The ex-wife of the vice-speaker of the legislative assembly bombarded the security forces with statements against her ex-husband. The ex-wife of the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly bombarded the security forces with statements against her ex-husband

Every morning I wake up to bright sunshine! And in my head I thought: “Hurry to the beach! Hurry up and swim! In summer the world becomes brighter!”

As some weather forecasters predicted, summer will come this year not gradually, but all at once, that is, suddenly.

Already at the beginning of May, people will change their warm clothes for summer ones. And apparently they were right.

Now in most of our country the air temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius, and in some Russian settlements the thermometer even goes beyond 30.

Of course, many are interested in the question: “What kind of summer will it be this year - hot, dry, or, conversely, cool and humid, or will it just be warm?” Someone wants to know this in order to understand what kind of harvest they can expect, someone is thinking about what clothes should be purchased, and for others it is important to know about this in order to take time off from work in the most favorable weather.

Forecasters' weather forecasts for the summer of 2019 differ somewhat. Some argue that summer in Russia will not be hot and even rainy. Drought and forest fires threaten only the south of Russia.

In general, this summer in our country will be warm, but not very long. This means that throughout the summer the average monthly air temperature will be slightly higher than the climate norm. And the summer will be short because, according to some meteorologists, it will become somewhat cool already in August in the central regions of Russia, as well as in the north of the country: there will be frequent rains and the cold wind will increase.

But weather forecasters are reassuring that the weather in August will at times change to warm. True, the end of August will be cold, even colder than the beginning of this month and its middle. However, in the south of the country August will be warm, but there may be heavy rains. Somewhere until mid-September there will be sunny, warm weather, unless, of course, short-term rains and thunderstorms are taken into account.

In the Urals, according to weather forecasters, in June it will be dry and practically without precipitation; in July it will still be warm and even hot - the thermometer will rise to 28 degrees, however, the heat will alternate with showers and thunderstorms. In August it will be warm there, but it will rain periodically.

According to other forecasters, the summer of 2019 in our country will be extremely dry, which could leave Russia even without a harvest. Considering that they are also predicting an economic crisis for the country, the picture that is being painted is depressing: it’s time to run to buy cereals and stock up on crackers.

Summer in Crimea

The continental and maritime climate prevailing in Crimea guarantees a comfortable summer.

The air will warm up during the day to an average of 26 0 C, Water 23 0 C. Mild and warm weather will allow you to relax comfortably this summer and spend your vacation here.

The CenterGeology company began its work on the peninsula. At the end of 2014, we started the difficult work of drilling wells in Crimea, as well as all the related work: arrangement of wells, organization of water filtration. Having your own source of water is now a particularly pressing issue.

However, people are people, and nature itself makes its own adjustments without asking anyone. Time will tell what the summer will be like.

Read the article: " What should you drink and eat in summer?"

In recent years, the weather has become increasingly unpredictable and changeable. Instead of the long-awaited snow, for example, December is “pleased” with abnormally high temperatures above zero, and March, on the contrary, with severe frosts. With such vagaries of nature, it is difficult to predict the weather for tomorrow, not to mention summer. Fortunately, weather forecasters don’t do fortune-telling with tea leaves and, based on complex analytical data, today they are ready to tell us what the summer of 2016 will be like in Russia. The first forecasts of weather forecasters regarding summer weather over most of Russia will be discussed in our article today.

What will the summer of 2016 be like in Russia: preliminary weather forecast

Despite the global warming trend, forecasters do not predict an abnormally hot summer season throughout Russia. In most central regions, a real hot summer will not arrive until late June–early July. Pretty rainy weather is expected for almost the entire month of June with average temperatures up to 21–23 degrees.

But already in July there will be practically no rain in most of European Russia. A rather dry season will begin with high temperatures above 35 degrees. This time is best spent on the beach or near bodies of water. The dry season will last until mid-August. But the last month of summer cannot be called rainy. Most likely, precipitation will be heavy, but not partial. The air temperature will drop noticeably and the long-awaited freshness and slight summer cool will arrive.

