Stylized New Year. Scenario of a home or friendly party "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!". Useful tips and New Year's entertainment: games, contests, skits, impromptu theater

Holidays celebrated among colleagues are a great opportunity to get to know each other better, chat in a relaxed atmosphere and just have a good time.

The New Year's corporate party is no exception, which, in addition to everything, is a kind of outcome of the year, and therefore should be especially bright and memorable. A variety of topics can help in organizing such a holiday, just choose the one that best suits your team.

Strangers' Ball, or New Year's Masquerade

An excellent, though not at all new, theme of the New Year's corporate party is the Masquerade Ball. Such a party will bring a touch of something new, even if the company team has been working together for a long time. The main condition is the presence of a carnival mask, and maybe even a costume. You can give complete freedom in choosing an outfit, and then the evening will be full of surprises: the chief accountant in the Little Red Riding Hood costume, the programmer in the role of the Cheshire Cat, the deputy director Batman. Why not? If you wish, you can narrow the topic and invite everyone to come to the holiday in fancy dress from the Renaissance, for example. Such outfits can be easily found in specialized rental shops.

"Ice" New Year's corporate party at the skating rink

Renting a skating rink for a New Year's celebration is a great idea! For many, skating has been strongly associated with the carefree time of winter holidays since school days. And the opportunities that such a platform provides are a great many. This is an ice show with fire, light illuminations and professional figure skaters, and master classes in professional figure skating, and a skating disco, and competitions on ice. Such an evening promises to be very active, which means that no one will have time to get bored.

Back in Sochi – the Winter Olympics continues

Sports topics, as never before, have gained their relevance after the Sochi 2014 Olympics. New Year's corporate party can also be held under the appropriate auspices. Ideally, the holiday is best organized outside the city, where there is an opportunity to arrange ski competitions, sledding and cheesecakes, snow volleyball, hockey. If there is a cozy cottage nearby, where you can warm up, drink tea and chat - and it’s completely wonderful. As an option, you can consider renting a stadium or a sports complex in the city.

New Year's light

Everyone remembers the great movie "Carnival Night"? It can be taken as a basis for organizing a New Year's corporate party. The blue lights of those years are still remembered with trepidation - it is difficult to come up with a more soulful version of collective celebrations. Several ensembles that perform the melodies of those years, light jazz in the background, appropriate dress code, confetti and champagne are such simple components of an unforgettable evening with your favorite colleagues.

New Year's corporate party in Oscar style

Sometimes you want not only to celebrate the end of the new year, but also to take stock, to celebrate the best. Come to the rescue themed New Year's party in the style of "Oscar". Of course, everything will start with the red carpet and the press, which will greet the guests with numerous flashes. During the celebration, nominations are announced, such as "The best employee of the personnel department", "The best young employee", "The soul of the team" - the choice depends on the size of the team, the direction of work and the presence of a sense of humor among employees. An evening like this will help set a beautiful chord at the end of the year and give employees an incentive to work even better next year to also shine on the Oscars stage.

New Year's party

Why don't we go back to childhood and take a chance on celebrating a Christmas tree party at school? If the employees are more or less friends with humor, then it should turn out to be quite fun. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, "children" dressed up as bunnies, chanterelles and snowflakes, poems and songs on a high chair, round dances around the Christmas tree. The only thing you may have to start the holiday with is not quite a childish drink - with champagne, this will help everyone to relax and not be shy to seem ridiculous. Sweets, tangerines and always ridiculous ridiculous contests like “Running in bags”, “Snowball throwing”, etc. Such a theme of the holiday will help you return to childhood for a while - indescribable emotions are guaranteed!

"Colored" New Year's corporate party

An event can also become interesting due to the observance of a certain color scheme. For example, orange is the color of the sun and tangerines, it will warm and give you a great mood. Mandatory dress code, according to which everyone should come in clothes of the appropriate shades, the hall should also be decorated in similar colors. Dishes and drinks are also selected according to the principle of color and shades close to it. Or, for example, white is the color of snow, the color of winter. At such a party, you can arrange a laser or neon show, treat everyone with ice cream and white wine.

The scope for fantasy is really great, you just need to think about which color is closer to the specific company for which the holiday is being organized. It is possible to take the color present in the logo of the enterprise as a basis: such a holiday can strengthen the unity of people working together.

