Mucus and phosphates in the urine of children. Amorphous phosphates in the urine of a child: causes and what it means. What are phosphates


amorphous phosphates in the urine of a child, do not rush to panic.

The baby's body is designed in such a way that various failures are possible during the formation period. The correct diet will help to cope with the problem.

What it is

Phosphates are called salts of phosphoric acid, they are called amorphous because they do not have a clear shape.

If the baby's urine contains a small amount of them, then everything is in order with your child. As a rule, deviations occur in children under 5 years of age.

Increased phosphate in the urine at the baby may be evidence of malnutrition of the baby or mother if the child drinks breast milk.

But it can become a harbinger of serious deviations: improper metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, kidney problems.


Lead to the appearance of phosphates inurine in large quantitiesmay have a cold. If the re-analysis did not find them, then everything is in perfect order with the health of the child.

Keep your baby on a phosphate-free diet for a while before the retest. Try to exclude from the diet or minimize the consumption of dairy and sour-milk products. It is also better to wait a little with eggs, nuts, carrots, beans, peas, herbs and spices. All of these foods contain quite a lot of phosphorus.

Confectionery and pastries are also banned, including products containing cocoa. Carbonated drinks, chips, and the frequent inclusion of buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal in the diet provoke an increase in phosphates.

If phosphate in urineare detected during a second examination, we can say that the baby has phosphaturia . This is a pathology and it is required to identify the causes that cause violations of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

What leads to pathology

Phosphates in the urine of a child, this means, What :

  • the child's diet is oversaturated with foods high in phosphorus;
  • before the test, the crumbs had diarrhea and vomiting;
  • the baby has rickets;
  • there is an infection in the genitourinary system;
  • phosphate diabetes develops (phosphates are not absorbed by the renal tubules).

Where to begin

The attending physician will conduct all the necessary studies to identify the cause of the disease and draw up the correct treatment regimen. To reason with the rebelssalts and phosphates in the urine of a childA balanced diet will help.

In the daily diet should include products of oxidizing action. These include:

  • all fruits;
  • sour berries;
  • from vegetables, preference should be given to white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, potatoes, beets;
  • lean meats and fish.

In the diet, butter, vegetable fats and pasta are acceptable. It is necessary to adjust the drinking regimen of the baby. He should drink up to 2 liters of ordinary water per day Alkaline mineral water should be excluded. Minimize or eliminate salt intake.

Are there any symptoms

Phosphaturia has no clearly defined symptoms. To determine at home that there is a violation of phosphorus metabolism will help a visual examination of the child's urine.

A healthy baby has clear, light yellow urine. If the urine becomes cloudy and there is a sediment in the form of flakes at the bottom of the pot, then medical attention is needed.

You should also be wary of too frequent urination in a child.

Possible Complications

If phosphates are found in the baby's urine, follow the doctor's instructions in good faith. Phosphaturia is dangerous, the appearance in the urinary system of porous stones of a soft consistency. They lend themselves well to crushing and are excreted from the body without causing discomfort to the child.

If phosphate stones are not removed in time, their presence can lead to renal colic, various kidney infections, and even the appearance of tumors.

For the purpose of prevention

To prevent the appearance of phosphates in the urine of the baby, accustom the child to an active lifestyle, walk with him more often in the fresh air.

The baby should drink enough liquid. There are seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition should be balanced and complete with enough protein.

Traditional medicine

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are recipes that can heal a child, but their use must be discussed with the attending physician.

Useful with an increased content of phosphates in the urine will be decoctions of berries and leaves of lingonberries, rowan berries. A good effect is given by a decoction of oat straw or mint leaves.

Infusion of rowan berries is a good diuretic, it is used in the presence of kidney stones. Making an infusion is easy. It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of berries with a glass of boiling water and let it brew - the drug is ready. The medicine is rich in multivitamins.

A decoction of oat straw has a good cleansing effect on the kidneys. Pour a tablespoon of dry oatmeal into a saucepan, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then boil and keep covered for 10 minutes.

