A four-year-old baby was found in the Sverdlovsk region, who was lost in the forest four days ago. In the Urals found a child who disappeared four days ago

In the Sverdlovsk region, the search for a four-year-old boy Dima, who got lost in the forest near the Reftinskoye reservoir, ended in success.

Interrupted rest

Last weekend, the child, together with his mother and father, came to nature on the Third River, which flows into the Reftinskoe reservoir. On the boat, the family moved to the other side. The boy's parents pitched a tent in the forest.

The next morning, dad and child went for firewood around nine o'clock in the morning, but the baby was capricious and asked to return to his mother. His father let him go. According to the head of the family, the distance to the mother was only ten meters, so the father had no doubt that the child would find his way. When the parent returned, the boy was not with his mother. Searches on their own yielded no results.

A few hours later, a large-scale operation to search for the child began. It was joined by rescuers from Yekaterinburg and neighboring cities, the police, volunteers from the search teams "Lisa Alert" and "Sokol". In a short period of time, more than five hundred people were connected to the search. They even involved a cynologist with an official search German shepherd named Rex. Divers began to explore the reservoir. The parents explained to the rescuers that the child was not sociable. He will not ask for help. The family is considered prosperous.

Several versions were immediately put forward. The boy went in the opposite direction from his parents and got lost. He could go down to the reservoir and drown. The child was attacked by wild animals. Finally, someone could kidnap the baby.

Soon, an unmanned aerial vehicle of the Russian Emergencies Ministry was delivered to the shore of the Reftinskoye reservoir. With his help, a survey of forest and open areas of the area began. Interestingly, this drone allows you to broadcast the picture online from a height of up to 500 meters.

Meanwhile, the police found out details about the boy's parents. It turned out that the child's mother works as a kindergarten teacher, which Dima went to. The common-law husband has several convictions, including under the articles “Illicit trafficking in weapons” and “Theft”. Their child is common. Parents were tested on a lie detector. The detectives were alarmed by the fact that the mother, having learned about the missing child, after some time left the scene, citing the fact that she was cold. The father remained in place and assisted the police.

There was a possibility that the child drowned, but, fortunately, this information was not confirmed. Photo: www.66.mchs.gov.ru

Traces of children's boots

For the first day after the loss, the rescuers did not manage to find the child. Although the search engines still had a certain “catch”. Rescuers found traces of small children's boots. They broke off at a small swamp.

A group of the most experienced officers of the criminal investigation department left Yekaterinburg in search of the child. The police were led by Colonel Aleksey Iskorenkov. His unit specializes in solving serious and especially serious crimes.

Volunteers, meanwhile, combed the territory of collective gardens, where the child could wander. Loudspeaker communication was used in the work. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia sent additional forces to the search area - 50 cadets of the Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. During the day, more than 25 square kilometers were examined, divers checked 1,200 square kilometers of the coastal zone of the reservoir.

The Investigative Committee of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case under the article "Causing death by negligence." Although there was no evidence of the boy's death, investigators did not rule out the possibility of a tragic outcome.

The aircraft, which was lifted into the air, found traces of moose and a bear. According to experts, a wild animal could not have attacked the child, since quite a long time had passed after the bear left its winter hibernation. Although some experts expressed the opinion that the attack was quite possible, the predator could crush the child and hide it. Active work began in the swamp, where a quadrocopter spotted a bear. Cadets and volunteers continued to explore forest areas. The helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was not involved in the search, since the dense vegetation of the forest made it much more difficult to search from the air.

Square by square

On the fourth day from the moment of the search, the question arose of connecting the military to the operation. True, the official representative of the Central Military District, Yaroslav Roshchupkin, said that so far they are not planning to involve them in the operation.

A little later it became known that the traces of the child were already found in fifteen different squares in the forest.

“The range of scatter of steps is quite large, this indicates that the boy was trying to find his way out of the forest,” said coordinator of the search team "Lisa Alert" Stanislav Kovalev. - Now, together with the hunters, we are closing square after square, but we have not yet been able to find the child. In total, 150 people participate in the search operation from our search squad. Anyone who wants to join the search can do so. There are practically no restrictions. In addition, I would note that so far none of our volunteers have come across any bears in the forest.”

