Dating foreign men for marriage. Dating foreigners for serious relationships

Every girl dreams of meeting a loved one and creating a happy family! Sometimes it can be difficult to meet a man for a serious relationship: the modern pace of life, hard work leave less and less time for yourself, for finding your soulmate and for relationships in general. That is why many girls decide to use the services of a dating site and try for.

What attracts girls to men - foreigners?
Sometimes this desire to escape from everyday life: the bright appearance of men - foreigners, another country, a warm climate, other customs and culture - seem tempting when it is raining outside the window and there are sad, self-contained faces on the streets. Often men - foreigners are more open; take seriously their role as husband, father and support of the family; ready to provide for a wife and children; and smile more :-) Communicating on international dating sites and learning more about men - foreigners and life in another country, you can come to the decision to leave and move to another country for permanent residence. Such a decision must be made carefully, not succumbing to a fleeting impulse to drop everything and leave. And if the decision is made, and a serious attitude cannot be broken by visa formalities and distance, then you simply need to visit a dating site with foreigners for a serious relationship.

Why are foreigners looking for girls to create a family from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?
Slavic girls are the personification of natural beauty, the embodiment of the image of a loving wife and a caring mother. These qualities are highly valued.

What are the components of success on a dating site with foreigners for a serious relationship?
1. It is necessary to tell as much as possible about yourself in the questionnaire: about your interests, outlook on life and try to describe the man you would like to meet.
2. Pick up beautiful photos of good quality, which will present your appearance in the most favorable way. As in real life, the rule "meet by clothes" applies. Photos should make a good impression on a man so that he wants to know more about their owner. How to choose photos for a dating site with foreigners, told
3. Be punctual and respond quickly to emails! Having received an answer in a couple of days, a man may already lose interest in dating.
4. Be active! Do not be afraid to write to men first, tell about yourself, be interested in the life of a man, ask him questions. Men - foreigners are sure that girls from Eastern Europe have self-confidence, which allows them, if they like a man, not to hesitate to take the initiative to start dating.

The fernliebe team sincerely wishes you to meet a worthy man and create a strong and happy family!

Want to get married abroad? Find out where and how to meet a foreigner for marriage.

Do you dream of marrying a foreigner? Then there is no need to wait in vain for your overseas prince to ride to you on a white horse, this is not your case. To enter into an international marriage, you need to act actively, thoughtfully and consistently. Look for hints in this article!

Marrying a foreigner: pros and cons

Story No. 1: Natalia, a girl from the provinces, the youngest of 7 children, without education, knowledge of English, at the suggestion of her friend, registered on the website of a free marriage agency. Soon she began to communicate with the Norwegian Frier, we fear her for 20 years. Six months later, she became his wife. A foreign husband does not have a soul in her, does not refuse her anything. Natalia's story is similar to that of Cinderella: now she lives in Vestfold, brings up a common child with Frier, is the owner of a beauty salon and constantly helps her parents, brothers and sisters who have remained at home.

These are the stories, fortunately, true and very common, and are the key to the prosperity of marriage agencies. Marriage with a foreigner really promises many advantages:

  1. Love and respect for a spouse. Marriages with foreigners are arranged, whatever one may say. Both the bride and groom have the opportunity to choose, and are rarely guided solely by the heart. But one cannot deny the fact that love, tenderness, affection, mutual respect for each other cannot arise already in the process of communication. If the groom from abroad made you an offer, is ready to take you to him, most likely, he thought over his decision and considers it the right one. In his homeland, he will look after you, literally blow dust off you, since you are alone in a new, unfamiliar place and need him. If you also love him, you will have the opportunity to spend precious time finally living with him, and not talking on the Internet or on the phone.
  2. Material security. A man in Europe or the USA with an average level of income in our understanding is rich. There is no need to look for a foreign millionaire (although there are many such candidates on dating sites and in marriage agencies) in order to fully eat, dress beautifully, have full medical and social security, allow yourself to relax in exotic countries, etc. You will come to a husband who already has stability. They will provide you with housing, help you find a job if you want.
  3. Completely different culture, different level of communication. You will be lucky if you find yourself in civilized Europe or the USA, where people are treated differently and their rights are respected. You will have the opportunity to observe European life from the inside and adopt it for yourself. You will communicate only when you want, with well-mannered and polite people. You will walk along clean, well-groomed streets and parks where no one litters, walk with dogs with bags and scoops, smoke only in strictly designated areas.
  4. Opportunity to learn a foreign language, get an education. You will quickly learn Polish, English, German, French and even Hungarian while being among native speakers. If you want, you can enter a foreign university and study there for a fee or for free.

Story #2: Larisa is an English teacher. I met Emil from Philadelphia on Facebook. Communication for fun soon grew into something more. For a year, the guy and the girl went to each other, then they decided to get married. Lara's happiness knew no bounds, but the idyll did not last long. Emil lost his job, the family was forced to move from a spacious rented house to a cramped apartment on the outskirts, the car was taken away from the unpaid rent. With her English in the USA, Lara turned out to be useless to anyone, she had to go to work as a cleaner. Emil fell into a depression, took to drink and began to raise his hand to his wife. A year after leaving for a foreign paradise, Lara had to return home.

Many women believe that life abroad, “where we are not”, is a fairy tale, some completely different world in which there are no problems, where prosperity, well-being and a lot of vivid impressions await them. Indeed, someone is lucky, and his expectations are fully justified. But international marriage, moving to another country has many pitfalls. And if you seriously want to marry a foreigner, you better prepare yourself for this right away.

  1. adaptation to each other. Even if you communicated on the Internet every day, often went to visit each other, vacationed together, you cannot be completely sure that you know your foreign husband completely and completely until you start living with him. Already in the process of cohabitation, he can manifest himself from a completely different, not always positive side. It's the same with you. There is a great risk that either you will be disappointed in your husband, or he will be disappointed in you.
  2. The language barrier. If you do not speak the language of the country you are going to move to, at least at an average level, at first it will be very difficult for you. You will experience difficulties in communicating with your husband, his family and environment. In a store or cafe, asking for directions on the street, it will be difficult for you to express yourself. Not only will you experience discomfort, the language barrier threatens to cause misunderstanding between you and the interlocutor.
  3. Difficulties in finding work. You will be lucky if a foreigner will marry you “for beauty”, and you will not have to work a day. But can you stand this lifestyle yourself? Finding work abroad can be difficult. Your education is likely to depreciate due to the fact that you do not know the language well (terminology, regulations, etc.), and the diploma of education is not recognized by your new country of residence. You will have to retrain or go to a job that does not require qualifications, but, accordingly, not a prestigious and poorly paid job.
  4. Distance from family. You will have to literally drop everyone and everything. Perhaps, in the future, you will be able to transport your sister, brother or retired parents to your place. But first you will be on your own, and you will miss your family and your native places.
  5. Loneliness. You are going to your husband, but! In a new place you will not know anyone except him. A husband will not spend 24/7 with you, if only because he needs to work and provide for you. Get ready for the fact that the first time you will spend time alone. The situation will improve when you can overcome the language barrier and get a job.

IMPORTANT: Or maybe, well, these are the pros and cons? Listen better to your heart.

VIDEO: Marry a foreigner. Marriage to a European

Where to meet a foreigner on the Internet for a serious relationship?

IMPORTANT: If you decide to meet foreigners on the Internet for a serious relationship, improve your level of English. Without this, there will be no success.

Thanks to the Internet, every woman has the opportunity to meet a foreigner for a serious relationship and marriage. She can find her chosen one in three most common ways:

  1. Through social networks. Not Russian-speaking, such as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but international ones - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
  2. Through a free dating site.
  3. Through a marriage agency.

You can find your foreign prince via the Internet

The second option attracts attention, if only because of the word “free”. By registering, you will not lose anything, even if nothing comes of the idea of ​​meeting a foreigner for the purpose of marriage. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Choose a free dating site. Google or read what girls write on review sites.
  2. Go to the site and register.
  3. Fill out a profile - add personal data, upload photos. If you have professional photos, great. If not, choose a few pieces in good quality. One portrait, one - where you are in full growth, of course. Don't include a photo of anyone other than yourself, photos that are too old, where you look much younger or not at all. Don't post photos in underwear or a swimsuit. If at some stage of communication there is a need to demonstrate these to your interlocutor, you will send them to him personally.
  4. View profiles of men on the site, select a few and start communication. Yes, yes, to marry a foreigner, you have to take the initiative. Get used to it.

IMPORTANT: You may have a question, what is the "trick" of free dating sites. Did their owners decide to arrange the fate of the girls for free. Here is the whole trick.

  1. As a rule, on such sites you get the opportunity to register for free, view the profiles of men and send them a welcome message or rate (leave an opinion, etc.). To correspond or get his email address, you still have to pay.
  2. There are also sites that are free for women, but paid for men.
  3. There are a lot of ads on free sites.
  4. Another major disadvantage of free dating sites is the sheer number of trolls or frivolous men, as well as instances that seek to have virtual intimate relationships. Get ready for the fact that you will have to go through a couple of these before you start chatting with a really serious man.

Where to find a marriage agency - marry a foreigner?

A marriage agency is the most effective way to meet a man from another country for a serious relationship and creating a family.

A marriage agency, international, paid, will give you much more chances.

  1. Firstly, the groom pays to leave his profile and look through the profiles of candidates suitable for him, often pays for the translation of letters to a girl he likes if she does not speak the language. This is at least some kind of insurance of his intentions. You pay absolutely nothing.
  2. Secondly, the agency will tell you how to fill out the questionnaire correctly, what photos and how many to add. Get ready for the fact that professional pictures will be needed, for which you will pay out of pocket. Agency employees also help you to correspond, draw up documents for visiting him, etc.
  3. Thirdly, your first meeting with the groom may take place in the presence of representatives of the marriage agency or an interpreter provided by the agency. You will feel comfortable and safe.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the agency is interested in marrying you, it will not do all the work for you. Increase your erudition! A real overseas prince is unlikely to bite only on appearance. He should be interested in talking to you.

VIDEO: How to fill out a questionnaire at an international marriage agency?

How to meet a foreigner on Facebook?

Acquaintance with foreign men through social networks can occur in several ways:

  1. You randomly search for pages of men of your age, from the country that interests you. Write to all of them, communicate with those who answer you and believe in your destiny.
  2. You find an interest group, first actively comment on posts there, then start personal correspondence with the male members of the group that you like.
  3. You are joining a community created for international dating.

Facebook community for meeting foreigners.

How to marry a foreigner after 50 years?

Why shouldn't a woman over 50 who is single for some reason try to arrange her own destiny? The children grew up and went on their own swimming. Career is arranged, life is settled. It's time to start looking for a person with whom it will be pleasant to spend the evenings, whom you want to support. And it doesn’t hurt to think about material well-being for the second half of life.

IMPORTANT: If you are over 50, it will be psychologically difficult for you to connect your life with a man. Think well whether you need it, whether you really want it. It may not be superfluous to consult with a specialist.

Have you decided? Take action!

  1. Use the services of a marriage agency. Believe me, in developed countries there are a lot of widowers, divorced men, those who, due to their busy careers, were left without a family, of your age. They, just like you, do not want to be alone, looking for love, affection and understanding.
  2. Choose a man with an age difference of +/- 10 years. If you are 54, you are unlikely to be ready to become a nurse for an 87 old man.
  3. Add current photos. Don't be young. It’s better that fewer men write to you than later, when you meet and discover the real picture, you will be disappointed.
  4. Don't dismiss men just because they don't look perfect. Age takes its toll. This is how, with a belly, gray hair and wrinkles, your husband would look after 50 if you were married. Agree, age in one way or another imprinted on you.

IMPORTANT: Residents of Western Europe and the United States have less prejudices about age marriages. Men and women there create families not only after 50, but also after 80. You have very good chances!

Dating foreigners for the purpose of getting married: reviews

Surely, you have acquaintances or acquaintances of acquaintances who have married abroad and live safely there. If not, read reviews on the Internet about dating sites and dealing with foreign suitors.

Olga L.: I am 43 years old, my personal life did not work out. She got married early, lived with her husband for 4 years, divorced. She did not give birth to children, but she was deeply disappointed in men. My career has become my everything. I realized it when a close friend invited her daughter to the wedding. So sad and lonely. Do not believe it, I saw an advertisement for a marriage agency in the subway, my legs carried it there. I didn't think there would be so many offers. Although my appearance is spectacular, I speak English quite well, but I’m no longer a girl. I talked with several men at once, but with Hans from the German city of Kiel, we immediately developed a strong bond. He is just like me, a lonely careerist who once became disillusioned with women. After a month of correspondence, he came to visit me, after two - I came to him. At our third meeting, he has already arrived with a ring. Now I live in Germany, we have a spacious apartment, a dog. We understand each other not just from a half-word, but by look, gesture. Who would have told me that this is how I would meet my man?

Evgenia: A foreigner wrote on Facebook. The Englishman who serves on the ship is a widower with a 13-year-old daughter. Like, I’m beautiful, I couldn’t pass by. We started to communicate. The very next day I was embarrassed that he did not specifically answer any of my questions, but continued only to sing praises. Purely out of excitement, she continued to communicate with him. It was interesting how it would end. As a result, he told me that his daughter had a birthday, she wanted a gift from me. Since I don’t have time to buy and send it, I have to send him money so that he can buy it himself. Laughed and added to the black list. Beware of scammers!

Feedback from a girl about communicating with a foreigner.

VIDEO: Marry a foreigner. Marriage with an Italian. My history

Dating sites with foreigners are gaining great popularity. It is sad, but modern women pay less and less attention to "domestic" men and more and more to foreign ones. Most likely, the reason lies not even in men, but in the desire to leave their homeland and go to warm Spain or Italy, and the Internet contributes to this to the fullest.

Decided to use the Internet to find your soulmate? Very good. However, first arm yourself with information on this topic.

Marry a foreigner: dating sites

After comparing Internet projects, we identified the three most popular and convenient of them: is a solid, serious and secure resource. Any information about yourself can be sent to the interlocutor only at will; After all, by default, communication is anonymous. To help everyone who wants to find their only one - a convenient system for searching for candidates. Among other things, you can always get reliable and up-to-date information from a psychologist and a lawyer who publish their articles directly on the site. Useful information is the stories of men and women about themselves and curious facts about the experience of online dating.

Legal advice is extremely useful and in demand. The resource was highly appreciated even in the West. A rich choice of candidates, a large number of questionnaires allow, taking into account personal wishes and preferences, as well as the commonality of interests, to give preference to the most attractive foreigner. Even if the knowledge of English is poor and the vocabulary is not large, it is easy to make an acquaintance here - the site has an excellent online translator.

A sincere, kind site, where the only goal is not to find a wife / husband. This is not the purpose of the site. The project, rather, is aimed at interesting communication, which can result in building a serious relationship. Convenient search, ease of navigation, simple site design bring users here.

If you really want to find a mate abroad and, moreover, marry a foreigner, we recommend using the dating sites with foreigners presented by us. Of course, there are other similar projects, but these are the most successful.

Take it, tell your friends!

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Communicating in English is one of the best ways to learn a language and improve your skills. The experience of voice communication and even correspondence is invaluable for those who are going to live and study abroad, as well as take IELTS and TOEFL language exams.

Today, there are many sites that help you find friends abroad, communicate with them and practice your English. Introducing the Top 10 Resources for Communicating with Foreigners…

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This international social network brings together people from all over the world who want to find pen pals. Users from the UK, India, USA, Russia, France, Japan, Korea, Spain, Germany and many other countries are registered here.

You can upload photos and information about yourself to the site, as well as write an ad about who and for what purposes you are looking for. Most of the portal users seek to find people for language practice, but this is not the only purpose of the resource. The social network is betting on the opportunity to find a true friend and soul mate anywhere in the world!

The resource has an official application for Android.

2. Pen4 Pals

The site is designed specifically for language exchange between native speakers of different languages. It is enough to go through a quick registration to get acquainted with a native speaker of a foreign language and start correspondence.

The resource is based on mutually beneficial language exchange. For example, you are learning English and communicating with a native English speaker who is learning Russian. In addition to English, you can learn Italian, French, Spanish and other languages ​​on the site.

For the convenience of users, there is a forum and groups through which it is easy to find new pen pals.

3. Livemocha

The resource provides versatile opportunities - from language lessons of all levels to the search for pen pals. There are many users on the portal who regularly exchange language experiences, check each other's written assignments, text messages and communicate with each other in a convenient chat.

4. Learning Russian with Russians (Facebook)

This is a popular Facebook group. It brings together over 4,000 users from all over the world who want to learn the language by chatting with Russians.

Most of the group members are ready for a language exchange and will be happy to help you learn your native language in exchange for help in learning Russian.

5. Abroad Pal

The site brings together a large number of users who are native speakers of various languages. There are special groups and forums for communication on interests. In addition, you can correspond in private messages and leave comments on the pages of other users.

6 Shared Talk

This is a portal for quickly finding interlocutors and language exchange. Users from various countries are registered here, with whom you can communicate in real time.

The site has not only a convenient text chat, but also a voice chat, communication in which will help you develop your speaking skills in a foreign language.

7. Learning Russian with Russians (Google)

This Google Community is similar to a Facebook group. There are over 3,000 registered users here.

In the group you can meet foreigners who are studying Russian and are ready for a language exchange. The community is useful not only for learning the language, but also for simple communication on interesting topics.

8. Learning Russian with Russians (In contact with)

Another version of the popular language group, which will definitely appeal to adherents and active users of the Vkontakte network.

The group is not that big, there are only about 1,000 members. However, there are many foreigners here who are learning Russian and who want to find pen pals for a language exchange.

9. Inter Pals

Here you can chat in private messages, communicate online and on forums. The site unites more than 11,000 users from 164 countries of the world who are eager to communicate, learn new languages ​​and other cultures.

10. Club of pen pals "Edelweiss"

This portal was created specifically for Russian-English language exchange between native speakers of these languages.

Here you can find pen pals abroad, improve your language skills, gain new experiences and even meet your soul mate! The portal also has a forum for communication and posted a lot of useful articles with tips on how to learn a foreign language.

Country All countries Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antartica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Is. Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azores(Portugal) Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin(Dahomey) Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia(Kampuchea) Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Islands Carriacou Islands Cayman Islands Central African Rep. Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Chad Chile China Christmas Is. (Indian) Christmas Is.(Pacific) Cocos - Keeling Is. Colombia Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (Kinshasa) Cook Islands (Rarotonga) Costa Rica Cote D "Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Czechoslovakia Dahomey Peo. Rep. (Benin) Denmark Djibouti Rep. Dominica Dominican Republic Dubai East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Ellice Is .(Tuvalu) Equatorial Guinea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe (Faeroe) Is. Fiji Islands (Suva) Finland France French Antilles French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territory Futuna and Wallis Is. Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Grenadines/Saint Vincent Guadeloupe Guam Guantanamo Bay USN Guatemala Guinea - Equatorial Guinea People Rep. Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and Mc Donald Is. Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Inmarsat - Atlantic Ocean Inmarsat - Indian Ocean Inmarsat - Pacific Ocean Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kerguelan Archipelago Kiribati Korea, North Korea, South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao(Macau) Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Is. Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mauritius Is. Mayotte (France) Mexico Micronesia Moldova Moldova CIS Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherland Antilles Netherlands Neutral Zone Nevis/Saintt Kitts New Caledonia New Hebrides (Vanuatu) New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Rep. Nigeria Niue Is. Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Mariana Is. Norway Okinawa(Japan) Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Island Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Is. Romania Russia Rwanda Ryukyu Is. (Okinawa) Saba Saint Christopher Saint Croix Saint Helena Saint Kitts/Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Maarten Saint Martin Saint Pierre/Miquelon Is. Saint Thomas (US V.I.) Saint Vincent/Grenadines Saipan Samoa American Samoa Western San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Rep. Serbia Seychelles Is. Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Is. Somalia South Africa South Korea Southwest Africa/Namibia Spain Spitzbergen (Svalbard) Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is. Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tahiti Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania (Zanzibar) Tatarstan Thailand Togo Tokelau Is. Tonga Is. Tortola (Br. V.I.) Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Is. Tuvalu (Ellice Is.) Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu (New Hebrides) Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Is. - British Virgin Is. - US Wallis and Futuna Is. Western Sahara Western Samoa Yemen Arab Rep. Yemen Dem. Rep. Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zanzibar (Tanzania) Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)