Thematic corners in kindergarten in the middle group: rules and design ideas. Decoration of a nursery group

Do you want to make an interesting design for a kindergarten group? Look for ideas in the article.

For preschool children, kindergarten is a second home. Here they eat, study, play games, and relax.

  • Therefore, all areas in the room where the babies are located should not only be cozy and beautiful, but also attractive to the child, as this shapes the mental and physiological state of the baby.
  • The development of the child as an individual, aesthetically and artistically, also depends on the interior design.
  • Decorating areas in a group in kindergarten is an important component of teaching work. Every teacher should remember this.
  • In this article you will find ideas for the correct and beautiful design of walls, cabinets and other blocks of the room where children are. It is also important that with the change of seasons, the design of the group also changes. We will show you photos and templates that will help make the group beautiful, depending on the age of the kids.

Beautiful group design in kindergarten: design rules, recommendations

Each teacher knows the characteristics of children at a certain age. This should be taken into account when decorating different blocks and corners in the room. Here are the rules and some recommendations for beautifully and correctly decorating a group in a kindergarten:

  • When decorating, take into account not only the age of the children, but also the size of the room, its features and the equipment you have available. The room should be bright, spacious and cozy, and this can be achieved by creating a bright and colorful interior.
  • Use ready-made stands for decoration. You can make them yourself using the templates that you will find below. The stands are easy to work with; you can hang menus, children’s daily routines, group lists and other useful information on them.
  • There should be little furniture, more play space for children. But at the same time, you need to create a study area with tables and chairs.
  • Create an interior in a group in a single thematic direction. For example, it could be a sea, space, fairy-tale or forest theme. But a combination of different options is also allowed. This will depend on the imagination and materials that are available.
  • Themes from fairy tales and cartoons are suitable for decorating the room.. It is important to pay attention not only to the aesthetics of decoration, but also to modern educational purposes.
  • Create a corner where children can display their creative achievements: crafts and drawings. He should be in the field of view of mothers and fathers coming to pick up their children, so that they can admire their child’s achievements and praise him.

Advice: Involve parents in organizing the group. This will help you create creative ideas and decorate the interior in a unique, bright and beautiful way.

Parents who know how to paint real landscapes, take unique photographs, or work with computer programs should help teachers decorate the kindergarten group.

Ideas for beautiful spring decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

In the spring, after a long and cold winter, you want to create a festive mood and therefore the interior of the children's room should be made in warm colors. Here are ideas for a beautiful spring design for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups, with photos and templates:

The spring mood is created by hanging garlands of green paper leaves and a girl made of fabric in the role of spring. Excellent design for a group of children of different ages.

This design can be done on any wall. Flowers made of bright fabric and swallows made of paper - everything is simple and quick.

Original wall decoration for March 8th. Find paper flower templates below. The number 8 is covered with fabric on which beads and rhinestones are sewn. Flowers are attached to the wall using double-sided tape.

The idea of ​​a beautiful spring decoration for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups for March 8

"Red spring has come." With this design you can organize a spring celebration. The vines attached to the ceiling are strips cut in a circle, and on the wall there are flowers and butterflies drawn and cut out by the children.

This is how you can decorate a group for Easter. Children will be happy to help you draw and cut out small details: flowers, Easter eggs. Great decoration for toddlers: large objects that you can touch with your hands and a fairy chicken - she brought Easter eggs.

The idea of ​​a beautiful spring decoration for a junior nursery group for Easter

Here are the decoration templates:

Beautiful summer design ideas for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Any themes from cartoons and fairy tales are suitable for summer group decoration. Insert palm trees, green grass and bright sunny colors into the landscape - here you have summer - warm and carefree. Photos and templates with beautiful summer design ideas for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

This wall design is suitable for children in the nursery and younger groups. Ask creative parents to draw animals and just sit them next to each other. Now we have the plot of our favorite cartoon. On the left in the picture is a whole life that “boils” in a big fairy-tale city.

