Seminar “Influence of parents on the formation of a child's personality. The study of parental influence on the formation of a child's personality


For a child. There is a deep connection

Generations. The child is one of the links

A chain stretching for centuries, and breaking it -

The gravest tragedy that is inevitable

Leads to the disintegration of moral principles "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Voluntary or involuntary educators of a small child are all adults who surround the child in early childhood. But the closest people are the members of his family, who influence his habits and character.

For his healthy and normal development, the baby absolutely needs maternal patient caress, tenderness, attention, love. The child calmly and joyfully falls asleep to the gentle, kind lullaby. During an illness, the medicine in mother's hands does not seem so bitter.

The behavior of a young son is most often a mirror image of his father's behavior. Being a dad is a serious and extremely responsible matter. A smart father wisely uses his authority with children. Respecting the people around him, he treats his son and daughter with respect. Never offend their human dignity. Don't raise your voice at them. It is very useful for a boy when, in addition to common everyday household chores and duties, he has a common hobby with his dad. Each joint business gradually and naturally accustoms the little son to work, to the feeling of his own involvement in the big adult world of people.

If a boy sees that his dad always gives way to women in public transport, the son will very soon begin to behave in the same way. If the child sees how restrained and well-mannered the father behaves, the son will also restrain his emotions. When the baby sees how carefully and affectionately dad treats mom and grandmother, how he tries to help them in endless “female” worries, the baby also tries to be like dad.

The influence of the father on the daughter is great. Dad for many years remains a model of male behavior for his daughter. But the role of the mother in the upbringing of the girl is infinitely great. Girls in their attitude to home and family, in their habits and tastes, first of all, are equal to their own mother. Therefore, in a family where a daughter is being raised, a mother must be a demanding person to herself. It is the mother who must teach the little girl to do household chores. Mother and daughter should have their own “feminine” affairs in the family.

We must raise children to be kind, smart, healthy and happy. The life of a parent-educator is filled with work and happiness. The happiness of the creator who creates the most precious thing on Earth - the souls of children. Today's parent must constantly educate himself. To educate in oneself a hardworking, patient, loving, humane person. He must improve his knowledge and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to equip parents with the appropriate knowledge and skills.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Influence of the style of family education on the personality of the child (comprehensive methodological development of the parent meeting)

The purpose of the parent meeting presented in the development is to inform parents about the main styles of family education and their influence on the formation of the child's personality. Math archive...

The influence of parents on the formation of the child's personality (scientific - methodological work)

The proposed work experience is saturated with a variety of methods, forms of work, diagnostic material, and questionnaires. Material will help the educator in organizing work with parents....


Influence of parents on the formation of the personality of the child.



2.History of the study of the problem……………………………………………………………5

3. Analysis of ways to solve the problem at the present stage……………………………..7

4.Experimental study of the problem…………………………………………..21


7. Literature………………………………………………………………………………… 19


The upbringing of children, the formation of the child's personality from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of parents.

The family influences the child, attaches to the surrounding life. Love alone is not enough for children to grow up, to develop more normally. If parents are not competent in matters of upbringing, then their children cannot become individuals. And although love is a natural feeling for most parents, few children receive the kind of love that helps them grow and develop.

The family changes along with the development of society, it suffers from the same diseases and achieves the same success as society. Today, the majority of those entering into marriage are people with secondary and higher education. Why do many parents have a shift in many moral concepts, which inevitably affects the upbringing of children.

Increasing the responsibility of the parents of children, deepening the interaction between the family and public organizations involved in the upbringing of the younger generation are closely related to the solution of the problem of pedagogical education.

“Pedagogical culture for every family” - this motto has become decisive in recent years in organizing the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among the population. The minimum pedagogical knowledge currently available in every family does not meet the requirements of modern society. Therefore, it is so necessary to improve the pedagogical culture of each parent, to give the minimum of knowledge that is necessary for the upbringing of the child.

In accordance with this, the position of the elementary school in working with the family is also changing. The importance of further content, the importance of further content, forms and methods of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in the comprehensive development of the child's personality is obvious.

The teacher of a preschool institution acts not only as a teacher of children, but also as an educator of parents. That is why he should know well the "painful" points of family pedagogy.

“... The first life steps of the child begin in the family. His behavior is the result of the influence of the family way of life, the educational influence of parents and other family members.

The joint work of the kindergarten and the family is a necessary condition for the successful development of the child's personality.

If positive character traits, skills, habits are formed under the single influence of the kindergarten and the family, then their formation presents much less difficulties, and the upbringing of qualities is usually strong and stable.

If, however, a child is presented with certain requirements in kindergarten, and others at home, or there is no consistency in upbringing between family members, then the formation of useful skills and habits is extremely difficult: the body is constantly breaking down the initially established connections - all this requires a lot of stress on the child’s nervous system, negatively affects his condition, behavior.

An important task of preschool institutions is to provide daily assistance to parents in the upbringing of children, to promote their pedagogical education.

The purpose of our study : to find out the patterns of influence of parents on the formation of the child's personality.

Object of study: cfamily upbringing.

Subject of study: the role of parents in the education of the personality of the child.

Has been put forwardhypothesis : if parents know the psychological characteristics of the formation of the child's personality and know exactly their functions in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten, while actively participating in the work of the kindergarten, only then will a free developing personality grow up.

To test this hypothesis, we need to solve the followingtasks:

1. To study the scientific and methodological literature on the research problem.

2. Establish contact with parents, find the right tone of conversation.

3. Determine the position of the child in the family. Who is the child for family members, how much time do parents devote to their child.

4. Find out how parents want to see their child and teacher.

5. To make sure that parents understand what we are trying very hard to do for them and their children, and we understand what they are trying to do.

6. Based on the data of the ascertaining and formative experiments, make recommendations and advice for educators in working with parents.

2. History of the study of the problem "The influence of parents on the formation of the child's personality"

Studying the literature on the issues of family education, it can be noted that many teachers, scientists, psychologists attached great importance to this issue.

In the pedagogical legacy of N.K. Krupskaya, a significant place is occupied by works devoted to the upbringing of children in the family. Nadezhda Konstantinovna shows how the example of adults, their attitude to society and life, practically affects the affairs. The good deeds of family members delight children, fill them with joy and a desire to imitate their parents. The high social consciousness of parents contributes to the formation of the corresponding consciousness of children. N.K. Krupskaya urged parents to take care of the childhood of their children and at the same time to see in the child the future person "

The works of A.S. Makarenko “Our children are future fathers and mothers, they will also be educators of their children, will help parents to properly organize their influence on the child.

Our children should grow up to be excellent citizens, fathers and mothers. But that's not all: our children are our old age.

Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before people, before the whole country.

One of the organizers of the education system, A. V. Lunacharsky, also assigned an important role to parents in the upbringing of children.

“The pedagogical process is also a labor process, and therefore you need to know where you are going and what you want to do with your material. If the goldsmith spoils the gold, the gold can be poured. If precious stones deteriorate, they go to marriage. But even the largest diamond cannot be valued more in our eyes than a born person. Damage to a person is a huge crime, or a huge guilt without guilt. You need to work on this precious material very clearly, having determined in advance what you want to make from it.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted that parents need a pedagogical culture.

“No matter how wonderful our preschool institutions are, the most important “masters” that shape the mind, the thoughts of the kids, are the mother and father. A family team where a child is introduced into the world of maturity and wisdom of the elders is such a basis for children's thinking that no one can replace at this age.

The great Russian doctor, anatomist, teacher P.F. Lesgaft pointed out: “When studying a person and the conditions of his education, the conviction is most profound of how strongly not the words, but the actions of loved ones influence the developing child and how much the love of work, the work and truthfulness of the educator contribute to the moral development of the child.

By this, he wanted to prove the enormous role of parents in the development of a child's personality. “It is in the love of a child for his mother and for his father that his future feeling of a social person is laid; it is here that he is transformed by the force of attachment to the sources of life - mother and father - into a social being, because mother and father will eventually die, and their descendant will remain, and the love nurtured in him, entrusted, but no longer an insatiable feeling, must turn to other people, to a wider circle than one family. Therefore, the fact that the family is a school for understanding the Motherland, a school for cultivating organic loyalty and attachment to it, is one of the glorious reasons for the longevity of the family ... "

It is impossible not to recall the statements of M. Gorky. He wrote that “education sets itself three goals: saturating a person with knowledge about himself and about the world around him; the formation of character and the development of the will; formation and development of abilities. Knowledge should be not only a mechanical accumulation of facts, but also a criticism of the proofs of the truth of a generalization, an analysis of the process of thinking.

The formation of character, the development of the will only under the condition of wide independence of children in work, occupations, games.

The more reasonable love and attention we give to a child, the brighter, more beautiful life will become.

As can be seen from the presented review, the problem of family education was relevant in different periods of the formation of pedagogy as a science. Special attention is paid to this problem by teachers and psychologists at the present time. At the same time, it should be noted that the available literature data on this subject are not systematized. At the same time, by the nature of the sources mentioned in the review, it can be concluded that the study of the influence of parents on the formation of a child's personality seems to be a fairly relevant topic.

3. Analysis of ways to solve the problem at the present stage.

The process of education is complex, since we form the personality as a whole, and not its individual properties and qualities. The development of the child is carried out successfully under the condition of a harmonious combination of all aspects of education, in pedagogy there are no main and secondary issues.

The child is brought up continuously, and not from case to case, for example, only when he is taught, explained to him, advised, talked to him or answered his questions.

Personality formation is a multifaceted and lengthy process. The educator should disclose this situation, showing parents that, for example, physical education is not only taking care of the child's health, organizing proper nutrition, sleep, rest, being in the fresh air, etc. It is closely connected with the formation of the child's moral and volitional qualities of courage, endurance, patience, the ability to overcome difficulties that discipline, as well as with preparation for participation in work, for schooling.

An important condition for strengthening ties with the family, successfully solving the problems facing the kindergarten, is the pedagogical education of parents and the study of the best experience of family education. Each family, together with the kindergarten, should take care of the comprehensive development of children; Parents are responsible for the kind of children they raise.

In the family, the child acquires the first social experience, the first sense of citizenship. If parents have an active life position, manifested in the breadth of interests, in an effective attitude to everything that happens in our country, then the child, sharing their mood, joining their affairs and concerns, learns the appropriate moral standards.

The upbringing of a child and the organization of his life begins, first of all, with the upbringing of oneself, with the organization of life in families, the creation of highly moral intra-family relations that ensure a healthy microclimate.

No “little thing” that violates the emotional and moral atmosphere cannot but affect the child. The effectiveness of pedagogical influences largely depends on the family microclimate: a child is more amenable to educational influences if he grows up in an atmosphere of friendship, trust, and mutual sympathy.

Whether the child's initial experience with adults in the adult-child relationship system will be positive depends on what position he occupies in the family.

If adults concentrate all their attention on satisfying any desires, any whim of a child, conditions are created for the flourishing of egocentrism. In this case, the family cannot solve one of the most important social tasks of educating the future citizen of the Motherland.

Where a child is an indifferent member of the family, where he is involved in its affairs, shares common concerns, performs (to the best of his ability) certain labor duties, more favorable conditions are created for him to form an active life position.

In order to properly educate children, it is necessary to understand and take into account the psychological and individual characteristics of each child. However, not all parents have pedagogical knowledge for this. The task of the kindergarten is, in all forms of work with parents, to reveal to them the most important aspects of the psychological development of the child at each age stage of preschool childhood and the corresponding methods of education, while emphasizing that in order to educate children, one must know them and be able to see what is characteristic of each period of childhood and, specifically, what can be observed only in your child.

It is impossible to force development without taking into account the capabilities of a child - a preschooler. But developmental delay is also unacceptable. Therefore, it is important that parents know the psychophysiological indications of the development of children.

The preschool period of childhood is a time of intensive accumulation of physical, mental, and spiritual forces. At this time, there is a rapid growth of the whole organism, the development of the brain, and the associated complication of the processes of higher nervous activity.

The child increases sensitivity to signals from the outside world, the possibility of their analysis and synthesis; new connections are being made in the cerebral cortex, there is an increased accumulation of a stock of impressions and ideas. And the objects of the immediate environment, and the actions of people, and the events of social life as the child grows up. More and more they attract his attention, urge to peer, look for explanations, awaken his imagination, thought.

Parents are the first educators and teachers of the child, so their role in shaping the personality of a growing person is enormous.

Emphasizing the importance of the role of adults in children's lives is not an underestimation of how children themselves can mean to each other.

The child can enjoy the company of other children, learn and sometimes train them. But the main thing for the baby is whether adults consider themselves active participants in his development or passive observers.

Active participation is not necessarily intervention and control, but rather an attitude in which the adult in the child's world is a sensitive and adaptable person. Adults should see themselves as people whose behavior and attitudes are of great importance to the child. This means that sometimes adults must come to the conclusion that they, and not the child, should change, and even more so. Sometimes, no matter how hard it is, waiting is required when the baby makes a mistake. Sometimes you need to rush to help him. It also means that the child must be seen as a person with his own developing views and understanding. But in general, it means to consider that we, rather than, as the child has become accustomed to, should change, learn, and adapt. Adults, with their more flexible self-esteem, have much more joy in life with children.

Back in the 1970s, it became clear to specialists in various fields that they would not achieve noticeable results in raising children if they used only rare activities and did not involve parents in continuing this work at home. As soon as educators tried to conduct several experiments to involve the child's parents, they found that parents not only do not interfere or interfere with work, but, on the contrary, can contribute to rapid success. However, it is not necessary to see parents as part of the problem, rather, they can be part of the solution – parents can learn new skills, guided by a strong desire to help their children. Of great importance is the willingness to perceive children as individuals. This means trying to sincerely respond to children's feelings, reactions and problems, as is customary in human society. Children are individuals, adults too. It is unrealistic and useless for adults to ignore their own feelings or take into account their own behavior as an element of communication with children. While accepting and exploring what we as adults bring to our time with children, we must be flexible in our methods, open to the ideas of others, and willing to continue learning. The best preparation, however, does not provide all the knowledge, skills and understanding needed in different situations with children. Children, among other things, need the respect and attention of their elders so that they learn to be just as attentive in return. Children deserve this attention and will learn, like adults, to listen seriously to them and give them their time.

The main feature of family education is that it is the most emotional in terms of content and forms of relations between adults and children. This feature, with a reasonable upbringing of children, can become a significant formative force. Parental love for children and the responsible feeling of children for their mother and father, grandparents, their brothers and sisters helps adults overcome a number of difficulties (domestic, pedagogical), create a joyful family atmosphere, and educate children the necessary social qualities. Modern living, common household chores - all this contributes to the family's main task - raising children. But these objectively existing conditions will only be useful when parents and other adult members of the family are an example for small children in behavior at home and in public places, if they can organize their life; everyday life, play and work, useful interesting activities. If parents have a certain pedagogical culture (psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills, desire to purposefully raise children), they manage to successfully educate preschoolers.

Improving the life of the family (adults and children), its way of life, style of relationships and spiritual culture is essential for the comprehensive upbringing of children, the formation of the foundations of the child's personality.

Parents, dealing with the child from the first minutes of his life, should feel responsible for his development. They are not passive observers, but active participants in the entire process of the formation of the child's personality. It is they who first of all regulate the influence of the environment, helping, by virtue of their capabilities, to eliminate negative and harmful influences. Parents provide the child with an opportunity for activity, create conditions for this, manage the process of raising the child, promote his correct relationships in kindergarten, at school, among peers, with all the people with whom the child communicates.

The influence of parents on the process of shaping the child's personality is more effective when the father and mother skillfully and consciously influence the child, understand well the significance of various factors on which his moral and physical development depends, deeply and comprehensively know their child.

The desire of parents to categorically determine the psychological type of their child can lead to erroneous conclusions, to incorrect assessments of his personality and, as a result, to the use of insufficiently thought-out educational methods.

Parents should strive to know the individual qualities of their child's character, to understand his unique spiritual development, on which the environment, and above all the family, has the main educational influence.

The development of the child from the first days of his existence takes place in the family. It is she who gives him the first experience and the first patterns of behavior, creates conditions for the manifestation of activity, helps to improve, directs him on a long and difficult path - to an independent, useful life for society.

Complete unity of requirements in the family upbringing of a child and social coherence in the direction of mutual efforts can ensure the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. For a child of preschool age, in which he lives and is brought up, is a natural environment. The family leaves its mark on his character and behavior, in the family he receives the first lessons in understanding the world and gets acquainted with the elementary laws of life. The information he receives gradually expands and becomes more complicated as the baby grows and develops.

The family largely determines the relationship of the child to work, the culture of his behavior, activity and initiative, discipline and a number of other personality traits that are the basis for the manifestation and development of individuality. The influence of the family is often so strong that in many ways it seems that the character of the parents is transmitted to the children by inheritance.

Undoubtedly, the environment, especially the conditions of home life, have a huge impact on the formation of a child's personality. But still, the leading factor in the comprehensive development of a person, as mentioned earlier, is education. Hence, and in the family, the child should receive the right upbringing.

I agree with the proposals of the above authors on the problem of the influence of parents on the formation of a child's personality. I think that at present this is one of the global problems. Parents should know the psychological and individual characteristics of the child, their functions in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten, in order to direct the process of education in the right direction. To do this, it is necessary to involve parents as much as possible in the life of the kindergarten. Therefore, the hypothesis of the study is that if parents know the psychological characteristics of the formation of the child's personality and know exactly their functions, while actively participating in the work of the kindergarten, only then will a free developing personality grow up.

4. Experimental study of the problem.

4.1. Ascertaining experiment

aim the research was to determine the position of the child in the family, who the child is for family members, how much time parents devote to their child, to find ways to communicate with parents, what kind of relationship parents have with teachers, in order to develop recommendations and advice for educators on working with teachers based on the results obtained. parents.

In accordance with the goals, objectives, hypothesis, the following methods were chosen: the drawing test "My Family", the "Two Houses" method, and a questionnaire. A more detailed description of the research methods is provided along with a presentation of the material on the work being done.

The objects of the study were students and parents of 2b grade MBOU secondary school No. 73 of the city of Ulyanovsk, in the amount of 12 people.

Initially, she conducted psychological diagnostics using the “Two Houses” method. Everyone was asked 3 identical questions:

    In which house would you like to live in a large beautiful one (showed a drawing of the house), or in another? (small, ugly)


    Cwho would you like to live in this house?

Out of 12 children, 8 would like to live in a beautiful house with all real family members; 4 children would also like to live in a beautiful house, but without a father or younger brother.

After processing the survey materials, she concluded that the children have a problem in their relationship with their father. To verify the correctness of my proposals, I conducted a drawing test on the topic “My family”.

My suspicions about the problems of relationships in the family between parents (in most cases, fathers) and children turned out to be reliable. Analyzing children's drawings, she noted that children reflect in the drawings how they feel in the family, how they evaluate their place in it.

Some children were looking for the real composition of the family. Behind this may be an emotional conflict, mental discomfort. This is a signal of the deep emotional experiences of the child. Some children do not have brothers and sisters, which indicates jealousy, competition for parental warmth and attention.

Much of what I learned from children's drawings was not news to me, since I made certain conclusions by processing the data of the Two Houses methodology.

Analyzing children's drawings depicting a family, I drew conclusions about the psychological climate in the family, about the state of mind of the child.

Many children have a sign of anxiety.

Processing the results of the study, revealed the presence of a high percentage of anxiety (about 75%) in children. Perhaps this indicates conflict situations in the family, about social problems at the present time, or it is connected with the crisis of 6 years.

On the problem of removing anxiety in children, the group consulted school psychologists in order to work on this problem in the future.

On the problem of relations with the father, I concluded that we need to involve in cooperation with the kindergarten.

On the problem of relations with brothers and sisters, it became necessary to continue this work, to educate children in a respectful attitude towards them through fiction, conversations, and joint events.

To find out if parents know the interests of their children, who the child is for them, what the interests of the child are, what is done in the family to develop the interests of the child, how much time parents devote to their children, I conducted a survey.

Processing the data of questionnaire No., I found that parents know the interests of their children in most cases (10 out of 12). All parents (100%) answered positively to the question about the constancy or variability of interests. They know exactly whether the interests of their children are constant or changeable. But not all parents were able to explain what the interests of children are manifested in - 55%, 45% of parents found it difficult to answer this question. In 55% of families, the necessary conditions are created for the development of the interests of the child, 45% pay insufficient attention to this problem.

To reveal the attitude of parents to children, to their problems, how often parents pay attention to their children, I conducted a survey (questionnaire No. 2).

From this questionnaire, I found that a child in the family of most parents is joy, happiness, a long-awaited event. Parents know how to communicate with children, they take the troubles of children seriously (about 82%). From this questionnaire, I found out that parents treat the whims of children with misunderstanding, they do not try to identify the cause of the whims. I came to the conclusion that this problem needs to be worked on. She also noted that parents are not always serious about these children, promises, not understanding what problem everything can turn into in the future (45%).

Based on the survey, I found that parents more often use encouragement than punishment, which has a positive effect on the upbringing of the child (91%).

It is gratifying that there is humor in the upbringing of children.

4.2. Formative experiment

Having processed the results of the study, I outlined a number of activities, in my opinion, that contribute to the formation of closer relations between parents and children and with kindergarten staff.

In order to get to know the children and their families more deeply, she organized the contest “Themselves with a mustache”. Certain conditions of the competition were developed. I wanted to get to know who children love and why, to find out how cheerful, sad, kind, strict, noisy, calm they are, what they like and what they don’t like.

