The scenario of physical culture for the middle group "It's fun to walk together!" with the participation of parents

Sports entertainment with parents for older children:

"Inseparable friends - adults and children"

Target: create conditions that encourage children and parents to physical activity, and an atmosphere of joyful mood.


1. To form the ability of children to jump on two legs; exercise in walking, running and squatting.

2. To develop the ability to navigate in space, to act on the signal of the educator.

3. To arouse in children an interest and an emotional positive attitude towards entertainment and joint games with adults.

4. To cultivate friendliness, the ability to play together.

To the music “I, you, he, she ...” the children pass in a “snake” and stand in a semicircle. Parents sit in the audience.

caregiver : Hello children! Hello dear moms and dads! We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. We also gathered to see what our children can do and what their parents can do. And it doesn't matter who wins this competition, the main thing is that we feel the atmosphere of the holiday. Let the motto of our today's meeting be simple words: “Inseparable friends - adults and children! ".

Roll call:

1reb: look, next to dad,

Look, next to mom.

Dads dumped a diva

Moms threw pots

And the costumes were pulled on.

2 reb: Everyone wants to compete

joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity

And prove your skill!

3 reb: We are all happy about this meeting.

We didn't come here for a reward.

We need to meet more often ,

So that we all live together.

Educator: And today we have unusual competitions. Together with the children, their fathers and mothers, grandparents, sisters and brothers will go to the start. I urge the teams to fair sports competition. I wish you all success. And may the best man win!

And now it's time to introduce our teams.

So today we will have two teams competing:

Team "Fireflies" And

Team "Goldfish".

Well, who gets into which team will be determined by our magic chips.

The game "Magic Chips" is being played.

The teacher throws the chips up, each of the children takes one chip and looks at what number is inside the chip. Children with the number 1 become the Fireflies team. Children with the number 2 become the Goldfish team.

Educator: Dear parents, we simply need your skill. Please join our teams.

Parents put on emblems and sit down with their teams.

caregiver : Family teams, let's greet each other.

Team " Fireflies» Physical education - hello!

Team " Goldfish» Physical education - hello!

Educator: Our results will be evaluated by the members of the jury ....

(Jury read the rules)

Educator: Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle!

Teams, ready to fight?


- I announce a fun warm-up.

(To the music "Together it's fun to walk")

March in column one at a time.

1st verse:

Walking with tasks:

1-hands forward;

2- hands up;

3- arms to the sides;

4-hands down.

Repeat 4 times.


Circle jumps.

2nd verse:

Walking with cotton under the knee for every step. Raise your arms to the sides and do not lean forward.


Lateral gallop of the arm to the shoulders.

3rd verse:

Walking in a semi-squat, hands on the belt. Keep your back straight, do not lower your chin.


Walking with clapping overhead.

(teams take their seats)

caregiver : To grow and mature

Let's play sports!

So that you do not know fatigue,

We will bring you a lot of joy!

Well, I announce the 1st contest

1st competition "Who is faster". (attributes: giant's slippers)

It is necessary to run to the rack in the giant's slippers and go around it to go back, passing the baton to the next participant.

2nd competition "Wand - lifesaver".(attributes: life stick 2pcs, balloons 2pcs)

It is necessary to bring the balloon to the rack with a lifesaving stick, take the ball in your hands and, returning back in a straight line, pass the baton to the next participant. Adults are the first and last in the teams.

Educator: Well done to our teams

Strong, skillful,

friendly, funny,

Fast and bold!

caregiver : Well, now the floor is given to the members of the jury.

(The jury evaluates 2 competitions held).

Educator: Never be discouraged!

Give sports a hand!

Attention! Attention!

We continue the competition!

And the next competition we have is unusual. We will have to work with our dexterous legs.

3- competition "Collect pearls" (prevention of flat feet, without socks)

(attributes: “multi-colored pearls”, large hoops 2 pcs.)

Children of 2 teams participate.

On a signal, the children take off their socks and run to the center of the hall, where pearls are scattered. The task of the children is to pick up as many pearls as possible with their toes and transfer them to the hoops. Whose team will be able to get the pearl more will win.

caregiver : Well done! Well done!

All guys are daring!

Let's clap our guys! How they tried!

How cleverly they handled all the pearls!

