80 years old mother tender congratulations. Mom is kind and gentle

I look at you tenderly
Every year you are closer and more expensive,
And in 80 you are not more beautiful,
There are so many good things about you!

Dear, how can I tell you
I am grateful for every moment.
You modestly brush me off
A tear will slip from your eyelashes for a moment.

I will give my heart and soul for you
Just don't get sick, don't be upset
You are the most beautiful mother
She gave me everything - both life and happiness.

Eighty you, mom
My dear man.
Congratulations on your anniversary
May your age be long.

On your holiday I will say thank you
For love and kindness
For patience and strength
Wisdom, light and beauty.

I wish dear
Strength, health and patience,
Let life give every day
You are the joy of the moment.

You are eighty years old today
I love you, dear mommy!
Live always without bitterness and troubles,
I wish you good and joy!

Smile more often, let your dreams
Fulfilled easily and effortlessly!
I wish you to be happy
My dear mother, always!

Happy Anniversary, dear mother.
You are our perfection, and you are the only one.
We wish you health and joyful years
And live another eternity, not knowing the troubles.

We want you to always be by our side.
Beautiful, happy and young.
And let the ninth decade go
Mom will outlive us all!

Year added to ten -
It's not a problem at all.
Days go by without looking back
And merge into years.
It is important to always be healthy
There is nothing more important!
Be gentle and loved
And live to be a hundred years old!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 80 years to mom from her daughter

So much warmth for the kids.
Warmed by your support
We are learning to take a hit.
You, mommy, "many years",
Our love and tenderness as a gift!

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are eighty years old today!

Protecting everything that is dear to you!

Years flew by like in a fairy tale
Yours today, mom, is the 80th anniversary.
There is so much affection in your eyes
So much warmth for the kids.
Warmed by your support
We're learning to take a hit...
You, mommy, "many years",
Our love and tenderness as a gift!

Congratulations on the anniversary
my beloved grandmother
Wishes without regret
I give all my joy.

Not easy at 80
Look so energetic.
The best medicine in life
Don't grow old at all.

Dear mother, you are our pride,
You're a birthday girl, mom, today!
Eight tens is not a lot.
You, as before, are waiting for us at the threshold!

You always meet us, smiling,
Well, today we congratulate you!
Be happy and still beautiful.
Well, for us you are like the sun on a clear day!

Today my mommy
Celebrates his anniversary!
I wish you health
Good luck and happy days!

So that you do not count the year,
And to have a long life -
Let trouble not touch
And all things work out!

Let everything be so in fate
How you wanted day after day!
Good health to you!
Let's start celebrating today!

I have gray hair on my temples,
And my mom knows it.
I drink for you today to the bottom,
And I wish you health.

It's been eight decades

I want happiness to come
To keep you calm!

Mom, you are with me all my life,
My most favorite person
And now I read in your eyes
Wisdom, the one that has no time limit,
Congratulations, my dear,
On the anniversary. Let life be simple
I wish you good health
And live to at least a hundred.

On the anniversary day I wish
To my dear, beloved mother
Good health, good luck,
Relative attention in addition,

Pass on your experience to your grandchildren
Be their best friend
And at eighty years old
All also give me advice!

Another round date
How many there were - and do not count,
Gathered and adults, and children,
To sit at our mother's table.
Eighty is a joke, not everyone at all
Can overcome this limit.
We wish you to celebrate once
A holiday more solid than this one - a hundred years!
Stay healthy, it's more important
Appreciate happiness and grandchildren babble,
Hear someone shouting "Happy Anniversary!"
It's you angels from heaven shout!

Congratulations to mom on her 80th birthday from her daughter

There is no greater joy for a child
Than native mother's laughter and health,
Eighty is - live twice as long,
Mommy, we feed on love.
Think only good things about life
The past is darkness, you can't bring it back anymore
Your children make mistakes
But you know, not by choice.
For you and your wise years
Let's settle down and sit down respectfully,
Be you mommy every morning
Warm, cloudless, clear, spring!

My dear mother,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Eighty is wisdom and strength
And today you are especially beautiful!

I wish you health, of course,
Joy is great, endless.
My first and most important friend,
And an example for me is my mother!

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are 80 years old today!
Let the dream find you
And wisdom will give health and advice,

To always be happy as well
Protecting everything that is dear to you!
Doubts so as not to touch you,
And let joy burst into life beautifully!

I have gray hair on my temples,
And my mom knows it.
I drink for you today to the bottom,
And I wish you health.

It's been eight decades
How do you live easily and with dignity,
I want happiness to come
To keep you calm!

Congratulations from heart to heart
Beloved mother flies.
May joy, happiness, pleasure
Your anniversary promises you.

Let eighty years be many
I want to live everything.
Do you remember that I am with you, mom,
And most importantly, be healthy.

Everyone wants to celebrate their birthday in such a way that it is remembered, that the day is magical and fabulous, and that there are close, loving people around. And the eightieth birthday is a special date!

At this age, the birthday boy does not want a noisy feast, a magnificent celebration and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgifts. And I want warm words, sincere love, support and attention. How to prepare a birthday greeting for mom, what words will she be pleased to hear from her children, what will touch her and leave a bright, pleasant mark in her soul?

Congratulations on the anniversary of 80 years to mom can be very different. It is worth remembering that any parent loves his children very much, and no matter how old his son or daughter is, he (or she) is always a child for his mother. All that a mother wants is attention, but not feigned, for the sake of appearances, but real, sincere and genuine. So for your mom's anniversary, you can choose one of the many options:

  • Congratulations to mom from son or daughter.
  • Poems, long or short.
  • In prose.
  • In the form of a toast.
  • original wishes.
  • Happy birthday greetings in your own words.

There are options, you just need to choose what the birthday girl will like most on this big and solid anniversary, which will touch her soul and remain in memory. And remember, choosing a congratulation on your 80th birthday is not all. The most important thing is to say a solemn word from the bottom of your heart, heartfelt and sincere, and not to mint out like a learned lesson. But you will certainly succeed in pleasantly surprising and delighting your dear hero of the day!

From daughter

On this solemn holiday, the anniversary of the 80th anniversary of dear mother, the daughter is simply obliged to prepare original and beautiful words so that mommy is happy on her eightieth birthday. Choose the best congratulatory words, prose and poems for mom from your daughter and congratulate with all your heart!

1. There are many beautiful poems on the 80th birthday of mom from a loving and grateful daughter. You can congratulate her in this way - the birthday girl will like the poems and will not only create a festive mood, but will cause her the most pleasant feeling - that she is always loved and appreciated, and over the years this love and gratitude only increases!

You can write a poem for your mother on an anniversary on a beautiful postcard, read it at the festive table, raising a glass, or say it as a keepsake. Anniversary will be pleased in any case!

2. On this respectable date, 80 years old, congratulations from my daughter can also be in prose. How many important words can be said on a holiday! And it is not only possible, but also necessary - to choose the right, precise words that will not be banal and superficial, but will reflect the whole essence of children's gratitude, love and respect for the mother. Congratulate mom on her 80th birthday in prose!

3. Every year, pleasant words, solemn speeches ... and toasts are heard at family holidays! Without them, a holiday is not a holiday. Prepare a beautiful toast for the birthday girl and solemnly pronounce it at the festive table, raising your glass. This will please the guests and, most importantly, the hero of the occasion, and you will show how much you love her and how much happiness you want to wish on this day!

4. What is the main thing in congratulations for mom on her 80th birthday? Of course, wishes! After all, these are not just abstract phrases. If you wish something sincerely, wholeheartedly and with love, then the wishes will certainly come true! So wish boldly, wish everything that you really want to wish your beloved hero of the day, and do not doubt that all this will come true!

