Temari balls, making Chinese balls. Japanese temari balls Balls in Japanese technique

The art of "temari" is the embroidery of bright patterns on balls. Patterns can be simple or abstract, with shapes intersecting at different angles (triangles, rhombuses, ovals, squares, ellipses, and so on). This is a very fun and relaxing handicraft that you can do at home, sitting in front of the TV, or on a trip.

Decided to make your own temari balls? How to make this craft, you will understand by reading this article to the end. But first, let's find out where these amazing products came from.

History of occurrence

So, what are temari balls, how to make them with your own hands? You are probably interested in such questions. Let's start with the history of the emergence of "temari".

This is quite an ancient art. It originated in China. And about six hundred years ago, these extraordinary beauty balls were brought to Japan.

Initially, they were made for the ball game, which was called "kemari". As a filling, the remnants of fabric from old kimonos were used, which were then wound and stitched so that a ball was obtained. Later, the game changed, they stopped kicking the ball, but began to pass it with their hands. This is how temari appeared.

The game became popular among young girls who were from noble families. The girls began to decorate their playing balls - to embroider with silk. Thus, the unpretentious ball game turned into a fine art.

Over the years, the craft of embroidering temari balloons has become popular throughout Japan. In the future, each region of the country had only its own ornament, not like the others.

In Japan, a temari museum has been opened, which tells in detail about the origin of this art. And there are also specialized schools that teach how to make temari balls, and upon completion of training a diploma is issued.

Magic Japanese crafts

Today, temari balls are valued as gifts, symbolizing sincere friendship and devotion. According to Eastern tradition, the Japanese give them to their kids for the New Year. Inside put a piece of paper where they write wishes.

The patterns that are embroidered on the balls, and the threads themselves often have a certain meaning. For example, gold and silver threads symbolize the wishes of prosperity, wealth and well-being. The Japanese believe that temari brings good luck and happiness.

Now this art of embroidery is known in different countries, and many people fell in love with it.

You can make balls with your own hands and present such an unusual gift for the New Year to the kids. And this is a great idea! We offer you to make temari balls on your own.

How to make balls from multi-colored threads

To create such a masterpiece you will need:

1. Foundation. To do this, you can use shreds of elastic fabric, polystyrene foam, a tennis ball.

2. Pins with multi-colored heads.

3. Bobbin threads. They will be needed to wind the base.

4. Threads "Iris" of various colors. Required for embroidery patterns.

5. A needle with a blunt end.

6. Silver thread (will be a guide).

7. Scissors.

8. Sheet of paper. You can take the office.

9. Plastic bag.

10. Measuring tape.

These are the materials you need to prepare in order to make temari balls. How to make the basis for a ball of fabric, read on.

Making the base

Take the pieces of fabric. Stuff the bag tightly with them. Form a ball with a diameter of five centimeters (you can make the size of the craft larger if you wish). Cut off excess polyethylene. Wrap the base tightly with thread, thereby you also secure the package. Do it evenly, apply each turn to a new place, so that you get the perfect surface of the base, because in the future patterns will be created on it. Then fasten and sew the base several times.

In Japan, small bells are sometimes placed inside the ball, it turns out something like rattles.


To embroider a temari ball, you must first apply the markup. Cut out a strip of paper one centimeter wide and thirty long.

Marking must be done to indicate the top ("North Pole"), the bottom ("South") and the middle ("Equator"). Take a red pin and stick it anywhere. This will be the top of the ball ("North Pole"). Attach the end of the tape there. Wrap around the ball. Thus, you seem to draw the diameter of the workpiece. The strip should fit snugly against the ball. Then fold it in half. So you determine the lowest point - the "South Pole". Mark with a pin of a different color. Then fold the tape in half again and cut off the corners on one side only. Then wrap the strip around the balloon again. In those places where the corners were made, put pins.

This will be the equator. Take a centimeter. It will be needed to determine the distance between the segments. Measure them. It is important that they are the same. In our case, we should get segments of six centimeters. When all points are marked, start wrapping the base with silver thread from pin to pin (this will be the guide). We can say that this is how you designate the axes. Now you can apply beautiful embroidery.

How to embroider temari balls

Pattern patterns can be found in specialized magazines. So, let's start embroidery.

