Methods of intimate hair removal and depilation. Epilation of intimate places at home

Hair removal in intimate places is a rather delicate problem that almost every woman faces. The perfect bikini line is in fashion, and it takes a lot of effort to achieve it. Salon procedures, razors, special creams: all this does not always bring the desired result. Which method should you choose and what should you do to keep your skin smooth and soft for as long as possible? You will learn about this by reading this article.

Is it worth removing hair in intimate areas?

This issue is considered quite controversial. On the one hand, many argue that depilation is not just a way to become more sexy and attractive: hair removal is a hygienic procedure. Opponents of removal believe that hair is present in certain places of the human body for a reason. In particular, hair in the pubic area protects against harmful bacteria. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers didn’t even know what hair removal in intimate places is called, but they didn’t have any problems with it: infections were less common, and women gave birth much more often than these days, when many women diligently get rid of from the “natural barrier” in the intimate area.

However, there are no convincing studies indicating that depilation of “delicate” areas of the female body leads to an increased likelihood of urogenital infection. Therefore, you can safely remove hair (if, of course, that’s what you want).

Advice!You can limit yourself to just hair correction: remove it on the sides and straighten it in the center using a special trimmer. This way you will minimize the risk of irritation.

What hair removal methods are there?

The skin in the intimate areas of the human body is tender and sensitive. Therefore, choosing a depilation method can be extremely difficult. As a rule, the following methods are used to remove hair in intimate places at home:

  • shaving using a machine;
  • hair removal with special creams;
  • hair removal with wax;
  • sugaring;
  • using a household epilator.

Let's talk about the pros and cons of all of the above methods.

Advice! To help your hair grow slowly, regularly wipe your skin with nut decoction: it helps increase the time between depilation procedures.


Most women use a razor to get rid of unnecessary hair. This is indeed very convenient, but in order to achieve the desired result, it is important to comply with a number of conditions:

  • You can shave your hair only on steamed skin; it is advisable to do this after a bath or in the shower;
  • You cannot refuse special creams and gels for hair removal in intimate places: they soften the hair and protect the skin. Otherwise, irritation and inflammation may occur;
  • To protect delicate skin from irritation, hair should be shaved not against the hair growth, as many do, but diagonally.

The main advantages of the procedure include complete painlessness, low cost and the ability to quickly remove all unnecessary hair. But there are also disadvantages: shaving with a machine often causes quite severe inflammation in the intimate area due to the fact that the blades damage delicate skin. Therefore, the machine is not suitable for everyone: for women whose skin is particularly sensitive, other methods are suitable.

Advice! Use only new machines for hair removal in the bikini area! If the blades become dull, you risk damaging your skin quite badly. If this does happen, wipe the wounds with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant: this will avoid the development of inflammatory processes.

Wax for depilation

In order to remove hair with wax, you will need the wax itself, special spatulas for applying it and strips of non-woven material.

The procedure is extremely simple: wax is applied to the hair and a fabric strip is glued to it. After this, the strip should be torn off with a sharp movement. It would seem that no difficulties should arise. However, wax depilation also has a number of subtleties:

  • the hair must be at least 5 mm long: otherwise the wax will not be able to “grab” it;
  • the strip is torn off against the hair growth with a sharp movement. Not all women are able to cope with this task: when removing the wax from the skin, quite painful sensations arise;
  • one day before waxing hair in intimate places, the skin should be thoroughly treated with a scrub: this will make the procedure more effective.

Using wax, you can remove hair for a long time: wax, unlike a razor, does not just cut the hairs, but removes them along with the root.

However, due to the fact that the procedure is painful, many women simply cannot perform such an “execution” on themselves. In addition, the intimate areas of our body have a rather complex “relief”, so dealing with hair with wax is quite a difficult task. If you want to try waxing of intimate areas, visit a beauty salon: specialists apply special compounds to the client’s skin that reduce pain. In addition, you will be able to learn the basic principles of wax depilation and ask the master all the questions that interest you.

Advice! There are special strips for removing hair in intimate places: wax is already applied to them. This strip is glued to the skin like a plaster and is removed with a sharp movement. Using wax strips makes the hair removal process much easier.


The most popular device for removing hair from intimate areas is undoubtedly the epilator. Removing hair in intimate areas using an epilator is a rather painful procedure, so it is advisable to buy a special cooling model or an epilator that can work in water. If your hair is thick and quite dark, you should avoid using an epilator.

Using the epilator is very simple: it grabs the hair itself and removes it from the root. As a result, the skin remains smooth and soft for a long time. In addition, thanks to regular use of the epilator, the hairs will become thinner and thinner, and the pain will become less intense over time. However, for the procedure to be more effective, it is necessary to regularly exfoliate the intimate area and depilate after a bath, when the skin becomes soft and steamed.

Advice! After using epilators, many women notice ingrown hairs. To avoid this, scrub your skin regularly and dry it with a stiff towel after showering. For even better results, use moisturizing and softening creams.

Depilatory creams

A private hair removal cream seems to be one of the easiest ways to deal with excess hair and achieve a perfect bikini area. After all, what could be simpler: the cream is applied to the skin, and after a few minutes it is removed along with the hairs. However, this procedure has a number of nuances:

  • Depilatory cream is not suitable for everyone. If your skin is irritable and sensitive, you should avoid the cream: it contains aggressive chemicals;
  • the cream should not be applied to the mucous membrane: this can provoke the development of a serious inflammatory process;
  • The cream can only remove fine hair. In addition, their length should reach 3–4 mm.

Depilatory cream is not suitable for everyone. However, it can indeed bring quite good results: the effect lasts for a long time, and the hair grows thinner and thinner.

Advice! Before using a purchased depilatory cream, test it on a small area of ​​skin. If the skin is red, you should avoid using the cream as directed.


Removing body hair using sugar paste has been known since ancient times. This method is quite effective and simple, because you can prepare the mixture for sugaring even at home. You will need granulated sugar, water and a little lemon juice. All components are mixed and melted in a water bath until the mixture resembles caramel. When the mass has cooled, it is applied to the skin and torn off along with the hair.

The undoubted advantages of sugaring include:

  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • Additional components can be added to the mixture to nourish and soften the skin, for example, honey;
  • the composition captures even fairly short hairs;
  • the paste does not cause irritation to the skin, which is very important when removing hair in intimate areas;
  • The effect of sugaring lasts for a long time: many women compare it with laser hair removal in intimate places.

Smooth skin lasts for several weeks, during which time it has time to fully recover after a rather traumatic procedure.

However, in order to learn how to make a mixture with the correct consistency, you will have to practice. In addition, sugaring is quite painful: not all women can withstand it.

Advice! You don’t have to cook the sugaring paste yourself, but buy it at a beauty salon. They sell pastes with various additives that nourish and moisturize the skin. In addition, the consistency of the purchased paste is ideal for the procedure. However, carefully read the ingredients: if the paste contains preservatives and dyes, it is better to refuse the purchase: look for a higher quality option.


This method is suitable for those girls who do not want to injure their skin. The trimmer delicately cuts hairs, so the risk of irritation or inflammation is minimized. Using a trimmer, you can create a bikini design without causing any harm to the skin or mucous membrane.

However, the trimmer is not suitable for everyone: perfect smoothness cannot be achieved with its help - the hair is preserved, but the bikini area takes on a more neat, well-groomed appearance. So if your skin is sensitive, you may want to skip shaving and opt for a trimmer.

Advice! On sale you can find special women's trimmers with various attachments. Using these attachments, you can remove hair in the armpit area, create intimate haircuts, and even trim eyebrows. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such multifunctional devices: they allow you to solve several problems at once.

How best to get rid of hair in the intimate area to avoid unpleasant consequences is a question that many women ask. Although some people prefer to leave it as is, most girls remove hair from the bikini area. To find the optimal hair removal option, you can constantly experiment, or you can read about which method is more gentle.

To epilate or not to epilate the bikini area? Some believe that pubic hair protects the genital area from pathogenic organisms and the external environment, while others believe that removing hair is aesthetically pleasing and hygienic. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of hair removal.

Table: hair removal in the intimate area: pros and cons

  • the opportunity to experiment with intimate haircuts;
  • less unpleasant odor;
  • the swimsuit will fit better, you won’t have to worry about the hair underneath it being visible to others;
  • epilating a bikini is more hygienic;
  • men like a well-groomed genital area.
  • pubic hair is a natural barrier against external bacteria and viruses;
  • hair prevents skin irritation during sexual intercourse, since friction can cause inflammation of the epidermis and discomfort;
  • Removing pubic hair causes inflammation and irritation of the hair follicles, which can lead to the appearance of acne and ingrown hairs;
  • you don't have to spend money on hair removal products.

Types of intimate hair removal

Intimate hair removal is a whole creative process, thanks to which a girl can show her individuality and sexual spirit. There are several main types of intimate hair removal:

  • Classic hair removal is when hair is removed only from visible places (roughly speaking, outside the panties). Classic hair removal does not imply a complete absence of hair.
  • Deep bikini is a type of intimate hair removal that is quite common and popular among young girls. Many people consider this design not only hygienic, but also sexy. This type of hair removal involves complete removal of hair from the entire genital area.
  • French hair removal is similar to a deep bikini, but in this case a thin strip of hair remains on the pubic area, and all other hair is removed.

Photo gallery: types of intimate hair removal

Hair is removed from the entire intimate area Hair is removed outside the panties Hair is removed everywhere, but a small strip remains on the pubic area

Methods for bikini hair removal at home

To remove hair in the bikini area yourself, familiarize yourself with the intricacies of each method.

Depilatory cream for intimate areas

This method is often mistakenly classified as hair removal; it is one option for hair removal, but it is also excellent for the bikini area. The cream is the best option for people who have no experience in bikini hair removal. The creams are easy to use, affordable, and effective. The depilatory cream contains chemical elements that can cause an allergic reaction. Before use, spread a little product on the wrist area, make sure that the skin is not red. Give preference to a cream with the addition of moisturizing ingredients or oils.

How to use the cream correctly

  1. Apply the required amount to the area you want to remove vegetation from. Make sure that the entire length of your hair is covered with cream.
  2. Leave the cream for the time indicated in the instructions for it.
  3. After waiting the required amount of time, rinse off the residue with warm water.
  4. Apply moisturizer.

How long will the effect last?

Depilatory creams only remove hair that is on the surface of the skin. The hair will begin to grow back 2-3 days after hair removal.

Advantages of hair removal creams:

  • fast and easy method;
  • painless procedure;
  • the method is ideal for beginners;
  • The cream will remove hair even from hard-to-reach places.

Cons of hair removal creams:

  • the cream may cause rashes on sensitive skin;
  • the cream usually has a strong chemical smell that lingers on the skin.

Treatment of the intimate area with an epilator

The epilator is suitable for girls with a high pain threshold. It works by plucking individual hairs from the root using mechanically controlled tweezers. Removing hair with an epilator is painful, but the longer you use it, the less pain and discomfort you experience.

How to use an epilator correctly

Epilators are waterproof and for dry use. In the intimate area, it is preferable to use a waterproof epilator, since removing hair from the genital area is less painful in the shower, after steaming the bikini area well.

  1. Before epilation, you should trim your pubic hair with scissors to a length of 2–3 mm. This will prevent the hairs from getting tangled during the removal procedure.
  2. The next stage is exfoliation. Walk over the area you need with a soft scrub, after steaming the skin in the shower.
  3. Place the epilator against your skin without applying pressure. Hair should be removed in the direction of its growth. Movements with the epilator should be fast and confident. The faster you move, the less pain you will feel.
  4. After epilation, apply a moisturizing gel or cream to the intimate area.