When choosing a theme for a corporate event, it is very important to feel the mood of the team, its desires and opportunities. The party should bring maximum positive emotions to all those present, rally the team as tightly as possible, give joyful moments of happiness. Let the holiday please everyone who comes to it, regardless of age, position and status!

New Year holidays always come unexpectedly, although their dates are clearly regulated by the calendar. Everyone is familiar with the situation when convulsive throwing begins in search of a place of celebration, the choice of an agency to organize the event, the selection of scenarios for the party and the coordination of estimates for such an important event as the corporate new year. Here are the best holiday party ideas so you can plan ahead and enjoy a fabulous weekend!
If you follow the Eastern calendar, then 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Fire Rooster. The element of the Rooster is fire, therefore, many of our troubles will burn out and, like a phoenix bird, we will be reborn for a new happy life.
This means that the meeting of the New Year must certainly be bright so that the Fire Rooster is not upset and brings good luck for the whole year. Assessing the nature of the Rooster, we can conclude that the meeting of the year under his auspices must also be unusual, funny and phenomenal. Top 7 2017 Costume Party Ideas will help you plan your New Year's Eve and choose the right agency to organize your celebration.

Idea #1: Hipsters
The youth subculture of the 50s left a spectacular mark on the fashion trends of our time. Caricature wardrobe, lurid details, love for incendiary music, intricate hairstyles - a great set for the New Year 2017!

Room. It should be designed for a full-scale dance marathon, because the rhythms of jazz and rock and roll will not leave you a chance to sit still. The ideal option would be a minimum of furniture, a decent sound system and a music library, a good floor and a buffet in the corner. However, do not forget that after swing and lindy hop, the legs get very tired, so soft pear chairs or a sofa will not be superfluous. Regarding the decor, it is better to choose multi-colored garlands, neon lights and lamps with lampshades.
Festive table. Choose unpretentious home cooking: pies, sausage and cheese sandwiches, pickles, fruit cuts. However, dilute this comfort with expensive drinks. For table setting, grandmother's plates and a tablecloth with a newspaper print are suitable.
Outfit. For men, baggy pants in bright colors or pipe trousers are ideal. A colorful tie, narrow-brimmed hat, and intricate hair styling are must-haves. Women may prefer flashy dresses with full skirts. Lacquer shoes, bouffant or headband, large jewelry, eye-catching makeup are the main attributes of a charismatic girl from the 50s.
Entertainment. Dancing, dancing and more dancing! However, groovy table games will not leave guests indifferent, for example, "Guess the slang" or "The Bottle". Learn a few words from style slang - this will significantly diversify communication. Do not forget to make an extraordinary photoset, because the dudes loved to pose for the public.

Idea #2: Venetian Ball
Anything happens on New Year's Eve: miraculous transformations and enchanting carnivals. The last night of the year is the perfect time to have an unforgettable holiday with luxurious dresses and chic masks. A little mystery and flirting will always come in handy.

Room. For this event, a huge ballroom or a spacious restaurant is suitable. The main thing is the privacy of your company and the presence of elaborate decor elements. A separate space for intimate conversations will not be superfluous. For decoration we use candles and curtains. We will hang several picture reproductions, we will install antique-styled statues. Unobtrusive classical music will allow you to tune in to a lyrical mood, opening your arms to the unknown.
Festive table. You should not be especially distracted by food and drinks, because secular society is not used to gorging itself. Glasses of sparkling champagne, high-quality chocolate, fruit canapés and multi-colored marshmallows - such a light snack will complement the atmosphere of sophistication and sophistication.
Outfit. We adhere to the evening dress code, a long dress, and for men - a three-piece suit. A tailcoat will look elegant, that is, for women, a ball gown is a must. Gloves, handbags, fans, mufflers will become appropriate accessories for entering a cultural society. The main element of the wardrobe for this evening should be a mask. Do not skimp on the cardboard version: decorate it with rhinestones and feathers, give it an uncharacteristic shape. Send vintage invitations to guests with the date and time of the party.
Entertainment. Give preference to dancing: learn the waltz, polka and quadrille. Do not forget that poetry readings and discussions of literature have always been popular at social events. Watch old black-and-white films or theatrical productions.

Idea #3: Hawaiian Islands
A traditional luau (Hawaiian party) will be a wonderful vacation for a large friendly company. Create the coziness of a tropical island and spend New Year's Eve in a warm atmosphere! An unforgettable holiday will be presented to you by exotic cocktails and folk dances of one of the most unusual and remote island systems in the world.

