Remove correction. Correction or new extension - what to choose? How is the correction procedure

Contact a beauty salon and eliminate the risk of damaging your own hair! This process should be approached responsibly, because with its help you return an excellent look to your hair, give it more naturalness and life. A professional hairdresser will always select the appropriate method depending on the technology used to build up. The methods differ in methods and time costs.

Hair removal is gentle and gentle

With capsule extension

In our salon, the master removes hair with a special liquid (spray) and tongs. By itself, such a removal is painless and takes 30-60 minutes, depending on the volume. But if you have confusions and / or you have started with a correction, the process becomes more complicated and delayed.

If a correction or the so-called “recapsulation” is carried out, then all the hair is removed, new capsules are made and everything is built up again. Recapsulation is necessary due to the fact that the fixative keratin contained in the capsules loses its properties over time. In addition, a few extra strands are usually added to compensate for hair loss due to combing out during wear (about 10%). The procedure must be repeated with a period of 2 months.



220-260 strands 260-350 strands 350-440 strands 440-550 strands
3 500 rub 4 000 rub 4 500 rub 5 000 rub

The price can be additionally increased by 500 and 1000 rubles, depending on the degree of hair entanglement. In the case of a large capsule size, the price increases by 500 rubles.

With tape extension

Removal is also painless, but much faster. A special spray, which includes alcohol, is applied to the tapes and dissolves the polymer that holds the strands. It can take from a few seconds to a minute to remove one strand, as a result of which the whole process takes no more than 30 minutes.

The correction will also include the fastening of new tapes, increasing the total time of the master to 1-2 hours. As a rule, we recommend to carry out the procedure at least once a month, however, subject to all the norms of wearing, the master individually can allow an increase in the period up to two months, without the risk of loss of quality.

Rules that will help increase the wear time:

  • Do not comb your hair when it is wet, you must wait until it is completely dry.
  • You can't go to bed with wet hair.
  • Do not apply various masks and conditioners to the roots and attachment points - this can lead to the fall of the extended strands and damage to their structure.
  • Use a shampoo that does not contain oils and other greasy moisturizers.



On average, hair correction takes 1-2 hours, the price includes removal, new tapes and new extensions.

hair removal

Tape removal time is usually 20-30 minutes, depending on the number of tapes and tangles. With strong tangling, the price of removal may increase by 500 and 1000 rubles, depending on the degree of entanglement of the hair.

Please note that the cost of correction, as a rule, is two times cheaper than building up from scratch.

Question (asked 11/06/2015)

Hello! I found a girl born in 2003 on your site. Went to meet. I liked it, a very good child, but the diagnosis is easy. He communicates like a normal child, studies according to the program of 8 types for 4 and 5. He sings well, draws, dances. Is it possible to transfer from the 8th type to a regular school to the 7th. I think that in her case it's just social. and ped. neglect, but how to remove the diagnosis. The girl is not stupid and trainable. Please tell me.

Natalia Karagodina

Hello, I am also sure that this is social and pedagogical neglect. An opinion is expressed that this occurs in about 50% of cases in relation to children from such institutions.

There is also such a factor - the child's condition improves dramatically and greatly after entering the family. In addition, in many cases the reason for the diagnosis of mental retardation is incorrect diagnosis, the child lives in socially disadvantaged conditions, and he is asked about things that he supposedly should know, but does not know, because he did not attend school or did not have the opportunity to watch TV, etc.

In practice, the situation is as follows - by order of Rospotrebnadzor, all children are required to go through a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission in front of the school, which issues recommendations on education, on the other hand, family children go to school with a certificate issued by polyclinics based on observations of the child, including by a psychologist, bypassing the PMPK, it should also be borne in mind that any psychological examinations are purely voluntary in our country. There is another aspect - the fact that there is a trend, especially rapidly implemented in Moscow - the transfer of children with disabilities to ordinary schools, which, by the way, is not always good, especially for children, which, however, indicates the possibility of teaching a child in a regular school, so to speak, in principle.

The presence of diagnoses of mental retardation does not prevent learning in a regular school if the child completes the program, but if there are problems in behavior and learning, then this issue is resolved individually.

But first of all, it should be understood that the diagnosis is not made for life and the same procedure that ensured the establishment of the diagnosis can ensure its removal. In this situation, it is important to understand who made the diagnosis, on the basis of what examinations, examinations, etc.

However, the question at the moment is not this, but what is primary for you - the removal of a diagnosis or the adoption of a child in a family? Hope you understand. that the procedure, depending on the order of these actions, will be different and not necessarily successful.

From the experience of family placement, it is known that children show very great progress in their development when placed in a family, and I know cases when children with mental retardation in the degree of imbecility were deprived of their diagnoses, both because of their erroneousness, and because of working with them in the family, on the other hand, there are no guarantees that this will definitely happen.

A girl needs a loving family, one that will love her regardless of her diagnoses. As for mild mental retardation, sometimes it is not the diagnosis that is the reason for placing the child in type 8 DD, but, on the contrary, the placement of the child in type 8 DD is the reason for establishing such a diagnosis, or other unseemly reasons.

I strongly suggest resolving the main issue - about accepting a child into a family, informing about the possibility of an independent medical examination at the stage of accepting a child into a family, when future parents can resort to the help of independent specialists in order to assess the child's condition, adjusted for the grief he is experiencing from separation from the family, the conditions of detention and the existing deprivation, and then, depending on the prognosis, make an appropriate decision.