The fourth day of searching for the missing boy brought no results. More and more people joined the search. In social networks, regular groups of people were formed who were ready to advance to the reservoir from different parts of the region. Those who could not go were ready to provide the searchers with gloves, water and bags.

“We inspected all the squares around the perimeter about five kilometers from the tent where the Peskov family stayed when they arrived on vacation,” Kovalev said. - Now we have already moved away by 7-10 kilometers, in some places we have moved away by 13 kilometers. The area is being combed. We look under every bush, look at every branch, looking for clues. In this matter, there are no trifles. We are expanding every day the territory of the search and really hope that he is alive. Last summer, a child of about the same age, lost in the forest, was found on the seventh day of the search. So this once again confirms that everything is possible in this life.

severe exhaustion

On the morning of June 14, volunteers from the Sokol search squad found the child under the power line, seven kilometers from the tent from which he had left. The boy was diagnosed with severe hypothermia and exhaustion. He was urgently evacuated to the Asbest hospital.

“Today there was perhaps the most important news in recent days,” said Head of the Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Gorelykh. - In the morning, one of the groups found a boy lying under the power line near the swamp, where the boy's footprints were previously found. He is alive and exhausted. Now the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are deciding whether to evacuate him by helicopter.”

“A team of children's resuscitation of the disaster medicine center went to the place,” said Press Secretary of the Ministry of Health for the Sverdlovsk Region Konstantin Shestakov. - After a detailed examination of the child, a decision will be made on his possible evacuation to Yekaterinburg. Either to the regional hospital No. 1, or to the city hospital No. 9.

The regional investigative committee reported that, as part of the previously initiated criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence,” they would look for signs of another crime. If they are discovered, a new case will be initiated.


Father of a 4-year-old boy rescued in the Urals: on that day, the son walked alone through the forest more than once

The father of a 4-year-old boy rescued the day before, who disappeared on June 10 while relaxing with his parents at the Reftinskoye reservoir and was found only on the fifth day, told the site how his son feels, and that the child had already walked alone before the emergency through the forest.

- Have you already visited your baby in the hospital (the baby is in the CSTO No. 1 in Yekaterinburg)?

- Not yet. My wife and I are not allowed there because he is in intensive care. We talked to the doctors, the child was on a drip. We just looked at him and that's it.

- Have the doctors already told you when he will be transferred from intensive care to the general ward of pediatrics?

“Well, as long as the doctor said it might be tomorrow. But it's possible, not certain.

- Do you know if the doctors received the results of the study of ticks that were removed from your son?

- Don't know. There, like a jar has not yet been brought with ticks.

Provided by the head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Gorelykh

- Have you already been summoned to the investigator, have you given evidence in the criminal case initiated (the criminal case has so far been initiated on the fact of the disappearance of the child, but in the near future he will be re-qualified and it is possible that the parents will be charged)?

No, not yet called. But they will definitely call. How could it be without this...

- Did the police really put pressure on you when the search for your son was still in full swing (after the disappearance of the child, the boy's parents underwent a polygraph, this was done to exclude their involvement in the disappearance of their son)?

“Well, there was always pressure. What's the difference though? If they are guilty, they will still be punished.

- The employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations after saving your son noted that the child is very strong and was sufficiently prepared for extreme situations. Do you often go hiking together?

Provided by the head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Gorelykh

- Well, how ... He's still a guy. Been with us everywhere. I take him fishing, he is always with us in the garden. So that's how it happened. Well, from the night we took it for the first time. But in the garden he always spends the night with us. He has his own fishing rod. He loves to play, he also loves to fish. He has a sandbox there: sand, as it were, in wheels.

- How did you dare to let a 4-year-old child go alone through the forest?