How long will the effect last?

The epilator removes hair from the root, so the smooth skin effect usually lasts up to 3-4 weeks.

Pros of the epilator:

  • the effect after hair removal lasts quite a long time;
  • possibility of long-term use;
  • convenient for travel.

Cons of the epilator:

  • painful procedure;
  • possible appearance of irritation and ingrown hairs;
  • Not suitable for those with very delicate and sensitive skin.

Wax strips for intimate hair removal

Wax strips are common among women who do not have proper experience in bikini hair removal. If waxing is a difficult process for you, then strips will be an excellent solution. They are sold as a ready-made set. The set consists of the strips themselves and special oil wipes. They wipe the skin to remove any wax remaining after the procedure.

How to use wax strips correctly

  1. Make sure your pubic hair is long enough (2–3 mm) - if not, the wax simply will not be able to capture the hair for subsequent removal.
  2. Warm up the wax strip with your hands, rubbing it a little.
  3. Divide the wax strip into two parts. Place one of them firmly against the area you need.
  4. Rub the strip for a while along the hair growth.
  5. With your free hand, fix the area of ​​skin, pulling it slightly, and with your other hand, sharply remove the strip in the direction of hair growth.
  6. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.
  7. Clean your skin with the cloth provided in the kit.

How long will the effect last?

Wax strips are an effective option to get rid of hair in the bikini area for a long time. They remove hair from the root, leaving the skin smooth for up to 3-4 weeks.

Pros of wax strips:

  • an affordable method that does not require large expenses;
  • suitable for inexperienced girls;
  • long lasting effect after hair removal.

Cons of wax strips:

  • painful procedure;
  • the wax may not be completely removed from the skin, this causes discomfort;
  • bruises may remain after the procedure;
  • high risk of irritation and redness on the skin.

Trimmer for removing hair from intimate areas

The trimmer will help you create a contour for your intimate haircut and create an interesting design, but this tool will not be able to completely remove hair.

How to use a trimmer correctly

  1. Insert the battery or batteries into your device.
  2. A wide attachment is optimal for a bikini, but the final choice is yours.
  3. It is better to put a comb attachment on top to cut hair to the desired length.
  4. Turn on your trimmer.
  5. Place the device against the bikini area, moving against the hair growth, slightly stretching the skin.
  6. Change attachments if necessary.

How long will the effect last?

The trimmer does not completely remove hair; it cuts it to the length you need, based on the selected attachment. You won’t be able to achieve the effect of smooth skin, but creating an intimate haircut with a trimmer is quite simple.

Pros of a trimmer for the intimate area:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • the trimmer does not cause skin irritation;
  • easy to use;
  • convenient for travel.

Disadvantages of a trimmer for the intimate area:

  • does not remove hair from the roots, but only shortens it;
  • Additional attachments will need to be purchased.

Plucking hair with tweezers in an intimate place

Plucking pubic hair is not a substitute for shaving or waxing this delicate area. Tweezers can serve as a means of correcting an intimate haircut if single hairs remain somewhere after epilation. Tweezers remove hair from the roots, but using it on the entire bikini area is not productive; it is better to choose another method.

How to use tweezers

If after epilation you still have hair in some places, then get rid of it with tweezers. The tweezers must be sterile and free of rust. It is best to have a separate instrument that will be used exclusively in the intimate area.

The advantages of plucking hair with tweezers in an intimate place:

  • tweezers remove single hairs;
  • accessible method;
  • allows you to make your skin smooth by removing hair in hard-to-reach places.

Disadvantages of plucking hair with tweezers in an intimate place:

  • painful procedure;
  • hair removal takes a long time if there are a lot of hairs;
  • Ingrown hairs may appear.

Shaving the intimate area

Shaving is the most accessible and well-known method of hair removal and is one of the methods of depilation.

How to shave your bikini area correctly

  1. First, cut the hair with scissors to a length of 2–5 mm.
  2. Apply shaving cream to the desired area.
  3. While shaving, you need to stretch the skin a little, this will protect you from cuts. Razors only work well on flat surfaces of the skin.
  4. Place the razor against your skin without pressing on it. Start removing hair first in the direction of hair growth and then in the opposite direction.
  5. Do not go over the same place with the machine multiple times.
  6. Be sure to wash the blade when working. A clogged razor will not perform well.
  7. If there are pimples or wounds on the skin, you should not shave this area.
  8. At the end of the procedure, apply moisturizer.

How long will the effect last?

The razor cuts off the visible part of the hair, so the effect is short-lived. After 1–2 days, the skin will not be perfectly smooth.

Pros of shaving the intimate area:

  • inexpensive and accessible way;
  • painless.

Disadvantages of shaving the intimate area:

  • hair grows back a few days after the procedure;
  • you can cut the skin if you perform the procedure incorrectly;
  • risk of ingrown hairs.

Epilation of the intimate area in the salon

The procedure for hair removal of the intimate area began to gain popularity back in the 20th century, when open two-piece swimsuits came into fashion. Currently, many beauty salons provide bikini hair removal services. Different methods are used to remove hair:

  • waxing;
  • sugaring;
  • laser hair removal.


One of the most popular options for intimate hair removal is waxing.

In the salon, waxing is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the skin is treated with a disinfectant lotion.
  2. Next, apply wax heated from 40 to 60 degrees.
  3. Special paper is placed on top, pressing it tightly with your hand to the skin.
  4. With a quick movement, the master removes the paper in the direction of hair growth.
  5. At the end of the procedure, a moisturizer is applied.


