Sports leisure on February 23 in the senior group. Scenario of sports entertainment "February 23". Physical education project Such exciting Classics

Tatyana Suyashova
Sports entertainment script for February 23 “Sporty, fast, agile”

Entertainment script for February 23 in the second junior group - “ Sports, fast, deft»

Target: acquaintance with the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia.


To develop interest in physical education and sports;

To cultivate love for the Motherland and the Russian army, respect for the Russian soldier;

Create a cheerful holiday mood in children.

Equipment: balls, hoops, baskets, small multi-colored balls.

The children enter the hall to the music.

Presenter 1: Hello, guys and dear guests!

Today we congratulate our fathers and grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day. We wish them health, love, success in all their endeavors and pride in their children, who love them very much.

Presenter 2: Congratulations to our boys, who, when they grow up, will become strong, brave men.

23 February- this is Armed Forces Day, a day that our entire army celebrates, this is a holiday of all defenders of our Fatherland, defenders of peace, freedom and happiness.

Song "Good Soldiers"

Presenter 1: And now our guys will read poems about dad.

1st boy: Dad, you are the best in the world,

The best father on the vast planet!

How I admire you, how proud I am,

I hold your friendship and hand tightly!

2nd boy: Thank you, dear daddy,

Why did you get me!

I love a clear smile

She's like light in a window!

I want you to be happy,

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful!

And the best of fathers!

3rd boy: Maybe he can play football,

Can you heat up the soup for me?

Maybe watch a cartoon

For me there is always a hero -

My best DAD!

4th boy: He can play checkers,

Maybe even wash the cups,

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

For me there is always a hero -

My best DAD!

5th boy: Maybe take me for a ride

Instead of fast horse

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

For me there is always a hero -

My best DAD!

1 girl: We respect you, boys.

Because we know for sure

What you can do

Become our true protection!

And congratulate you on Men's Day

We really want it!

2 girl: Today is the holiday of all fathers

All sons, all who are ready

Protect your home and mother

To protect us all from troubles

3 girl: All defenders of the country

We congratulate today

All soldiers take care

Earth, sky, peace and work

So that all children

Lived happily ever after!

Presenter 2: So, today we will spend "Fun Relay Races" and to begin with, as in the army, we will do a little physical exercise.

The sun looked into the crib

One two three four five

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up

Stretch your arms wider

One two three four five

Bend over - three, four

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel

We all do exercises.

Presenter 1: We have two teams, it's time to find out which one is the best fast, clever and brave! Let's call them "Comet" And "Rocket".

The first game "Tell someone else". Hoops are laid out on the floor; each participant, with a ball in his hands, must jump through all the hoops, go back and pass them to another.

Second game "Get in the cart". Throwing small balls into a basket.

Third game for captains "Shells". At the signal, team captains must collect balls of the same color into a basket (each has its own color).

Game four "Most fast» . Each participant must run to the mark and return back.

Presenter 2: Well done boys! Everyone completed the tasks. In the meantime, while the jury is counting the results, let's rest a little and answer the questions.

The kindest doctor (Aibolit).

What tool do pirates most often use to find treasure? (shovel).

The best crocodile in the world? (Gena)

A nose for a snowman? (carrot)

Who sleeps in a den in winter? (bear)

Who are mice afraid of? (cat)

Does he give milk to all the kids? (cow)

Who ate the kolobok? (fox)

Summarizing! Presentation of certificates!

Children 5-6 years old

Physical education project Such exciting Classics

The event is conducted by a physical education instructor and a senior group teacher with the involvement of parents (legal representatives)

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Children in sports uniforms, on top of which are marked with vests and collars of soldiers and sailors with flags in their hands, marching music, enter the gym and line up.

Instructor: group, stand still, stand still.
Group teacher: Every year on February 23 we celebrate the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is not just a holiday, it is the birthday of our army. Our army has been around for many years. The people always need protection, and protection is Russian heroes, warriors, soldiers. These are courageous and courageous people, heroes of their time. Let's talk about this.
1 child
Today is our army day
And she is already many years old
Hello defenders of the people,
Russian army, hello
2 child
The native army is strong,
Invincible in battles
She is guarding the Motherland
Stands indestructible
3 child
Russian warrior protects
Peace and glory to my native country
He is on duty, and our people
He is rightfully proud of the army.