Ordinary indoor flowers act as palm trees on the wall. The butterfly templates are below and the turtle template can be found below. Simple design, but very creative and original.

The marine theme is summer, sun, fish and sea. In such an interior, the child will seem to find himself in the middle of the ocean with its inhabitants and fauna.

Cartoon design for a nursery group. Summer theme, fairy-tale characters, cartoon plot - all this will appeal to any child from 1.5 years old. Naturally, either the teachers themselves or creative parents can paint the walls this way.

Creative design of a children's study corner. Multi-colored sun and frames with pictures - simple, but how eye-catching.

Here is a turtle template for the second interior design option. She will settle down perfectly on a hill, between palm trees, and will delight with her cheerful appearance. Just print it out on a color printer on paper of the desired size and stick it on the wall.

Ideas for beautiful autumn decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Autumn pleases with its bright colors. This can be used in interior design. Below are photos, templates with ideas for beautiful autumn design, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

Such crafts can be made with older children, and then they can be used to decorate the room. Ordinary yogurt glasses, leaves cut out of colored cardboard and decorated with beads and satin bows. Add a smile to the leaves and they will delight you with their cheerful mood.

Again, crafts, but children of the middle or junior group can do them. These leaves and birch trunks can be used to decorate a wall in a group.

Autumn in the form of a girl is symbolic and perfect for decorating a kindergarten. This “picture” can be used to decorate a wall or a separate corner in a group.

The umbrella on the ceiling does not at all remind you of rainy weather. It complements the leaf decorations. The only thing is that you need to securely attach it to the ceiling so that it does not fall.

In this design, a whole autumn plot unfolds - bright, colorful, with forest inhabitants. Decorate any corner in a group like this: a play area, a study area, or in the entrance area.

Here are the leaf and mushroom templates for crafts:

Ideas for beautiful winter decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups: photos, templates

Children associate winter with snow and New Year. This should be used in decorating the group’s interior. Photos, templates, ideas for beautiful winter decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups:

Any teacher can make such a tree. Templates for bullfinches are below. All you have to do is print them out, cut them out and give them to the kids to color. Snowflakes will add a winter mood.

Ideas for beautiful winter decoration for junior, nursery, middle and senior groups

Here is an original winter decoration for the entrance group of a children's room. Add a few drawings or applications that the children made to the wall, and it will be clear that creative and well-rounded children are growing up here.

This decoration can be made in a nursery or junior group. The main thing is to draw a hare on a large sheet of paper and make a blue background. Children will make real snow themselves using white paint. The little ones' handprints look like a real snowstorm in the forest.

“Even though we are kids, we decorate the group with all our hearts!” - this is how you can sign the application made by the teacher with the children. The snowman and the hare are glued together from paper blanks using children’s hands - it’s original, and you’ll never immediately think that these are children’s hands.

This decoration is real winter, made by a creative teacher. Here you will need a little tulle and thin white lining fabric. Everything is simple, but how original.

How to beautifully decorate the walls in a kindergarten with your own hands?

Many ideas for decorating group walls in different seasons have been published above. Choose any one and create real masterpieces yourself or together with your children. Below are a few more photos that will help you beautifully decorate the walls in a kindergarten with your own hands:

Applications on the walls can be made together with children, but to create drawings, you will have to involve parents.

Beautiful design for the “Pochemuchki” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

The name of the group can be hung above the door in the entrance group. You can print ready-made templates on a color printer, stick them on cardboard, and hang them where you need them. Beautiful group design "Why Chicks"

Beautiful decoration for the “Pochemuchki” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Beautiful decoration for the “Pochemuchki” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos

Beautiful decoration for the group “Pochemuchki” in kindergarten: ideas

A beautiful decoration for the group “Pochemuchki” in kindergarten

A beautiful decoration for the group “Pochemuchki”

Beautiful design for the “Rowanka” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Group "Pock" should be decorated in the style of nature: natural materials, forest inhabitants, berries. Involve children and their parents in the design of the room. They will definitely suggest something creative and beautiful. Beautiful group design "Pock" in kindergarten - ideas, photos, templates:
Beautiful decoration for the group “Rowanka” in kindergarten: ideas

Beautiful decoration for the group “Rowan” in kindergarten

Beautiful decoration for the group “Rowan”

Beautiful design of the “Rainbow” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

The “rainbow” group should be bright and beautiful. It should stand out from other groups with its rich interior design. Beautiful group design "Rainbow"
Beautiful decoration for the Rainbow group in kindergarten: ideas

Beautiful decoration for the Rainbow group in kindergarten

Beautiful decoration for the Rainbow group

Beautiful design for the “Firefly” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Even if you get an unkempt group, don’t be upset. Name her "Firefly" and make an original interior decoration. Print the templates on a color printer and hang them on the walls. Beautiful group design "Firefly" in kindergarten - ideas, photos, templates:

Beautiful decoration for the “Firefly” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos, templates

Beautiful decoration for the “Firefly” group in kindergarten: ideas, photos

Beautiful decoration for the Firefly group in kindergarten: ideas

Children are the most valuable wealth for every person. You should try and use as many of your creative resources and imagination as possible to ensure that the kids in kindergarten feel comfortable.

Video: Design of kindergarten groups

Registration of a group in kindergarten by zones- this is an important process. The development of a child is greatly influenced by the environment. When you send your child to a preschool, you need to pay attention to the zoning of the premises. Their arrangement can say a lot about how the baby will develop.

Principles of zoning premises

After sending your baby to kindergarten, he will experience discomfort at first. This is because he is accustomed to a certain environment. The main task of educators is to create all the conditions for rapid adaptation in a preschool institution.

This is done through zoning of premises and their proper arrangement. We will indicate by what principles educators act in order to create good conditions for the development and education of preschoolers:

  • on the principle of stability and dynamism. Groups are small rooms. Every meter must be used rationally. When designing, the cassette system is most often used. Its essence is that separate blocks are created for the entertainment and development of children. Their equipment and materials can easily be transformed and create new conditions. Thus, zones in a kindergarten group will merge or separate from time to time. This will allow students to do things that interest them;
  • according to the principle of appropriateness to age - an important point. Each age category has its own characteristics. They need to be taken into account. It will be difficult for the youngest to adapt to a new environment, therefore, the design of the premises should not change frequently.

    Such places should be provided only with developmental materials and equipment. Unnecessary details should be removed so that they do not distract children's attention. In addition, the environment should help develop sensory abilities. For children from 4 to 5 years old, you need to prepare a space equipped with a wide variety of games and entertainment. For older preschoolers, it is necessary to create conditions in which they can express themselves and establish themselves. The design must be oriented towards the interests of this age;

  • according to gender principle. Boys and girls perceive the world around them differently. This must be taken into account when arranging groups. In addition, there are physical differences between children of different sexes, so the gender principle of separation is especially appropriate when dividing children's bedrooms, showers, and toilet areas;
  • based on the principle of aesthetics - the corners created by the teacher should attract the attention of children and arouse their interest. Preschoolers should feel convenience, comfort, and aesthetic pleasure.

Formation of groups by zones

Dividing space is an important action. It is necessary to surround children with things that will develop, educate, entertain, and teach them all the necessary self-care skills. We will list the key standard zones in a kindergarten group. Their arrangement is the primary task of educators:

  • cognitive-speech space - the corner should be equipped with didactic, visual material that can develop an understanding of the world around us and provide certain knowledge. This place is supplied with construction sets, mosaics, cubes of different sizes (they can depict fruits, vegetables, fairy-tale characters and more), puzzles, thematic and didactic sets of cards, board games;

  • a corner of social and personal development is a place where a kindergarten student can acquire the necessary skills. There should be toys, dolls with clothes, pieces of furniture. With the help of this, the child forms an idea of ​​​​in what sequence and how to dress;

  • a place for artistic and aesthetic development - a space where a preschooler can express himself. Often when designing a zone in a kindergarten group objects in the form of screens, toys for puppet theater, as well as costumes for role-playing games are used.