Useful for kidney stones and peppermint. You can make tea from it. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry and chopped mint with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes.

Infusion Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain. The broth is made as follows: 15 g of dry chopped grass is poured into 1 glass of water, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for another 30 minutes.

The study of urine is the simplest and most revealing analysis, after which confident conclusions are made about the health of the child.

The technique is very ancient, but today conclusions are not drawn from the results of a visual inspection, but exact methods of a scientific nature are used.

They help to draw conclusions about the health of the organs and systems of the child's body, provide data on the diet and the need to adjust it in order to eliminate the likelihood of unpleasant consequences.

Phosphates in the urine - what is it?

Phosphates are salt accumulations of phosphoric acid. Substances that do not have a clear structural structure are called amorphous. They are often detected in babies, since in childhood the metabolic processes are not yet fully debugged, frequent imbalances occur.

When such phosphates appear in the urine of a child, and no other abnormalities are detected in the analysis, then only a diet can be prescribed to correct the result.

Phosphates in urine are not so common, they are less dangerous than stones of a different origin. The porosity of the structure makes it easy to destroy stones of this type in order to remove them from the body.

When are phosphates formed?

The phosphate group combines salt accumulations and ester compositions of phosphoric acids. Phosphorus is considered an element necessary for strengthening the bone skeleton and teeth. It is closely related to calcium, together with which it "manages" muscle contractions, the accumulation of energy in cells.

The detection of phosphates of the amorphous group in children's urine can occur at any time. The reasons for the formation of phosphate salts include:

  • from overeating dairy products;
  • with frequent use of pearl barley, oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • from the use of various pasta;
  • if the child eats a large amount of culinary products, chips, drinks cocoa and sweet carbonated lemonade.

Amorphous phosphates in the urine of a child - causes

Yes, deviations in proper nutrition will contribute to the formation of this element in the baby's body. But there are other problems that can cause an increase in phosphate in urine. These include:

  • rickets;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract of an infectious nature;
  • pathological abnormalities in the paired organ of the congenital type;
  • diabetes;
  • dehydration or fever.

The rate of phosphates in the urine

Phosphates in the urine of a baby

The detection of an excessive amount of salt accumulation in the urine of an infant can be considered a sign of deviations in the nutrition of the child (when he begins to take complementary foods) or the mother, and a characteristic symptom of diseases of the paired organ or disorders in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus.

Symptoms of pathology, diagnosis and interpretation of the analysis

As a rule, the removal of excess phosphate from the body along with urine does not have specific symptoms. The only sign of such a problem can be considered cloudy urine,.

Compliance with the rules for preparing for urine sampling is considered the key to obtaining reliable indicators. A few days before the test, you should not feed the baby with new foods or not give him the usual ones - the child should eat as usual for him. Morning urine is taken for analysis.

It is collected in a clean one, sending the first and third portions to the toilet. Before the start of the process of collecting biological fluid, the genitals of the child and his perineum are thoroughly washed, detergents are not used.

The urine taken for analysis is delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours from the moment the sample is received.

In the column of interest to us, they can put "pluses". Two such signs are considered the norm. But if there are three or four of them, then you can confidently suspect certain types of diseases or a violation of the diet.

In some cases, tests for the presence of phosphates in children's biofluid are advised to be repeated so that the results are as reliable as possible. When there are many pluses in the conclusion, they indicate certain suspicions:

  1. Deviations in the balance of the diet, due to which the acid balance becomes more alkaline. This can be caused by ordinary overeating, violations of recommendations on the level of caloric content of dishes.
  2. The presence of various diseases of the infectious group.

Therapeutic measures

Only an experienced specialist is able to draw up the correct treatment course to rid the baby of, while taking into account the reasons for its formation. When the doctor determines that the disease is considered the source of the problem, the therapeutic course is directed to the elimination of the pathology.