A good alternative to waxing is sugaring (epilation with caramel paste). This option is optimal for sensitive skin. Sugaring contains natural ingredients: sugar and lemon juice. Sometimes honey and essential oils are included in the sugar paste, which soften the skin and protect it from irritation.

What you need to know before sugaring.

Two days before the procedure, you need to treat the intimate area with a gentle cleansing scrub. This will make the hair removal procedure less painful, because there will be no dead cells on the skin.

Sugaring of the intimate area in the salon is carried out as follows:

  1. The bikini area is treated with a disinfectant, then sprinkled with talcum powder (this will help the paste to set better).
  2. The next step is to apply a sugar mixture preheated to forty degrees against hair growth.
  3. Sugaring paste is removed sharply, following hair growth.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the master removes the remaining paste and treats the skin with a soothing agent.

The total duration of the sugar hair removal procedure is 30–40 minutes, and the effect lasts for 3–4 weeks.

Laser hair removal

If you are looking for a way to permanently get rid of hair, then laser hair removal is ideal for you. The laser not only removes hair from the surface of the skin or from the root, it destroys the hair follicle. The number of laser hair removal sessions depends on the type of skin and hair.

Preparation before laser hair removal:

  • Two months before the procedure, you should not get rid of hair in the bikini area.
  • You should not visit a solarium or sunbathe in the sun 2–3 weeks before the procedure.
  • On the day of the procedure, do not apply any cosmetics to the area that will be subject to laser hair removal.
  • Make sure you have no contraindications for laser hair removal. It is best to consult a specialist.

You should not resort to laser hair removal procedure under the following circumstances:

  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • cancer;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Laser hair removal in the salon proceeds as follows:

  1. The specialist first determines your skin and hair type, and based on this, the optimal laser hair removal option is selected.
  2. An anesthetic is applied an hour before hair removal.
  3. The laser can only be used on dry and clean skin. The device generates impulses that destroy the hair follicle.
  4. In between work, the skin is cooled with special means.

Photo gallery: intimate hair removal in the salon

Sugaring is the process of removing hair using sugar paste. Laser hair removal will help you get rid of hair forever. Waxing is a painful but effective method of getting rid of hair in the intimate area.

Pain relief during bikini hair removal

Home methods for pain relief are quite simple. They will help make the hair removal procedure more tolerable and comfortable.

Pain relief without the use of special means:

  • Before the procedure, you can apply ice to the intimate area for 2-5 minutes, so the skin will become less sensitive.
  • During epilation, stretch the skin, so the procedure will be less traumatic.
  • Remove hair from the bikini area after pre-steaming the skin.

If you have a low sensitivity threshold, then use one of the painkillers.

  • Emla cream. An effective drug that can reduce sensitivity in the bikini area. It should be applied an hour before the procedure. Spread a small amount (1–2 grams) over the intimate area, and place cling film or a plastic bag on top. It is in this form that you need to wait 60 minutes, then proceed to hair removal.
  • Cream Light Dep. This cream can be purchased in specialized stores. It blocks pain receptors, making the hair removal procedure comfortable and painless. This product is applied to the intimate area 20–30 minutes before the start of the procedure. The duration of action of the Light Dep cream is 2.5 hours.
  • Cream Dr. Numb. A well-known pain reliever during hair removal. It acts quickly, blocking the nerve impulse. The effect lasts 2–3 hours.

How to relieve irritation after epilation of the intimate area

If your skin turns red and itchy after hair removal, this may cause further acne and ingrown hairs. Therefore, having noticed the first signs of skin irritation, it is necessary to prevent unpleasant consequences. This can be done using available products that are available at home or sold in any pharmacy:

  • Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an effective and popular remedy. Add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil to a glass of cold water. Wipe the affected areas by soaking a cotton pad in the resulting compress.
  • Chamomile collection. To relieve inflammation and remove redness from the skin, purchase chamomile tea at the pharmacy. Steam it with boiling water (1 tablespoon of chamomile is enough for a glass of water). Let the product brew and cool slightly, then soak a cotton pad in the resulting infusion and wipe the desired areas of the skin.
  • Aloe vera. If you have this plant at home, use its stem. You need to cut off a small shoot of the plant, squeeze the juice out of it, and then wipe the affected area of ​​the skin with it. Aloe vera gel can also be purchased at the pharmacy.

Some pharmaceutical products can also help restore skin after hair removal. These include:

  • Panthenol. The cream or gel is applied to the skin without rinsing off. You can use it several times a day; it perfectly soothes the skin, restoring damaged areas.
  • Miramistin. It is an effective antimicrobial and sedative. Miramistin does not dry the skin, it restores it after any type of hair removal. It should be applied immediately after shaving, spraying onto the desired area.
  • Boro plus. This is a cream that can be purchased at any pharmacy. It has a greasy consistency and can remove skin irritation, restore and nourish it in one go. It is distributed with massage movements over the damaged area.

Bikini hair removal during pregnancy

Not all types of hair removal are safe during pregnancy. This is a special period in a woman’s life, so you need to pay special attention to even such a routine procedure as hair removal of the bikini area:

  • Shaving is a completely safe way to get rid of unwanted hair in the genital area while pregnant. So, if this is your usual method, you can continue to use it.
  • Plucking a couple of hairs with tweezers is quite acceptable, but you shouldn’t treat the entire bikini area with an epilator. Elevated hormone levels can lead to various types of skin problems. Sensitivity increases during pregnancy, and the epilator is a painful tool that can cause uterine contractions and, as a result, premature birth or miscarriage.
  • Waxing also causes pain, which means there is a risk of uterine tone, which is dangerous during pregnancy. If you have previously used this method and want to continue waxing sessions, then consult with the doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy. Perhaps waxing is completely contraindicated for you.
  • Although sugaring is considered a more gentle procedure, this does not mean that it is safe to perform sugar hair removal while pregnant. Consultation with a doctor from a women's clinic is required. The specialist will assess your physical condition, prescribe the necessary tests, and then be able to advise the optimal hair removal method for you.
  • Depilatory creams during pregnancy are a rather controversial issue. The main threat to pregnant women is the presence of chemicals that can provoke an allergic reaction. It is better not to resort to using any kind of depilatory creams.
  • Laser hair removal is not recommended during pregnancy. Pigmentation may occur due to increased sensitivity and receptivity of the skin. Plus, laser hair removal is not always painless, and using an anesthetic during pregnancy is not always acceptable.

