Famous men who are madly in love with their wives. How to love your wife the right way, how to make her happy

Modern women all, as one, skeptically conclude: they are translated, they say, real men! Not that man went today, not that one. Infantile, not accustomed to taking care of anyone but himself, irresponsible, selfish and womanizer, who has no idea what it means a happy family. Plus, he strives to spend most of his life in front of the TV, with a bottle of beer in his hands. Almost every loving wife believes that it is too late to re-educate an adult and therefore lives according to the principle “I will accept what comes to hand”, as a result he receives scandals, insults, reproaches.

Most of the problems begin with school education, because it does not emphasize the differences in the psyche of girls and boys, since boys are not taught to be men and husbands, and girls to behave like a woman and a loving wife. But that's what a man is, that he is reasonable. Therefore, before you give up on your husband and set off in search of the best option worthy of you, answer the question: “Am I a loving wife for my husband, how happy am I in which I live?” And, by the way, it would be nice to know what a husband puts into the concepts of a loving wife and a happy family - after all, your ideas about the “best” partner or family values ​​\u200b\u200bmay differ.

If you are not satisfied with your man's lack of initiative, laziness, cool attitude to what is happening in the family - not everything is lost and the situation can be corrected. To do this, you need to try to understand that only loving wife able to change her husband. And for this, stop controlling it and strive to always decide everything on your own. Try to trust your man, even though it is terribly difficult to do so. From these simple truths and is born a happy family.

It so happened that, thanks to, a woman sees a solution to the problem much faster. That is why it is so difficult for her to compromise with her husband's decision, if from her point of view it looks absurd and ridiculous. But do not rush to rush to argue and defend your point of view. You will win much more if you agree with the opinion of a man - even if purely nominally, "for the sake of order." You will give your husband the opportunity to finally feel like a winner, the head of the family, able to make independent decisions, thereby seeing you as a caring loving wife. And this, one way or another, will contribute to the manifestation of responsibility for their actions and for what is happening in the family. After all, that is what they were trying to achieve.

Feeling that he is trusted, a man is able to move mountains and regain the ability to perform feats in the name of the Beautiful Lady - that is, you - a loving wife. He is pleased to give a woman pleasure, to make her small - the fact is that it is much easier for a man to express his feelings in material ways than sensually. For women, it's just the opposite.

Before embarking on the re-education of a husband, remember that a prosperous happy family is a source of love, care and family well-being, which only a loving wife and mother can create. And a man, as a rule, only receives love. Therefore, if you intend, like a bank teller, to sit at the window and wait for the "day's earnings" to be brought to you, you risk going bankrupt. At this rate, your man, at best, will go "to the left", and it is not known how it will all end. There are a lot of nuances of building family relationships, and you may never know all of them, having lived with a person a whole life.

I stumbled across this site by accident. I read stories and thought that this is all garbage, this will not happen to me. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Now I decided to write my own story.

I am 31 years old, my wife Irina is 30. We met when I was 23 years old, she was 22, respectively. She was the first girl with whom I had sex, I was not her first, but the 4th, according to her words. Our relationship developed very quickly, she suited me in everything, she was beautiful, smart, very caring. In general, I was not particularly popular with girls (not particularly handsome), but at the age of 23 I already started to earn normally. So he could keep the girl and himself calmly. Literally after 3 months they began to live together, after another six months I proposed to her, and we got married.

All these years we had a complete idyll (as it seemed to me), no serious quarrels, complete trust. I adored and idolized her, I never looked at another woman. All the money goes home, to the family (we don’t have children, unfortunately, it doesn’t work out), there are no bad habits, I tried to devote a lot of time to my wife - theaters, cinema, walks, trips to foreign countries. Everything for her, she answered the same.

3 weeks ago she flew with two friends to Egypt. I didn't mind, it wasn't the first time, and I trusted her completely. She arrived a week later tanned and rested. Everything was fine, I did not feel any changes. Yesterday I was cleaning our computer, noticed that one half-empty folder was taking up a lot of space, checked for hidden folders and saw the folder that I should not have seen. These were photos from the last and the last trip. The photographs flashed some men who stood in an embrace with my wife and her girlfriends (both of them are not married, but there are common-law husbands). But most of all, I was killed by a few photos where they were sitting in their room (I found out because I had seen their numbers in the photos before). And my wife was sitting on the lap of some chuchmek (Is he an Egyptian or someone else, I don’t know, but I don’t love them all), he kept his hand on her hip, and she hugged him around the neck. Then a few more photos in their room, where there were 4 Kazakhs, they were also either in their arms, or just in an embrace, one of her friends was lying on the bed even without a bra.

I made a copy of these photos to myself on a flash drive, so that later there would be evidence. I waited for her (she was sitting somewhere in a cafe with the same friends) and decided to find out what was what. In short, she thought up all sorts of garbage for a long time, in the end, she said that she had never cheated on me with anyone, but her friends - yes. Like they are to blame for everything, she was there just for the company. She asked not to tell the men of her friends anything, coming up with a bunch of different reasons for this.

I asked her to cook dinner for me. While she was rattling pots in the kitchen, I took my passport, car keys, money that was at home, and ran to the car - I so wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible, away from her. I had a great desire to kill her there, but I never raised a hand against women, and this time was no exception. I turned off my mobile. Now I'm sitting in a hotel in another city, writing my story and I understand that everything, my life is ruined. I don't even want to go back to my city.

What do you think, if you fly into a concrete fence at a speed of 180 km / h unfastened, there is a big chance of dying (Lancer x car)?

Hello, I am writing from an empty account, because very worried. I am 23 years old, I am married, my wife is a little younger than me, we have no children, we live in a rented apartment. We face a lot of problems and we are not able to solve them on our own, so we need your help and advice.

In short: my wife is unhappy. I don’t even know where to start, there are so many points.

She dropped out of school, quit her job. On the one hand, I don’t put pressure on her, my earnings are enough to just live, I tell her that her “all doors are open” - if you want to do something, if you want - work, if you want - don’t work and sit at home and you don’t give me anything you won’t have to, neither cook nor clean - nothing, just do what you want and what will make you happy, on the other hand, it gnaws at her, on the one hand, as she says, she is too lazy to look for a job (although if she wants to, she finds), on the other hand, she is greatly tormented by the fact that she does not have a profession. On the one hand - she says - she does not want to change anything - on the other hand - she is not satisfied with the fact that she does not work / does not study. Often she walks sad and I worry about this: we try to solve everything by talking, but sooner or later we run into the fact that we simply do not know how to solve some problems. On the one hand, she has interests - that is, when she passes the tests for prof. Orientation - she is interested in some areas, on the other hand - she does not want to start something, i.e. she does not want to change anything, she cannot, and this is killing her. The problem is aggravated by the fact that she is at least a "mild" sociophobe, very very shy, very afraid of any responsibility.

I’ll add one more thing: for example, in a recent conversation, she said that even if she works, she doesn’t want to get less than me (i.e., so that I get more of her), because it turns out that she will “owe” me for everything. To my words, that of course not, you never owe me anything - she agrees, understands this, but does not feel it.

There are also problems with her parents - it seems to me - a lot comes from there. For example, all the time that she lived with them - they often fought among themselves (they did not touch her and "loved"), of course she was very worried, but it seems to me that she built a kind of psychological "barrier" that helped to fence off these problems in the family, which she retains to this day. From an active, cheerful child (which, according to her, she was in her very childhood), she became a restless quiet one. Now they often call and still try to impose their opinion, somehow put pressure on her, for example, with the words “why do you dress like that”, “and when will there be children” and so on. They don’t know about the fact that she dropped out of school, she is afraid to tell them. She herself says that she does not want to communicate with her parents at all, she says that she does not love them, but she cannot leave them, because. it turns out that she will be responsible for this, well, it will just be a pity, because they “made her like that” not intentionally, but, as it were, out of their own stupidity.

She used to imagine her ideal life as follows: she would leave her parents, live alone on a small salary, not particularly sweat at work, just “live and that’s it.”

Even now - we are writing a post together, my wife does not want to write on her own behalf, she is afraid and crying, she asks “maybe we won’t send after all?”. I feel that advice / help is needed and I'm sure she feels it too, but “does not want to change / try anything”, or simply cannot.

I ask the community for help, we love each other very much and I don’t want to leave a person, because. I believe that everyone has a lot of their own cockroaches and there are no unsolvable problems.
Thank you.

Such work sometimes happens in the practice of all experienced sexologists, psychotherapists or family psychologists. Nothing can be done, what was secret many years ago has now begun to come out.

And, in my practice as a sexologist, I notice that sometimes girls (by the way, more often than guys, although men are more reproached for this) have same-sex sexual relationships. Many of them later got married, and this did not affect their personal lives in any way, and they perceive the situation more as a kind of experiment and experience.

But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Here, for example, is the situation with my client from Moscow, who came to see me as a sexologist and family psychologist.

She was married for several years, the couple had no children, but over time she cooled off towards her husband, the desire to have sex with him disappeared, and the sexual female problem of anorgasmia was drawn.

After some time, the client began to get more and more into the topic of girls, began to visit the relevant sites, where she met a lady of the corresponding orientation. Several times there was sex - a secret from her husband.

Over time, this dragged on more and more, up to a complete reluctance to have sex with him. In addition, her husband began to annoy and enrage her. Sometimes she herself tried to provoke him into some scandals and even beat him a little. But the client could not divorce him, so the girl perceived her behavior as a kind of move in the hope that her husband would file for divorce himself.

In the future, she became more open with him in the interests of girls, though she tried not to talk about the sex that had happened, but her husband began to feel it and even be jealous.

Once the girl fell in love in earnest, and now it was already her mistress. She was drawn there, and the relationship with her husband had simply gone beyond intolerance.

How can we, sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists, help in this situation? We can, but only partly.

For example, try to correct the client's sexual behavior. If this is not a purely homosexual relationship, then it will be somewhat easier to change something, because in this variant such a correction is often impossible. And the point here is that there is no desire and motivation for such changes in the client himself,

After all, as all experienced sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists know, it is quite difficult to get rid of pleasure, especially when it is related to the topic of sex.

In this situation, you can try to work through the past of the client and see what caused her sexual interest in her gender. And even try to unwind this tangle, erasing and removing from the client’s memory what fixed him in a same-sex relationship.

In this situation, the girl was not yet ready for any specific work on this topic, she just wanted to understand what was happening to her now, and in what direction it was worth working in order to solve her sexual female problem.

Indeed, there are certain options here, for example, to move towards parting with her husband, and then the work will be aimed at ensuring that this goes through the relationship of her wife.

I think that some work will be done by us in the future. In the meantime, the client took a break to figure everything out and understand herself.

As painlessly as possible, or, on the contrary, try to level relations with him and look at him with a different look, also correct his behavior. And, perhaps, he will agree to some kind of freedom of sexual relations with his wife.

In the meantime, the client took a break to understand herself and understand the further course of events.

Many do not believe in star marriages: they say that these are together only because of PR, while others because it is so convenient for them. But it is not all that bad. There are couples who are absolutely sincere in their feelings. And if the manifestation of tenderness on the part of a woman is normal, then men most often do not show emotions. But today we decided to pay attention to the most sensitive famous men who, without a doubt, adore their wives.

Without a doubt George Clooney just crazy about Amal Alamuddin(37)! This is evidenced at least by the fact that she became the only woman out of a huge number to whom the Hollywood heartthrob made an offer. “She is an amazing woman: beautiful, smart, with great taste and an incredible sense of humor. I was very lucky to meet her,” says the actor.

Brad Pitt has always been a special man for us, but today he is a real superhero! Can you imagine how much strength, patience and love for a woman to go through fire and copper pipes with her! “She is perfect. Every woman on earth wants to be like her, every man wants to be close to her. And I was lucky to wake up with her every morning and hug her shoulders,” he says about Angelina Jolie (40).

Michael Douglas (71)

What this couple, which is rightfully called the strongest in Hollywood. Despite everything, Douglas do not have a soul in Catherine(46) and never ceases to admire her. The couple celebrated their 15th anniversary last year!

Jay-Z (46)

Well, how can you not love a woman like (34)! It was to her that the rapper dedicated his most famous songs, and it is impossible to take your eyes off this couple during a joint performance on stage.

Chris Hemsworth (32)

Chris Hemsworth surprises us the most. He seems to be leading some kind of double life! He succeeds not only Elsa Pataky(39) to carry, but also to babysit three children. Not a man, but a find! It is a pity that his loving gaze is directed exclusively to one woman ...

If open "Twitter" Kanye, you can learn a lot about their relationship with Kim. And they look perfect! The rapper seems to be doing nothing but admiring his beloved wife all day long. And he dedicates all his songs to her. "Kim! I'm so glad to be married to the girl in my dreams. I love you so much and Nori", - wrote Kanye. The couple recently had a son Saint- another reason to be proud of his wife.

Murad Haussmann (29)

One of the most long-awaited weddings took place this year - Murada And Natalia Osmann. It's impossible not to fall in love with this couple! And of course, we can't help but smile when we watch the relationship of the guys. Murad just crazy about his beloved girl and muse.

Alexey Chumakov (34)

At Alexey Chumakov And Julia Kovalchuk(33) it turned out not just a happy marriage, but a whole creative tandem! Despite the fact that they constantly work together on television and spend a lot of time with each other, their feelings only become stronger! “She completely changed my life,” Chumakov said with enthusiasm more than once.

Channing Tatum (35)

Channing Tatum And Jenna Dewan(35) met on the set of a movie "Step forward", and a spark immediately flared between them. Who knew that a stormy romance would grow into great love! Handsome Tatum does not look at any girl (although he has a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfans!), Still experiencing the deepest feelings for his wife.

Kurt Russell (64)

Another "veterans" HollywoodKurt Russell And Goldie Hawn(70). They have been together for 32 years, but they still look at each other, as if everything is just beginning for them! Kurt raised like his own daughter, and Goldie Hawn still almost every day tells him about his feelings. We envy!

Vlad Sokolovsky (24)

Vlad Sokolovsky And Rita Dakota(25) have been friends for a very long time. But it turns out that their feelings are much deeper. And this year they got married! All girls Russia Of course they were shocked. But themselves Vlad And Rita excited. They are truly madly in love. A Vlad Near Rita feels like "the best person on Earth."

Egor Beroev (38)

Ksenia Alferova(41) can be envied. When you have such a talented and beautiful person next to you, who also has a big kind soul, it is worth a lot. And despite all the family troubles that this couple has experienced, they are together. And Yegor does everything to make Ksenia feel loved. Is this not a woman's happiness?

Joe Manganiello (38)

Before we had time to get the photo wallpapers of this handsome man with a perfect body and a stunning smile, he married an equally noticeable young lady − Sofia Vergare(43)! Without tears it is impossible to observe how Joe loves Sofia. But the fact remains - he loves her madly!