Simply put, having identified what caused the appearance of phosphate crystals, it is allowed to proceed to medical procedures. All recommendations should be followed, deviation from them threatens with serious consequences, a return and even an increase in the problem.

If the diagnosis is carried out correctly, and the treatment course has had a positive effect, then the analysis of urine will give normal values ​​for phosphates. When vomiting is the cause, the results will return to normal on their own from the moment when the child's body is finally restored. This happens on its own if the reasons for vomiting are minor, or involves treating the problem that caused the nausea.

The main reason for the formation of phosphates is considered to be malnutrition, excessively plentiful food, the predominance of foods containing a lot of calcium in the diet. In such a situation, it is possible to get rid of phosphates in urine simply by reviewing the baby's nutrition.

Remember that phosphaturia without timely treatment and changes in diet leads to even stones in the paired organ. This condition, in turn, can cause the development of numerous pathological abnormalities associated with the performance of the kidneys and other organs of the ureteral system.


To normalize the level of phosphates in the urine of the baby, proper nutrition should be followed. You can make a diet for a child on your own, using the recommendations of the treatment table No. 14, used in cases with phosphaturia. In this situation, it is advised to eat five to six times a day, in small portions, which will be very beneficial for the health of the baby.

The amount of fat decreases, the volume of drinking increases. According to the calculation of the diet, the amount of protein should be one gram for every kilogram of the child's weight. In addition, it is useful to feed the baby with dishes prepared from vegetables and cereals, fruits and sour berries.

It is necessary to limit consumption:

  • lactic acid products, cheeses;
  • fresh pastries, confectionery;
  • salted, smoked, canned foods;
  • fatty meat, eggs;
  • sweets, products containing cocoa;
  • fried foods.

It is allowed to cook brown rice, jelly, berry or fruit compote, thermally processed vegetables, broths and soups for a small patient.

Meals are modest, not allowing the use of an extended set of products. You will have to try hard to diversify the dishes for the baby.

Diet food should be followed for one to two weeks so as not to increase the level of acidity. After completing the course, you must pass the urine for verification. If there are no salt crystals, then everything is fine. Otherwise, additional examinations will have to be ordered to reveal hidden problems.

Folk remedies

Experts advise taking or rowan berries, mint and other plants from phosphaturia. But before giving any of the means to the baby, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician in order to avoid the consequences of a negative nature.

Possible consequences

The main risk of phosphaturia is associated with the appearance of stones in the urethra. It should be noted that in this type of pebbles, the structural structure is porous and soft, they are easily crushed to make it easier to remove them from the body.

If you do not get rid of them in a timely manner, they become the cause of infectious diseases and neoplasms in the kidneys.

How to prevent pathology in the salt composition of urine?

In children, the mechanics of compensation and protection are not very pronounced. For this reason, dehydration during sweating, vomiting, diarrhea can cause deviations in the concentration of components dissolved in urine. This kind of state should be accompanied by abundant drinking.

When a specialist prescribes a repeated analysis of urine to monitor the state of the body, it is imperative to pass it in order to make sure that there are no abnormalities of a pathological nature, to clarify the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment.

Nursing mothers should be aware of the harm that can be caused to the child by a violation of dietary nutrition. The physical condition of the body, its development will depend on the correctness of the diet.

For children, even against the background of complete health, doctors periodically prescribe laboratory tests. One of the simplest and most popular tests is urine microscopy. The data obtained carry important information about the health of not only the kidneys, but the whole body of the baby. Sometimes, the conclusion of the analysis reveals phosphates in the urine of a child, which in some cases may be a variant of the norm.

Amorphous phosphate crystals

Phosphorus is one of the vital elements in the body. In an alkaline environment, it combines with calcium ions, after which phosphates are formed. It is in this form that the substance takes part in the life of the organism. Phosphates can be found in bone, muscle cells, brain matter. With the participation of phosphorus, there is a contraction of all muscles, including the heart, protein synthesis.

The normal ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 2:1. With an increase in the content of the second substance, calcium is washed out of the bone tissue. To balance the ratio, the body removes part of the phosphorus through the urinary system.