What will summer 2016 be like in Moscow?

June will also be rainy and cool in the capital. Muscovites can expect the first hot days no earlier than the beginning of July. According to weather forecasters, mid-summer in Moscow will be very dry and hot, making us remember the June rains with nostalgia. But August will be comfortable: the average daytime temperature will rarely exceed 25–27 degrees, and there will be a fresh coolness in the air.

What will summer 2016 be like in the south of Russia: preliminary data

Southerners are no strangers to the hot summer season with its high temperatures. But even for them, weather forecasters’ forecasts about what the summer of 2016 will be like will seem quite extreme. And the reason for this is dry, hot weather, which will begin in southern cities literally from mid-May. Even in June, which will be quite rainy in Russia, in the south precipitation will be moderate and air temperatures will be quite high. The long-awaited coolness in this region should not be expected before mid-August. Most likely, the last month of summer will bring heavy rains and thunderstorms to southerners.

What kind of summer 2016 will it be in the Urals and Siberia?

In these regions of Russia, one cannot expect a particularly hot season, but, nevertheless, it is important for local residents to know in advance what the summer of 2016 will be like. Forecasters predict a rather rainy June in the Urals, as well as in most of Russia, which, however, will be warm. July will delight you with high air temperatures around 30 degrees. Such warm and dry weather in the Urals and Siberia will last almost until mid-August. Then the thermometer readings will begin to gradually decrease, and sunny hot days will give way to rainy and cloudy ones.

June – August are traditional “vacation” months. It is at this time that we plan our vacation, buy vouchers to sanatoriums, book plane and train tickets, and purchase tours. What will summer 2016 be like? Since most of Russia is a territory where cool weather prevails in spring and early summer, we strive to go on vacation to the sea, in the warmth. It turns out that this is not the case for everyone: the financial situation (increasing cost of summer holidays) and a simple lack of time interfere. The time spent on the road to the sea sometimes takes several days (there/back), while the average length of a summer vacation is 3 weeks. For these reasons, some Russians remain on vacation in their native “middle zone,” periodically going “out into nature,” to lakes and rivers. Let's find out what the weather will be like this summer in Russia, namely in the middle zone and Moscow, the Urals and Crimea.

What will summer 2016 be like in central Russia according to weather forecasters?

June will not please Russians with many sunny days. Already the first days of the first month of summer 2016 will bring damp, rainy weather with moderate temperatures of +16-18C. By mid-June the weather will “clear up”: the average daily temperature in central Russia will be +23 C. The end of June will also bring rain, and in some places – slush. According to weather forecasters, the beginning of summer 2016 throughout Russia will not be hot. People who cannot tolerate high daytime temperatures and scorching sun will like this weather. If cloudy skies make you happy, choose June for your holiday. Don't forget, of course, about your umbrella. Without it, even a light drizzle, even if warm, will bring a lot of discomfort. July and the first half of August will be hot: in mid-July, daytime temperatures may rise to +36 C.

What will summer be like in Moscow this year, long-term forecast of the hydrometeorological center

Long-term forecasts are made not only by weather forecasters, but also by very observant people. The latter base their conclusions on folk signs - observations of winter weather changes. Judging by the forecasts of both, summer in Moscow will not be hot. The number of cloudy days in June and August 2016 will exceed the number of sunny days. July promises heat, and Muscovites will have to wait a long time for showers and rain: until August 2016.

What will summer 2016 be like in the Urals according to weather forecasters?

Residents of the Urals often rely on the forecasts of Moscow weather forecasters. It would seem that Moscow is located far from the Ural Mountains, but “Moscow” weather comes to the Urals “late” by 2-3 days. However, the summer of 2016 in the Urals will be warmer than in other years; Precipitation will also be below average. Many residents of the Sverdlovsk, Perm, Chelyabinsk regions and other areas of the Urals can relax at home, in their dachas and near lakes. The sunny, dry weather in the second half of June, throughout July and most days in August is conducive to outdoor recreation, hiking in the mountains, forests, rivers and lakes.