Agree, hair removal of intimate places is an integral procedure for every modern girl. It has become so firmly established in our lives, but it still raises many questions. Which way is better? Does it hurt or not? How to care for your skin after depilation? And much more. In our article we will help you understand a little and make the right choice. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best option – depilation at home. You will learn further about all the secrets of how to do hair removal in the intimate area at home. Ready? Then let's begin!

Is it worth doing intimate waxing?

Of course, many girls wonder whether it is necessary to do intimate depilation at home. Not everyone is ready to decide on such a procedure. Some people are afraid of pain, while others are simply embarrassed to consult a specialist. In any case, the choice is yours. But the absence of hair in such an intimate place is, first of all, aesthetically pleasing and hygienic.

A well-groomed girl will always catch the gaze of caring men, and she herself is much nicer and more confident when her skin is smooth and soft. How to do epilation of the intimate area at home? Believe me, it's not that difficult. You just need to choose the appropriate method and perform depilation as correctly as possible to avoid pain. Moreover, at present, drugs are available that can reduce irritation during depilation of intimate areas. Therefore, don’t worry, everything will be successful!

How to do depilation at home? Intimate area without irritation

The depilation procedure is the removal of the top part of the hair. In this case, the hair grows much faster than when the substance is exposed to the root bulb. There are methods where the hair is removed along with the hair follicle. This makes many modern girls happy, because sometimes we simply don’t have time to do hair removal as often. Each girl will choose exactly the method that is most convenient and comfortable for her.

Going to the salon is expensive, but this procedure can be done at home, where it is comfortable and everything is at hand. Do you agree with this? If yes, then we will consider in detail the methods for removing hair from the intimate area at home, and get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages.

Shaving the intimate area

If you do not pay attention to some inconveniences and side effects, razor depilation continues to be the most popular and fastest method of getting rid of unwanted hair.


Many girls choose this option due to a number of advantages:

  • Simplicity and accessibility. The razor does not require large financial expenditures. You can use the machine almost any time. In addition, nowadays there are machines with several blades, a floating head and a protective coating, which greatly facilitates the depilation process.
  • Save time. You do not need to spend a lot of time on this procedure. Hair is removed in minutes.


However, the razor also has a number of disadvantages:

  • The appearance of irritation. This method can cause serious skin irritation.
  • Cuts. By using a razor, you automatically accept the appearance of unpleasant cuts. Most often this happens in a hurry and due to a very sharp razor blade - redness, irritation and other skin disorders appear.
  • Constant shaving. If you choose this path, then you will have to shave your intimate area almost every day, and the hairs will become stiffer and thicker every day.

Important! Remember that frequent shaving can lead to dry skin.

  • Ingrown hair. After such depilation, the process of ingrown hair is possible, since only the surface of the hair is shaved, and the bulb remains under the skin.

Important! To reduce the discomfort and consequences after shaving, you can use a special gel, ointments, creams, lotions or shaving foam. These products soften the skin during shaving and take care of it after.


To avoid various injuries and irritations, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Steam your skin well before shaving.
  • Use shaving gel or cream; in extreme cases, you can use regular liquid soap.
  • Shave hairs diagonally, do not run the razor twice over the same place.

Important! Shaving is the most painless means of depilating the intimate area at home, but remember that the result is extremely short-lived - unpleasant stubble will appear in a couple of days.

Depilatory cream

This method is considered one of the best for hair removal at home. On the cosmetology market, this depilatory product is produced in the form of creams and aerosols.

Important! They are based on thioglycolic acid, which dissolves hair. Depilation of intimate areas with cream is well suited for sensitive and delicate skin.


The main disadvantages of depilation with cream:

  • Allergy. When applied, an allergy to the ingredients of the cream may occur. In order to check the skin's reaction to this product, you need to apply a little cream to the skin and wait a couple of minutes. If irritation does not appear, then you can use the cream. Otherwise, you need to abandon such a remedy.

Important! Don't forget about skin care. After the procedure, treat your skin with nourishing cream or lotion. This will not only get rid of flaking and irritation, but the hairs will grow much slower, which is what we need.

  • Unpleasant smell of chemicals. If you cannot stand strong odors, then you should avoid this depilation method.
  • Short-term results. When using depilatory cream, hair grows back quite quickly.


Now, let's take a look at the advantages of this method:

  • Ease of use. Using this cream is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to apply the product to the intimate area, wait a little, and remove the excess with a spatula or simply wash it off.
  • Economical. When applying the cream, you do not need to apply too large a layer.
  • Speed ​​and comfort. The waiting time after applying the depilatory cream will be about 10 minutes. Skin smoothness lasts for approximately 1 week.
  • No cuts or irritation. When using the cream, the risks of mechanical damage to the skin, as is the case with the machine, are completely eliminated.


For painless depilation with cream, follow these recommendations:

  • Before purchasing, make sure that the product is suitable for the bikini area, since the hair structure on the body parts is different.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. For example, if you leave the cream on for longer than the specified time, you may end up with a severe chemical burn or irritation. For the same reason, avoid getting the cream into your eyes and other mucous membranes.
  • Just as in many cases of depilation, apply in the direction of hair growth and remove in the opposite direction.

