Dry lips what vitamin is lacking. Lips are very dry: what to do at home

And peel off? There are many answers to the question. After all, anything can be the cause of such trouble. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this cosmetic problem. We will tell you not only why the lips dry and flake, but also how to protect yourself from this unpleasant phenomenon.

general information

Most people are aware of the inconvenience and discomfort that dry lips bring. Moreover, such a nuisance noticeably spoils the appearance of a person. In this regard, such a problem should certainly be dealt with.

As a rule, lips dry and flake not only in adults, but also in children. This can happen at different times of the year, as well as in different weather. To get rid of the mentioned trouble, you should first of all determine its true cause of occurrence. Let's consider the most probable of them in more detail.

Dry and flaky lips: causes

There are many causes of dryness, and to determine exactly why you are experiencing this problem, we will talk about each of them right now. However, it should be noted that not always the cause of this trouble can be determined independently. In this case, we recommend contacting a dermatologist.

Sudden temperature changes

In 90% of 100, the answer to the question of why lips dry and peel off is sudden changes in temperature, as well as certain weather conditions. This fact is due to the fact that the skin on this part of the face is very thin and sensitive. Moreover, there are practically no sebaceous glands on it. That is why it is quite susceptible to external influences. As a rule, lips dry and peel off in those who like to stay in the hot sun for a long time or lick them in severe frost.

allergic reactions

Dryness and crackling of the lips are very often encountered by those who choose the wrong toothpaste for themselves. After all, it is these hygiene products that contain potent active substances in their composition that harm the most delicate skin, provoking its dryness and the subsequent appearance of cracks.

If this is the reason, then it is quite difficult to guess about it without outside help, since most people would not even think that toothpaste can cause this problem. By the way, most often the hygiene product causes cracks in the lips and their dryness in children than in adults.

Use of lipsticks

As a rule, lipstick contains a lot of harmful dyes that dry out the skin of the lips. In most cases, women do not even realize that their cosmetic product is the cause of this problem. This results in a vicious circle. The fair sex with dry lips try their best to hide their flaw with the same lipstick that causes dryness.

Other reasons

For what other reasons do the lips dry and peel off (the photo of the problem is presented in this article)? This problem is most often faced by people with low immunity. To increase it, as well as restore the skin on the lips, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins (A, E, C).

Also, the cause of the mentioned problem can be difficulty breathing through the nose due to a regular runny nose. With such a disease, a person begins to breathe through his mouth, which is why his lips constantly dry out and peel off.

Lips dry and flaky: what to do?

Above, we told you about why they can peel off and if you encounter this problem, we recommend that you use the following tips to treat damaged tissues:

What can not be done?

If your lips are regularly peeling, then it is highly recommended not to peel off exfoliated skin from them, as well as regularly pour them over. In addition, you should forget about using any lipsticks for a while (except for hygienic and balms). Also, to prevent peeling of the skin of the lips, it is mandatory to remove all makeup from the face, if there is no need for it at this time.

  • Causes of dry lips
  • Features of lip care
  • Precautionary measures

Causes of dry lips

Lips are a zone of increased vulnerability. Thin skin is devoid of fatty tissue, prone to premature aging and quickly responds to changes in the state of the body and external conditions.

Dry lips can be caused by many factors.

    Sun burns. In the summer, we do not even notice that the skin of the lips receives hefty doses of ultraviolet radiation.

    Strong thirst. You can check for yourself: coffee drinkers who drink little water and a lot of cappuccino have chapped lips.

    An increase in body temperature during illness. It is no coincidence that the most famous recommendation of doctors is to drink as much water as possible when you feel unwell.

    body intoxication. During poisoning, the body experiences an acute shortage of moisture, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin of the lips.

    Strong stress and habit of licking lips. Without noticing it, we provoke dryness by licking or biting our lips.

    Allergy to cosmetics. The reaction to the lipstick that is not suitable for you will not be slow to manifest itself in the form of peeling of the skin of the lips.

    Lack of vitamins. Rigid diets, vegetarianism and other reasons for refusing animal products rich in fat-soluble vitamins do not affect the condition of the skin of the lips in the best way.

    Bad habits. Constant contact with an absorbent cigarette filter deprives the lip tissue of already deficient lipids.

“Dry lips can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. For example, the only sign of early stage diabetes or kidney disease. If neither lip balm nor taking vitamin E helps, see a doctor immediately,” warns Elena Eliseeva, Vichy medical expert.

The causes of dry lips can be very different: weather conditions, UV radiation, bad habits, diseases. © iStock

Signs of dry lips:

  1. 1

    feeling of tightness and feeling of heat;

  2. 2


  3. 3


  4. 4

    cracks on the lips and "jamming" in the corners of the lips.

