How to wash a newborn's clothes? The best way to wash baby clothes for newborns

How to wash a newborn’s clothes, is it possible to use baby powder and a washing machine? These are the questions that you will have to face from the first days of the crumbs at home.

Children's things are special things. Once upon a time it was flannel and calico diapers, gauze diapers, and all this stuff was simply boiled, but now the things of a newborn are delicate, soft knitwear, comfortable fabrics, but poorly resistant to such violence. One unsuccessful wash can simply ruin them.

How to wash baby clothes?

. You should always wash children's clothes, especially a newborn's underwear, separately from adults' clothes.
. Infants are prone to allergic reactions, so special attention should be paid to the choice of washing products; the choice of washing powder should be discussed separately.
. Washing children's clothes requires mandatory disinfection. Even at the stage of purchase, you should pay attention to the washing temperature indicated on the label, because the clothes of a newborn should be subjected to a temperature of 90 degrees during washing, or later carefully ironed with steam. The water temperature for washing clothes of an older child can be reduced to 30-40 degrees.
. You can use the washing machine, just sort things before washing. Cotton things the crumbs will completely endure even harsh washing regimes, but soft knitwear undershirts must be washed carefully, using a special laundry net and a delicate washing regime.
. Strong contamination before washing should be rubbed with soap and soaked for half an hour in warm water. The soap must be rinsed out before being loaded into the machine; automatic washing machines cannot tolerate washing with ordinary soap.

After washing, run the rinse 2 times to rinse out the remaining detergents, after the last rinse, rinse the clothes again with vinegar to neutralize the alkalis of the detergents.

What is the best way to wash a newborn's clothes?

When choosing what to wash your newborn’s baby clothes with, pay attention to the following points:

Baby powder or soap should not contain fragrances, bleach or synthetic additives, as this can cause allergies.
. Baby powder must be labeled “for newborns.”
. Any detergent must be certified for washing children's clothes.

Is it possible to wash children's clothes with regular washing powder?

Any laundry detergent for adults contains a large number of substances that can cause (and usually cause) allergies in the baby. These are bleaches, color stabilizers, fragrances, conditioners, and other chemicals that make the laundry soft, smell delicious and...harmful to health.

When choosing which powder to wash your newborn’s clothes with, you need to take into account the fact that the baby’s skin is very sensitive. When a baby sweats, pees, his clothes get wet, and all these substances, usually not completely rinsed, come into direct contact with the skin, causing itching, redness and rash. Dealing with irritations later may not be such an easy task, so maybe you should wash your newborn’s clothes correctly from the very beginning?

When choosing which soap to wash your newborn’s clothes with, pay attention to baby soap, but most likely, regular laundry soap will be better suited for him. It is made from animal fats and alkali, no fragrances or additives are used, which is why it does not cause any negative reactions from children's skin. Unfortunately, you can only wash clothes with it by hand or boil it; washing machines do not tolerate it due to foaming.

When choosing which powder to wash children's clothes with, parents sometimes try several brands in a short time and end up with allergies. It is more difficult to figure out which powder the baby reacted to, the more different products you used in a short time, the way out is to switch to hand washing, temporarily, and after the skin calms down, start trying the powders one at a time.

And so, the results:

In the first 2 weeks at home, use baby (laundry) soap.
. Starting to wash things in the machine - never use more than 1 brand of powder per week - look at the reaction of the crumbs.
. Rinse your laundry with vinegar (1-2 tablespoons of essence per 10 liters of water).
. Iron dried laundry with steam.

The birth of a child always brings many changes to the life of a family, and after returning from the maternity hospital it is very important to provide good care for the baby. Baby's skin is very sensitive, so washing is one of the first problems. How and with what should you wash a newborn’s clothes so that they are clean and the detergent does not cause harm?

When choosing a detergent for children's clothes, you must carefully read its composition and characteristics.

What to wash with?

To wash diapers and clothes for newborns, you need to use special products at least until the age of six months (see also:). Today we have various options, but this choice comes down to two main ones: soap and laundry detergent. It is important to understand what requirements a product suitable for infants must meet. Main requirements for the product:

  • absence of aggressive components, including chlorine;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • easy rinsing;
  • low content (or better yet, complete absence) of fragrances;
  • high quality washing without negative impact on the quality of the material.

