Dark brown stool in pregnant women. Causes of green stool in pregnant women

Many women carrying a child notice that their stool color has changed during pregnancy, and their stool has become darker.

Naturally, expectant mothers begin to worry about this, and some even panic, believing that they are sick with something.

In this article we will look at why the color of feces may change in women expecting a baby, whether this is dangerous for the health of the pregnant woman and the child, and in what cases dark feces during pregnancy can be a symptom of the disease.

Why does stool change color during pregnancy?

After conceiving a baby, a restructuring of the functioning of the woman’s body occurs, as the mother’s body prepares to bear the fetus. Due to “global” hormonal changes, the expectant mother may change the color and thickness of her stool. The color of stool during pregnancy can vary from green to black.

The color of feces is largely influenced by the foods that a woman who is expecting a baby eats. If the expectant mother decides to consume large quantities of leafy green vegetables while carrying her baby, then she will expect green feces during pregnancy. And eating large quantities of blood sausage, liver, currants, and blueberries will color your stool black.

Taking medications can also affect the color of feces.

The well-known “Activated carbon”, which is taken for digestive disorders, accumulation of gases in the intestines, food poisoning, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, leads to the coloring of excrement black.

Therefore, if a pregnant woman takes several tablets of “Activated Charcoal”, for example, for bloating, then in a day or two she will have dark stool.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to take even long-familiar medications with caution, since it is unknown how the body of the woman carrying the baby will react to them. The same “Activated carbon”, in addition to removing toxins from the body and coloring feces, leads to the removal of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And this negatively affects the development of the baby.

Black feces during pregnancy may be a consequence of taking a vitamin-mineral complex designed specifically for women expecting a baby, since all dietary supplements for expectant mothers contain a substance such as iron.

It is vitally necessary for the body in order for the hematopoietic function to function properly and the level of hemoglobin in the blood to remain normal. During the period of bearing a child, a pregnant woman's need for iron doubles. Therefore, quite often expectant mothers are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, which can lead to health complications.

To avoid this condition, obstetricians and gynecologists prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes containing increased amounts of iron to pregnant women. But not all of the iron in the dietary supplement is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, since the stomach can only absorb 2 milligrams of this mineral during the day.

All other iron is excreted from the body along with feces, which leads to dark stool during pregnancy in all women taking vitamin-mineral complexes for expectant mothers.

Health-hazardous causes of stool discoloration

In addition to the reasons discussed above for changes in the color of stool during pregnancy, there are others that pose a danger to the health and life of the mother and child.

A change in the color of stool during pregnancy can be a consequence of liver disease, dysbiosis, infectious disease, colitis, or bleeding in the intestines. Let's look at all these ailments in more detail.

Liver diseases such as hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis are the cause of green stool during pregnancy. With these diseases, the liver is not able to fully perform its functions of utilizing hemoglobin, as a result of which iron compounds enter the duodenum and color the stool dark.

With intestinal dysbiosis, the processes of absorption and digestion of food in the digestive tract are disrupted. As a result, fermentation and putrefaction processes actively occur in the intestines, the result of which gives a green color to feces.

Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. When this disease is severe, purulent and bloody discharge may be present in the stool. They are the cause of green stool. During pregnancy, this disease poses a threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the woman and her baby.

Another reason for black stool during pregnancy is internal bleeding. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract lead to chronic, mild bleeding. As a result, iron compounds contained in the blood turn the stool black.

Infectious diseases (for example, dysentery) cause changes in the color of feces, since with them the same processes occur in the intestines as with dysbacteriosis. But besides this, they are accompanied by symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and loose stools.

To summarize this article, I would like to say that any woman who notices that her stool color has changed during pregnancy should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

Most likely, the reason for these changes is in the diet or in taking vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women, which contain iron in large quantities.

But there is a possibility that black feces during pregnancy are a symptom of diseases that are dangerous not only to the health, but also to the life of the woman and her child.

Therefore, it is better to play it safe once again and consult with a gynecologist about changes in the color of stool, take a general test of blood, urine and feces, so that the doctor, based on the results of the research, can draw a conclusion about the health status of the woman expecting a baby and reassure her by informing her that she's fine.

Source: http://ymadam.net/deti/beremennost/kal-pri-beremennosti.php

Feces during pregnancy

Often, along with a joyful event, a woman begins to seriously worry, since changes occur in the body’s functioning, which are embarrassing to share with her loved one, friends and doctors.

We are talking about a change in the color of stool during pregnancy. A common occurrence is dark stool during pregnancy. Let's find out in more detail what is happening to the body and whether it needs help.

Most women in an interesting position note many strange things that happen to them during pregnancy, these may be taste preferences, they want something sweet or salty, the skin becomes dry and begins to itch intensely, fillings and even teeth may “fall out”, and some pregnant women notice that the feces have changed their color and become darker. Black feces during pregnancy are not a reason for frustration or silence. It is clear that the topic is too sensitive, but not so sensitive that you cannot tell your gynecologist who is monitoring your pregnancy about it. Most expectant mothers are so shy that they are simply afraid to talk about changes in their bodies and are very worried about this. The result is poor health, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance and even uterine tone. And this is already serious and even threatens to terminate the pregnancy. This is why it is so important to immediately share everything that happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy with her doctor.

Listen to your body

Not all women know that the body experiences serious stress while carrying a baby and, first of all, these are hormonal changes. As a result, other disorders may appear.

The color of stool during pregnancy is not always a reason for concern, for example, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the body and all organs are just adapting to the double load, a woman’s stool may change its color, frequent urination will appear - this is normal.