But I see our dads and moms are completely bored. They were envious, I guess. They also wanted to play. Don't worry, dear parents.

The next contest: "Who is the most dexterous", I have prepared especially for you.

And the rules are as follows: here are the balloons, we tie one on the left leg. Is everyone tied? We stand opposite each other. With the beginning of the music, your task is to crush (pop) the opponent's balls as much as possible. Get ready! One, two, three - start!

4th competition "Who is the most dexterous".

(attributes: balloons, ropes on the leg)

Educator: The floor is given to the members of the jury.

caregiver : Our children are preschoolers

Very friendly guys

And doubly so with my parents.

Hurry up to stand in a row,

You can already start.

5th competition "Crossing"

There are 2 adults and 4 children per team.

(attributes: logs-2pcs, large hoops-2pcs) .

On command, 2 adults run with a log to the hoop, go around it, then return in a straight line, pick up the first child and transport him to the other side (into the hoop, then take the second child, etc., at the end of the relay, the adults also stand in the hoop.

6th contest "Friendly".

(attributes: snakes-2pcs. stands-2pcs)

Dad, mom and child from the team are invited. It is necessary with the help of the “Snake” to quickly reach the counter, we use the snake as a skipping rope, back father, mother and child return running, holding on to the snake.

caregiver : The floor is given to the jury:

The players of the whole team (children) participate.

7. competition: "Fishing" (Whose team will catch a lot of fish)

8. competition: "Tunnel" (Who will get into the tunnel faster).

caregiver : So our family competitions are over.

And even though it's all just a game

But we wanted to say with it:

Great miracle - family!

Keep her, take care of her!

There is no more important goal in life!

Educator: Before I say goodbye to you

We want to wish you:

good health,

smile more often

And never lose heart!

Together: Goodbye! Until we meet again

Scenario of entertainment in physical culture, dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics. Topic: "Space travel with parents"
(for older children)

- to develop in children physical and moral-volitional qualities (speed, dexterity, endurance, perseverance, organization, discipline).
- to develop interest in sports events among adults and children.
- to expand and consolidate the amount of knowledge about space, the ability of children to fold the basic form of a "rocket".
- to instill patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland and respect for the profession of an astronaut.
Equipment: hoops-4pcs; hoops on racks-4pcs; landmark-2pcs; balls-2pcs; split painted rockets - 2 sets; tubes with "food" - one tube for each; tennis rackets-2pcs; inflatable ball-2pcs; plastic bottles-4pcs; baskets-4pcs;. newspaper balls, shoe covers for each participant.
The hall is decorated with joint drawings about the space of children and parents. multi-colored stars, inflatable balls.
Two teams of children and parents enter the gym under the march. They are met by a leader dressed as an astronaut.
The course of the holiday
Presenter: Hello dear children, mothers, and dear guests! Today, April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. 50 years ago, the first man on our planet, Yuri Gagarin, flew into space.
1 child: In a space rocket called "Vostok"
He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars!
2 child: Spring drops sing songs about this,
Gagarin and April will be with us forever.
3 child: The day will come when we grow up.
Let's boldly launch rockets into space!
4 child: Brave and persistent guys be ready,
We will be astronauts - we give you this word!
Presenter: Dockings of spacecraft are taking place in the high celestial distances. Cosmonauts live and work in space stations for months, automatic stations go to other planets. Guys, are you ready to fly into space? And parents? Then we need to train well on the ground, and how to prepare for the flight. And so, we begin the training of 2 teams.
First task
"Fast guys" (show strength, dexterity, resourcefulness).
(jumping from hoop to hoop, climb into the tunnel, run to the landmark - back in a straight line, pass the baton to the next player).
Second task
"Friendly guys" (together with parents).
(stand in pairs on each other, on - against each other, hands on each other's shoulders. A balloon is clamped between them, you need to run a side gallop to the landmark and back - pass the baton to the next pair).
Presenter: And so, we conducted a strict selection for flight into space. But in order to fly into space, we need to build a rocket.