Take a needle and thread the yellow thread. Make the first turn as follows. Pull the thread from the "North Pole" through the "South", return to the "North" again. Then make a second turn perpendicular to the first. Start again at the North Pole. Bring the needle out so that the thread hooks the guide and winding. You should get four identical sectors.

Then pass the needle inside the ball to the pin, which is located on the "equator". Make four turns.

Insert brown thread into the needle. Make four turns along the guide on each side. Repeat these steps for each color. At the same time, the width of the "belts" should gradually increase. Pay attention to how the threads lay down. There should be no gaps!

As soon as the threads begin to fall off the ball, it's time to finish the job. Make a couple more rows with a bright-colored thread along the last “belts”, fasten the thread. That's all, the temari balls are ready.

Step-by-step instructions, detailed marking and embroidery schemes will allow (if you have at least minimal needle and thread skills) to easily master such an original skill. Good luck with the difficult but surprisingly beautiful art of "temari"!

Do you know that existence temari for about 1000 years!? Temari is a folk art form, a very ancient and traditional toy made by mothers for their children in China and Japan. Previously, temari was made from scraps of old kimono, the fabric was cut, crimped and painted with thread patterns. In Japan, such balls were used for foot games and were called kemari. In temari, the extraordinary brightness of colored threads is striking, you just want to pick them up and touch them)

So, the art of temari is embroidering colorful patterns on thread balls. Patterns on temari are floral, abstract with triangles, squares, rhombuses, ellipses and other intricate shapes intersecting at different angles. Arranged in a certain order, they together form bizarre ornaments. Temari art is a very exciting and relaxing needlework, you can do it on a trip or while watching your favorite series) I suggest you watch a master class on one of the items below.

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For work you will need:

Yarn, its color does not matter - it will not be visible

threads for applying patterns, pins and scissors.

You can use a Styrofoam ball or a crumpled newspaper as a base for temari in order to save yarn.

So, tightly wind a ball of any yarn

So, the ball should be tight and dense

Decide on the pattern and symmetrically stick pins into the ball

And now, let's try to learn a new technique from Tamara Mashkina, the master of the Gamayun Folk Art Center.

To make a ball and markup, you need:

  • A ball of cotton wool / synthetic winterizer / any other stuffing material
  • Plastic bag (trimmings of unnecessary fabric)
  • Cotton thread
  • Measuring tape
  • paper ribbons
  • pins
  • Scissors

For embroidery we need:

Decorative threads (mulina, silk and other threads, for marking and decorating)

Iris or pearl thread (for embroidery)

Tassels, bells and other accessories for decoration

We take the filler in a plastic bag and conditionally give it the shape of a ball. Then we begin to wind a thread on it. The ball is wrapped with threads until it is covered with a uniform layer and acquires the desired shape. On average, such a winding will take about 20 minutes. As a result, such a ball of thread should be obtained.

The ball itself is actually ready. Now we set up our eye gauge and start the markup, according to which we will embroider in the future. To do this, take pins, pre-prepared ribbons of paper, 1.5 to 2 cm in width, and in length so that it is enough to wrap the ball around them once. Plus, take a measuring tape to determine the distances between the segments.

We do markup in order to understand where the ball has the top, where the bottom is, and where the middle is. In general, how well we make the markup, our drawing will be so even and geometrically correct.

Take a pin and pin it anywhere on the ball. This will be our first constant, the top of the ball. We will mark it with a specially red or any other color pin. The main thing is that you remember for yourself personally that this is the highest point

We attach a paper tape to the same place and wrap it around the ball, thus “drawing” its diameter. The tape should be stretched and lie tightly on the ball.

Then we bend the tape in half again and cut off the corner on one side so that when it is turned, the following picture is obtained:

After that, you can measure the distance between the pins with a measuring tape. The main thing is that they match everywhere, as you understand. We got 6 cm between each pin.

This is how we got a pin and hedgehog ball.

The process seems complicated, but it is only at first glance. The main thing here is to master the technique of different stitches and bartacks, and in the future you yourself will be able to come up with a variety of patterns for embroidery.

When we have marked all the extreme points on the ball, we begin to wrap it with a thread, also from point to point, from pin to pin. At the same time, we fix the thread on each pin so that it does not slip.

As a result, you will get such a winding. It's like we made axes on a ball. Their number may vary. In our example, there will be 8 axes along and one across, but there may be more. It depends on the type and complexity of your drawing.