Features of lip care

In order for the skin of the lips to remain soft, smooth and well hydrated, it must be taken care of.

Regular exfoliation

Now there are special scrubs for lips. But even if such a remedy is not at hand, honey or a damp thick towel will do.

To avoid injury to the delicate skin of the lips, do not put too much pressure on it when distributing the product.

Hydration and nutrition

In the composition of balms, hygienic lipsticks and creams for very dry skin of the lips, look not for vaseline (it is appropriate only in a protective product), but for waxes. The best of them are vegetable: unlike bee, they rarely cause allergic reactions. Also useful are natural oils and vitamins, especially fat-soluble ones (E, F, provitamin A). In summer, the SPF factor becomes an essential component.

Lip balm should always be at hand: in your purse, desktop drawer, in the bathroom.

Decorative lipsticks, even with precious extracts of exotic plants, are not lip care products. Before lipstick, you need to apply a nourishing balm, especially if the lipstick has a matte finish.

Choose lipstick with a satin finish: matte dries out the skin of the lips. © iStock

Balanced drinking regimen and proper nutrition

Drink more clean water and add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, nuts, vegetable oils) to your diet.

Precautionary measures

Here are some preventive measures that can help you avoid dry lips. All recommendations start with NOT. What can't be done?

    Remove makeup from lips with soap or a tissue. To do this, use special products labeled "for removing makeup from the eyes and lips."

    Use resistant lipstick in severe frost. This is a direct road to dryness and flaking.

    smoke. Cigarette smoke dries out the thin skin of the lips, and the mimicry of the lip area when smoking provokes the appearance of purse-string wrinkles around the mouth.

    Going outside in cold weather without a protective balm.

    Ignore lip cosmetics with a sunscreen factor in the summer (especially during a beach holiday).

Exfoliate your lips regularly with a scrub. © iStock

Vitamins for dry lips

Speaking of dry lips, it would be wrong to say that the cause of this condition lies in the inevitable seasonal lack of vitamins. Shops and farmers' markets sell foods rich in vitamins and minerals throughout the year.

But still, vitamin deficiency is a phenomenon familiar to many. Usually faced with:

    vegans and vegetarians;

    people who follow strict diets to lose weight;

    people with diseases of the digestive system.

“Integumentary tissues, including the tissues of the lips, receive nutrition according to the residual principle, because first the body distributes nutrients between the internal organs,” explains Elena Eliseeva. “So the skin and hair are the first to suffer from beriberi.”

In the same way, taking supplements will first fill the needs of the internal organs, and only after a few months the nutrients will reach the epidermis.

Vitamin manufacturers understand this and honestly warn that it is necessary to wait for the result after a few months of taking it, and not after the first capsule. If the skin has become dry and grayish, first pay attention to pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamins A, E, D and F.

Overview of lip care products

Almost everyone has experienced the problem of dry lips. Both women and men periodically complain of discomfort in the skin around the mouth. Sponges often crack from frost or dry out from the scorching sun, but the problem can lie not only in external factors. Often, the lips dry and flake due to internal disturbances in the body. That is why it is so important to identify all the causes that provoke negative consequences for the skin. This will help not only eliminate an unpleasant symptom, but also prevent the development of possible diseases.

What affects the lips

The most common reasons for inflamed and cracked lips are associated with:

  • weather conditions (wind, dust, sun, frost);
  • the habit of biting one's own lips;
  • smoking;
  • drinking excessively hot food and drinks;
  • using make-up removers that dry out the skin;
  • the presence of a negative reaction to decorative cosmetics or toothpaste;
  • lack of moisturizing care for the skin of the lips.

However, there are other, more serious causes of damage to the skin on the lips. These are internal reasons:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;

  • lack of vitamins;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • skin diseases.

Often women face this problem during pregnancy. Many complain that the lips become very rough, crack and even hurt. Why is this happening? During pregnancy, the skin becomes dry due to an imbalance of hormones and a lack of vitamins. And if there is a lack of one or another vitamin or their complex in the body, this immediately negatively affects the general well-being and condition of the skin.

This problem cannot be ignored. Especially if dryness in the lip area is constantly present.

This applies to both men, women and children. Cracks on the lips and inflamed corners of the mouth can be not only an unpleasant cosmetic defect. That is why it is necessary to consult a specialist in a timely manner. Especially if dryness is present not only around the mouth, but also directly in the mouth.

Consequences of beriberi

If the skin, including around the lips, has become dry and inelastic, this may be an indicator of a lack of vitamins B, E, A and C. Such substances significantly affect health and appearance skin.