The elements organize until they create amorphous phosphates. This definition applies only to shapeless compounds that do not have a clear structure.

The presence of phosphate in the urine is clinically called phosphaturia.

The norm in children

In a child's body, the kidneys are not able to filter the blood at the maximum level. The result is the ingress of certain substances into the urine. Therefore, it is normal to detect a small amount of phosphate in urine analysis. In a healthy child, this condition is not a pattern, but occurs only in certain situations.

There are several reasons that lead to the formation of salts and phosphates in the urine. These include:

  • malnutrition;
  • violation of the exchange of phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • drinking plenty of fluids in hot weather;
  • lack of vitamin D in the body;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of renal structures;
  • dehydration.

The main cause of phosphaturia in a child is a violation of the diet.

Sugary sodas, street food, pickles, yogurt, and canned foods are high in phosphorus compounds. Their regular use leads to a change in the composition of urine. In infants, phosphaturia may be associated with a change in the nutrition of a nursing mother or improper complementary foods.

If phosphates are regularly detected by the laboratory, subject to diet, we can assume the presence of rickets (lack of vitamin D), congenital kidney disease. Already in infancy, additional diagnostics are carried out, which confirms or refutes the diagnosis.

Clinical picture

Since the presence of salts in the urine is not an independent diagnosis, the symptoms of phosphaturia always have the character of the underlying disease. With periodic phosphaturia, only external changes in urine are possible: flakes appear in it, the liquid becomes cloudy, and a precipitate forms. There are no other specific signs of increased urinary phosphate levels in children.

Signs of phosphaturia on the background of rickets:

  • bone deformity;
  • late closure of the fontanel;
  • irritability, tearfulness, especially pronounced in newborns;
  • muscle weakness;
  • abdominal pain, indigestion;
  • pallor of the skin.

Symptoms of infectious phosphaturia:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • cramps when urinating;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Clinic of dysmetabolic nephropathy in children:

  • a whitish coating on the potty if the child uses it;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • vegetative dystonia.

The detection of phosphates in urine with a comparison of the clinical picture allows you to timely draw the attention of parents to the health of the child and prevent the development of serious complications.


Regardless of the cause that caused the appearance of salts and phosphates in the urine, the following provisions are the basis for the treatment of the condition:

  • nutrition correction;
  • normalization of the daily routine;
  • drug treatment of the underlying disease;
  • water load correction.


The diet consists in limiting foods containing large amounts of phosphorus and calcium. These include:

  • liver;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish (mackerel, salmon, halibut, silver carp, sprat);
  • all types of cheese;
  • natural caviar;
  • fast food;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • legumes;
  • confectionery, sweet pastries;
  • soda;
  • pickles, conservation;
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb);
  • fried foods;
  • eggs;
  • sweets.

It is important to remember that foods containing phosphorus cannot be completely excluded from the diet of boys and girls. It is necessary for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system, the work of the heart and brain.

  • vegetable and butter;
  • cereals (rice, semolina);
  • flour of the highest grade;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • fresh pears;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • watermelon;
  • plum;
  • strawberry;
  • cherry.

In order for the urine of a bottle-fed baby to return to normal, it is necessary to reconsider the diet. It is better to visit your pediatrician and get professional advice. Independent change in mixtures can lead to aggravation of the pathology.


You can supplement the basic treatment for children with traditional medicine methods. With phosphates against the background of an alkaline reaction of urine, such a decoction will help to cope:

  • mix: bean pods - 30 grams, blueberry leaves - 15 grams and bearberry leaves - 15 grams, Ivan da Marya grass - 20 grams, corn stigmas - 20 grams;
  • pour one tablespoon of the collection with boiling water (1 cup) and simmer on fire for about 10 minutes;
  • strain the finished broth;
  • drink medicine 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Another recipe is used:

  • mix in equal proportions juniper fruits, hernia herb, bearberry leaves with four parts of madder dye roots;
  • add 300 milliliters of hot water to one tablespoon of the resulting mixture;
  • put on fire, boil for 15 minutes;
  • drink a decoction of three tablespoons before meals three times a day.