Room. We will choose a suitable place that is ideal for the theme of the evening. For more demanding guests, we will divide the party into several zones with the possibility of organizing a photo session with real representatives of the island of Hawaii.
Festive table. The menu should contain exotic fruits and corn tortillas, richly flavored with a variety of sauces. You can grill meat. Non-alcoholic cocktails with umbrellas are a permanent hit of the party. From alcohol, rum and liquors are preferred.
Outfit. White cotton dresses and colorful shirts will ensure that you are one hundred percent hit on the theme of the evening. Guests of the evening will be offered beautiful flower necklaces. Hats, wreaths, flower hairpins and bracelets will also complement the look.
Entertainment. The choice is truly huge, ranging from active games to dance and creative competitions. You can arrange team competitions, quests or speed games.

Idea #4: An informal party
An extraordinary underground party will take you into the depths of specific music and entertainment. Let yourself and your colleagues turn into a company of informal youth for one night! Do not limit yourself in freedom: clothes that are unusual for you, new acquaintances and “heavy” music will help you feel like a part of an informal movement.

Room. We rent a disco club or arrange a room for your celebration. A powerful stereo system, color music, a smoke machine and winners of international charts - this is enough to immerse yourself in the dance world of dreams. Neon lighting and futuristic design of the halls will add zest to the perception of the disco.
Festive table. Quick snacks or fast food will allow you to run to the table for a snack and quickly return to the dance floor. Ice-cold Pepsi and Coca-Cola will help quench your thirst, and popular cocktails or energy drinks will add vigor.
Outfit. All clothes in dark colors will do: mesh tops, short skirts with straps, trousers with chains, shoes with massive soles. We will focus on accessories: artificial tattoos, metal bracelets, wigs with long hair, imitation piercings on the face and body, makeup, contact lenses.
Entertainment. We will invite a photographer with high-quality equipment. Let it capture your fun in smoke and spotlights. All kinds of thematic competitions will also be well received by the party participants - for example, for the most catchy outfit or bright makeup.

Idea #5: India is a land of contrasts
A truly Indian party, with a carefully thought-out interior and menu, with costumes, magical Indian dances and ethnic music, requires quite serious efforts. But the feeling of a different world around, the feeling of immersion in a culture incomprehensible to us is definitely worth it!

Room. There is no need to use everything at once to decorate an Indian-style party. Think about which India you want to invite your team to? Maybe a risky picnic in the jungle? Then you will need a lot of flowers and fruits, greenery and vines, let Baloo watch the guests, and Sherkhan himself hides in dense thickets. The home of a wealthy Indian is an abundance of silk, "silver" and "gold" dishes, flower garlands and lampshades with ethnic patterns, images and figurines of deities, aromatic products without a strong odor.
Festive table. An abundance of rice and all kinds of sauces for it are welcome. Vegetable stews, salads, cereal tortillas. Poultry meat, any fish. There are many strict vegetarians among the indigenous people, so vegetable dishes and rice should prevail on the table. Spices, not necessarily spicy - fragrant herbs, spices, seasoning mixtures.
Outfit. For a party in the style of traditional India, the sari fits like nothing else. The sari is wrapped several times around the waist, forming neat folds in front, and thrown over the shoulder (or thrown over the head), fastened with pins or a brooch. With men's suits a little easier. Modern Indian guys wear loose shirts (kurta) and jeans or loose trousers (pajama).
Entertainment. An Indian party cannot fail to include dance lessons. We will invite guests to repeat the mehendi drawings on the arms, legs, as well as other parts of the body. If the party scenario resonates with Indian films, we will arrange games based on Bollywood plots. You can simply take turns remembering the names of the films (the team that fails to remember the next name in 30 seconds loses) or play a few scenes from especially favorite films.

Idea #6: Foreigners
Would it be interesting to talk to a real Mexican and learn something about his country? You don't have to go there to do this - just organize a New Year's themed party! Let the guests randomly choose a country and try to match its national costume.