In addition to these spaces, there are other zones. For example, hygiene places. They are subject to requirements at the legislative level. There are also facilities for development in dance, vocal, and artistic areas. But it is not the teachers who are responsible for their arrangement, but other garden workers.

Subject-spatial development environment in preschool educational institutions.

Junior group of kindergarten "Solnyshko"
The organization of the subject-development environment in the preschool educational institution is built in accordance with the principles of the program“From birth to school”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, N.E. Veraksa and T.S. Komarova and “Concepts for building a developmental environment” by V.A. Petrovsky, corresponding to the personality-oriented model of interaction with preschoolers.
The group space is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped with a large number of developmental materials. All items and materials are available to children.
Such organization of space allows preschoolers to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate them throughout the day, and gives the teacher the opportunity to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

When creating a subject-development environment, you must remember:
The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative.
Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.
The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children.
It is necessary to provide space in the group for children's experimental activities.
Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.

The kindergarten is a second home for employees and children. And you always want to decorate your home, make it cozy, original, warm, and different from others.
In accordance with the principles discussed, the following subject-development environment was created in the junior group of the preschool educational institution “Solnyshko”:
1. Center for theatrical activities;
2. Center for “Dressing” and role-playing games;
3. Center for physical development;
4. Center of the book;
5. Game center
6. Center for educational games;
7. Center of water and sand;
8. Center “Creative Workshop” (for the exhibition of children's drawings, children's creativity);
9. Hanging modules
10. Information blocks.

The equipment of the corners changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process.

Center for theatrical activities.
The Theater Activity Center is one of the active sectors in our group.
The purpose of the theater corner:
Development of creative abilities in children;
Development of imagination, ability to improvise;
Development of memory, attention, expression of basic emotions;
Instill a sustainable interest in literature, theater, music;
All costumes and attributes are arranged so that it is convenient for children to take them and use them, and they will unite in subgroups based on common interests.
In the corner there are props for various types of theater: finger theater, tabletop, flat, masks for acting out scenes.

Dressing center.
In our group there is a corner that all children, without exception, love. Everyone chooses their own image, according to their sympathies and feelings living in their soul here and now. This provides psycho-emotional release and lifts your spirits. Children learn to combine things, fabrics, sizes. They study the purpose of things and their seasonality. They choose their own image.

Center for Physical Development.
To successfully solve the problems of physical education in preschool institutions, it is necessary to have physical education equipment, which should also be in the group room, in a specially designated place “physical education corner”. The selection of equipment and maintenance of the physical education corner is determined by the program objectives of both physical and comprehensive education of children. The teacher’s task is to teach children independent physical activity in limited space and the correct use of physical education equipment.
In our kindergarten group, the motor activity center is designed as part of a large play area. There are rolling toys for kids; balls of different sizes; balls - hedgehogs; bags filled with peas for hands; massage mats; massage mittens; skittles; dumbbells; ringbross; hoops; jump ropes; ropes, cords; dry pool; Children are constantly in active motion and use the toys offered at their own discretion. In the sports corner there are devices for organized children's activities: for sports games and exercises. That's why our center has masks for games. Basically, these are the characters that are most often found in their games: cat, hare, fox, bear, wolf. Items for carrying out exercises - for all children in the group: cubes, soft balls, plumes; breathing simulators - houses. Be sure to have a tambourine to perform exercises in the suggested rhythm.

