Such a gift will not leave indifferent any of the children present. Rest assured, the preparation of cotton wool will begin already at the holiday.
  4. Give the birthday girl a magician's set. She will gladly study all the proposed material and begin to demonstrate her skills.
  5. The house - a tent, very similar to a real castle, is not said to please the birthday girl.
  6. Candy stealing machine. Inside such a device lies a lot of sweets, chocolates. The task of the girl, by pressing the button, is to try to get the sweet she likes.

Impressions as a gift

The girl has her first anniversary, so let's give her unforgettable emotions!

  1. Spend the whole day on the rides. Let the birthday girl take a ride on each carousel she likes.
  2. Go for a horse riding lesson. Such an adventure will certainly please the birthday girl.
  3. The girl will get a lot of indescribable emotions if she makes a flight in a wind tunnel.
  4. The birthday girl will be delighted when she only finds out that she is going to the dolphinarium. Imagine how many different feelings await her at the performance.
  5. The show of soap bubbles will not leave any girl indifferent.

What to give a girl 10 years old, inexpensive

You can often come across this question. Indeed, not everyone has the opportunity to make expensive gifts, and by and large this is the prerogative of parents and close relatives, godparents. And what about a school friend or comrade from the yard? Or maybe your salary was simply delayed and there is not enough money for a newfangled present? And here there are several options. You can:

  1. Make something with your own hands: sew outfits for dolls of the birthday girl, sew a soft toy, make a cool and unique jewelry box and much more.
  2. Give a school stationery set. Just give preference not to ordinary objects, but to those that will somehow stand out from the gray mass.
  3. If the birthday girl likes to draw, give her a large album, paints and brushes, or you can also have a set of colored pencils.
  4. The board game will also be a great gift and not expensive in terms of money.
  5. Now anti-stress coloring pages are gaining great popularity, give the birthday girl a couple, and even with colored pencils.
  6. The girl will be delighted with a beautiful diary for personal notes, which will be closed with a key.
  7. There are many craft kits in small boxes, they are much cheaper than regular kits. You can donate paper for quilling and a tool in addition, or a set of rubber bands and also with the appropriate tool.

So even with a limited budget, you can choose a good gift.

What gifts are inappropriate

It is important to know what mistakes can lead to buying a failed gift in order to prevent this in your case:

  1. Even if you have too little money, you should not resort to buying a gift in the form of a postcard or a chocolate bar. After all, such presents are presented even without such a reason as a birthday.
  2. The baby will not like it if your gift does not correspond to the season of the year, and accordingly, in order to use it, you will have to wait more than one month, this will obviously upset the child.
  3. If you know that the birthday girl loves boyish toys, then give them. For example, a girl can collect model cars or she is crazy about football and scores the ball into the goal along with the rest of the guys. And if this is not the case, then you should not give a gift that will obviously be uninteresting and incomprehensible.
  4. Avoid gifts that are inappropriate for the girl's age. It is considered bad form to give something for growth. And if you give a toy suitable for a first-class girl, this will cause a huge misunderstanding in the eyes of the child.

So you became aware of what you can give a girl for 10 years. Now it remains to analyze the personal qualities of your birthday girl and incline your choice in favor of sports equipment or a gift for development, or maybe you will purchase new accessories for a young fashionista. Choose your direction. As you can see, the choice is large and varied.

Now it all depends on your financial capabilities. But do not think that the key to a good gift is its great value. On the contrary, a handmade gift can have a much greater impact on the birthday girl than an expensive toy. The main thing is to remember the interests of the girl when choosing a present, and not about being better than all the guests. After all, expensive does not mean bought for the interests of the child, he simply can lie with her for more than one year unnecessarily. And the situation is completely different if the girl herself asks to give her, for example, a cool tablet. Donate if possible. It's her first birthday, after all.

I wish you a great time at the holiday with the little princess! Let your gift justify all her hopes!

MillionPodarkov actively researched as many as 232 online gift shops, went through the entire web space and took into account the opinions of eminent magazines Seventeen, She / She, Samaya, or rather their top ten best answers in order to find out what kind of gift for 10 years the young lady will become most desired. Moreover, the question was asked by the very young creatures of this age - information from the original source. Of course, many do not openly admit their desires, so an anonymous survey was also conducted on the Internet.
As a result, a kind of "scale" was obtained, on one bowl of which there is the most favorite product of the givers, on the other - its less successful fellow.
10 years is the first serious anniversary in your life, so you can’t get away with souvenirs in a hurry. Here it is necessary to approach the choice thoroughly, taking into account the character and tastes of the birthday girl. In addition, the desire to surprise takes its roots here.
11 years old is the time for the formation of a personality, when it is very important to take into account the hobbies of a young lady. At the same time, it must be remembered that romance is relevant in any situation, and especially at this age.
12 - the height of teenage experiences about "how I look" and "what others think of me." Keep this in mind when choosing a present. It is desirable that he impress the friends of the birthday girl.
And after all, there is such a gift that fits perfectly into the required range of ten to twelve years. 6% of buyers prefer the original and unusual "Party Fountain". Girlfriends will be delighted when a cocktail, fruit drink or other drink can be taken directly from it - just like in films about famous beauties. After the birthday, stories about this star party will continue to circulate for a long time.
On the other side of the scale is the Grass Piglet Piggy. Despite the fact that he is so cute, the toy looks like a gift for 6-7 year old kids, while our heroine is already quite an adult, accomplished person. Therefore, before you buy it, when the girl is already at the age of 10, 11 or 12, we advise you to weigh the pros and cons.
There is also a third category of gifts, which is called "the most expensive." By the way, this is the answer to the question "what can I give a girl for 12 years." And this is a home planetarium, from which all girls will be delighted, from the age of ten to the age of twelve. The electronic menu is easily and simply adjusted to the desired time and date. Bewitched charmers will be surprised themselves, and delight their friends and fans.
The choice - what to give a girl for 10 years (also 11 or 12) - is made. It remains to give a present. You can, as an option, use the following methods of donation.
1. Romance is always relevant. Therefore, take the usual large box (from under the TV, for example). Put a gift in it and fill it with small chocolates (or balls, sweets) so that it seems as if there is nothing there except them. Imagine the joyful surprise of the one who will receive such a “package”.
2. You can arrange a "game of hide and seek." Hide the gift securely, and draw a diagram of how to find it on several separate pieces of paper. Hang them in the most visible places, and keep the intrigue until the last moment.