All parents with children took part in the competition. The drawings were different: some drew a sister, some brother, many drew grandfathers, grandmothers, even beloved aunts and uncles. Parents are concerned about the organization of the life of children in kindergarten. By March 8, held a joint event of parents with children "Mother's Day". When compiling the script, she took into account the individual characteristics of the children, involved each child according to their abilities. Children with pleasure together with their parents read poems, sang songs, dramatized skits, participated in various attractions. The holiday ended with tea. All parents liked how their children were prepared for the holiday.

Parents began to contact me more often with questions, and I was happy to answer them. I really wanted parents to see in their child a personality, individuality and help their child to be special, not like everyone else.

Developed for myself certain rules of communication with parents:

    You can’t start a conversation by pointing out the negative factors in the child’s behavior; you must, of course, note the positive aspects in his development.

    You should carefully, patiently listen to the doubts, objections, comments, complaints of parents.

    Mistakes must be pointed out tactfully.

    Provide only valid answers.

    It is necessary to inspire parents to believe in their child, subject to cooperation with the kindergarten.

From conversations with parents, I found out what the child’s life in the family is filled with, what methods parents use, what character traits cause them anxiety. If she could, she gave advice, or offered to read methodological and psychological literature.

I made a box of "Answers and Questions" for parents. Parents could ask questions in writing, and we answered them competently from a pedagogical point of view.

I tried to talk daily with parents about their children and keep notes for myself. Based on the records, I was looking for an individual approach to each child, based on his character, temperament. Conducted a consultation "Whims of children". To decorate our life a little, to make a holiday for children and parents, I prepared and held the holiday "Inseparable friends adults and children"

At this evening, dads took a great part with great interest. Parents with children were divided into 2 teams - children and adults.

In turn, the teams guessed riddles, sang ditties, participated in making handicrafts, preparing salads, and completed the “Draw Draw” (TRIZ) tasks.

Parents became closer to their children, began to take an interest in the life of the kindergarten every day. They began to offer their services: tailoring for dolls; dads made snow shovels, made a slide for children to ride. Parents expressed a desire to take part in a trip to the Mound of Immortality together with their children. Together with the children, dads collected brushwood for the fire. Even the most hyperactive children were unrecognizable, more disciplined. Skiing, sledding from the mountain was organized. Such communication with adults develops the child physically, makes it possible to believe in oneself, gives a charge of vivacity and health.

With systematic individual work with families, trusting relationships began to be established between pupils and parents. And this is an opportunity to provide optimal conditions for raising a child; ways have been outlined to provide effective assistance in the family.

To increase interest in sports in kindergarten, a lot of work is also being done with the participation of parents.

At the beginning of the school year, questions (questionnaires) for parents on physical education were prepared. A survey of parents was conducted, which made it possible to determine how they understand the tasks of physical education, whether they are able to create conditions for sufficient physical activity of their children at home, organize sports and physical exercises on weekends.

Questions in the questionnaire are grouped into five blocks:

1- family information;

2-availability of knowledge, skills and abilities of parents;

3-conditions for the physical education of children in the family;

4-types of activity of the child at home after coming from kindergarten;

5-level of pedagogical culture of parents.

The survey covered about 60 parents with different educational levels.

More than 50% of parents used to go in for sports, there are parents who have sports categories. Only very few continue to engage in physical education and sports at the present time.

From the questionnaires, it became clear that some children from the kindergarten are engaged in sports sections. Answers to questions about the observance of the daily regimen showed that in most families a daily regimen was established for children, but in the responses to hardening procedures, it became clear that not all parents pay due attention to this important task for raising a healthy child.

Parents knew how to conduct hardening activities, but many do not do hardening. Reasons: lack of time or conditions; frequently ill child.

At home, children were given sedentary activities; watching TV, playing computer games, drawing, reading books and playing with toys.

The main difficulties in upbringing for parents were caused by the following reasons: lack of time, skills in teaching children, conditions for physical education.

A survey of parents on physical education showed that many parents do not pay due attention to the physical education of children, and this is one of the most important tasks of educating a comprehensively developed personality.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is the proverb. The solution of this problem is connected, first of all, with the solution of acute social issues of the development of our society as a whole.

The information obtained made it possible to concretize the content of work with the family and to determine the subject and focus of meetings, consultations and other forms of communication with parents. In order to disseminate pedagogical knowledge among parents on the issues of physical education of children, a stand and folders were designed. They introduced parents to the tasks of physical education, they gave recommendations on morning exercises and hardening procedures.

At parent meetings, we talked about how you can have an interesting and exciting time with children at home and on a walk, using outdoor and sports games available to preschool children.

Consultations for parents were prepared on the following topics: "Hardening children - a barrier to colds"; "The value of outdoor games for preschool children."

In our kindergarten, a holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family" was organized. As well as physical education activities with the participation of parents. During their holding, parents together with their children took part in various competitions and games.

The possibility of such communication between parents and children contributes to a joyful, emotional mood for a long time. Purposefully carried out work with parents in our kindergarten helps to attract their direct participation in sports and recreation activities, and this, in turn, helps to instill in children an interest in physical education and kindergarten.

Thanks to all the work done, it became clear that the level of knowledge and skills of parents has increased, and the desire to participate in the lives of children has also increased. This was evidenced by the work of parents and children at the exhibition "Autumn ask". It is known that the educational effect of labor increases if the child shows interest in it. And this is largely determined by the working environment, the example that adults set, and especially the idea of ​​the opportunity for the child to participate in work with them. Working next to mom and dad, children feel big and skillful, real helpers in a necessary and useful business.

Parents looked at their work with pride and rejoiced at their success.

4 .3.Control experiment

To make sure that her goal and objectives were achieved, she re-diagnosed according to the methods used in the ascertaining experiment. Repeated diagnostics using the “Two Houses” method revealed results that turned out to be favorable for the further development of children: 83% of children would like to live with their family members, 17% had a problem in communicating with their father. She noted for herself that it is necessary to conduct individual work with the parents of these children.

Conducting a repeated drawing test, “My Family” noted that 83% depicted all family members, 17% improved relations with relatives.

The re-survey data has also changed:

91% of parents became interested in the hobbies of their children, 82% began to create the necessary conditions for the development of interests in the child.

The data of questionnaire No. 2 turned out to be the following: parents began to take their promises seriously; they began to treat children's whims more tolerantly, learned to distinguish them from other conditions of the child, attitudes towards the troubles of children changed.

Comparing the results of two studies, I came to the conclusion that if parents know the psychological characteristics of the formation of the child's personality, they will know exactly their functions in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten, while actively participating in the work of the kindergarten, only then will free developing personality.

As a result of my work, I have achieved positive results. Most importantly, I brought the parents closer to the children and to the kindergarten staff.

With systematic individual work with the family, a trusting relationship was established between educators and parents. This made it possible to provide optimal conditions for raising children, to outline ways to provide effective assistance in the family.

I hope that the foundations of pedagogical knowledge, received by parents through consultations and conversations, through joint holidays with children, will continue the path to acquiring more and more new knowledge related to teaching children at school, further shaping the personality of our society.

This is not the end of our work with parents. Many interesting events, discussions and consultations are planned.

5. Final part

Thus, the effectiveness of work with the family will be positive if the teacher follows the following rules:

Deeply comprehensive study of the family;

Will know her individual characteristics and educational opportunities;

Purposefully affects the family, taking into account their preparedness for raising children;

Observes pedagogical tact and flexibility;

Uses different methods of studying the family.

1. Work, both with the entire team of parents and individually with individual families, can be successfully carried out only on the basis of knowledge of the features of life and the upbringing of children in the family.

2. In fact, the material on the study of the upbringing of children in the family makes it possible not only to find out the living conditions, but also to establish the reasons for the formation of the individual qualities of children, to identify the relationship between the conditions of upbringing, the formation of behavioral characteristics and the specifics of their manifestation.

3. Positive results in the work with the family can only be if there is a unity of requirements for children between parents and educators, planning and systematic, mutual trust.

4. It is necessary to give parents specific information on the age and individual characteristics of their children, to teach them to see good and bad in their children, to analyze their actions.

5. In the upbringing of children in the family, the leading place should be occupied by moral education, the development of public interests in children, and friendly relations with others.

6. Along with general and individual forms of work with families, work can also be carried out with several families that have similar conditions for raising children.

7. The study of the characteristics of family education, as well as the study of the characteristics of the physical development of the child, is a necessary condition for the beginning of systematic work on the implementation of an individual approach to children in educating and teaching them in various activities.

8. Working with the family is the most difficult problem of pedagogy. This obliges educators to widely use theoretical literature, analyze practical work and work closely with the child's family.


1. Vinogradova N.V. "Educator about working with the family" M .: Education, 1989.

2. Gulina M.A. “Do you understand me?”, St. Petersburg, 1994

3. Gorky M. “Speech at an elected meeting of the League of Social Education”, M .: 1958

4. Krupskaya N.K. "On education in the family" Selected works and speeches. Moscow: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, 1962

5. Koloyartseva E. I. "Kindergarten and parents", M .: Education, 1969

6. Kovalchuk L.I. "Individual approach to raising a child", M .: Education, 1981

7. Lesgaft P.F. "Family education of the child and its meaning", Selected works v.1, M .: 1951

8. Lunacharsky A.V. "On upbringing and education" M.: 1976, p. 3.-3.

9. D. Lashley "Working with young children" M .: Education, 1991

10. Makarenko A. S. Composition T. 4 APN, N. 1.

11. Makarenko A. S. Composition T. 4 APN, N. 1.

12. Makarenko, A. (1951).Composition.

13. Markova T.I. "Kindergarten and family", M .: Education, 1986

14. Nikitin B.K. "We and our children", M.: Enlightenment, 1980

15. Ostrovskaya L.F. "Pedagogical knowledge for parents" M .: Education, 1983

16. Platonov A.P. “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson”, Collected Works vol. 2, 1.

17. Repina T.A. “Social and psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group”, M .: Pedagogy, 1988

18. Slangs “My profession is a kindergarten teacher”, M .: Education, 1989

19. Cconditions L.D. "Family Traditions", M .: Pedagogy, 1979

20. CUkhomlinsky V.A. “I give my heart to children”, Kyiv, 1974

21. Filipchuk "Do you know your child?" M.: Enlightenment, 1958

22. Khripnova A.T. "The World of Childhood", Doshkolnik, M .: Pedagogy, 1987

23. Shipitsyna L.M. "Fundamentals of Communications", St. Petersburg, 1996

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

"School with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 1973"

Preschool department No. 1


"The influence of parents on the formation

child's personality


Educational psychologist

Taratunina M.A.



The upbringing of children, the formation of the child's personality from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of parents.

The family influences the child, attaches to the surrounding life. Love alone is not enough for children to grow up, to develop more normally. If parents are not competent in matters of upbringing, then their children cannot become individuals. And although love is a natural feeling for most parents, few children receive the kind of love that helps them grow and develop.

The family changes along with the development of society, it suffers from the same diseases and achieves the same success as society. Today, the majority of those entering into marriage are people with secondary and higher education. Why do many parents have a shift in many moral concepts, which inevitably affects the upbringing of children.