It’s good if a woman listens to her body and observes, because excessive care not only for herself, but also for the unborn child is very good. The reason for these changes is high levels of hormones.

It is possible that old “sores” and diseases that were not treated before pregnancy will make themselves felt. You will have to seek help from specialists to rule out serious diseases.

Changes in the body during pregnancy:

  • black feces can cause internal problems (bleeding of the intestines, stomach). The consistency of such stool is thinner than usual, since it contains a lot of blood. Externally, such feces look more like liquid coffee grounds. Characteristic symptoms: pallor, weakness, increased sweating. Urgent hospitalization is required;
  • the formation of dark stool can be caused by taking medications. For example, activated carbon. Pregnant women can use these tablets to get rid of gas and colic;
  • Green stool with mucus may occur due to excessive consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. If you eat only such food a lot and constantly, then intestinal function is disrupted;
  • Gray feces occur due to the consumption of any one product (kiwi, beets, etc.). If there is no mucus or pain, then there is no need to worry, stop eating these products and everything will return to normal;
  • light-colored stool indicates a malfunction of the intestines;
  • stool is rare, white - a rare occurrence, indicating an allergic reaction to a certain product;
  • Bloody stool may occur due to frequent constipation or exacerbation of a chronic disease of the stomach or intestines. Need help from a qualified specialist.

It is important that a woman understands and knows that as soon as she suspects something is wrong, she needs to see a specialist. Only a qualified doctor can really assess the problem and indicate the reason for the change in stool color during pregnancy. Under no circumstances should a woman self-medicate, endure and remain silent about her problems.

Is dark stool so dangerous?

Many expectant mothers are worried that their stool has become darker, the consistency has changed and an unpleasant odor has appeared.

There is no need to panic right away; perhaps the woman drank sorbent (activated carbon) or blueberry/blackcurrant/beetroot juice, and forgot about it the next day. Natural sorbent and dark foods can turn stool black.

It is too early to worry about this if the expectant mother feels well and everything is in order.

Another thing is that if the above-mentioned products were not present in the diet, and the stool remains dark, you need to worry - a change in the color of the stool may indicate the presence of a disease.

Women with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines are at risk; then it is necessary to undergo a series of tests and examinations to exclude bloody feces during pregnancy (this is a clear picture of an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer).

If the ulcer worsens, this indicates that the person has internal bleeding. But in this case, the structure of the feces will change from dense to liquid.

If during pregnancy a woman discovers that she has dark stool, and also has symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, and sticky cold sweat, then she should immediately consult a specialist. It's better to be safe than to regret wasted time.

A woman carrying a baby, at the first changes in her body (dark and green feces during pregnancy), needs to pay attention to her well-being. If no significant changes have occurred over the past couple of days, there is no need to worry.

It is possible that changes in a pregnant woman’s stool are directly related to taking multivitamin complexes or diet.

If the situation has worsened, the woman feels unwell, is bothered by abdominal pain, has heartburn, mild nausea, has been suffering from constipation for the last few days, has vomiting and bloating, then she needs to see a doctor. Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis (in the acute stage) or stomach ulcer cannot be excluded.

If a pregnant woman has at least 1 of these symptoms along with dark stool, immediate hospitalization is necessary:

  • vomit;
  • increased body temperature;
  • loose stools;
  • constant anemia.

It often happens that a pregnant woman is overly scrupulous about any changes that occur to her, for example, she noticed that the stool has become dark, and these are just dark inclusions of undigested food (the peel of berries or fruits).

If the color of the expectant mother's stool turns black and liquid, this may indicate that bleeding has opened in the intestines. You need to see a doctor immediately.

Along with dark-colored diarrhea, the following may be a cause for concern:

  • severe weakness up to loss of consciousness;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • severe dizziness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • lowering blood pressure.

If a pregnant woman has these symptoms, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The specialist may prescribe an extended examination (FGDS) to clarify the diagnosis.

By the way, feces with blood during pregnancy are also a serious cause for concern, this is not only deviations in the functioning of the intestines and stomach, but also assumptions about intrauterine fetal death. As a result of the death of a child, the body receives a powerful hormonal surge and therefore the feces can be colored black with clots of coagulated blood.

Why is stool abnormal during pregnancy?

Constipation often accompanies a woman in an interesting position. Here we can advise you to reconsider your diet, include more fresh vegetables and fruits, since prolonged constipation negatively affects the course of pregnancy.

So, let’s summarize and list all the reasons that can affect changes in the color of stool during pregnancy:

  • hormonal surge;
  • serious diseases (diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines);
  • hemorrhage in the intestines and stomach;
  • taking foods high in iron;
  • poisoning;
  • when taking activated carbon;
  • with excessive consumption of dark foods: kiwi, blood sausage, blueberries, liver, black currants.

Now it is clear that the reasons for black feces during pregnancy can be different and in each specific case you need to act differently.

If a woman feels good, then she just needs to remember what she ate over the past few days. If none of the foods that stain feces have been eaten, then you need to listen to the body and observe.

If you experience negative symptoms (nausea, pain, vomiting, lack of appetite and weakness), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Taking multivitamin complexes

Almost every woman with the onset of conception suffers from a lack of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. This is normal, since the supply of nutrients was previously necessary only for one organism, but now it is also necessary for the development of the fetus. Naturally, vitamin reserves quickly run out and need to be replenished periodically.