It is very important to know what effect each of these vitamins has on the skin:

  • A. Responsible for maintaining moisture in the skin, which maintains its elasticity and firmness. The lack of retinol, as this vitamin is also called, provokes dryness and flabbiness of the skin. It is found in animal fats, egg yolks, liver, carrots, onions and apricots.
  • E. Provides elasticity to the capillaries that nourish the skin, regulates its water balance. If there is not enough tocopherol, the skin loses its elasticity, and the lips become rough and crack. This substance enters the body from vegetable oils, avocados and seeds.
  • B. Responsible for normal metabolism in skin cells. If it is not enough, the corners of the lips become inflamed, and the lips themselves crack, skin rashes appear. You can replenish B vitamins by eating cereals, legumes, eggs and dairy products.

  • C. One of the main vitamins that affect the functioning of the whole organism. It is also of great importance for the skin, as it promotes the formation of collagen, which has a restoring ability. It is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn and other vegetables and fruits.

Regular consumption of vitamin-containing foods prevents most skin problems, including those around the mouth. This is why nutritionists recommend eating a balanced diet.

Oral problems

If, in addition to dry lips, there is a lack of saliva in the mouth, and the tongue becomes rough, this may be a sign of diseases of the oral cavity, internal organs, or a malfunction of the salivary glands. That is why, if such symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and tell you what to do in a particular situation.

Lack of moisture in the mouth, cracked corners of the lips and parched tongue appear in the following cases:

  • with impaired nasal breathing, which can be triggered by a runny nose or deformity of the nasal septum. The symptom manifests itself in a dream or after waking up - the tongue and mucous membranes in the mouth are very dry;

  • during drug treatment. Drugs, especially antibiotics, cause side effects such as thirst and lack of saliva in the mouth;
  • at elevated body temperature and diseases of an infectious nature, the tongue and lips can also dry out;
  • with gum disease. The mucous membrane and tongue become inflamed, an unpleasant odor appears from the oral cavity;
  • in diseases of the internal organs. There is not only dryness of the mucous membrane in the mouth, but also other symptoms: the tongue changes color, there is a feeling of thirst, dizziness, nausea, etc .;
  • with damage to the glands that are responsible for salivation. Violations can be associated with diseases or injuries.

Dry tongue and mucous membranes in the mouth during pregnancy may be the result of insufficient fluid intake.

Pregnancy is associated with frequent urination, which causes a lack of water in the body. That is why during pregnancy you need to carefully monitor the water balance in the body.

Lip mucosal injury

A disease in which the corners of the lips become inflamed, cracked, and the lips themselves hurt and become very dry is called cheilitis. It is also characterized by inflammation of the red border around the lips. There are five types of cheilitis:

  1. exfoliative. With this form, the lips dry out and burn. They form scaly scales. The upper and lower lip may be affected, but the skin around them is usually not affected;
  2. atopic. Appears as a result of neurodermatitis, in which the lips are very flaky, redden, itchy or burn. May occur as an allergic reaction to medications or external irritants and spread to the area around the mouth;
  3. glandular. It is associated with damage to the salivary glands and provokes drying of the skin on the lips, followed by erosion. In this case, the lower lip suffers twice as often as the upper;
  4. fungal. Appears with reduced immunity or after antibiotic treatment. It is characterized by the formation of dry cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  5. allergic. Occurs due to cosmetics, toothpaste or other chemicals. The lips in this case are very hot and swollen.

What needs to be done to treat cheilitis depends on its type. An accurate diagnosis is made by a specialist based on symptoms and analysis of damaged tissues. Local therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory, emollient and antipruritic agents in the form of ointments or gels.

How to deal with dry lips

When the lips crack, there are unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, discomfort around the mouth is constantly present, nothing can be done without first consulting a specialist. The doctor will find out why these symptoms appeared and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the dryness of the lips is just a cosmetic defect that appeared due to improper care or its absence, you can get rid of it by following simple recommendations:

  • nutrition and hydration. Experts advise daily to lubricate the lips with natural cosmetic oils. They contain useful substances and vitamins aimed at making the skin supple and soft;
  • protection. Before going outside, especially in hot and cold weather, cosmetologists recommend using protective hygienic lipstick or balm;

  • massage. Doing massage procedures for the lips is easy. To do this, they need to be lubricated with balm or vegetable oil and massaged with your fingertips. Such procedures improve local blood circulation, which means they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • masks. It is also recommended to make natural moisturizing masks: oil, honey, vegetable;
  • cosmetics. It is very important to choose high-quality cosmetics for yourself that do not cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activity: teaching the subject "Social medicine and Health Organization", including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-examination preparation.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about lips. What to do if lips dry and crack? There are reasons for that. Which? Today I want to deal with it. The thing is, I've run into this problem myself. My daughter's lips began to crack, we immediately began to lubricate the lips with oil. The top layer of keratinized cells had to be removed, and it was impossible to scrub chapped lips. In general, the whole week of the holidays we treated sponges, in addition to everything else, small cracks appeared in the corners of the mouth.