Now, we can make beautiful embroidery on one of the vertices, or on each if we so desire. In general, everything is not difficult in this embroidery, you just need to remember the instruction: “we alternate the thread: from above, from below, from above, from below”:

This is how the ball already acquires a certain festivity. Now it's up to the layout of the drawing. To make it easier, you can first draw the correct geometric pattern on paper, then transfer it to the ball, also marking all the necessary points with pins and a measuring tape. It is better to take one central point as a basis, from which we will postpone all segments. For example, we make a drawing of a star.

For each pin, we do not forget to fasten the thread. The shape of the drawing is already starting to look through.

In the future, with an increase in the number of threads, its “bar-tacks” themselves will also form their own pattern. There will be only two types of them - those that are at the tops of the star, and those that are in the center.

We will continue to embroider it with different threads to make it even more expressive and beautiful.

Look carefully at the position of the star lines: some go from above, others from below. In order not to get confused, let's define the following rule for ourselves: from the top to the center we draw a thread from above (white arrow), and from the center to the top - from below (red arrow). As a result, the position of the threads will constantly alternate with us.

Now let's add a second color to the embroidery and see what pattern we get.

As a result, drawings can be obtained in a variety of colors and shapes.

Now let's take a closer look at those same "bartacks". Recall that there are only two types of them.

Let's call the first ones "central" (red dots in Fig. 23), because in our case they are located closer to the center of the star. The second ones, respectively, are “vertical” (white dots in Fig. 23). This is how our professional vocabulary of terms begins to form. Let's enjoy this and go on embroidering.

At the beginning of work, when we made the first stitch, it didn’t matter from which vertex or from which central point we would start embroidering. But in the future we will continue the drawing from the point at which the previous thread ended.

To secure the thread, you just need to make a knot at the end, which will sink (or hide) in the ball when you pull the thread.

By the way, we always embroider from right to left, if you are not left-handed. Therefore, we wrap around the central point of the star from right to left and then go to its next top.

Now it's up to the "top bartack". We are approaching the top on the right. From left to right, we pass the needle under the “tack” and bring the thread down to the next center point.

Here, in fact, are all the tricks of embroidering such a ball. So you can embroider indefinitely or until the thread runs out. And when this happens, we will draw the rest of the thread through the ball and simply cut it off. The thread itself will not go anywhere after that.

You can continue embroidery or stop at what has already been done, if it pleases the eye, and your hands are already tired. You can sew a ribbon to the ball or weave / tie a rope on which we will hang it on the Christmas tree. You can decorate, in principle, as you like, as long as our imagination is enough.

Of course, we understand that everything may not work out perfectly the first time, but the activity is so exciting, and most importantly, the end result is so amazing that it’s simply impossible not to continue training. Just look what the hand of a master can create.

For starters, as one very famous movie said, you can “practice on cats,” or at least on small balls.

DIY Temari are decorated handballs that look artistic, unusual and elegant in the interior of every home.

This is an ancient Chinese art of embroidering on balls, which allows you to create and create extraordinary, attractive with their beauty, splendor components of the decor. It is used both for home decoration and as a children's toy, rattle. A colorful, high-quality and soft DIY craft will become a favorite toy of any child.

To learn how to make this product, you need to stock up on perseverance, concentration and perseverance. The procedure for such an elite, interesting embroidery is tedious, lengthy and time-consuming. With a great irresistible desire, perseverance and patience, you can create with your own hands an exquisite fashionable masterpiece of art.

Material for creative work

Before proceeding with the concentrated work, you need to prepare the necessary working material:

Illustration Material

various unnecessary rags in the house: wool, shreds, torn pom-poms

threads of several colors: bobbin, floss, iris

darning needles in different sizes

pins with hat

tape measure

medium scissors

handy pliers

ball shaping

The basis for future balls is formed using unnecessary wool, pieces of fabric, old holey socks. To make it sound and rattle, you can insert a container from a kinder surprise into the middle, after putting a bead or a small bell into it.

With a good mood and desire, we begin to make Chinese balls.