Room. Such an acquaintance party can be held both in the office and in a small restaurant. Upholstered furniture, lounge-style background music and a calm interior will help you relax and feel new impressions.
Festive table. The dish can represent each guest individually. Here you will find Uzbek pilaf, Caucasian barbecue, and an abundance of exotic fruits. The table will immediately become diverse and very interesting.
Outfit. Try to convince the party participants to embody costumes known in different countries of the world as authentically as possible. You can learn a couple of phrases in an exotic foreign language (for example, Thai) or a greeting in an aboriginal language, which is sure to please all participants.
Entertainment. Have fun at a joint disco of European remixes from different years and different countries. For an interesting pastime, games for the knowledge of a particular country, continent, as well as pleasant communication on the topic of travel, are suitable.

Idea #7: Fairy Tale Party
Room. Whether you choose a restaurant with a luxurious interior, or a paid stylized hall, it does not matter, the main thing is to achieve the look of a fantastic castle. Colored garlands, candles, wooden furniture, paintings, gilding - all this must certainly be present in the interior.

Festive table. Glasses of sparkling wine or lemonade, sweet snacks, a fruit plate and marshmallow - a light snack will complement the atmosphere of sophistication and sophistication.
Outfit. We will help you choose costumes or create your own unique images. Of course, it is quite difficult for many to reproduce a real fairy-tale costume, but by adding bright accessories to the outfit, you can transform into a fairy-tale hero. Princesses, fairies, pirates, fauns - this is not the whole list of possible options.
Entertainment. We will arrange a competition for the best costume, organize a small theatrical performance with the participation of fairy-tale characters. You can arrange comic fights with foam swords and shields, arrange archery or search for treasure.
By choosing one of the above topics, you can move away from the stereotypes of celebrating a New Year's corporate party in Almaty. To diversify your party, the team will help you show agency "Bravo", which has been developing and organizing corporate evenings for 17 years, and over the years has held more than 500,000 celebrations of various levels of complexity!

What theme party to choose for the New Year?

New Year this is one of the most wonderful and most anticipated holidays. On this holiday, I want to believe in a fairy tale and the fulfillment of desires. We are constantly decorating and preparing in every possible way, buying gifts and being in a great mood.

But that's not the problem, if you constantly celebrate the New Year in the same way, some effect of surprise disappears, and the expectation of a miracle goes away. Of course, we have a solution for this task for you!

Let's create our own fairy tale. Let's meet New Year at a theme party. So, the holiday will be fun and will be remembered by everyone, plus you will have a large number of original photos. Yes, and organizing the holiday itself will be much more interesting.

What theme party to choose for the New Year?

New Year in Gangster style - what could be better. Handsome men in formal suits and, of course, in a hat, and no less beautiful girls in straight-cut dresses and various wonderful accessories in style. Chicago 30s. You can completely and completely plunge into the atmosphere of that time: decorate the room, choose the right menu, costume and, of course, contests. And with all these questions, the article Gangster Style Party will help you.

A party in the style of the Wild West will give you the opportunity to plunge into cowboy world and beautiful ladies. After all, we often dreamed about this in childhood, and now we have every opportunity to make it happen. On such a holiday, you can appear as a great Indian, or even as Indiana Jones! Well, you will find help in organizing a New Year's party in this style in our article.

Wanted to go to Spain for the New Year, but for some reason the trip was not successful? No problem. Let's organize a Spanish party at your home. The Spaniards are very emotional people, so emotions at this party are provided to everyone. You can cook unusual dishes from Spanish cuisine for the New Year, decorate the room in their style, choose the right outfit and arrange a real bullfighting! And believe me, it's not difficult at all.

Now let's try to dive into atmosphere of the 90s . In addition, we do not need to move to any other country. Most likely, the majority still remembers the times of the USSR, and for those who did not find these times, this will be an even more interesting undertaking. In this case, you don’t have to bother with food, everything is very similar to the standard New Year’s menu. Soviet champagne, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat and the like ...

What could be brighter and more interesting than a dandy-style party for the New Year? You obviously will not regret if your choice falls on this topic. Bright costumes men, wonderful dresses for girls, eye-catching jewelry, a large number of dances - all this awaits you on New Year's Eve. Immerse yourself in the days of your parents and light up to the fullest!

For fans of the game "Mafia", you can organize a party in the appropriate style. Although it is not necessary to associate this party with the game. This topic has its own history and its own characteristics. Find out more about her and you won't regret it! Put on your masks mysterious Mafia , organize various mafia contests and a good mood on a winter holiday is guaranteed to you!