Summing up what has been said, the diagnosis of mental retardation can be removed if there are indications for this, however, to resolve the issue when choosing education in accordance with the current legislation on education, it should not serve as an obstacle to education.

Sincerely, Karagodina N., lawyer

A few weeks after eyelash extensions, it is advisable to contact the master again to make a correction. This procedure involves the replacement of fallen or damaged artificial eyelashes - instead of them, new hairs are glued. As a result, the eyelash extensions look perfect again, like on the first day after visiting the salon.

Description of the procedure

Natural eyelashes grow constantly and fall out at the end of their life cycle. A few weeks after the extension, some of the artificial eyelashes fall out along with the natural ones; another part moves away from the eyelid during the growth of a natural eyelash, deforms, twists, bends. As a result, the aesthetic effect of the extension is lost. In the process of correction, the master removes regrown and damaged artificial hairs and replaces them with new ones, and also glues the cilia in place of the fallen ones, restoring the original density.

What determines the period of wear of artificial eyelashes?

  • The rate of natural renewal of eyelashes- artificial hairs fall out along with the natural ones to which they were glued.
  • Glue expiration date- each composition has its own rate of destruction.
  • Compliance with the rules of care- artificial eyelashes are easily damaged if you rub your eyes, sleep face down in a pillow; the glue with which they are attached is sensitive to high temperatures; alcohol and oils, which are contained in some cosmetics, are harmful to it.
  • Professionalism of the master who did the extension - if low-quality materials were used or the technology was violated, artificial eyelashes can fall out very quickly.
  • extension method- artificial bundles fall out faster than single hairs.


Depending on the method of initial extension, the correction is:

When do you need to correct?

Natural eyelash "lives" on average from 30 to 40 days. The first correction is recommended to be carried out 2-3 weeks after the extension. The master will assess the condition of the cilia and tell you when to come back. The standard interval between subsequent procedures is 1–1.5 months.

You can see the need for correction yourself, if the eyelashes have thinned and do not look very aesthetically pleasing, then it's time to go to the salon.

Correction is not done if natural eyelashes fall out profusely or noticeably thinner, weakened. In this case, the hair extensions must be removed and the eyes rested.


  • Correction costs significantly less than a new extension.
  • Usually the procedure does not take much time.
  • During the correction, you can slightly change the parameters of the initial extension, make eyes more expressive.


  • floating cost- some masters set the final price based on the amount of work performed, it is impossible to predict it in advance, and therefore evaluate the profitability of the offer.
  • After correction, even very successful, eyelashes quickly lose their neat appearance- as natural hairs grow, with which the master did not work.
  • Frequent corrections can injure natural eyelashes.
  • It is necessary to contact the same salon, the same master, who did the extension - most professionals do not correct other people's work.

If the eyelashes are severely damaged or noticeably grown from the roots, the master most likely won't make a correction, but will offer an overgrowth.

What to choose: correction or new extension?

  • Hygiene - when wearing extended eyelashes, it is not always possible to wash your face with high quality, rinse the space between the eyelashes. After removing all artificial hairs, you can carry out the necessary hygiene procedures.
  • Nutrition - after removing the extension, the eyelashes are impregnated with a restorative nutrient solution, which has a positive effect on their condition.

It does not make sense to make a correction if artificial eyelashes were worn carelessly or for too long. When more than 60% of the hairs are to be replaced, the procedure becomes long and tedious, and after a short time a new correction is required for the remaining cilia. In this case, it is easier and more efficient to make a new extension.

When 3D building up, no correction is made.

In the video, the master, using a diagram, shows and tells how eyelashes may look after several weeks of wear, indicates the boundary conditions under which correction is possible and makes sense.

Technique, stages and duration of the procedure

In general, the procedure takes about 40 minutes. Before the correction, the master talks with the client, is interested in the sensations during the period of wearing artificial eyelashes, gives additional explanations and recommendations for caring for them.

  • Eyelashes are combed and examined, those that require replacement are identified.
  • The master - mechanically or chemically - removes all damaged or regrown artificial eyelashes.
  • The inter-eyelash space and the remaining natural eyelashes are degreased.
  • Selected - by color, thickness, length and bend - artificial eyelashes, which will be glued to the vacant places.
  • New eyelashes are glued to the place of the removed ones, as well as to the grown natural eyelashes, which were not involved in the initial extension, as they were still too short.

The master on the client shows how to remove single eyelash extensions chemically - using a special remover.

How often can the procedure be repeated?

Correction should be repeated as needed, focusing on the appearance of the eyelashes. The duration of the interval between procedures depends on individual characteristics - and can be from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

Can it be done at home?

Eyelash extension correction does not require special equipment and therefore can be carried out at home. The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of the materials used (glue, artificial eyelashes). It is recommended to use a special cream - remover, it will greatly simplify the procedure. Do not allow the remover to get into the eyes and on those eyelash extensions that are not planned to be removed.

Approximate cost in salons / from private masters

The cost of correction depends on a number of factors, the main of which is the condition of the eyelashes with which the client came to the master. On average, salons charge 2,000 rubles for the procedure.

Prices for correction from private masters - from 1000 rubles.

After a few weeks of wearing, eyelash extensions usually lose their ideal appearance. Correction will help bring it back for a while. The very first procedure gives the best effect; in the future, it all depends on the condition of the eyelashes. The decision about what is better to carry out in each case - a correction or a new extension - is usually made by the master; his opinion must be heeded.