The work begins with the formation of the foundation:

  1. We take the cut pieces and form a circle.
  2. The resulting patchwork figure is tightly wrapped with woolen fiber. We observe that a clear, round shape of the product is kept.
  3. An iris of bright, expressive shades is wound onto a finished woolen ball so that there are no gaps at all. Blue, red, green, yellow and orange balls look unusual and fabulous.
  4. When it is completely wrapped, the tip is threaded into a darning needle and inserted into the middle, piercing the figure through and through. We take out the pointed edge of the needle using the prepared pliers.
  5. The thread is cut off at the very base of the sphere. You can leave a tail to make a loop in the future.

Making a schematic outline

Before you start embroidery, you need to make an accurate markup. This is done so that in the future it will be easy to create an invented original ornament.

The outline starts with the following steps:

1. A thick dark thread is threaded into the needle and stuck into the resulting ball, secured with a pin with an eye - this is the north.

2. The ball is diametrically encircled, returning to its original position. It is fixed with a pin at the bottom - this is the “south”. We measure the distance between the pins with a measuring tape.

3. Crosswise from the strapping, we make the next girdling from the selected main point.

4. To achieve uniformity, we repeatedly measure the gap between the points.

We get an object that looks like a small globe, pierced by meridians and with poles. It can be divided into different number of sections. The last twist is made in the center, the thread is wound in a horizontal position along the diameter.

Important! A very dense winding deforms the ball, a weak one - the ornament loses its smoothness. It is necessary to comply with the measure.

A rounded model and scrupulous clear markings are important principles of creation. Therefore, there is a need for constant measurement of the gaps between the intended contours. Observing the necessary principles of planning, the ornament lays down evenly and clearly. After finishing the basting, we do embroidery.

Embroidery on the workpiece

Beginners should start working with a simple ornament - a square.

The geometric pattern is made from coils of multi-colored fibers prepared in advance.

  1. At one of the intersections of the lines, a pin is lifted and a needle is pushed very close to it. Embroidery is done carefully so that the previously marked stripes do not move.
  2. Then, clockwise, a needle is inserted in its original place and threaded through four cross lines. When we introduce the thread under the line, we grab a little background warp yarn to prevent the pattern from floating.
  3. We sew evenly, counting the number of stitched rows. Usually six single-color stitches are sewn.
  4. If after the formation of the first square the thread remains, it is carried out under the base, leaving it on the next rhombus at the next intersection.
  5. We do the same steps with the remaining yarn. The embroidery ornament is emphasized by a border. Between different shades we make a stitch from a contrasting color.

Product decoration

Not sewn places can be decorated with a variety of beads, pearls, beads. The open parts are decorated with gold, silver, contrasting colors. A triangle is made, measured and divided evenly into two parts. Then it is fixed on all sides with a pin. The pin is lifted and the needle with the knot is pulled out, a seam is made from the triangle to the pin on the other side.

Ribbon for Chinese handball

To make our creation possible to fix, it is best to make a braid and attach it to the finished creation.

Thus, the product will be attached to a handbag, backpack, pieces of furniture. To avoid disturbing the ornament, the ribbon is attached to the non-embroidered part of the ball.

There are two types of Chinese art lace:

  • eyelet
  • pigtail

Pigtail manufacturing technology consists of the following techniques:

1. A thread is taken in six additions and threaded into the eye of a large gypsy needle.

2. A tight knot is tied.

3. It is threaded into the non-sewn part of the ball.

4. Six are divided into three equal parts.

5. A pigtail is braided. The length of the lace is selected at will.


In the course of working with this technique, fasten the yarn, pull the fibrous ends with a needle from different sides. In order for the pigtail to hold tight, the ends are not immediately cut off. A strong knot is tied at the base from the finished cord, then the excess narrow strips are cut off. After reviewing and studying the article and a step-by-step description of the creative process, you can make Chinese balls. These products will decorate your interior, create a festive, joyful atmosphere in the house. Friends, seeing such an unusual, beautiful little thing will be delighted.

Video master class “Temari Balls”

Master class on creating temari

What is temari?
Temari are embroidered balls. An ancient Japanese type of needlework. Today, temari are highly valued as gifts, symbolizing sincere friendship and devotion. And yet, temari bring good luck and happiness. Inside the ball there is a rattle (beads, a bell, etc.), so it can be a great toy for a baby who knows the world. Bright colors and pleasant texture will not leave anyone indifferent.
Temari art has many fans not only in Japan (which is its immediate homeland), but throughout the world. In Russia, this fascinating hobby is only winning the hearts of needlework lovers. The interest in this outlandish type of needlework is quite understandable. Graceful embroidered miniatures attract the eye, fascinate and intrigue. There is a desire to unravel the pattern of constructing a pattern, and then create your own little masterpiece with your own hands. And ... from that moment on, desire grows into passion ...