Based on this, all gynecologists, without exception, try to prescribe vitamin preparations to expectant mothers. By the way, just one balanced complex will not be enough, since during pregnancy the hemoglobin level always decreases (this is natural) and therefore it is necessary to replenish iron reserves.

Therefore, doctors also prescribe iron supplements to pregnant women (after examination and obtaining the results of a blood test for hemoglobin).

Doctors usually warn patients about possible side effects, but women do not always take this literally. A few days after taking iron-containing drugs, the stool darkens, as the body takes what it needs and gives away some of the iron in processed form. Due to their suspiciousness, many women can become very frightened and forget about the doctor’s warning.

All women carrying a baby need to know that any complex developed specifically for pregnant women contains more iron, so when taking harmless vitamins, the pregnant woman’s stool turns dark. This is not a pathology, this is the norm. Many women even believe that if this happens, it means the vitamins are good. Doctors have a different opinion - the body eliminates excess in the stool in this way.

As soon as a woman notices that her stool has become darker, there is no need to stop taking multivitamin complexes and there is no need to change vitamins to others, the result will be the same.

What can you advise a pregnant woman? If you started taking vitamins and noticed that your stool has turned dark, you shouldn’t worry about it.

Think about the child; the mother’s worries are transmitted to the baby. Happy pregnancy!

Source: http://beremennuyu.ru/kal-pri-beremennosti

What does yellow stool mean in an adult, child, or during pregnancy?

The color of stool has important diagnostic value and may be a signal to see a doctor. Often, a change in the normal shade can be caused by an unusual diet or taking certain medications.

At the same time, in some cases, changes in the consistency and color of stool are caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal systems. Under what conditions can the color of stool turn yellow, and what to do in such cases, our article will tell you.

Causes of yellow stool in adults

A change in stool without complaints or worsening of the condition is often caused by the introduction of certain food groups into the diet.

Eating dairy and plant products, such as carrots, persimmons, apples, melon, and pears, can change the color of your stool to yellow. In addition, this situation can arise due to stress, overeating, or taking certain medications.

The main reasons for the appearance of yellow stool in adults:

  • Eating certain foods.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Consequences of stress.
  • Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Pathologies of the liver and pancreas.
  • Disturbances in the intestines.

Yellowing of stool can be caused by taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal contraceptives, anti-tuberculosis and laxatives. This reaction is observed with drug therapy for gout, as well as the administration of contrast agents for examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Yellow stool in children of the first year of life without the absence of objective complaints is normal, especially when the baby is breastfed. At the same time, this may also be a sign of pathology, so it is better to play it safe and get examined by a specialist.

What this sign may indicate:

  • Crohn's disease. With this disease, the stool is gray-yellow, often with white speckles, and very foul-smelling. The disease is an autoimmune pathology and leads to dire consequences (ulceration of the intestinal mucosa, internal bleeding), so early diagnosis is simply necessary.
  • Taking antibacterial agents often leads to dilution of stool and a change in its color. In this case, it is necessary to coordinate with the attending physician further rehabilitation and restoration of normal intestinal microflora with the help of special prebiotics.
  • Violations of the usual diet of a nursing mother, early or incorrect complementary feeding. The digestive system in infants takes a long time to develop, so it is very important to initially establish a normal diet without excesses.
  • Yellow, loose stools with foam and mucus may indicate food poisoning and intolerance to the product introduced into the diet. In breastfed babies, such a reaction may occur with a concomitant disease, for example, bronchitis. In this case, the inflammatory process in the body can also affect digestive function.
  • In addition, bowel problems and negative symptoms (restless behavior, weight loss, belching and bloating) can be caused by intestinal dysbiosis, rotavirus disease and congenital lactose or gluten intolerance.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the body of the expectant mother is subjected to serious tests. There are frequent cases of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the emergence of new ailments.

During pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your diet, and also try to avoid unnecessary stress and strain. If a pregnant woman has changed the color of her stool, but there are no objective complaints, this is most likely due to her diet, so there is no need for medical intervention.

If you experience abdominal pain, digestive dysfunction, or additional symptoms, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo special examinations. You should know that during pregnancy, many diseases pose not only a threat to the mother, but are also potentially dangerous to the child.

The symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases are extremely diverse, so any sign is important. When contacting a doctor, it is necessary to provide complete information about existing chronic ailments, previous operations and genetic diseases.

When complaining of digestive disorders, the color and consistency of stool, frequency of bowel movements, changes in odor and other objective indicators of stool are also important. An accurate determination of possible causes can only be obtained after laboratory and instrumental examination.

The main symptoms of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Yellow-green stool- a sign of inflammatory or putrefactive processes in the intestines. It can be caused by food poisoning, imbalance of intestinal microflora, as well as dysfunction of the digestive system.
  • Liquid consistency and an increased frequency of bowel movements may indicate both food poisoning and more serious disorders of digestive function.
  • Stool with mucus most often appear with the development of pathological processes in the lower intestines.
  • Yellow-brown color of stool usually means liver problems. Hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty transformation of liver tissue lead to insufficient production of bilirubin. Characteristic additional symptoms are darkening of the urine and the appearance of undigested residues in the stool.
  • White and yellow chair often diagnosed with pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas. Such conditions are not uncommon after removal of the gallbladder, as well as in cases of disturbances in the normal outflow of bile.

Identifying possible pathologies at home is not so easy. Asymptomatic onset is far from uncommon for gastrointestinal diseases, so any changes must be kept under control.

