Things to do before the new year. The countdown has begun! What you need to do before the New Year Everything you need for the new year list

New Year's Eve is the most mysterious and magical of the year. It seems that it depends on her how successful the coming year will be. And even though this is not at all the case, the traditions of the “correct” meeting of the New Year live for centuries.

People have collected many signs and beliefs related to the preparation and celebration of the New Year. Next, let's ask: how to achieve success and well-being by completing at least some of them.

The most important signs

1. It is believed that before the New Year it is necessary to thoroughly clean the house, get rid of unnecessary things. And, of course, the room should be properly decorated so that a festive mood appears.

2. Also before the holiday it is necessary to repay debts.

3. If suddenly one of your close people is in a quarrel, you definitely need to make peace so as not to take grievances with you in the New Year.

4. Before you celebrate the New Year, you must not forget to spend the Old. It is customary to remember all the good that the outgoing year brought, and thank him for it.

5. But here comes the New Year, which is preparing a lot of changes, and this is an occasion to change your life for the better! You can draw up a plan of those things that you have decided to do without fail in the coming year. The main thing is not to forget to follow it!

6. For New Year's Eve, it's better to prepare a new outfit. Then there will be a lot of new things in the coming year. It is useful to remember who is the symbol of the next year in order to win his favor and choose the right color of clothing.

How to make a wish

New Year's Eve is the time when all wishes come true. You can guess them in different ways.

1. As a rule, they write about their dream on a piece of paper, which they then burn. The ashes are poured into a glass of champagne. If you have time to drink everything to the bottom, while the Chimes are beating, then the wish will certainly come true.
2. There is another interesting option. For him, you need a branch of grapes. With each blow of the Chimes, you must eat a grape, while each time guessing at will.

In fact, there are quite a few ways to make a New Year's wish, you can even come up with your own. It is not so important how exactly to do it, it is only important to believe that it will certainly come true. But there are several conditions: the desire must be clearly and clearly formulated, well thought out. In addition, you should not think of impossible things or such desires that can harm others.

So, let's summarize the most important beliefs that must be fulfilled on the eve and on the first day of the New Year:

For the holiday, each member of the family should wear a new wardrobe item. Bright and beautiful outfits are considered a symbol of a new stage in life.

To avoid financial troubles in the coming year, you should not borrow large sums of money on the eve of the holiday. To attract wealth and prosperity, it is recommended to end all debt relationships about a week before January 31st.

The dishes on the festive table should be tasty and varied, and the dishes should be expensive and beautiful, it's time to get a service from the sideboard for special occasions.

In order for peace and harmony to reign in the family over the next year, quarrels and showdowns on a festive night should be avoided. In no case should you be sad or celebrate the holiday alone.

Signs forbid not only cleaning, but also washing directly on New Year's Eve. It is believed that this can bring major financial trouble to family members.

The Scots believe that the visit of a red-haired woman on January 1 promises misfortune, but a brunette is a welcome guest in any home on January 1. Rumor has it that the arrival of a black-haired man guarantees happiness and good luck for all the inhabitants of the house.

It is believed that if one wish is made with each blow of the chimes, then they will all come true, and in the same order, one wish per month.

It is better to spend a festive night in the circle of family and friends. It should be fun and memorable. But quarrels, insults, and even more so tears in the New Year are highly undesirable. We must forget all the bad things and believe in miracles. Then the coming year will bring a lot of happiness and fulfill all your innermost dreams.

New Year fortune telling

New Year holidays are strongly associated with a miracle, with the anticipation of something new, magical. Many wonder at this time to find out what fate awaits them in the coming year.
The first of January is not only a date on the calendar, but also a completely new stage in the life of every person. Therefore, it is natural to want to know if our most secret dreams will come true.
In addition, fortune telling is a great way to have a great time with friends.

Basic rules for New Year's divination

The first thing to do is decide on a date. Traditionally, guessing should be from December 25 until Epiphany on January 19.
It is advisable to postpone fortune telling if the date fell on Sunday or Monday.

Traditional ways

The most common is divination on wax..
A little bit of wax must be melted over the flame of a candle, and then abruptly poured into a bowl of cold water.
The resulting figure will tell you about what awaits you in the coming year:

  • angel means good news;
  • dog - a true friend;
  • snake - betrayal;
  • the butterfly symbolizes change;
  • the heart is a deep feeling.

You can tell fortunes in the mirror.
You should take a small mirror, pour water on it, and then, at midnight, take it out into the cold.
Patterns will tell you about the future:

  • circles promise prosperity;
  • squares - difficulties;
  • if you see a spruce branch, then hard work awaits you.

For unmarried girls, divination by bread and ribbon is of great interest..
Both are put in a pot or a box and taken without looking inside, what comes first.
If the tape, then next year you will find a long-awaited marriage.
If bread, then you have to spend another year in the girls.

Interesting and unusual fortune-telling can be done with a branch of bird cherry.
It can only be done on December 25th.
You need to imagine an exciting situation or ask a question, and then break off a small branch from the bird cherry tree, lower it into a glass of water and put it on the window.
For 12 days, you must hold a glass in your hands and think about the question asked or the situation presented in a positive way.
If after this period the branch has blossomed, success will surely await you.

The essence of the next divination is the transfusion of water.
One of the two glasses should be filled with water to the brim.
Next, you need to try to pour the liquid from a full glass into an empty one.
If you manage to do this and spill less than three drops of water, the wish will come true. If a puddle forms, unfortunately not.

There are many interesting and important traditions associated with the New Year, which must be observed. Do not lose sight of the signs that will help you avoid troubles and troubles next year.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the New Year is a special holiday, because it is for this event that we begin to prepare in a few weeks. ToNew year's nighthas become unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and remember the recipes for New Year's dishes. These efforts do not cause us unnecessary discomfort, because for many years this has become a real tradition.

Do not forget that many miracles happen at this time, and some accidents can warn us of important events that will soon happen in life. The site team will tell you about New Year's traditions and signs that everyone should know.

New Year traditions

The New Year has been celebrated since ancient times, but the date of the holiday was different. Only in 1700 Peter I issued a special decree, which stated that the holiday was officially postponed to January 1. Since then, many wonderful traditions associated with this magical event have appeared.

Despite the fact that in the modern world we often celebrate the New Year with friends, it is still customary to celebrate this holiday with family. Under the chiming clock, you need to congratulate your loved ones and thank them for everything they have done for you in the past year.

Think about your New Year's menu in advance, as there should be a wide variety of dishes on the table. Guests must definitely leave you full, otherwise poverty will not be avoided next year.

Every year there are more and more recipes for New Year's dishes, but do not forget the traditions: "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat" and jellied fish must be present on your table.

Stillmain drink on the New Year's table is champagne. Even Peter I introduced the tradition of drinking alcohol on New Year's Eve. At the time of the holiday, many guests came to the king, but not everyone could withstand such a feast with a lot of alcohol.

It is on December 31 that we begin to actively prepare for the New Year. On this day, you need to get rid of old things, prepare the New Year's table and, of course, congratulate all your loved ones and give them gifts.

Now we can no longer imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree. The tree must be purchased in advance anddecorate itvarious toys, tinsel or rain. To give your Christmas tree a more natural look, use cones or berries as decorations.

The chiming clock is a truly magical moment. It is in these seconds that you must have time to make a wish and be sure to believe that it will come true.

Since ancient times, it was believed that if under the chiming clockwrite your wish on a piece of paper, burn it and mix it in a glass of champagne, and then drink everything, then it will definitely come true.

In Rus', at the end of a festive feast, unmarried girls collected the remnants of dinner, wrapped them in white cloth, put them under the pillow and invited the betrothed. After that, the future groom was supposed to dream of them in a dream.

After a fun New Year's Eve, waking up early is very difficult. However, it is believed that the earlier you wake up on January 1, the happier you will be in the new year.

If you had a good dream on New Year's Eve, then after waking up say "it will come true", and then next year it will definitely come true.

New Year's signs

Very often people do not pay attention to what is happening around them. You may not believe the signs, but many of them are indeed true signs of fate.

On New Year's Eve, there should not be a single thing in your house with which you have bad memories, otherwise you will have a lot of trouble next year.

Having a baby on January 1 is a good sign. In order for his fate to be happy, on the same day, one of the close relatives of the baby needs to go to the temple and pray for the newborn, and then feed the poor.

If on New Year's Eve you will be wearing an outfit with pockets, then they should not be empty, otherwise next year you will face financial difficulties.

Toavoid lack of money , try to distribute debts before the New Year. And ask debtors to do the same.

If on New Year's Eve you found a toy on the street, then next year, expect replenishment in the family.

Even if at the time of the holiday unexpected guests came to you, welcome them cordially. Thus, you will attract prosperity to your home, and the next year will be comfortable for you.

If next year you do not want to face financial problems, then at the holiday your appearance should be neat. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, choose the best outfit from your wardrobe and celebrate the New Year in it.

It is believed that if you accidentally tear your holiday attire at the very moment of the holiday, this promises a passionate, but fleeting romance.

If you have scheduled a haircut for December 31, it is better to cancel it. It is believed that otherwise the hair will be sparse, and the new hairstyle will not please.

During the holiday, you can not swear with your loved ones, otherwise in the future there will be a strong discord in the family.

A few minutes before the chiming clock, pour water into a mug and wash yourself, and then leave it in the yard or on the balcony. If the mug is smooth on the morning of January 1st, good luck. If there is a crack on it, difficulties are possible.

On New Year's Eve, tap the table with a spoon and say: "As there is a lot of food on the table, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet." Then all year longlive well .

If before the New Year you saw your enemy, then next year you will have a new enemy.

Sometimes we are so passionate about New Year's chores that we may even forget to congratulate our loved ones. If this happened to you, a traitor will appear in your circle of friends. To avoid this problem, call loved ones and congratulate them.

If on December 31 you met a blind man on the street, expect global changes. Perhaps you look at life differently and want to change jobs or move.

Even on New Year's Eve, small troubles can happen to us. For example, if a toy suddenly fell from your Christmas tree and broke, it means that in the new year you will haveconflicts with a loved one .

Many people prefer to celebrate the New Year with friends. If next year you want to improve your personal life, then the first person you talk to after the chiming clock should be of the opposite sex.

A candle must burn on the New Year's table, and then harmony will always reign in your house in the future.

So that in the New Year you have a stable financial situation, hang a few bills on the Christmas tree and put coins under it.

On the morning of January 1, collect clean snow and bring it home. In the evening, wash your face with melt water. It is believed that after such a ritual, a person will definitely not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.

Couples in love must kiss under the chiming clock, and then in the future the love union will become even stronger.

Before the holiday, congratulate all the neighbors so that you never quarrel with them.

Every person dreams of finding wealth and finding love. You can do this in the near future if you put the Christmas tree inspecific area of ​​your home .

We wish you good luck and happiness in your personal life!

The New Year is a special period, which each time gives rise to bright hopes and joyful anticipations in children and adults. Therefore, for centuries, the traditions of the holiday of the transition of one year to another have been formed among the people. Magic and fun - these are the mottos of this day. Therefore, everything connected with the romance of meeting the New Year is special and a little magical. An adult wants to be a child for a while, who believes that only a bright and beautiful, joyful and extraordinary future lies ahead. Therefore, we treat the signs associated with the celebration of the New Year with such trepidation and try to adhere to traditions.

New Year traditions

Since the holiday has a long history, in different countries there are features of the New Year celebration and various signs associated with this wonderful time. In every family, they try to maintain traditions that are passed on from the elders to the younger ones, this is a family celebration. The smell of fir branches, the aroma of oranges and cinnamon evokes pleasant associations that are associated with the warmth of the family hearth, relaxation and positive emotions.

To believe that the bad will remain in the past, and all the good will still come - this is the mood that you want to experience at the holiday . Therefore, special attention is paid to New Year's signs..

There are many signs of what needs to be done before the New Year.

What need to do

Holiday rituals

It is not necessary to try to apply all kinds of signs on New Year's Eve, try to choose what is closest to your heart. From a large list you can choose one that you like the most and make a tradition out of this ritual. The main thing in the process is that the action carries positive energy and brings a feeling of joy and positive into your life. A good mood and the expectation of miracles will bring real magic into your life.

We achieve financial well-being

Money to money - have you heard such an expression? A piece of multi-colored paper, to which the human consciousness ascribes great importance in terms of energy. If you want money to be found in your pockets, put a large denomination banknote on New Year's Eve - it will symbolize a magnet for money, serve as a kind of attraction of monetary energy. Who knows maybe next year your financial situation will improve significantly!

Of course, in the modern world, many people are switching to electronic payment systems, in which case it can be advised to put more plastic cards in your pocket on which there is money. Here, the main thing is that your subconscious mind fixes the desire for financial success.

Another sign of monetary success is to put coins or banknotes under the tablecloth on the New Year's table, they will mean the influx of money energy into your home. A separate sign is to light seven green candles. They symbolize the joy and warmth of the hearth, and the green color will attract financial well-being to the house.

Choosing a New Year's outfit and decorations

Choosing a New Year's dress and accessories is a separate pleasure. To celebrate the holiday in the pleasure of your dazzling appearance, with joy in how you look in the mirror is another festive sign.

Buying a nice dress, we seem to be telling the world around us that everything is fine with us, this is a kind of result of the outgoing year and a guarantee of success for the future. Therefore, do not save on a beautiful outfit. The positive message of the universe will be multiplied for the future period.

Make a wish

This is one of the obligatory signs for meeting the holiday. Let it be various, real or fantastic wishes, the main thing in this process is faith in miracles and a positive attitude, the magic of the New Year will do the rest . Hidden, secret or overt, the wish will surely come true if you make it on this night - a period of miracles in which everyone becomes a little bit of a magician.

For family and health

New Year for most people is a holiday in the family circle, among those who wish you all the well-being and prosperity. Therefore, one of the main traditions is to meet the coming year among relatives and friends, toast with the wishes of health and prosperity.

As a sign leading to family happiness for a girl who wants to get married, one can name the tradition of giving gifts to children. If a girl makes a gift to seven children, then she activates the energy of family well-being and her chances of successfully marrying increase.

comic superstitions

Happy and interesting celebration to you!

Attention, only TODAY!

They say that in the old year you need to leave everything bad. Of course, this list also includes an unloved job. If you have been thinking about leaving for a long time, writing statements and hiding them in a desk drawer, the moment has come to finally decide. Firstly, you will enter the new year absolutely free and open to new proposals. Secondly, the holidays will definitely pass without calls from the boss and an overflowing mailbox.

End a painful relationship

It’s like working here: you’ve been thinking about a break for a long time and a lot, but you can’t leave. New Year is a good occasion to do it or at least try it. When, if not now?

It can be difficult to decide on your own, so seek the help of a psychologist. He will set you up in the right way, and parting will be less painful than the relationship itself. Moreover, at such moments, friends and relatives are always there.

Forgive or say goodbye

It is not necessary to set fire to sparklers with a heavy heart. If someone offended or betrayed you, try to forgive or say goodbye to this person forever. Do not take a bag of claims and understatements into your new life.

Spend the day with someone who deserves it

You probably have a person whom you love very much, but call and meet with him very rarely. Usually the closest people fall into this category: mom, dad, grandmother, younger sister or nephew. Have time to free at least one day before the New Year and devote it entirely to this person. For him, this will be the best gift.

Buy gifts in advance

The advice is obvious and everyone seems to know about it. But three days before the New Year, the shops are overcrowded. Queues, bustle, lack of the right sizes and colors, a fight for the last vase at a discount. To avoid this and make gift selection a pleasant experience, plan your shopping trip ahead of time. Set aside the required amount and free one day.

In most stores, good discounts begin in November. All items that have not left the shelves this year are being sold. The closer December, the less such goods remain. And in the second half of December there are almost no discounts. On the contrary, there is an increase in prices, as demand jumps at times. Therefore, New Year's shopping is better not to postpone.

Ekaterina Streltsova, director of a chain store

Decide on a crazy act

A parachute jump, a spontaneous trip or a tattoo that you have dreamed of since your youth. Get out of your comfort zone and decide on something that you will remember for a very long time. And no “what if”! Then, under the chimes, you definitely won’t think that the year has passed boring and ordinary.

Overcome your biggest fear

Are you still afraid of flying? Buy a ticket for the next flight. Where - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to have time to overcome your fear. This is a reason to be proud of yourself and a good story to tell at the festive table.

Eat something out of the ordinary

Do you go to your favorite restaurant on Fridays and always order "as usual"? Change your constancy and order the craziest thing on the menu. Perhaps this dish will become your favorite. If not, another vivid memory is guaranteed.

Get rid of debt

This applies to both finances and work, study and everyday life, that is, all the things that you started but did not finish. No need to enter the new year with a pending effect. Pay off your debts, finish all the letters, turn in all the projects. As a rule, this does not take as much time and effort as it seems. Just stop procrastinating.

Tidy up your home and workspace

Starting the year in a clean apartment is much more pleasant. Get rid of all the rubbish: throw away trinkets, good things that you no longer need, offer to friends or family.

Pay special attention to your workplace. Feel free to throw away (or donate) unnecessary waste paper, update the office and start a new diary.

Clean your phone

Our whole life today fits in one smartphone. Before the holiday, put things in order in it. Delete the numbers you'll never need, delete the messages you sneak over before bed, get rid of the photos that bring back not-so-pleasant memories.

Take stock of this year and plan for the next

Take a piece of paper and write down in two columns all your achievements and failures for this year. It is unlikely that all 365 days went smoothly for someone, so do not be afraid of the truth and admit your mistakes.

With such a visual list, it will be easier to make a new one, but already with plans for next year. Your goals should be specific, achievable, measurable, and truly important to you. Try to set clear and realistic deadlines for yourself and think over a step-by-step plan of action.