Increasing the responsibility of the parents of children, deepening the interaction between the family and public organizations involved in the upbringing of the younger generation are closely related to the solution of the problem of pedagogical education.

“Pedagogical culture for every family” - this motto has become decisive in recent years in organizing the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among the population. The minimum pedagogical knowledge currently available in every family does not meet the requirements of modern society. Therefore, it is so necessary to improve the pedagogical culture of each parent, to give the minimum of knowledge that is necessary for the upbringing of the child.

In accordance with this, the position of preschool institutions in working with the family is also changing. The importance of further content, the importance of further content, forms and methods of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in the comprehensive development of the child's personality is obvious.

The teacher of a preschool institution acts not only as a teacher of children, but also as an educator of parents. That is why he should know well the "painful" points of family pedagogy.

“... The first life steps of the child begin in the family. His behavior is the result of the influence of the family way of life, the educational influence of parents and other family members.

The joint work of the kindergarten and the family is a necessary condition for the successful development of the child's personality.

If positive character traits, skills, habits are formed under the single influence of the kindergarten and the family, then their formation presents much less difficulties, and the upbringing of qualities is usually strong and stable.

If, however, a child is presented with certain requirements in kindergarten, and others at home, or there is no consistency in upbringing between family members, then the formation of useful skills and habits is extremely difficult: the body is constantly breaking down the initially established connections - all this requires a lot of stress on the child’s nervous system, negatively affects his condition, behavior.

An important task of preschool institutions is to provide daily assistance to parents in the upbringing of children, to promote their pedagogical education.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted that parents need a pedagogical culture.

“No matter how wonderful our preschool institutions are, the most important “masters” that shape the mind, the thoughts of the kids, are the mother and father. A family team, where the child is introduced into the world of maturity and wisdom of the elders, is such a basis for children's thinking that no one can replace at this age.

The great Russian doctor, anatomist, teacher P.F. Lesgaft pointed out: “When studying a person and the conditions of his education, the conviction is most profound of how strongly not the words, but the actions of loved ones influence the developing child and how much the love of work, the work and truthfulness of the educator contribute to the moral development of the child.

By this, he wanted to prove the enormous role of parents in the development of a child's personality. “It is in the love of a child for his mother and for his father that his future feeling of a social person is laid; it is here that he is transformed by the force of attachment to the sources of life - mother and father - into a social being, because mother and father will eventually die, and their descendant will remain, and the love nurtured in him, entrusted, but no longer an insatiable feeling, must turn to other people, to a wider circle than one family. Therefore, the fact that the family is a school for understanding the Motherland, a school for cultivating organic loyalty and attachment to it, is one of the glorious reasons for the longevity of the family ... ".

It is impossible not to recall the statements of M. Gorky. He wrote that “education sets itself three goals: saturating a person with knowledge about himself and about the world around him; the formation of character and the development of the will; formation and development of abilities. Knowledge should be not only a mechanical accumulation of facts, but also a criticism of the proofs of the truth of a generalization, an analysis of the process of thinking.

The formation of character, the development of the will only under the condition of wide independence of children in work, occupations, games.

The more reasonable love and attention we give to a child, the brighter, more beautiful life will become.

The process of education is complex, since we form the personality as a whole, and not its individual properties and qualities. The development of the child is carried out successfully under the condition of a harmonious combination of all aspects of education, in pedagogy there are no main and secondary issues.

The child is brought up continuously, and not from case to case, for example, only when he is taught, explained to him, advised, talked to him or answered his questions.

Personality formation is a multifaceted and lengthy process. The educator should disclose this situation, showing parents that, for example, physical education is not only taking care of the child's health, organizing proper nutrition, sleep, rest, being in the fresh air, etc. It is closely connected with the formation of the child's moral and volitional qualities of courage, endurance, patience, the ability to overcome difficulties that discipline, as well as with the preparation for participation in work, for schooling.

An important condition for strengthening ties with the family, successfully solving the problems facing the kindergarten, is the pedagogical education of parents and the study of the best experience of family education. Each family, together with the kindergarten, should take care of the comprehensive development of children; Parents are responsible for the kind of children they raise.

In the family, the child acquires the first social experience, the first sense of citizenship. If parents have an active life position, manifested in the breadth of interests, in an effective attitude to everything that happens in our country, then the child, sharing their mood, joining their affairs and concerns, learns the appropriate moral standards.

The upbringing of a child and the organization of his life begins, first of all, with the upbringing of oneself, with the organization of life in families, the creation of highly moral intra-family relations that ensure a healthy microclimate.

No “little thing” that violates the emotional and moral atmosphere cannot but affect the child. The effectiveness of pedagogical influences largely depends on the family microclimate: a child is more amenable to educational influences if he grows up in an atmosphere of friendship, trust, and mutual sympathy.

Whether the child's initial experience with adults in the adult-child relationship system will be positive depends on what position he occupies in the family.

If adults concentrate all their attention on satisfying any desires, any whim of a child, conditions are created for the flourishing of egocentrism. In this case, the family cannot solve one of the most important social tasks of educating the future citizen of the Motherland.

Where a child is an equal member of the family, where he is involved in its affairs, shares common concerns, performs (to the best of his ability) certain labor duties, more favorable conditions are created for him to form an active life position.

In order to properly educate children, it is necessary to understand and take into account the psychological and individual characteristics of each child. However, not all parents have pedagogical knowledge for this. The task of the kindergarten is, in all forms of work with parents, to reveal to them the most important aspects of the psychological development of the child at each age stage of preschool childhood and the corresponding methods of education, while emphasizing that in order to educate children, one must know them and be able to see what is characteristic of each period of childhood and, specifically, what can be observed only in your child.

It is impossible to force development without taking into account the capabilities of a child - a preschooler. But developmental delay is also unacceptable. Therefore, it is important that parents know the psychophysiological indications of the development of children.

The preschool period of childhood is a time of intensive accumulation of physical, mental, and spiritual forces. At this time, there is a rapid growth of the whole organism, the development of the brain, and the associated complication of the processes of higher nervous activity.

The child increases sensitivity to signals from the outside world, the possibility of their analysis and synthesis; new connections are being made in the cerebral cortex, there is an increased accumulation of a stock of impressions and ideas. And the objects of the immediate environment, and the actions of people, and the events of social life as the child grows up. More and more they attract his attention, urge to peer, look for explanations, awaken his imagination, thought.

Parents are the first educators and teachers of the child, so their role in shaping the personality of a growing person is enormous.

Emphasizing the importance of the role of adults in children's lives is not an underestimation of how children themselves can mean to each other.

The child can enjoy the company of other children, learn and sometimes train them. But the main thing for the baby is whether adults consider themselves active participants in his development or passive observers.

Active participation is not necessarily intervention and control, but rather an attitude in which the adult in the child's world is a sensitive and adaptable person. Adults should see themselves as people whose behavior and attitudes are of great importance to the child. This means that sometimes adults must come to the conclusion that they, and not the child, should change, and even more so. Sometimes, no matter how hard it is, waiting is required when the baby makes a mistake. Sometimes you need to rush to help him. It also means that the child must be seen as a person with his own developing views and understanding. But in general, it means to consider that we, rather than, as the child has become accustomed to, should change, learn, and adapt. Adults, with their more flexible self-esteem, have much more joy in life with children.

Back in the 1970s, it became clear to specialists in various fields that they would not achieve noticeable results in raising children if they used only rare activities and did not involve parents in continuing this work at home. As soon as educators tried to conduct several experiments to involve the child's parents, they found that parents not only do not interfere or interfere with work, but, on the contrary, can contribute to rapid success. However, it is not necessary to see parents as part of the problem, rather, they can be part of the solution – parents can learn new skills, guided by a strong desire to help their children. Of great importance is the willingness to perceive children as individuals. This means trying to sincerely respond to children's feelings, reactions and problems, as is customary in human society. Children are individuals, adults too. It is unrealistic and useless for adults to ignore their own feelings or take into account their own behavior as an element of communication with children. While accepting and exploring what we as adults bring to our time with children, we must be flexible in our methods, open to the ideas of others, and willing to continue learning. The best preparation, however, does not provide all the knowledge, skills and understanding needed in different situations with children. Children, among other things, need the respect and attention of their elders so that they learn to be just as attentive in return. Children deserve this attention and will learn, like adults, to listen seriously to them and give them their time.

The main feature of family education is that it is the most emotional in terms of content and forms of relations between adults and children. This feature, with a reasonable upbringing of children, can become a significant formative force. Parental love for children and the responsible feeling of children for their mother and father, grandparents, their brothers and sisters helps adults overcome a number of difficulties (domestic, pedagogical), create a joyful family atmosphere, and educate children the necessary social qualities. Modern living, common household chores - all this contributes to the family's main task - raising children. But these objectively existing conditions will only be useful when parents and other adult members of the family are an example for small children in behavior at home and in public places, if they can organize their life; everyday life, play and work, useful interesting activities. If parents have a certain pedagogical culture (psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills, desire to purposefully raise children), they manage to successfully educate preschoolers.

Improving the life of the family (adults and children), its way of life, style of relationships and spiritual culture is essential for the comprehensive upbringing of children, the formation of the foundations of the child's personality.

Parents, dealing with the child from the first minutes of his life, should feel responsible for his development. They are not passive observers, but active participants in the entire process of the formation of the child's personality. It is they who first of all regulate the influence of the environment, helping, by virtue of their capabilities, to eliminate negative and harmful influences. Parents provide the child with an opportunity for activity, create conditions for this, manage the process of raising the child, promote his correct relationships in kindergarten, at school, among peers, with all the people with whom the child communicates.

The influence of parents on the process of shaping the child's personality is more effective when the father and mother skillfully and consciously influence the child, understand well the significance of various factors on which his moral and physical development depends, deeply and comprehensively know their child.

The desire of parents to categorically determine the psychological type of their child can lead to erroneous conclusions, to incorrect assessments of his personality and, as a result, to the use of insufficiently thought-out educational methods.

Parents should strive to know the individual qualities of their child's character, to understand his unique spiritual development, on which the environment, and above all the family, has the main educational influence.

The development of the child from the first days of his existence takes place in the family. It is she who gives him the first experience and the first patterns of behavior, creates conditions for the manifestation of activity, helps to improve, directs him on a long and difficult path - to an independent, useful life for society.

Complete unity of requirements in the family upbringing of a child and social coherence in the direction of mutual efforts can ensure the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. For a child of preschool age, the family in which he lives and is brought up is a natural environment. The family leaves its mark on his character and behavior, in the family he receives the first lessons in understanding the world and gets acquainted with the elementary laws of life. The information he receives gradually expands and becomes more complicated as the baby grows and develops.

The family largely determines the relationship of the child to work, the culture of his behavior, activity and initiative, discipline and a number of other personality traits that are the basis for the manifestation and development of individuality. The influence of the family is often so strong that in many ways it seems that the character of the parents is transmitted to the children by inheritance.