This is where childhood dreams come true. After all, everyone in childhood had their favorite superhero. Now you can try on the costume of your hero yourself. Act like him, talk like him. It will be fun. You can come up with a common mission to save the world. And when the world is saved, continue to celebrate the New Year. Choose your favorite role. Maybe it will be a formidable and strong Hulk, or a fast and agile Spiderman, or Woman - Cat, there are actually a lot of options!

Favorite book and movie of many adults now. But what if you have already grown up and the film, its characters and the book do not cease to please? We urgently need to organize a Harry Potter themed party. Plunge into the atmosphere of magic and magic, make yourself a magic wand, visit Hogwarts school ! In this universe there is a very large variety of characters and all with their own characters and habits. Try to play the role of this wonderful creation that you like!

Such a party will look very stylish, and photos from such a holiday will not leave you indifferent. Remember the times when there was only black and white cinema and various cinematic masterpieces appeared before the audience in only two colors? So on such a holiday, you will need something similar so that only black and white harmonize around! Read more about this party, most likely it will not leave you indifferent.

You don't have to worry about costumes. The party is especially suitable if you are celebrating the New Year with a women's team. Bright and cheerful photos are provided to you. Dive into your carefree childhood , and try to choose the most beautiful pajamas for this holiday, because the New Year is also a kind of children's holiday, and the Pajama Party will help make it doubly childish and carefree!

A party is perfect, for example, for medical students. In this case, the design of the room and costumes will not cause worries, and if you live in a hostel, then it will be easy to draw a parallel to the hospital ward. But we are sure that in addition to people who are somehow connected with medical activities, this type of New Year celebration is suitable for any company, because each of us has ever dreamed of being in the shoes of some famous surgeon , or maybe he wanted to become a patient of a pretty nurse!

As practice shows, holiday, held in an unusual and not ordinary style, has more bright and memorable moments! To date, there are a huge number of themed parties, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from!

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The feeling that the year has flown by almost imperceptibly does not leave us every time as soon as December appears on the calendar. But this is not a reason to be sad - on the contrary, ahead of the New Year holidays, parties with friends and family gatherings. And when the calendar is full of the last month of the year, it means that it's time to think about the celebration of the coming year. The rule “as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it” has not been canceled 🙂

And if you don’t like this year’s Olivier, and you’re tired of the New Year’s films that you have already seen hundreds of times, there are several creative ideas for you on how to celebrate the New Year in an original, fun, unusual and at no particular cost.

New Year in Hawaii

Party theme:

If you love summer and January 1 is just another day of winter for you, which only means that you have to wait at least four more months for the warmth and summer sun, then put on a swimsuit and go to Hawaii!

And if you can't go to Hawaii, let Hawaii come to you. Throw yourself a New Year party style in Hawaii - light dresses and shorts, cocktails and fresh juices and a palm tree instead of a Christmas tree - this is what you need. The main thing is to heat the room in advance - so that your Hawaii does not have +5. And for special “heat lovers”, such a party can be arranged even in the sauna - you definitely won’t freeze there.

How to decorate the room:

Forget about the tree. Only palm trees grow in Hawaii! Of course, you are unlikely to be able to buy a live palm tree (unless you have a fairy godmother who fulfills all your desires), but it’s quite possible to make a palm tree out of cardboard, branches and leaves with your own hands - as they say, Google will help. Decorate your palm tree with garlands, and if the interior allows, you can even take care of real sand.

The photo zone can be made from seashells and seashells, or you can print a poster with an ocean view. Do not forget about bright flower garlands - both for yourself and guests, and for room decor.

What to wear:

It is dangerous to walk around the room in swimsuits in winter - the neighbors who come to congratulate you on the New Year may think something is wrong. But light dresses, shorts and T-shirts are quite suitable for such a “summer” party.

What to cook:

The festive table should correspond to the general theme: bananas, coconuts, pineapples, oranges and (where on New Year's without them) tangerines - any fresh fruit will come in handy. From drinks - cocktails and fresh juices, decorated with umbrellas and bright straws. Light snacks of fish or vegetables will also come in handy.

Well, and where without sweets - gingerbread in the form of surfs, pineapples from donuts and flamingo cake - and your party was a success!

Poker Night

Party theme:

Play all night for chips (so you don't lose all your hard earned money of the year) and become the champion of the game of poker. And the one who wins the jackpot will be lucky all next year - checked!