Provided by the head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Gorelykh

- Well, let him go. He himself asked, he says that he will go to his mother. In the evening, he left the forest more than once and returned to his wife. They went with him into the forest, and he returned. And here.

“This is the instinct of self-preservation”: the parents of 4-year-old Dima suggested how their son could survive in the forest

Now the boy is in the hospital, nothing threatens his life.

Little Dima, who disappeared at the Reftinsky reservoir on Saturday, June 10, was found alive, according to the Sokol and Liza Alert search teams.

- CHILD FOUND! ALIVE!! Thank you all for your help, we couldn't have done it without you. The boy was found 7 km from the headquarters. His condition is serious, now he is being evacuated from the place, - they wrote in the detachment.

The information was confirmed by the Sverdlovsk police and the Investigative Committee of the TFR.

- Today, during the search activities at the place of the possible location of the child, one of the search groups found 4-year-old Dima. It was found in the area of ​​power lines, not far from the swamp. The boy is in an exhausted state, the issue of evacuating the child by helicopter is now being resolved, - Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the department, told E1.RU.

The baby was brought to the Asbest hospital, where he was given first aid, and then taken by helicopter to Yekaterinburg. We are live streaming the rescue of the boy.

The boy's father is now on his way to the place where the child was found.

“I’ll hug him now, and then I’ll thank everyone who participated in the search!” Thank you all very much,” Andrey Peskov said.

The regional Ministry of Health reported that Dima would be taken to the Asbest hospital by ambulance. The children's resuscitation team of the Disaster Medicine Center went there. Doctors will decide whether they will provide medical assistance to the boy on the spot or whether he needs to be transported to one of the hospitals in Yekaterinburg.

“So far, all that is known is that the condition is serious,” said Konstantin Shestakov, spokesman for the Ministry of Health. - This, of course, is not surprising. But the doctors have not examined him yet, so all the details later.

Dima Peskov was found 7 km from his parents' tent.

Eyewitnesses report that an ambulance arrived in the forest where Dima was found.

Dozens of people meet Dima, thousands more are happy for him on social networks.

Baby Dima was brought by helicopter to Yekaterinburg.

Dima was carried in his arms from the helicopter to the resuscitation vehicle. He is conscious.

Dima was taken away in an intensive care vehicle with flashing lights and special signals on to the 9th Children's Hospital. He will have to drive through traffic jams for another 25-30 minutes.

The regional Ministry of Health reported that Dima was already in the emergency room of the CSTO No. 1. They decided not to take him to the 9th hospital.

Psychologist Anna Kiryanova spoke about the situation with the lost Dima on her Facebook page:

"The boy was found on the fifth day.

Found good people, thanks to them. May the boy recover, and those who saved be happy and healthy always, all their lives; and don't let your kids go. Don't lose sight of it. Children disappear instantly, in a second - he was there, now he is not! And there are a lot of evil people with sweets and kittens - and I personally don't give a damn - sorry for being rude - on the advice to "let one go", "accustom to independence", "unhook from your skirt". Let them teach and unhook their own, although it would not be necessary either. A child is a child; He didn't even have a fully developed brain, you know? And the fact that he judiciously promises not to trust anyone else or not to open the door means absolutely nothing. And most of the children who reasonably explained that it was impossible to leave with strangers, left with strangers - this was such an experiment. Because kids are gullible. And they can simply get lost and disappear - they are poorly oriented, children. And they can step under the car, looking at something. Well, let them accuse me of hyperprotection - this is nothing. In the wrong advice - and this is nothing. The safety of the child is what matters. And irresponsible advice - the advice of those who never lived on the outskirts of an industrial city; I have never been in the Ural forest or in our village. Lead the child by the hand as long as you can. Don't let go if you can. And a hundred times check those to whom you trust the child. And you can scold me for unprofessional advice - I'm a mother. And I love children. More than those who accustom them to misunderstood independence. And he lets go to the store across the street at the age of five. Or with pies to grandmother through a terrible forest ... "

At that moment, Dima Peskov was examined by the chief physician of the CSTO No. 1, Oleg Averyanov. The child is now in the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation. After the examination, the doctors will talk about his condition.