Which product should I choose?

All of the above requirements are met by an old remedy that has been proven for decades - regular baby soap, and it is suitable for both hand and machine wash. Of course, using soap in your car requires some preparation. What's good about baby soap?

  • Firstly, it ensures complete safety for your baby's health.
  • Secondly, the modern range of this product is quite diverse and allows you to choose “pure” soap or with herbal additives - for example, string or chamomile.

Laundry soap also has a completely natural composition. You can use it, but only one that does not have any additives. Children's skin is very sensitive, and such soap contains coarser components that are more difficult to rinse out - in particular, it has a high alkali content, which, even remaining on the fabric in minimal quantities, irritates the skin. Therefore, when using it, it is necessary to ensure thorough rinsing so that the newborn’s skin does not come into contact with the components of the detergent.

Laundry soap will cope with the most difficult stains without harming the baby. Is it important to rinse things well?

It is best to use such soap when washing or washing very soiled items and stubborn stains, and for the main procedure of putting a baby’s things in order, you should give preference to a special one for children. It is produced with appropriate labeling and does not harm children's skin.

How to use baby soap?

So, baby soap can be used for both hand and machine washing. With a manual one, everything is simple: take a single bar of soap, soap the child’s soiled diapers or clothes. Machine washing is also not difficult: you just need to grate a piece of soap on a fine grater. The result is a kind of powder, which is poured into the washing powder compartment. For 5 kilograms of dry laundry you will need about a third of a standard bar of baby soap.

Washing powder

Of course, the washing powder should be specifically designed for newborn clothes - in this case, your baby will be safe. Today, the manufacturer offers us a fairly large selection of baby powders. When purchasing, you need to consider some nuances and recommendations:

  • If possible, choose a proven product;
  • make a purchase at a supermarket or specialized store, where they can provide you with all the information and documents you are interested in;
  • do not hesitate to check the availability of certificates of conformity and their validity periods;
  • always check the expiration date of the powder;
  • make sure that the powder is suitable for washing clothes for newborns from 0 (this must be confirmed by the appropriate labeling);
  • Choose a product labeled “hypoallergenic.”

Be careful! If you notice any signs of an allergy in your baby, the detergent may be the cause. Try changing it or rinsing more thoroughly. If even minor allergy symptoms appear, special children's laundry detergents should be used for up to one and a half, or even three years.

If your baby does not show any allergy symptoms, the product can be used to regularly wash his clothes.

We wash children's clothes

When washing a newborn's clothes, you must follow certain requirements that will ensure cleanliness and safety for the child. All children's clothes are washed separately from adults; there should also be a separate basket for storing the baby's soiled clothes. General washing rules are as follows:

  • temperature regime;
  • correct choice of machine program;
  • regularity.

At what temperature should I wash? Hand washing should be done at the highest possible temperature, usually 40-50C. Machine washing will be optimal at a temperature of 80-90C, as it will provide a boiling effect, that is, sufficient cleanliness in terms of germs.

Machine mode

Today, every home has a washing machine, which makes life much easier for the family. It’s good if your machine has a special “children’s wash” program, but if it doesn’t, then you need to choose a program in accordance with the composition of the fabric and the desired temperature. Linen for newborns, as a rule, is made from natural fibers, so a mode for such fabrics with high temperatures is selected.

If possible, you should choose a program that rinses more thoroughly, but it is better to still run an additional rinse to completely rid children's clothes of detergent residue. Do not load the washing machine to the maximum, then the rinse will be better.

How often should I wash?

  • You will have to wash your newborn's underwear and clothes every day.. If the baby wore rompers or a vest today, then the next day he needs to wear new ones, and these must be washed, even if they look clean.
  • The baby's bedding is changed at least once a week, if it is not dirty.
  • Anything that gets dirty should be washed immediately; there is no point in hoarding children's clothes - they need to be washed within 24 hours.

What to do with diapers?