Instructor: Our warriors are strong and brave, the country is rightfully proud of them, you are growing up to replace them, so you are already tempering yourself, training, and doing physical education.
Group, stand at attention, to the right, march around the hall at a walking pace. Children walk around the hall, line up in 2 columns, and an open switchgear complex with flags is carried out.
After the exercises, the children line up in one column, walk through, and sit on the benches using the commands “Soldiers” and “Sailors.”

Group teacher: Yes, our army has always been a reliable shield, possessing courage and heroic strength, our warriors have always stood up to defend their Fatherland, their Motherland, their people. Now our army defends our borders in the sky, on land and at sea. These are pilots, sailors, border guards. What do you know about warriors?
5 child
So that everyone can live peacefully
So that everyone can sleep peacefully
Every day and every hour
The warrior protects us
6 child
Past the house, past the garden
He steps one, two, three
On a Russian soldier
With respect, look
7 child
Hat with a red star
Warms in cold and snowstorms
And his coat is simple
It's called an overcoat
8 child
Once upon a time to serve in the army
The time will come for us
We will live differently
Game over
9 child
Who will drive the tank?
And who walks
Who will fly across the sky
Who sails as a sailor
10 child
Yes, there is a lot to do
And the main thing is to grow, get smarter
and try to do everything right
Overcoming all difficulties
And all the obstacles.

Instructor: You said good words, now let's put you to the test
The competition “We will overcome everything” is held
For each team, a gymnastic bench, a rope, and a cone are placed in a row.
Task: crawl along the gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms, jump over the rope with your left and right sides, run around the cone, return to the team.
The competition is held 3 times

Instructor: Well done, you overcame all the difficulties, I suggest you play

The p/i "Horsemen" is held
Description of the game: Children stand in a circle, the driver is selected with a counting rhyme, and he stands in the center of the circle with a flag. To the musical accompaniment of "Tachanka", children perform jumps in a circle, as soon as the music ends, the driver divides the circle into two parts with a flag, the players standing next to the flag on the command one, two, three, run, run in different directions from the flag, who The first one to run to the flag becomes the leader. The game is repeated 3 times.

After the game, the children sit on the benches
Group teacher: The hike is over, it’s time to rest, let the proverbs sound for now. The proverbs are not simple, but about friendship and military service.

  • In battle, he who dared was the one who ripened
  • Stand boldly for what is right
  • Cheek brings success
  • If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him
  • One for all and all for one
  • Leading friendships like this does not spare oneself
  • To live - to serve the Motherland
  • And one warrior in the field
  • Good brotherhood is dearer than any wealth
  • Our army is not alone, the whole country is with it

Group teacher: What wonderful proverbs and sayings you told, we listened to them with pleasure.
Instructor: Today in our hall there are grandfathers and fathers, some of them served in the army, and some are still serving. We congratulate everyone on the holiday, and we also want to wish you good health. Every person needs to be healthy.
Physical exercise helps improve health, and if you do it in a fun way, the benefits will be even greater. We invite everyone to warm up and do some exercises.

Children and invited fathers and grandfathers stand in two lines, one opposite the other
“Fun workout” is held(Forward four steps...)
Instructor: After such a warm-up, you can compete in agility
A game is being played - a competition “Who is the fastest”
with the involvement of fathers and grandfathers
Game against the clock, first one team performs the task, then the other, the instructor records the time on a stopwatch, there must be the same number of competitors.

The team is formed in a column of children and adults mixed. The first player has the baton. Task: Run around the hall, climb into a large hoop that is fixed between the posts, run around the cone, return to the team, pass the baton.
The team that completes the task faster wins.
Instructor: We competed in dexterity, now we’ll measure our strength.
The game "Tug of War" is played
Group teacher: I am happy for you, you are all so fast, brave, strong, dexterous, you all tried so hard, just one for all and all for one. Well done.
Guys, you still have a lot to learn. Now the army has modern military equipment, these are planes and tanks, missiles and submarines. You need to be able to manage all this, and for this you need to know a lot. Any mistake by a soldier, a warrior, can end badly both for him and for the people. This is how difficult military service is and why it is so honorable.
11 child
Become a military man from childhood
I always wanted
I won't be a coward
Never ever
I'll be a soldier
Like my big brother
He's already a paratrooper
He's already a soldier
12 child
I really really dream
Hurry up to become a military man
To my dear mother
And defend Russia

Group teacher: We hope that you will grow up to be a worthy replacement for the defenders of the Motherland. And we also really hope that all wars will stop and there will be peace throughout the world.

Under the guidance of the music director, the boys perform the musical composition “We are the defenders”
To the sound of fireworks, the children leave the hall.

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Children 4-5 years old

Signs of spring sports entertainment for children 4-5 years old with the participation of parents


Hello children! Our holiday is dedicated to 23 February, Defender of the Fatherland Day! Today we will compete in strength, dexterity, speed of reaction, attention. And let's see if our boys are ready to serve in the army.

1 child:

Our army is dear

And brave and strong.

Without threatening anyone,

She protects the world.

2 child:

That's why we love since childhood

This holiday in February.

Glory to the Russian Army

The most peaceful on earth!

3 child:

We love our army

She is a great force

She is fearless in battle,

I destroyed all my enemies.

4 child:

The native army is strong,

Invincible in battles.

She is guarding her homeland

Stands indestructible.

5 child: Soldiers serve in the army,

The guys imitate them.

We'll grow up a little -

Let's go to the army too.

Leading: Now guys, let's move on to the tests.

1. "Airplane". Lean forward, put a bag of sand on your back, spread your arms to the sides, and, raising your head, fly to the chair and back, without dropping the bag. (The exercise is performed at speed, the child’s dexterity is demonstrated.)

Leading: And now let's take the rope,

Who is the stronger guy?

The one who will pull

He will become the strongest!

2. "Tug of War". The teams will compete against each other. A line is drawn on the floor, this is the middle of the rope. The first team player to cross the line indicates that the tug-of-war is over. (Exercise on cohesion, strength qualities.)

3. "Rescuers". There is a ribbon with a stick attached to the cars. The rescuers’ task is to get to the car as quickly as possible and provide assistance, i.e., wrap the ribbon around a stick.

(Competition for speed of reaction, carried out by one of the team representatives.)

Leading: We continue our competitions.

Hold the ball between your knees

Jump quickly, then run!

The main thing is to hold the ball tightly

Then you will always win!

4. "Don't drop the ball". The child, holding the ball between his knees, must jump to the high chair, take the ball in his hands and run back (Exercise for endurance and speed.)

5. "Deliver the package" It is necessary to deliver a package with secret information to the commander's headquarters so that the package does not fall into the hands of the enemy. And the path lies through a minefield, a dark forest and a viscous swamp.

Crawl under the arc - a minefield;

Walk through the cubes - a viscous swamp;

Run between the pins - dark forest.

6. "Runway"

Stage one

The first team member places a landscape sheet of paper on his outstretched arm with his palm outstretched. In this position, he must reach the designated place and leave his sheet there. You will have to move carefully, because the sheet is light and always tries to fly off your hand. The next player will place his sheet next to the first sheet. And so on. Laid out from sheets "runway".

7. Relay "Crossing".

The first participants jump from hoop to hoop, walk around the cube standing on the other side of the hall, return back, and the next child takes up the relay race. The team that completes the task first wins.


(For children)

You did a great job! But what else should a soldier be like? Of course, smart. After all, he must, if necessary, be able to show ingenuity. Now we are exercising our minds. (For children)

Exercise for the mind

Far from your country

They go to sea... (Ships)

The sea ice has split

Sharp nose... (Icebreaker)

Who taxied there for takeoff?

Reactive… (Airplane)

This bird is flying towards the stars,

Overtakes the sound... (Rocket)

Soars up without acceleration,

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian... (Helicopter)

Two caterpillars are crawling,

A turret with a cannon is being transported. (Tank)

8. "War Horse" competition:

You need to take an impromptu horse, ride it to the chair and come back and pass the horse to the next one.

9. Game Checkbox

(And now my friend, Who will take the flag faster)

The flags lie in a circle. Music sounds, children run in a circle. The music stops, the children pick up flags and shout "Hooray!").

Leading: Well done, you completed all the tasks and overcame all the obstacles.

IN February day, freezing day

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

1 girl: Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you.

The best thing in the world is to run

And beat everyone at football.

2 girl: May luck be with you,

Only you are friends with us,

Help us in everything,

Protect us from others.

Leading: I wish you forever,

So that you don’t feel timid in life.

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

And all the obstacles on the way

You can overcome it together.

But first grow up

And you need to grow up!

Publications on the topic:

Sports entertainment in the senior group “Autumn Festival” Sports entertainment in the senior group “Autumn Festival” Objectives: 1. Create an environment of emotional well-being. 2. Improve.