The third task for the teams.
"Pick up the rocket"
(we assemble a rocket from parts of a split picture depicting a rocket).
Presenter: The rocket was built. Now we need to prepare food for the entire flight.
Fourth task
"Preparing food in space"
(near the landmark in the hoop there are tubes of “food” signed (borscht, jelly, compote, bread, ice cream ....) Children, together with their parents, take turns running to the landmark, taking a tube each, returning to the team passing the baton to the next player.
Presenter: The crew is ready, the rocket is at the start, they took the food. Let's go to the stars! GO! We have arrived on an unknown planet, here adventure awaits us. But we took resourcefulness, dexterity, speed, mutual assistance with us. After all, supporting each other is great! Before we descend to the planet of the unknown, we will put on special "space" shoes - (boot covers).
The first test on the planet: "Sharobol"
(team members line up in two columns. Each team is given a tennis racket and a balloon. The first player runs forward holding the ball on the racket, runs around the landmark, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next player).
The second test: "Balloon"
(each team is given a ball and a hoop. Roll the ball with a hoop moving backwards to the landmark, running back to the team, passing the baton to the next player)
Trial 3: Gravity
(team members line up in columns, two plastic bottles for each team, rope loops are fixed on the bottles so that they can be put on their feet. The first player puts a bottle on each leg and runs to the landmark, runs around and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next player).
Fourth test: "Gazeton"
(each team receives a basket filled with crumpled newspaper balls, in front of each team there are empty baskets into which participants throw newspaper balls in turn. The number of balls thrown into the basket is taken into account).
Presenter: Guys, it's time for us to return home to Earth. Take your seats in the rocket! (children line up one after another and, spreading their arms to the sides with their parents, imitate a flight). Here we are at home. You guys are great, everyone tried their best. And I know for sure, if you want, all of you will fly into space without a doubt! I want to quote the words of the great cosmonaut Gagarin: “Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.” Let's fulfill the testament of the first cosmonaut! Until we meet again in outer space!

preschool group)

Equipment: large balls 2 pcs., rackets - 2 pcs., cubes - 20 pcs., racks - 4 pcs., gymnastic sticks - 4 pcs., ball basket - large - 1 pc., arcs for crawling - 3 pcs., hoops - 4 pcs., flat hoops - 4 pcs., flags - 2 pcs.

Additional equipment: Moscow anthem (O. Gazmanova), music for rock and roll dance, medals - chocolates

Participants: a team of children, a team of parents, judges, presenter, assistants (arrange and remove equipment for relay races)

Course of the competition

Teams with flags enter the hall to the music of O. Gazmanov “Moscow”,

Rebuilding (composition performed by children, parents watching)

The leader welcomes the teams

Roll call:

* We are in this hall today
We have gathered our moms and dads!
We call them to the competition -
cool competition

*Let's run and jump together
Let's play ball together
In the most difficult relay races
Together we will win

*Whose family is the strongest?
Who will celebrate success?
Who is not afraid of obstacles?
Hey parents, let's go!

* Who has been friendly with sports since childhood
He does not have a cold
He grows strong, dexterous,
And healthy all year round

Warm-up: conducted by a physical education teacher

The facilitator introduces the judges of the competition and

Teams take their starting positions. Judges announce the start of the competition

1 relay

“Obstacle course”: crawl under the arc, pass the hoop through you, jump over the barrier, run around the counter, pass the baton with a clap on the palm of your hand. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

2 relay

“Nimble ball” the ball is hooped to the rack, the hoop is put on the rack, the ball is clamped between the knees, the player moves in the opposite direction by jumping, the next one starts moving with the ball clamped between the knees, picks up the hoop at the rack, moves backwards in the opposite direction, leading the ball with the hoop etc.

3 relay

"Pass it, don't drop it." Each team member has a cube. (one racket per team), the first one carries a cube on the racket, runs around the rack, throws the cube into the basket, passes the racket to the next.

4 relay

"Gather a team"

The first one runs with a gymnastic stick, runs around the rack, the next clings to him and already together they run around the rack again, etc., until all team members join the stick

5 relay

“Transfer” teams line up in front of 2 hoops, one contains 4 dice. One at a time, the cubes are passed back through the head and returned from the bottom through the legs, folded into another hoop, then the next cube is taken

The host announces that the competitive part is over while the judges sum up the results. Children perform a sports dance

The results of the competitions are announced by the judges, the parents are awarded certificates for participating in the competitions, and the parents award their children with medals.

Thanks to all!