For the prevention and treatment of phosphate diathesis, the following recipes are suitable:

  1. Mix the roots of madder dye (20 grams), the roots of the field harrow (20 grams), the seeds of sowing flax (50 grams). Taking 10 grams of the resulting collection, pour a glass of water and prepare the infusion according to the above principle. Take warm daily at night. You can add a small amount of honey.
  2. Prepare a mixture of thorny alder root, snake mountaineer root (20 grams) and burdock root (20 grams), corn stigmas and birch leaves 40 grams each, juniper berries - 15 grams. The decoction is prepared from the proportion of the collection (1 tablespoon) to 1 glass of water. The prepared solution is drunk 3 times a day.
  3. Take herbs tricolor violet (30 grams) and horsetail (30 grams), 25 grams each of St. John's wort, dandelion, larkspur root. Prepare a decoction. Take one glass three times a day. A month after the start of treatment, a precipitate may appear in the urine.
  4. It is mixed in proportions 1 part of elecampane root, 2 parts of burdock root, 3 parts of burdock grass, 1.5 parts of hernia. A hot infusion is prepared from the collection. For 2 tablespoons of herbs, you need 1.5 cups of water. Drink the medicine 2 tablespoons three times a day.

It is important to remember that many medicinal herbs can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Therefore, before assigning fees, you need to consult with a specialist. The doctor will be able to choose the necessary dosages depending on age, will report on possible side effects.

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of phosphates and other salts in the urine of a child, it is necessary to follow a diet. It should include all vitamins and minerals in the amount required by age.

Water load is necessary to flush out excess substances and waste from the body. The recommended daily amount of water is 1.5 liters. In hot weather, this volume may increase. Lack of water leads to disruption of the kidneys.

Prevention of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys is another link in the elimination of the pathogenetic mechanism of phosphaturia. It consists in observing the intimate hygiene of the child, timely emptying of the bladder, the absence of episodes of hypothermia, adequate treatment of infectious diseases of other localizations.

Possible consequences

If you do not take measures to eliminate even moderate phosphaturia, you can achieve serious complications from the kidneys. First of all, this concerns urolithiasis. It is believed that children and the elderly are most susceptible to the formation of stones. In a child, this is due to the immaturity of the urinary system and the inability to completely filter urine.

Kidney stones lead to the development of chronic pyelonephritis and the extinction of the function of these organs. The end result of a neglected disease can be kidney failure.

The presence of phosphates in the urine of a child does not unequivocally indicate the presence of a disease, so parents may not panic when receiving such information.

However, the fact of detecting phosphorus salts in the urine of a child should not be ignored either. It is important to understand what specifically caused the occurrence of phosphates, and if the cause is identified, direct efforts to eliminate it.

Factors provoking pathology

As the main reason due to which phosphates in the urine are detected in a child, doctors confidently name malnutrition.

Adults sometimes themselves neglect the rules of organizing a healthy diet for their baby or go on about children's whims.

Children often ask their parents to buy sweet carbonated drinks, parents do not interfere with such desires, but, on the contrary, wanting to please their baby, they often purchase harmful drinks.

At the same time, fatty and salty foods can provoke the appearance of phosphates in the urine. Even lovers of milk, cottage cheese, kefir products fall into the high-risk category.

Until the age of seven, the child's metabolic processes are not fully formed, so parents can observe a small sediment in the urine that changes the appearance of the urine, making it cloudy.

It is this precipitate that is presented in the form of amorphous phosphate shapeless crystals. By the way, amorphous phosphates in the urine of a child most often occur after the child has consumed milk or fermented milk drinks.

If, during repeated urine tests, amorphous phosphates are again detected, and the doctor observes all the signs of rickets, the baby is diagnosed with phosphate diabetes.