Important! If there are rashes or cuts in the bikini area, then the cream should not be used so as not to aggravate the situation even further.


How to do hair removal at home is an intimate topic that worries many modern young ladies. At home, you can perform intimate depilation using hot or cold wax. But to use it, some skill is required. The procedure requires wax, a special spatula for application and fabric strips (not always). Apply preheated wax to the skin, press with a special strip and pull sharply with one jerk of hair growth. That's the whole procedure!

Important! You can buy ready-made strips that are already waxed and ready for use.


Let us highlight the main positive aspects of this procedure:

  • Availability. There are special devices on sale that allow you to heat the wax to the desired temperature at home. To do this, we simply insert a special cassette, turn on the device and in a couple of minutes we get ready-made material for depilation of the bikini area. This way, the whole process will be much faster and easier.

Important! If you do not have a special preparation for forming liquid wax, you can use a water bath or microwave.

  • Ease of use. A narrow strip allows you to apply wax to small areas. Therefore, wax strips are very convenient to use.
  • Long lasting result. After depilation of the intimate area with wax, new hairs will not grow soon, after about 3-4 weeks. With regular use of wax strips, you will notice that your hair has become much thinner.


But there is also a downside to this depilation:

  • Thermal burns. If you heat the wax incorrectly, for example, overexpose it, you can get serious burns and skin damage.

Important! Don't forget to take care of your bikini area before and after the procedure. Use a scrub to prevent ingrown hairs, which can sometimes be so annoying.


Some subtleties of wax depilation:

  • In the intimate area, hairs of at least 5 mm in length can be removed.
  • Try to remove the hairs sharply, in one fell swoop.
  • If after removing the wax there are noticeable hairs on the skin, then repeating hair removal in the same place is not recommended, as microtraumas and bruises may appear, and this is of no use to us at all.

Important! If you have no experience at all with depilation at home, then we advise you not to start immediately with the intimate area. Try waxing on more accessible areas, such as your legs or underarms. After a good workout, you can start depilating the bikini area.

Electric epilator

There are girls who choose a popular method of self-hair removal for depilation - an epilator. This method has more disadvantages than advantages. Which? We will learn about this further.


So, let's get acquainted with the advantages of hair removal with an epilator:

  • High quality and long lasting results. The quality of such shaving will be much higher than when using a machine, since tweezers pull out the hairs along with the bulb.
  • Economical. There is no need to constantly buy an epilator. It is enough to buy once and use for quite a long time.


Now let's get acquainted with the unpleasant side of using an epilator:

  • Painful sensations. An epilator almost painlessly removes hair, for example, on the legs, but when depilating the intimate area, it turns the procedure into unbearable torture. Therefore, it is possible to use a more gentle method for such a delicate area.

Important! You can use modern types of electric epilators that cool the skin during depilation, or those that can work in water.

  • Restrictions. This method is absolutely not suitable for very long and thick hair. The hair length should be no more than 4 mm, otherwise the epilator simply will not do its job.
  • Irritations. When first used, severe irritation and skin rashes may occur. But with subsequent use, you will get used to it and there will be less discomfort.
  • Ingrown hair. When using an epilator, such an unpleasant aspect as ingrown hairs is quite possible. This problem is quite difficult to solve, so it is better to prevent it in advance.

Important! To reduce discomfort during depilation with an epilator, you can use various types of painkillers, for example, an antiseptic spray, which will dull the pain a little, but this is only temporary.

Now you know how to do hair removal in the intimate area at home using an electric epilator.


Sugaring is a new procedure, but it is gaining popularity every day. It has some similarities to waxing - the mixture is applied to the skin and then removed. But there are still differences between two similar procedures. We'll talk about this a little further.


So, sugaring has a number of advantages:

  • Painless procedure. This is the most important advantage of this method, since excess hairs are removed according to hair growth, and not against it.
  • Does not injure the skin. Sugar paste does not damage the top layer of the skin, and the properties of sugar allow you to avoid the appearance of rashes and irritations.
  • Availability of ingredients and saving time. With a little practice, you can prepare sugaring paste yourself at home. Therefore, you do not have to spend a lot of personal time going to a beauty salon and money on buying a special product.
  • No ingrown hair. After depilation using sugaring, hair practically does not grow in, since the depilation process involves peeling the surface of the skin.


There is also a downside to sugaring:

  • Not everyone can prepare such a sugar mass; this requires experience and patience.
  • The depilation process takes a long time.
  • This method has a number of contraindications and conditions under which the use of the method is simply impossible: the presence of skin burns, irritations and other skin damage and diabetes.
  • Sugaring can be done when the hair length is at least 4-6 cm. Some girls simply cannot afford to grow their hair that long.

How to cook pasta?

Before doing depilation in the intimate area at home, you need to prepare a paste for sugaring. You can make your own pasta using simple and affordable ingredients. Believe me, it will be much cheaper than turning to a salon for help.

To do this you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg sugar.
  • 7 tablespoons lemon juice.
  • 8 tablespoons of water.

Important! For the first test, it is better to take the ingredients proportionally in much smaller quantities.

And here is the process of preparing and applying the paste:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a metal saucepan and put on fire.
  • Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the paste begins to foam.
  • We wait until the mass turns light brown and remove from heat.
  • Pour the paste into a plastic container until it cools completely.
  • When you can pick up the mass, you can safely begin depilation of the intimate area.

Important! To avoid possible irritation, sprinkle your skin with baby powder before the procedure. We do not recommend using talc - it clogs pores and may cause ingrown hair.

  • Take a little of the prepared mixture and knead it in your hands until it turns light yellow.
  • Afterwards, we distribute it according to the hair growth and sharply pull it against the growth.

Important! The finished paste can be safely stored in the refrigerator, and before use, heated in a water bath or in the microwave. Thus, you will significantly save food and time for preparing it.