Book Center.
The most accessible and effective way to develop children is reading. For many parents, this is also a very cheap way to keep their child busy. The educational potential of a children's book is limitless. Thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination - all this is formed through communication with a book. For this reason, we decided to create a book museum. Our museum displays modern books, books from the childhood of our grandparents, and books created with our own hands. Moms, dads, grandmothers and even grandfathers responded to our proposal to create a book with their families. The topics chosen were varied: “My favorite pets”, “Polite words”, “Seasons”, “Our favorite kindergarten”, “My favorite grandparents” and many others. We actively use all the books presented, since fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral, and aesthetic development of children.

Game center.
The play area contains a variety of games for children, taking into account age and gender education.

Center for educational games.
The center for educational games is aimed at developing speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination.

Center of water and sand.
The “Water and Sand Center” in our group helps organize children’s cognitive and research activities. We are talking about playing and experimenting with various objects and natural materials. By organizing games with water and sand, we not only introduce children to the properties of various objects and materials, but also help them consolidate ideas about the shape, size, color of objects, develop fine motor skills, and lay the foundation for learning to design (molding from sand).

Suspended modules.
Small children do not know how to get bored; they need to constantly do something: look at something, touch something, observe something - for them this is the same action as running, jumping, playing. Therefore, the presence of hanging figures, butterflies, birds, stars in the room creates an atmosphere in which something is constantly changing and moving. A color cascade is very useful from an aesthetic and psychological point of view. There are many such cascades in our group room.

Creativity Center.
Creativity in the broad sense of the word is an activity aimed at obtaining something new and unique. In the design of the reception room there is always a place for children’s work and creativity. The exhibition is very colorfully decorated, where we display children's drawings and applications. In the creativity center, something is constantly changing depending on the lexical topics and techniques being mastered.

Teacher of MBDOU “kindergarten No. 130”, Voronezh.

This work is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, this is the design of a group and a reception area.

When organizing the subject environment in the group room, in the reception area, we tried to take into account everything that would contribute to the development of the basic personality characteristics of each child.

Kindergarten is a second home for employees and children. And you always want to decorate your home, make it cozy, original, warm, and different from others.

In our group, teachers and parents have created a variety of developmental environments. What makes them useful for the all-round development of children. The group effectively implements the development environment model.

For several years now, my partner and I have been creating comfort in our group. We think through every corner and decorate it so that the children feel cozy and comfortable. I really want the children to go to kindergarten with pleasure.

Much was acquired with the help of my parents, some was made with my own hands. Thanks to our parents, we created an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. With children, we try to maintain order, cleanliness, comfort and good mood.

The group is very bright, and the guys are cheerful.

The group is called "Sun".

The entrance to the group from the reception area is designed in this way. They glued the sun and letters to the door made of self-adhesive paper, placed a photo of the whole group and wrote the age of the group at the top.

A soft toy sun was hung above the door.

There is a stand on the wall where we post interesting and useful information for parents.

Menu information block. Parents always have information about their children's nutrition.

On one of the walls there is a photo wallpaper that we inherited from the previous group.

A photo of the child was glued to the cabinets, and on top there was decorett in the form of a sunflower, photo ris7.jpg

Also in the reception area we have an algorithm for sequentially dressing children. We cut out pictures of clothes and pasted them on the board. Very convenient and, as practice has shown, useful information for children.

In the design of the reception room there is always a place for children’s work and creativity. Thanks to the parents, we purchased a Do-It-Yourself stand where we display children’s drawings and applications.

Stand for crafts made of plasticine.

The entire group space is divided into centers, zones, and corners that are accessible to children.

Study area positioned so that the light on the work tables falls from the left side.

Each table and chair is marked according to the height of the children.

Opposite the tables we placed a magnetic board and a flannelgraph; here we have everything for GCD.

It is not only a decoration for the group, but also a place for children’s self-development. The main part of the plants is located in this corner.

The central place in the corner of nature is occupied by the nature calendar.