Of course, I was very worried, but a nurse friend advised lip treatment. Also take vitamins. But first things first. First, it started when the heating was turned on and the air in the room became dry. It would seem ordinary little things, but they are worth paying attention to.

Why lips dry and crack. Causes.

Lips can crack and dry out for a variety of reasons. There are quite a few reasons, the main thing is to find the cause and eliminate it, as well as treat the lips.

  • Frost, sun, wind and dry air in the room as one of the causes of dry lips.
  • It happens that lipstick is not suitable for lips, lipstick can dry out lips. I had this lipstick, it is resistant, but very dry lips.
  • Decreased hemoglobin in the blood can cause cracked lips.
  • Also, you may be allergic to cosmetics.
  • Often, dry lips and cracks can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, it is gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases.
  • Dysbacteriosis, as one of the causes of cracked lips.
  • It could be due to a food allergy. Eating very acidic, spicy, salty foods.
  • One of the reasons that you should also pay attention to is reduced immunity and a lack of vitamins in the body.
  • A very important cause is herpes and fungal diseases. When cracks and jams have a whitish coating, then it is worth taking tests. My friend took tests when she had cracks on her lips, they took a scraping and determined if there was an infection.
  • Also, toothpastes are among the causes of cracked lips. Consider changing your toothpaste.
  • Licking habits can be the cause of dry and cracked lips. Especially licking your lips is not worth it in the heat, windy or frosty weather.
  • The bad habit of biting your lips also has a negative effect on the lips, as the delicate skin of the lips is injured.
  • Drink more water, dehydration leads to dry lips.
  • Try not to touch your lips with your hands.

Seizures are cracks not on the lips, but in the corners of the mouth, and they first of all signal us about reduced immunity and a lack of vitamins in the body. Using oils and folk remedies, cracks and jams on the lips can be cured. What folk remedies will help prevent and cure cracks and dry lips, I will write about this a little lower.

If you are treating cracked lips, but there is no result, then you need to see a doctor. It could be due to a fungal infection. You will most likely be offered to take an analysis, take a scraping for fungal infections.

Symptoms of dryness and cracking of the lips include: crusts, cracks, slight itching, redness, peeling, soreness of the lips. When seizing, it hurts to speak, eat, and even open your mouth.

Cracked lips and corners of lips. Vitamins.

One of the important factors of dryness, peeling, cracks on the lips is the lack of vitamins in the body. And also, with a decrease in immunity, after suffering viral diseases, when immunity, as they say, is at zero.

Two important vitamins for lips are vitamin A and E, as well as B vitamins. You can read more about which vitamins are good for the skin in the article ““.

It is best of course to drink vitamin complexes. Which vitamins are better to buy and which company the doctor can tell you. I do not presume to compare vitamin complexes and companies that produce them. I usually consult a pharmacist, my friend works in a pharmacy in our city and recently advised me to take normal vitamins. Of course, it is not right to consult a pharmacist, since only a doctor can help in this matter. But, I asked doctors so many times about vitamins, I didn’t get a clear answer that these are the best.

You can drink vitamin A and E separately. And also, maintain the effect obtained with the help of food. Sources of vitamin A are orange-colored fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is contained in bell peppers, carrots, pumpkins, sea buckthorn, as well as in yolk, liver and other products.

Vitamin E is found in almonds, peas, spinach, eggs, soybeans. You can make a lip mask from an oil solution of vitamin A or E. Apply an oil solution of vitamin on your lips for 15 minutes, after 15 minutes remove the residue with a napkin.

Dry and cracked lips. Prevention and treatment.

Our lips need care all the time, not from time to time. They need hydration and nourishment. It is especially important to lubricate the lips with a balm before going outside in frosty, windy, sunny weather. I recently switched to natural lip balms, which I cook at home from oils and waxes.

Easy lip balm recipe. This balm is suitable for the prevention of cracking and dryness. Personally, I am very satisfied with them. I use it all the time and my daughter loves it too. You need to take a coffee spoon of wax, cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, you can replace it with olive oil, cocoa powder. Melt wax and butter, add liquid butter and cocoa. Pour into a lipstick tube and leave to cool. A more detailed recipe or, as they say, MK can be found in the article "How to make chocolate lip balm". The article shows everything with a photo of the preparation. You can store the balm in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. For cracked and dry lips, the best healing and emollient is sea buckthorn oil. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. Instead of sea buckthorn oil, you can take rosehip oil, which also heals wounds and cracks very well.

Calendula oil or calendula ointment. These funds can also be purchased at a pharmacy. I think everyone knows about the miraculous properties of calendula. Calendula is a healing, anti-inflammatory agent. Sponges can be lubricated with calendula oil 3-4 times a day.

Cocoa butter for cracked and dry lips. I wrote about cocoa butter on the blog more than once. This is a really great oil that can be applied to the face, hands, hair, including lips. Lubricate your lips with cocoa butter 2-3 times a day to remove dryness of the lips, it will also help the cracks heal faster. In addition, cocoa butter can be eaten and there is no danger if you accidentally lick your lips. Cocoa butter is part of chocolate.

Hypericum oil. Perfectly heals and softens lips. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Apply oil to your lips several times a day.

Bee honey and butter. There is also such a tool, but I did not use it for the treatment of lips. Honey and butter are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the lips.

Aloe juice for cracked lips. Although aloe grows at my house, I didn’t use this recipe either. Sea buckthorn oil always helps us and we manage with them in the treatment of lips. But, aloe juice can also lubricate the lips, which helps to heal cracks.

In more serious cases, you need to go to the doctor. You may need antifungal therapy, which may be prescribed by a doctor.

Winter is coming. Try not to leave the house without smearing your lips with balm. Do not forget about vitamins and the prevention of dryness and cracks on the lips. I think that now you know what to do when lips dry and crack.

Dry lips are a symptom of a non-specific nature, which can be characterized by severe peeling of the skin, itching. As a result of this, cracks form in the corners of the lips, jams. It should be noted that dry lips do not always indicate the development of a particular pathological process in the body. In any case, if this symptom is observed for a long time and there are additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice and further treatment.


Clinicians identify the following possible causes of dry lips:

  • an allergic reaction in women to decorative cosmetics or the use of personal hygiene products;
  • prolonged exposure to cold air;
  • hypersensitive skin;
  • frequent or nervous strain;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • frequent temperature changes.

Also, the cause of dryness can be an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the pathological processes in the body, which can also lead to dryness and peeling of the lips:

  • violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • gastroenterological diseases;
  • infectious processes in the body.

Prolonged dryness of the lips leads to cracking and erosion in the corners of the lips, which significantly impairs the quality of human life. Since this symptom can be a manifestation of a serious pathological process in the body, it is not necessary to independently compare the causes and treatment. The diagnosis with subsequent therapy should be established only by a doctor.


This symptom may be accompanied by the following signs of the clinical picture:

  • local fever, burning lips;
  • peeling;
  • the formation of cracks around the lips and on the lips themselves;
  • pronounced redness;
  • bleeding.

The use of a cream or similar cosmetic, medicinal products to eliminate this symptom without identifying an etiological factor can lead to the development of complications. Therefore, you should consult a doctor for advice in a timely manner.

In the presence of certain pathological processes in the body, general symptoms can be supplemented by specific signs. The following symptoms may appear:

  • unstable body temperature, subfebrile condition;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • yellowness of the skin, pain in the right hypochondrium (with renal failure);

In dermatological diseases, dry lips may be accompanied by such specific signs:

  • the skin around the lips is flaky;
  • itching, burning;
  • rashes in the form of acne, flaky spots;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • , increased susceptibility to external stimuli;
  • , hair.

In infectious processes in the body, in addition to the general clinical picture, there may be signs of general intoxication of the body, characteristic rashes on the skin. Therefore, self-medication with the manifestation of such a symptom is unacceptable.


How to get rid of dry lips, only a doctor can say, after examination and identification of the etiological factor. The diagnostic program may include the following:

  • physical examination of the patient, with the collection of general and family history;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • allergy diagnostics;
  • immunogram;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • gastroenterological studies, if typical symptoms are present.

The exact diagnostic program is determined individually, depending on the current clinical picture, the collected anamnesis and the patient's health status.


When a pathological process is established, appropriate basic therapy is carried out. If dry lips are caused by external factors, allergic reactions, or an insufficient amount of vitamins in the body, treatment may include the following activities:

  • elimination of the provoking factor - decorative cosmetics, face care products;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • topical preparations to eliminate symptoms - ointment from cracks, lotions;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • exclusion of stress, nervous strain.

If the cause of dryness is hypersensitive skin, then you should contact