A bit of history
The history of temari goes back several centuries. It originated in China and was brought to Japan in the 8th century. But only in the 13th-14th centuries did it become the way we know it now. Initially, temari was the privilege of the aristocracy, so embroidery was done with silk threads. Temari were a precious gift, symbolizing the wishes of a rich life. But already in the 19th century, with the development of silk thread production technologies, it became available to a wider circle of people, and from that moment this type of art began to flourish. Young girls competed in skill, embroidering a gift for their beloved. Mothers and grandmothers made temari for their children to play with. Historically, the basis of temari was the remains of old kimonos or bags of rice husks, wrapped with thick and then thin threads. Nowadays, foam bases are produced hollow inside, which greatly simplifies the process of manufacturing a ball, and also significantly lightens its weight. Embroidery on the finished basis is very diverse, there are more than a dozen types of markings alone. Even simple motifs in the hands of each craftswoman turn into unique masterpieces.

The main questions that a novice thematist asks are:
1. How and from what to make the base?
2. How to apply the markup?
3. How to start embroidery?

I will try to answer all these questions using the example of creating such a simple ball:

And so, what we need to work:

1. Kinder container;
2. Beads 2 pcs;
3. Woolen threads;
4. Thick cotton;
5. Thin cotton;
6. Embroidery - satin threads (the thickness corresponds to floss threads in 3-4 additions);

1. The needle is long enough with a wide eye, medium thickness;
2. Pins with colored tips;
3.. Pins without tips;
4. Scissors;
5. A strip of paper 0.5-0.7 cm wide and about 30 cm long.

We create the base:

Place a couple of beads or a Chinese bell in a plastic container. Dry beans or broad beans are also suitable (they also rattle wonderfully).

Attach a thick woolen thread to the container and start wrapping it tightly until you get a round ball.

Usually the diameter of temari is 7-8 cm. There are, of course, exceptions - giant temari under 40 cm in diameter and tiny ones about 1 cm. For the first time, be guided by your own feelings. Hand d / w comfortable to hold it. The brush should not experience excessive tension. As soon as the desired result is obtained, break the thread.

On top of a thick woolen thread, we wrap a ball of thick cotton thread (you can use harsh threads or, for example, as in this case, a “snowflake”. Turn the ball as often as possible during winding to smooth out all surface irregularities as much as possible.

As soon as the woolen threads are completely covered with cotton thread, we break the thread.
The final stage in the formation of the base is winding with a thin cotton thread. You need to wrap it quite tightly, often turning the ball. On temari 7-8 cm, a whole spool of thread goes.
As soon as the layer of thick cotton threads is completely closed, we break the thread.
We fix the thread. To do this, press the thread to the base with your finger and insert the free end of the thread into the needle.
Then make a few stitches on the surface of the ball (in different directions).

Three - four times is enough for a regular cotton thread.

Cut off the rest of the thread.
Our base is ready!

Let's move on to creating the markup:

Since temari embroidery is, as a rule, the creation of a complex geometric pattern on the surface of a ball, it is clear that we cannot do without auxiliary markings. The markup is done with a contrasting thread. In some designs it is part of the pattern, in other cases it is removed when the work is completed. There are designs created by winding the ball with a thread in a certain sequence, then the ball is marked not with threads, but with pins. In our case (rather simple), the marking will divide the surface of the ball into 4 equal parts (such marking is called simple by 4). On the surface of the ball, the point of the "north" and "south" poles is determined, the "equator" is drawn and the "meridians" are applied - 4 main meridians. By the "Equator" they are divided into 2 equal parts, so formally our ball will be divided not into 4, but into 8 equal parts, using a simple markup of 4.
In general, there are not many types of markings, they are simple and complex, even and odd. The process of creating markup occupies an important place in the art of temari, because the success of the entire enterprise depends on the correctness and accuracy of markup. Do not be lazy and carefully check all sizes before starting embroidery and you will be fully rewarded with the result

To mark the ball, we need pins with and without colored heads, strong threads (in contrast to the color of the base) and a narrow strip of paper about 30 cm long.