From son

Any son for mom is a favorite boy, no matter how old this “boy” is, even though he is 50 years old. And every year, including for 80 years, the birthday girl expects warm and pleasant words from her beloved son, which are more important than any gifts. Say these words, do not spare your love, gratitude and care, because at eighty years old this is the most valuable thing that can be!

1. Do not be lazy and prepare a beautiful poem for your mother in honor of the big anniversary. Just imagine how pleased the hero of the occasion will be if her beloved son reads (and especially as a keepsake) magnificent solemn poems dedicated to dear mother! It is very beautiful, dignified and original. She will love it!

2. But if poetry is not held in high esteem in your family, it doesn't matter! Because a lot of important words can be said in prose. The main thing is that these words sound festive, sincere, so that their meaning is clear, and the emotions are genuine.

3. How else to congratulate dear mother, what will she be pleased to hear from her son? Surely a beautiful toast with wishes, an unusual wise parable or a statement with meaning. Such a congratulation will have a wonderful effect and will be remembered for a long time!

In fact, the words do not have to be pompous, too original, or too solemn. The most important thing is that they come from your soul, so that you really want to wish what you say, so that you can express love, respect, gratitude to the birthday girl in your speech for everything she has done for you and her family for her long life. Say it with all your heart, and it will be better than any gift, even the most expensive one! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources: www.pozdravuha.ru, pozdravkin.com, ljubimyj-jubilej.ru, happy.jofo.ru, pozdravleniy.net, www.collection-tostov.ru

Eighty years is no joke.
Life, not just a moment
There was pain and sorrow along the way
To live life is not a field to cross!

How much did you suffer, mommy,
How many nights have you been sleep deprived
I drank joy in a teaspoon,
Happiness was waiting at the window.

May the Lord give health, strength,
So that you win centuries.
Respect, love to you, attention,
Great-grandchildren and grandchildren of adoration!


I look at you tenderly
Every year you are closer and more expensive,
And in 80 you are not more beautiful,
There are so many good things about you!

Dear, how can I tell you
That I am grateful for every moment.
You modestly brush me off
A tear will slip from your eyelashes for a moment.

I will give my heart and soul for you
Just don't get sick, don't get upset
You are the most beautiful mother
She gave me everything - life and happiness.


Dear mommy! Let us all congratulate you on your anniversary. Thank you for the wisdom passed on to the younger generation. Thanks for the example you showed us. And thank you for the love you have given us. We wish you good health, mommy, and long, carefree days of life!


Happy Anniversary Mommy
I congratulate you
Let my love
Adds strength.

Happy for years
Let fate not be stingy
In 80 new
Opens the life page.

Strong to you
I wish you health
And I ask myself
Take care, dear.

new spring
Meet after winter
To stay longer
We could be kids.


Happy Anniversary Mommy
Congratulations to the entire family.
Let love and warmth surround
May joy be with you.

Let up to eight tens of these
It will only increase vigor and strength.
So that only summer shines in the soul
And each moment brought joy.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 80 years to mom


Dear mother, you are our pride,
You're a birthday girl, mom, today!
Eight tens is not a lot.
You, as before, are waiting for us at the doorstep!

You always meet us, smiling,
Well, today we congratulate you!
Be happy and still beautiful.
Well, for us you are like the sun on a clear day!


Mom, today is your grand anniversary.
I wish you directly - do not be sad and do not be in pain.
Any light, bright, beautiful, as in previous years,
Be smiling and clear, never be sad.
And thank you, mom, for the warmth, your love,
I give you happiness, joy and success from the bottom of my heart!


The birthday is the most important
There is no more joyful task:
I'm for the best mom
I'll bring a bouquet of flowers.

Anniversaries are sacred
Forget about sadness
Nothing that flew away
Youth is somewhere far away.

My dear mother,
Forget all the insults
Stay longer with us.
I ask you just be!