Almost everyone experiences skin irritation after depilation. Don’t worry, this is a completely normal reaction to this procedure, since the upper layers of the epidermis are removed. That is why the skin after depilation needs proper care.

In order to relieve irritation before and after depilation, you must:

  • Rinse off the depilatory cream with cool water.
  • Before depilation, clean and scrub the skin.

Important! To avoid ingrown hairs and irritation after depilation, exfoliate about a day before the procedure and once a week after.

  • Do not apply depilatory product to irritated or damaged skin.
  • Remove hair only on steamed skin - this will make the procedure less painful and safer.
  • If you still get injured while using a razor or epilator, apply aftershave lotion to the area.
  • Regular baby cream will help remove irritation.
  • After the procedure, do not wear tight clothes and underwear for at least several days.
  • After shaving or waxing, wipe the skin with an effective antibacterial agent.

Video material

As you already understand, there are many ways to get rid of vegetation in the intimate area. Each of them has both disadvantages and advantages. Intimate hair removal at home is possible and accessible to almost everyone. You can choose only one method, or you can try different methods in order to settle on the most comfortable depilation. Agree, the absence of hair in an intimate place is the key to a good mood and self-confidence. Even if no one knows about it, you will feel at your best. Never save money on beauty and health, always remain bright, stylish and charming! You deserve it!

Everyone has an impressive amount of hair on their body, but it also grows in areas where it would seem there should not be any. I want to remove them as quickly as possible. How to get rid of hair in intimate places? Here are some useful tips and tricks.

Helpful advice

Intimate areas are very delicate and prone to irritation, so you should not use too aggressive and traumatic hair removal methods. To find out which intimate areas are best and safest, you can first try one or another hair removal method on a small area of ​​the hair growth area.

How to get rid of hair in intimate places: possible methods

1. The first, most famous and, as practice shows, popular method is shaving. Yes, it is practically painless and quite easy, but this method has its certain disadvantages. Firstly, after shaving, the hairs become darker and coarser, and also begin to grow faster (therefore, removing hair above the upper lip in this way is not recommended), so the procedure will have to be repeated often. Secondly, there is a risk of cuts and irritation.

2. You can remove them with an epilator. But this is very painful, since the hairs are literally pulled out along with the roots. In addition, severe redness often occurs when using this method.

3. Special products (most often creams) for getting rid of hair. They are applied to and after some time the hair is removed with a special spatula, which is included in the package with the product. It is important to find a special cream specifically for delicate areas, and also conduct a sensitivity test (try the product on a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction).

4. If you are interested in learning how to get rid of hair in intimate places, you can try using wax. It is heated, applied to the skin, and then, after hardening, removed along with unwanted hairs.

5. Sugaring. This method is similar in principle to the previous one, but the hair is removed using sugar paste.

6. Electrolysis. This method involves the use of electrical current pulses that penetrate the skin using needles. The procedure is painful, so local anesthesia is almost always required. After removal, a thin crust forms, which disappears after a week or two.

7. Photoepilation - removal using light and heat. The procedure may be painful, but not too much, and redness may occur at the site of treatment (this will go away in a few days). To finally get rid of hair, several sessions are required (from 6 to 10). This method is not suitable for fair-skinned and red-haired girls.

8. Laser hair removal - removal using a laser that destroys the hair follicle. This procedure is almost painless, the result will be visible only after a few days, and the skin will become smooth after several sessions. This method will be most effective if the skin is not dark and the hair is dark.

A distinctive feature of modern women is their individuality and uniqueness. To create their own unique style, women experiment and show imagination. A real lady thinks through everything down to the smallest detail: hairstyle, manicure, makeup, clothes, accessories, well-groomed skin.

To complete the look, of course, you can’t do without the beauty of the bikini area.

Salons come to the aid of women, offering various services for caring for the intimate area: hair removal (full or partial), setting a certain length of hair in the pubic area, coloring, decoration with decorative elements (rhinestones, feathers), and even tattoos, both permanent and and temporary (mehendi).

Types of intimate haircuts (Hollywood, Brazilian and others)

  • basic (standard);
  • Hollywood;
  • Brazilian triangle;
  • "runway";
  • figure drawing.

The basic one involves removing hair along the top line and sides. The second option involves absolute smoothness in the bikini area; it is also called “girl”.

The third option involves a small, enticing triangle on the pubic area. The fourth also involves the absence of hairs on the external genitalia, and only a small strip in the pubic area remains on the pubis.

But the last option is represented by a huge variety, it is here that you can show all your individuality and imagination ( droplets, hearts, butterflies, car logo and so on).

Note!Despite the apparent ease, such depilation of the intimate area is best performed in a specialized salon. This will avoid possible skin irritation.

Depilation of the intimate area in the salon: methods of hair removal, their features

An old proven and safe way to care for the intimate area is to use a razor, but after shaving, the smoothness disappears almost the next day, there is a feeling of a “hedgehog” in panties, there is a risk of cuts, irritation often appears, and only the most capable of performing this procedure every other day patient and self-possessed.

Epilation (depilation) of the intimate area in the salon is possible in various ways. Hair removal occurs safely, relatively quickly and with minimal discomfort

Various methods of depilation come to the rescue (waxing, sugaring, electro-, photo-, laser hair removal).

The use of waxing and sugaring is possible at home, but you need to remember that carrying out procedures in the salon has a number of advantages. Firstly, this is done by an experienced specialist, knowing the subtleties and nuances of the method, and secondly, they will conduct a test to determine the skin type, reaction to these components, and perform a massage using professional products and oils to reduce pain.

The third and most important advantage of the salon is the fact that not every woman is capable of causing such pain to herself; the movement will not be very sharp and in the right direction, while the hairs will break and the hair follicles will remain in the skin.

It is important to know! You need to contact verified salons; be sure to read customer reviews.

