Frozen pregnancy causes in the early stages. Symptoms of fetal freezing. Frozen pregnancy - medical measures

A frozen pregnancy is a condition of the fetus in which its development stops. Pathology is diagnosed quite often, and most of all - in the early stages and in women over forty years old. Of course, in addition to age, there are many more reasons why a missed pregnancy occurs. They can be associated both with external influences on the woman's body, and with problems with her health.

Causes and risk factors for missed pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy at an early stage occurs for a number of reasons. Most often they are related to the health of the mother, but they can also be exogenous. Among the reasons that provoke a halt in fetal development, we list the following:

  • the use of alcohol and nicotine, which negatively affects the body of a woman planning to have a baby;
  • taking certain medications that can adversely affect the reproductive system;
  • transferred infectious diseases, especially if they proceeded in a severe form;
  • diabetes;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • hormonal problems;
  • an autoimmune attack, when the mother's body rejects its own cells;
  • work in production with the influence of harmful factors;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome, as a result of which placental vessels suffer;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • stress;
  • hereditary factor (several missed pregnancies in the family);
  • chromosomal abnormalities in the genetic material of the mother or father.

In addition to the immediate causes leading to a missed pregnancy, there are a number of factors that can provoke this pathology of fetal development. These factors include:

  • mother's age over 35;
  • previous multiple abortions;
  • previously diagnosed ectopic pregnancy;
  • anomalies in the development of the genital organs.

According to doctors, in most cases, pregnancy stops developing at the eighth week - this is the first alarming milestone that mother and child need to survive. During this period, the child is most affected by teratogenic causes, leading to a stop in his development. Also no less restless are the periods from the third to the fourth week and from the eighth to the eleventh.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy

Signs of a missed pregnancy appear immediately after the fetal development stops. Since this sign is not one, then in general a woman may not be able to distinguish from the whole complex of symptoms exactly those that indicate the fading of pregnancy at an early stage. Over time, the signs grow more and more, they begin to disturb the woman, and she goes to the doctor. It would seem that with the fading of pregnancy in the first trimester, a woman should stop the symptoms that she will soon become a mother. However, this is not the case, therefore, at first, a woman may not even suspect that the fetus does not develop in her womb.

The reason for such a protracted period is the hormonal background, because all hormones cannot reach the “pre-pregnant” norm overnight. It is because of their high concentration that a woman continues to experience deceptive signs that a new life is developing in her body. In potentially dangerous periods, it is worth paying attention to the following symptoms of fetal freezing, which may signal intrauterine death:

These are the main symptoms of fetal developmental arrest in early pregnancy. At a later date, a woman may feel a cessation of the increase in the size of the abdomen, a stop in the movements of the fetus, but this does not manifest itself in the early stages.
Therefore, for a clear diagnosis of the health of the fetus in the first trimester, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct additional studies:

  • A blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the most revealing analysis that illustrates the development of pregnancy. When pregnancy fades, gonadotropin levels will either be low or freeze at the mark when the fetus died.
  • Ultrasound examination helps to diagnose a missed pregnancy at various times, including in the earliest period.

Recovery after a frozen pregnancy

The most favorable outcome of the development of events during a missed pregnancy is the independent expulsion of a deceased fetus from the body. Since it is not always possible to determine a missed pregnancy in the early stages, women only experience non-standard menstruation and do not even suspect that they could be pregnant, and fetal development has stopped.

In this case, the exfoliation of the fetal egg occurs painlessly, and it comes out like normal menstruation. For some time, highlighting of a smearing nature may persist, and next month the critical days will again start off schedule. As a rule, already from the third month everything is normal. Three months from the moment of expulsion of the fetus is the minimum period for the restoration of the female body in the event that the fetus froze in the early stages and no complications appeared.

If it is established that the pregnancy has stopped for up to eight weeks (at this time the woman may already know that she is pregnant), then in this case a medical abortion is performed - after taking the pills, menstruation begins, which helps the dead fetal egg come out. After a medical abortion, doctors carefully monitor that the uterine cavity is completely cleared. In the early stages, as a rule, this does not cause problems.

If an ultrasound examination confirms the presence of endometrial residues, which can provoke a suppurative process, then such an endometrium is removed by scraping. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. In the same way, a frozen fetus older than 8 weeks is also removed, since the tablets do not cope with the task. Cleaning the uterine cavity is an absolutely necessary procedure for a missed pregnancy to maintain the health of the mother and further gestation. After recovering from cleansing, a woman can try to become pregnant again.

Doctors advise not to plan a pregnancy before six months. When scraping, the endometrium is seriously damaged, so it will not be able to ensure the onset of pregnancy. And only after six months the uterus becomes able to bear a healthy baby. Recovery time is very important for a woman so as not to face problems with bearing a baby again. During this period, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics, vitamins, special drugs to improve blood circulation.

Physiotherapy procedures will help to avoid adhesions and the inflammatory process. A few days after scraping, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs to normalize the cycle, and will recommend oral contraceptives for the first time. When planning the next pregnancy, doctors take into account the fact that there were previously problems with bearing the fetus. A woman is given a full range of tests to identify the cause of the pathology and prevent it. It is quite possible to avoid a frozen pregnancy if:

  • fully recover from the first failure;
  • take hormonal drugs to support the development of the fetus in the early stages;
  • provide the expectant mother with complete peace, lack of stress;
  • conduct an examination of the pope for possible pathologies.

With proper pregnancy planning, timely consultation with a gynecologist and a positive attitude, pregnancy will definitely occur, and a woman will be able to give birth to a healthy child.


There are many pathologies that affect the female body during gestation. Among them, quite often there is a frozen pregnancy, when the development of the fetus stops and it dies. This condition can occur for many reasons and under the influence of various negative factors.

What is a frozen pregnancy

In the case of a non-developing or missed pregnancy, the growth and development of the fetus suddenly stops, which leads to its death. This phenomenon is not accompanied by symptoms of spontaneous abortion, and the embryo does not leave the uterine cavity. This pathology is also known as a missed miscarriage. Most often, the fading of pregnancy occurs in the first trimester. Of particular danger are the periods of 3-4, 8-10 and 16-18 weeks.

The appearance of a failed miscarriage and other types of spontaneous abortion belongs to the category of miscarriage. A similar condition is defined as habitual if abortions have occurred two or more times.

The emergence and development of a missed pregnancy occurs in a certain order. First, the egg is fertilized, then it is transported to the uterus, implanted and develops over a period of time. Then, the development of the embryo suddenly stops. One of the reasons for this condition is considered to be an empty fetal egg, in which the development of the fetal membranes and the synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin occur. In this case, there is no embryo, although the pregnancy test gives positive results. Sometimes this syndrome occurs due to chromosomal abnormalities.

The culprit of a missed pregnancy is often not only a woman, but also a man. Therefore, both partners are recommended to undergo a full examination and switch to a healthy lifestyle even at the stage of pregnancy planning. According to medical statistics, this pathology occurs in 15-20% of cases of the total number of pregnancies.

Signs of a missed pregnancy

The symptoms of this pathology are quite pronounced, and make it easy to make an accurate diagnosis. First of all, there is a complete disappearance of signs of pregnancy. However, you should refrain from self-diagnosis and do not panic. In case of doubt, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. At an early stage, it is possible to determine the pathology only by ultrasound.

In the early stages, the main signs of pathology are:

  • The disappearance of toxicosis. If a woman has severe toxicosis, then its absence immediately becomes a cause for concern. After feeling unwell, suddenly everything returns to normal, although in terms of timing, this should not be.
  • The pain in the mammary glands passes, the breasts become softer. As a rule, this condition occurs after the death of the fetus for 3-5 days. Women immediately pay attention to such a discrepancy.
  • The presence of bloody discharge is a clear sign of a miscarriage. They appear about a few weeks after fetal death occurs. In some cases, a slight brown discharge may appear, which then quickly disappears. Many women believe that the situation has returned to normal, but by this time the development of the fetus has already stopped.
  • Symptoms of toxicosis may appear, manifested in the form of a headache, fever, mild nausea and weakness. In some women, they are observed even after 3-4 weeks after the pregnancy fades. This is due to the ingestion of the decay products of the embryo into the blood.
  • The final diagnosis is established by the gynecologist after examination and detection of the absence of a heartbeat in the fetus, the size of the uterus that does not correspond to the given period, and a decrease in the level of hCG in the woman's blood.

Causes of missed pregnancy

Until now, gynecologists have not exactly established why the fetus freezes in certain situations. In the first weeks, at a very early stage, the embryo stops developing and dies under the influence of severe malformations incompatible with life. In 70% of fading cases, the influence of genetic disorders is noted.

If the fetus dies after the 14th week, this may be the result of infectious and viral diseases in the early stages of pregnancy. In some cases, fetal death occurs due to an abdominal injury received by the mother from a blow or fall. There are situations when fading occurs for no apparent reason, with a normally developing pregnancy. Sometimes this condition can occur several times in a row. In any case, you need to visit a gynecologist and find out the reasons for what happened.

In many cases, the cessation of fetal development occurs under the influence of negative factors. First of all, this is smoking when planning a pregnancy, alcohol and drugs used by a woman at an early stage of pregnancy. A negative effect is exerted by infections in the form of herpes, rubella, cytomegalovirus and others, as well as sexual infections represented by gonorrhea, syphilis or trichomoniasis.

The development of pregnancy may stop due to serious diseases of the endocrine system, for example, the presence of diabetes in the mother. A negative role is played by the Rh conflict between the mother and the fetus, when pregnancy is perceived by the female body as an alien condition that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. In addition, early weight lifting, exposure to constant stress, multiple previous abortions, and congenital abnormal development of the uterus are considered risk factors.

At what time does a frozen pregnancy occur

Fading of pregnancy, most often, occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, but this phenomenon also occurs at a later date. This pathology can manifest itself at any age, but, as a rule, it affects women over forty years old. Anembryony is considered one of the forms of fading, when after fertilization the development of the embryo does not occur, although its amniotic membranes are formed.

The risk of pregnancy fading increases, and the fetus becomes most vulnerable at 3,4,8,9,11,16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. Especially dangerous is the period of the 8th week, during which the vital organs are laid. Thus, the greatest danger is the 1st trimester, through the 8th week inclusive, during which undeveloped pregnancies leave 70%. The timing of the appearance of a missed pregnancy is most closely related to the causes of its occurrence.


The basis for the diagnosis of this pathology are certain deviations, identified during the examination by a gynecologist. As a rule, the size of the uterus remains unchanged and does not increase. There is a discrepancy between the level of beta-hCG for a specific gestational age. This indicator does not double within 72 hours, which is also a noticeable deviation. The most accurate diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound.

Among the main criteria by which the diagnosis is established:

The last two symptoms are determined using transvaginal ultrasound. In addition, diagnostic measures involve genetic analysis of parents prone to recurrent miscarriage. Anticardiolipin antibodies, antilupus antibodies and anticoagulant to antibeta 2 and glycoprotein 1 are determined. The level of thyroid-stimulating hormone is checked, ovarian reserve is established using measurements of the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, carried out on the third day of the cycle.

Structural abnormalities of the uterus are diagnosed by hysterosalpingography or sonohysterography. There are other methods to complete the picture and establish the final diagnosis.

Pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

After a woman has suffered a fetal fading, subsequent attempts to become pregnant are fraught with certain difficulties. Before planning a new pregnancy, it is necessary to withstand the period, usually at least a year. The fact is that when extracting a dead fetus, scraping was performed, which violated the normal state of the tissues. Therefore, the gynecologist can give permission for a new pregnancy only after an examination, during which the condition of the uterine cavity and cervix is ​​assessed, the degree of their recovery after the intervention. A new pregnancy must be planned and prepared to avoid re-fading.

Planned activities include a histological examination of the fetus and chromosome analysis, a gynecological ultrasound and blood tests. Often, pregnancy fading occurs under the influence of genital infections, so a course of antibiotic therapy may be prescribed before conception. If sexually transmitted diseases are detected, the partner also undergoes treatment.

If there were as many as two fading of the fetus, then the subsequent pregnancy should be planned with great care. In this case, the list of studies and analyzes is greatly expanded. First of all, a general blood test and a clinical urinalysis are given. A hormonal and immunological study is being carried out. Antibodies against protozoa and viruses are determined, bacteriological culture is prescribed. Diagnostics of genital infections and characteristics of blood clotting are performed. Both partners are recommended to take vitamin complexes and preparations containing folic acid. This tool prevents the occurrence of intrauterine pathologies that adversely affect the viability of the fetus.

What to do with a frozen pregnancy

As a rule, a missed pregnancy ends in a spontaneous miscarriage that occurs within 14 days after the cessation of fetal development. The reason is a reduced level of placental hormones. But, if the fetus continues to remain in the womb, it is urgent to terminate the pregnancy by medical means. Otherwise, tissue necrosis occurs, the products of which cause inflammation and subsequent intoxication of the body.

The drug method is used in early pregnancy, up to 8 weeks. For this purpose, a progesterone antagonist pill is prescribed. In addition, vaginal administration of a prostaglandin E1 analogue is carried out. After some time, the action of these drugs leads to a miscarriage.

At a later stage, pregnancy is interrupted by surgery, by the method of curettage of the uterine cavity. This operation is performed under general anesthesia. In the case of a negative Rh factor, the woman is prescribed an anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin after the procedure. Tissues obtained by scraping are sent for histological examination. In some cases, antibiotics and drugs to reduce the uterus are prescribed. After 1-2 weeks, the condition of the uterus is assessed using ultrasound control.


Every woman after an interrupted pregnancy thinks about the possible consequences, difficulties and problems. Most of them believe that this unsuccessful attempt will adversely affect the ability to become pregnant again. According to experts, fetal fading very rarely leads to. These cases are considered isolated, due to untimely and improper treatment.

Nevertheless, pathology has its negative impact on women's health, primarily on the mental and emotional state. In addition, the physical state is also disturbed in a certain way. All the consequences largely depend on how the frozen pregnancy was eliminated.

Often the pathological condition is eliminated without cleaning. The main condition for this is timely treatment, depending on the duration of pregnancy. At the earliest stage, standby monitoring is carried out. In this case, the body itself must cope with the frozen fetus and bring it out. This path is considered the easiest for a woman.

If the period is long enough, but does not exceed 8 weeks, the removal of the embryo is practiced using a special medication. Such a decision can lead to severe hormonal disruptions and disruption of the menstrual cycle. This is due to a sharp drop in hormone levels during an abortion. There are other side effects, so medical abortion is not recommended for all women.

Timely medical care is of great importance. Finding dead tissues in the uterine cavity can lead to numerous complications and severe intoxication of the body. Uterine bleeding may open, infectious inflammation and sepsis develop, reproductive functions are disturbed.

The consequences of curettage are much more serious and dangerous. The membranes may not be completely removed from the uterine cavity. The operation often causes bleeding. As a result of infection, inflammatory processes develop. Taking antibiotics prescribed after curettage leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora. Scars form on the surface of the uterus, which may make it difficult to attach the ovum in the future.


With the final diagnosis of fetal fading, it is required to get rid of the pregnancy as soon as possible. As already noted, in the early stages, the termination of a missed pregnancy occurs by medical abortion with the use of special drugs. The release of the uterus from the dead embryo occurs in the same way as in a normal pregnancy. After about two weeks, a control ultrasound is done, which determines the condition of the uterus and the possible presence of remnants of the fetal egg. In addition to the main treatment, antibiotic therapy is often prescribed.

In the later stages, the frozen fetus is removed by scraping. During the operation, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used. In the postoperative period, mandatory antibiotic therapy is carried out. After the operation, blood discharge is observed, which lasts for several days.

After the uterus is released from the remnants of the endometrium, its mucous membrane is gradually restored. In case of heavy bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. After discharge from the hospital, it takes several days to restore good health. Treatment after curettage is carried out on an individual basis. At the same time, an examination is carried out to identify the causes of the pathology. If the examination revealed a disease that caused the death of the fetus, it must be treated.

How to avoid pregnancy fading in the future

Every woman who has undergone this pathology thinks about how to avoid this in the future. When diagnosed with a frozen pregnancy, doctors recommend undergoing an examination on an individual basis, even at the stage of planning a new conception. In this case, the personal characteristics of the female body and the medical history should be taken into account.

Conducting a comprehensive examination reduces the risk of recurrence of pathology and increases the chances of a happy motherhood.

In obstetric practice, the problem of miscarriage (fading) of pregnancy is relevant for the reason that there are more and more cases of this pathology every year. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of complications, various procedures are performed.

A stop in the development of the embryo occurs at different gestation periods:

  • 70% of fading is fixed at the time of early embryogenesis (up to 12 weeks);
  • the remaining 30% of cases are diagnosed at a later date (12-26 weeks).

Common infectious diseases of the mother (rubella, malaria, toxoplasmosis, influenza) are a provoking risk factor for fading at any time. The percentage of intrauterine fetal mortality is 95%.

Dangerous timing

Embryogenesis, or the period of embryonic development of the fetus in the uterine cavity, at different stages is associated with the peculiarities of the development of one or another system of the child.

Concentrating forces on the process of gestation, the body weakens the protective functions of the uterus. At such times, there is the greatest risk of fading.

Dangerous periods for fetal development by week:

  • 7-12;
  • 16-19;
  • 24-26.

At this time, especially important functions and systems of the growing body of the baby are laid and developed. If negative factors interfere with the process, then development becomes impossible, the fetus freezes.

You should not be afraid of these periods, but be more attentive to your health.

Early symptoms

Diagnosis of non-developing gestation in the early stages is difficult. This is due to the following factors:

  • the woman is unaware of her position;
  • there is no obvious clinic;
  • there are no complaints.

Early dates - the period of embryo development up to 10 weeks according to obstetric calculations. In the presence of an irregular menstrual cycle, early fertilization cannot be determined.

Risk of miscarriage by week

Functional diagnostics of pathology in case of suspected abnormal development of the process begins even at the time of planning.

It is important to establish, exclude or confirm all existing risks of developing pathologies, chromosomal abnormalities and genetic damage. If these factors are not identified in time, there is a risk of fetal fading.

Diagnosis of pregnancy pathologies was not carried out until the 19th century. Women who were exposed to complications at the time of gestation, in 85% of cases, died at the time of pregnancy or childbirth. Today, diagnostics allows you to identify violations even at an early stage.

Symptoms by week

Symptoms of abnormal fetal development differ in intensity, nature and timing. In the later weeks, the following manifestations are pronounced:

  • opening of the cervix;
  • bleeding in any amount;
  • soreness;
  • cramping pain;
  • outpouring of water.

In the early stages, the symptoms are less pronounced, manifested in the form of a decrease in symptoms:

  • lack of vomiting, nausea, heartburn;
  • reduction of soreness and swelling of the breast.

Until what week can freeze

Fading is the cessation of fetal development at its various stages of formation. However, for such a manifestation, frames up to 26 weeks are considered characteristic.

Cases of fetal freezing after this time are associated with the formation of a blood clot in the umbilical cord or exposure to infections.

With a missed pregnancy, for a period of more than 18 weeks, obstetricians recommend stimulating labor in order to avoid complications.

Statistics by week

Statistical data differ depending on the specific region, material security of the population. Thus, cases of late missed pregnancy in third world countries are 12-18% higher than in developing and developed countries. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization in Russia and the countries of central and western Europe:

  • 70% of pathologies occur in the first trimester;
  • 25% in the second;
  • 5% in the third.

Freezing in the first trimester

Determining the frozen pathological development of the fetus in the first two to three months is difficult due to its size.

Diagnostics and specialized analyzes help to establish a complication in time only if a study and a comprehensive study of clinical indications in the anamnesis are carried out.

3-5 weeks

The third or fifth obstetric week is a delay of 5-10 days. It is possible to detect pregnancy at such a time only if the woman planned to conceive. Otherwise, there is a fading of development, usually accompanied by vaginal discharge, a woman thinks about a late menstrual cycle.

6-7 weeks

With a delay of a month, a woman can already independently determine the pathological development and course of a previously established pregnancy:

  • there is a release of brown or red color;
  • chest pain is not observed;
  • nausea and heartburn are not fixed.
  • As a rule, pain, spasmodic manifestations are absent.

8-9 weeks

To reduce nausea and soreness, which were recorded earlier, drawing pains in the lower back, lower back, and abdomen join.

The basal temperature is also normal, as before fertilization. However, such an indicator can only be said if the woman kept a monitoring diary.

10-12 weeks

The third month is the result of the chromosomal viability of the fetus. Normally, there are no complications. In the presence of anomalies or an incomplete chromosome set, formation stops, which is accompanied by painful bleeding, swelling of the lower extremities, and fatigue due to hormonal imbalance.

The first trimester is a dangerous period if there is a bad heredity of miscarriage in the family. With repeated abnormal development of the embryo, a woman is placed in a high-risk group.

Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester

A woman's body usually recognizes fetal chromosomal abnormalities before the start of the second trimester.

In this case, a natural arbitrary abortion works. When the fetus freezes in the second trimester, doctors consider:

  • risk factors that led to the late anomaly;
  • the reasons why the body did not recognize the anomaly in the first trimester.

Anomalies of the uterus, which could provoke fading, are difficult to diagnose during the period of bearing a baby. 4-11% of cases remain without identified pathogenesis.

Frozen pregnancy at 13-14 weeks

At the beginning of the second trimester, when gestation fades, the following symptoms are observed:

  • bloody issues;
  • spasms of the uterus;
  • lower back pain;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased appetite.

At 15-16 weeks

The formation of the circulatory system of the fetus leads to the fact that the blood supply to the uterus also increases.

When the fetus freezes at this stage, spotting is noted, which is accompanied by painful sensations, with a change in the hormonal background in the mother. Palpation of the abdomen also causes pain, the temperature rises.

At 17-19 weeks

The lack of progesterone in the mother provokes insufficient nutrition of the fetus inside the uterus. During this period, the pregnant woman feels the movements of the fetus, with abnormal development, the tremors stop.

If the placenta is attached to the front of the uterus, a woman may not feel tremors even with repeated pregnancies until the 21st week. You should not worry prematurely, you need to go to the hospital, and if you suspect a missed pregnancy, it is better to be hospitalized and conduct cardiological monitoring.

Frozen pregnancy at 20-23 weeks

At the end of the second-beginning of the third trimester, the absence of fetal movements for more than two days is considered an alarming symptom. Pain and discharge are usually absent. There is a rejection of the fetus against the background of intoxication of the mother's body. This condition is deadly.

Pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy - stress for a woman. But even after such a tragedy, the desire to become a mother does not disappear for many, and therefore the question arises about the possibility of such an event in the future.

Obstetricians recommend starting planning a new pregnancy no earlier than a year later, but if an artificial birth was performed, the period can be reduced to six months. At the same time, an important condition is the passage of a complete examination of the body and finding out the causes of fading.

A missed pregnancy is not carrying a fetus while it is still in the womb. During a frozen pregnancy, the fetus, at a certain stage, simply stops developing, and it dies.

The most common cases of missed pregnancy occur in the first trimester, and only occasionally in the second and third trimester. A woman may not even notice a stop in the development of the fetus. Therefore, today, in this article, we will dwell in detail on the first signs of such a pregnancy and how it manifests itself.

Why a missed pregnancy occurs: uterine defects, fibroids, endometriosis, various kinds of hormonal disruptions, an unhealthy lifestyle, and even age.

Causes of missed pregnancy

Fetal fading is one of the serious and unpleasant topics for conversation, but, nevertheless, requires discussion. This can happen to anyone, it is very difficult to explain why the development of a child in the womb is stopped, and few people delve into these issues. In order to determine the cause of the fading, it is necessary to conduct a series of analyzes, but since this does not change the outcome of the situation, such analyzes are rarely resorted to.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, and the child has really stopped its development, first of all, the woman needs to take care of maintaining her own psychological health. It is very difficult to transfer such a thing, especially without any reasons and explanations from doctors. Try to surround yourself with people close and dear to you, enlisting their support. Most importantly - do not give up on yourself - the fading of pregnancy will not prevent you from bearing a healthy and strong child in the future.

How do doctors motivate the fading of pregnancy? The most common and logical explanation for this phenomenon is natural selection. If a child develops with pathologies, his development simply stops.

You need to pay attention to the fact that if miscarriage occurs not for the first time, this is a serious reason for worry. After the second premature termination of pregnancy, the couple will need to consult a specialist without fail. Subsequent pregnancy will have to take place under the supervision of doctors, and possibly in a hospital. There are several factors that must be considered in order to avoid miscarriage.

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy

Each trimester is characterized by certain changes in a woman's body, which can be either obvious or not noticeable. But sometimes it happens that certain circumstances can lead to a missed pregnancy. But doctors easily know how to determine such a pregnancy, since such a pathology has characteristic signs.

The most noticeable symptom and the most obvious is that the signs of pregnancy disappear in a woman. But do not wind yourself up too much, doctors recommend, if any disturbing signs are found, consult a gynecologist. And then, according to the results of ultrasound and examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis for you.

Symptoms of an early missed pregnancy

The beginning of pregnancy occurs as usual, without any changes. When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, it slowly descends through the fallopian tubes into the uterus, where it implants against its walls and begins to divide. All the signs of a normal pregnancy are present in a woman - nausea, vomiting, lack of menstruation and hardened breasts.

The fetus stops its vital activity imperceptibly. But the sooner you detect pregnancy, possible pathologies and changes, the more chances you have to keep the pregnancy.

With a frozen pregnancy, a woman’s toxicosis abruptly disappears, abdominal pain, but milk still flows incessantly, which is why her breasts keep growing.

Although not all girls can feel these signs. Since many women do not feel any discomfort during pregnancy, and therefore, when the fetus dies, she may not notice it.

Sometimes women who have a highly developed intuition can also feel a missed pregnancy.

When the second half of pregnancy comes, the expectant mother can feel the fetus moving. And if the stirring stops, it is worth sounding the alarm.

Well, a dangerous and alarming sign is the appearance of blood discharge and abdominal cramps.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

The gynecologist can see the primary signs of a missed pregnancy already during a general examination of the body, according to the results of an ultrasound scan and a blood test.
  • Women's breasts stop hurting, the pain in the mammary glands will no longer be noticeable, she no longer experiences her swelling and heaviness. Instead, the mammary glands are soft, the nipples are not sensitive. This happens on the third or sixth day, each woman differently, after the fetus has died. This sign is quite tangible, and every woman can notice it.
  • No toxicosis. This is another tangible sign, when after some time of everyday nausea and gag reflexes, this symptom simply stops bothering the expectant mother, toxicosis can stop abruptly, changes in appetite can end as abruptly as they began
  • Sudden discharge with blood. This is a characteristic sign of an impending miscarriage, and as a rule, during such discharge, the fetus is no longer alive.
  • Headache. Nausea, dizziness, headache, slight fever. These signs are felt by girls only three weeks after the death of the fetus. The reason for this is that the decay products of the embryo enter the woman's bloodstream, and they cause a general feeling of malaise.
  • Decreased basal body temperature. By measuring body temperature before and during the first trimester, the woman noticed that the temperature does not fall below thirty-seven degrees. When, in turn, during a frozen pregnancy, it begins to decline sharply.
  • During the examination, the gynecologist notices that the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age women. Although during a frozen pregnancy, the uterus can grow as usual, due to the fact that the membranes of the fetal egg increase. And this suggests that one examination is not enough, therefore a secondary one is carried out, and special attention is paid to painful sensations and spasms.
  • When is an ultrasound performed?, determine a missed pregnancy if the fetus has no heartbeat, and in terms of time its size differs significantly from what it should already be by this time. It is an ultrasound without error that will show whether everything is in order with the fetus.
  • You can still determine such a pregnancy by donating blood to the hCG hormone, which initially decreases, and then completely stops being released.
If you turn late, then the woman usually already complains of headache, chills, muscle pain. In this case, the woman is hospitalized, because this is the advanced stage of a missed pregnancy.

But still, only a doctor can make a diagnosis of “frozen pregnancy”, so you should not wind yourself up and worry once again.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the later stages

  • The mammary glands are already much smaller, there is no more tension in them, and they have become softer.
  • The fetus no longer moves. Already at the eighteenth week, a woman feels weak tremors of the fetus in her stomach. Gynecologists recommend observing during this period the frequency of their movements. The norm is about ten pushes a day. And if for several days you did not notice any movements, you should consult a doctor.
  • The fetal heartbeat is not audible. This can be determined both with the help of ultrasound and by the gynecologist himself, but only at the twentieth week, with the help of a stethoscope. at
  • an ultrasound examination is performed, during which the size of the uterus, the gestational age, the fetal heartbeat and the presence of the fetus in the uterus are determined;
  • examination by a gynecologist on a chair;
  • and screening for the hormone chorionic gonadotropin, which decreases in miscarriage.

How long can you get pregnant after a missed pregnancy

To eliminate the risk of a missed pregnancy, doctors recommend eating right, taking vitamins, etc. If you have already had such a pregnancy, then when asked how long it takes to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, the next attempt to make it is recommended no earlier than six months later.

Full examination:

  • testing for infections;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • definition of hormonal failures;
  • detection of autoantibodies in a woman's body;
  • detection of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

What to do if a frozen pregnancy

The fading of pregnancy is regarded by doctors as a failed miscarriage. Most often, when the diagnosis is accurately established, the gynecologist prefers to wait, because the body itself can reject the frozen fetus. If this does not happen, surgical intervention is necessary.

If a miscarriage did occur, after that it is imperative to consult a doctor, undergo additional examinations, ultrasound diagnostics, because the remains of the placenta or fetus can cause serious inflammation in the future.

How to deal with depression after a missed pregnancy

If you are faced with a frozen pregnancy, in no case do not blame yourself for this. Try not to dwell on the problem, but decide how to prevent it in the future. Do not withdraw into yourself, if necessary, seek help from a psychologist.

Rid yourself of fears and fears, believe that you will succeed. The experience of previous mothers shows that such situations are far from the end of your happy life. It all depends on your attitude to the problem and the desire to change something. Do not despair!

Even if the consequences of a missed pregnancy do not pose any potential threat to a subsequent pregnancy, doctors advise to delay the subsequent conception. Miscarriage is a great stress for the body, entailing hormonal changes. Therefore, a woman needs a complete physical and psychological recovery before she is ready to conceive.

During this time, it will be good to undergo a complete diagnosis, take tests to determine the level of hormones and the state of the thyroid gland. All existing chronic and acute infectious diseases are best treated in advance. Pay attention to your lifestyle: stop smoking and drinking alcohol, spend more time outdoors, adjust your diet. And this applies not only to the future mother, but also to the future father.

And summing up, we can say that there is hardly a doctor who will tell you a 100% way to determine a missed pregnancy at home. Therefore, if you find one of the above signs, contact a gynecologist for your own peace of mind.

Didn't even hear. And not because it didn't exist. Just earlier, any arbitrary termination of pregnancy, regardless of the causes, was called a miscarriage. Today, thanks to technological progress, with the help of ultrasound and other examinations, doctors can make a diagnosis that no one even suspected a few decades ago. Frozen pregnancy - the same case.

According to some reports, in our time, about 40% of pregnant women make such a diagnosis. Their pregnancy ends already, which provokes just a frozen pregnancy. It occurs when the fetus stops developing. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different - ranging from the bad habits of future parents and ending with chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Most often, a frozen pregnancy is caused by various infections that a pregnant woman accidentally picked up (rubella, chickenpox) and hormonal disorders in the body.

Well, if a frozen pregnancy ends in itself with a miscarriage. This usually happens very early in pregnancy. Otherwise, the consequences for a woman can be extremely unpleasant. After all, the frozen fetus begins to collapse, causing inflammation in the uterine cavity. Therefore, when a missed pregnancy is diagnosed, a medical termination of pregnancy is clearly indicated by scraping the uterine cavity or taking drugs, after which a miscarriage occurs (if the gestational age does not exceed 8 weeks).

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to identify the symptoms of a missed pregnancy as early as possible. But is it possible? Signs of a missed pregnancy can be both pronounced and hidden. The surest way to avoid an undesirable outcome is regular examination by specialists and respect for your health.

What are the symptoms of a missed pregnancy?

You are well aware of: and vomiting (toxicosis), swelling of the mammary glands, high basal temperature, and so on. All these symptoms occur due to the adaptation of the woman's body to a foreign body (fetus). And if this fruit stops developing, then, logically, everything should fall into place. However, most often this does not happen. Pregnancy freezes, and its symptoms continue. And only later is their abrupt cessation observed. It happens that a woman clearly feels the sudden termination of pregnancy. This should alert her and become a reason for going to the doctor.

  • Allocations. If a missed pregnancy occurred already in the first three weeks after conception, then, most likely, meager periods will appear on time, but their duration will be much longer than usual. with established pregnancy should always be the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Even if it's a small drop of blood, don't risk it. It is usually not a frozen pregnancy that causes bleeding, but the threat of its interruption. That is, the embryo continues to develop, and the uterus is trying in every possible way to get rid of it. It happens that a frozen pregnancy is combined with a miscarriage. In this case, spotting is sure to appear.
  • Pain. Most often, pulling pains in the lower abdomen indicate an incipient miscarriage, but they are not typical for a missed pregnancy. Only in the later stages of fading can pains resembling menstrual pain appear.
  • Breast. The most striking symptom of pregnancy is pain and swelling of the mammary glands. With a frozen pregnancy, these symptoms stop abruptly.
  • Toxicosis. If you were very tormented by nausea and vomiting in the first trimester and suddenly they stop abruptly, consult a doctor, especially if the gestational age does not exceed 10 weeks.
  • basal temperature. With a frozen pregnancy, it returns to the same marks as in the usual "non-pregnant" state. However, this is not the main symptom of pathology.

You should be more attentive to yourself if a similar situation has happened before. The threat of repeated missed pregnancy is quite common.

The most dangerous is a frozen pregnancy in the later stages. It has not only negative physiological consequences, but also psychological ones. Symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester can be both obvious and hidden.

  • Stomach. With a frozen pregnancy, it stops growing. The uterus does not increase in size.
  • Movement. The most obvious sign of a missed pregnancy is the cessation of fetal movements. A few days of “silence” in the stomach is an extremely dangerous situation.
  • Body temperature. If the fetus died a long time ago, and the woman does not suspect it, then serious changes occur in her body. An infection develops in the uterus, which causes a sharp increase in body temperature.
  • Bleeding. At any stage of pregnancy, any discharge should be a reason to see a doctor. With a frozen pregnancy, discharge may not be observed.

However, in no case can you make a self-diagnosis. Even if all the symptoms are the same - it still does not mean anything. Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis by conducting a lot of different examinations.

  • Gynecological examination. By palpation, a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the expected gestational age is detected. However, this method helps to detect missed pregnancy only in the second and third trimester. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the size of the uterus is not so different from the "non-pregnant" size.
  • Chorionic gonadotropin. A blood test for hCG levels is mandatory if a miscarriage is suspected. In this case, its performance first stops at a certain level, and then decreases.
  • ultrasound. With the help of this examination, a frozen pregnancy can be diagnosed at different times. The absence of a heartbeat in the fetus, the cessation of the growth of the embryo or its absence in the fetal egg are all clear signs of a missed pregnancy.

However, the doctor can establish the final diagnosis only by comparing all the results obtained. Before the verdict, and even after it, try not to panic. It's easy to say, but of course there's nothing worse for a mother than the loss of her baby. However, remember that after a frozen pregnancy, you have every chance of bearing a healthy baby.

Take care of yourself!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy