Dry and wet cleaning of mink fur at home - all options! Noble fur - gentle care: how to clean a mink coat at home effectively and without harm

To extend the service life of fur items, it is important to store them correctly, and before doing so, remove accumulated dirt, dry it, and comb it. Cleaning fur at home is a delicate procedure. Thanks to the advice of experienced people, cleaning fur accessories will be within the power of everyone.

Stains and yellowness appear visually, but other types of dirt can be determined by a stream of cold air from a hairdryer. If the fur is clean, the fibers will fly away and then easily return to their place. Grease, deformed areas, saws, dirt, other stains - such areas need to be noted and cleaned.

Fur should not be washed to avoid deformation and baldness. It is also prohibited:

  1. Dry with a hairdryer.
  2. Place the product near heating appliances.
  3. Dry under ultraviolet light.
  4. Only outdoors, in a boiled room.
  5. In winter - at room temperature, away from the battery.
  6. There is a taboo on ironing, even on the reverse side.
  7. It is not recommended to use aggressive household chemicals and chlorine-containing bleaches.

Mechanical cleaning methods are aimed at removing lumps, hair knots, dust, and dirt. At home, abrasive materials such as starch, semolina, chalk, talc, sand are used, which are used for grinding and polishing delicate items.

Chemical technologies dissolve grease, paint, and outdated dirt. Their action is aimed at restoring the silkiness of the pile, increasing the strength and elasticity of the skin base.

Fur products can be cleaned at home, but you need to be careful not to damage the material. Experts recommend sticking to proven methods, guaranteeing a favorable outcome of this procedure.

Effective methods:

  • To restore the softness of the underside of the fur, the material is soaked in a solution of vinegar essence, salt, water (1:0.5:1), after which the fur is carefully stretched in different directions.
  • If the fur has become tangled or lost its shine, you can return it to its original shape using vinegar - gently wipe the product with a cloth soaked in the composition, without affecting the base of the pile.
  • It is recommended to lubricate a leather jacket with fur upholstery with glycerin water; you can use a body care product, so the base of the collar will not harden and the product will be silky.
  • If the fur coat hardens when drying near heating devices, you need to treat it with alcohol or vodka diluted with water.
  • To soften rough spots, use vinegar essence, salt and water (2:3:1), apply warm until completely dry.
  • After smoothing the fur with your hand along the hair growth, which will give the product a fluffy, neat look, it is strictly forbidden to iron fur items, even from the inside out.

When drying, the fur coat should be hung on wide hangers, which will allow the material not to deform. Clean the hem, sleeve cuffs, and collar regularly. Abrasion of the collar is prevented by wearing a silk scarf, and the bottom of the sleeves - special muffs.

Before cleaning, place fur items on a table, ironing board or on the floor.

A few storage rules:

  • Before packing the fur coat, dry it in the fresh air and carefully knock it out.
  • Place in a closet away from sunlight and humidity.
  • Suitcases or storage boxes are not suitable for this purpose.
  • For transportation, the fur coat must be placed in a ventilated paper bag or plastic cover.
  • Stuff the sleeves of the fur item with fabric or paper.
  • For a white fur coat, choose a cover made of blue material, so it will not lose its snow-white color.
  • To protect a fur product from moths, place citrus peels and geranium inflorescences on a cabinet shelf.

Natural fur product

Cleaning items made from natural fur can only be done dry, or with a minimum amount of water. The skin - the base - under the influence of liquid is deformed, becomes rough, and loses its grooming.

You can safely clean natural fur at home using proven methods. Fox, arctic fox or silver fox are animals whose skin is often used to sew fur clothing and individual items.

They are cleaned with the following compounds:

  • Dilute the pet shampoo in warm water, apply to a sponge, gently rub the pile, then blot the surface of the product with a cotton cloth.
  • Mix colorless dish gel, ammonia, dilute with water (1:1:1), wipe the surface of the pile, dry with a towel.
  • Grease stains are removed with purified gasoline diluted half with water, problem areas are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a toxic liquid, and then the wool is cleaned with wet wipes.
  • Using flour, starch, bran or semolina, you can polish the product and return it to a representative appearance. To do this, the prepared product is heated in a frying pan to 70 degrees, then rubbed into the pile, after a few minutes the cleaned surface is shaken.

Sawdust, which is sold in a pet store, is also suitable. Before cleaning, they are filled with a small amount of alcohol, and then distributed throughout the item so that the composition is absorbed into the fibers. Remains of sawdust are removed by shaking.

Cleaning items made from natural skins:

  • To clean goat, rabbit, and wolf fur coats, use ethyl alcohol, vinegar, and water (1:1:1). The surface of the product is treated with the resulting composition. Rub the pile with a cotton cloth until it shines. You can use an old sheet.
  • You can clean a mink coat or individual fur elements of shoes from dirt and dust with a solution of vinegar, water, and alcohol. Apply to the material or shoe, rinse off the remaining composition with warm water. When the fur is dry, comb it.
  • Rabbit wool can be easily cleaned with wheat bran, and beaver and muskrat wool can be easily cleaned with dry sand. You need to sprinkle the product, rub it with a brush, remove dirty sand as it gets dirty.
  • After the fox fur coat has dried, comb the lint with your hands or a wooden comb, since the lint is long. This material can be easily cleaned with animal bathing shampoo.
  • When cleaning an astrakhan hat or sheepskin coat, just shake the fur. To avoid loss of shape, insert crumpled thick fabric into the headdress.
  • Colored astrakhan fur is cleaned with rye flour, sand or semolina.

When choosing sawdust, you need to remember that softwood may contain resin. Even a slight release of it onto the fabric or pile can lead to damage to the fur product.


Faux fur is a little easier to clean than natural fur. This material is subject to wet cleaning, as it is made from synthetic raw materials. You can use a bleaching agent.

Methods for processing artificial leather:

  1. For this purpose, you can use regular laundry soap. Dissolve the crushed particles of the bar in water, foam the composition, and apply with a sponge to the stains. Remove any remaining soap with a damp cloth and dry the sheepskin coat.
  2. You can remove grease stains using potato flour and gasoline. Rub the soaked mixture into the product and brush off any remaining residue. Treat old stains several times.
  3. You can clean stains on a collar made of artificial material with a household upholstery cleaner. Spray the aerosol at a distance of 15 cm from the stain and leave until dry. Remove particles of the composition with a damp cloth or blow off with a hairdryer.

The use of acetone or vinegar is strictly prohibited, as this can damage fur items made from artificial materials.

White fur items

Light fur quickly becomes dirty, losing its neatness and attractiveness. To clean it, you need to choose cleaning products that will not cause yellowing. Be sure to check the composition from the inside of the fur product.

Proven methods:

  • For bleaching, use hardwood sawdust with purified gasoline - saturate the wood with a toxic composition, sprinkle it over the surface of the fur coat, after a few minutes shake out the remains, comb the pile with a comb.
  • To remove gray deposits on a fur hood, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol is effective; wipe the fibers with a moistened cotton cloth and dry.
  • Whisk animal bathing shampoo until foamy, apply to the surface of the item, remove the residue with a sponge, and dry naturally.

Sheepskin often serves as insulation in jackets, hats, boots, and gloves. You can clean it by soaking it in warm water and using animal shampoo. To wash off the foam, rinse six thoroughly under a running stream.

  • To remove stains from dirt and dust, use boiled potato skins. The fur lining of the shoes is treated with Vaseline mixed with yolk, which will make the pile soft.
  • Greasy marks are cleaned with dishwashing gel. Leave the mixture on the pile; after 5–10 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a damp cloth. It is recommended to remove all stains promptly to avoid deformation of the product.

Cleaning stains

Any cleaning method must be tested on the inside of the product to avoid damage to the fur coat or collar. It is forbidden to wet natural fur too much; dry it only naturally.

Cleaning stains using available products:

  • Old or hardened stains can be removed using gasoline mixed with starch to a creamy consistency. Apply the composition generously to the problem area, after 10–15 minutes clean the product with a terry cloth.
  • A great way to clean oil paint is with sunflower oil. Soak a cloth in oil and rub the stain against the lint. Ink stains can be rubbed off with acetone or white spirit. Remove any remaining chemicals with room water; add a few drops of lemon juice to add a scent.
  • Lipstick or foundation stains can be effectively removed with a solution of medical alcohol. Moisten a cotton swab and rub the stains. Use a dry sponge to restore the elasticity of the pile and fluff it up.
  • Remove shine from the collar with purified gasoline. Wipe with a cotton swab, wring out the fur, and add volume to the pile with a wide-tooth comb. Do not wet the pile to avoid clumping.
  • Stains from grease or sweat can be easily removed with a mixture of ammonia and salt, diluted with water (1:3:5). Use a clean cloth soaked in the mixture to treat the problem area. Fluff the product.

You cannot rub the fur intensively or wring the fur so that it does not fade or lose its appearance. Synthetic fibers can be wetted, but only if there is no cotton fabric base.

Removing yellowness

Yellow spots appear on fur items due to improper storage, the influence of environmental factors - solar radiation, perfumes, essential oils, sweat, dust accumulation.

You can eliminate the yellow tint on a white fur product using the following means:

  1. Dissolve a spoonful of coarse salt and half a spoonful of ammonia in water, apply the solution with a wrung out rag, dry it and straighten the pile with your hands.
  2. Wipe the fur with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Dilute animal shampoo with water, work into foam, apply to fur, and after a few minutes remove any remaining residue with a foam sponge.

Only regular high-quality cleaning of fur products will preserve their beauty, shine and attractiveness. It is important to act carefully so as not to spoil the pile!

How to clean a fur coat at home?

As a rule, a fur coat with minor dirt should not be taken to the dry cleaner. It can be ruined there, and not all dry cleaners accept fur coats. In fact, you need a little patience and you can do everything yourself...
When should you clean your fur?
We all know that fur products have a fairly long service life. For example, rabbit fur wears out most quickly and will last up to 4 years, arctic fox up to 7 years, mink can be worn up to 12 years, but the longest-lived fur is beaver and otter fur - it can be worn up to 20 years.

Main signs of product wear:
- dust contamination with plaque;
- loss of color uniformity;
- the presence of particles of debris between the hairs;
- formations in the form of tangled lumps, nodules, and clearly split ends of the hair.

What can't you do with a fur coat at home?
1. Wash the fur, remove stains, wet with water and powder or detergent.
2. Dry a fur coat over a fire, heating devices, radiators - drying after snow or rain should be in a well-ventilated room, under no circumstances in a draft, away from radiators and air heaters!
3. Ironing a fur coat is strictly prohibited! This advice may seem strange to some, but, based on the practice of dry cleaners, many clients bring in fur coats that have been ironed from the lining side - allegedly, the owner of the fur coat thought that the product was wrinkled, and it would be nice to iron it - this cannot be done, period! The fur coat will straighten itself.
How to clean a fur coat from dust at home?
After a warm season, a fur coat may become dusty - even if you store it in a special case, the fur product is not immune to the penetration of dust microparticles. To rid the fur beauty of dust, you need to gently shake or beat up the fur coat. Some people clean their fur coat from dust using a vacuum cleaner, but we would not recommend doing this - after all, direct air flows are not desirable for fur.

It is very good to clean the fur with a coarse pet brush. Such a metal brush for fur is sold in any pet store - when buying a fur coat, get such an accessory. And comb your beauty a couple of times a month - the fur coat loves care, like a real lady!

Cleaning fur at home.
Arctic fox
For care, you need to take a solution of ammonia, approximately 1 teaspoon, 3 teaspoons of table salt and 0.5 liters of water. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting liquid and begin to remove stains by combing. The last step in cleaning arctic fox fur at home is drying the raw fur product.

Cleaning mink fur at home should bring shine to the fur; this is the primary task when working with mink coats. The shine is lost due to the leaching of the fatty composition - you can introduce a new one using this technique: dissolve 100 grams of pork, fish oil and 10 g of soap in 1 liter of boiling water. While stirring the ingredients, add up to 12 drops of ammonia, then cool the solution to 35 degrees and apply the emulsion to the fur with a brush.

The initial cleaning of rabbit fur at home is done by combing it with a comb. Next, take a swab, generously moistened with acetic acid (5%) or hydrogen peroxide up to 5%, and treat the hair in the direction of fur growth. After the procedure, remove hydrogen residues from the hair with a damp cotton pad, avoiding getting the skin base wet.

Yellowed gray astrakhan can be lightened using a 3 or 5 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) with the addition of a few drops of ammonia.

Beaver, otter
Products made from beaver, otter, and mole fur are cleaned with dry hot sand. Place the product fur side up on the table, sprinkle with sand and wipe with your palm. Shake off dirty sand and add clean sand again. Do this until the product is completely clean.

Detailed instructions for cleaning a fur coat at home

1. First, the fur coat must be gently, but not too forcefully, knocked out, and then cleaned with a brush soaked in gasoline. To prevent white furs from turning yellow, wipe them with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Furs that have already turned yellow are cleaned with a more concentrated solution, but only along the top of the fur, so as not to damage the interior.

2. If the fur is wrinkled, wipe it with a damp sponge to wet the fibers. Then comb the fur in the direction of the pile and hang it to dry. When dry, knock it out.

3. The sheepskin coat can be cleaned with soapy water and ammonia, changing the water more often. We buy ammonia at the pharmacy and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:5. Dip a cotton swab into this solution and clean the greasy area. Next, wipe with a sponge soaked in another solution - water and vinegar (1 teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water). Now blot the moisture very well with a dry gauze cloth and dry at room temperature.

When the sheepskin coat is completely dry, rub the surface with a white school eraser or the finest sandpaper. Well, you already know how to clean fur. And the final stage - thoroughly wipe the entire thing with a rubber brush for suede, and it will become as good as new!

4. Don't throw away potato peelings. Rinse them under running water, pass through a meat grinder with a thick mesh and add a little ammonia. This mixture can be used to clean old fur, carpet, and stale suede. Apply the mixture to the dirty area and wipe it with a brush, then rinse and wipe the item well. After cleaning, you need to dry it at room temperature, having leveled the item well.

5. If light fur is very dirty, clean it with starch and gasoline. Starch is mixed with purified gasoline (aviation gasoline - former name, sold in hardware stores). They wipe the fur with this paste and let it dry. Then the fur product is shaken out. For safety reasons, work is carried out on the balcony.

P.S. Refined gasoline degreases the inner skin (skin) of fur, thus prolonging the life of your fur coat.

If you have problems buying purified gasoline, try contacting watch shops (they sold me 1.5 liters for 100 rubles in 2010 (author’s com.)
6. To restore the softness of a somewhat rough fur coat you will need: egg yolk, petroleum jelly and glycerin. Grind the yolk with 1 tbsp. spoon of Vaseline, add 0.5 liters of warm water.
Wipe the leather base of the fur with the resulting mixture, dry, knead and pull in different directions.

7. Sometimes it is possible to restore the elasticity of a fur coat by wetting the leather base with glycerin diluted with clean water.

8. You can correct roughened fur at home in the following way. First, moisten the fur with a solution of vinegar essence (2 tablespoons of table salt per 1 liter of water), knead it and carefully stretch the fur item in different directions. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times with breaks of 2-3 hours, after which dry the stretched item, knead again and lubricate with fat emulsion (100 g of castor oil and 15-20 drops of ammonia per 1 liter of warm water). Then keep the item folded (flesh to flesh) for 3-4 hours, and then unfold it and dry it again.

9. A greasy stain from light fur can be removed with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon), table salt (3 teaspoons) and water (0.5 liters).

10. Beautiful and long-lasting shine:
* Carefully (using rubber gloves) lightly rub the fur with a cloth moistened with vinegar essence.
* Grind the walnut kernels to a powder, tie the nut powder in double-folded gauze and wipe the fur with this swab (along the hair). Having absorbed nut oil, a fur coat, and other fur products, will acquire a beautiful and lasting shine.

11. It is recommended to treat items made of faux fur from time to time with aerosol antistatic agents: they protect the fur from contamination, as they remove electrostatic charges, due to which various specks of dust and specks are attracted to the fur.

12. You can clean faux fur by preparing a soap solution (2-3 tablespoons of detergent for synthetic fabrics per 1 liter of water), whipping up the foam and, taking it on a brush, rub the fur along the pile, after which lightly remove the remaining foam from the fur dampened cotton cloth.

Dark fur - bran and nuts

To bring the fur coat to perfection, we will need ordinary bran (you can buy it at the pharmacy - they are sold as a food supplement) and half a glass of walnut kernels. Heat the bran in the oven or microwave to 60-70 degrees (this is quite hot to the touch). Now we will carefully rub them into the fur, simulating washing, until the bran collects all the dirt. Now grind the nuts in a coffee grinder and tie the powder into double-folded gauze. Use this swab to wipe the fur along the pile. Walnut oil nourishes the hairs, and they will have a vibrant, effective shine for a long time. Finally, comb the fur coat with a natural bristle brush.
Light fur - starch and brush

Popular advice says: to clean light fur from dirt, you need to use starch and semolina, sprinkle this content on your fur coat, and then comb it out thoroughly.

Alcohol solutions, a mixture of vinegar and water, hydrogen peroxide - all these substances may help eliminate greasy and dirty stains from natural fur coats, but their use is associated with a huge risk! If the proportions are too “vigorous”, if such a solution gets on the core and not on the pile, if the fur coat is far from new, then the product may be seriously damaged.

We offer two ways to clean light fur at home:

Method number 1. The best friend for a white fur coat or hat is starch. We pour it, sparingly, directly into the fur, gently knead it and rub it until the powder collects the dirt. Then the fur coat must be shaken well and combed. If the starch from the fur spills out frankly gray, the procedure must be repeated.

To clean very dirty white sheepskin or sheepskin (usually on the sleeves and hem of a sheepskin coat), rub the same starch into the fur. Then use a spray bottle to generously spray the edge with a solution of washing powder and spread the resulting mass with your hands over the entire coat. When the “dough” has dried, brush it off, shake it well and comb it with a slicker brush.

Method number 2. You can clean dirty fur at home in the following way: first sprinkle the fur pile with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt. Rye or wheat bran and dry sifted sawdust (deciduous wood only) are suitable as adsorbents. If the fur is light, then you can use dry starch, potato flour or semolina. The fur sprinkled with adsorbent should be carefully rubbed between your palms so that the dirt transfers to the adsorbent, then shake off the adsorbent and carefully clean the fur with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.

In most cases, we still advise you to contact a professional dry cleaner that specializes in fur processing.
Remember! Cleaning fur at home is only possible if it is not too dirty!
Fur storage

* Before storing fur items for summer storage, they must be dried in a draft indoors or outdoors in the shade. After drying, the fur item must be carefully knocked out and shaken.
* In summer, fur coats and coats with fur collars are best stored in bags made of thick paper or in plastic bags with moth repellent included (there must be air access to the plastic bag, otherwise the fur will deteriorate). To prevent the fur from becoming wrinkled during storage, these bags and covers should not be placed in a chest, but hung (not cramped) in the closet.
* Since light fur turns yellow from light, products made from it should be stored in bags made of thick fabric or dark thick paper.
* There is no need to hang things made of dyed and undyed fur next to each other - undyed fur will become stained.
* You cannot hang a fur coat near a whitewashed wall, as lime spoils the fur.
* If the fur coat is wrinkled, it should be wiped with a damp sponge, and when the fibers become wet, dry the fur coat and shake it thoroughly.
* Hats are best stored in boxes or at least in bags or bags made of linen or paper. In this case, fur headwear should be stored separately from felt and woolen ones.

What should you protect your fur coat from so you don’t have to clean it at home?

1. Direct sunlight. Natural fur does not like bright, especially artificial light. Many products deteriorate while already on display. You might have seen yellowish fur coats in salons, which, in fact, should be milky or snow-white tones.

2. Harmful insects. Carpet beetles, as well as moths, are very fond of fur products, especially those that have been hanging in the closet for a long time and have not been thought about for a long time. You can save your fur coat from these pests by properly storing it in perforated cases, and be sure to place a bag of lavender next to it.

3. Perfumes and cosmetics. You need to be extremely careful with foundation and perfume. You need to apply perfume in advance, and put on your fur coat only after it has completely dried. Foundation on the face is also dangerous - it is better to wear a scarf or scarf around your neck, which will become a kind of protective layer between the fur coat and the facial skin covered with foundation.

4. Accessories made of suede and nobuck. If your bag is made of such materials, make sure that it does not touch or even rub against fur, especially light fur. The fur coat may turn the color of the bag after such “communication.”

Before you begin the cleaning process, you should remember some points that are unacceptable when working with fur products.

  • Wash as usual;
  • Subject to local washing;
  • Use products that are not suitable for treating fur.

Mink coats should only be dried in a well-ventilated area. Under no circumstances should it be placed above an open fire or radiator.

Before you start cleaning a mink coat at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some restrictions:

  • You should not clean it if there are only one or a few stains on it;
  • Do not use powder or conditioner for cleaning that is not specifically designed for fur;
  • It is strictly forbidden to dry the item over a fire or heater; it is also forbidden to dry it on a radiator. It is recommended to dry the product in a room at room temperature that is well ventilated;
  • Do not use an iron under any circumstances;
  • Do not clean light-colored fur coats with starch.

Cleaning a mink coat, in order to avoid damage to an expensive mink product, must be done using the correct specific methods.

  • You cannot wash a fur product, this will cause the fur to lose its appearance, and the skin may become rough and dry out;
  • After any wet cleaning, you should not dry the fur with a hairdryer or use heaters or a fan for this. When an item gets wet (rain, snow), it will be quite enough to hang it on a hanger or hanger and leave it like that until it dries;
  • The use of an iron is also excluded. With its help it will not be possible to achieve straightening creases or bruises due to improper storage. Here it would also be appropriate to hang it on a hanger or hanger and after a certain time it will straighten out and have its original appearance. We also recommend reading our article on how to smooth fur on a fur coat, read here.
  • When caring for a fur coat at home, the fur product cannot be washed in the usual way;
  • Do not dry over an open fire, near or on a radiator, radiator or heater, or under direct sunlight;
  • You cannot iron a fur coat either inside or outside. If necessary, you can iron the lining by unfastening the material from the clothing;
  • Do not ventilate a fur coat in a drafty room;
  • Fur products should not be stored folded or rolled up;
  • Do not store in a plastic case, otherwise mold may form on the product.

If a fur product is exposed to rain or snow, soak the wet surface with dry paper napkins or towels. Store your fur coat only hanging on wide hangers in a dark room, preferably in a spacious closet with tightly closed doors. You can use fabric or other special cover for fur outerwear, but not polyethylene.

Ventilate clothes regularly in a cool room, but without draft. Try to remove oil and grease stains immediately. If the product is dusty, place the fur coat on a damp white sheet with the nap down and knock it out.

Let the clothes dry and comb out the fibers with a comb or a special brush. If you follow the rules of storage and care, fur clothing will last a long time. For more information on how to properly wear and care for a mink coat, read the link https://vsepodomu.ru/garderob/kak-uhazhivat-za-norkovoj-shuboj/.

Often it is the lining, on which all the traces of sweat and grease remain, that requires more thorough cleaning than the pile of a fur product.

The only way to properly clean the material without affecting the fur and leather base is by unfastening it or tearing it off. The lining is washed manually or using an automatic washing machine, selecting the mode according to the type of material. For silk and other fabrics that require delicate care, a temperature mode of up to 40 degrees is required.

If owners of mink coats do not dare to rip off the lining, fearing difficulties with high-quality stitching it into its original place, then it is permissible to clean it without removing it from the fur base. To do this, you will need a soap solution, a soft brush, a well-absorbing cloth and dry paper napkins. Liquid soap is dissolved in warm water and the dirt is carefully removed with a soft brush, being careful not to touch the leather base and its reverse side. Excess liquid used on the fur product and foam are eliminated with a damp, clean rag. Dry the surface with paper napkins.

Compliance with the rules of care and cleaning helps to extend the life of mink items.

By properly caring for a mink product, you can ensure its service life for up to 12 years. Too often the mink does not need to be cleaned; this must be done as it gets dirty. The time when you need to clean a mink coat can be determined by external signs:

  • Dust deposits;
  • Density;
  • The hairs stick together, causing the fur to lose its fullness;
  • Dulling of fur;
  • Dirt on hairs.

Dry cleaning of mink products

In order not to damage the surface or injure the base of the product with wet cleaning agents, which can lead to creases after drying and shrinkage of the leather base, you should choose alternative dry cleaning products. Gentle ways to care for fur items involve the use of available household products.

Cleaning a mink coat using the dry method is the easiest and most gentle method for fur. For this method, products such as talc or starch are well suited, which best help deal with dirt on a white mink coat.

In order to carry out dry cleaning, you must first shake the item from dust, spread a sheet and place the item on it. Then you need to rub the selected cleaning agent into the pile and after a while remove it by shaking the item well.

Another good cleaning agent is sawdust. You can buy such sawdust at any pet store.

To clean them, you need to mix them in a suitable basin with clean gasoline and place the fur coat in it. After such a “wash”, it is necessary to remove sawdust and allow to dry.

Cleaning from dirt

  1. You can clean a mink fur coat from dirt using regular semolina, as it perfectly absorbs any dirt. The surface of the item must be sprinkled with semolina, and then carefully combed with a fine-toothed brush in the direction of the lint growth. In order to completely get rid of all the remaining dirt and semolina after cleaning, you should shake the fur coat well.
  2. If there are fresh traces of dirt, they must be allowed to dry before starting cleaning. And only after that, using a regular cleaning brush, begin to remove dirt. After this “combing”, the fur coat must be shaken well several times.
  3. Regular talc will help get rid of dirt. To do this, you need to pour the product onto the pile and rub the talc with your hands. After cleaning, residues are easily removed from the surface of the fur coat after thorough shaking.

Methods for wet cleaning of fur items

Fur cleaning can be done at home or at a dry cleaner. At home, you can get rid of various contaminants, including old ones. Dry cleaning, on the one hand, is the most effective, but on the other hand, it is significantly more expensive.

But if various cleaning methods have been tried at home and the contamination has not been removed, then you will not be able to do it without the help of professionals.


Wet cleaning is carried out using various liquid substances. Before you start, you need to find out which means are best suited for which purposes, so as not to spoil the product.

Means Action
Ammonia Suitable for whitening products and removing yellow stains. Fights unpleasant odors and greasy stains.
Liquid soap or washing gel Cleanses away impurities
Hydrogen peroxide Whitens the product, removes yellowness
Vinegar Removes unpleasant odors and cleanses impurities
Shampoo Effectively fights fresh stains
Petrol Effectively removes dirt, but is not suitable for cleaning light fur
Ammonia mixed with dry salt Removes yellow spots


Dry cleaning is used when it is not possible to remove dirt from the home.

The product is placed in a special chemical solution that can remove almost any contamination without spoiling the appearance. But, there is one big disadvantage of this cleaning method: the fur loses its strength and, therefore, the service life of the fur coat decreases. According to some experts, mink fur can withstand no more than 6 such cleanings.

Chemical cleaning is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Undoubtedly, there are advantages: you can be sure that your item will not be damaged and will be returned to you in the best possible condition.

When cleaning a fur coat, it is important to remember that any careless action will lead to damage to the clothing. You cannot wash your fur coat; it will shrink and shrink in size. Mink coats can be cleaned in two ways: wet and dry. In this case, funds that are always available in the house are used.

Wet cleaning a mink coat is a more effective method suitable for removing deep dirty stains. Before cleaning, the mink coat is placed on hangers in a vertical position. After cleaning the fur coat, you need to comb it with a special brush and let it dry.

Such a delicate and expensive item as a mink coat requires special handling. In order for the item to last longer, you must adhere to certain rules when using it.

Ill-considered actions when cleaning a mink coat at home can lead to damage to an expensive item. Therefore, you need to remember those actions that are strictly unacceptable when handling the product.

  • You cannot wash a mink coat at home; this can lead to roughening and dryness of the leather base, and the fur may become dull.
  • When wet cleaning a fur coat at home, you should not speed up the drying process using a hairdryer, fan, radiator or other means. A fur coat that is damp from rain or snow can be dried without damaging the fur with a leather base by hanging it on a hanger in a dry room away from direct sunlight and heating objects.
  • When you take out a fur coat to wear in the winter, you can find unsightly creases on it. To get rid of them, just hang it on a proportionate shoulder. After some time, the skin will stretch under the weight of the product, all creases will straighten out. It is unacceptable to use an iron to straighten the surface; it will not be able to deal with creases, but will injure the fur and the base.
  • It is highly undesirable to spray your fur coat and its lining with toilet water or perfume. Odors can mix and create an unpleasant odor. It will be quite difficult to get rid of it; table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are used for this.
  • Fat-based cosmetics are harmful to fur products: foundation, lipstick and others.
  • It is advisable to store fur products in a special dark-colored rag cover that does not allow sunlight to pass through, this way you can prevent the product from yellowing.
  • When storing a fur product for a long time, it is recommended to ventilate it periodically; it is permissible to use moth repellents.

The use of some products will allow you to wet clean mink items if they have stains and heavy dirt. However, they must be used with caution so as not to damage the product.

Of the many ways to clean mink fur, we note a few of the most effective. But we must not forget that cleaning must be careful and very careful, since this fur is quite capricious and negligence can be costly later. The following methods can be used to clean blue and light mink.

Dry brushing

It is quite possible to remove shallow dust contamination mechanically, i.e., thoroughly comb out the product with a brush.

This method will allow you to remove not only dust and get rid of dirt, but also various lint of fallen hair, remove formed lumps, and also smooth out the lint.

Alcohol or vodka

Also, simple surface stains can be removed by moistening a piece of gauze cloth in alcohol or vodka and using gentle movements to wipe the fur coat in the direction of the villi. This method also helps to rid the lint of fat well.

A vinegar solution will help clean fur from grease, lipstick, coffee and juice stains, and give it shine.

After moistening the swab with it, you need to wipe the fur coat along the pile and let it dry on a hanger. Afterwards, you need to wipe the product with glycerin-soaked cotton wool and hang the item for airing, for example, on a balcony. In the final stage, comb out with a comb.

Simple, fresh stains can be removed with shampoo or washing gel. The key point is to use a moisturizing hair shampoo, which will prevent excessive drying of the leather base. Cleaning a mink coat using this method occurs in three stages:

  1. dilute a little shampoo or gel in warm water until foam forms;
  2. This solution is applied with a sponge to the desired area of ​​the fur coat and wiped until the dirt is removed;
  3. The foam is washed off with clean water, the fur is blotted with a dry cloth, and the product is hung to dry.

The Internet is replete with many proposed methods of cleaning mink fur that are completely unacceptable, which not only will not help the fur coat achieve the desired look, but will most likely cause even more harm.

After using these methods, most likely the product will be suitable for wearing at the dacha. Such wet and dry cleaning methods include:

  • cleaning with sawdust, which needs to be rubbed into the fur;
  • the use of starch, which can and will remain in the fur fibers, which will subsequently attract insects;
  • cleaning a fur coat with gasoline. This method will not only give a long-lasting, specific smell to the fur coat, but can also ruin the structure and color of the fur;
  • ammonia;
  • sprinkling delicate fur with hot sand, which then may not be completely removed from the product;
  • semolina grits.

Wet cleaning

The wet cleaning method differs from the dry cleaning method in that different liquids are used in the process. In order to know how to clean mink fur at home, you need to understand what products can be used for this.

A solution of ordinary table vinegar is used against greasy stains. How to clean mink fur using this product? Simply and easily! It is necessary to prepare a vinegar solution of no more than 5% and regular cotton wool or a cotton pad.

So, for example, to clean a collar from stains, you just need to wet a cotton pad with the solution and gently, without pressing, treat the desired area. The fur surface can be cleaned of fat using an ordinary spray bottle. You just need to fill it with vinegar and spray it on the dirty area, and then let the product dry. Then the coating is removed using a special fur care brush.

Ammonia or medical alcohol

To combat pollution, you can use the following solution: 1 liter of boiling water, to which you can first add about 10 grams. soap, add ammonia or regular medical alcohol, only 10 drops. After the solution is ready, it is necessary to cool it to room temperature and apply it to the entire fur coat with a brush. After the procedure, you must allow the product to dry thoroughly.

In order to give the mink a fresh look, you need to prepare a solution and pour sawdust in alcohol. Treated sawdust should be sprinkled on the fur coat, having first spread it on the floor or any flat surface. After the sawdust has dried, they must be carefully removed from the surface using any soft brush, and then allowed to dry.


You can use regular hair shampoo to remove dirt. It is best to choose a moisturizer so that it does not dry out the surface of the fur coat. The shampoo is diluted with warm water and mixed well until foam appears, and the resulting soap solution is used for cleaning. Using a sponge, foam is applied to the area of ​​contamination and easily wiped until the dirt or stain is removed. Any soap solution that remains can be removed with a clean cloth soaked in plain water, without shampoo.

Hydrogen peroxide

For cleaning, it is permissible to use ordinary hydrogen peroxide. To do this, prepare a solution and go over the fur with a cotton pad soaked in it. All the dirt that is on the product will be collected by the disc, and the fur will acquire a shiny appearance. If you don’t have a cotton pad, you can use a brush soaked in the solution.

How to clean vomit from a mink coat

If it so happens that your fur coat is stained with vomit, there is no need to despair; you can clean your fur coat in three stages:

  • Clean the stain by hand or with a dry brush. Then sprinkle with starch and rub thoroughly.
  • After removing the starch, clean the stain with soapy water.
  • Dry the fur coat, remove any remaining starch and soap particles with a clean cloth. Comb the fur coat.

The hem of a long fur coat is a very vulnerable place, as there is always a risk of getting it dirty, for example, when getting into a car. In addition to gasoline, alcohol and ammonia, you can remove stains from the hem in the following ways:

  • Wash the potato peelings, grind through a meat grinder, add a few drops of ammonia. Apply the resulting mixture to the fur and wipe with a brush.
  • Boil rye or wheat bran. Spread the resulting mixture over the stain in an even layer and rub thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.

White fur looks very chic, but the attitude towards it should be careful and delicate. Any dirt immediately becomes noticeable on a white coat, so you have to clean it more often than a dark one. In addition, white fur can turn yellow over time, causing the appearance of the fur coat to immediately become dull. There are several simple but effective ways to clean white fur:

  • Sawdust is mixed with gasoline or alcohol. The mixture is applied to the fur, rubbed thoroughly, and then removed. The fur coat needs to be combed and aired.
  • Bulk substances: semolina, starch, talc, tooth powder, flour. One of these products is used to rub the fur. The degree of purity is visible by the color of the product.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is poured into a spray bottle, then sprayed over the surface of the fur. Hydrogen peroxide is also mixed with one of the bulk products and a monotonous paste is obtained, which is used to clean fur coats.

Mink products that are white look so wonderful, but, unfortunately, after some time they can lose their beautiful appearance. The white fur on such products may turn yellow over time, and then the housewife wonders how to clean a white mink coat and get rid of the yellowness?

Yellowed fur can be cleaned with semolina, starch or even chalk. All of these products do an excellent job of removing stains. It is enough to apply them to the surface of the fur and then rub it well into the pile.

The best remedy for getting rid of yellowish fur is hydrogen peroxide, as it is a natural lightener. To prepare the cleaning product, you need to mix hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. Then, using cotton pads, apply the solution to the fur coat and let it dry, preferably in the fresh air.

Hydrogen peroxide

To remove the yellowness that has formed over time, you can clean mink fur at home with hydrogen peroxide. This is done like this:

  • peroxide is mixed with water one to one;
  • the resulting mixture must be poured into a spray bottle;
  • Spray the contents from a spray bottle onto the fur (do not spray white fur too much);
  • let the fur coat dry naturally;
  • After drying, cleaning is completed by combing the pile.


Blue will help remove yellowness from a white fur coat. This method is quite old and somewhat extreme; it must be used very carefully.

Linen blue is diluted in water to a slightly bluish color. The resulting liquid is poured into a spray bottle and evenly applied to the yellowed areas of the fur. Without washing off the bluing, let the item dry. Finally, the fur needs to be combed.

Ammonia and salt

Yellowed fur can be returned to its natural color by diluting a tablespoon of ordinary salt and half a teaspoon of ammonia in warm water (250 ml). Moisten a gauze cloth with the resulting mixture and clean your fur coat with it.

Using talc will not only help remove yellowness from a light fur coat, it perfectly absorbs greasy stains and fights various odors. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • It is better to spread the fur coat on a flat and clean surface;
  • Sprinkle the desired areas with talcum powder in moderate quantities;
  • smooth the talc onto the fur with your hands;
  • After five minutes (this will be enough to absorb and get rid of the smell), shake off the talc and comb the fur coat to get rid of any remaining mineral.

How to get rid of dusty, unpleasant odor and restore freshness to fur

Unfortunately, having lost its shine, a mink product also loses its presentable appearance. In addition to cleaning from dirt, it is sometimes necessary to carry out procedures that will return the original shine to the fur coat. You can refresh your fur coat by wiping the fur with the following products:

  • Chopped walnut kernels;
  • Glycerol;
  • Vinegar;
  • Petrol;
  • Starch;
  • Hydrogen peroxide (for light fur coats).

After treating with one of these substances, comb the pile and dry it.

Fur is able to absorb and retain many aromas for a long time. Imagine, your fur coat absorbs the smells of food, perfume, cigarettes, and public transport every day. When these odors are mixed, the result is an unpleasant, persistent composition. You can get rid of unpleasant odors in the following ways:

  • Regularly clean the product from dirt and dust.
  • In winter, take the fur coat out onto the balcony and leave it in the cold for a couple of days. All unpleasant odors will freeze out. If it is not possible to freeze the product outside, then carefully fold it and place it in the freezer.
  • In summer, dry the fur coat several times in a cool, dry place without exposure to sunlight. Store your fur coat on wide hangers so that it does not come into contact with other items of clothing. Instead of a polyethylene cover, a fabric one is used. Place bags of coffee beans in your pockets. But remember that coffee masks odors and does not remove them, so your fur coat must be perfectly clean!
  • Vinegar, gasoline, alcohol, and ammonia remove odors.
  • Starch, semolina, and flour absorb all the odors.

Blue mink fur cleaning

Blue mink coats are not cheap, and they are quite difficult to care for. Over time, blue fur loses its beautiful appearance, and in order to rid your favorite fur coat of yellowness, you need to know how to clean a blue mink.

You can clean blue mink fur using ammonia or medical alcohol. To do this, you need to mix both solutions in proportions 1:1 and add 2 tbsp. l. water. After this, soak a cotton pad in it and squeeze it out a little, and then gently wipe the stain. After completing the procedure, you need to beat the fur a little and let the product dry well in the fresh air.

How to clean a white mink coat and get rid of yellowness

If over time the fur on a fur coat begins to absorb foreign odors, then, unfortunately, getting rid of them will not be so easy. First of all, you need to purchase a specialty fur spray. It perfectly helps remove odor and also cope with some dirt. You can also use orange juice to eliminate odor by mixing it with water in a one-to-one ratio, as well as a bag of lavender. Ground coffee, which must be placed in a closed bag and placed in a fur coat, will help to remove foreign odors well.

Ammonia and salt

Cleaning the lining

We figured out how to clean mink fur, but what to do with the lining, because it also needs cleaning? The lining needs to be washed; to do this, it is carefully peeled off. Next, the fabric is washed and the mode that is suitable for this material is selected. After washing, the lining is ironed and sewn back. If you are not sure that you can sew everything back properly, then you can try to clean the inner fabric without ripping it off.

  • the lining fabric is carefully moistened with a sponge dipped in soapy water;
  • Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth and hang the product on hangers to dry.

Like a fur coat, the lining also gets dirty and needs to be cleaned. The first option is to clean the lining together with the fur coat, and then dry it thoroughly.

The second option is to tear off the lining, wash it in warm soapy water by hand or in a washing machine on a delicate cycle, and remove any existing stains with ammonia. The lining is dried naturally, ironed and sewn into place with neat, invisible seams. When the lining wears out, you can easily replace it in a workshop or yourself if you have sewing skills.

When storing a fur coat after winter, assess the general state of contamination of the fur, individual places (collar, cuffs), including the lining. Often the lining requires more frequent care than the pile of a fur product.

The only way to properly clean the lining without affecting the fur and leather base is by unfastening it or unfastening it. The lining is washed manually or in an automatic washing machine, carefully selecting the washing mode. For silk and other fabrics that require delicate care, a washing mode with temperatures up to 40 degrees is suitable.

Owners of mink products are sometimes hesitant to rip off the lining, fearing that they will not be able to re-sew it properly. In this case, it is permissible to clean the gasket without removing it from the base. To do this, you will need a soap solution, a soft-bristled brush, a rag and dry paper napkins. Using a soap solution, without touching the leather base and its reverse side, the dirt is carefully removed with a brush. Use a damp, clean cloth to remove excess soap and possible foam. Remaining moisture is removed with dry paper napkins.

In humid weather, most often the lower part of the fur coat gets wet first. You can protect the product from severe contamination of the lower part of the lining by sewing on a safety fragment. A piece with a length of 20 cm to half a meter is cut out from a fabric suitable in color and structure. The fragment is sewn on top of the lining and, when soiled for the first time, is torn off, washed and sewn in the same place.

To clean the lining, you need to spread the fur coat on a flat and comfortable surface. The lining must be washed with a special sponge, which has previously been soaked in a soap solution. After this, you need to wipe the lining with a clean, not very wet napkin, and then with a regular cloth so that it absorbs the remaining water. After this procedure, you need to let the fur coat dry, preferably in a room at room temperature.

To make cleaning the lining easier, you can tear it off and wash it. This method allows you not to clean the entire fur coat, but to remove dirt directly from the lining itself.

To thoroughly clean the lining of a fur coat, it is best to tear it off. This must be done very carefully with a tool designed for this purpose to prevent damage to the skin.

After the lining is separated, it is easiest to wash it, making sure to follow the required washing cycle.

After this procedure, the lining should be rinsed well so that there are no streaks left, ironed and sewn back.

If separating the lining from the fur coat is not an option, you can try to get it to the desired look directly on the fur coat.

This method also requires caution, as there is a risk of getting the flesh wet.

You need to prepare a soap solution and gently wipe the fabric with a sponge, rub it with a brush and then remove the remaining solution with another damp washcloth.

To dry quickly, you can blot the lining with a cloth napkin and hang the fur coat on a hanger or hanger and dry it at room temperature.

If only the lower lining part becomes very dirty, for example in slush, there is an option to sew another piece of fabric onto the factory lining, which will cover the main lining and subsequently this particular piece can be easily peeled off and washed.


Owners of mink coats often face the problem of lipstick or foundation stains on their favorite fur item. Such stains can be easily removed with alcohol or regular vodka.

  • a clean cloth or cotton swab is soaked in the liquid;
  • The fur is rubbed in the direction of the pile;
  • as soon as the fabric or tampon becomes dirty, it must be rinsed, soaked in liquid again and continue cleaning the fur;
  • repeat the procedure until the fur is completely clean.

If the dirt is very ingrained, you can additionally add a spoonful of vinegar and a spoonful of water to a spoonful of alcohol. Wipe the fur with the solution, wait until it dries and brush everything off.

It is best to use talc for white mink fur, because it perfectly absorbs greasy and yellow dirt. With the help of this bulk substance you can fight against unpleasant odors that permeate the fur.

  • for ease of cleaning, the fur product is spread on a flat surface;
  • sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder on top;
  • smooth the fur with your hands so that it gets under the fibers;
  • wait literally 5 minutes so that the talc has time to absorb the dirt;
  • shake off the product and carefully comb to get rid of any excess substance.

Some advise replacing talc with other bulk substances, such as flour or starch, but this is strictly forbidden. The thing is that talc is a mineral, while other proposed products are not, so it is easy to comb out and spill out of the product. Starch or flour can get stuck between the fibers and cause an unpleasant odor, and they can also swell and attract insects. The use of these substances can permanently damage a mink fur product.


Shampoo is used to remove fresh and light stains; since the pile is a little like hair, it can be washed carefully. The only thing that is very important is to use a good moisturizing shampoo so that it does not dry out the skin.

  1. A small amount of shampoo is diluted in a bowl of warm water.
  2. Beat until foam forms.
  3. To clean with shampoo, you will need another bowl, but with clean water and a rag.
  4. Using a sponge, apply the soap solution to the products or only to the contaminated area.
  5. Wipe the necessary areas until any dirt disappears.
  6. Rinse off the shampoo solution with clean water.
  7. Blot the lint with a dry, clean cloth.
  8. The product is hung out to dry.

If you don’t have time to wait for natural drying, you can use a hairdryer. Cold air dries the necessary areas or the entire product. Using a hairdryer, you can carefully arrange the villi and give them a well-groomed appearance. If you are afraid to dry the fur this way, you can use a special comb and comb it out. Before you start cleaning the mink with shampoo, pre-contaminated areas are wiped with alcohol if necessary.


Cleaning with sawdust is quite popular, and it is also used to clean fur in production.

  1. You need to purchase non-resinous sawdust; the easiest way to do this is at a pet store.
  2. Sawdust is mixed with alcohol.
  3. The product is laid out on a clean surface and sprinkled with sawdust soaked in alcohol.
  4. Dirty sawdust is removed from the fur with a brush.

Cleaning in this way allows you to remove even complex stains and rid the product of an unpleasant, persistent odor, for example, the smell of vomit.

To return the whiteness to the product, it is cleaned with semolina. To do this, it is boiled with milk to a thick paste and applied to the fur. Leave it in this form for 12 hours. Over time, the remaining porridge is brushed off. After cleaning with semolina, mink fur becomes white and shiny. With the help of such cleaning, you can return not only the whiteness to the original color of the product, but also remove grease stains from the pile.

When people purchase a fur product, it is assumed that it will be worn for more than one year. Therefore, it is advisable to buy professional products for the care of fur products. Products from the manufacturer “BIOFUR” are very popular.

Fur products never lose their relevance. Careful attitude and regular proper care will help you look fashionable and chic in your favorite mink coat.

Special industrial products can help you properly care for your fur coat, such as:

  • FUR FRECH SALAMANDER Professional. Aerosol for tinting fur if necessary. You need to add it to the water, treat the fur coat and hang the product on hangers.
  • LIVAL LICKER KONZ . This spray cares not only for fur, but also for leather products.
  • INSAF. A product that helps perform preventive care of the product. It helps a lot if you don’t know what to do with jammed lint. It also acts as an antistatic agent and helps protect your fur coat from moths.

Specialized fur cleaning products can now be found in almost any department store.

They are usually presented in the form of sprayers, which are convenient to use when applied to mink fur.

Such products are simply sprayed onto the pile and are absorbed in a matter of minutes, after which the fur coat is combed out.

As a rule, these products consist of a certain amount of essential oils and fats of animal origin.

After their use, the fur coat returns to its original appearance and shine. The following can be recommended:

  • "Insaf". The most popular special product for cleaning fur; Prevents the formation of tangles and matting of the undercoat. Eliminates greasy conditions well;
  • "Lival licker konz." The comprehensive action of this spray improves the color of a fur coat and makes the fur soft. Available with tinting effect;
  • "Fur fresh Salamander." Tints fur, restores shine and eliminates clumps of stray fur;
  • "Ultra finish milk". Cleans fur products of any color, adds shine, and prevents the pile from sticking together.

Proper care

In order for a thing to last a long time, oddly enough, it needs to be worn. The fur coat must be ventilated, worn in severe frosts and try to avoid heavy contamination.

Any stain that appears must be removed immediately so that it is not absorbed into the pile. After cleaning, you should never dry a fur item near heaters or radiators, only in a ventilated area.

To ensure that your fur coat always looks impressive and is cleaned as little as possible, we suggest you use a few useful tips:

  • Fur products have the property of strongly absorbing odors. Therefore, you should take into account that if you change your perfume frequently, the aromas will settle on the surface of the product. It will be quite difficult for you to get rid of such a smell.
  • Try to wear a light-colored fur coat so that greasy products such as lipstick or foundation do not come into contact with it.
  • Fur clothing for the summer should be placed in a special light-proof cover.
  • It is better to store a light-colored product in a blue case to prevent yellowing.
  • In summer, mink coats must be ventilated in the fresh air.
  • Moth protection should also be provided. Try to avoid aerosol products, as they can cause fur contamination. It is better to use special tablets.

In order for a mink coat to last for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for it.

  • First of all, it is worth mentioning the correct storage of the product. It should be stored in a special bag or case to prevent moths from eating it.
  • When cleaning a fur coat, you must use only suitable products and follow all recommendations.
  • Do not dry your fur coat near a radiator or other heating devices, as it may become damaged.
  • It is best to store a fur product in a suspended state, since when stored lying down, bedsores may appear on its surface.

Only proper care of things and their proper storage will help preserve their beautiful appearance for a long time.

  • You can also remove stains from tea, coffee or juice using a soap solution and a soft brush. A stain from lipstick or foundation can be removed with a thick cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol.
  • After any method you use, dry and ventilate the cleaned product only in the open air, away from heating elements and drafts. Do not iron under any circumstances!
  • Fur products need a “walk” after a long rest. After removing the fur from storage, shake it, hang it on a coat hanger, and hang it outdoors for about an hour or two. Then comb the product - it will shine and refresh.
  • If you want to give your hat or coat your favorite scent, do not under any circumstances spray perfume on the fur. Apply perfume to a special brush and comb the coat - the scent will last long and brightly.

Mink fur has always been the most prestigious, expensive and fashionable. After all, it is not only beautiful, but also relatively wear-resistant - with careful and careful wear and proper care, it can serve you for ten to twelve years. That is why an elegant mink coat or a chic mink coat was, and still is, the dream of many women. And, if your dream is already on your shoulders, then with very little work, you can extend the life and beauty of this wonderful soft fur.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry cleaning

Before wondering how to clean a mink coat at home, many people prefer to seek dry cleaning services. And this is quite normal, since special institutions have the following advantages:

  • It is possible to choose different cleaning methods;
  • Personal time is saved;
  • The risk of ruining a fur coat is reduced;
  • All odors and dirt are eliminated;
  • A special tool is used for cleaning.

But among the advantages, there are also some disadvantages of dry cleaning. Firstly, you should give your fur coat only to reliable hands and trusted companies. Secondly, you can dry-clean a mink coat only 4-6 times, since in the future it most likely will not survive this procedure.

Luxurious fur, a chic fur coat is the dream of every woman. Surely there is no woman who would not want to get a new fur coat, which will add femininity, style, improve the image, emphasize taste and charm. For many women, a fur coat is an indicator of prestige and social status. However, the high cost of fur products does not allow a woman to buy a new fur coat every season, so such a piece of clothing is often bought for several seasons. For example, rabbit fur wears out quite quickly and can last up to 4 years, an arctic fox fur coat can last up to 7 years, mink can last up to 12 years, and beaver or otter fur can last up to 20 years. Like any item of clothing, even when worn carefully, a fur coat often gets dirty.

Any type of fur coat likes to absorb dust, stains from perfume or foundation may appear on it, lumps and nodules often form, and it loses its original shine. This type of fur coat is unlikely to bring joy to its owner. Of course, you can take your fur coat to the dry cleaner, but many do not trust their favorite item to such an establishment, and not every city provides such services. Therefore, the question of how to clean a fur coat at home remains relevant and is of interest to many women on the eve of cold weather.

Over the past few years, fur products have become available to every woman. The winter outerwear market offers a huge selection of fur coats made from natural or faux fur. They all have different styles, styles, colors, and costs, which depend on the animal skin used in the production of the fur coat. Of course, faux furs are much cheaper, but natural furs are not only expensive, but also very difficult to care for. Let's try to get acquainted in more detail with methods of cleaning fur coats at home, which are time-tested and quite effective. But if you are not sure that you are able to clean your favorite fur coat yourself, it is better to use dry cleaning services, or try to clean a small area of ​​the fur coat.
To properly clean your fur coat at home, you can use two gentle methods: dry and wet cleaning.

Dry cleaning a fur coat at home is considered safer, but it will not be able to remove heavy dirt or greasy stains.

To dry clean a fur coat, you can use products that are found in every housewife's home: talc, starch, flour or flour. They absorb dirt and dust well, eliminate minor yellow spots, and return the fur coat to its original color and shine.

The cleaning process is not difficult at all. First, you need to shake the fur coat well to remove dust; the front side can be carefully cleaned with a brush along the pile. The brush should have blunt teeth. The fur coat should be laid out on a flat surface and sprinkled with a small layer of talc (flour, starch).

Then lightly rub the fur of your palms and shake off the starch from the fur coat. If necessary, you can repeat the cleaning procedure.

If the fur coat is made of light fur, it can be cleaned with starch diluted in gasoline (use the highest quality gasoline). A slurry is prepared from starch and gasoline, which is applied to the fur of the fur coat, then allowed to dry, and then shaken well and cleaned with a special brush. This product is best used for small but severe stains. For example, you can use it to clean your collar or remove juice or grease stains. Starch and gasoline should be taken in equal parts.

After this procedure, the item needs to be well ventilated to eliminate the smell of gasoline. It should be noted that gasoline can not only clean a fur coat well, but also add shine, eliminate yellowness, and degrease the inner layer, which significantly extends the life of any fur product.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning a fur coat is a more responsible procedure that allows you to thoroughly clean your fur coat from stains, dust or other stubborn contaminants. In this case, the fur coat should be cleaned in a vertical position, hanging on a hanger. There are several methods of wet cleaning a fur coat, which are used depending on the type of fur and the degree of contamination.

Long-haired furs should be wiped with the chosen product in the direction of hair growth, and short-haired ones - against the hair. After treatment, the hair needs to be carefully combed with a wide-toothed comb, shaken, and then dried at room temperature. Let's look at several ways to wet clean a fur coat.

  • Oily stains can be removed using purified gasoline, which should be used to wet a cloth and rub the cloth with light movements. After cleaning, the fur coat should be well ventilated.
  • Clean light fur You can use hydrogen peroxide, which needs to be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the pile.
  • Foundation or lipstick stains removed with medical alcohol. You need to moisten a cotton pad in a solution of medical alcohol and carefully remove the dirt.
  • Aquatic animal furs Can be cleaned with hot, dry and clean sand. The fur coat should be laid out on the table, sprinkled with sand and wiped with the palm of your hand. The remaining sand should be shaken off well and, if necessary, apply new sand. After cleaning the fur coat, you need to knock it out or shake it well, so that the sand is completely removed from the item.
  • Wet cleaning can be done using steam. The heated iron should be kept at a short distance and steamed. You can use a steam cleaner. After steam cleaning, you need to carefully comb the fur coat with a wide-toothed brush.
  • Oil or sweat stains on fur can be easily removed with a mixture of ammonia and kitchen salt. You will need 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 3 teaspoons of kitchen salt diluted in half a liter of water. Take a clean cloth or clothes brush, soak it in the prepared solution and wipe the stain on the fur until it disappears. Then dry the fur and comb it carefully.
  • It is considered a safe means for cleaning fur coats. special aerosol for wet cleaning of fur coats, which can be purchased at a special fur care store. Before using the spray, shake the fur coat well to remove dust, apply the spray and brush it with a brush. Before use, you should read the instructions for using the aerosol.

After cleaning a fur product using a wet or dry method, the fur coat should have a uniform shine over the entire area. The presence of dull spots indicates that the cleaning was performed poorly. Therefore, additional cleaning is necessary. If the cleaning is successful, but the fur coat has lost its shine, you can use vinegar essence, which you need to lightly wipe the fur of the fur coat.

All of the above methods for cleaning fur coats can be used for both natural and faux fur. No less important in caring for a fur coat is its proper storage, which will help protect it from moths, dust, yellowness and other contaminants that may appear during wear.

Is it possible to wash a fur coat?

It is quite easy to remove a stain or other small dirt from a fur coat, but if the fur coat is more than one year old or heavily soiled, the question arises: Is it possible to wash the fur coat? Of course, it is possible, but such a procedure must be done correctly, otherwise you can ruin its appearance and render it unusable.

  • Natural fur can be washed, but only by hand using liquid powder or shampoo in a large container of water, at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.
  • Faux fur can be washed in a washing machine using the delicate cycle. To rinse, be sure to add conditioner or a weak vinegar solution.

  • After hand washing natural fur, the fur coat should be hung by its hangers over the bathtub. Once the water has drained, you can hang it on a rope. It is not recommended to remove the fur coat from its hanger, otherwise it may lose its shape.
  • You need to twist the fur coat in the washing machine at low speed. Then take it out of the washing machine and hang it on a hanger.
  • As the fur coat dries, you need to shake the fur and comb it with a brush or wide-toothed comb. Otherwise, the fur may dry out and become brittle. If, after the fur coat has dried, the fur looks sloppy, you can lightly moisten it with damp water and vinegar diluted in even parts and comb it according to the growth of the fur hairs.
  • After complete drying, it is recommended to moisten the lining of the fur coat with an antistatic agent. This will help prevent static electricity and dust particles from being attracted to the fur.

How to properly store a fur coat made of natural or faux fur?

Natural fur is very capricious, so it must be stored correctly. This type of fur loves the cold, but does not tolerate heat. Therefore, you need to store a fur coat made of natural fur in a room where the air temperature is about 7 degrees and the air humidity is no more than 50%. Many people make the mistake of wrapping fur in a tight bag. Lack of air can make natural fur brittle and dry. Therefore, for proper storage you need to use a cover made of cotton fabric.

Faux fur, like natural fur, cannot be stored folded or in a bag. Only special clothing covers and moth repellents can protect your favorite fur coat.

What should you not do when cleaning your fur coat?

Cleaning a fur coat at home can either improve the condition of the fur, remove dirt, give it its original shine, or ruin its appearance. It is very important to properly clean your fur coat and not use dubious products. Let's consider several options that cannot be used when cleaning or storing fur coats:

After cleaning your fur coat, you should not dry it over a fire, radiators, or use a hairdryer. It should dry on its own, hung in a warm room by its hangers. As it dries, you need to shake it and comb it with a wide-toothed brush.

  • It is strictly forbidden to iron any fur coat.
  • There is no need to comb the fur unnecessarily.
  • It is forbidden to clean fur with washing powder, which contains enzymes. Such powder can ruin the fur. It is better to use liquid powder.
  • You should not clean your fur coat at home with dubious means.
  • It is forbidden to store a fur coat in a plastic bag or rolled up.
  • Fur coats should be cleaned at the end of the season, just before they are put away in the closet.
  • It is recommended to take your fur coat out of the closet once a month and air it.
  • Use special lavender-based moth repellents that can protect your item.
  • Direct sunlight and temperatures above 25 degrees are considered harmful to a fur coat.
  • Proper storage and cleaning of a fur coat will help increase the wear life of the fur coat and reduce the amount of dirt.

Cleaning a fur coat is quite a difficult task. Before doing it yourself, try cleaning a barely noticeable area of ​​the fur coat. If you like the result, then you can clean other areas. If you have doubts about whether you can handle cleaning your favorite fur coat, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner. However, if you still decide to carry out the cleaning procedure yourself, we suggest watching the video instruction “How to clean a fur coat at home.”

Updated: 12/15/2018

From time immemorial, a fur coat was considered a sign of wealth and indicated the high position of its owner. Now the situation has practically not changed; many women dream of a mink fur coat or at least a mouton. However, even after purchase, fur requires special care and money. Outerwear gets dirty easily, and getting a fur coat in order after rain or wet snow becomes a real problem, because not everyone can afford dry cleaning services.

A fur coat made from natural fur will last for many years, the main thing is to properly care for it. It’s not for nothing that fur products are popular, they are warm and very beautiful, but they also need to be looked after. Over time, dirty spots appear on the fur coat, the fur cakes and sticks together, and sometimes loses color and shine, the coat looks untidy and does not make the right impression on others. So, how to clean a fur coat at home to get rid of odor and stains?

First, let's look at a few simple rules for caring for fur coats made from nutria, mink and other natural fur:

  • Fur coats are cleaned only when absolutely necessary. You should not touch the pile again, because the fur will begin to break, become dull and lose its bright color.
  • Do not store mink and other fur coats in plastic or plastic bags. The pile becomes electrified and loses its appearance from lack of oxygen, so in the summer, put the products in a dark, well-ventilated place.
  • To protect fur from moths and other insects, use special products, such as plates or tablets. People say that the smell of newspapers effectively repels moths, so they recommend stuffing your sleeves with old newspapers. The advantage of this method is that the shape of the fur coat is well preserved.
  • Please note that you cannot store several fur items nearby.
  • Fur absorbs odors well, so before hanging the coat, it is advisable to ventilate the room so that the next day the fur coat does not smell like cutlets or fried fish. Place bags of your favorite scents in the closet where outerwear is stored. But you shouldn’t spray perfume on the fur; over time, the aromas will mix and create an unpleasant cocktail. In addition, perfume stains may remain on the pile, especially if they are oil-based.
  • Do not wear a shoulder bag or leather belts with a fur coat - the fur in these places will dry out and the coat will lose its attractive appearance.
  • In summer, ventilate the fur in the fresh air, but make sure that the sun does not fall on it.

What to do to avoid spoiling the fur

If you are thinking about how to clean a mink coat at home, let's decide what not to do so as not to spoil the expensive fur:

  1. It is prohibited to wash fur items. When exposed to water, the fur will become matted and the skin will become rough and hard.
  2. The fur should be dried on hangers at room temperature. Do not use a hair dryer or hang the product near heat sources.
  3. You cannot steam or iron the fur to remove creases or folds after storage. It is enough to hang the coat on hangers, and the fur will straighten out over time.

Some items look quite strange, but dry cleaning workers tell interesting stories about what methods people resort to when trying to straighten or clean fur.

Cleaning a mink coat

Now let's talk about how to clean a mink coat at home.

Besides insects, there is another danger. After rain or snow, the remains of semolina or flour swell, this becomes clearly visible on the dark pile, and what is especially offensive is that it is now impossible to remove the flour.

You can clean a mouton fur coat at home using plain talc. Everyone knows that talc absorbs odors and fat well; this method works especially effectively for white fur, so if you don’t know how to clean a light fur coat, then lay it out on the table, put on gloves and evenly sprinkle the fur with talc. Gently rub the talc into the structure of the pile so that it spreads to all the hairs, and then thoroughly shake the product outside and comb the fur.

How to clean a mouton fur coat at home if you have a fresh stain on it? You can use shampoo for this, because fur fibers are similar to hair. Pour warm water into a bowl and add a little shampoo to make the water foam. Use a sponge to apply the solution to the stain and rub it lightly. Then rinse the sponge in clean water and remove any remaining detergent. Wipe the wet area with a dry, clean cloth, and when the fur dries a little, comb it.

If we clean a mink coat at home, then instead of a sponge you can use the old proven method. Wrap cotton wool soaked in the solution around the teeth of the comb and comb the fur until you have gone through the entire fur coat. Make sure that the cotton wool does not fall out of the comb and does not remain inside the hairs.

There are many options for cleaning a beaver fur coat at home, but today we will consider only the safest ones in our opinion. For example, to restore shine to dark fur, soften it and remove dust, use walnuts. Make a small gauze bag (from two layers of gauze) and place the nuts there. Beat them off with a hammer and roll the bag over the pile (make sure it is well closed).

You can remove dust from a fur coat and give it a well-groomed look using a simple fur brush.

Caring for a mink coat at home requires close attention, especially if it is a chic snow-white coat. Often the fur turns yellow and becomes covered with spots - this is not a reason to despair. will help you 5% hydrogen peroxide or vinegar– moisten a cotton pad with peroxide and gently wipe the product along the hairline. But if you need to remove greasy stains, traces of foundation or lipstick, and you don’t know how to properly clean a mouton fur coat, we recommend using medical alcohol. Dampen the cotton wool and wipe the fur, just like with peroxide.

If you don’t really trust traditional methods, then purchase special products for cleaning fur products in the store. Strictly follow the instructions indicated on the label; you must also work with industrial products carefully.

Faux fur coat

In recent years, faux fur coats have become increasingly popular - they are easy to care for and can be washed. However, before washing your faux fur coat, try other cleaning methods. A coat made of synthetic material can be thoroughly knocked out of dust or treated with a vacuum cleaner with a furniture attachment, and then combed with a comb. If you put a stain on your coat, you can wash it with a solution of washing powder and a sponge.

If you do decide to wash your faux fur coat, wash it by hand or on a delicate cycle without spinning. Place the product on a wire rack to drain and dry completely on a coat hanger.

Cleaning the fur coat inside

After prolonged wear, the lining looks “greasy” and stale. If you are thinking about how to clean the lining of a fur coat so as not to spoil the fur, then it is advisable to tear it off and wash it separately. Select the washing mode according to the information indicated on the product label. After drying, iron the lining and sew to the fur coat. However, if you are afraid that you will not be able to sew it in place perfectly, there is another option - make a soap solution and use a sponge to clean the lining, then remove the remaining soap and blot the material with a damp cloth.

Work carefully so that the inner layer of the skin does not get wet. If the fur coat is long and the lower part of the lining constantly gets dirty (especially in dirty weather), experienced housewives recommend hemming another piece of fabric along the edge of the product. You can tear it off and wash it at any time - it's much easier than cleaning the lining every time.

In order for a fur coat to last for many years and look perfect, it is enough to properly care for it, ventilate it, remove dust on time, clean the lining, store it in a dark room and ventilate it regularly in the summer. As strange as it may sound, you should wear a fur coat as often as possible, wear it in cold weather, and remove stains immediately after they appear. All the information presented also applies to those who do not know how to clean a fur hat at home and doubt that this is possible.

And if you are not sure that you can handle it yourself or do not know how to clean a fur coat from a mouton or mink and remove old dirt, then take the product to a dry cleaner, where professionals will get down to business.