Use a pin with a blue tip to pin the ribbon to the balloon. The pin must be stuck into the base at a right angle. Let's define it as the top of the balloon and call it "North Pole".

Wrap the paper strip around the ball. Bend at the point of contact with the pin. Then, for control, release the free end of the strip, change direction and wrap the ball again. If the fold is in contact with the pin, then the diameter of the ball is measured correctly (and this also indicates that your base is close to perfectly round). Cut off the unnecessary piece of strip after the fold.

Now fold the strips in half and make a mark for the future "South Pole". The label is a cut out triangle, the vertex of which lies in the middle of the fold of the strip.

Fold the strip in half again and make notes for the equator points.

Unfold the strip and wrap it around the balloon. We stick a red pin in the place where we made a note for the "South Pole". Once again check the correct diameter of the ball - without removing the pin from the strip, scroll it around the circumference of the ball.

Now let's mark the points of the equator - in the notes made, stick on a pin without a tip.

Rotate the strip 90° and place 2 more pins along the "equator" line. Carefully remove the paper tape and attach it to any adjacent pin. Carefully check all distances and eliminate inaccuracies. Once again I draw your attention, do not be lazy and spend an extra 10-15 minutes on a thorough reconciliation of all distances.

Measure the length of the thread by winding it around the ball 4 times. Tie a knot at the end of the thread. Pierce the temari at a point to the right of the "North Pole" by 2 cm. Pull the thread so that the knot gradually ends up at the point of the "North Pole".

Pull the thread through the entire temari - from the "north pole" through the "equator" to the "south pole", return to the starting point. Secure the thread with a light stitch. Then turn the temari 90° and wrap the thread around the ball again - now it is already divided into four sectors. We have marked the main meridians.

Now pull the thread from the "north pole" pin to any pin on the "equator", secure the thread with a stitch. Then pull the thread to the next "equator" pin, fasten the thread, etc. until you return to the initial "equator" pin.

Anchor the thread among the warp threads and cut it carefully. Remove pins. Temari layout is finished!

Let's get to embroidery.
So, we have a base with a markup for 4 and threads of 4 different colors. The ball that I will make today is made using a simple winding method with embroidery elements.

With the first color (dark blue), we will make 6 turns along all marking lines. Measure the required length of the thread: for this, make 18 turns + 1 around the ball.
Bring the thread out at any intersection of the markup, retreating 1-2 mm to the left and start wrapping the warp, laying the thread as tightly as possible parallel to the markup line, moving from left to right. Complete 6 turns.

In the same way, wind in the remaining 2 directions. To hide the beginning and end of the winding, start and end in a place that will subsequently be closed with a pattern.

Now take the golden thread and make 1 turn on each side of the blue stripe. To do this, measure the length of the thread \u003d 6 turns +1 for transitions and fastening the thread. For winding in the third direction, pull the thread under the warp threads with blind stitches.

We got this picture.

Next, make 6 turns of blue thread on each side of the golden one. In my case, the thread is silk and tangles quickly, so I will cut a new thread for each direction of marking. Those. I will have 3 threads with a length of 13 turns.

If the thread slips, like mine, you can temporarily secure it with a pin.

Now again we will go through 1 turn with a golden thread on both sides of the blue stripes. Now the temporary fasteners can be removed. Because the base has the shape of a ball, the winding belts should be expanded carefully. If you make the belts too wide, then the turns will begin to slip off.

In light blue, we will make 6 turns on each side of the golden thread. And we will complete our belts with a golden thread.
To prevent the threads from slipping, we fix them in the corners of the weaves with pins.

When the winding is finished, you need to fix the belts by some method. To do this, we will embroider small squares at the intersections of the belts. Embroidery is done as follows: we pry the warp threads away from ourselves at the intersection of the belts, pull the thread towards ourselves, then move to the next corner counterclockwise and again pick up the warp threads with the needle away from us, pull the thread towards ourselves, etc. round. It is enough to do 4 circles.

Free places can be filled at will. I like it so far :)

Temari balls are an ancient Japanese art, they are also called happiness balls. In our article you will learn how to make temari with a detailed description and photos with your own hands.

The appearance of temari balls originates in China, it was there that thrifty mothers and grandmothers created balls for babies from old clothes. In the 18th century, balls were brought to Japan, and the history of their art began there.