Undoubtedly, the environment, especially the conditions of home life, have a huge impact on the formation of a child's personality. But still, the leading factor in the comprehensive development of a person, as mentioned earlier, is education. Therefore, in the family, the child should receive proper upbringing.

Parents should know the psychological and individual characteristics of the child, their functions in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten, in order to direct the process of education in the right direction. To do this, it is necessary to involve parents as much as possible in the life of the kindergarten. Therefore, the hypothesis of the study is that if parents know the psychological characteristics of the formation of the child's personality and know exactly their functions, while actively participating in the work of the kindergarten, only then will a free developing personality grow up.


Influence of parents on the formation of the personality of the child.



2.History of the study of the problem……………………………………………………………5

3. Analysis of ways to solve the problem at the present stage……………………………..7

4.Experimental study of the problem…………………………………………..21


7. Literature………………………………………………………………………………… 19


The upbringing of children, the formation of the child's personality from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of parents.

The family influences the child, attaches to the surrounding life. Love alone is not enough for children to grow up, to develop more normally. If parents are not competent in matters of upbringing, then their children cannot become individuals. And although love is a natural feeling for most parents, few children receive the kind of love that helps them grow and develop.

The family changes along with the development of society, it suffers from the same diseases and achieves the same success as society. Today, the majority of those entering into marriage are people with secondary and higher education. Why do many parents have a shift in many moral concepts, which inevitably affects the upbringing of children.

Increasing the responsibility of the parents of children, deepening the interaction between the family and public organizations involved in the upbringing of the younger generation are closely related to the solution of the problem of pedagogical education.

“Pedagogical culture for every family” - this motto has become decisive in recent years in organizing the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among the population. The minimum pedagogical knowledge currently available in every family does not meet the requirements of modern society. Therefore, it is so necessary to improve the pedagogical culture of each parent, to give the minimum of knowledge that is necessary for the upbringing of the child.

In accordance with this, the position of preschool institutions in working with the family is also changing. The importance of further content, the importance of further content, forms and methods of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in the comprehensive development of the child's personality is obvious.

The teacher of a preschool institution acts not only as a teacher of children, but also as an educator of parents. That is why he should know well the "painful" points of family pedagogy.

“... The first life steps of the child begin in the family. His behavior is the result of the influence of the family way of life, the educational influence of parents and other family members.

The joint work of the kindergarten and the family is a necessary condition for the successful development of the child's personality.

If positive character traits, skills, habits are formed under the single influence of the kindergarten and the family, then their formation presents much less difficulties, and the upbringing of qualities is usually strong and stable.

If, however, a child is presented with certain requirements in kindergarten, and others at home, or there is no consistency in upbringing between family members, then the formation of useful skills and habits is extremely difficult: the body is constantly breaking down the initially established connections - all this requires a lot of stress on the child’s nervous system, negatively affects his condition, behavior.

An important task of preschool institutions is to provide daily assistance to parents in the upbringing of children, to promote their pedagogical education.

The purpose of our study: to find out the patterns of influence of parents on the formation of the child's personality.

Object of study:family upbringing.

Subject of study:the role of parents in the education of the personality of the child.

A hypothesis has been put forward : if parents know the psychological characteristics of the formation of the child's personality and know exactly their functions in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten, while actively participating in the work of the kindergarten, only then will a free developing personality grow up.

To test this hypothesis, we need to solve the following tasks:

1. To study the scientific and methodological literature on the research problem.

2. Establish contact with parents, find the right tone of conversation.

3. Determine the position of the child in the family. Who is the child for family members, how much time do parents devote to their child.

4. Find out how parents want to see their child and teacher.

5. To make sure that parents understand what we are trying very hard to do for them and their children, and we understand what they are trying to do.

6. Based on the data of the ascertaining and formative experiments, make recommendations and advice for educators in working with parents.

2. History of the study of the problem "The influence of parents on the formation of the child's personality"

Studying the literature on the issues of family education, it can be noted that many teachers, scientists, psychologists attached great importance to this issue.

In the pedagogical legacy of N.K. Krupskaya, a significant place is occupied by works devoted to the upbringing of children in the family. Nadezhda Konstantinovna shows how the example of adults, their attitude to society and life, practically affects the affairs. The good deeds of family members delight children, fill them with joy and a desire to imitate their parents. The high social consciousness of parents contributes to the formation of the corresponding consciousness of children. N.K. Krupskaya urged parents to take care of the childhood of their children and at the same time to see in the child the future person "

The works of A.S. Makarenko “Our children are future fathers and mothers, they will also be educators of their children, will help parents to properly organize their influence on the child.

Our children should grow up to be excellent citizens, fathers and mothers. But that's not all: our children are our old age.

Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before people, before the whole country.

One of the organizers of the education system, A. V. Lunacharsky, also assigned an important role to parents in the upbringing of children.

“The pedagogical process is also a labor process, and therefore you need to know where you are going and what you want to do with your material. If the goldsmith spoils the gold, the gold can be poured. If precious stones deteriorate, they go to marriage. But even the largest diamond cannot be valued more in our eyes than a born person. Damage to a person is a huge crime, or a huge guilt without guilt. You need to work on this precious material very clearly, having determined in advance what you want to make from it.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted that parents need a pedagogical culture.

“No matter how wonderful our preschool institutions are, the most important “masters” that shape the mind, the thoughts of the kids, are the mother and father. A family team where a child is introduced into the world of maturity and wisdom of the elders is such a basis for children's thinking that no one can replace at this age.

The great Russian doctor, anatomist, teacher P.F. Lesgaft pointed out: “When studying a person and the conditions of his education, the conviction is most profound of how strongly not the words, but the actions of loved ones influence the developing child and how much the love of work, the work and truthfulness of the educator contribute to the moral development of the child.

By this, he wanted to prove the enormous role of parents in the development of a child's personality. “It is in the love of a child for his mother and for his father that his future feeling of a social person is laid; it is here that he is transformed by the force of attachment to the sources of life - mother and father - into a social being, because mother and father will eventually die, and their descendant will remain, and the love nurtured in him, entrusted, but no longer an insatiable feeling, must turn to other people, to a wider circle than one family. Therefore, the fact that the family is a school for understanding the Motherland, a school for cultivating organic loyalty and attachment to it, is one of the glorious reasons for the longevity of the family ... "

It is impossible not to recall the statements of M. Gorky. He wrote that “education sets itself three goals: saturating a person with knowledge about himself and about the world around him; the formation of character and the development of the will; formation and development of abilities. Knowledge should be not only a mechanical accumulation of facts, but also a criticism of the proofs of the truth of a generalization, an analysis of the process of thinking.

The formation of character, the development of the will only under the condition of wide independence of children in work, occupations, games.

The more reasonable love and attention we give to a child, the brighter, more beautiful life will become.

As can be seen from the presented review, the problem of family education was relevant in different periods of the formation of pedagogy as a science. Special attention is paid to this problem by teachers and psychologists at the present time. At the same time, it should be noted that the available literature data on this subject are not systematized. At the same time, by the nature of the sources mentioned in the review, it can be concluded that the study of the influence of parents on the formation of a child's personality seems to be a fairly relevant topic.

3. Analysis of ways to solve the problem at the present stage.

The process of education is complex, since we form the personality as a whole, and not its individual properties and qualities. The development of the child is carried out successfully under the condition of a harmonious combination of all aspects of education, in pedagogy there are no main and secondary issues.

The child is brought up continuously, and not from case to case, for example, only when he is taught, explained to him, advised, talked to him or answered his questions.

Personality formation is a multifaceted and lengthy process. The educator should disclose this situation, showing parents that, for example, physical education is not only taking care of the child's health, organizing proper nutrition, sleep, rest, being in the fresh air, etc. It is closely connected with the formation of the child's moral and volitional qualities of courage, endurance, patience, the ability to overcome difficulties that discipline, as well as with preparation for participation in work, for schooling.

An important condition for strengthening ties with the family, successfully solving the problems facing the kindergarten, is the pedagogical education of parents and the study of the best experience of family education. Each family, together with the kindergarten, should take care of the comprehensive development of children; Parents are responsible for the kind of children they raise.

In the family, the child acquires the first social experience, the first sense of citizenship. If parents have an active life position, manifested in the breadth of interests, in an effective attitude to everything that happens in our country, then the child, sharing their mood, joining their affairs and concerns, learns the appropriate moral standards.

The upbringing of a child and the organization of his life begins, first of all, with the upbringing of oneself, with the organization of life in families, the creation of highly moral intra-family relations that ensure a healthy microclimate.

No “little thing” that violates the emotional and moral atmosphere cannot but affect the child. The effectiveness of pedagogical influences largely depends on the family microclimate: a child is more amenable to educational influences if he grows up in an atmosphere of friendship, trust, and mutual sympathy.

Whether the child's initial experience with adults in the adult-child relationship system will be positive depends on what position he occupies in the family.

If adults concentrate all their attention on satisfying any desires, any whim of a child, conditions are created for the flourishing of egocentrism. In this case, the family cannot solve one of the most important social tasks of educating the future citizen of the Motherland.

Where a child is an indifferent member of the family, where he is involved in its affairs, shares common concerns, performs (to the best of his ability) certain labor duties, more favorable conditions are created for him to form an active life position.

In order to properly educate children, it is necessary to understand and take into account the psychological and individual characteristics of each child. However, not all parents have pedagogical knowledge for this. The task of the kindergarten is, in all forms of work with parents, to reveal to them the most important aspects of the psychological development of the child at each age stage of preschool childhood and the corresponding methods of education, while emphasizing that in order to educate children, one must know them and be able to see what is characteristic of each period of childhood and, specifically, what can be observed only in your child.

It is impossible to force development without taking into account the capabilities of a child - a preschooler. But developmental delay is also unacceptable. Therefore, it is important that parents know the psychophysiological indications of the development of children.

The preschool period of childhood is a time of intensive accumulation of physical, mental, and spiritual forces. At this time, there is a rapid growth of the whole organism, the development of the brain, and the associated complication of the processes of higher nervous activity.

The child increases sensitivity to signals from the outside world, the possibility of their analysis and synthesis; new connections are being made in the cerebral cortex, there is an increased accumulation of a stock of impressions and ideas. And the objects of the immediate environment, and the actions of people, and the events of social life as the child grows up. More and more they attract his attention, urge to peer, look for explanations, awaken his imagination, thought.

Parents are the first educators and teachers of the child, so their role in shaping the personality of a growing person is enormous.

Emphasizing the importance of the role of adults in children's lives is not an underestimation of how children themselves can mean to each other.

The child can enjoy the company of other children, learn and sometimes train them. But the main thing for the baby is whether adults consider themselves active participants in his development or passive observers.