To the music, parents with children leave the hall

We invite parents to start

(sports competitions of parents and children senior group)

  • preservation and strengthening of children's health,
  • development of the psycho-emotional sphere.
  • development of speed-strength qualities, speed, dexterity, ability to act together, as a team
  • education in children of a conscious attitude to their own health,
  • the formation in children of a positive response to sports and the desire to actively participate in them.

Equipment: large balls 2 pcs., rackets - 2 pcs., cubes - 40 pcs., racks - 8 pcs., gymnastic sticks - 2 pcs., arcs for crawling - 2 pcs., barriers for jumping - 2 pcs., hoops - 2 pcs., flat hoops - 2 pcs, flags - 2 pcs.

Additional equipment: the anthem of Moscow (O. Gazmanova), music for rock and roll dance (O. Gazmanov), “It's fun to walk together”, warm-up music, medals - chocolates

Venue: gym

The first team is parents, the second is children.

Course of the competition

Fly banners over the stadium
Joyful songs sound everywhere
Walking in step in a slender column
We go to the sports parade

  • Teams with flags enter the hall to the music of O. Gazmanov “Moscow”,
  • rebuilding
  • Team greetings:

Surprise. There is a loud scream. Carleson appears. He rides a scooter, in a bag there are balls, rackets, a pillow, a towel.

K. Wait! Wait! Oh oh! Late!

(takes out a pillow, lays down on it, tying a towel around his head)

V. Carleson, are you lying down? Get up! We have a sports festival, and you are lying.

K. Late! I was in such a hurry, in a hurry and probably got sick! And no one will cure me!

Q. Guys, what to do? I probably know… Only something sweet will help Carleson. For example, sweets, but not simple, but gigantic. (Carleson eats candy)

K. OH! It got easier!

Q. Well, tell me what happened to you? Why do you have so many things in your bag?

K. I found out that the guys had a sports day today, and I decided to come to them. And I have nothing on the roof for this holiday! I collected everything and brought it, but I was in such a hurry, so tired that it became bad

I'm a little fat, I'm a little shy
But trust me guys, It's not my fault!

Tell us, Carleson, what are you doing in the morning?

I guys sleep for a long time, I snore until noon

Tell us in order How often do you exercise?

No! Charging something guys, I never did
Temper? Scary brothers: After all, cold water!
Maybe there is a means to become strong dexterous
Keep up with others

There is such a remedy, there are less sweets
In the morning, do not wallow for a long time. Do physical education.
Run, jump and jump Take a cold shower

Woo (scratches the back of his head)

Don't be afraid. You're not a coward, are you?
Next to us, you get up Repeat after us!

  • Warm up
  • : children and adults become free around the hall, the physical education teacher warms up to the music

(Teams take their starting positions. Carleson helps the children's team and interferes with the adult. After each relay race, the host sums up by awarding a point to the winning team)

Relay 1 “Obstacle Course”: crawl under the arc, pass the hoop through yourself, jump over the barrier, run around the counter, pass the baton with a clap on the palm of your hand. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

2 relay race “Dimble ball” the ball is hooped to the rack, the hoop is put on the rack, the ball is clamped between the knees, the player jumps in the opposite direction, the next one starts moving with the ball clamped between the knees, picks up the hoop at the rack, moves backwards in the opposite direction, leading ball hoop, etc.

3 relay race "Bring it, don't drop it". Each member of the team has a cube (one racket per team), the first one carries a cube on the racket, runs around the rack, throws the cube into the basket, passes the racket to the next.

4 relay race “Train” The first one runs around the rack, catches the second one, they run together, then the third one clings, etc. Team members must hold on to the belt. The locomotive must not separate.

5 relay “Build a pyramid” Everyone has a cube in their hands. The relay is passed by touching the hand. In the hoop, each participant attaches his cube (3 cubes - the base, 2 cubes - the second floor, then 1 cube each)

Demonstration performances of children. The parents sit down. (Any sports dance is possible).

The host sums up the results of the competition

For courage, dexterity, courage, parents award their children with medals, and the presenter awards parents with diplomas for active participation in competitions

Thanks to all!