Not a joke - 80 years old,
But you are not better
I wish you the best life
To you, beloved mother!

To be content and not to get sick,
You only get younger with age.
Love, kindness and understanding!
May all wishes come true!


Happy birthday, dear mom. You are 80 years old today, and this is a great occasion to remember all the good things that happened in your life, and also to put hope in your heart that tomorrow everything will be even better. Mom, the main thing is not to get sick and not be sad, and I also wish you 80 joyful moments, warm smiles, kind words, strong hugs for your every beautiful day.

Anniversary 80 years mom


The 80th anniversary is a wonderful date.
I hasten to congratulate Mom.
She is the one who once gave me life,
For this I love her.

Be happy dear, kind mother,
Know for me you are the best.
From the bottom of my heart I will give you
Love and, of course, support.


Mammy, 80 years old
You are nicer, there is no kinder.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
Tears do not visit them.

Let good reign in the soul
For the time of joy to come
Never left
And so that the years do not rush like that!


Your years are flying in worries,
All eight decades.
And so every day, year after year,
You give us warmth and light.

We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary
And wish your mother
Leave all the troubles in the past
For us you will shine forever!


You are eighty years old today
I love you, dear mommy!
Live always without bitterness and troubles,
I wish you good and joy!

Smile more often, let your dreams
Come true easily and effortlessly!
I wish you to be happy
My dear mother, always!


Happy Anniversary, dear mother.
You are our perfection, and you are the only one.
We wish you health and joyful years
And live another eternity, not knowing the troubles.

We want you to always be by our side.
Beautiful, happy and young.
And let the ninth decade go
Mom will outlive us all!


Such a wonderful anniversary, you are 80 years old,
You, mother, are our sun, in heaven,
You, our joy, life and light of the world,
You carried us, in childhood, in your arms
And forever rubbed our tears,
We were protected, as we love you,
Let the adversity of a thunderstorm not touch you,
Let the shadows not touch your eyes
Live long, in health and happiness,
Please us with your smile,
Let the weather not touch your feet,
And be happy among mothers.


Silver hair at the temples,
Wrinkles lie in a thin network,
Birthday is knocking on the door
To enter and stay forever.

You already meet eight dozen
You are smiling, dear mother,
And warm us all with love.
Be the happiest person in the world!


My mommy, of course, all the favorites,
Dozens of 8 - it's just grace,
And there are no unique sensations,
It's hard for me to put them into words.

So let the years easily fall on your shoulders,
And if it's heavy, drop it, don't notice it!
I will always support you, I am happy
Give you the strength of my shoulder.


Mom, you are with me all my life,
My most beloved husband
And now I read in your eyes
Wisdom, the one that does not have a term,
Congratulations, my dear,
On the anniversary. Let life be simple
I wish you good health
And live to at least a hundred.


Mom, I congratulate you on your 80th birthday and wish you good and permanent health. May the eighth decade of life be kind, cheerful and joyful, may every day give new strength, warm hopes and happy smiles. Mommy, stay with me beautiful and sympathetic, inspired and cheerful.


Happy Birthday Mommy,
eighty years -
How much joy!
You live without trouble.

You gave me life
My darling.
Let happiness surround
Every day you!


Mamulins go years ...
Here are eighty years for you
But you are young to me
It is important how early you are in fate.

So let me wish you
Good health and happiness,
And fire from the children of love,
From the grandchildren of affection, good power!


Mommy, let the years go by
But you are young to me!
Happy eightieth anniversary
Live for happiness without doing!
You are my tenderness and warmth,
You always give me good!


You are my dearest person
Happy Anniversary
Mom, let the century not end -
That's all we're all about.

You are eight decades old.
This date is very significant.
Heart filled with tenderness
Live long, I'm not familiar with trouble.


Your eighty years
cause delight,
Many more years to come
I wish you, mom.

May love always live
In your mother's heart
Let the blood flow through the veins
And life is in full swing.


How quickly the years have flown by
Let's celebrate a new anniversary.
beautiful, milf, weather,
You are younger every year.

I wish you good and happiness
Do not be sad so that your soul
So that all bad weather bypasses your house,
So as not to be afraid of bitterness and trouble.

You, mother, to smile more often,
She loved life and believed in dreams.

And you never seem to
And all the bad things to be left behind.

I also wish you good health.
You are the dearest to me
Live you, milf, measuredly, calmly,
Happy eightieth birthday to you!


My mom is having a holiday
She is 80 years old today.
Collected all morning greedily,
This holiday bouquet.

Long live mommy
And be healthy every day.
So that sadness does not dare to quit,
Sad on the shoulder, a shadow.

I'm ready to sing in songs to Mommy,
She gave me a wonderful life.
And I want her to be happy
And I was proud to no end.


Well, where to find such words,
To warm the soul with tenderness,
Exciting, magical,
Would you like your heart to sing?

Native mother, mother,
May joy give an anniversary
And often do not be sad, dear,
Do not return the past days.

You lived very well
All these eighty years
May health be strong
For us, you are not dearer!


Eighty you, mom
Dear husband.
Congratulations on your anniversary
May your age be long.

On your holiday I will say thank you
For love and kindness
For patience and strength
Wisdom, light and beauty.

I wish dear
Strength, health and patience,
Let life give every day
You are the joy of the moment.

Well, where to find such words,
To warm the soul with tenderness,
Exciting, magical,
To make your heart sing?

Native mother, mother,
May joy give an anniversary
And often do not be sad, dear,
What can not return the bygone days.

You lived very well
All these eighty years
Let health be strong
For us, you are not dearer!

Eighty years is no joke.
Life, not just a moment
There was pain and sorrow along the way
To live life is not a field to cross!

How much did you suffer, mommy,
How many nights have you been sleep deprived
I drank joy in a teaspoon,
Happiness was waiting at the window.

May the Lord give health, strength,
So that you win a century.
Respect, love to you, attention,
Great-grandchildren and grandchildren of adoration!

Happy birthday, dear mom. You are 80 years old today, and this is a great occasion to remember all the good things that happened in your life, and also to plant in your heart the hope that tomorrow everything will be even better. Mom, the main thing is not to get sick and not lose heart, and I also wish you 80 joyful moments, warm smiles, kind words, strong hugs for your every beautiful day.

How quickly the years have flown by
Let's celebrate a new anniversary.
Good, mommy, weather,
You are younger every year.

I wish you good and happiness
Do not lose heart so that your soul
So that all bad weather bypasses your house,
So as not to be afraid of bitterness and trouble.

You, mother, to smile more often,
She loved life and believed in dreams.

And you never give up
And all the bad things to be left behind.

I also wish you good health.
You are the dearest to me
Live you, mommy, measuredly, calmly,
Happy eightieth birthday to you!

I look at you tenderly
Every year you are closer and more expensive,
And in 80 you are not more beautiful,
There are so many good things about you!

Dear, how can I tell you
I am grateful for every moment.
You modestly brush me off
A tear will slip from your eyelashes for a moment.

I will give my heart and soul for you
Just don't get sick, don't be upset
You are the most beautiful mother
She gave me everything - both life and happiness.

Today is your eighth birthday
Everyone will be with you today.
And all your big family
Sending congratulations to you.

The grandchildren have already chosen a bouquet,
Your great-grandson said hello to you.
And know that you are always important to us,
We love and need.

Live long and without trouble.
Tell all the sorrows in response
That there is no place in life for them.
Be with us and live another hundred years.

Mommy! Dear, dear!
A little bit older
After all, 80 is not old yet,
And a little more youth.

I wish you not much:
May life be a long road
Leads you through all obstacles
Through all the troubles and evil looks.

Be healthy, cheerful, active,
Be beautiful and positive.
And let them be with you
Relatives with all their detachment!

Oh, how beautiful this lady is,
How fresh in youth, well, what's the secret?
I love you and congratulations, mom,
You are eighty years old today!

I wish you a peaceful, long life,
Comfort, happiness, joy, warmth!
And the most cherished desire
May you always be with us!

Dear mother, congratulations to you,
With a beautiful date - 80 years.
We wish you health and vigor,
And we bring a bunch of thanks.

For always being by your side,
For a warm hearth and a warm welcome.
We are happy if you always laugh
Thank you for having us all in your heart.

Eighty you, mom
My dear man.
Congratulations on your anniversary
May your age be long.

On your holiday I will say thank you
For love and kindness
For patience and strength
Wisdom, light and beauty.

I wish dear
Strength, health and patience,
Let life give every day
You are the joy of the moment.

Although not enough has been lived,
You are not near and dear.
You are my dear mother,
You are my ray, my bright light.

Health, honey, more
Be with us for many years.
Let every day shine in the sky
Your lucky star!

We came today
gray haired
Children, mother, yours.
It is your birthday
And a big anniversary
So congratulations
From native children.
We love, appreciate and believe:
The strength of the spirit is strong.
And like mom and grandma
We really need you.
Yours head
We bow before you
And you stroke them again
With your good hand.
This happiness is to feel again
Caress of mother dear.
There is no need to even philosophize:
We are of the same blood!
We are forever loved
No dearer, relatives!
Mother, protected by God,
You live, don't get sick!


on your holiday, I want to wish that every day that you gave with love and care to your loved ones becomes another decade of your very long and happy life. Be always the most affectionate, gentle, beloved, beautiful. Happy birthday!

For your long life

many trials fell, a lot was lived and experienced. This wonderful anniversary is the result of your wonderful life, for those who are especially dear to you have gathered. Many relatives, people dear to you came to congratulate you, thank you for your worldly wisdom and wish you many more years of health. Your family and friends appreciate you for your kindness of heart, sincere love and deep human wisdom. We wish you to be our support, support, because we sincerely appreciate what you share with us and what you teach us. Health to you, our dear, for many years.

At the age of 80, I wish my mother

So that you quickly look around -
Your whole life is strewn with fruits
Your native hardworking hands.

You reap the rewards and be happy
I want to wish you good health
And stay soft and beautiful
Trust me, don't be discouraged!

Dear, beloved mother!

Happy Birthday to You! You are the most caring, dear and affectionate for us! Even if wrinkles appear on your face and your head is already turning gray, we love you very much! And we will never forget you! I wish you good health, constant happiness and good luck!

Mom is kind and gentle

like the first ray of sunshine in the morning. Mom is the most beloved in the world. Mom is like a sorceress, she always knows how to surprise and please, and she can always give a surprise that will be remembered forever. Mommy, I love you very much! On your birthday, I wish you all the brightest and most beautiful things in life!


Congratulations on your 80th birthday and we want to express our boundless respect and admiration! You look great and, despite your advanced age, your eyes still glow with a beautiful young fire! You are an example for us, we pay tribute to your sincere respect for your wisdom and life experience, diligence and love of life. We admire your energy, willpower and interest in life, the ability to enjoy every day and enjoy every moment. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary, wish you long and happy years with your family and friends. Health, joy, care and family warmth.

It's been eight decades

How do you live easily and with dignity,
I want happiness to come
To keep you calm!

My mother is good

Happy 80th Anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you,
And I hasten to wish you soon

To never be sad again
Drive away troubles and sorrows from home!
May your fate be happy
So that success, luck illuminate the path!

Mommy, beloved, dear,

We treasure your love.
You caressed us, understood -
For everything we say "thank you"

Live longer, not knowing old age,
May your dreams be calm and light
We love you dearly,
We wish you happiness, joy, love!