Active participation is not necessarily intervention and control, but rather an attitude in which the adult in the child's world is a sensitive and adaptable person. Adults should see themselves as people whose behavior and attitudes are of great importance to the child. This means that sometimes adults must come to the conclusion that they, and not the child, should change, and even more so. Sometimes, no matter how hard it is, waiting is required when the baby makes a mistake. Sometimes you need to rush to help him. It also means that the child must be seen as a person with his own developing views and understanding. But in general, it means to consider that we, rather than, as the child has become accustomed to, should change, learn, and adapt. Adults, with their more flexible self-esteem, have much more joy in life with children.

Back in the 1970s, it became clear to specialists in various fields that they would not achieve noticeable results in raising children if they used only rare activities and did not involve parents in continuing this work at home. As soon as educators tried to conduct several experiments to involve the child's parents, they found that parents not only do not interfere or interfere with work, but, on the contrary, can contribute to rapid success. However, it is not necessary to see parents as part of the problem, rather, they can be part of the solution – parents can learn new skills, guided by a strong desire to help their children. Of great importance is the willingness to perceive children as individuals. This means trying to sincerely respond to children's feelings, reactions and problems, as is customary in human society. Children are individuals, adults too. It is unrealistic and useless for adults to ignore their own feelings or take into account their own behavior as an element of communication with children. While accepting and exploring what we as adults bring to our time with children, we must be flexible in our methods, open to the ideas of others, and willing to continue learning. The best preparation, however, does not provide all the knowledge, skills and understanding needed in different situations with children. Children, among other things, need the respect and attention of their elders so that they learn to be just as attentive in return. Children deserve this attention and will learn, like adults, to listen seriously to them and give them their time.

The main feature of family education is that it is the most emotional in terms of content and forms of relations between adults and children. This feature, with a reasonable upbringing of children, can become a significant formative force. Parental love for children and the responsible feeling of children for their mother and father, grandparents, their brothers and sisters helps adults overcome a number of difficulties (domestic, pedagogical), create a joyful family atmosphere, and educate children the necessary social qualities. Modern living, common household chores - all this contributes to the family's main task - raising children. But these objectively existing conditions will only be useful when parents and other adult members of the family are an example for small children in behavior at home and in public places, if they can organize their life; everyday life, play and work, useful interesting activities. If parents have a certain pedagogical culture (psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills, desire to purposefully raise children), they manage to successfully educate preschoolers.

Improving the life of the family (adults and children), its way of life, style of relationships and spiritual culture is essential for the comprehensive upbringing of children, the formation of the foundations of the child's personality.

Parents, dealing with the child from the first minutes of his life, should feel responsible for his development. They are not passive observers, but active participants in the entire process of the formation of the child's personality. It is they who first of all regulate the influence of the environment, helping, by virtue of their capabilities, to eliminate negative and harmful influences. Parents provide the child with an opportunity for activity, create conditions for this, manage the process of raising the child, promote his correct relationships in kindergarten, at school, among peers, with all the people with whom the child communicates.

The influence of parents on the process of shaping the child's personality is more effective when the father and mother skillfully and consciously influence the child, understand well the significance of various factors on which his moral and physical development depends, deeply and comprehensively know their child.

The desire of parents to categorically determine the psychological type of their child can lead to erroneous conclusions, to incorrect assessments of his personality and, as a result, to the use of insufficiently thought-out educational methods.

Parents should strive to know the individual qualities of their child's character, to understand his unique spiritual development, on which the environment, and above all the family, has the main educational influence.

The development of the child from the first days of his existence takes place in the family. It is she who gives him the first experience and the first patterns of behavior, creates conditions for the manifestation of activity, helps to improve, directs him on a long and difficult path - to an independent, useful life for society.

Complete unity of requirements in the family upbringing of a child and social coherence in the direction of mutual efforts can ensure the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. For a child of preschool age, in which he lives and is brought up, is a natural environment. The family leaves its mark on his character and behavior, in the family he receives the first lessons in understanding the world and gets acquainted with the elementary laws of life. The information he receives gradually expands and becomes more complicated as the baby grows and develops.

The family largely determines the relationship of the child to work, the culture of his behavior, activity and initiative, discipline and a number of other personality traits that are the basis for the manifestation and development of individuality. The influence of the family is often so strong that in many ways it seems that the character of the parents is transmitted to the children by inheritance.

Undoubtedly, the environment, especially the conditions of home life, have a huge impact on the formation of a child's personality. But still, the leading factor in the comprehensive development of a person, as mentioned earlier, is education. Therefore, in the family, the child should receive proper upbringing.

I agree with the proposals of the above authors on the problem of the influence of parents on the formation of a child's personality. I think that at present this is one of the global problems. Parents should know the psychological and individual characteristics of the child, their functions in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten, in order to direct the process of education in the right direction. To do this, it is necessary to involve parents as much as possible in the life of the kindergarten. Therefore, the hypothesis of the study is that if parents know the psychological characteristics of the formation of the child's personality and know exactly their functions, while actively participating in the work of the kindergarten, only then will a free developing personality grow up.

4. Experimental study of the problem.

4.1. Ascertaining experiment

aim the research was to determine the position of the child in the family, who the child is for family members, how much time parents devote to their child, to find ways to communicate with parents, what kind of relationship parents have with teachers, in order to develop recommendations and advice for educators on working with teachers based on the results obtained. parents.

In accordance with the goals, objectives, hypothesis, the following methods were chosen: the drawing test "My Family", the "Two Houses" method, and a questionnaire. A more detailed description of the research methods is provided along with a presentation of the material on the work being done.

The objects of the study were children and adults of the preparatory group, in the amount of 12 people.

Initially, she conducted psychological diagnostics using the “Two Houses” method. Everyone was asked the same 3 questions:

  1. In which house would you like to live in a large beautiful one (showed a drawing of the house), or in another? (small, ugly)
  2. Why?
  3. With whom would you like to live in this house?

Out of 12 children, 8 would like to live in a beautiful house with all real family members; 4 children would also like to live in a beautiful house, but without a father or younger brother.

After processing the survey materials, she concluded that the children have a problem in their relationship with their father. To verify the correctness of my proposals, I conducted a drawing test on the topic “My family”.

My suspicions about the problems of relationships in the family between parents (in most cases, fathers) and children turned out to be reliable. Analyzing children's drawings, she noted that children reflect in the drawings how they feel in the family, how they evaluate their place in it.

Some children were looking for the real composition of the family. Behind this may be an emotional conflict, mental discomfort. This is a signal of the deep emotional experiences of the child. Some children do not have brothers and sisters, which indicates jealousy, competition for parental warmth and attention.

Much of what I learned from children's drawings was not news to me, since I made certain conclusions by processing the data of the Two Houses methodology.

Analyzing children's drawings depicting a family, I drew conclusions about the psychological climate in the family, about the state of mind of the child.

Many children have a sign of anxiety.

Processing the results of the study, revealed the presence of a high percentage of anxiety (about 75%) in children. Perhaps this indicates conflict situations in the family, about social problems at the present time, or it is connected with the crisis of 6 years.

On the problem of removing anxiety in the children of the group, she consulted psychologists of the GIMCA in order to work on this problem in the future.

On the problem of relations with the father, I concluded that we need to involve in cooperation with the kindergarten.

On the problem of relations with brothers and sisters, it became necessary to continue this work, to educate children in a respectful attitude towards them through fiction, conversations, and joint events.

To find out if parents know the interests of their children, who the child is for them, what the interests of the child are, what is done in the family to develop the interests of the child, how much time parents devote to their children, I conducted a survey.

Processing the data of questionnaire No., I found that parents know the interests of their children in most cases (10 out of 12). All parents (100%) answered positively to the question about the constancy or variability of interests. They know exactly whether the interests of their children are constant or changeable. But not all parents were able to explain what the interests of children are manifested in - 55%, 45% of parents found it difficult to answer this question. In 55% of families, the necessary conditions are created for the development of the interests of the child, 45% pay insufficient attention to this problem.

To reveal the attitude of parents to children, to their problems, how often parents pay attention to their children, I conducted a survey (questionnaire No. 2).

From this questionnaire, I found that a child in the family of most parents is joy, happiness, a long-awaited event. Parents know how to communicate with children, they take the troubles of children seriously (about 82%). From this questionnaire, I found out that parents treat the whims of children with misunderstanding, they do not try to identify the cause of the whims. I came to the conclusion that this problem needs to be worked on. She also noted that parents are not always serious about these children, promises, not understanding what problem everything can turn into in the future (45%).

Based on the survey, I found that parents more often use encouragement than punishment, which has a positive effect on the upbringing of the child (91%).

It is gratifying that there is humor in the upbringing of children.

4.2. Formative experiment

Having processed the results of the study, I outlined a number of activities, in my opinion, that contribute to the formation of closer relations between parents and children and with kindergarten staff.

In order to get to know the children and their families more deeply, she organized the contest “Themselves with a mustache”. Certain conditions of the competition were developed. I wanted to get to know who children love and why, to find out how cheerful, sad, kind, strict, noisy, calm they are, what they like and what they don’t like.

All parents with children took part in the competition. The drawings were different: some drew a sister, some brother, many drew grandfathers, grandmothers, even beloved aunts and uncles. Parents are concerned about the organization of the life of children in kindergarten. By March 8, held a joint event of parents with children "Mother's Day". When compiling the script, she took into account the individual characteristics of the children, involved each child according to their abilities. Children with pleasure together with their parents read poems, sang songs, dramatized skits, participated in various attractions. The holiday ended with tea. All parents liked how their children were prepared for the holiday.

Parents began to contact me more often with questions, and I was happy to answer them. I really wanted parents to see in their child a personality, individuality and help their child to be special, not like everyone else.

Developed for myself certain rules of communication with parents:

  • You can’t start a conversation by pointing out the negative factors in the child’s behavior; you must, of course, note the positive aspects in his development.
  • You should carefully, patiently listen to the doubts, objections, comments, complaints of parents.
  • Mistakes must be pointed out tactfully.
  • Provide only valid answers.
  • It is necessary to inspire parents to believe in their child, subject to cooperation with the kindergarten.

From conversations with parents, I found out what the child’s life in the family is filled with, what methods parents use, what character traits cause them anxiety. If she could, she gave advice, or offered to read methodological and psychological literature.

I made a box of "Answers and Questions" for parents. Parents could ask questions in writing, and we answered them competently from a pedagogical point of view.

I tried to talk daily with parents about their children and keep notes for myself. Based on the records, I was looking for an individual approach to each child, based on his character, temperament. Conducted a consultation "Whims of children". To decorate our life a little, to make a holiday for children and parents, I prepared and held the holiday "Inseparable friends adults and children"

At this evening, dads took a great part with great interest. Parents with children were divided into 2 teams - children and adults.

In turn, the teams guessed riddles, sang ditties, participated in making handicrafts, preparing salads, and completed the “Draw Draw” (TRIZ) tasks.