It is especially important to consult a doctor if yellowing of the stool occurs against the background of sudden weight loss, pain of various localizations and general weakness. All these are the first signs of oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so early diagnosis will give a better chance of a successful treatment outcome.

What do we have to do?

If changes in stool are caused by new foods in the diet, or by taking medications, everything usually returns to normal on its own. In the absence of objective complaints and other uncomfortable symptoms, additional treatment is not used.

If the change in stool color occurs spontaneously and is accompanied by other symptoms, you should definitely contact a specialist and undergo additional examination. Most serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract begin with similar signs, so you should not delay visiting a doctor.

A change in the color of stool is one of the most informative symptoms when diagnosing diseases of the digestive tract. Yellowing stools are often caused by changes in diet or medications.

Source: http://gidmed.com/gastroenterologiya/simptomy-gastro/zheltyj-kal.html

Stool during pregnancy

During pregnancy, all organs and systems of a woman work in a special mode. This leads to changes in some parameters of blood, urine and feces.

A woman can notice changes in stool during pregnancy on her own, without any tests. The consistency and color of stool usually changes.

Sometimes such changes may be associated with a deterioration in the health of the expectant mother or the development of certain diseases. Let's look at what changes in stool occur during pregnancy.

Loose stools during pregnancy

Quite often, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman’s stool is liquid. Experts note several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, immediately after conception, a woman’s body is actively reconstructed, creating the necessary conditions for the growth and development of the child. Therefore, many organs begin to function a little in an unusual way.

Secondly, the cause of loose stools in early pregnancy may be toxicosis, which many women suffer from during this period. Thirdly, while waiting for a baby, some women develop a craving for food products that are unusual for them. It can also cause diarrhea. Another reason for loose stools is stress and overexertion.

Many pregnant women notice that they have an upset stomach during times of intense anxiety and worry.

However, diarrhea may also indicate the development of an infectious disease, which is very dangerous for a woman carrying a child. In addition, diarrhea occurs with food poisoning.

As a rule, in case of infection, loose stools are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, deterioration of the general condition, and often increased body temperature.

There may be impurities of mucus, undigested pieces of food, and blood in the stool.

If you experience loose stools during pregnancy, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is important to diagnose an infectious disease in time. Some of them, such as dysentery, are quite dangerous and require hospitalization. Even ordinary food poisoning is very undesirable during pregnancy.

The changes in the body that occur during pregnancy often lead to constipation. The risk of their occurrence increases especially in the second and third trimesters. The reasons for this stool condition during pregnancy are the following factors:

  • Increased levels of progesterone in the blood. This hormone helps reduce the tone of smooth muscles, including the intestines, which leads to fecal retention;
  • Enlarged uterus. The growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the intestines, causing constipation in the last months of pregnancy;
  • Reducing the amount of liquid you drink. Some expectant mothers suffer from edema, especially in the later stages. Therefore, they have to limit their fluid intake. This, in turn, increases the risk of developing constipation;
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Many women move little in the last months of pregnancy, preferring to spend time lying or sitting. Lack of physical activity is a significant contributing factor to constipation.

Irregular bowel movements during pregnancy are dangerous due to the possible development of intoxication of the body, both in the mother and in the fetus. In addition, constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids (enlargement and inflammation of the venous nodes of the rectum).

Another danger of constipation in an expectant mother is that the intestine, overflowing with feces, puts pressure on the uterus, causing irritation.

Such regular irritation can lead to an increase in uterine tone, and, as a result, to the threat of premature birth.

To prevent constipation during pregnancy, a woman should eat rationally, making sure that the menu includes vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products.

It is also necessary not to forget about regular physical activity, which, of course, is feasible for a pregnant woman.

Every day you need to go for walks in the fresh air, you can do simple gymnastics, having previously agreed on the exercises with your doctor.

Change in stool color during pregnancy

The cause of anxiety in expectant mothers is sometimes a change in the color of stool. Women are especially frightened by black stools during pregnancy. In most cases, this phenomenon does not pose any threat to health.

What could it be connected with? As a rule, black feces occur when taking iron supplements, which are often prescribed to women with anemia. Another, completely harmless reason for this phenomenon is the intake of activated carbon.

Often, in case of increased gas formation and intestinal colic, the doctor recommends that the woman take this medicine.

Black stool may be a sign of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. However, in this case it is accompanied by a significant deterioration in well-being, nausea and vomiting, and pain in the abdominal area. Therefore, if black stool appears during pregnancy, which is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to urgently call for medical help.

Sometimes a woman may observe greenish stool. As a rule, this happens when eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits. By trying to eat more vitamins, the expectant mother may cause indigestion, which will cause the color of the stool to change.

The appearance of white stools during pregnancy may indicate the development of certain diseases. Most often these are diseases of the liver or pancreas, biliary tract obstructions, and food allergies. At the same time, sometimes white stool indicates an excess amount of dairy products in the diet.

Minor changes in stool during pregnancy are a completely physiological condition that does not require treatment. However, it is important not to miss the onset of the disease, which this symptom may indicate. Therefore, if there are long-term changes in the consistency or color of stool during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.

Black stools during pregnancy are not uncommon. Most women during this period show increased concern for their own health and for the condition of the unborn child. And the occurrence of black feces can cause them anxiety.

1 Essence of the problem

Why might a pregnant woman have black stool? There are several reasons for this. Some of them are quite harmless, others require immediate medical attention.

Normal stool is colored brown by bile pigments. But depending on changes in the body and the composition of food, the color of the stool can change from white to black. Dark stool may occur after eating intensely colored foods. But severe pathologies in the body can also manifest themselves this way. Discoloration is important for diagnosis, since in many cases it is associated with developing diseases or pathologies.