The appearance of phosphates in the urine can still indicate problems with the kidneys, a failure of metabolic processes, so doctors establish monitoring of the health status of such babies.


The doctor succeeds in identifying phosphate salts in the urine of a child based on the results of a laboratory test.

If the acidity of the urinary fluid does not exceed seven units, doctors unequivocally state that phosphates contributed to this. If such suspicions arise, doctors suggest passing another type of laboratory urine test.

In particular, this time the urine is analyzed, which allows you to get a complete picture of the work of the entire urinary system.

In order for such a laboratory study to be accompanied by maximum reliability, doctors guide parents to take some preparatory and preventive measures.

Babies are strictly forbidden to eat fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods during the week.

Also, parents are obliged to limit the physical activity of the child, to prevent any physical activity.

It is very important to ensure that during the week preceding the laboratory examination of urine for the presence of phosphates in the urine of the child, strict adherence to the drinking regimen.

Sometimes phosphates in the urine occur not due to pathological changes, but due to a slight intake of water.

With a lack of water, the child's body is simply not able to ensure the removal of accumulated sediment, and it cannot successfully dissolve amorphous phosphates.

If phosphates are not detected during a repeated laboratory test, then the child has no health problems.


However, in those cases where phosphates in the urine were again detected during laboratory re-examinations, the doctor recommends that parents keep the child on a strict diet for a certain period of time.

Diet therapy involves the exclusion of those products, which include a large amount of phosphate compounds. The diet determines the use of a vitamin complex, in which vitamin A is present in large quantities.


It is also useful to replenish the baby's body with vitamin D.

It is useful to use foods that are accompanied by oxidizing actions. These products include cabbage, beets, tomatoes, potatoes and many other vegetables.

Parents are required to ensure proper drinking regimen. The baby should drink at least one and a half or two liters of water per day. At the same time, it is important to offer the child not tap water, but pretreated water.

If phosphaturia was provoked by a concomitant pathology, doctors are directing efforts to eliminate it. Parents should treat the treatment of phosphaturia in a child as responsibly as possible.

When ignoring the requirements of doctors, favorable conditions are created for the subsequent occurrence of urolithiasis.


To prevent the occurrence of phosphaturia, which is a harbinger of urolithiasis, doctors guide parents to perform some preventive measures.

Of course, the main preventive action should be the proper organization of the baby's nutrition, excluding spicy, salty, smoked and fatty foods.

Due to the fact that the metabolic processes are not yet fully formed, it is recommended to eat food in small portions, and the number of meals can be slightly increased.

This will eliminate unnecessary stress on the kidney organs.

Also, the most important preventive measure is the use of water in the right amount. Parents should take into account that during the summer period, the need for an additional portion of water increases.

It is useful to give babies decoctions of medicinal herbs that have a mild diuretic effect. Just make sure you get your pediatrician's approval first.

The kidneys react negatively to lower temperatures, so it is important to avoid hypothermia, which means that parents need to provide the child with clothing that matches the temperature outside.

In the event of pain even of low intensity, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

So, phosphaturia is not a dangerous sentence for the health of the baby.

If the parents ensure the high-quality fulfillment of all the conditions established by the doctor, then the phosphates in the urine of the baby will quickly disappear without provoking any concomitant pathologies and dangerous complications.

One of the most common studies that are prescribed to children is a urinalysis. Some changes in its results do not always indicate the presence of the disease. Parents can be scared of phosphates in the urine of a child. But is it really that scary?

Phosphates are salts of phosphorus. A small amount of them in the urine is quite acceptable and does not cause any concern among doctors. The most common reason for the presence of phosphates in the urine of children is considered to be malnutrition. This is facilitated by the use of salty and fatty foods, dairy and sour-milk products, sweet carbonated drinks, etc. The content of a large amount of phosphates detected in the urine test indicates phosphaturia.