Dima is now being examined by doctors from the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1.

The chief physician of the CSTO No. 1, Oleg Averyanov, talks about Dima's condition:

- There is serious hypothermia and severe stress. He talks, but with difficulty. The boy is willing to drink, they put a dropper, we will slowly feed him.

The head physician said that Dima had general hypothermia. He caught a cold at night. The boy was very badly bitten by mosquitoes, especially his face. Also, the face was sunburnt. The head physician of the hospital noted that the boy was saved by the warm jacket he was wearing when he got lost.

“There is a risk of pneumonia and kidney failure,” the doctor added. - We will give the ticks to the laboratory for research, the boy was injected with anti-tick immunoglobulin. We'll see if it freezes or not.

Oleg Averyanov also said that the situation would have been much worse if Dima had not drunk water from swamps and lakes.

At best, Dima will have to spend several days in intensive care.

Dima's father left Asbest for Yekaterinburg - to the hospital to see his son.

By the way, the National Guard reported that all five days radio communication with rescuers, volunteers and employees of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Russian Guard was provided by the company commander of the Asbestov Regional Military District, police lieutenant Dmitry Yazov. Thank you, Dmitry!

The guys from the Sokol rescue squad told how they found the boy - right to the minute. They say that Pavel, who was the first to find little Dima, first transmitted on the radio: "I have a load of 200 here," and after a few seconds he got in touch again and shouted "Alive!"

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Sverdlovsk Region reported that active participants in the search operation and volunteer Pavel Karpenko, who discovered the baby, will be presented with medals of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Mom and dad Dima Peskov came to the hospital to see their son.

The parents said that they do not yet know what condition their son is in - they have not yet talked with the doctors. Andrey and Alfiya are now heading to the ward for the child.

“He never got lost, never ran away, I can’t even understand why he ran away,” said Dima’s mother. He never walked alone, only with me by the hand. I have always believed that he is alive. I had the feeling all five days that he was alive.

Parents believe that Dima's self-preservation instinct worked, so he guessed to eat grass and eventually survived. How to act if Dima gets lost, the parents never discussed with him, because they could not even imagine that this would happen.

Parents have not seen Dima since the morning - from the moment he was taken by helicopter from Asbest and brought to Yekaterinburg.

Poems are already dedicated to little Dima. In the group "People's Television of Asbest" in "Odnoklassniki" they published a poem about saving the boy.

Like the worst dream
There is a picture in the eyes -
Alone in the woods
Swamps impenetrable,
Only the sun was warmed
And with a pure soul
Gone for miles
I was filled with the river.
And quietly falling asleep
A cry flew through the forest:
"He's too small," they shouted
From broadcast screens.
In bottomless despair
In such big eyes
Sorrow and pain splashed,
Life before ... And then fear.
He walked, not knowing the roads,
God willing, go ahead.
Found! Alive! Boy!
Bon Voyage.
Live and make dad happy
And you love mom
And remember that date
When they found you!

And a resident of Yekaterinburg, Olga, even decided to name her son in honor of Pavel Karpenko, a volunteer who found little Dima this morning. She wrote about this on Pasha's VKontakte page.

About how Pasha discovered the boy,.

Our correspondent said that Dima's parents left the hospital. They did not want to communicate with journalists and left through the back door.

Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region; Artyom USTYUZHANIN; Sergei PANIN; Ilya KAZAKOV / site; vk.com; website readers
Video: Ruslan SHARAFUTDINOV; Sergei PANIN; Maxim BUTUSOV / site; life.ru
Map: Peter GINDIN / website

07:02 — REGNUM In the Sverdlovsk region, the name of a participant in the search operation became known, who on June 14 found a four-year-old child lost in the forest on June 10 near the Reftinskoye reservoir. They turned out to be a volunteer Pavel Karpenko, reports the correspondent.

“I disobeyed the commander and went to another place altogether. I went out to the hillock and thought that I would receive from the commander for what I had disobeyed, I thought I would get lost myself ... I see a birch tree, I go behind it - there is a child, I was just shaking. I started yelling into the radio that he was here. They began to carry out, evacuate. When the child was found, he did not move, to be honest, I thought he was dead. That's what I said at first into the walkie-talkie. But then I heard a voice, it began to move somehow. And I already felt so good that he was moving. I was waiting for the others, because I was afraid to touch him, maybe he was injured or something. The group has arrived. They gently lifted him up and gave him some water to drink. Examined. Began to evacuate , - said Pavel Karpenko to the asbestos channel Kadr TV.

The boy was evacuated to the road on a stretcher built by rescuers. The father of the child thanked Pavel Karpenko, hugged him and wished the young man good health. According to the rescuer, the child is very strong. Pavel Karpenko said that the boy was found seven and a half kilometers from the place where he was lost, and not every adult can withstand the route without food and water, which the child went through the forest and swamps.

Participants in the rescue operation reported that the child was exhausted and asked for water. Also, according to them, he ate grass to survive and drank water from puddles and swamps. The Sokol volunteer rescue squad found the child, and the Liza Alert squad participated in delivering the child to the road where the ambulance was rushing.

emergency doctor Mikhail Zheleznov said that doctors suspect that the boy has pneumonia, as his lungs are wheezing and breathing complications. The child himself, according to him, was in a stable, adequate condition, he understands everything and is oriented in what is happening. Mikhail Zheleznov said that the child was bitten by ticks, but, according to the parents, was vaccinated against viral encephalitis.

Subsequently, the child was taken to a helicopter, which, with the help of employees of the "disaster medicine", evacuated him to the hospital in the city of Asbest. Then the boy was taken to the CSTO No. 1 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital Oleg Averyanov reported that four ticks had been removed from the child and sent to the laboratory. He added that doctors are conducting X-ray studies, taking blood and urine tests of the child. Oleg Averyanov clarified that the boy was hypothermic and stressed, while he talks, but with difficulty. At the moment, the child is in intensive care, but then psychologists will work with him.

“I don’t remember that the child was three or four days old, for four days he was in the forest” - said Oleg Averyanov.

The doctor did not make predictions, but noted that the boy would spend at least a week in the hospital. He also said that the parents would be allowed to see the child.

For the fourth day near the Reftinskoye reservoir, a large-scale search operation continues. Several hundred rescuers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and volunteers are trying to find four-year-old Dima Peskov, who disappeared in the forest on the morning of June 10.

The boy, along with his parents, came to nature. In the area of ​​the reservoir, the adults pitched a tent, the mother remained in place, and the father and son went for firewood. After some time, the boy asked to come back, and since it was about 10 meters to go, the father let the child go alone. However, Dima never made it to the tent.

On June 11, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence”). Investigators say there is no evidence that the boy died. However, the initiation of a criminal case allows more investigative actions to be carried out in order to clarify the circumstances of the disappearance of children.

Meanwhile, the chances of finding the child alive are fading: heavy rains have passed these days, and a search quadcopter spotted a bear in this area. These circumstances complicate the search for little Dima. In parallel, the security forces are checking the boy's parents on a lie detector. The mother of the missing child works as a junior teacher in a kindergarten. The father has multiple convictions.

Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region:

Dima's dad was convicted several times, including for arms trafficking and theft. The police were alerted by the fact that the mother soon left after the child went missing, citing the fact that she became cold. Only the father remained. When questioning the legal representatives of the child, detectives use a polygraph.

Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed, the chances of finding the baby alive still remain. the site recalls three stories of the miraculous rescue of children who wandered in the forests from 3 to 11 days.

Three-year-old Karina Chikitova: 11 days in the taiga

Karina disappeared in the Yakut taiga on July 29, 2014. The little girl, together with her puppy Naida, quietly went into the forest from the yard of a private house in the small village of Olom. The mother did not immediately notice the loss of the child - she decided that the girl's father had taken her, but this was not so. As a result, the search began only on August 2. More than a hundred people came out to look for the child and the dog: rescuers, policemen, volunteers. A helicopter and two drones circled over the taiga around the clock.