Sports entertainment for February 23 “Aty-Bati, we are soldiers!” Theme of the week: “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!” The theme of the entertainment: “Aty – Baty, we are soldiers!” Developer: physical education instructor Semchuk.

Sports entertainment for February 23 Goals and objectives: 1. To foster a sense of pride and respect for the Russian Army, love for the Motherland, to cultivate respect for boys in girls.

Sports entertainment for February 23 Scenario of a sports and music festival for Defender of the Fatherland Day. This summary is intended for a holiday dedicated to.

Goal: to involve parents in joint play activities with children to strengthen family relationships and create a positive emotional environment.

(preparatory group)

Software tasks:

1. To foster moral and patriotic qualities of the individual, to maintain children’s interest in events taking place in the country, to cultivate a sense of pride in its achievements.

2. Continue to introduce children to various branches of the military and military professions.

3. Foster respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

4. Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination, accuracy and speed of reaction.


Elements of naval uniform for children;

Attributes for games

Memorable souvenirs according to the number of children in the group;

Musical accompaniment

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.


Guys, soon the people of our country will celebrate an important holiday, do any of you know which one?

Children's answers:


Soldiers and military personnel protect our country from possible enemies. Therefore, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland is called the holiday of all military personnel. What military professions are you familiar with?

Children's answers: Sailors, pilots, border guards, tank crews, soldiers, missilemen.

The teacher asks riddles:

1.Who, guys, is guarding our land at the border?

So that all people can work and study in peace? (Border Guard)

2.Who is sailing on the ship? He doesn't yearn for land.

He is friends with the wind and the wave, after all, the sea is his home.

So who guys is he? (Sailor)

3. The plane soars like a bird, there is an air border.

Our soldier is on duty day and night... (pilot)

4. The car rushes into battle again, the tracks cut the ground.

That car in the open field is driven by... (tank driver)

5. He is not a pilot, he is not a pilot, he is not flying a plane,

but a huge rocket. Children, who say this... (Cosmonaut)

Educator: Today, guys, we have gathered in this hall to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day together with the whole country.

1 child: In February there is a special, important winter day with a blizzard -

We give praise and honor to all defenders of Russia!

2nd child: All the people love the Defenders of the Fatherland!

Glory and honor to the Defenders of the Fatherland!

3rd child: How many strong and brave sons of the Fatherland

Protect our land for a peaceful life!

4 child: The native army is strong, invincible in battles,

She stands indestructibly guarding the Motherland!

Educator: All defenders of the country

We congratulate you today.

This dance is without a doubt

It will lift everyone's spirits.

Dance "Salute" is performed

Suddenly Baba Yaga appears.

B. Yaga: There is no peace in the forest again!

Don't they teach you ETIQUETTE?

Oh, so many guys here

They are all noisy and noisy.

Before you scream out the window,

I need to say hello!

All. Hello, Grandmother Yaga,

Educator: How is your health, how is your leg?

Baba Yaga. Fu Fu Fu! Smells like the Russian spirit! For a hundred years I had not seen or heard the Russian spirit, but now the Russian spirit itself came. Who are you, my dears? (children's answers). What are you doing here? (children's answers).

Baba Yaga: Oh, I love holidays, I love to eat, dance, and make mischief. Here! I especially love boys. They are so naughty, capricious, unsportsmanlike and easy to handle. And here is just a holiday for the boys. This is where I’ll eat them.

Educator: Our boys are not like that, you can’t cope with them.

Baba Yaga: So I believed it. (He comes up and feels the muscles on his arms)

Baba Yaga: Yes, my affairs are bad, but it’s okay, I’ll take it with cunning.

Educator: Don’t be cunning, Baba Yaga, let’s better compete.

Baba Yaga: Will you take me?

(children's answers): Of course!

Competition 1 “Horse racing” (on horses)

Competition 2 “Rejuvenating apples” (through the tunnel, run to the “apple tree”, jump, pick an apple)

Educator: Now we will rest, we will sing a song together.

Song (chosen by music director)

Competition 3 “Encryption” (take cubes of only a certain color from the general pile and put them in the designated place)

Competition 4 “Demolitionists” (crawl under barriers with a grenade, roll on the mat and throw a grenade at the target)

Competition 5 “Tug of War”

Educator: Strong muscles are needed,

Strong hands are important!

Get back in line soon

Hold on tight to the rope!

Competition 6 “Sort out the ammunition” (two participants are blindfolded and brought to baskets with cubes and balls. They need to sort the items, putting the cubes in one box and the balls in another.)

Educator: The holiday has come to an end. Let's end the holiday with a fun dance. Dance (chosen by the music director).

Baba Yaga: How dexterous, brave, and skillful everyone is! I have a surprise for you (distribution of souvenirs).

The children enter the hall to the music.

1 Leading :

Dear Guys! Here we are again, all gathered together in this room. We are in a joyful and upbeat mood, because today we are celebrating a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

2 Leading:

On this day, all of Russia congratulates your fathers and grandfathers, and we congratulate our boys. May there be as much joy as possible in our hall on this day.

Song "Good Soldiers"

Children read poetry:

    When there is ice on the rivers
    And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
    Brings us a wonderful holiday
    Thoughtful February.

    The holiday of all soldiers will come,
    Defenders, fighters.

    Everyone will be happy to congratulate you

    And grandfathers and fathers!

    I'll draw a steamboat
    Where is daddy captain?

    My dad swims bravely

    From distant, distant countries.

    I'll draw a plane
    Where is daddy the commander?
    And days and nights long
    Dad saves the world.

    I'll draw a gun
    And a rider in the saddle.

    I know: there is no better dad

    Heroes on earth!

1 Presenter :

Just listen to these proud words - “Defender of the Fatherland!” The defenders of our fatherland - Russia - are our men, your dads. who are ready at any moment to defend you and me. Our boys really want to become like them: strong, courageous and noble.

Children read the verse:

    I know that my dad also once
    He was a very good and brave soldier.
    I love dad and I definitely love him
    I would like to congratulate the military on this holiday...
    Now I'll climb higher on the chair,
    I’ll sing him a war song loudly.
    Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
    And let him be proud of the child’s success.
    My dear grandfather,
We are all proud of you! And I'll tell you a secret: There is no better grandfather in the world! I will always try to be like you in everything!

Song "Congratulations Dad"

2 Leading :

Our boys are still in kindergarten, but years will pass, and each of them will choose any military specialty: become a pilot, sailor, infantryman, tank driver. The army will teach them to be resilient and courageous.

1 Leading:

And now we will hold a competition and see how dexterous, brave and courageous our guys are. Now we will split into two teams.

2 Presenter:

Are the teams assembled? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to run and play?

Then guys, don't be lazy,

Get in line quickly!

1 competition : "Charger" A soldier's day begins with getting up. They quickly get up, quickly dress and do exercises. Let's do some exercises with you (hamster-hamster, hamster...)

2 competition : "Throwing grenades" ( children throw balls into baskets)

1 Presenter :

Physical training classes are over. Well done boys. Now let's sit down. We have an intellectual warm-up coming up.

Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking the birds in flight.
Man controls it. What is this... (Airplane)

There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.
A few minutes later the parachute descended.

Thunder struck, cheerful thunder. Everything around sparkled.
Multi-colored fountains burst into the sky tirelessly.
Splashes of light are pouring everywhere. This is a festive... (Fireworks)

Without accelerating, it takes off skyward, reminiscent of a dragonfly,
Our Russian one takes flight... (helicopter)

2 Presenter:

Guys, what types of troops do you know? (children list)




1 Presenter:

Well done boys! You can do everything: get dressed quickly, throw accurately, and march. And solve riddles. But I wonder if you can quickly take up space in a “space rocket”?

3 competition "Rocket" (the principle of the game “Take a seat”) (hoops)

2 Presenter :

Well, let's continue our competition with you.

4 competition (secret!) : "Deliver the envelope"

Children take part in the relay race; they run to headquarters and bring an envelope with a secret mission for their boatswain.

5 competition: "Pull out the jump rope" (dads) ( We put two chairs at a distance from each other, stretch a jump rope under them, sit down two players, and whoever pulls the jump rope out from under the chair first, on command, wins ).

6 competition : "Nurse" (with the participation of dads, grandfathers)

7 competition : Contest for dads with balloons

Two dads have a balloon tied to their left ankle by the ankle. The strategic task is to hit the opponent’s ball with your free foot, while keeping your own intact.

8competition : "Crossing"

Participants are divided into two teams. Dads cross their arms and sit one child down. Whoever transports the most children wins.

1 Presenter:

Well done boys! We completed all the tasks!

2 Presenter:

Brave, strong and cheerful

Congratulations to the men today,

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day

We wish you health and joy!

And now gifts for dads and grandfathers.