2 Non-hazardous reasons

The most common cause of black stool during pregnancy is taking iron supplements.

Iron deficiency anemia has recently been diagnosed in almost 80% of young mothers. The desire to be slim, the lack of a daily routine and proper nutrition lead to the fact that many girls develop this condition even before pregnancy. During pregnancy, it progresses because the developing fetus consumes a certain amount of iron from the mother's body.

Anemia is a very serious pathology that can bring a lot of trouble to the body of a pregnant woman, and especially to the unborn baby. Therefore, when diagnosing this disease, treatment must be prescribed. Iron is not synthesized in the human body; it enters the body only from the outside.

Since this trace element from synthetic preparations is not completely absorbed by the intestines (up to a maximum of 50%), the remainder will be excreted in the feces. It is iron-containing preparations that give stool a black color and a specific odor. In some cases, a change in consistency is observed. Most often, the discrepancy between the color, smell and consistency of normal stool was noted by pregnant women who consumed Sorbifer, Ferrum-Lek, Tardiferon.

Sometimes the body of a woman carrying a fetus, for some reason, does not absorb iron in the required amount. Then preparations with microelements are prescribed together with ascorbic and folic acids. In this case, the appearance of black feces is also characteristic.

Very often, pregnant women are prescribed complex preparations containing vitamins and microelements, such as Elevit or Vitrum. Most of them contain iron. Thus, taking multivitamins can also be the cause of black stool. In this case there is no cause for concern. The color will be restored within 2-3 days after stopping taking iron-containing medications. The same thing happens if a pregnant woman takes activated carbon or drugs containing bismuth (De-nol, Vikalin, Vikair).

Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by long-term use of certain medications, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesulide, Loxidol, Nise, etc.

3 The influence of food on the color of stool

The color of stool is greatly influenced by the composition of the foods consumed. Black color can be given by:

  • all varieties of black grapes, sultanas;
  • black berries (blueberries, blackberries, black currants);
  • dark-colored fruits (prunes, chokeberries);
  • dishes containing liver;
  • dishes containing animal blood (rare steak, blood sausage).

Many foods can darken stool. This:

  • leafy greens in large quantities;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • pomegranate, kiwi;
  • strong coffee.

The dark color of stool comes from artificial colors found in processed foods and liquids (such as powdered drinks). When eating certain fruits (for example, bananas), black inclusions in the form of strings or small pieces may be present in the stool.

Natural reasons for stool turning black during pregnancy include indigestion under the influence of so-called pregnancy hormones. They are “to blame” for the increased excitability, suspiciousness, and nervousness of the expectant mother.

4 Danger signs

In general, black stool during pregnancy in itself is not dangerous if its occurrence is not accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. Sometimes the appearance of an unpleasant condition is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hypotension, weakness;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • increased sweating;
  • pale skin.

In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance, as these may be symptoms of internal bleeding. It can be a consequence of exacerbation of pre-existing diseases or diseases acquired during pregnancy. In this case, the black color of stool comes from blood oxidized by digestive enzymes, the source of which is in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract. During internal bleeding, when biological fluid enters the digestive system, the feces not only change color, but also become liquid.

This may be bleeding from an aggravated stomach or duodenal ulcer. In the first case, dark stool is accompanied by acute pain, which intensifies when eating. The greatest danger is profuse bleeding when erosion destroys the wall of the gastric or intestinal artery. In this case, the woman loses a significant amount of blood within a short time. As a result, multiple organ failure syndrome may develop, in which all vital functions of the body are disrupted. This is a very serious condition that requires immediate hospitalization.

Digestive bleeding is often accompanied by cherry-colored vomit. They can be symptoms of damaged esophageal polyps and other neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract. The source of blood in the intestines can be varicose veins, characteristic of severe liver damage and cirrhosis. If the source of blood is located closer to the rectum, then the stool will contain impurities of fresh scarlet blood.

The appearance of bloody stool accompanied by general malaise may indicate the development of serious diseases such as Crohn's disease, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, hookworm disease, acute lymphoblastic leukemia or histoplasmosis. Therefore, if black stool is not associated with the use of multivitamin complexes or iron-containing preparations, you should immediately consult a doctor. If it is not possible to find out the reason for the appearance of dark feces by collecting an anamnesis, then an examination of the gastrointestinal tract is prescribed using CT, MRI, endoscopy, and radiography. Biochemical blood tests are also prescribed. These methods will help determine what pathological processes are occurring in the body and identify internal bleeding.

Dark green can practically be a symptom of dysbiosis. In this case, the stool has a sharp putrid odor. Dysbacteriosis during pregnancy poses a danger not only for the pregnant woman, but also for her unborn child. Severe consequences of untreated dysbacteriosis can be: infection of the fetus by pathogenic microorganisms, disturbances in its development, premature birth. Treatment of dysbiosis should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

In any case, if stool of a suspicious color or consistency appears, the pregnant woman should report this to the specialist observing her. He will be able to objectively determine why this happened and prescribe effective treatment. Self-therapy during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. After all, a woman may simply not know that the drugs that previously brought her relief can have a detrimental effect on the health of the developing fetus.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a restructuring of all internal systems. This sometimes has visual manifestations that can be puzzling and disturbing. For example, women are concerned about why they have black or green stool when they defecate during pregnancy.