  • Children and parents make a lap of honor to the music "Together it's fun to walk"

Sports festival in the younger and middle groups of kindergarten with the participation of parents

  • Attracting parental interest in a healthy lifestyle,
  • Promotion of active forms of recreation
  • Increase interest in physical culture
  • In a playful way, develop the basic qualities - strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements.
  • Develop musculoskeletal skills, correct posture,
  • Education of mutual assistance, friendship, organization

Equipment: hats 2 pieces, hoops - medium - 2 pieces, balls large, bright - 2 pieces, small balls - 40 pieces, screen with slots for hands - 1,

Additionally: a table for judges, a chalk board, a microphone, awards (medals and gifts) - according to the number of children, musical accompaniment: “It's fun to walk together”, “Point, point, comma ...”, “Chunga-Changa”, music for butterfly dance and flag exercises

Venue: Kindergarten Music Hall

Participants: children of the group, their parents, judges, doctor, musician, presenter, fox, bear

The course of the holiday

Children by the hand with their parents enter the hall to the music “Together it is fun to walk”, go around the hall in a circle, stand in a semicircle, facing the audience.

We are in this room today
They gathered their moms and dads
We call them to the competition
cool competition

We are pleased to welcome you to our sports festival, a holiday of health and fun. As at all sports events, we have judges, let me introduce: - Honored judge of our kindergarten. (names are called)

And now, our dear athletes, get ready for a warm-up (children and parents disperse around the hall)

The Fox and the Bear enter the hall.

L. and M. Oh, what are you doing here

Q. We have a sports competition, and why did you come here.

L. and M. We came to practice, we have competitions in the forest, so we argued who is the strongest ... Can we practice with you?

B. You can. But then get up for a warm-up.

Warm up. Conducted by a physical education teacher

Q. Well, we warmed up, and now Chanterelle and Bear, pick up teams for yourself, all participants in pairs (the child and his parent are one team member) are divided into 2 teams

Course of the competition

1 relay race “Jolly Rider”

(a child in a hat sits on the back of an adult and he carries him to the cone and back, then they pass the hat to another child and his parent is already carrying him)

2 relay race “Horse riding”

(an adult holds the hoop outside, the child “harnesses” the hoop and carries his parent, then the hoop is passed to the next couple)

3 relay race “Bring it not to drop it”

(child and adult take each other's shoulders, hold the ball with their foreheads, and go sideways, then pass the ball to the next pair)

4 relay race "Harvest"

Parents are resting, children are collecting balls in the basket Bears or Chanterelles)

5 relay race “Guess by the pen”

(a screen with holes is placed, children on one side, parents on the other. The guys put their pens in the slot, and the parents must guess their child)

The test is first conducted for one team, then for another

Leading. So our competitions are over, and while the judges are counting the points earned by the teams, come on, parents, let's see the dances that your children have prepared.

The judges sum up the results, reward parents and children with gifts and medals

Parents and children leave the hall to the music of “Together it's fun to walk”

The scenario of sports entertainment with the participation of parents "Adventures of Zdorovyachkov" for children of the preschool group (October 2017)

Compiled and conducted by the teacher Telyakova N.M.

Educational area: physical development.

Integration of educational areas:

  • cognitive development,
  • speech development,
  • social and communicative development,
  • artistic and aesthetic development.

Material and equipment:costumes of fairy tale characters(Doctor Aibolit, Pirate, Hut on chicken legs, Water); music center, computer, projector, a bag with riddles, 2 brooms, skittles, arches, hoops, 2 gymnastic benches, 2 felt boots, soft hoops, a “chest” with apples.

Characters: Presenter, Dr. Aibolit, Pirate, Hut on chicken legs, Water.

Preliminary work with children:

  • conducting conversations about healthy lifestyles, hardening, personal hygiene;
  • learning a complex of rhythmic gymnastics, breathing exercises;
  • reading fairy tales by B. Grimm, Russian folk tales;
  • watching cartoons "Flying Ship", "Three Little Pigs";
  • memorizing poems with children for entertainment.

Preliminary work with parents:

  • conversations and consultations on educating children about the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle;
  • an invitation to participate in the preparation and holding of sports entertainment.

Planned results:

  • Children and parents will form a positive attitude towards physical education and sports, a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.
  • The competence of parents in matters of physical development and health of children will increase.
  • Parent-child relationships will be strengthened during joint events.

Target: promote emotional rapprochement between parents and children, improve health.



  • to strengthen the health of children through physical exercises, sports games and relay races;
  • continue to shape the idea of ​​children that physical activity makes a person strong, alert and healthy;
  • expand children's ideas about fairy-tale characters;
  • to educate parents with knowledge in the field of physical culture, taking into account the needs and characteristics of preschool children;
  • enrich parent-child relationships during joint activities, while paying special attention to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the preservation and strengthening of the physical health of children.


  • improve motor skills, physical qualities of preschoolers;
  • to promote the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children, memory, attention;
  • to consolidate the ability to follow the rules of outdoor games and relay races.


  • to cultivate a positive attitude in children and parents to physical education and sports, a conscious attitude to a healthy lifestyle;
  • instill in children a sense of mutual assistance.

Entertainment progress

caregiver . Dear parents! Greetings! Today you will take part in the entertainment "Adventures of Zdorovyachkov". I wish you positive and victories! One by one, line up! Equal! Attention!

Children enter, line up one by one in front of their parents.

Music sounds "Come, a fairy tale!". Doctor Aibolit enters.

Dr. Aibolit: Hello, my family, mischievous kids!

I am Dr. Aibolit! Came to visit you! How is your health? Are you sick, friends?

1 child

To grow us strong, dexterous and courageous

Every morning we do exercises.

2 child

We raise our hands to the sun, walk together, merrily, squat and stand up.

Together : And we don't get tired at all!

3 child.


Dr. Aibolit:

How many of you guys know that hardening helps and is always useful to us?

Together: sun, air and water!

Dr. Aibolit: Well done, you are now Healthy! Do you like fairy tales and adventures?

Children: Yes!

Dr. Aibolit: I invite you to go on adventures in the Land of fairy tales!1,2,3! Repeat the movement after me!spinning around)One and two, and five and eight we transfer you to the fairy tale milestones!

Children and adults circle around

Dr. Aibolit: Guys, look what a fabulous bag! (looks into the bag, takes out riddles). Yes, there are clues. Now we will find out how you know fairy tales.

First clue:

The friendly, brave three outwitted the evil wolf ...

Children and parents: piglet

An illustration from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" appears on the screen.

Dr. Aibolit: That's right, well done guys! Let's dance the dance of piglets from a fairy tale. Let's move along the lyrics!



Dr. Aibolit: What good fellows you are! Listensecond hint:

Sister Alyonushka was looking for her brother, a good stove helped her,

The river covered her with banks, the apple tree treated her with apples

They took Ivanushka to Baba Yaga. Her servants...

Children: and parents Geese-swans!

An illustration from the fairy tale "Geese-swans" appears on the screen

Dr. Aibolit: Guys, are you afraid of Baba Yaga? Do you want to fly on a broomstick like her? Do moms and dads want to fly on a broomstick?

Children and parents: We want!


The phonogram "Song of Wizards" sounds

Dr. Aibolit (divides children and parents into two national teams. Skittles are arranged in two rows, in the hands of the participants there is a “broom” - a broom).

Task: sitting on a broom and holding it between your knees, “fly around” - run around the pins without hitting a single one, and return to the team, give the “broom” to the next participant. Whose team completes the task faster, he wins this relay. The key to victory is friendship!

Dr. Aibolit: You are all well done, you know how to fly well on a broomstick! Listenthird clue:

Round. Delicious ruddy side, these are the children ...

Children and parents: Kolobok!

An illustration from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" appears on the screen

Dr. Aibolit: Gingerbread man is dexterous, he overcame many forest obstacles on his way. Are you guys smart? And you, dads and moms, are smart? Can you overcome obstacles like Kolobok?

Children and parents: Yes!

Dr. Aibolit: Fine. And adults will help you.


Children and parents - two teams perform tasks.

1. "Get under the tree"- crawling under the arc.

2. "Go Through the Swamp"- jumping from hoop to hoop.

3. "On the narrow bridge"- walk on the bench, maintaining balance.

4. "Let's go home"- run back to your team.

The song of the pirates is playing. Pirate runs.

Dr. Aibolit : What all of you are fast, dexterous. And who came to visit us? Yes, it's a Pirate!

Pirate : Hello everyone! I am a badass robber. Well, you dressed up and set off on a journey according to fairy tales.

Come on, take off everything in an instant: rings, give back the rings!

Dr. Aibolit: Wait, Pirate, don't be shawty. We travel through fairy tales, but do you like fairy tales?

Pirate: Yes, I love and know a lot of fairy tales. And guess my riddle-hint.

Clever, dodgy mustachioed friend. And he cannot live without red boots.

Children and parents: Puss in Boots!

An illustration from the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" appears on the screen.

Pirate : Show me, like Puss in Boots, your dexterity, courage.


Pirate . Task: put on one boot(boots) on one foot, run to the flag, run around it and return to your team, give the boot to the next team member.

Pirate: Yes, you are just great, deftly coped with the task! Look what I found? (pulls out of pocket)Yes, it's a map! If you go strictly along it, you can find a treasure. Let's go find a treasure chest together!

Everyone follows the arrows posted on the walls. Reaching the last arrow

the music “Come a fairy tale” sounds, the Hut on chicken legs appears.

A hut on chicken legs:Hello dear guests! Where are you on your way?

Children and Pirate : looking for treasures!

A hut on chicken legs:Did you recognize me?

Children and parents: Yes!

A hut on chicken legs:Where did I come from?

Children and parents: from a fairy tale!

A hut on chicken legs:Right! Guess my riddle-hint, then I will skip you further. Fine?

Children: Yes!

A hut on chicken legs:He is neither low nor high, different people live in it:

Mouse-louse, frog-frog, bunny - run around, little fox-sister,

Gray wolf - click teeth. This is Terem…

Children and parents: Teremok!

An illustration from the fairy tale "Teremok" appears on the screen

A hut on chicken legs: Can you build a tower? Now let's check.

Children and parents: We can!


Z the music “No stake and no yard!” from the cartoon The Three Little Pigs.

Children and parents - two teams are building from soft modules "Teremok".

A hut on chicken legs. One parent from each team stands on the opposite side of the room. Team members alternately quickly carry one module to him. Task: quickly and efficiently "build" a house-teremok.

A hut on chicken legs:You are excellent builders, what houses you have built. Well done guys, you did a great job! Move on.

The song of the Waterman from the cartoon "Flying Ship" sounds. Water enters

Dr. Aibolit: Guys! Look - who is it?

Water: Did you recognize me? Yes! That's right, I'm Water! Let's play my favorite game "The sea is worried!"


Pirate: Guys, look, there is a sea chest at the bottom! (pulls out a chest of fruit in the middle of the hall).So we found the treasure! Let's see what's in it. Treat - fruits are delicious for everyone here, very necessary for health!

Dr. Aibolit: Didn't need hintsyou guessed all the stories!

They were created by the wise men, and you guys and parents are GREAT!

It's time for us to say goodbye ... We wish everyone to be tempered!

Do not get sick and do not get sick. And everyone become healthy!

To love children's fairy tales, and do not forget about us.

Invite guests more often, it's fun to play with you!

All characters: Goodbye friends!

Children and parents: Goodbye!

The music “Come a fairy tale” sounds, the characters leave.

Educator. Thanks to all the participants for the fun, excitement and positive. In conclusion, each participant is awarded a certificate of participation in the competition!

Music sounds. The teacher gives the certificate by name.

Educator. Thank you all again. Goodbye! See you soon!

Program tasks:

  • Involve parents in active participation in the sports life of the kindergarten. To help them feel the joy of joint motor activity, to establish emotional and tactile contact with children.
  • To consolidate the skills of children acquired in physical education classes. To improve the motor skills of children in running, jumping, throwing the ball at the target.
  • Develop the ability to act on a signal, dexterity, speed of reaction, attention. Cultivate endurance, kindness.

Material: medium and small balls, landmark flags, wooden spoons, potatoes (small tubers), 2 high chairs, 2 children's buckets, 2 plastic baskets, 2 ropes, a tambourine.

Preliminary work: writing a script, decorating the hall, preparing a musical number, making emblems, inventing the names of teams, greeting mottos; physical education classes, games and relay races for a walk, learning joint warm-up exercises with children and parents.

Leisure progress:

The music hall includes 2 teams consisting of children and their parents. Each team has a captain. Competitors have the emblem of their team on their chest.


- Everyone gathered? Is everyone healthy?

Ready to run and play?

Well then, pull yourself up

Don't yawn and don't be lazy!

Serious tests are waiting for you - fun competitions where you can show your strength, dexterity, resourcefulness.

The host introduces the teams and their captains. Teams greet each other, say their motto.

Health Team:

- There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

Team "Fortress":

Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are strong friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant, sport is health,

Sport is a game, physical education ... cheers!


- Before we start the competition, let's do a little warm-up. Game exercises (to the music):

1.) "Raise the sails!"

I.p .: a child and an adult sit with their backs to each other, hold each other by their lowered hands, legs stretched forward.

1-4 - raise your arms through the sides up;

5-8 - return to I.p.

2.) "Only forward."

I.p .: an adult sits behind the child, their arms are lowered, their legs are extended forward;

1-4 - lean forward, arms forward;

5-8 - return to I.p. (6 times).

3). "Warm sea water".

I.p .: an adult sits behind the child, arms lowered, legs extended forward.

1-3 - lean to the right, touch the floor with your hands, return to the SP;

4-6 - lean to the left, touch the floor with your hands, return to ip. (3 times).

As soon as the warm-up is over, Dunno runs into the hall:

- What are you doing here?


— Hello, Dunno!


- Hi all! Well, what are you doing here?


We have competitions. Two teams "Zdorovyachok" and "Fortress" participate in them. They are made up of children and their parents. Do you want to participate in competitions, Dunno?


- Of course, I am the strongest and most dexterous. And I can run even faster! Well, you start, and then I will join.


- Is everyone ready? Let's start our competition! First, let's check if your teams are friendly?

1). "Friendly Team"

Team members become random, on a signal they run in all directions. Having again heard the signal, the participants quickly line up in a column behind the captain. The team that completes the task faster wins.


- Well done! I see you did well without me! Friendly teams!


Let's continue our competition!

2). "Kangurat".

Holding the ball between their knees, the participants jump forward to the landmark; they run around him and, picking up the ball, run back to the starting place, pass the ball to the next participant. The team whose members cover the distance faster without dropping the ball wins.

Dunno decided to try to complete the task, but only made everyone laugh.


- Do not be upset, Dunno, you will definitely succeed, but for this you need to do physical education. See how our members compete. Will you root for them?

The floor is given to the jury.


– And now, a very difficult test for the parent participants! Did everyone take spoons with potatoes?


Are they going to have lunch? Well, here I have no equal, I will overtake everyone!


- Dunno, you first look, and then brag!

3). Potato Spoon.

Participants put potatoes in a wooden spoon. The spoon is taken into the mouth by the handle. On a signal, they go to a chair with a bucket, put potatoes there, taking the spoon out of their mouth. They run back. The winner is the team whose members completed the task faster without dropping the potatoes.


- Guys, did your parents cope with the task?

Children together:

Dunno also tried to complete this task, but he did not succeed.


- Do not be sad, Dunno, you will succeed! Let's see what kind of dance our fans have prepared.

announces ribbon dance.


- Rested? Now you are waiting for Novok test!

4). "Go!"

Adult team members become pairs, hold hands, arms crossed. The child sits on his hands. At the signal: "Let's go!" adults carry the child to the finish line; having reached it, they lower the child, the three of them hold hands and run back. Then the task is performed by the next three participants. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

The floor is given to the jury.


“Now we will find out if our participants can easily hit the target.

5). "Hit the target."

Team members become pairs: an adult and a child. On a signal, the first pair approaches the starting line, take one ball at a time and throw it in turn into a plastic basket, standing at a distance of 3 m from them. then the task is carried out by the next couple. For each hit on the target - 1 point.


- I can do the same! Watch and learn!

How Dunno tried, but did not hit the target.


- Well, nothing, nothing, I'll practice and be the most accurate!


"That's right, Dunno! And now - captain competition.

6). "Measure the length of the boa constrictor."

Captains jump along the rope, from start to finish. The one with the fewest jumps wins.


“Our fun competition has come to an end!


- And who won?

The floor is given to the jury, it announces the results.


- And can I reward the participants, so I prepared the medals7 Not gold, but also nothing!

Dunno congratulates the participants of the competition, presents them with medals.

Members of the jury present diplomas to the teams.


Maestro, music! we all dance!

General dance "Ducklings".

The presenter thanks the jury for their work, the teams for participating in the competition, Dunno for supporting the teams and rooting for them.

Dunno says goodbye, promises to go in for physical education in order to be strong, dexterous and courageous, like competitors.

To the music and applause of the audience, the teams leave the hall.