At first, the balls were used to play with their feet, a little later, representatives of the aristocracy picked up the ball, but how could the ladies play with balls from scraps of old fabric? And the balls began to be decorated, after which they received the proud name "princess ball" for their beauty and originality. Balls began to be decorated with silk threads, but, like any art, the art of temari began its rapid development. Patterns began to become more complex, gold threads began to be added, and rich girls presented temari balls as a gift to each other. The more skillfully and more expensively the ball was made, the more prosperity and wealth such a gift spoke of.

In the 19th century, when even the lower strata of the population were able to buy silk threads, temari became a recognized national art, passed down from generation to generation.

How to make temari, our master class will tell. This is a laborious and lengthy process, but the beauty made by one's own hands is worth it. Only with patience and diligence can you get extraordinary beauty with your own hands.

We are trying to make a ball using the Temari technique with our own hands quickly and easily

To do this we need:

  • Colored threads (mulina, iris)
  • Styrofoam, fabric and thread for the temari base
  • Gypsy needles
  • Needle-pins
  • Tape measure
  • Dense fiber for basting (preferably dark in color)
  • Scissors (large)

We create the basis for the ball step by step

In our master class instruction with photo how to make temari . We prepare the base. To create a temari, you can use a lot of household items, old shreds, nylon tights, old plastic bags, old socks that you will find in the house.

We form the base with our hands. Next, wrap tightly with woolen threads. We need to form a dense and even ball. The smoother the base of the ball, the easier it will be to embroider. If you want to make a rattle ball, then wrap the Kinder Surprise box inside the base, putting rice in it.

The end result is a ball of wool 5 to 7 cm in diameter. The ball will not be hard, which will make it easier for us to stitch it.

After the ball is completely wrapped with a smooth thread, we pierce the ball through and take out the needle from the other side of the ball. We cut the thread. If the thread remains visible, hide it under the winding. It is very difficult to push the needle through the ball with your hands, so have pliers handy. You can not completely cut the thread, but make a loop out of it, if you want to hang this ball somewhere in the future.

Making a Baste: Step by Step

To do this, we prepare a woolen thread with a needle, tie a small knot on the tip of the thread and stick it anywhere on the ball. This is our north. Fasten with a pin. We wrap the ball around with a thread so that it reaches the north, and on the other hand we put a pin in the place where we are supposed to have south.

To ensure that the distance is the same between north and south, it is measured with a centimeter tape. Next, we wrap the ball in a cross - crosswise from any central point.

As a result, we get an even ball with two poles and four meridians.

Depending on the complexity of the work, the ball is divided into four, eight, twelve sectors or more, depending on the complexity of the product. It is not worth wrapping too much, this can lead to a loss of the shape of the ball, but the thread should not hang out either. The distance between all lines is measured again with a centimeter tape. If you have an error of 1-2 mm, then it's okay, this will not affect the further winding of the ball.

The main criteria in the manufacture of the ball are a round shape and precise markings. If done, the pattern will lie flat.

We make original embroidery with our own hands

The simplest pattern for embroidery is a square. In order to create a pattern, it is better to make a geometric figure from three skeins of different threads.

We prepare needles with a wide eye. The pin is not removed from one intersection point, but slightly lifted and a needle with a colored thread is inserted in its place.

The main thing is to do everything very carefully so as not to shift the rest of the outlined lines. Clockwise, we fix the needle with the thread at one point, then thread it through four threads at the intersection, winding the needle under each meridian with two millimeters of wound rags (the base of the ball). Securing the thread in this way will allow it not to move out.

We put a thread in several strips from all sides, count the number of strips. You should get 5 - 6 stitches of the scheme of the same color.

If during the execution of the first square the thread has not ended, then it is not cut off, but is threaded under the fiber with hands to make the next rhombus at another temari intersection. The same is done with the remaining two colored threads.

We decorate the unsewn parts of the ball

The open parts of the ball can be left like this, or you can decorate with threads, rhinestones, beads.

You can decorate unsewn places with silver, black or gold thread. We measure one triangle with a ruler, divide it approximately into 2 equal parts, fix it with a pin on each side. Then we thread a thread with a knot into the place of the pin, then we lead it from one triangle to another.

During manufacture, it is inconvenient to lead the needle in a circle, so it is easier for us to divide into squares and perform each one in turn, and upon completion, hide the thread in the way we already know.

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