How to decorate the room:

First, take care of the chips and playing cards. And of course, prepare the very place for the game. You can dream up and decorate the room in the style of Las Vegas - multi-colored lights (garlands), an imitation of a casino and a bar with drinks. A photo zone and garlands can be made from playing cards, they can also decorate a buffet table.

What to wear:

You can wear pantsuits, white shirts and stick to the classic “office” style. Fitted dresses in trendy colors - burgundy, deep dark green, emerald green or marsala - are also suitable for fashionistas. Well, the “classic of the genre” is a luxurious red or little black dress.

What to cook:

Players need something to “chew” at the table. Pour chips, nuts, crackers or snacks into bowls. You can cook chicken nuggets or deep-fried onions. And don't forget the drinks. Poker fans may like whiskey, cognac or good brandy.

You can make a themed candy bar: cakes with playing cards and a cake in the style of “Casino”.

"Champagne eyes"

Party theme:

Remember Scriabin's song "Champagne Eyes"? One of the invariable attributes of the New Year is champagne. Let your party be filled with splashes of sparkling drink and filled with loud laughter, golden tinsel and fun!

How to decorate the room:

A champagne-style party doesn't have to be boxes of champagne on the tables. Take care of golden garlands or tinsel, decorate the Christmas tree and the house in general in golden colors - we wrote more about this in the article. You can make photo props in the form of champagne bottles or a photo zone with sparkling bubbles.

What to wear:

Dressing up with a bottle of champagne for such a party is not necessary, but you can safely wear golden dresses or dress shirts with golden ties. Or purchase golden hats (butterflies, ribbons or bracelets) for all guests in advance.

What to cook:

Cider, champagne and white wine - this is not the whole list of dishes on the table. Get creative with grapes: fresh, paired with cheese on skewers, in a salad, or as a garnish with rice or potatoes.

Nich karaoke

Party theme:

Do you like to sing and can't imagine the New Year without songs? Then a karaoke party is the perfect solution for you! The main thing is that your neighbors are not against the “Show must go on” at 5 am 🙂

Arrange a competition for the best singer, creative and stylish artist and showman of the year. Sing in turn, pulling out the names of songs written in advance on pieces of paper from a hat or vase and try to sing them all!

How to decorate the room:

Set up an impromptu stage - with "professional" lights, garlands and lanterns. Photo props in the form of microphones will also come in handy. You can make garlands from old CDs, and cut notes instead of snowflakes.

What to wear:

What would you wear to your own solo concert? Here is your answer! If you are a rock musician - wear leather pants and a blouse, if you plan to perform only blues and jazz - classic suits and long evening dresses are at your service. Let musicians and singers of all directions be represented at your party!

What to cook:

You won't get much to eat with your mouth full of food, so prepare dishes that you can quickly eat between songs - a buffet of fruits or cupcakes, small cakes, curd or meat cuts and cocktails for a karaoke party are ideal.

Party in the style of America 20's

Party theme:

The “Roaring 20s” speak of those distant, already almost a century old, times. If you've read and re-watched The Great Gatsby three times already and are in awe of this era of carelessness, perpetual parties and post-war pomp, then bet on a party in the style of America in the 20s.

How to decorate the room:

Luxury is everything. Feathers, pearls, a lot of gold elements in the decor, tinsel and garlands and lots and lots of champagne on the tables. The dominant colors are black and gold.

What to wear:

A straight-cut dress, characteristic 20s wave hairstyles, feathers and pearls as decorations and, of course, bright red lipstick - that's what will make you the queen of such a party. For men, a classic suit with a vest and a bow tie, a hat and a cane is suitable. A cigar in hand will complete the image.

What to cook:

A party in the 20s was not complete without a lot of booze - brandy, whiskey, champagne. Choose what you like. Oh, and don't forget the buffet. Here it is at your discretion - either it is cheese slices, or fruits, or sweet cakes.

New Year's mafia

Party theme:

“Guess who is the Mafia and who killed the Sheriff?” - if this phrase lifts your spirits, because you are a fan of the immortal game, then be sure to arrange just such a party for the New Year. Play with your friends all night long and let the Mafia be punished!

How to decorate the room:

A dimly lit room, comfortable sofa or armchairs, and Mafia playing cards (a piece of paper and a pen will do) are all you need. And for the New Year's mood - a Christmas tree and a photo zone in the best traditions of the Sicilian mafiosi.