What will summer 2016 be like in the south of Russia and Crimea - forecast of the hydrometeorological center

Residents of southern Russia are, to some extent, luckier than other Russians: to relax in the summer by the sea, they only need to leave their house and walk to it. As a last resort, you can get to the sea by bus or minibus. For those who have planned to take a summer vacation, weather forecasters also recommend joining the “vacationing” Russian southerners. Summer in the Krasnodar Territory (Sochi, Anapa) and Crimea (Yalta, Feodosia, Evpatoria) will be dry and very warm. June is suitable for relaxation for those who do not like heat and are comfortable with cool sea water, and July-August will appeal to those who like diving. It is at this time that the water temperature in the Black Sea does not drop below +24 C, and on hot days reaches +28 C. Of course, what the summer of 2016 will be like will be shown... the summer itself, but we really hope that the favorable forecasts of the hydrometeorological center will come true.

The ex-wife of the famous Chelyabinsk businessman, vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the region Semyon Mitelman, Rosa Mitelman, wrote and published a book about her failed marriage and high-profile divorce. Rosa Mitelman entitled her look at the family biography “There is no rose without thorns or Oligarchs cry too.” There is no doubt that the online version of the text, presented by the publishing service Ridero, will break download records in the next few days - the oligarch’s ex-wife did not skimp on the juicy and shocking details of their life together.

“In gratitude for my care and devotion to the family, I received a shameful visit to venereologists.. “An absurd accident,” said my husband. But the accident turned out to be a pattern. More than once I had to be treated by venereologists...”

“He knew how to speak beautifully, so he quickly paved the way to becoming a deputy. When he was already deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly, he asked me to select jewelry from the pawnshop for gifts to the right people. I took the jewelry to be cleaned, and then I saw it on his mistresses. There's a problem with gifts in general. I ordered identical bouquets for all my lovers and colleagues. And he kept the expensive alcohol that was given to him in bags with tags so that he could give it to the right people and not get confused..."

It is likely that the release of the memoirs could provoke a new trial, where Rosa Mitelman will be opposed by her ex-husband and relatives of the second wife of the vice speaker, the recently deceased Chairman of the Union of Journalists of the region, Olga Davidenko. Rosa Mitelman devoted almost half of the book to the new marriage of her ex-husband, without being particularly shy in her expressions.

« The young people developed a career plan together. Having promoted herself in an unpaid position, Juliet will become an active social activist. You won’t be able to get into the Duma right away, but you can get into the Public Chamber. And from there you can already see the path to the Legislative Assembly and beyond. Old Romeo will soon be written off due to his age, and the newly minted deputy will continue his work. She will then cover the business, the oligarch decided. Juliet agrees to everything, suffocates with happiness while traveling and shopping. Although Romeo is thrifty, compared to his ex-husband, he is simply a padishah! I took her to the seaside, bought new glasses, a branded handbag, everything was just like mine. The suits are actually an economy version - they ordered them from a friend of the deputy’s dressmaker. But they saved almost no money on the “tchotchkes”. Straight from the pawnshop, well, which people brought there but couldn’t buy back...”

There is also a chapter in the book “Parents’ wealth is spoilage for children,” etc. The content of the latter directly concerns Rosa’s son, Deputy Speaker of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Ilya Mitelman, with whom Rosa Petrovna is in extremely tense relations. Let us remember that several years ago she filed a lawsuit against her son, demanding payment of 10 million rubles owed to him and won the case.

“As soon as dad forked out the money, the children turned to face their mistress, and they abandoned me. For his father's millions, they betrayed the most precious thing in a person's life, his mother. Dad told his son not to set foot in his new apartment, and he agreed. He asked me not to come to their house anymore. And they brought my grandson to me for an hour a week. After all, at stake were a 200-meter apartment and a dacha by the lake... His daughter’s dad bought a house in Germany, and she immediately accepted him with her new passion with open arms. My father had not yet divorced me, and she was welcoming a new stepmother. In response to my reproach, my daughter said that she doesn’t care who sleeps with whom. And soon she found a reason to be offended by me...”