One of children's favorite activities is experimentation. For this we have created "Experimentation Corner". Where there are objects made of various materials (wood, iron, plastic), as well as sand, salt, stones, magnets, various types of paper. There is equipment for experimentation: magnifying glass, pipettes, flashlights, etc.

Game Zone. There are a variety of games for children, taking into account age and gender education.

It contains equipment for individual lessons, corrective gymnastics, and material for moving exercises.

Helps us satisfy children's needs for self-expression through theatrical activities, drawing, and modeling. The corner displays a variety of visual materials.

presented this way. The photo of the child was pasted onto cardboard cut to the size of the pocket, and the child’s last name and first name were signed. It is very convenient for children to see who is on duty in the dining room today.

There is also in the group literary corner and theatrical activities corner. Activities in this corner are aimed at developing interest in books and the need for reading.

We use a variety of puppet theaters (finger, tabletop, bibabo).

Surely every parent paid attention to the entertaining children's corners located in kindergarten groups. At first glance, this is an ordinary play area for girls or boys. But educators know that there are certain requirements for creating a developmental play area. The Federal State Educational Standard or Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) applies in all preschool and educational institutions. It is this document that defines the requirements for children's corners and educational structures.

Parents, teachers and heads of preschool institutions should know that the design of corners in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard meets the following requirements:

  • Compliance of equipment with the age and needs of children of this age group.
  • The ability to modify the gaming environment depending on changes in the learning situation.
  • Multifunctionality, which consists in the possibility of using different components to simulate an environment for the comprehensive development of children's activity.
  • Possibility of variability - creating conditions for games, modeling, design, games alone.
  • Safety, reliability and high quality of materials used.

Taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents can start decorating corners in kindergarten with their own hands. Of course, in the process of creating a play space, it is important to take into account the age of the children.

It is known that in a preschool institution, groups are divided into:

  • younger,
  • average,
  • preparatory for school.

This means that for younger children it is better to organize a corner for simple games. For example, this could be a corner for girls, where you can play themed games for daughters, mothers, and doctors. And for boys - for playing with construction sets, for learning the profession of a builder and driver.

The preparatory group is designed for preschool children. This means that the gaming corner can be patriotic, telling about the country and customs. Thematic pictures glorifying the nation can be located here. Additionally, there should be a place for educational games. Lotto, mosaics, puzzles on a patriotic or natural theme - all this captivates children of 5-6 years of age.

Decorating a children's creativity corner

The lion's share of the time children in a preschool educational institution are engaged in useful, developmental activities. One of every child's favorite things to do is create crafts with his own hands.

In order to develop the desire to create in children, children's creativity areas are often set up in kindergarten groups. It’s not enough to just put a table or place a couple of shelves. The children's creativity corner should be attractive and appealing to children.

To set up a creative area, you can use one of the following ideas:

  • Leopold the cat, who holds a shelf with children's works in his paws.
  • Composition of rainbow and sun.
  • Forest clearing with animals.
  • A spreading tree with children's works on its branches.

The design of the corner is quite simple and does not require any special skills or knowledge. For example, to make the decoration with Leopold shown in the photo, you need to draw an image of the hero on plywood, cut it out and paint it. Shelves are installed in the area of ​​​​the palms, on which children's crafts will be placed. The creative zone, decorated with a rainbow and the sun, looks very beautiful. A bright rainbow, cut out of glossy paper in combination with a yellow sun and pasted on the wall, attracts the attention of the inhabitants and guests of the group. In this case, crafts are placed on shelves that are fixed under the rainbow.

ISO corner

Following the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard for the design of children's themed areas in a preschool educational institution, it is recommended to create an art corner. Considering that children love to draw, such an area will be simply necessary for children of different ages. Here kids should not only be comfortable, but also interested. Be sure to fill the corner with the materials necessary for fine arts - drawing paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. We place all this on low shelves so that it is convenient for children of different heights to get the necessary item.