What to wear:

Suits for men and fitted dresses in classic colors - red and black - for women will fit perfectly into this style of party.

What to cook:

Brandy and whiskey for the mafia and sweet cakes for the common people. And don't forget the sheriff's donuts.

New Years at Hogwarts

Party theme:

Have you read all the Harry Potter books, reviewed every single movie and boldly call yourself a devoted Potter fan? Then you will definitely like a party in the style of the school for wizards Hogwarts. Dress up as your favorite characters, don't forget your magic wands, and you already know how to get to the party - platform 9 ¾.

How to decorate the room:

If you manage to find Christmas decorations in the form of the coat of arms of Gryffindor and Harry's eyepiece, then decorate the tree that way. Do not forget about thematic photo props and garlands.

What to wear:

Only black robes - there is no other form at Hogwarts!

What to cook:

They say that chocolate from Lupin is the best way to lift your mood 🙂 But if you can’t get it, then ordinary themed candy bars or cookies in the form of attributes from the Harry Potter books will come in handy.

With the onset of December, there is a pleasant feeling of the upcoming holiday. It is necessary to prepare for the New Year, come up with interesting events. A theme party is the best way to organize a holiday. What style to do it? Here you will find several interesting options.

Important Points

First of all, you should be careful and study the average age of those present. You understand, older people will not be able to participate in too active activities, and at the same time, the holiday should be fun, not boring listening to old records. Important are the ideas and style of conducting a holiday. Not every adult will like free jokes in the style of "youth youth" - wet T-shirts, dousing with juices, yogurt. They may simply be inappropriate. As soon as a program adapted to any age is created, the evening will become unique and enjoyable for everyone.

In the spirit of gangster Chicago

Hats, Thompson machines, feather boas, clusters of pearl beads, boots, cigars, elite alcohol, gambling - the evening will be truly unforgettable. You can plunge headlong into the retro atmosphere of the 20s and 30s in America.

Dress code for sophisticated ladies:

  • fitted short dresses to the knees;
  • pearl beads below the belt;
  • feather bandage;
  • fishnet stockings;
  • fur boa;
  • medium heel shoes.

Dress code for real gangsters:

  • borsalino hat;
  • elegant suit;
  • cufflinks;
  • tie or neckerchief;
  • striped shirt;
  • patent leather shoes;
  • submachine gun;
  • cigar.

Basic decor colors: black, white, red, gold, silver. The room where the celebration will take place can be decorated in the style of a casino. Main attributes: cards, roulette, poker chips. It's nice that each member comes up with a cool nickname for themselves. For example, "Pretty Mary", "Big Jim".

Alcoholic drinks also need to be labeled with “nicknames”: milk, mineral water, apple juice. The event will take place during Prohibition, when alcohol was banned. However, for adventurers and adventurers, who were gangsters, the law is not written.

This idea is a great option for celebrating NY on a grand scale. Original masks will bring notes of mystery, romance, awaken fantasy. When will she take a walk, if not on the most magical night of the year? To create the atmosphere of the Middle Ages will help:

  • wigs,
  • carnival costumes,
  • feathers,
  • gems.

You should definitely arrange a competition for the best costume, choose the King and Queen of the evening. Crystal glasses with champagne and wine, gourmet dishes are the essential attributes of the holiday.

These ideas will require preparation and costs for rent / purchase of costumes, the creation of an appropriate entourage. It is more budgetary to have a Soviet-style party. It is enough to dress simpler, make sausage cuts, Olivier salad, sandwiches with sprats, buy Soviet Champagne, tangerines, watch New Year's Light. However, all this is trite and overly insipid. But everyone has the right to choose how to relax.

Perhaps someone is tired of parties with snow. For some people, winter days are a real stress. They love the sun, the heat, the sound of guitars. Then turn your attention to a holiday in the style of Latinos or caribou. Thus, fans of the summer heat will be compensated for the desire to go on vacation in 2020 below the equator.

Clockwork and rhythmic disco-style music will cheer up everyone, because all residents of the northern latitudes want to escape from the winter cold. And dress Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in luxurious beach clothes, and instead of a red bag, let the gifts be in a palm basket. Another scenario is a pop concert.

Everyone who celebrates the New Year 2020 should prepare a musical number. Fortunately, karaoke is an affordable thing and everyone can learn, even if weak vocals. Believe me, there is no person who would not dream of singing some hit in front of the audience. Everyone thought about it, and from childhood.


Another interesting and little-studied idea for a New Year's Eve 2020 themed party is a Hollywood movie. Choose a genre that will appeal to everyone without exception. For example, the legendary picture of the Christmas bell or Santa Claus will captivate all guests into the festive circle. Nostalgic notes of old and beloved films will make vacationers smile, regardless of age.

As gifts, you can give out Oscar figurines or Grammy awards. Of course, there must be something more significant in the envelope than the first place among colleagues. For example, a bonus or an incentive surprise. But this is not the end of Hollywood.

Small miniature productions performed by those present will be real fun. Rest assured, pre-conceived ideas for mini-performances will delight guests, and each of them will be prepared with special zeal. Who among us did not want to become a screen star?


This is an original and simple idea. In addition, a fun carnival and a wonderful transformation take place on this very night. For such an event, a spacious ballroom is more suitable, but it is difficult to find one, so you can find a cafe decorated in a classic style. At a masquerade, you should not be distracted by food. It is best to treat guests with champagne. Also useful:

  • Fruits;
  • Light snacks;
  • Dessert.

The party should be sophisticated, because only then it will be interesting. The company needs to appear private. It is important that there is no bright lighting - it is advisable to choose candles. This creates a mysterious atmosphere.

It is important to adhere to strictness in clothes. Long evening dresses are suitable for women, and three-piece suits for men. You will also need accessories: lace gloves or a fan. The important part is the mask. You should not save on this - you should choose beautiful accessories.

Of the dances for the holiday, it is better to choose classical ones. It can be a square dance or a waltz. This New Year will surely be remembered by guests. A theatrical performance based on a classic work will allow you to have more fun.

Any corporate evening is not complete without gourmet dishes. But often they are ordered in some restaurant or cafe. Do not forget that even modern women, and even men, strive to show off their culinary abilities. For many, this is an important topic.

Arrange a festive table of dishes prepared by the participants of the theme party. And it doesn't matter what the team members will cook: a dessert or a main course. The main thing is to appreciate the efforts of a person and present an encouraging award.

Let the presentation of culinary delights be accompanied by the script of a famous film. With such a tempting idea, the New Year 2020 will be really fun and unforgettable! Only positive emotions and impressions will remain in your soul.

Heroes from fairy tales

This themed party is sure to please. With it, for one night you can turn into your favorite hero of fairy tales. You can organize a holiday in an apartment with a luxurious interior. Hall rental is also available. It is important that the interior decoration resembles an old castle. The required elements are:

  • Candles;
  • Paintings;
  • Gilding.

For guests, it is desirable to prepare a buffet, which will have mouth-watering snacks. Perfect for canapes and desserts. If you wish, you can call a decorator who will style the festive table.

It is not so easy to make an original costume of your favorite fairy-tale hero. Therefore, it is better to rent it. And if you create a costume on your own, then you should choose simpler images - pirates or fairies.

A competition for the best costume will make the party more interesting. It is desirable to organize it in the form of an interesting performance in which everyone will participate.

Many company employees in their youth and youth visited their favorite discos of the 90s, where the first acquaintances took place, the first feelings were born. A feeling of nostalgia is felt by each of them, watching the performance of the idols of those years on television. Indeed, the stage was then on top. Gentle and rhythmic sounds of music added a charge of energy and cheerfulness.

Let them remember the days of youth and let the guests plunge into the past, where they were full of hope for a carefree future. Well, if you manage to invite any popular and beloved singer, then the theme party will make a splash for the New Year 2020. Be sure to use the idea we proposed, unless, of course, your company is against it.

Recently, the topic of dudes has been exaggerated in the media. What it is? Remember the musical evenings of the 60s, 70s. The authorities forbade young people to look “loud”, “catchy”, but some still managed to dress up in wide trousers - flared, the girls erected “Towers of Babel” on their heads.

So, in order, so to speak, to be transported back to those forgotten times, you can take this idea as a basis and put port wine, canned food, beloved by young people in those years, on the festive table. A corporate party where guests gather in a “forbidden” style will be doomed to success. Flared skirts, platforms, varnished bangs, bright and colorful shirts will create an atmosphere of a real holiday.

In order not to be mistaken with costumes for a theme party, look at footage from famous movies. Not only women's, but also men's hairstyles will cause a nostalgic smile and delight those present for the New Year 2020.