If the salon does not use gloves, does not treat the skin with an antiseptic after the procedure, and does not offer disposable panties for the procedure, you should not even consider this option.

Also, before going to the salon, you should prepare your skin for procedures by exfoliating.

Waxing - how it is done in the salon

Among the many ways to get rid of unnecessary hair, one of the most popular is the use of wax. By the way, along with sugaring, this is the most common method.

This method of hair removal has a number of advantages: accessibility, duration of effect, safety, simplicity, cost.

The accessibility of the method lies in the fact that such services are offered in almost all salons. The effect of this procedure, when used correctly, lasts for about a month.

There are 3 types of wax that are used for this procedure: cold, warm, hot. Each of these tools has its own purpose. It must be remembered that using hot wax can cause burns.

Depilation of the intimate area in a salon with wax must be performed efficiently. In the salon, after a sensitivity test, the skin is treated with a special tonic, then degreased for better adhesion of the wax to the hair. Then comes the process of applying wax and strips.

After the wax hardens, the master will sharply pull the strip, holding the skin with his hand to avoid the appearance of bruises. Then the best part: treating the skin with an antiseptic, various creams, oils, balms, and hair growth inhibitors.

Sugaring in the bikini area, rules of implementation

Sugaring is a method of hair removal in which a sugar-based paste is applied to the skin.. The skin is treated with lotion, then the master heats the paste and kneads it in his hands to the desired consistency, applies it to various areas of the skin in the direction opposite to hair growth.

The advantage of this method is the fact that the paste envelops even the smallest hairs, fixing them securely. Then the master pulls out all unwanted hairs. Sugaring pastes come in three types: soft (for fine hair), medium (used for depilation of legs) and hard (armpit and bikini area).

To reduce pain in the most sensitive clients, salons can use creams with an anesthetic effect. The paste is heated to a temperature of 37°C, so you don’t have to worry about burns.

Another advantage is the fact that the paste penetrates deeper than wax and captures short hairs.

When sugaring, you need to do more approaches, since not all hairs are pulled out the first time., pulling out occurs in the direction of hair growth, therefore less painful. It is very easy to wash off the paste with water.

This method has some contraindications, such as diabetes mellitus, low blood clotting, any violation of the integrity of the skin in the area where the paste is applied, in the presence of moles, and others. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is necessary when using sugaring.

Laser and photoepilation of the intimate area in the salon

Laser hair removal is a modern and effective way of almost complete hair removal.

This method of depilation has many advantages: hairs are removed almost completely, the procedure is quick, the laser acts on all hair follicles in a certain area (bikini area for no more than half an hour), practically painless (suitable for women with a low pain threshold), the effect of the first procedure lasts for about three months, suitable for sensitive skin, ideal for dark and coarse hair.

Types of professional lasers for hair removal

Laser hair removal has certain disadvantages: the high cost of the procedure, its availability is limited, as it is carried out only in beauty salons and medical centers.

This method may not be effective or ineffective for light, thin hair, the laser does not act on “dormant” hair, so the procedure must be repeated 4-6 times with an interval of 1.5-2 months, hairs do not fall out immediately, but after a week of using the procedure .

On the eve of the procedure, several rules must be followed: shave or cut your hair short to the desired level, cleanse the skin of creams, deodorants and lotions, do not peel, do not use scrubs, do not wipe with alcohol-containing products, do not steam, do not sunbathe.

There are four types of laser (ruby, alexandrite, diode, neodymium), differ in wavelength and frequency, and are used for different types of skin and hair.

View of intimate depilation (bikini area) in the salon Advantages Flaws Contraindications
Photoepilation is a very “young” method of hair removal, but already in demand today.Safety, painlessness, use for any skin type, excellent effect, not time-consuming, stable, long-lasting results.Used only in large medical centers, clinics, salons. Before applying the procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe, use tanning products, not take antibiotics, tranquilizers, and undergo a comprehensive examination.Pregnancy and breastfeeding, the presence of infectious diseases, skin inflammation, wounds, malignant tumors, varicose veins, diabetes, age restrictions.

Be careful! This procedure should be performed only in specialized salons that use high-quality equipment.

Electrolysis in the bikini area

Electrolysis is the removal of hair using electric current; this method involves microscopic punctures of the skin with a needle-electrode.

As a rule, the results from electrolysis can last up to 5 years, sometimes it is possible to consolidate the effect forever.

The use of this procedure has a number of limitations, so consultation with a specialist is mandatory.

First, the bikini area is cleaned and treated with a numbing drug, as this is a painful procedure, especially for the delicate and sensitive intimate area.

How is enzyme depilation of the intimate area performed in the salon?

Enzyme depilation - getting rid of hair using products containing enzymes (papain, trypsin and chymotrypsin).

Disadvantages of this method:
does not cope with ingrown hairs, is contraindicated for use on the face, an allergic reaction may occur, itching and redness of the skin often occurs.

To completely get rid of hair, you need to do about 6 procedures at intervals of a month.. There are a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and breastfeeding, varicose veins, skin damage, oncology, infectious diseases and others.

Caring for the intimate area after the depilation procedure

The skin experiences “shock” after depilation procedures and needs additional care. in the form of moisturizers and emollients, creams with SPF 30 and higher, you can use antiseptic drugs, for inflammation - compresses with medicinal herbs, avoid microdamages (do not use scrubs, peelings, alcohol-containing care products).

Depilation of the intimate areahas not only aesthetic significance for women, but also hygienic.

In beauty salons there are many options for maintaining the beauty of the intimate part of the body and for creating a unique, original image. Each woman can choose the optimal depilation method for herself, in accordance with her individual and financial capabilities.

Video about methods of depilation/epilation of the intimate area in beauty salons

A fascinating video about waxing at home and in a beauty salon: