Cat language. Cat language - translator. Meowing cat - how to understand? cat language

Every owner wants to live with his pet in peace and harmony. However, in order for this wish to come true, you need to know at least a little the language of cats and how to understand them. This article will help you understand and build an ideal relationship with an animal. A little observation, a little effort - and mutual understanding is guaranteed.

Means of communication used by cats

Learning to understand the language of cats is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to know what means the pet uses to communicate, and pay attention to these manifestations. The main way to convey information to the owner or another animal is through voice.

The sounds made by a cat are very diverse, as is the range of emotions hiding behind them. With the help of a voice, the animal can make it clear both about its absolute peace and about unbridled anger. Other means of fluffy language include:

  • tail;
  • eyes;
  • gestures and postures (movements of the body, tail, whiskers, paws and their specific position);
  • wool.

Each of the methods is discussed in more detail below. Learning the language of cats will bring a lot of amazing discoveries.

What is the cat talking about?

When talking, cats make many different sounds. How should one understand each of them? Take, for example, purring. It has a low pitch, like a murmur; the sounds seem to roll over, accompanied by a pleasant vibration.

If the cat purrs, it means that she is content, happy and calm. Usually fluffy beauties make such sounds when they climb into the arms of their beloved owner or find a cozy place where they relax after the “works of the righteous”. An alert, tense, preoccupied or hungry cat will never purr.

If an animal growls or, moreover, hisses, it is “translated” from its language as follows: something is very strongly disliked. Such sounds are a manifestation of aggression. The cat is clearly going to defend its interests, and is extremely determined. This happens when a stranger invaded his territory, a dog or another sworn enemy appeared “on the horizon”. Or just a stubborn one does not want to fulfill the requirements of the owner.

Clicking teeth in the language of cats is a slightly different sign. Although he doesn't say anything good either. Most likely, the cat is very upset with something, annoyed. Often a cat clatters its teeth if its hunt is not successful, and the appetizing mouse “slipped out of its paws”.

Eyes, mustache, ears

A sensitive and observant owner understands his pet, as they say, without words. For example, in the eyes. The owner knows that if the cat looks straight, and there is calmness in her eyes, then she is in a positive mood, and her intentions are quite friendly. Sometimes cats do not take their eyes off the object, literally drilling it with them.

In the language of cats, this is a warning about readiness for an attack. This is how two competing males look at each other, for example. Eyes - in the eyes, hair on end, tail pipe. A game of "knockout": whoever gets distracted first, he "flew".

Dilated pupils in cat language indicate that the animal is frightened and ready to flee. Or that the animal is in pain, it is insecure about something. If the cat sits in front of the door with its eyes raised to the "sky", this should be understood as a desire to enter.

An animal looking at the floor knows or feels that there is someone behind the door. Half-closed eyes in the "translation" from the language of a cat mean relaxation, peace. Wide open in the tongue of a cat is a burning interest in what is happening around. The animal gives separate signs with its ears. If they:

  • move - the cat listens to the conversation, she is alert, wants to understand what is happening;
  • pressed and laid back - in the language of fluffy, this means that he is in a playful state;
  • pressed and lowered on the sides - the cat is aggressive or very scared;
  • very tightly pressed (while the cat sprawled on the floor) - a sign of complete obedience.

The cat also has such an important thing as a mustache. There are about 12 on each side. They are also related to the language of the animal. If the whiskers are pointing forward, the cat is experiencing keen curiosity or threatening someone; and if back, he was very frightened and ready to retreat, or asks to be left alone.


Everyone knows that the tail is the main way dogs express emotions. However, not only them. To understand the language of a cat, it is also necessary to look closely at the tail. With his help, the pet will very eloquently tell about his intentions, mood, etc. For example:

  • If a cat wags the tip of its tail, it is either very interested in something, or something is getting on its nerves. Sometimes similar movements in the animal's tongue can also mean that he had a bout of depression.
  • If the beauty swings her tail sharply, like a sword (up and down), then she is very worried, literally does not find a place for herself.
  • A rolling tail is also a sign of anxiety, but of a slightly different kind. Thus, the cat warns the enemy about its readiness for an attack from his side.
  • A tail with a pipe in the language of cats means that the animal is surprised or has a fighting spirit.
  • A “drooping” tail is a sign of fatigue, fear, depression.
  • Waving his tail from left to right and vice versa, the cat communicates in his own language that he wants to be alone, to relax, to relax in peace and quiet.
  • A calmly lying tail with a barely noticeable twitch of the tip speaks of concentration and interest.

Watching the “fifth limb” of a cat, you can learn a lot of useful information. True, this does not apply to owners of tailless breeds. However, they should not be upset - after all, the language of cats has other means of expression.

Head, paws, body

To convey important information to others, cats use literally everything! No part of the body is left behind. Take, for example, the head. If a cat butts it, poking at a person’s legs, it means that it attracts attention. In the same case, when two animals touch their foreheads, you can be one hundred percent sure - there is friendship and complete mutual understanding between them.

The body, turned sideways to another animal or person, in the language of cats means readiness for attack or defense. This posture can often be seen in a female who defends her babies.

If the cat moves its paws, as if trampling, it means that it is happy with everything and absolutely happy. This gesture is born in childhood. Kittens, sipping their mother's milk, seem to massage her stomach with their paws. In their language, it means boundless love, gratitude and bliss.

Some actions of a cat

To better understand the cat, you should be able to "translate" and some of its actions. For example, the usual licking is not always a hygienic procedure. In some cases, the cat, starting to work with the tongue, shows that she is embarrassed, upset, excited.

Most often, an animal behaves in this way after being scolded for pranks. If a cat quickly licks its lips and nose, it is extremely uncomfortable for her. If she began to “process” the language of another animal or human hands, it means that she loves and cares.

Too long licking yourself beloved often means boredom, which "attacked" the fluffy beauty. Often, cats rub against the legs of their owners, and sometimes - strangers. Thus, animals mark "their" person, claim rights to him. Well, or ask for something to eat.

Do cats understand people?

Scientists have long proven that cats understand human language. This is evidenced by many examples from practice. Of course, they do not begin to understand human speech immediately after birth. However, cats that live side by side with a person for a long time sooner or later learn the words and phrases that are used most often. At the same time, they are also able to execute commands.

Of course, cats are much less trainable than dogs. This is due to their independence and stubbornness. As for the mind, memory and ingenuity, here cats are an order of magnitude higher than dogs. If desired, they can work real miracles and surprise others with impeccably accurate execution of commands.

Just to cause such a desire for a pet is not easy. You will have to show maximum patience, sensitivity and gentle perseverance. The cat must fully trust its owner, love and respect him, understand that he does not wish her harm. Otherwise, she will never obey. Still, we are talking about the one that "walks by itself."

In the App Store, I sometimes come across programs that I characterize for myself as "Cool bullshit." The practical use of them is almost zero, but poking around in them is much more interesting than in dozens of clones of office applications and various players. Take, for example, the program "", which turns the iPad into a scale for weighing jewelry. Or here is today's hero of the review - the program "", which, according to the assurances of the developers, invites us to talk to the cat in its language and even "performs audio analysis of voice input (seriously!) And produces carefully distorted "meows" in accordance with your voice." Naturally, I could not help but try this miracle of human thought, especially since, like any self-respecting programmer (according to statistics), this mustachioed-tailed animal constantly asking for food has long been registered in my house.

At the end of the review is video with cat, be sure to check it out.

Reviews for the program in the App Store, as always, were completely contradictory. Some users shouted that the program sucks. Others said that everything works and their kote just goes crazy. There were also completely “unique” reviews.

In short, according to the reviews, there are solid misunderstandings and here you need to check everything yourself. Of course, all these translations are, in my opinion, the kind of nonsense. Cats do not have their own language, as such, and the same meow is, for example, like our cry. In addition, cats not only meow when they want to “say” something. They also purr or hiss. Or they can just ruffle the wool and stand upright. I think no one will come close to a person in a combat stance, because this way you can rake. So it is here, and without myawa it is clear that it is not worth approaching.

Therefore, in the program "Translator to Cats" the cries of different cats are simply recorded, to which other cats pay attention simply because they are other cats. And not at all because insults are shouted at them there :) Although, which is strange. During testing, my kote licked himself very thoughtfully. And some, especially (in my opinion) terrible cries did not react in any way. But for a couple - he immediately raised his head. For example, to a scream from the second icon on the right in the topmost row (where a jumping cat is drawn).

And a little later, when I tried to “talk” with him again, he was lying on the couch and didn’t even move his ears anymore. Adapted :)

So the program is like that, half an hour to indulge. Moreover, it contains not only recordings of cat screams, but also some conversion of your words into mur meow. You press record, say something into the microphone, and the translator translates. True, this is all somehow doubtful, since he voiced the same word to me differently every time. Well, it's fun though. The son, in general, was delighted and would have screwed up the poor cat if I had not saved him.

Ever wanted to learn cat language? If you have had such thoughts, then we suggest you download the “Cat Translator” to your computer. This entertainment program will allow you to translate any phrase into a language accessible to cats. The program database contains the most common sounds of kittens and cats, into which the words that you pronounce are translated. However, before doing this, make sure that your microphone is turned on.

Application features and capabilities

After you say the phrase, the application will process them and bring them closer to the sound of a cat. Of course, it is not a fact that the animal will understand you, but the phrase will look funny. So many people prefer to use this program as a means of entertainment. However, those who have already tried the “Cat Translator” on a PC and demonstrated its results to their pets note that they react to the words they hear, resulting in a dialogue consisting of meowing, purring and other sounds that our smaller brothers extract.

However, we still remind you that you should not take this application seriously, which is still an entertainment program. After all, it is known that the language in which cats communicate with people is intended specifically for people. When communicating with their own kind, they use other signals. Yes, and many pets even understand human language much better than various meow simulators.

Attention! Developers warn! The simulator is a joke, a joke! The program was created to amuse friends and play with pets!

How to run the Cat Translator on a PC or laptop

First of all, you will need to install an emulator that will allow you to not only run this program on your computer, but also other applications designed for smartphones and tablets. In order for the emulator to allow you to use all the built-in applications, do not forget to make sure that there are ticks everywhere. Sometimes, after installing the program, you may need to restart your computer. Run it, launch the emulator and use your Google account to log in to the Play Market. There, find the line with the magnifying glass image and enter the name of the application you need there. Then it remains only to click on "Install" and wait for the download to complete.

Conclusion: why you should download the game application to your computer

A fun application will let you know how our speech would sound if the vocal cords had the same capabilities as our smaller brothers. It's worth running "Cat Translator" on PC to entertain yourself and your friends, and maybe your pet will join in your fun.

The cat is an amazing creature of nature. No animal is so expressive in the manifestation of feelings as this beast. A cat conveys all its emotions, attitudes through facial expressions, body movements, sounds, and smells.

These fluffy purrs can convey information in a variety of ways: with the help of ears, tail, or other gestures and sounds. Now let's talk about what are the habits of a domestic cat. If you are the owner of a furry pet, then you probably noticed something interesting behind him. Therefore, we will consider how to learn

Sound communication

This type of communication can be attributed, for example, to the fact that the pet welcomes its owner, begs for food, or expresses protest. The language of cats is an amazing lexicon. In each case, the purr makes the corresponding sounds, which differ in tone, strength or timbre. Note that the state of pain, aggression and fear is accompanied by lower sounds, and complacency and satisfaction are accompanied by high sounds.

If you know a little the language of cats, then you can understand their psychology. For example, purring means that the pet is not aggressive. With such a trill, cat mothers call kittens. These animals also purr when the owner returns home.

A rumbling is a warning sound to those around you. Low is a sign that the cat is ready to defend itself. Snorting and hitting the ground with a paw is a signal to fight with a more serious enemy.

Another interesting sign that a cat gives is the clattering of its teeth. Such a signal can be seen when she sees prey.

Meowing is a conversation. while the cat uses very rarely when he wants to go out or eat.

Communication with facial expressions

How to understand the language of cats? Simple, if you know her facial expressions. The entire arsenal of cat gestures is innate. The half-closed eyes of a cat are relaxation and peace. Wide eyes indicate concern.

If the environment frightens the cat. A look at point-blank range is a challenge, the same means if she looks to the side, then this is how she shows submission.


Ears are another communication tool of this animal. Pressed down symbolizes fear, lowered by the gods - an aggressive mood, and facing the rook forward - relaxation. Nervous twitching of the ears is a sign of insecurity or irritation.

cat's mouth

If it is closed or slightly ajar, then this is a sign of bliss. An open mouth with teeth raised in a grin means that the cat wants to bite.

"Smirk" or "Flemin's smile" is a sign of interest in smell. A yawn is complete relaxation. A sign of confusion is a quick lick of the lips.


A sniffed cat shows submissive behavior. When an animal touches noses, it means that they are friendly to each other. The cat rubs its head against your leg - it shows a sense of affection. If she butts, that is, rubs her forehead against the forehead of a person or a cat, then know that this is some element of intimate affection, not everyone is honored with this.


Another tool for communication is paws. If the cat is irritated or worried, then it inflicts a sharp blow with its front paw. When the pet touches the face of the owner, then she expresses her request, for example, to let him under the covers. Paw-switching in time with the purr is an expression of satisfaction.

Communication with body movements

Now let's look at their meaning. The tail is especially expressive. If it is raised up, then the animal is friendly. Remember how kittens have tails. Of course, upwards, because they only get to know the world, they are interested in everything new. If the cat is frightened, then its tail is between its paws. Fluffy is a symbol of an aggressive attitude.

In dominant cats, the tail is held high, while in subordinate cats it is lowered. If the pet knocks them on the floor, then she is angry. When the tail moves quickly from side to side, this is a sign of pronounced aggression. A slight waving of the tip of the tail means that the cat is relaxed.


Now you are a little familiar with what a cat language is, we will present its translator below, but for now we will consider the poses. They are all different, depending on who they are addressed to.

The distance when the cat feels safe next to the enemy is called the "flight distance". First, she scares her enemy so that he does not cross this line. If the enemy animal crosses this line, then the cat flees.

Threatening posture: the back is practically not hunched, the coat does not bristle, only slightly fluffy on the tail and withers. At this moment, the animal looks into the eyes of the enemy and howls. In this position, they remain motionless for a surprisingly long time, thus the cat tries to suppress the morale of the enemy. Tail blows to the gods are a sign that a fight could start at any moment. This is followed by a blow to the nose with a paw. The one who attacks tries to strike at the back of the enemy's head. If he succeeds, the enemy is captured.

Now let's talk about how these animals express complacency and satisfaction. Cats lying on their sides or on their backs are in a state of peace and tranquility. Another confirmation of complacency - the paws are spread out to the sides, and the pads are compressed and unclenched, the eyes, as a rule, are half-closed at this moment.

Interestingly, the cat shows indecision. This condition is always accompanied by licking. The more decisive movements of the tongue, the more difficult the task at this time the pet solves. Licking is a kind of sedative that removes nascent irritability.

Cat language: translator

If a cat stretches its paw to your face, then it asks for affection and attention.

Fear is indicated by wide-open pupils.

When a cat stomps its paws, slightly releasing its claws, it means that it is very pleased, adores you, wants to please you.

When a cat squints, it demonstrates calmness and peacefulness.

Pet quickly licks lips and nose? She is confused.

It beats with its tail - it means that it is angry or it hunts.

Large eyes and pupils indicate that they are angry or playing.

A tail with a pipe is a sign of joy, a kind of greeting.

If she wiggles the tip of her tail, it means that she is interested in something.

The cat stares at you - this is a challenge (usually to play catch-up).

Rapid licking of the front paw is a sign of excitement.

A tail frozen at the bottom testifies to disgust or disappointment.

The fact that a cat rubs its head against a person speaks of love, devotion and a thirst for affection.

Strong swings of the tail in different directions are a sign of irritation, small waving indicates curiosity and excitement.

If the ears are pressed to the head, then the pet is preparing for an attack. If at this time the cat makes circles with its tail, it means that it is annoyed.

The fact that the pet is interested in something or is ready for action is indicated by the fact that the mustache is directed forward.

A sign of curiosity - ears upright.

If the cat looked around, and then began to carefully lick, then this indicates complete or feigned (during the game) calmness.

The tail is raised vertically, the tip is relaxed - a sign of joyful excitement.

If the cat is pressed to the floor, then it is either hiding or preparing to attack.

The fact that the pet rubs against its legs means that it marks you. The purr has scent glands on its muzzle. All her relatives should smell "their" smell.

The meow of a cat is a greeting or a request.

This behavior of the cat speaks of a warning: the eyes are large, the ears are back.

If a cat scratches loudly with its claws, then she wants to be paid attention to.

Mustache down? This means that the pet is preoccupied with something, sad or sick.

Does the cat lift its tail and turn its back to the owner's face? Know that this is a gesture of greeting between cats (the dominant sniffs first). Also, such behavior is a sign of respect and trust.

Calmness is evidenced by the purring of a cat.

Rumbling speaks of discontent.

If you heard a short cry, then the cat was afraid of something.

Intermittent meowing is a response to human appeal.

Is the cat rolling on the floor? Know: this is how she demonstrates her attractiveness.

Howling indicates that the cat is angry.

Fully extended paws indicate self-confidence, and bent, on the contrary, about uncertainty and timidity.

Hissing is a sign of readiness to fight, a kind of warning to your opponent.

A muffled purr that ends with a displeased purr is a sign that patience has run out.

Pressed mustaches collected in bunches speak of anxiety and anxiety.

If the cat arches its back, grumbles, then know that it frightens its opponent in this way, and also shows irritation and readiness for defense.

The restrained rumbling of a nursing pet is a warning to babies from possible danger. If the rumbling ends with a raised tone, then this is how she warns people or other creatures not to approach the kittens.

When a cat is relaxed and calm, its whiskers are lowered to the sides of the muzzle.

If an animal runs away from you at a fast pace, pulling its head in, then it means that it has done something bad.

When a cat hides its head in a corner, this is how it hides.

Displeased purring is a sign that something is bothering the pet.

Is the cat sitting with its paws crossed, turning its tail around? Know that she's just watching.

If the pet dances, tearing off the front paws from the floor, then know that she is greeting someone she loves.


And the last: how to learn cat language? Just remember what is written in our article, and you will communicate with fluffy purrs very simply. We hope that now you understand what it is, the language of cats.

We have described this topic in detail so that in the future you would not have any questions, and communication with your pet would be simple and understandable! If you suddenly forget the cat language, the translator that we compiled above will definitely help you! Good luck!

If you understand how your pet is trying to communicate with you and how cats perceive people, you will be able to understand each other better.


Learn to understand cat gestures

    Watch the animal's tail. Like dogs, cats convey information through movements and specific tail positions. Understanding these movements and positions, combined with the sounds, will help you figure out what your pet is asking for.

    • A straight tail with a slight curve at the end is a sign of joy.
    • Sharp movements of the tail from side to side - the cat is happy or worried.
    • The hair on the tail stood on end - the cat is in an excited emotional state or is afraid of something.
    • The tail is shaking - the cat is very happy to see you or is in an excited emotional state.
    • The hair on the tail sticks out to the sides, and the tail itself forms the letter N - this is a sign of aggression; often it appears during a fight or when the cat is trying to defend itself.
    • The hair on the tail stands on end, but the tail itself is lowered down - the cat is aggressive or scared.
    • The tail is tucked up - the cat is scared.
  1. Look into your pet's eyes. This will allow you to get closer to the cat and understand how he feels. Keep in mind that staring without blinking can be regarded by the cat as aggression, which will make the cat uncomfortable.

  2. Pay attention to other gestures. Since cats express emotions through gestures more often than humans, some gestures are accompanied by sounds that reinforce the message.

    • If the cat lifts its nose and throws its head back slightly, it says: "I see you." Cats often follow this look of people who pass by the windows.
    • The cat may press its ears to the head if it is afraid, anxious or wants to play. This also happens when a cat sniffs something that interests him.
    • If the cat slightly sticks out his tongue and licks his lower lip, he is worried or anxious.
  3. Look at the behavior of the animal. Often conclusions about the emotions of cats can be drawn from their behavior in human society. Some actions mean the same thing in almost all cats.

    • If a cat rubs against you, he is marking you as his territory.
    • If a cat nuzzles you with a wet nose, he is expressing his affection. This is a sign that the cat likes you and is comfortable in your presence.
    • When a cat rubs its head, side, and tail against a person or animal, it greets.
    • If the cat lightly butts your head, this should be considered a sign of friendliness and sympathy.
    • Cats sniff a person's face and recognize him by smell.
    • Cats often shift from paw to paw when they feel good or when they want to play. This is also a sign that the cat knows you and trusts you.
    • If a cat licks you, take it as a clear sign of trust. A cat may consider you part of their feline family - for example, cat moms often lick their kittens.
    • If the cat is trying to eat your hair, he most likely wants to wash you. This means that he loves you and trusts you.
    • To demonstrate their love, some cats begin to repeat the actions of a person. Try lying on the floor and pretending to be dead. The cat will most likely sniff you, touch you with its paw, and then lie down next to you.
    • If the cat bites you lightly, this should be regarded as a request to leave him alone.
  4. Observe the conditions under which the cat meows. If you pay attention to what a cat does when it meows, you can understand what sounds are responsible for requests (or protests). Different cats may have different sounds, but some sounds mean the same thing for all cats - for example, rumbling or hissing.

    • With a short sound, a cat usually greets a person or announces itself.
    • A prolonged meow indicates that the cat is very happy to see you. This often happens if a person is absent from home for a long time.
    • A medium-pitched meow may be a request (for food or water, for example).
    • A long "mrrrrmyayayay" is a more insistent request or demand.
    • A low "mrrrrrrmyayayau" is a complaint, dissatisfaction, or preparation for a fight.
    • A loud and rather low sound often indicates an urgent requirement (for example, food).
  5. A high vibrating sound often indicates emotional arousal, anxiety or annoyance.
  6. A cross between a meow and a rising purr, this is a friendly greeting that mother cats often use to call their kittens.
  7. A sharp squeal is a sign of sudden pain (when, for example, you step on a cat's tail).
  • If a cat goes to the toilet in a conspicuous place or marks objects, this is most often an attempt by the animal to mark its territory, which can be encroached upon by another cat or other pet. It can also be a sign of urinary tract disease, bladder infection, or other health problems. If you experience this problem, your cat may need to be treated or separated from other animals. Check with your veterinarian.
  • When picking up a cat, do not squeeze it too hard - the cat may take this as a sign of aggression and scratch or bite you.
  • To prevent behavioral problems and unwanted kittens, spay or neuter your pet as soon as the cat or cat reaches the appropriate age. Males should be neutered before puberty so they don't get used to marking their territory.