Phosphates in urine under a microscope

In children under 7 years of age, phosphates are in the form of amorphous crystals, which make it cloudy and form a precipitate. This is due to the fact that at this age, the metabolic processes in the child's body have not yet been regulated. As a rule, amorphous phosphate crystals are formed after ingestion of dairy or fermented milk products. If they appear in the child's tests regularly and there are still signs of rickets, the doctor can diagnose phosphate diabetes. To treat this disease, the child is prescribed a special diet, phosphorus-containing drugs and vitamin D. To monitor the patient's condition and the effectiveness of treatment, a urine test is performed weekly.

The appearance of a large amount of phosphates in a baby may indicate malnutrition of a child or a nursing mother, kidney disease, or a metabolic disorder in the body of phosphorus and calcium.
Among the causes of phosphaturia are the consumption of foods containing phosphates in large quantities. There are a lot of them in sweet soda and sausages that children love so much.

Diagnosis of pathology

A doctor may suspect phosphaturia in children based on the results of a clinical urinalysis. This is evidenced by an atypical sediment. If the acidity of urine is no more than 7 units, then it can be argued that it contains a significant amount of phosphates.

To get a more complete picture of the work of the urinary system, the child is prescribed a urine test for phosphate salts. In order for the test material to show the most reliable result, it is recommended to follow some rules a few days before the planned urine collection:

  • Avoid physical activity.
  • Refuse to eat salted, spicy and smoked foods.

What can be done?

Did the child's tests show the presence of phosphates? In this case, the doctor will prescribe a second examination after a certain time. During this period, the baby needs a special diet, in which there will be a minimum amount of dairy products, spices, eggs, nuts and greens. It is these foods that are considered the main sources of phosphate salts in the diet.

The daily diet of a child should be dominated by cabbage, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, various fruits, sour berries, pasta, meat, fats of creamy and vegetable origin. It is these products that have an oxidizing effect.

During the period of treatment, the child needs to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

If, after retaking the analysis, phosphates are not found in children, then you can not be afraid for their health. But if the diagnosis is confirmed, then the child will be on a strict diet and taking large doses of vitamin A. The doctor will most likely advise to be examined for concomitant diseases that may be the cause of such an analysis result and need treatment.

Parents need to take the problem seriously, since the presence of phosphate salts in the urine of a child can eventually lead to the development of urolithiasis in crumbs. To control them, you will have to regularly conduct research.

Therapeutic diet

At the initial stage of the pathology, drug therapy is not required. To prevent the development of phosphaturia and the formation of kidney stones, the child is shown a diet. It is better to discuss this issue with your doctor, as it will be individual for each child.

The urinary phosphate diet aims to reduce the acidity of the urine, which contributes to the formation of stones. First of all, you need to completely abandon or minimize the use of:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • fatty varieties of fish, meat, lard;
  • muffins and freshly baked bread;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • marinades, smoked meats and pickles;
  • avoid salt as much as possible.

To normalize the amount of phosphates found in the child's tests, it is recommended to use:

  • foods that contain a lot of protein (these include lean fish, dietary meat);
  • legumes and cereals;
  • nuts;
  • seasonal vegetables;
  • fruits and berries (preferably sour);
  • plentiful drink (pure still water, fruit drinks, juices made from fruits, dried fruit compote, rosehip broth, weak tea).

Meals during this period should be frequent and fractional. In addition to the diet, the doctor will additionally prescribe multivitamins.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of phosphates and the development of phosphaturia in children, doctors recommend adhering to some prevention rules:

  • Do not abuse spicy, sour, smoked and salty foods. And if there is a tendency to phosphaturia, then it is better to refuse them altogether.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water daily. In the summer, or when you are constantly in a dry and hot room, this rate can be increased.
  • With the appearance of phosphates, the use of diuretic herbal preparations is indicated.
  • Regular testing.
  • It is necessary to beware of hypothermia, and if pain occurs in the lumbar region, seek medical advice.

Having found a precipitate of phosphates in the urine of your child, you should not panic, but you also do not need to let everything take its course. Provide your baby with proper nutrition and care, regularly undergo a medical examination and everything will be fine with you.