If the baby describes the diaper, then it needs to be washed. Such diapers are rinsed in cold water and then washed with soap or powder by hand or in a machine. For the best effect, soak the diapers for about 15 minutes. It is very important to rinse thoroughly several times, gradually lowering the water temperature.

If your baby poops and stains his diaper, you should immediately wash it thoroughly in cold water. Hot water at this stage will only fix the stains, and they may remain on the fabric forever, then it will be impossible to wash. After this procedure, it will be easier to wash dirty diapers. Following the rules for washing clothes for newborns will help your child grow up healthy.

The main rule that you will follow for the next year: the newborn’s things are stored, sorted, soaked and washed separately from adults and other children, even if the eldest is only two years old. Therefore, instead of storming hardware stores, take care of buying a second laundry basket, additional basins and freeing up space for baby powders.

By the way, you will also need more drying space. Think over this issue in advance so as not to hang diapers on the doors and backs of chairs.

Actually, washing

  1. Take out all the clothes you bought and gifts from relatives. Realize that after giving birth they will bring the same amount. Be horrified. Anything that can be returned, return it. Yes Yes. And this wonderful set with pockets on the butt and frills around the edge. Firstly, it’s up to you to smooth out these little frills. Represented? And, secondly, all these cute pockets create additional folds and injure the baby’s delicate skin. And what will he put in his back pocket one month? So the simpler the better!
  2. Sort the remaining items by color and texture. Cut off all tags. By the way, did you know that the piece of fabric that comes with the clothes is not needed for a patch? It is suggested to test the washing mode and bleach. Don't thank me.

All new clothes for a newborn must be washed and ironed on both sides.

What is the best way to wash clothes for a newborn?

  1. Today, the number of manufacturers in the household chemicals department makes even experienced housewives' eyes widen. But doctors still recommend regular baby soap without fragrances and fragrances. The disadvantage of soap is that it gets clogged between the fibers of the fabric and is difficult to rinse out. And they also need to be washed by hand, which takes a lot of time and effort. For a young mother, time is probably more important than anything else. Yes, and rinsing by hand, like a machine, will not work with all your desire. You can wash it by hand only in warm water, while the washing machine has a 95 degree setting. You can cut the soap on a grater and put it in the washing machine. But if the baby is healthy and not prone to allergies, it is better to wash with powder.
  2. Choosing powder for baby, even an inexperienced mother will look at the “for children” label. There are many manufacturers, even more reviews. Your baby will dot the "i". Unfortunately, only after trying it in practice will you understand what powder to use to wash children’s clothes.
  3. There are special lines natural and ecological detergents, without phosphates, based on natural substances. The main disadvantage is the high price. And in the first months with a baby, money goes quickly and for everything. The second important factor is that natural ingredients can also cause allergies. And the third is a high risk of forgery. Unfortunately, young mothers who want the best for their children are a favorite category of unscrupulous manufacturers.
  4. There are liquid detergents - gels. It is believed that they act more gently, do not damage the tissue structure. Clothes do not look washed out, which is important with repeated washing. But there are some pitfalls, which I will discuss below. Gels are more convenient to dose, a measuring cap is attached to them. They do not crumble and do not dust. In addition, they contain fewer substances that pollute the environment. But the components in the gel only work at low temperatures (up to 40 degrees) and are activated with intense beating, which is only possible with machine washing.

A separate issue is the use of fabric softeners. There are also a great variety of them, there are special ones for children's underwear, with different smells and properties. But the use of air conditioners is better to postpone for a year. They are difficult to rinse even in special modes, and the baby does not need additional allergic factors now.

How to wash clothes for newborns?

In the literature, you can still find recommendations to wash by hand. As a mother of four children, I would like to say the following in response. If you have the energy and time to hand wash, spend it on your child. And let the machine wash the clothes. In addition, the following recommendation excludes the first: baby’s clothes should be washed at maximum temperature to kill germs.

Our grandmothers boiled clothes for this purpose. Even when I was a student, I had a large wooden fork to stir laundry in a boiling detergent solution. This rarity was lost in moving, but it's a pity ...