In Yakutia at night - even in summer - the air temperature can drop to zero degrees. At the same time, wild animals, a lot of midges, are found in dense forests.

It was only on August 9 that the child was found. All this time the girl spent in the forest in a T-shirt and tights. Most likely, it was the presence of a dog nearby that warmed her that helped little Karina survive. The girl ate mushrooms, leaves and berries, drank water from streams. Experts note that on such a meager diet, an adult, and even a panicked person, could not survive. Due to less energy consumption, the child needs less food.

Schoolgirls near Moscow: 8 days in the Sverdlovsk forests

On July 25, 2007, two schoolgirls from the Moscow region, 16-year-old Masha Sorokina and 12-year-old Masha Tarnopolskaya, disappeared in the Denezhkin Kamen reserve in the Sverdlovsk region. Girls from the "Young Biologist" circle of the Moscow Zoo arrived in the Middle Urals with a group of ecologists who set up a field camp in the reserve. That day they were instructed to find insects, describe them and return back. However, two schoolgirls did not come to the camp.

The girls managed to survive thanks to the fact that they had protective clothing - rubber boots, capes. In addition to equipment, the girls took a compass, a map and a pack of cookies with them from the camp. They were also lucky that these days the weather was good in the Sverdlovsk region, and there were enough berries, mushrooms and water in the forest. Children spent the night on the branches of trees. They traveled more than 120 kilometers from the Sverdlovsk region to the neighboring Perm region. Wandering through the forest, the girls did not even throw away their nets, with which they caught insects.

Six-year-old boy: 3 days in the forest near Kursk

On May 23, 2017, near Kursk, a six-year-old boy went for a walk with his dog in the woods and disappeared. The child's relatives contacted the police only the next morning, trying to find the preschooler on their own.

A thousand people searched for the child for three days. The boy in the company of a dog was found on the afternoon of May 26. The child lost two kilograms of weight and was exhausted, but in general his condition did not cause concern. He said that he saw people in uniform, but was afraid to approach strangers. His dog helped - the dog barked loudly when he heard footsteps.

All this time the boy practically did not eat or drink anything. As the doctors said, it was lucky that the weather was good and it was warm in the forest, the lost boy did not freeze.

Meanwhile, the EMERCOM of Russia reminds parents what to do so that your child does not get lost, and how to behave if this does happen.

First. Dress your child in bright clothes. This will help you not to lose sight of it. Do not use green or dark colors in summer, beige or brown in autumn and spring, white or gray in winter. Sew on reflectors on the sleeves of your clothes and on your trousers - this increases the chances of being seen in the dark.

Second. Explain to the child that if he is lost, he must stay in one place. If he runs or walks aimlessly, he may go too far. People who are looking for a person in the forest move very slowly, looking for signs and clues.

Third. Stick together. If a child is lost with a friend or a pet, then they should not disperse in order to keep warm, cuddling up to each other.

Fourth. Avoid wild animals. They themselves avoid a person, but if the meeting still happened, you should not be scared and panic. Predators attack a person only if they are injured and cannot find other prey or protect cubs. Therefore, you can not move and attack yourself: give the animal the opportunity to calmly leave. And with his aggressive behavior, use a stick and noise as protection: shout louder, knock on wood. Remember that you cannot turn your back on the animal and run away - this will be regarded by him as a signal to attack.

Fifth. If the child hears a noise at night, have him yell or whistle in response. If it's an animal, it will run away to protect itself. If this is a search engine, then there is a chance that the baby will be found. Fear of the dark and dangerous animals cause panic in children, so never scare them with animals that live in the forest. They need reassurance so they feel safe staying put.

Rescue teams are asking for the help of volunteers in search of little Dima Peskov. Phone coordinator of the detachment "Liza Alert" - 8–965–51–32–298 (Nikita). Phone coordinator of the Sokol detachment - 8–963–44–24–141.