Nature of the phenomenon

Feces change color not only in pregnant women - everyone is subject to this phenomenon. Many organs are involved in the process of food processing: the stomach digests them, the intestines remove excess from the body. This process takes a significant amount of time, and so that the excreted “waste” along the way does not deteriorate, the feces are preserved.

The liver is responsible for this function, and it also gives stool a particular color (depending on the enzymes produced). For a number of reasons, stagnation in movement may occur, and the pregnant woman begins to suffer from constipation. And here the body takes care of the convenience of the system, enveloping compacted feces with a mucous composition.

If a pregnant woman’s stool comes out with mucus, this is not a reason to worry - this is how the intestines protect themselves from the possibility of being injured by solid masses. You should be more worried if the stool comes out with blood in it (which means a wound has formed somewhere in the anus) or has changed its color.

What color should a pregnant woman's stool be? Brown stools are considered normal for every healthy person. In a pregnant woman, it may change somewhat, becoming darker or lighter, since the liver (as well as other organs) places an additional burden.

Color change

Stool changes color for various reasons - some of them are associated with health problems, others are a consequence of the food taken. At the same time, the palette of feces is varied - from white to black.

Bright hues. Stools that are too light are usually associated with fermentation problems. In other words, bile is produced in smaller quantities than necessary. It is sometimes associated with liver infections (such as hepatitis). The doctor may also suspect the presence of stones or tumors in the bile ducts.

But you shouldn’t immediately think about the worst - light yellow stool appears in pregnant women even after eating dairy products, as well as in connection with a passion for plant-based diets. The true cause of the color change must be determined by the attending physician.

Black color. The same is true with black shades. The worst option is if there is internal bleeding in the body (an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum has opened). But this is not a common phenomenon, so you should tune in to it last.

A more trivial cause of black stool is taking multivitamin complexes, which are prescribed to the expectant mother. One of the components of dietary supplements is iron, which is not fully absorbed by the body. The excreted excess ferum gives pigmentation to the stool. It is worth stopping taking the drug and after a couple of days the stool will become normal.

Pregnant women often suffer from bloating, so sometimes they take activated charcoal, which is an excellent coloring agent, as are a number of foods. The stool will become darker when exposed to blueberries, beets, currants, liver and blood sausage.

Norm and pathology

A green stool is considered more natural for a woman in an “interesting position.” If the pregnant woman feels fine, she has nothing to worry about.

Why do pregnant women have green stool?

  • due to products with green dyes;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for liver problems.

A pregnant woman's diet includes a lot of green foods (cucumbers, apples, kiwi, lettuce, spicy greens). They become the culprits of changes in the color of stool. But if accompanying symptoms appear with a green tint, then you should definitely be examined to identify health problems.

Green stool in a pregnant woman, emitting an unpleasant putrefactive odor, indicates the development of dysbacteriosis.

This is due to inflammatory processes in the intestines, which lead to the death of leukocytes. The appearance of weakness, pain in the abdomen, nausea and even vomiting in addition to green stools is a sign of dysentery. This diagnosis is also accompanied by high fever. The presence of all these symptoms requires urgent medical attention.

The most dangerous color of stool is dark green, as this is a sign of increased bilirubin content. It appears in the body during serious liver and blood diseases, leading to massive breakdown of red blood cells.

If the color of the stool changes, a woman in an “interesting position” should not immediately panic. It is recommended to observe yourself for several days, changing your diet during this period. If the cause was food, then you can calm down. In other cases (when there are accompanying symptoms), it is better to immediately contact the supervising doctor - it won’t hurt to be on the safe side.

When a girl is in an “interesting position,” intestinal upset is a common condition, because the body is rebuilt and begins to function differently. Liquid green or black diarrhea during pregnancy has its own characteristics.

Why does the stool have a non-standard color, what should I do to restore intestinal functions and should I worry?

Green loose stool

The most common reasons:

  1. Dietary food dominated by leafy vegetables, for example, spinach, parsley, lettuce. The pigment chlorophyll colors feces and causes green diarrhea during pregnancy.
  2. Excessive intake of vitamins fortified with iron and calcium. These elements, when in excess, are not absorbed by the body.
  3. When intestinal perforation occurs, bloody discharge mixes with stomach bile and produces green, liquid stool.
  4. Abnormal movement of food through the intestines, in which it is retained in the intestine, the passage of food is reduced, which causes a certain color in the feces.
  5. Exposure to bile as food moves quickly through the digestive system. In this case, the intestines simply do not have time to process bilirubin.
  6. Taking antibiotics can cause green diarrhea in a pregnant woman. Usually, with the end of the course of treatment, the stool returns to normal.
  7. Disruption of the pancreas, leading to insufficient fermentation and incorrect absorption of food. Moreover, in addition to the green tint, the pregnant woman’s stool contains pieces of undigested food.
  8. Dysbacteriosis and disruption of intestinal microflora are common causes of abnormal stool color. Often the problem leads to the development of fermentation and rotting processes.
  9. One of the most common symptoms of dysentery is green stool. In addition, diarrhea is accompanied by streaks of blood, mucus and an increase in body temperature.
  10. Liver dysfunction, liver failure, and inflammatory processes lead to an abnormal color of feces.
  11. Food allergies cause green diarrhea during pregnancy.

If the change in stool is not accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, or increased body temperature, the woman has no reason to worry. If the greenish tint persists for several days and there is no improvement, you should visit a doctor.

Black loose stools during pregnancy

Many women experience black feces already in the early stages, most often this is due to the intake of special vitamin complexes enriched with iron. The instructions for the drug often indicate this side effect. In this case, feces acquire a specific smell and liquid consistency. By stopping taking vitamins, black diarrhea during pregnancy will disappear.

Deviation from the norm may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Taking medications such as Activated carbon, Karbolen, Denol, Novobismol.
  2. Food products can cause a similar black coloration of stool:
  • Beef, pork liver.
  • Krovyanka sausage.
  • Bitter chocolate.
  • Blueberries, currants.
  • Grapes (blue).
  • Coffee.
  • Pomegranate, dark rowan.

Often black diarrhea during pregnancy may be accompanied by the presence of particles of berries and undigested peel.

  1. Eating bananas in the menu leads to the appearance of dark spots and veins. This occurs due to the fact that the fibers of the fruit are not completely digested and such a deviation in shade occurs.
  2. Food poisoning with a dark-colored product can lead to black, loose stools during pregnancy.
  3. The presence of blood in bowel movements indicates perforation of the intestine, duodenum and leads to the formation of dark-colored stool. This development of events occurs due to the formation of ulcers, varicose veins, and polyps in the intestine. In this case, black diarrhea during pregnancy looks like coffee grounds, which is called Melena or tarry stool.
  4. Some anti-inflammatory drugs or non-steroidal drugs can cause stool to change color. These include Diclofenac, Nise, Nimesulide, Indomethacin. Black diarrhea during pregnancy is a condition that requires medical attention.
  5. If a large amount of blood is swallowed due to injuries to the nasopharynx, a disturbance in the color of the stool may occur.

If this change in stool causes chills, excessive sweating, dizziness, lack of appetite, or increased body temperature, you should urgently visit a specialist.

When should you see a doctor?

In itself, this state of feces is not dangerous to the health of the expectant mother. But there are symptoms that accompany black loose stools during pregnancy; they should alert a woman:

  1. High body temperature.
  2. Hypotension.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Loss of consciousness.
  5. Chills.
  6. Paleness of the skin.

During this period, you should not risk your health and the life of your baby, so if black diarrhea appears during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor immediately!

When symptoms of this kind occur, this may indicate the presence of internal bleeding, as well as:

  • Incorrect use of medications, vitamins.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Formation of gastritis, colitis.


To determine the specific causes of black stool, the specialist will prescribe the following to the woman:

  • Examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • X-ray.
  • Endoscopy.

A biochemical blood test and urine test are prescribed to determine why black or green diarrhea occurs during pregnancy.

Self-diagnosis is not worth doing.

Treatment of diarrhea

If, nevertheless, a change in the color of bowel movements indicates the development of pathologies, depending on the specific disease, the obstetrician-gynecologist or gastroenterologist prescribes individual treatment. In addition, if black loose stools develop during pregnancy, you need to:

  1. Maintain water-salt balance, drink more water, tea, take restorative drugs “Regidron”, “Lactosol”.
  2. Be sure to stick to the diet until the black, green diarrhea in the pregnant woman stops.
  3. The safest medications for loose stools are sorbents: Smecta, Atoxil, Activated Carbon.

During this period, a woman needs to be especially attentive to health deviations and serious symptoms. Perhaps this is a temporary restructuring of the body or a consequence of poor nutrition, but green or dark stool can be a signal of serious pathologies.

Pregnancy is a serious stress on the body. Often, along with a joyful event, a woman begins to seriously worry, since changes occur in the body’s functioning, which are embarrassing to share with her loved one, friends and doctors. We are talking about a change in the color of stool during pregnancy. A common occurrence is dark stool during pregnancy. Let's find out in more detail what is happening to the body and whether it needs help.

Most women in an interesting position note many strange things that happen to them during pregnancy, these may be taste preferences, they want something sweet or salty, the skin becomes dry and begins to itch intensely, fillings and even teeth may “fall out”, and some pregnant women notice that the feces have changed their color and become darker. Black feces during pregnancy are not a reason for frustration or silence. It is clear that the topic is too sensitive, but not so sensitive that you cannot tell your gynecologist who is monitoring your pregnancy about it. Most expectant mothers are so shy that they are simply afraid to talk about changes in their bodies and are very worried about this. The result is poor health, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance and even uterine tone. And this is already serious and even threatens to terminate the pregnancy. This is why it is so important to immediately share everything that happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy with her doctor.

Listen to your body

Not all women know that the body experiences serious stress while carrying a baby and, first of all, these are hormonal changes. As a result, other disorders may appear. The color of stool during pregnancy is not always a reason for concern, for example, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the body and all organs are just adapting to the double load, a woman’s stool may change its color, frequent urination will appear - this is normal. It’s good if a woman listens to her body and observes, because excessive care not only for herself, but also for the unborn child is very good. The reason for these changes is high levels of hormones. It is possible that old “sores” and diseases that were not treated before pregnancy will make themselves felt. You will have to seek help from specialists to rule out serious diseases.

Changes in the body during pregnancy:

  • black feces can cause internal problems (bleeding of the intestines, stomach). The consistency of such stool is thinner than usual, since it contains a lot of blood. Externally, such feces look more like liquid coffee grounds. Characteristic symptoms: pallor, weakness, increased sweating. Urgent hospitalization is required;
  • the formation of dark stool can be caused by taking medications. For example, activated carbon. Pregnant women can use these tablets to get rid of gas and colic;
  • Green stool with mucus may occur due to excessive consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. If you eat only such food a lot and constantly, then intestinal function is disrupted;
  • Gray feces occur due to the consumption of any one product (kiwi, beets, etc.). If there is no mucus or pain, then there is no need to worry, stop eating these products and everything will return to normal;
  • light-colored stool indicates a malfunction of the intestines;
  • stool is rare, white - a rare occurrence, indicating an allergic reaction to a certain product;
  • Bloody stool may occur due to frequent constipation or exacerbation of a chronic disease of the stomach or intestines. Need help from a qualified specialist.