But let's return to our microbes. Many washing machines have a “baby clothes” mode. Typically, it is characterized by high temperature and double rinsing. Let's be honest: 95 degrees and boiling are still different things. In hospitals, autoclaving is used for disinfection. This is sterilization with water vapor under pressure above atmospheric pressure. At the same time, the temperature is noticeably higher than 100 degrees. Therefore, you will not carry out complete disinfection at home, and that’s good. Because the kid came to get acquainted with this world, and not to isolate himself from it.

I strongly do not recommend boiling children's clothes now. Because you can only boil things made from natural fabrics. In our time, you can not find this even for a lot of money. Manufacturers everywhere add a small percentage of artificial fibers. This makes the clothes more attractive, but drastically lowers the washing temperature.

And here we are faced with another contradiction. In order for the anionic surfactants in the powder to dissolve and begin to actively remove stains, it is necessary, and the tags on almost all children's things require gentle washing. Gels work well for washing at low temperatures, but doctors require washing children's clothes at high temperatures for the purpose of disinfection. The circle is closed.

What should mom do? Do not panic! An iron partially solves the problem. If you iron clothes washed on a gentle cycle on both sides, you can consider them conditionally disinfected and calm down.

Personal experience. Now I’ll tell you a terrible thing - I almost didn’t iron things for my fourth child. Only what I managed to do before giving birth. After returning from the maternity hospital, I picked up the iron about a year and a half later, and that was because my daughter had to go to graduation. The child grew up on unironed diapers and did not notice it. The grandmothers didn’t pay attention either. Even the doctor, who occasionally visited us, did not react in any way to this glaring fact. But in the free time, I checked the lessons of my eldest, while at the same time cooking, cleaning and drinking tea.

And one last thing. Laundry things right away

For me it looked like this: take dirty diapers, bibs, rompers, baby vests and use a brush to brush away feces, lumps of dirt, a stuck cookie, a piece of LEGO into the trash. We rinse the remaining dirt under a strong stream of water and wash it with ordinary laundry soap.

It's good if you learn to do this with gloves. Your hands will thank you later.

Place it in a bowl with a washing solution (we separate baby clothes, remember?). In the evening, everything is thrown into the washing machine on a normal cycle. Then we add a second rinse, and we have time to put the baby to bed. And when he wakes up at night, after feeding, you can get up and hang up the diapers. The main thing is to do it carefully so that it looks like it has been ironed. And don't fall asleep halfway through.

And remember, the baby doesn’t care how perfectly clean his clothes are or how stained his older brother is. The main thing is how happy and rested his mother is.

The birth of a child greatly changes the life of a family in all aspects. Even the usual household chores, which every housewife performs “automatically,” have to be reconsidered taking into account the needs and characteristics of the baby. Today we will talk about washing, because it is a very important point in caring for your baby.

Young mothers have to do a lot of laundry: a newborn baby can dirty several diapers per hour. In this regard, many questions usually arise: what to wash, in a machine or by hand, together with adult clothes or separately. The answers to all questions are in the rules for washing clothes for a newborn.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