Parents became closer to their children, began to take an interest in the life of the kindergarten every day. They began to offer their services: tailoring for dolls; dads made snow shovels, made a slide for children to ride. Parents expressed a desire to take part in a trip to the Mound of Immortality together with their children. Together with the children, dads collected brushwood for the fire. Even the most hyperactive children were unrecognizable, more disciplined. Skiing, sledding from the mountain was organized. Such communication with adults develops the child physically, makes it possible to believe in oneself, gives a charge of vivacity and health.

With systematic individual work with families, trusting relationships began to be established between pupils and parents. And this is an opportunity to provide optimal conditions for raising a child; ways have been outlined to provide effective assistance in the family.

To increase interest in sports in kindergarten, a lot of work is also being done with the participation of parents.

At the beginning of the school year, questions (questionnaires) for parents on physical education were prepared. A survey of parents was conducted, which made it possible to determine how they understand the tasks of physical education, whether they are able to create conditions for sufficient physical activity of their children at home, organize sports and physical exercises on weekends.

Questions in the questionnaire are grouped into five blocks:

1-information about the family;

2-availability of knowledge, skills and abilities of parents;

3-conditions for the physical education of children in the family;

4-types of activity of the child at home after coming from kindergarten;

5-level of pedagogical culture of parents.

The survey covered about 60 parents with different educational levels.

More than 50% of parents used to go in for sports, there are parents who have sports categories. Only very few continue to engage in physical education and sports at the present time.

From the questionnaires, it became clear that some children from the kindergarten are engaged in sports sections. Answers to questions about the observance of the daily regimen showed that in most families a daily regimen was established for children, but in the responses to hardening procedures, it became clear that not all parents pay due attention to this important task for raising a healthy child.

Parents knew how to carry out hardening activities, but many do not do hardening. Reasons: lack of time or conditions; frequently ill child.

At home, children were given sedentary activities; watching TV, playing computer games, drawing, reading books and playing with toys.

The main difficulties in upbringing for parents were caused by the following reasons: lack of time, skills in teaching children, conditions for physical education.

A survey of parents on physical education showed that many parents do not pay due attention to the physical education of children, and this is one of the most important tasks of educating a comprehensively developed personality.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is the proverb. The solution to this problem is connected, first of all, with the solution of acute social issues of the development of our society as a whole.

The information obtained made it possible to concretize the content of work with the family and to determine the subject and focus of meetings, consultations and other forms of communication with parents. In order to disseminate pedagogical knowledge among parents on the issues of physical education of children, a stand and folders were designed. They introduced parents to the tasks of physical education, they gave recommendations on morning exercises and hardening procedures.

At parent meetings, we talked about how you can have an interesting and exciting time with children at home and on a walk, using outdoor and sports games available to preschool children.

Consultations for parents were prepared on the following topics: "Hardening children - a barrier to colds"; "The value of outdoor games for preschool children."

In our kindergarten, a holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family" was organized. As well as physical education activities with the participation of parents. During their holding, parents together with their children took part in various competitions and games.

The possibility of such communication between parents and children contributes to a joyful, emotional mood for a long time. Purposefully carried out work with parents in our kindergarten helps to attract their direct participation in sports and recreation activities, and this, in turn, helps to instill in children an interest in physical education and kindergarten.

Thanks to all the work done, it became clear that the level of knowledge and skills of parents has increased, and the desire to participate in the lives of children has also increased. This was evidenced by the work of parents and children at the exhibition "Autumn ask". It is known that the educational effect of labor increases if the child shows interest in it. And this is largely determined by the working environment, the example that adults set, and especially the idea of ​​the opportunity for the child to participate in work with them. Working next to mom and dad, children feel big and skillful, real helpers in a necessary and useful business.

Parents looked at their work with pride and rejoiced at their success.

4.3 Control experiment

To make sure that her goal and objectives were achieved, she re-diagnosed according to the methods used in the ascertaining experiment. Repeated diagnostics using the “Two Houses” method revealed results that turned out to be favorable for the further development of children: 83% of children would like to live with their family members, 17% had a problem in communicating with their father. She noted for herself that it is necessary to conduct individual work with the parents of these children.

Conducting a repeated drawing test, “My Family” noted that 83% depicted all family members, 17% improved relations with relatives.

The re-survey data has also changed:

91% of parents became interested in the hobbies of their children, 82% began to create the necessary conditions for the development of interests in the child.

The data of questionnaire No. 2 turned out to be the following: parents began to take their promises seriously; they began to treat children's whims more tolerantly, learned to distinguish them from other conditions of the child, attitudes towards the troubles of children changed.

Comparing the results of two studies, I came to the conclusion that if parents know the psychological characteristics of the formation of the child's personality, they will know exactly their functions in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten, while actively participating in the work of the kindergarten, only then will free developing personality.

As a result of my work, I have achieved positive results. Most importantly, I brought the parents closer to the children and to the kindergarten staff.

With systematic individual work with the family, a trusting relationship was established between educators and parents. This made it possible to provide optimal conditions for raising children, to outline ways to provide effective assistance in the family.

I hope that the foundations of pedagogical knowledge, received by parents through consultations and conversations, through joint holidays with children, will continue the path to acquiring more and more new knowledge related to teaching children at school, further shaping the personality of our society.

This is not the end of our work with parents. Many interesting events, discussions and consultations are planned.

5. Final part

Thus, the effectiveness of work with the family will be positive if the teacher follows the following rules:

Deeply comprehensive study of the family;

Will know her individual characteristics and educational opportunities;

Purposefully affects the family, taking into account their preparedness for raising children;

Observes pedagogical tact and flexibility;

Uses different methods of studying the family.

1. Work both with the entire team of parents and individually with individual families can be successfully carried out only on the basis of knowledge of the features of life and the upbringing of children in the family.

2. In fact, the material on the study of the upbringing of children in the family makes it possible not only to find out the living conditions, but also to establish the reasons for the formation of the individual qualities of children, to identify the relationship between the conditions of upbringing, the formation of behavioral characteristics and the specifics of their manifestation.

3. Positive results in the work with the family can only be if there is a unity of requirements for children between parents and educators, planning and systematic, mutual trust.

4. It is necessary to give parents specific information on the age and individual characteristics of their children, to teach them to see good and bad in their children, to analyze their actions.

5. In the upbringing of children in the family, the leading place should be occupied by moral education, the development of public interests in children, and friendly relations with others.

6. Along with general and individual forms of work with families, work can also be carried out with several families that have similar conditions for raising children.

7. The study of the characteristics of family education, as well as the study of the characteristics of the physical development of the child, is a necessary condition for the beginning of systematic work on the implementation of an individual approach to children in educating and teaching them in various activities.

8. Working with the family is the most difficult problem of pedagogy. This obliges educators to widely use theoretical literature, analyze practical work and work closely with the child's family.


1. Vinogradova N.V. "Educator about working with the family" M .: Education, 1989.

2. Gulina M.A. “Do you understand me?”, St. Petersburg, 1994

3. Gorky M. “Speech at an elected meeting of the League of Social Education”, M .: 1958

4. Krupskaya N.K. "On education in the family" Selected works and speeches. Moscow: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, 1962

5. Koloyartseva E. I. "Kindergarten and parents", M .: Education, 1969

6. Kovalchuk L.I. "Individual approach to raising a child", M .: Education, 1981

7. Lesgaft P.F. "Family education of the child and its meaning", Selected works v.1, M .: 1951

8. Lunacharsky A.V. "On upbringing and education" M.: 1976, p. 3.-3.

9. D. Lashley "Working with young children" M .: Education, 1991

10. Makarenko A. S. Composition T. 4 APN, N. 1.

11. Makarenko A. S. Composition T. 4 APN, N. 1.

12. Makarenko, A. (1951). Composition.

13. Markova T.I. "Kindergarten and family", M .: Education, 1986

14. Nikitin B.K. "We and our children", M.: Enlightenment, 1980

15. Ostrovskaya L.F. "Pedagogical knowledge for parents" M .: Education, 1983

16. Platonov A.P. “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson”, Collected Works vol. 2, 1.

17. Repina T.A. “Social and psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group”, M .: Pedagogy, 1988

18. Slangs “My profession is a kindergarten teacher”, M .: Education, 1989

19. Cuslova L.D. "Family Traditions", M .: Pedagogy, 1979

20. Sukhomlinsky V.A. “I give my heart to children”, Kyiv, 1974

21. Filipchuk "Do you know your child?" M.: Enlightenment, 1958

22. Khripnova A.T. "The World of Childhood", Doshkolnik, M .: Pedagogy, 1987

23. Shipitsyna L.M. "Fundamentals of Communications", St. Petersburg, 1996

N.K. Krupskaya "On upbringing in the family" Selected works and speeches. Moscow: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, 1962

As soon as a child is born into this world, he begins to learn, and therefore, to accumulate knowledge and skills. The fact that the role of the family in the formation of a child is fundamental and fundamental is not and cannot be disputed. This fact has been scientifically proven and has been repeatedly confirmed not only by experiments, but by life itself. From infancy, children absorb the energy and atmosphere that surrounds them, they understand everything on a subconscious level and give a response.

Family as the basis for the formation of perception

In families where there are older children, and they treat the younger ones with love and kindness, the kids grow up joyful and more self-confident. The influence of the family on the formation of a child's personality is simply limitless. Psychologists say that for children of different ages, relationships with all family members are very important and, most importantly, that they develop harmoniously and not be destructive.

The family influences the basic formation of the perception of oneself and the world as a whole, in other words, the child feels and evaluates himself positively, meaningfully, and he treats the world in a friendly way and feels that he is a welcome guest in it. These words play a very important role in the life of every person, these ideas are influencing the development of the child's personality and how he will build his life scenario in a large society. Such a life position is laid down and formed from childhood, from the first days of the relationship with their parents.

Love and care, kindness and unconditional acceptance of your child are the most important and win-win methods in education. First of all, every baby should feel and feel unconditionally that he is loved and very much needed by his loved ones.

The word family sounds very clear to everyone, but not everyone understands the important role of family education in.

Family in a child's life

Children are born in different families, large and small, complete and incomplete, but in each of them there are people who will be next to the baby and will voluntarily and involuntarily influence his upbringing, contribute to the formation of his personal qualities, moral and spiritual values ​​in his soul. A person who influences the development of the inner world and the adoption of life positions by a child can be not only one of the parents, but also everyone who lives with him. These can be brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, in other words, everyone whom he observes in his daily life. And it is worth saying that the period of life, or rather at what age stage, these people appear in families also plays a significant role. But, of course, the parents of the child influence him the most.

The family should be considered as a micro-society in which children will have to learn patterns of interaction with other people using the example of intra-family relations. All this affects the formation of personal qualities of the baby.

The family plays the role of a social institution in which children acquire knowledge and beliefs, moral behavior, spiritual and value orientations, and the formation of a personality takes place. All this knowledge and inner convictions remain and are preserved for life, it is the concepts received in childhood from significant people that have a very stable position. And it’s good when these ideas strengthen and give inner strength to a person, but it’s much worse if they are destructive and injure the child’s soul. The role of the family in the development of personality is fundamental; from the first touch of the mother's hands to the newborn, a magical contact occurs, which is based on an emotional relationship. The child learns well the patterns of relationships that he observes within his family. The fundamental factor on the way of becoming a person is the family emotional climate in which children grow up.

In fact, a person is a subject of social relations and social activity. In other words, parents and other family members should help a small child learn the rules of interaction with the outside world, the norms of behavior in it and determine their orientation in the social environment. This is done through personal example, as well as through the game. You can specifically set a certain plot in the game and show how to behave correctly in a given situation. In fact, the family, as a social institution for the formation of personality, lays down such strong life positions and beliefs that it is almost impossible to change them. It is in the circle of relatives that the child receives an internal culture, learns the style of communication with other people and develops his own activity, the desire for action.

Now it is worth considering in more detail and understanding how the influence of the family on the formation of the child's personality occurs.

In fact, childhood can be divided into several age stages, and at each of them the baby masters and absorbs information in different ways. Why is it important? Why, a healthy, strong and self-confident personality of a child is built brick by brick by harmonious relations between parents and their child.

There is the following classification of age stages:

  1. Infancy (0 to 1 year) and early childhood (1 to 3 years).
  2. Preschool age (3-7 years).
  3. Junior school age (7-11 years).
  4. (11-15 years old).
  5. Early youth (15-17 years). Next come the age stages at which the development of an already mature personality takes place.

It is natural that parents should know this and try to help him in the painless passage of all these stages. If an internal conflict occurs at a particular age and does not find a solution and a way out, then in adulthood this can result in serious problems and emotional distress. But it will be difficult to understand that the seed of the problem is laid in childhood. For the sake of the happiness of your children and their harmonious development, you should always be extremely attentive to their experiences and strong emotions. The influence of family relations on the character and temperament is lifelong, these are the strongest, strongest, one might say, core knowledge and concepts that endow a person with certain properties.

At each of the age stages, certain methods of education are used, but love and unconditional acceptance of the baby with all its features should always be the basis of all influences on the inner world of the child. The role of family education in the formation of personality is as follows:

  • daily communication between parents and child;
  • how demands are put forward by parents to their child;
  • How is your leisure time going?
  • Are there any traditions within the family that unite everyone.

After all, the main function of the family is to provide reliable psychological protection, rear, a place where you are loved and accepted. None of the social institutions will give such knowledge as the family gives a person.

What is important for a baby?

During this period, nothing is more important than mother's love and care. For a tiny creature, it is important to feel tactilely, to see, hear and feel mother's presence and warmth. It seems that everyone understands this, but the essence lies precisely in the inner, deep feeling that the little one is needed and loved. Of course, babies do not realize this rationally, but on the level of feelings they understand everything perfectly. The first influence of the family on the formation of the personality of the child begins from this period. In the piggy bank of personal qualities, positively influencing feelings and emotions are already beginning to be laid, which are transmitted by parental love and care.

Throughout the first year of a baby's life, the mother must constantly follow these recommendations:

  1. Talk to your baby as often as possible. Tell him poems, sing songs, have fun conversations. Performing everyday and mandatory procedures, explain to him what is happening now. The soft and gentle mother's voice works wonders.
  2. Tactile touches, frequent hugs, stroking - all this is an integral part of communication with the baby.
  3. Dad should not stand aside, his presence is also very important for the harmonious development of the child. The kid must know and guess the voices of his parents.

In principle, the influence of parents on the formation of the character, personal characteristics and moral orientation of children already occurs from the first minutes of communication with each other. It is important not only how the newborn is treated, but also what kind of communication, emotions and feelings surround him in general, what kind of relationship in the family itself between mom and dad. Intonation, words, pitch of sounds - these are all factors that affect the general atmosphere in this micro-society.

Early childhood

If a child gets used to respectful, calm, friendly communication, which he constantly observes as the norm, then balance and calmness will also reign in his inner world. And, of course, it is bad for the healthy development of the personality to observe and hear constant quarrels, screams, and to feel the uneven, excited emotional state of the mother. The successful formation of personality in the family will be only in the case when intra-family interaction will be of a healthy nature, without feelings and emotions that violate and destroy each other.

Early childhood is sensitive for the development of such qualities as:

  1. Purposefulness.
  2. Kindness, decency, honesty.
  3. The child learns to make a situational decision. There are motives and impulses.
  4. Ethical norms and moral education are assimilated.

At this stage, it is the family that acts as a factor in the formation of the child's personality. Of course, compared with the previous age, the scope of social relationships begin to expand. Increasingly, there is interaction with strangers, kids are starting to be taken to kindergarten, to developmental classes, sports clubs and other social events. But the role of parents in shaping the personality of the child still remains dominant and fundamental. At this stage, a rather powerful platform is laid for the formation of the individual qualities of a small person and preparation for socialization.

Preschool education within the family

At this age interval, the main personal formation of a person takes place. Life principles, type of character, individuality and the very personality of a small person are formed. This period should not be underestimated. Proper family relationships, methods of competent upbringing, a positive and approving appeal to your child will be of great benefit to the development of the individual.

Preschool children are already trying on the roles of adults, which means they are interested in the world of human relations, various activities and, of course, they want to take an active part in everything. First of all, parental examples can influence the direction of the child's personal qualities. Boys take as a model and model of behavior the habits and communication style of their father or even grandfather, if he spends more time with the child and is a significant figure for him. And girls, respectively, want to be like their mother.

Parental attention at this age should be enough for the child to receive the necessary portion of interaction with each family member. In addition, the family council should adopt a unified parenting style that parents will adhere to. Inconsistent parenting methods are reflected very badly on the child, which can lead to a negative perception of the requirements on the part of parents and a violation of mutual understanding.

It is known that different styles of upbringing have a direct influence of the family on the formation of the personality of the child. And since at this stage of growing up children experience age-related crises, parents sometimes have a very difficult time coping with their children, and they begin to resort to various methods of influencing their behavior.

Parents should know that for the child himself, the changes that he is going through cause a lot of trouble, he is not fully aware of his motives and motivations for action. For example, at the age of 3-4 years, children are experiencing a crisis of negativism, they all have one answer “no”, “I don’t want”, “I won’t”, “I don’t like it”, etc. But if you are careful, you can understand that he is learning to express his desires, and first of all he is trying to put them in defiance of an adult. This is a big step towards the development and acquisition of personal qualities. What kind of reactions he will receive from adults, how he will learn the lessons given to him by his family, and will become part of his individual qualities. It is important to remember how great the role of the family is in shaping the personality of a preschooler.

At this interval, all the fundamental qualities are laid, and the child already subconsciously outlines his life scenario. Namely, under the influence of many factors, it creates a certain image of the life path. Of course, this image is primarily influenced by family upbringing, the personal orientation of the parents themselves and the attitude they managed to form towards themselves and society in the representation of their child. In preschoolers in the 2nd half of this age stage, the origins of self-awareness are actively developing.

Worth listening

It is necessary that the child gain inner self-confidence. And, it develops through approval, moral support and stimulation of motives for action from loved ones. Harsh criticism, doubts about the child's abilities lead to uncertainty and indecision, which means that it will be very difficult for him to achieve his goals.

During periods of strong emotional experiences of the child, parents should be nearby and help him realize his experiences. For example, you can say: “You are now angry” or “You are upset because ...”. In general, a preschooler should have enough family care and attention. He has a lot of questions that must be answered without fail, enough superficial general concepts on the topic, and the baby’s interest will be satisfied, which means you will contribute to the development of his inexhaustible interest in knowing the world around him.

As you can see, the role of the family in shaping the child's personality is so important that parents should understand what an important mission they are entrusted with, that how happy their child will be in adulthood depends on their ordinary everyday life, communication, internal culture and atmosphere in the house.

Education of personal qualities in a teenager

It is no secret that all people know from their own experience that the most difficult and difficult age is adolescence. By this period, he already has all the makings of a personality and an individuality has been formed. But, it is impossible to say that the process is completed yet, since adolescents are actively developing and creating their spiritual and moral consciousness. Of course, he already knows about the norms of morality and ethics adopted in society by this age, but the adoption of these norms occurs just in the puberty period.

The role of the family in shaping the spiritual and moral personality of a teenager is quite significant, it is worth talking tirelessly and unobtrusively with children on this topic. Family conversations, if they are confidential and without coercion, can have a strong influence on the internal attitudes of the child. At this stage of life, it is important not to lose the connection and trust of your child. Teenagers involuntarily seek their place among other peers. Far from always they get into companies with high moral concepts, and there may be a misconception about the norms of morality and spirituality, leading to deviant behavior. In other words, the main influencing factor in the development of a teenager's personality is the approval and acceptance of his peers, and parents should not openly and negatively criticize this desire, and even more so his friends. It is worth understanding this dependence, it will not work to avoid influence from the outside, so you need to accept it as a factor that will have an impact on the personality manifestations of the child.

It is important to be able to build a new trusting relationship with your child. New, not because the connection is broken, but because the interaction and communication are moving to another level. It is important for the personality of a teenager to be heard, reckoned with and consulted. He has a clear belief that he is old enough to make his own decisions. You need to be able to give him this feeling, to show that the family and the child are inseparable, but at the same time, he already has a lot of rights.

There can be no general advice on how to educate a teenager, since each person needs his own approach and methods of influence. But age patterns are almost the same for everyone, and during this period it may seem that the influence of the family on personality development is losing its position a little. In fact, it is worth changing the methods of education and treating your child with respect and understanding.

The influence of an incomplete family on the formation of the personality of children

Unfortunately, an incomplete family is a fairly common occurrence. As a rule, it is characterized by the fact that only one of the parents brings up, cares for and lives with the child, and most often it is the mother. In this case, there are a number of nuances that are worth knowing about, they are especially important for raising boys. For harmonious development, a child needs an example, a role model, a gender identical with him.

If dad is absent in the child’s life or he is far from a suitable role model, then mom should take care and redirect this feeling to the desired object. Such a person can be a grandfather, an uncle or an older brother. Since the influence of the family on the formation of the personality of the child is quite large, then, of course, it is necessary to choose a sample from the circle of people included in the so-called large family. On a subconscious level, the baby knows that there is a family connection with this person, he feels that he is already endowed with some of his qualities.

The influence of an incomplete family on the development of children, of course, can affect, but it is necessary to minimize the feeling of inferiority. Namely, this is how children can feel the lack of one of the parents. Even worse, when a small child, for some reason, may come to the conclusion that there is no dad because he himself is bad or naughty. This can affect not only the personality, but also the way of life, it is worth carefully monitoring feelings and pronouncing them with children in order to avoid such situations.

Raising a strong, healthy personality with a strong character in an incomplete family is very possible. But it costs a lot of effort on the part of loved ones.

Summing up, it can be noted that the development and socialization of the individual in the family go in tandem. At each age stage, parents should apply certain styles of upbringing and communication, this will help build trusting relationships and develop the right qualities in the child. At the head of any educational measures should always be love and care, understanding and unconditional acceptance of children as they are.