It is important that a woman understands and knows that as soon as she suspects something is wrong, she needs to see a specialist. Only a qualified doctor can really assess the problem and indicate the reason for the change in stool color during pregnancy. Under no circumstances should a woman self-medicate, endure and remain silent about her problems.

Is dark stool so dangerous?

Many expectant mothers are worried that their stool has become darker, the consistency has changed and an unpleasant odor has appeared. There is no need to panic right away; perhaps the woman drank sorbent (activated carbon) or blueberry/blackcurrant/beetroot juice, and forgot about it the next day. Natural sorbent and dark foods can turn stool black. It is too early to worry about this if the expectant mother feels well and everything is in order.

Another thing is that if the above-mentioned products were not present in the diet, and the stool remains dark, you need to worry - a change in the color of the stool may indicate the presence of a disease. Women with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines are at risk; then it is necessary to undergo a series of tests and examinations to exclude bloody feces during pregnancy (this is a clear picture of an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer). If the ulcer worsens, this indicates that the person has internal bleeding. But in this case, the structure of the feces will change from dense to liquid.

If during pregnancy a woman discovers that she has dark stool, and also has symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, and sticky cold sweat, then she should immediately consult a specialist. It's better to be safe than to regret wasted time.

A woman carrying a baby, at the first changes in her body (dark and green feces during pregnancy), needs to pay attention to her well-being. If no significant changes have occurred over the past couple of days, there is no need to worry. It is possible that changes in a pregnant woman’s stool are directly related to taking multivitamin complexes or diet. If the situation has worsened, the woman feels unwell, is bothered by abdominal pain, has heartburn, mild nausea, has been suffering from constipation for the last few days, has vomiting and bloating, then she needs to see a doctor. Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis (in the acute stage) or stomach ulcer cannot be excluded.

If a pregnant woman has at least 1 of these symptoms along with dark stool, immediate hospitalization is necessary:

  • vomit;
  • increased body temperature;
  • loose stools;
  • constant anemia.

It often happens that a pregnant woman is overly scrupulous about any changes that occur to her, for example, she noticed that the stool has become dark, and these are just dark inclusions of undigested food (the peel of berries or fruits).

If the color of the expectant mother's stool turns black and liquid, this may indicate that bleeding has opened in the intestines. You need to see a doctor immediately.

Along with dark-colored diarrhea, the following may be a cause for concern:

  • severe weakness up to loss of consciousness;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • severe dizziness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • lowering blood pressure.

If a pregnant woman has these symptoms, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The specialist may prescribe an extended examination (FGDS) to clarify the diagnosis.

By the way, feces with blood during pregnancy are also a serious cause for concern, this is not only deviations in the functioning of the intestines and stomach, but also assumptions about intrauterine fetal death. As a result of the death of a child, the body receives a powerful hormonal surge and therefore the feces can be colored black with clots of coagulated blood.

Why is stool abnormal during pregnancy?

Constipation often accompanies a woman in an interesting position. Here we can advise you to reconsider your diet, include more fresh vegetables and fruits, since prolonged constipation negatively affects the course of pregnancy.

So, let’s summarize and list all the reasons that can affect changes in the color of stool during pregnancy:

  • hormonal surge;
  • serious diseases (diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines);
  • hemorrhage in the intestines and stomach;
  • taking foods high in iron;
  • poisoning;
  • when taking activated carbon;
  • with excessive consumption of dark foods: kiwi, blood sausage, blueberries, liver, black currants.

Now it is clear that the reasons for black feces during pregnancy can be different and in each specific case you need to act differently. If a woman feels good, then she just needs to remember what she ate over the past few days. If none of the foods that stain feces have been eaten, then you need to listen to the body and observe. If you experience negative symptoms (nausea, pain, vomiting, lack of appetite and weakness), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Taking multivitamin complexes

Almost every woman with the onset of conception suffers from a lack of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. This is normal, since the supply of nutrients was previously necessary only for one organism, but now it is also necessary for the development of the fetus. Naturally, vitamin reserves quickly run out and need to be replenished periodically. Based on this, all gynecologists, without exception, try to prescribe vitamin preparations to expectant mothers. By the way, just one balanced complex will not be enough, since during pregnancy the hemoglobin level always decreases (this is natural) and therefore it is necessary to replenish iron reserves. Therefore, doctors also prescribe iron supplements to pregnant women (after examination and obtaining the results of a blood test for hemoglobin).

Doctors usually warn patients about possible side effects, but women do not always take this literally. A few days after taking iron-containing drugs, the stool darkens, as the body takes what it needs and gives away some of the iron in processed form. Due to their suspiciousness, many women can become very frightened and forget about the doctor’s warning.

All women carrying a baby need to know that any complex developed specifically for pregnant women contains more iron, so when taking harmless vitamins, the pregnant woman’s stool turns dark. This is not a pathology, this is the norm. Many women even believe that if this happens, it means the vitamins are good. Doctors have a different opinion - the body eliminates excess in the stool in this way.

As soon as a woman notices that her stool has become darker, there is no need to stop taking multivitamin complexes and there is no need to change vitamins to others, the result will be the same.