Green color in clothes. With what it is combined, to what it suits, to whom it suits, what to wear. Photo. Appearance color types

Helpful Hints

Once you learn to distinguish the color palette, you can easily create your own wardrobe, where each piece, combined with each other, will make your own style unique.

Knowing which colors suit you and which ones are best avoided in clothing will come in handy. So you will begin to replenish your wardrobe with new things and always look irresistible and chic.

What colors say about a person

Method 1: Learn what colors convey

In the modern world, especially when it comes to work, the color of clothes you choose carries a certain message about what kind of person you are, what kind of character you are.

1. Wear dark colors to convey power and strength. Dark shades include black and navy blue. Try wearing blue in a shade that matches the color of the veins on your wrist.

Pastel colors in clothes

2. Wear pastel colors in your clothes to appear friendlier and more relaxed. Bed tones include light green and lavender shades.

3. Mix colors to get creative. Make sure you pair colors that match and complement each other as well as red and purple, for example.

Red color in clothes

4. Wear red, which will emphasize the individual traits of your character. Red color, depending on the shade, carries a certain message.

Burgundy red conveys sophistication. Blue-red color indicates assertiveness. Orange-red is suitable for lively and mobile natures.

Pink color in clothes

5. Wear pink to show that your heart is open. People who choose pink in clothes, regardless of gender, are open and able to love other people.

White color in clothes

6. Choose white to symbolize a new beginning. It means purity and gives the impression of a fresh, bright and new look. White, beige, and brown shades that are close to skin tone (but don't blend in) look fantastic.

7. Wear yellow to reflect warmth and optimism. This color has certain healing properties, as we associate with the sun, the main source of positivity, optimism and light.

Orange color in clothes

8. Choose orange for high energy display. This color is very bold, it makes you feel more relaxed and sets you in a playful way. Orange is also the color of vibrant sexual energy.

Type of appearance by season

Method 2: determine your type of appearance according to the season

Appearance type: winter

1. Wear clothing designed for a "winter" look if you are a brunette. Winter type girls tend to be brunettes with pale or olive skin. They are suitable for deep and rich shades.

Appearance type: spring

2. Prefer spring-type clothes if you are the owner of pale skin. Spring girls have fair skin, gray or blue eyes, and soft blonde hair. Light colors in clothes suit a spring woman.

Appearance type: summer

3. Wear clothes designed for the summer type if you have blonde hair. Women of this type are in general similar to the "spring". They also have light-colored hair and pale skin. If you are of the “summer” type, pay attention to more subdued discreet shades.

Appearance type: autumn

4. If you have a ruddy skin tone, choose clothes for the "autumn" type. The autumn type of appearance, as a rule, is characterized by red, dark or brown hair and a blush on the skin. They will suit orange, brown, green or olive colors in clothes.

Method 3: Choose a color based on hair and eye color

What colors suit blondes

1. Blond hair, blue eyes. Choose blue, blue-green, menthol and turquoise shades.

2. Blond hair and green eyes. Green, orange and blue colors will perfectly emphasize your appearance.

3. Blond hair and brown eyes. For this type of appearance, the following colors will be ideal: brown, lilac, red, pink and orange.

4. Blond hair, gray eyes. Any color will suit you, except for pale yellow.

What colors go to brown-haired women

5. Brown hair and blue eyes. The ideal colors for you are red, orange, pink and yellow.

6. Brown hair and green eyes. Complete the color palette from the previous paragraph with green shades.

7. Brown hair and brown eyes. Choose earthy and dark shades. A light blue color will also suit you.

8. Brown hair and gray eyes. Any shades of blue, red, black and gray will suit you.

What colors go red

9. Red hair, blue or gray eyes. Light orange, red, black and green colors will be ideal for you.

10. Red hair, green or brown eyes. Choose any shade of red, dark or light green. Dark and earthy palettes will also work well for you, which will emphasize your personality.

What colors suit brunettes

11. Dark hair. Any color and shade will suit you. You don't have to be afraid to experiment.

In Feng Shui, each color has its own meaning. Choosing one or another color in clothes, you attract what is characteristic of the energy of this color. It turns out that with the help of some flowers you can attract good luck and cheer up. What colors in Feng Shui clothes are favorable, and which ones attract troubles and problems?

Blue color in clothes

This color will put you in a business mood. Going to an important meeting, interview, exam? Then the blue gamma will help you. This color, according to the art of Feng Shui, gives rationalism, focuses attention on the right things and gives self-confidence. People dressed in blue are perceived as decisive, intelligent and reasonable.

Green color

Green color symbolizes harmony and tranquility. It is also the color of life and optimism. Wearing green clothes, you are charged with positive energy and good mood. Wearing green is recommended for impulsive, melancholic and irritable people. This color will help them pacify negative emotions.


Black is the color of longing and sadness. This color attracts failure, depression, loneliness and bad mood. It is recommended to wear it only when you feel an excess of energy - it will help maintain balance.

Pink color

This color attracts positive emotions and lightness. If you lack romance and feelings, then wear pink clothes more often, and you will see how troubles will bypass you, and problems will not seem insoluble.


This is the color of confident and harmonious people. If something has gone wrong in your life, or you have gone astray, then wear white clothes for several days - this will help you focus on the most important thing and put your thoughts in order.

red in feng shui

Red color symbolizes energy and passion. If you lack determination, courage and perseverance, then wear red clothes more often. It will give you strength and courage, as well as instill in you a craving for everything new. Want to really feel this life? Then wear red!


This is the color of positivity. If you want to draw attention to yourself, then wear clothes of this color. You will become the soul of the company and the center of everyone's attention. You should not wear orange clothes to important events and negotiations - you can pass for a frivolous person.

According to feng shui, color matters! And if you want to make your life better and happier, then choose your colors of luck! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.09.2014 09:23

Psychic Ilona Novoselova believes that colors can influence the fate of a person. According to her,...

The psychic spoke on her website about the magical properties of clothes. According to her, every thing surrounding ...

June 27, 2012, 13:11

Today's topic of my color cheat sheet will be, according to your numerous requests, color types of appearance and the selection of a color suitable for a particular type. I will say right away that it is quite difficult to attribute oneself to one color type, because in some particular color type there may be signs of another. Therefore, it’s still not worth relying entirely on the color type when choosing clothing colors or makeup shades, this is a cliché, use all the information below as a basis. Each person is undoubtedly a work of art, where nature itself acts as a master, however, many factors can influence the natural skin tone or hair color. The natural color of the skin is determined by the location of blood vessels to the surface of the skin. However, if you sunbathe, then the natural skin tone has changed due to the influence of melanin. This moment can confuse us in determining our own or someone else's color type, as well as the shade of hair that can be dyed any color. Let's proceed to the debriefing and what kind of terrible beast is this - the color type of appearance. Have you ever heard the expression "colorful appearance"? From the word color - color, yes - yes, that's exactly it. Experts distinguish 4 main color types, which are classified by season. Where each pair of seasons is classified into cold (winter, summer) and warm (spring, autumn). Cold shades:
On this basis, the skin is divided into two main groups: one group of people have yellowish, almost golden skin tones and look better in warm colors, while the second group has pale and almost grayish skin tones and looks better when wearing cool colors. 1. Spring type of face: the main component is clear and warm tones 2. Summer type of face: cool, but not clear summer shades 3. Autumn type: radiant and warm shades characteristic of autumn 4. Winter type: contrasting and cold tones characteristic of winters
To attribute the appearance to one of the 4 main color types, you should rely on the 6 main qualities of the character and intensity of the color of your skin or hair, and these are: lightness, depth, purity, muffledness, warmth or coldness.
In this type of people, the skin is transparent, almost pale with a golden or yellow tint. The spring type of skin can be compared with a peach tint, this type often has a problem of reddening of the skin with temperature changes or strong emotionality. Such people are often fair-haired: the hair has a flaxen shade, straw blond, honey blonde, and the shade of the hair tends to fade in the sun. Eye color: blue, blue, green-turquoise, green-gray or golden-brown, but very light. Very dark intense or brown eyes are extremely rare in this type. COLORS FOR SPRING COLOR TYPE:
Spring-type people should wear colors that are bright, clean, and saturated. In mice, “spring” is literally lost, and too dark colors do not suit people of the spring color type, because they are able to absorb all the natural tenderness inherent in people of this color. You really shouldn't wear black at all. The best bright colors for spring are: shades of May green, green apple or linden, warm saturated yellows, colors of peach, apricot, salmon, coral red, creamy white. Best dark colors: bright navy blues, delicate and vibrant purples, warm but not dark chocolate shades. If spring type people want to wear gray shades, then it should be only silver gray colors. If you choose the dominant color: gray-blue shades Bright blue with gray tones is a relatively neutral color that suits spring-type faces. As a base color, delicate blue is suitable because it can be easily combined with many other colors. Approximate combinations with: ocher, white and brown, brown and beige, a combination of three tones of purple, purple and soft pink, lobster red, turquoise and white, grayish silver, royal blue (not dark) and yellow, maybe green and white. Dominant: apricot Only the spring type can afford to wear a pure apricot shade, so you need to use it. If you don't like apricot as your main color, you can wear it as your second color. Possible combinations with: camel color and light brown, bright brown, beige and soft pink, bright and dark purple, gray-blue, royal blue and ocher, pure blue, white, silver gray and green, as well as other shades, characteristic of spring. Dominant: beige (camel hair) If you wear pure camel wool clothes, it will look very boring, although this color suits the spring type very well. So, if you are a spring type, you should have at least a few pieces of clothing in this color. At the same time, this color can be combined with almost all shades that suit the appearance of the spring type. Particularly beautiful color combinations with: gray-blue and purple, bright blue, beige, brown and ocher, yellow, red and white, white and green, green and lobster red, blue and red. SUMMER TYPE OF APPEARANCE:
Summer type of appearance is most common in Europe. The skin tone is pale or bright milky with pale tones, although compared to the spring type, the summer type skin looks lighter and pinker. Summer type hair color: ash blonde, light brown to dark brown hair color. Eye color: gray-blue or bright blue, gray, blue-green, brown-hazel. COLORS FOR SUMMER COLOR TYPE:
Summer type of appearance is not recommended to wear intense bright colors. "Fly" should be worn with dusty shades of flowers, carefully mixed with green, pink or blue colors. It is categorically worth abandoning the colors of salmon, peach or apricot, tomato red or carrot orange. The ideal color for a summer color type: bright pink (in some cases darker, brighter than others, depending on skin tone), raspberry, watermelon red, burgundy, dusty blue, denim blue, turquoise, very delicate yellow lemon (otherwise yellow is not recommended ), white with cool pink or soft grey. Dark colors for summer type: washed navy blue and brown with contrasting pink or gray. Dominant: Dark Blue A dusty blue is the perfect base color for a summer color type. Such blue colors look good in the following combinations: with cool red, green, white and red, gray, hot pink and brown, pink and bluish green, denim blue (indigo), yellow and vanilla, bright blue, dark brown , vanilla yellow. Dominant: Brown Fly to face brown. If you decide to wear brown as your main color, combine them with bright colors, because brown often looks boring. The best combinations of brown with: indigo, blue with bright green and white, dark and bright emerald colors, gray with white and deep red, moth color and pink, lilac and pinkish red, as well as pale yellow and purple. Dominant: Pale Purple Soft and pale purple can be a great base color for a summery look. If you think this color is too light for coats, suits or dresses, then choose at least one of any item of clothing in this color. Of course, do not forget that pale purple should be combined with one or two other colors. Here are some tips on what colors pale purple goes with: lavender, navy blue with bright pink, red with dark brown; pale brown with bright brown and indigo, brown with white wool, silver gray with pale yellow and indigo, dark and bright emerald with matte blue. AUTUMN TYPE OF APPEARANCE:
For the autumn type of appearance, shades of red are typical almost everywhere. The skin is yellowish-golden with a warm tint. Some autumn people have pale and translucent skin, while others have golden beige or peach skin that resembles a spring face type, but the autumn type colors are much more vibrant. In addition, the spring type looks very delicate and fragile compared to the autumn type. Their hair is usually medium to dark blond or brown with a red tint. The eyes are bright blue, steely silver, gray, dark olive, golden brown or intense dark brown. COLORS FOR AUTUMN COLOR TYPE:
Autumn type people should wear warm colors with hints of gold, warm browns, champagne, warm beiges or bright browns. "Autumn" should avoid wearing cool taupe, bright blue-green or pink. Ideal colors for fall type: olive green, bean green, khaki, anthracite, deep teal tones, red-blue tones such as plum or violet blue, all orange, pink, salmon, apricot, poppy red, red tomato color, copper red, mustard yellow, corn yellow with a red tint, dark chocolate. If primary: anthracite (wet gray color) Autumn type people who find dark shades of blue and gray attractive may seem to like anthracite color. If they are owners of reddish hair and green-blue eyes, anthracite will give the impression of sophistication. But such colors should be combined with bright and vibrant colors, for example: the color of freshly squeezed orange juice, brown and peach, brown - red and swamp green, khaki and honey, white wool, cranberry red and brown, brown and bright tomato red , honey and blue-plum, and other bright shades that suit this color type. Dominant: khaki Khaki is a swamp green shade, stuck somewhere between green and brown, about “autumn” people, it surprisingly suits. If you use khaki as the main one, then it will be complemented by: tomato red and honey color, lobster red and white wool color, cranberry red, plum blue and golden yellow, golden yellow and anthracite, brown-red (rusty colors), swamp green and peach, violet blue and red, all red, brown and a shade of white wool. Basic colors: brown - orange (rusty) Rusty color suits almost everyone who belongs to the autumn color type. Rusty brown is best for people with light honey hair, or blonde hair with peach or ivory skin. Rusty brown can be perfectly combined with other colors suitable for autumn people. For example: with plum blue and brown, with violet-blue with rich orange and a shade of white wool, beige with marshy green, dark and bright anthracite (gray) with peach color, spruce green, red, yellow and white wool color, brown and cranberry red. WINTER TYPE OF APPEARANCE:
As the most striking example of a winter color type, Snow White can be cited. Remember the beautiful lady with pale skin, blue-black hair and red lips? So, the contrast is "winter". The winter color type literally screams about the contrast: bright skin, dark hair, intense contrasts between the iris and the white of the eye. Winter people usually have very pale or olive skin. This skin tone sometimes gives the impression that it is transparent. The hair of the winter blue color type is black, black, brown or dark brown. The eyes are often a clear color: ice blue, violet blue, dark blue, gray or very pure green, bright and dark brown. COLORS FOR WINTER COLOR TYPE:
The winter color type, as a rule, prefers contrasting colors in clothes, emphasizing them in every possible way. Ideal colors for "winter": intense ruby ​​red, purple, strong bright pink, cold lilac, deep purple, clear green tones, dark chocolate color, if blue, then only the strongest and deepest blue shades. Pastel colors can also be worn as long as they are crisp and bright. The winter color type should avoid yellowish milky colors. If Dominant Color: Black Black is the perfect base color for the winter color type: people of this type are the only ones who look really good in pure black. In addition, black color enhances the brightness of other colors suitable for people of "winter". Black is combined with: pure and bright pink, yellow, gray and red, yellow and icy pink, lilac with icy purple and yellow, indigo with orange and gray; glass green with blue. Ate, the dominant color: the color of the night is blue Almost black, dark blue is very effectively combined with other colors that suit the winter color type. Dark blue can be combined with: red, white and green, bright pink with spruce green, with classic red and white combinations, dark and bright purple with yellow, pink with very dark brown and silver gray, emerald, silver gray with yellow and cold pink. Primary colors: red Very bright red looks good in combination with dark and bright contrasting colors. Combine with red: green, gray, black and cold blue, bright purple and pink, white, yellow and bright purple, black-silver-gray, blue, blue and cold yellow, brown-black and sandy. EXAMPLE OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF YELLOW TO A CERTAIN COLOR TYPE OF APPEARANCE, BASED ON THE ABOVE.
On the plate you can see how the yellow color is distributed into warm and cold shades, and any other color is also distributed. YELLOW SPRING: YELLOW SUMMER:
I really hope that this material will be clear and useful to you. ps I apologize for the grammatical errors, your guru is a little sick.

The color of the sun, sunflower petals, corn grains, canary plumage - all these are different shades of one of the most positive tones - yellow. This color looks impressive, so it is often used in clothes.

Subconsciously, yellow is associated with the sun, so it has an extremely positive meaning. Admirers of yellow in clothes are usually sociable and cheerful.

The human psyche identifies yellow as a symbol of comfort, hospitality, generosity. Therefore, the subconscious attitude towards people dressed in yellow is usually friendly. Therefore, if you want to make a good impression on someone, you should choose yellow clothes or accessories.

The yellow color is too “energetic”, it tires rather quickly. Especially if bright shades of this color are chosen.

A bit of history

In the ancient world, yellow symbolized divine love and power, and therefore was considered sacred. Clothing of this color was the privilege of the highest classes.

But in the Middle Ages, bright colors, and in particular yellow, were cool, preferring dark tones of clothes. Dull yellow robes were worn by convicts sentenced to be burned at the stake. And only in the late Gothic period did people again begin to dress brightly and in a variety of ways.

Then yellow in clothes was again ostracized; in the 19th century, bright clothes were considered a sign of bad taste. And only towards the end of the century, the yellow color again quickly burst into the world of fashion, this time was even dubbed the “yellow nineties”.

Nowadays, yellow cannot be called an absolute favorite of fashion, however, models of different shades of yellow can often be found in fashion collections.

Who suits?

Yellow, like any other color, has many different shades. Therefore, it cannot be argued that there are people who categorically do not go yellow. Some shades, indeed, may not be suitable, but others can emphasize the natural beauty.

The most versatile shade is considered pale yellow, it suits both fair-haired and brunettes, regardless of eye and skin color. But brighter shades need to be chosen carefully.

Girls related to summer color type, gray-yellow tones are best, as well as yellow with hints of blue. But bright light yellow does not suit them. Of course, it can be used, but only in the form of bright accents, and not as a base color.

girls color type "winter" they may well use things of bright colors - mimosa colors, canary, golden yellow.

representatives spring color type look great in clothes of light shades of yellow (champagne, lemon, ripe corn). But best of all, yellow shades are suitable for girls of the “autumn” color type, this color perfectly sets off their soft beauty. Especially they are mustard and yellow-orange tones.

When composing ensembles in yellow, it should be borne in mind that warm and light shades of color visually add several kilograms. This should be used if the figure is not perfectly proportioned. For example, if the lower part of the body is too heavy, then a light yellow blouse will make the silhouette more harmonious.

It should be borne in mind that bright yellow shades can cause irritation to others. Therefore, not all yellow options are suitable for business images. When choosing clothes for negotiations and other official events, yellow should be used sparingly, only in the form of accessories.

We combine

It is unlikely that anyone will dare to dress from head to toe in yellow. However, this color is perfectly combined with other tones. Here are the best combinations:

  • With black. This is a spectacular combination of two opposite symbols (day-night, cheerfulness-sadness). Both colors can be used as a base. For example, wear a yellow jacket with a black dress. A yellow fabric with a black print, for example, polka dots, looks spectacular.

  • With blue. This is a classic combination, but only if a rich or dark shade of blue is chosen. The set looks spectacular, in which a dark blue bottom (skirt or trousers) and a bright yellow top (blouse or shirt). Balance the combination of an element of a neutral color, for example, a beige jacket.

  • With white. Versatile duo. White smooths out some of the "assertiveness" of yellow. This combination is especially often used in summer looks.

  • with brown. With dark and light shades of brown, lemon shades of yellow look especially advantageous.

  • With gray. The ideal combination can be obtained if you use dark and bright shades of gray, ash gray and mousey with yellow do not mix well.

  • With red. Red in combination with yellow can only be used as an accent, for example, in the form of a neckerchief or shoes. If there is too much red, then the image will turn out to be too bright, “clownish”.

  • with purple. Such a duet is suitable for creating festive images.

  • With orange. A bold and very summery combination. It is better to combine bright shades of orange with muted yellow or vice versa.

  • With blue. This is a natural combination, which is especially in demand in beach fashion.

  • with green. Another option for a natural combination of colors. Yellow looks especially beautiful in combination with emerald and olive.

fashion images

Using yellow things, you can create a wide variety of clothing ensembles.

Everyday looks

Yellow casual wear is mainly represented by summer models. Light yellow dresses and sundresses should be complemented with bright sandals and silk scarves.

For autumn looks, it is better to choose clothes in yellow-orange and mustard colors. A dress of this tone can be combined with dark tights and shoes, with a gray or olive cardigan.

Yellow shorts look stylish, you can pick up a bright blouse or a lace top for them. Yellow summer skirts also look beautiful.

A thing that can spice up almost any casual wardrobe is a yellow jacket. It can be worn with a dress, skirt or trousers. Wearing such a jacket is recommended for ensembles of restrained colors.

Evening looks

A yellow evening dress will make you the star of any event. Depending on the shade and cut of the dress, you can create both a romantic and emphasized sexy look.

The styles of yellow evening dresses can be very diverse. Dresses of golden hues are especially popular. The dress made of yellow lace looks spectacular.

You can complement a bright yellow outfit with black or red shoes. If the shade of the dress is light, then it is better to use white or beige accessories.

Only yellow

Today, images are very popular in which all the details of the toilet are of the same color, but in different shades. A single-color ensemble in yellow is the choice of the bold and daring. So, for example, mustard-colored trousers can be combined with a light yellow shirt. Complement the ensemble of corn-colored sandals and a golden handbag.

You can also create a monochrome look for the cool season. The coat in this ensemble should be a dark detail, so it can have a mustard hue. To him, you can wear a light lemon dress and white and yellow shoes.

Makeup and jewelry

The brighter the shade of the chosen outfit, the more time you need to devote to makeup. It is important that the face does not look pale against the background of bright clothes, but also does not look vulgarly painted.

Yellow color emphasizes all the imperfections of the skin, so special attention will have to be paid to the complexion. To create a daytime make-up, beige tones of shadows, brown mascara and eyeliner are used. For evening makeup, you can use bright or golden shadows, but it is important to overdo it with glitter.

Jewelry for a yellow dress can be chosen from white metal, pearls, natural stones.

Choice of stars

Cheerful yellow is perfect for formal occasions. Bright dresses in sunny or golden hues look great against the backdrop of the red carpet, so many celebrities choose these shades for their dresses. At various times, such famous style icons as Angelina Jolie, Shakira, Anne Hathaway and others appeared in public in yellow outfits.

You have probably come across a situation more than once when one shade of lipstick suits you incredibly and makes your face shine, and the other one seems to make your face look tired and sick? Obviously, the first shade suits you, but the second does not. You have probably already heard, and I constantly write about it, that the choice of shade in clothes and cosmetics depends on what undertone your skin has - warm or cold? They already write about color types everywhere and everywhere, but, you see, it is still difficult to understand all this confusion with shades, and it is even difficult to believe that such a variety of faces and shades of skin and hair is divided into several types!

Skin tone is the color of the surface of the skin, which we can quite easily describe (porcelain, ivory, light, medium, tan, etc.). Skin undertone is the shade that is under the surface. It turns out that even having the same skin tone with someone, the shade as a whole can differ, precisely because of the difference in undertones, so skin tones are divided into: cold (pink, red or bluish undertone), warm (yellow, peach, golden undertone ) and neutral (a mixture of warm and cold undertones).

There must be an understanding that a cold undertone is not the privilege of pale blondes. Nicole Kidman's porcelain skin has warm undertones. Yes, and tanned and dark-skinned - this is not always a warm color type. Dark-skinned model Alek Vek, who has skin with a cold undertone, is proof of this. Therefore, the type of appearance does not depend on skin color at all.

Well, now that the understanding of the difference between skin tone and its undertone has come to us completely, it is time to understand how to correctly determine your color type. I will share with you some tips. to help you make this task easier.

Pay attention to the veins

Turn down the sleeves and look at the veins on the inside of the wrist. Are they blue or green? If they are blue, lilac, lilac - most likely you have a cold skin tone. And if the veins look greenish, then you are a warm color type. Of course, the veins are not actually green, you just see them through the skin with a yellow undertone (blue+yellow=green).

The old jewelery trick

Pay attention to which metal - gold or silver - looks better on your skin (not which jewelry you like, but which makes your skin seem to glow and gives freshness). It is logical that "cold" girls shine in silver and platinum jewelry, while "warm" ladies become prettier by trying on gold.

Neutral test

Pay attention to which of the neutral shades suit you best. Do your skin, eyes, and face look better with bright whites and blacks, or do you look better with ivory, softer whites, browns, or sand? The first option means that you have a cold color type, and the last one that is warm.

Hair and eye color

Your natural hair and eye color can help you "recognize" your color type. Usually (though not always, as I'll write about below), "cold" people have blue, gray, or green eyes and blonde, brown, or black hair with blue, silver, purple, or ashy undertones. Conversely, "warm" color types usually have brown, amber, or hazel eyes and blonde, red, brown, and black hair. Hair, in this case, usually has a golden, red, orange or yellow undertone.

sun effects

When you're in the sun, does your skin turn golden brown, or does it turn pink first? If you belong to the first category, you are a "warm" color type, since the "cold" skin type tends to burn out in the sun (light-skinned "cold" girls simply burn out in the sun, while "cold" girls with medium skin tones burn out first , but still then they get a tan. Personally, I am one of those - I burn out instantly, but after the first "pancakes lumpy" I still get a tan).

Compare yourself to celebrities

This is the easiest way to determine your color type in detail, since experimental stylists have already studied the stars up and down, determining their type of appearance. So, for example, celebrities with a cold color type: January Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, Cara Delevingne. Well, with a warm color type: Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, Rachel Bilson, Jennifer Aniston, Beyoncé.

Find the colors that look best on you

You already, I think, have no doubts that certain colors, depending on your color type, will look better on you than others. Girls with warm skin tones will make friends with yellow, orange, brown, yellow-green, beige and warm red shades, while girls with cool skin tones should opt for blue, green, pink, purple, blue-green, fuchsia. and cold shades of red.

In conclusion, I want to add that these rules will help you take only the first steps in understanding the world of colors and color types. In fact, when it comes to the color analysis of a particular person, a lot of details and controversial points can arise, since the types of appearance are not simply divided into "cold and warm", there is also a reasonable gradation according to the seasons "winter, spring, summer, autumn" . However, experts do not stop there, subdividing each color type, depending on the appearance of each person, into “clean” and “mixed”, “bright” and “soft” options.

In general, as you understand, everything can be very complicated and confusing, but at the same time, I personally advise you to take fairly simple solutions- find those shades that really make your skin shine, and make your look bright, healthy, radiant. Even if these shades belong to the palette of the opposite color type, try and look for your own! I also want to advise you to read Katya's interesting post on her blog beauty comes to mind, where she shares her experience of determining her color type with American stylist Linda Tarantino:.