Women's weight after 45 years table. Online calculator: How to find out your ideal weight

“My weight is far from ideal” - many women get upset every time they step on the scale. But what is meant by the concept of “ideal weight”? What formulas are used to calculate it? And how does this indicator change with age?

Zoya Iosifovna

In the arsenal of excess weight fighters there are quite a lot of different formulas and methods for calculating body weight parameters. But to be completely honest, our weight is an individual concept and depends not only on the characteristics of each individual person (age, height, bone thickness, etc.), but also on the state of the body at a certain moment. Therefore, the so-called “weight” ideal does not exist.

Doctors around the world commonly use the body mass index (BMI) classification, which allows one to assess whether weight poses a threat to human health. BMI is calculated using the Kuettl formula: a person’s weight in kilograms is divided by his height in meters squared. Then the obtained result is compared with the values ​​in the table. The World Health Organization considers an ideal body mass index to be between 18.5 and 24.99. Some experts interpret the range of 18-20 as insufficient, but safe for health.

It is clear that, according to this calculation, a person’s normal weight has a fairly wide range of acceptable values. For example, with a height of 170 cm, the weight norm can be from 54 to 72 kg, if we take the BMI from 18.5 to 24.99 as the norm. Some studies say that a BMI of 22 is ideal, and scientists from the American Cancer Society consider the most preferable BMI to be 21.3-22.1 for women and 21.9-22.4 for men.

When calculating a person's normal weight, you can use other methods.

So, ideal weight = (height in cm - 100) - (height in cm - 150)/2

For example:

The ideal weight of a woman 170 cm tall is

(170-100)-(170-150)/2 = 70-10 = 60 kg

You can arrive at the same value using a simpler calculation method: subtract 110 from your height in centimeters. For example, if your height is 165 cm, then your ideal weight is 55 kg (165 - 110).

Brokk has a similar formula, only 100, rather than 110, is subtracted from height. This may be why it is recommended to be used only for men to calculate ideal weight.

To take into account age characteristics, approximately 10% must be subtracted from the resulting Broca's index for people under 30 years of age, and for people over 50 years old, add about 5%.

These formulas are not very accurate, because they were developed a long time ago and do not take into account some parameters. Improved formulas are used on our website; by clicking on the link you can calculate ideal weight values ​​automatically using four different formulas.

You can also find out the optimal weight taking into account age characteristics from the table.

Table of optimal weight based on age

Person's age, years



Having calculated or learned from the table your normal weight, do not rush to throw all your energy into achieving it. Indeed, in addition to the value expressed in kilograms, it is necessary to pay attention to the percentage of fat in the body. Sometimes a lot of weight is caused not by fat, but by muscle tissue. In these cases, we can talk about an ideal weight even if the BMI is outside the “normal” range.

It is unlikely that you can measure the percentage of body fat “by eye”, without the help of special instruments and scales with a given program. Therefore, modern nutritionists advise measuring deviations from the “fat” norm by waist circumference, since excess fat in this area carries health risks. So, for women, the waist should be no more than 88 cm, and for men - 102 cm.

If you have special devices that can calculate body fat, then a fat content of 10-20% for men and about 25-29% for women is considered normal. If you are overweight, a man's body contains about 25% fat, a woman's - 30-35%. And with obesity in men, the fat weight exceeds 30%, and in women - 35%.

A lack of fat also has a bad effect: less than 15% in women leads to disruptions in the normal functioning of the body.

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Before losing weight, a literate person must make sure that he really needs it and that the problem is not far-fetched. And for this you need to know how to calculate excess weight. This will help determine exactly how many kilograms you need to lose in order to achieve ideal parameters for your gender, height and age. The only problem is that there are a huge number of calculation formulas, and no one can say for sure which of them is the most accurate. Scientists say that none of them claims to be the best: each has shortcomings.

Quetelet's classic formula

A universally accepted method for calculating a person’s excess weight is Quetelet’s formula. It is approved and recommended by such an authoritative organization as WHO. That's why most people use it. Allows you to find BMI - body mass index (in the West this is the abbreviation BMI - Body Mass Index).

Formula for calculation: I=M/H 2, where:

  • I - body mass index;
  • M - current weight in kilograms;
  • H - height in meters at the moment.
  • M=74;
  • H=1.6;
  • calculate the square of height: 1.6x1.6=2.56;
  • it turns out I = 74:2.56 = 28.91.

Note. Here and throughout the text, all examples of calculations will be given based on these data: our conventional little man weighs 74 kg with a height of 1 m 60 cm. His other parameters (age, gender, build, wrist size) will vary. This makes it more convenient at the end to compare the results obtained and draw a conclusion about the “accuracy” of the proposed formulas and methods.

According to the official WHO table, the BMI norm ranges from 18.5-24.9 (inclusive). A corridor of 25-29.9 is considered overweight, which is where the figure obtained in our calculation example fell (28.91). Indicators starting from 30 already refer to obesity.

Despite the fact that the BMI formula is recognized by the WHO itself, it is often criticized because it is not accurate. Firstly, Quetelet (a Belgian statistician and sociologist) developed it back in 1869. It's simply outdated. Secondly, it does not take into account the age and constitution of the human body, which means it cannot be recognized as an ideal calculation.

WHO recognizes the imperfection of this approach, but is in no hurry to abandon it. They adjusted the normal BMI based on age and gender:

If the BMI is higher than the indicators given in the table, this indicates the presence of excess body weight.


Those who are not good with mathematics and do not like calculations can determine excess weight in other ways. Firstly, to do this, just find online calculators, enter your data in special boxes, click the “calculate” button and get a ready-made answer. Secondly, you can find tables of correspondence between body weight and parameters such as gender, height or age.

Height and weight table

Example. Our conventional little man with a height of 160 cm and a body weight of 74 kg falls into the category of those who need to get rid of extra pounds. If this is a woman, she will have to lose at least 18 kg (her optimal parameters are 50-56 kg). If a man, then by 14 kg (for him the ideal corridor is indicated as 55-60 kg).

Table by height and age

Example. If our conventional male person is 20 years old, then he needs to lose 11 kg; and if it’s 60, then only by 6.

Table for calculating excess weight depending on body type

According to their physique, people are divided into 3 types, and the parameters of ideal and excess weight can also depend on this. Your wrist size will help you determine who you are:

For asthenics:

  • the neck is long, thin;
  • the shoulders are narrow;
  • the chest is flat, narrow;
  • limbs are long;
  • elongated face;
  • thin nose;
  • muscles are weak;
  • the tendency to be overweight is minimal.

For normosthenics:

  • slender legs;
  • waist is thin;
  • harmonious figure;
  • average height.

For hypersthenics:

  • the bones are heavy and wide;
  • the chest is voluminous and short;
  • broad shoulders;
  • shortened limbs;
  • below average height;
  • the tendency to be overweight is high.

After this, you can determine whether you are overweight using the tables:

For men

For women

If you and your body type do not fit into the corridor of ideal body weight, then you still have a problem with excess weight. How important this is can be seen in the example of our little man. If this is a hypersthenic woman, she will have to lose at least 13 kg, if she is normosthenic, then by 18, and if she is asthenic, then by all 23. Agree: the difference is significant.

Such tables are convenient because they do not require complex mathematical calculations, which are easy to make mistakes.

Broca's method

Paul Brocq (French surgeon, anatomist, ethnographer, anthropologist) in the 19th century proposed a special formula by which excess weight can be calculated. Today, in terms of popularity, it is only slightly inferior to the Quetelet method. It is based on the body type, which was already mentioned above.

  • H – 100 (if H< 165 см);
  • H – 105 (if H = 166–175 cm);
  • H – 110 (if H > 175 cm).

After that, to calculate excess weight, we use your body type:

  • asthenics reduce Broca's index by 10% and achieve their ideal body weight;
  • hypersthenics increase it by 10%;
  • normosthenics leave the result unchanged.

Calculation example. If our conditional little man:

  • asthenic: 160–100–10%=54; then he will have to lose 20 kg;
  • hypersthenic: 160–100+10%=66; then he has 8 kg in excess;
  • normosthenic: 160–100=60; then he needs to lose 14 kg.

The Broca method does not work for athletes, pregnant women or children.

other methods

Many scientists have tried to develop a method by which it would be possible to calculate the ideal weight and determine the number of extra pounds. Let us give examples of only the most famous ones.


A formula from the last century from the Danish physicist Hendrik Anton Lorentz. To calculate excess weight, you must first determine your ideal weight.

Extended Lorentz formula: H (height in centimeters)–100–(H (in centimeters)–150):2.

Example: 160–100–(160–150):2=55.

Brief: H (in centimeters): 2–25.

Example: 160:2–25=55.

Now for our conventional little man we can calculate how much excess weight he has: 74–55 = 19 kg.


  • V=75;
  • 160 x 75:240=50.

Conclusion: 20 extra pounds were discovered.


Example: 160 2 x 0.00225 = 57.6.

Conclusion: you need to lose 16.4 extra pounds.

Mohamed's technique was developed in 2010. Many scientists consider it not only the most innovative, but also one of the best.


For example: 160 x 0.7–50=62.

Conclusion: 12 kg in excess.


For example:

  • V wrist=17 cm;
  • (160–100+(4 x 17)):2=64.

Conclusion: you need to get rid of 10 kg.


  • for a woman: H (in centimeters)–100–(H (in centimeters)–100):10;
  • for a man: H (in centimeters)–100–(H (in centimeters)–100):20.

Calculation example:

For women: 160–100–(160–100):10=54.

Conclusion: we are losing 20 kg.

For men: 160–100–(160–100):20=57.

Conclusion: we are losing 17 kg.



  • 0.9 at V wrist< 15 см;
  • 1 with V wrist = 15-17 cm;
  • 1.1 for wrist V > 17 cm.

Calculation example:

  • V wrist=17 cm;
  • age=45 years;
  • (160–100+(45:10)) x 0.9 x 1=58.05.

Conclusion: we are losing 15.95 kg.


Calculation example:

  • convert body weight to grams: M=74 kg=74,000 g;
  • 74,000:160 2 =2.89 (there is excess weight if this indicator exceeds 3).

Conclusion: the parameters are close to the critical level.


Ideal weight formula for men: H (in centimeters)–100–H (in centimeters): 200.

Example: 160–100–160:200=59.2.

Conclusion: you will have to lose 14.8 kg.

Formula for women: H (in centimeters)–100–H (in centimeters):100.

Example: 160–100–160:100=58.4.

Conclusion: women will have to get rid of 15.6 kg.


  • thickness of the skin fold near the third rib;
  • thickness of the skin fold at the level of the navel.
  • if the thickness of the skin fold near the third rib is more than 1.5 cm, this is a sign of excess weight;
  • if the thickness of the skin fold at the navel level is more than 2 cm, this also indicates the presence of extra pounds.


In 1974, Dr. Devin developed a formula that was intended to correctly calculate the required dosage of medications for a patient. But over time, it gained wide popularity and began to be used to determine ideal body weight. By the way, most online calculators work precisely on its basis.

Formula for men: 50 + 2.3 x (H (in inches) - 60).

  • 50+2.3 x (62.99–60)=57.

Conclusion: you need to lose 17 kg.

Formula for women: 45.5 + 2.3 x (H (in inches) - 60).

Calculation example:

  • convert height to inches: H=160 cm=62.99 inches;
  • 45.5+2.3 x (62.99–60)=52.

Conclusion: you need to lose 22 kg.


This is an improved Devin formula, which, according to many, allows you to get a more accurate result.

Formula for men: 52 + 1.9 x (H (in inches) - 60).

Calculation example: 52+1.9 x (62.99–60)=58.

Conclusion: we remove 16 extra kilos.

Formula for women: 49 + 1.7 x (H (in inches) - 60).

Calculation example: 49+1.7 x (62.99–60)=54.

Conclusion: 20 extra pounds are gained.


Formula: H (in centimeters)–(100+(H (in centimeters)–100):20).

Calculation example: 160–(100+(160–100):20)=57.

Conclusion: we are losing 17 kg.

For reference: Jan Taton is a Polish researcher who has been studying the problem of excess body weight throughout his life. I developed my own diet.


Calculation example: 160 x 420: 1000 = 67.2.

Conclusion: ballast is 6.8 kg.


Formula for men: 0.713 x H (in centimeters) – 58.

Calculation example: 0.713 x 160–58=56.

Conclusion: 18 kg in excess.

Formula for women: 0.624 x H (in centimeters) - 48.9.

Calculation example: 0.624 x 160–48.9=51.

Conclusion: 23 excess kilograms.


Calculation example: (160–150) x 4:5+55=63.


Formula for men: Broca's index - (Broca's index - 52) x 1:5.

Calculation example: 60–(60–52) x 1:5=58.

Conclusion: you need to minus 16 kg.

For women: Broca's index - (Broca's index - 52) x 2:5.

Calculation example: 60–(60–52) x 2:5=57.

Conclusion: minus 17 kg.


If you need to calculate excess weight according to Dukan, for (you can familiarize yourself with it) it is extremely important, just find an online calculator on numerous sites dedicated to this method of losing weight. It takes into account:

  • age;
  • body type;
  • height;
  • muscle mass.

If we analyze the data obtained during calculations using different formulas, the scatter is quite large. This once again proves that the ideal technique has not yet been developed.

Bonus for men: John McCallum's technique

John Dennis McCallum is a famous American sports columnist and writer of the mid-twentieth century. In his bestseller “The Key to Success,” he offers a separate formula by which young men (aged 18 to 35 years) can not so much calculate their excess weight as correct their body proportions. His technique is based on wrist circumference:

  • wrist circumference x 6.5 = chest circumference (CH);
  • 85% OG = pelvic volume;
  • 70% OG = waist;
  • 53% OG = hips;
  • 37% OG = neck;
  • 36% OG = biceps;
  • 34% OG = drumstick;
  • 29% OG = forearms.

The McCallum Method is also called the bodybuilder's formula. Men for whom it is important not only to lose weight and build muscle mass, but also to correctly distribute it throughout the body so that it is sculpted and beautiful, these calculations are a real godsend.

Now all these formulas are used only at home and are recommended for those whose excess weight does not exceed 10 kg. In other cases, experts recommend contacting them with this problem. Since 2000, a new measurement method has been tested and used in clinics as an alternative to BMI. It was called the body volume index (BVI - Body Volume Index). It is more accurate because it is the result of a three-dimensional scan.

There is a value that differs for women and men as the weight and height index (BMI), which helps assess the correspondence of a person’s weight to his height.

Helps to identify excess, normal or underweight, which is very important if you need to treat the body or for self-correction of your figure.

What is "body mass index"

Back in the 19th century, doctors determined that the occurrence of diseases was directly related to the presence of fatty tissue in humans. To identify the optimal weight, it was necessary to calculate the ratio of human height to his weight.

In 1869, the doctor A. Quetelet invented a method for calculating the index, which allows one to estimate how much body weight matches the existing height. Over time, many scientists made various amendments and new formulas appeared. But the standards differed in different periods.

Recently, the optimal BMI has decreased, and this has caused an increase in the number of people who are overweight and obese.

Optimal body weight is a set range within which weight can move without affecting the functioning of the body

How is BMI determined?

Sometimes, calculating BMI does not provide accurate data. This is because people have different ratios between muscle and fat mass, which is due to many factors. Therefore, individuals with the same indicator do not look the same.

To correctly calculate BMI, take into account age, gender and type (small-boned, medium-boned and large-boned) of build, determined based on measurements of wrist circumference.

An objective value is considered to be the proportion expressed as a percentage between fat and musculoskeletal tissue for women - 13-20%, for men - 10-15%.

Thin people with narrow bone formation have a lower standard compared to those with large shapes. Sometimes, to determine the constitution of the body, the volume of the chest is measured.

Due to the structural features of female and male figures, their BMI is different. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the person being tested, because the optimal weight will differ for a young and an older person.

When analyzing the body mass index (the ratio of weight and height), it should be taken into account that it will be different for men and women due to the structural features of the female and male figure.

Over the years, a layer of fat is added, which is heavier than muscle tissue. Because of this, a mature person can have an ideal ratio and at the same time be overweight.

Special calculations are used to determine the optimal mass index of children. BMI is calculated in a special way for athletes. Thanks to training, they have powerful muscles, and their ideal weight will be much higher than that of an ordinary person.

How to calculate BMI using formulas

When calculating the weight and height index, they mainly use the following simple steps: for women, 110 is subtracted from height (cm), and for men, 100. But this formula overlooks the age, constitution of the individual, and other factors.

It is quite difficult to calculate the correct indicator yourself, taking into account all the subtleties. For people who want to maintain their weight in order, an online calculator was invented.

You just need to write down your data (height, weight) in a certain form and after 2-3 seconds. the display will show the result. Additionally, mention of hip and wrist circumference may be required.

The results obtained must be compared with the table, and a conclusion must be made about the body weight of the subject.

Calculation of body mass index using different methods

There are various ways to calculate the index, by which you can independently determine your appropriate weight and determine how many kilograms you need to lose. It is very important to remember that none of the methods will give an accurate idea of ​​​​the existing body composition, because Each organism has its own characteristics.

Only a highly qualified specialist will help to correctly assess the condition of the patient’s physical body. If your current weight is slightly different from the calculated norm, but you feel excellent, do not panic. Most likely, this is the individual norm.

Brocca's formula

The most recognized and widespread is the formula of the French anthropologist Broca, suitable for people of normal build who are above 150 cm and below 185 cm.

Having a certain growth, you need to subtract the coefficient:

  • up to 165 cm – 100;
  • up to 175 cm – 105;
  • from 175 and above -110.

In this calculation, you need to take into account your body type and change the result:

  • Asthenic (thin bone) – reduce by 10%;
  • For normosthenic (middle bone) – subtract 110 from height;
  • Hypersthenic (wide-boned) – increase by 10%.

Optimal weight for women and men is calculated differently depending on the type of build

To determine your type, you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand. Women's sizes for all types in order - up to 16, 16-18, 18 and above. Men have such girth sizes - up to 17, 17-20, more than 20.

Quetelet's formula

A mathematician of Belgian origin, Quetelet proposed his own method for calculating BMI. The formula is elementary, and consists in the need to divide the subject’s weight by height (meters) squared.

Classification based on BMI BMI What to do
Lack of body weight19 recommended to increase weight
-great shortageUnder 16
-average deficit16-17
-small shortage17-19
Normal weight19,5-25,0
Excess body weightMore than 25need to lose weight
1st stage of obesity25-30
2nd stage obesity30-35 strongly recommend reducing weight
3rd stage of obesity35-40
4th stage of obesitymore than 40you need to lose excess weight immediately

These indicators apply to representatives of both the stronger and weaker sex.

This calculation has some adjustments. For example, it is not suitable for pregnant women, the elderly and children. The coefficient may vary depending on the build or amount of muscle mass.

If the indicator is above 30 units. It is advisable to take serious measures: visit a qualified specialist, consult a nutritionist and exercise.

Lorentz formula

The weight and height index for women can be calculated using a very simple Lorenz formula, which will help to obtain a value very similar to the results of other, more painstaking calculations.

To calculate the coefficient, you need to know your height in centimeters (P) and carry out the following calculations:

  • R-100-(R-150)/2. The resulting number indicates normal weight, favorable for humans;
  • For the abbreviated Lorentz formula, P/2 -25 is required. In other words, subtract 25 from half your height.

This technique is relative and does not allow you to find out the optimal weight with absolute accuracy. Body type is not taken into account here and the age factor is overlooked. After all, different body weights are considered normal at different ages.

Breitman formula

To derive the weight and height index using the Breitman formula for women with a height of 165, you need to subtract 100 from 165. For a universal calculation, you need to multiply your height by a factor of 0.7 and subtract 50.

Body mass index for women

The mass index of weight and height can be easily calculated for women by applying Brock's formula: subtract 100 from height in cm. If you subtract 10% from the result obtained, you will get the ideal weight.

Having received too high a value, it can be stated that the subject is at risk and is susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, impaired functions of the respiratory system, etc.

The obtained norm can be considered for each lady individually. It is determined by age and differs between young girls and mature women. For a more accurate determination, it is also worth taking into account the proportion of muscle and fat tissue.

So, if we use the Quetelet form to calculate a girl’s BMI using average parameters, then with a height of 1.71 and a weight of 64 kg, we get: 1.71 * 1.71 = 2.9241; 64/2.9241= 21.89. A value from 19 to 24 is considered normal for the fairer sex, and in this example it is normal.

Body mass index for men

A man’s weight depends on individual physical fitness, well-being, and is proportional to the height and width of the chest. The presence of excess kilograms indicates deviations in the functioning of many body systems, therefore it is very important to determine your ideal weight and stick to it.

You can calculate BMI for a man with average parameters (height-176, weight-88) using the formula: 88/(1.76*1.76)=28.4. A normal ratio is considered to be between 19 and 25. The ratio found above indicates extra pounds.

A clearer idea of ​​the distribution of fatty tissue can be determined as follows: divide the waist volume by the volume of the buttocks. For the stronger sex, the norm is 0.85.

By applying Nagler's formula, a man can independently find his optimal ratio.

Having a height of 152 cm, body weight should be 45 kg. By adding 0.9 kg to the weight for every next 2.45 cm of height, we derive a number, and if it coincides with the actual kilograms, then this is regarded as the norm. If there is a large discrepancy, it is advisable to take the necessary measures.

Using height (P), BMI for the stronger sex can also be calculated as follows: P-(100+(P-100)/20)

Body mass index for children

Similar to calculating BMI for adults, you can calculate this indicator for children and identify excess kilograms, or a tendency to obesity.

BMI = weight in kg/height squared in m.

For example, if we take the average value, when a child is 1.5 m tall. weighs 45 kg, we get: 45/2.25 = 20. For a girl or boy of 13-14 years old this is considered normal. Children are constantly growing, and this means that this factor must be paid attention to. The table below shows the optimal indices for different ages.

Child's age Girl Boy
0-2 13,3-15,4 13,4-15,7
2-3 15,3-16 15,3-16,5
4-5 13,5-16,5 13,8-16,8
5 13-17 13-17
6-8 13,5-18 13,5-18,5
9-10 14-20 14-21
11 14,5-20,5 14,5-21,2
12 16-21,5 15-22
13-14 16-23 16-23
15-16 17-23,5 17,5-24

Even with the available data, the indicators are not easy to interpret. If in any doubt, it is better to consult a pediatrician. He will help determine the optimal weight and overall development of the child’s body, and in case of deviations he will be able to give the necessary recommendations.

Body mass index for teenagers

To correctly determine a teenager’s BMI, it is necessary to make the same calculations as for children, because using adult measurements is not entirely correct. During puberty, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor a teenager’s body weight. The coefficient is calculated using percentiles.

To find it, weight must be divided by height squared.

The resulting value does not contain the proportion of tissue types commensurate with growth, which is why there is a possibility of inaccuracies and misinterpretations.

The obtained result must be compared with certain data determined by the age of the teenager, and we will obtain a comparative value (CB BMI).

This figure may differ for boys and girls because the average level of muscle mass in men is higher than in women.

The found result of SV BMI corresponds to the following indicators:

  • more than 95 - obesity;
  • from 85 to 95 - overweight;
  • from 5 to 85 is the norm;
  • less than 5 - underweight.

Body mass index during pregnancy

The weight and height index for women during pregnancy is calculated using Quetelet's formula. This coefficient is determined by the duration of pregnancy, and by comparing it with acceptable standards, you can find out how many kilograms the expectant mother can gain. To do this, you still need to know the woman’s weight before conception and her height.

Insufficient weight gain by a pregnant woman can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Excessive weight gain can make it difficult to give birth on your own.

The norm during pregnancy is considered to be an increase of 7 to 16 kg. But in practice, it happens that mothers with extra or missing kilograms gave birth to healthy babies.

If there is any doubt that the weight of the expectant mother can cause negative consequences for the baby, there is no need to worry prematurely.

Maximum permissible body weight based on age

The weight and height index can be easily found for women under 40 years old by subtracting 110 cm from their height in centimeters, and for women over 40 years old they need to subtract 100 cm.

It is obvious that with age, weight increases due to changes in carbohydrate metabolism, and this process is natural. This reduces:

  • metabolism;
  • energy and physical activity changes;
  • volume of muscle structure;
  • metabolic movement;
  • hormone activity.

Optimal body weight varies for different ages

Many scientists use the Egorov-Levitsky standards to calculate the permissible weight coefficient for women. These indicators indicate the maximum permissible weight at a given age. Exceeding the BMI below indicates excess body weight.

Height, m Age, years
20-30 31-40 41-50
1,66 65,2 71,8 76,5
1,68 68,5 73,7 78,2
1,70 69,2 75,8 79,8
1,72 72,8 79,3 82,8
1,74 74,3 79,0 83,7

Why you need to know your BMI

Those who care about their health and their figure need to know their BMI. Doctors use this coefficient to select the dose of medications. At home, you can use it to control your weight.

Calculating the indicator will help identify the presence of abnormalities in the body and their severity. Thanks to the data obtained, nutritionists can prescribe appropriate diet and exercise for obese patients.

BMI is the standard way to determine obesity levels in men and women

However, with any weight adjustment, it is not recommended to trust only the obtained indicator. If it does not correspond to the norm, then it is worth doing additional research.

Analysis of results by BMI

It is worth emphasizing that the BMI standard changes periodically. For example, in the USA at the end of the 20th century, the normal index was 27.8. Then the standards changed, and the indicator dropped to 25. This caused an increase in the number of citizens who are overweight.

According to research by Israeli scientists, the optimal ratio for men is 25-27. For women, the normal weight and height index completely coincides with the standard.

BMI is a guideline and is used primarily by doctors and nutritionists. Having calculated the number yourself, it must be compared with WHO standards using a separate table.

When identifying obesity or underweight, you should not rely with complete certainty on the derived index. So, people who have highly developed muscles and do not have extra pounds may have an overestimated figure.

Degrees of obesity by BMI

Having determined your weight and height index using Brock's formula for women, and having identified extra pounds, classify overweight from optimal body weight using the table:

Excess,% Obesity stage Actual BMI
20-30 1 25-30
31-50 2 30,1-36
51-99 3 36,1-40
More than 1004 More than 40

Obesity levels 1 and 2 are considered a minor cosmetic flaw. It may cause mild discomfort and cause further weight gain. At the extreme stage of obesity, pathological abnormalities are formed that affect all vital systems of the body.

Obesity can have the following types:

  • stable level that lasts for a long period of time;
  • progressive- characterized by rapidly increasing or slow continuous gain of kilograms;
  • residual- weight may increase significantly after a long period of weight loss.

Disadvantages and limitations in using the BMI method

The interpretation of BMI values ​​proposed by WHO does not take into account the age and gender of the individual. Data from many countries show that the optimal weight index for women is lower than for men. In addition, it is higher among middle-aged citizens compared to young and old people.

The word “norm” means “average values,” but statistical data show that BMI “standards,” according to WHO regulations, do not correspond to the typical normal distribution of BMI indicators among residents.

It may be that the weight and height index, which is optimal for women in one country, will be overestimated among women living in many other countries of the world. For example, in Russia, if you adhere to WHO recommendations, then the majority of the population over 30 years of age are overweight.

How to normalize your body mass index

Excess weight, as well as insufficient weight, lead to serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. If there are minor deviations from the standard, there is no need to worry.

If the discrepancies are significant, you should first consult a specialist. He will select the optimal diet and prescribe a diet.

  • increase the calorie content of portions by increasing food intake and more frequent meals using protein foods;
  • engage in physical exercises aimed at gaining body weight, excluding workouts that deplete the body;
  • create conditions for healthy and sufficient sleep.

Those who are not critically overweight should adhere to the following rules:

  • reduce the amount of food consumed;
  • exclude fatty foods from the diet, reduce intake of eggs, coffee, alcohol;
  • diversify your diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, cereals, lean meat and fish;
  • follow the meal schedule. At night it is better to drink kefir or eat fruit.
  • choose sports activity that promotes fat burning;
  • Breathe fresh air as much as possible and get good sleep.

It is advisable to track your weight and height index, which is especially important for women, because its deviations can cause hormonal imbalance. Lack of body weight leads to loss of strength and decreased immunity. Extra pounds create problems with the cardiovascular system and contribute to loss of activity.

When looking for optimal BMI indicators, you should first of all listen to your body. If the numbers indicate deviations, but your health is quite comfortable, then you can live a full life without achieving an ideal weight.

Useful video materials about the height and weight index for women

Ideal weight to height ratio for women:

Body mass index: how many extra pounds you have and how dangerous or safe their amount is for health:

Height to Weight Ratio: Windows App Review:

Before starting any diet or exercise cycle for weight loss, you should first decide what weight you would like to achieve as a result. That is, set an ultimate goal to strive for. This goal is often an ideal weight. This is either the weight at which you are physically comfortable, or the index that satisfies you in terms of external parameters.

It is important to not go too far when setting a goal, because if you set a goal too high, you may never achieve it. If you have to lose more than 5 kg of weight, it is better to break the goal into several stages. For example, lose 1.5 kg every month for six months, etc. Don't forget to read.

How can you help yourself decide what your ideal weight is? After all, unfortunately, not everyone can have a wasp waist due to their constitution from birth, but you can look good with any figure if your weight is normal.

To mathematically determine your ideal weight, you need to calculate several parameters. There are many ways to do this. Below are the main ones.

Calculation of weight norms using the Body Mass Index (BMI)

It is calculated by the formula: weight (in kg) divided by height (in m) squared. For example, if the weight is 64 kg with a height of 167 cm, then the IMI will be calculated as follows: 64/1.67 2 = 22.9. Using the table below you can determine whether your index is normal:

In our case, the IC is normal, since the result of 22.9 falls in the range of 18.5 - 25. However, this weight may still not satisfy its owner. Accordingly, you can calculate your ideal weight using the minimum IMS norm. Let's do this: 19.5 x 1.67 2 = 54 kg.

Broca's index

Used if your height is between 155-170 cm. Calculation formula: Height (in cm) minus 100 and minus 10. It turns out: (167 – 100) – 10 = 57 kg

Breitman index

Calculation formula: Height (in cm) multiplied by 0.7 and minus 50 kg. We get 167 x 0.7 – 50 = 66.9 kg

Bornhardt index

To calculate your ideal weight you need to apply the formula: Height (cm) multiplied by chest circumference (cm) and divide the result by 240. In our version (taking into account that the chest is 92 cm) it will be: 167 x 92 / 240 = 64 kg

Noorden index

To understand your normal weight, you need to: Height (in cm) multiply by 420 and divide by 1000. We get: 167 x 420 / 1000 = 70 kg

Tatonya index

Normal body weight is calculated using the formula: Height (in cm) minus (100 + (height minus 100) divided by 20). It’s a little confusing, let’s look at an example: 167 – (100 + (167 – 100) / 20) = 63.7 kg


Ideal weight is an average standard that is calculated based on data from a large number of people. But all people are different. Lifestyle, food culture, nationality and body type - all this influences ideal weight. For example, the normal weight of people with a strong physique will be 2-3% higher than that of people with an average build. And the norm for thin people is 3-5% less. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive specifically for the ideal weight, which shows weight calculator. It is quite enough if your weight falls within the calculated range.

Besides weight calculator calculates BMI- body mass index (ideal weight), which is widely used to determine the degree of correspondence between body weight and height.

How to calculate your ideal weight (BMI) yourself

BMI = M: P 2, where

M – body weight in kg

P – height in meters

Example of calculating body mass index: M (weight) – 78 kg, P (height) – 1.68 m

BMI = 78: 1.68 2 = 27.6

From the table below you can see that a BMI of -27.6 corresponds to overweight.

Interpretation table for BMI indicators

In case of a strong deviation from the norm, it is time to seriously think about correcting your weight. With reduced weight, dystrophy develops. In the modern civilized world, its cause is usually deliberate malnutrition. The desire to have an unnaturally slim figure can result in problems with both mental and physical health - decreased ability to work, dry skin, and hair loss. All this comes from a lack of substances necessary for the body.

However, their excessive excess also does not lead to anything good. A huge number of people suffer from obesity. Excess weight greatly increases the risk of kidney and gallstones, joint deformation, impotence, myocardial infarction and many other diseases. The entire body works under overload, moving masses of fat in space that are not provided for by the design of the human body. It is not surprising that the life expectancy of obese people is on average 6-8 years less than that of others.