10 rules

  1. A newborn baby's clothes must be washed separately from everything else. You need to especially carefully filter the things you wear on the street. Such clothes should not even lie in the same basket as a newborn’s laundry. The clothes of an adult contain a huge number of potentially dangerous microorganisms, because he wears them at work, in transport, in a store. Even washing at high temperatures, repeated rinsing and ironing cannot cope with some of them. The immune system of an adult is able to actively fight against such “neighbors,” but for a newborn baby, encountering harmful bacteria can be dangerous.
  2. For washing, you should use a special baby powder. The main active component of such powders is ordinary soap, which is completely harmless to the baby. Unlike synthetic powders, baby powder rinses better, removes organic dirt well and does not cause allergies. By the way, some manufacturers also have liquid laundry detergents for children’s clothes in their product line. Their properties are superior to dry powders.
  3. You can wash your baby's clothes in a washing machine. Some washing machine models have a special “children’s” wash mode. If there is no such mode, you can wash it on any other mode, setting the temperature to 80-90 degrees. This type of washing is similar to boiling.
  4. Some mothers do not trust washing machines and believe that automatic washing warps things. In this case, the newborn’s clothes can be washed by hand. You can protect your hands from hot water using two layers of gloves: cotton ones are put directly on your hands, rubber ones are put on top of cotton ones.
  5. Regardless of the washing method, children's underwear needs to be rinsed very well. On a washing machine, you can turn on additional rinse cycles; when washing by hand, you need to rinse until the water becomes absolutely clean and clear. With each new “approach” of rinsing, you need to lower the water temperature, after which rinsing is carried out in cold water. This method makes it possible to remove detergent particles from fabric fibers in the best possible way.
  6. A newborn baby may burp a little and leave a small spot on the diaper or blouse. Sometimes mom is tempted to wash only the soiled area of ​​clothing. Doing this is not worth it. All children's clothes are sent to the wash.
  7. If your baby has pooped himself, fecal particles must be removed from the clothes before washing. It's best to do this right away with soap and water. The fact is that some bacteria are safe only when they are in the intestines, but when they get to other parts of the body they cause problems. When feces particles get into the general wash, they are spread throughout the laundry, and this is not safe.
  8. When washing a newborn's clothes, do not use chlorine bleaches, scented conditioners, or anti-scale agents. You can remove “difficult” stains using hydrogen peroxide-based bleaches. Softening agents are not needed when washing with baby powder, and it is better to use anti-scale agents outside of washing.
  9. Washed items should be well spread out when hanging so that they are well ventilated and dry quickly. It is best to dry a newborn’s clothes outside or on the balcony, and if indoors, it should be dry and well ventilated. This prevents acidification of moisture and the proliferation of mold fungi.
  10. Before the umbilical wound heals, the baby’s things need to be ironed on both sides so that the newborn baby does not get any infection. After the navel has healed, you don’t have to worry about ironing things again.
At first, a new mother may think that washing her newborn’s clothes is a difficult task. In fact, the family quickly gets into a rhythm, sorts clothes without any problems and often completely switches to children's washing powder. To save effort and time, it is better to use a washing machine and diapers to reduce the number of dirty diapers. Every mother chooses her laundry detergent empirically.

With the birth of a child, the need to do laundry arises almost every day. Even if you use disposable diapers, babies have to be changed several times a day. But standard powders cannot be used to care for laundry. Let's figure out how and what to wash baby clothes for newborns.

The purpose of washing soiled laundry is clear - to remove stains, dust, unpleasant odors and germs, and also to give clothes an attractive appearance. But many mothers wonder if they should wash their newborn's new clothes? Doctors answer in the affirmative.

The immune system of a small child does not work at full capacity. It is better to protect it from contact with pathogens and dirt that may be present on purchased clothes and diapers. Parents cannot know for sure in what conditions things were stored: perhaps there were rodents, fungus or mold in the warehouse. In addition, there is no guarantee that the laundry was touched only with clean hands.

It is better to prepare the baby’s “dowry” 2-3 weeks before the birth. How to wash new clothes for a newborn? Baby soap is great for these purposes. You need to soak clothes and diapers for 10-15 minutes in a soapy solution, rub them with your hands, rinse thoroughly, dry in the fresh air, iron and wrap in a sealed bag.

Detergents for washing children's clothes

What is the best way to wash a newborn's clothes? His health largely depends on whether the mother can choose a safe means to clean her baby’s clothes. The protective barrier of children's skin is imperfect. Aggressive substances easily penetrate through it, causing an allergic reaction in the form of redness, itching, pimples and peeling. In addition, household chemicals contain volatile elements that enter the respiratory tract. Constant contact with them can provoke respiratory allergies, weakening of local immunity and other unpleasant consequences.

So how to properly wash a newborn’s baby clothes so as not to harm him? Main types of funds:

  • laundry soap;
  • special powders and gels;
  • soap nuts.

Baby soap

Many doctors and experienced mothers advise using baby soap in the first month of a baby’s life. The product does not contain fragrances, dyes or aggressive synthetic substances. It contains:

  • softening ingredients - lanolin, boric acid, glycerin, oils;
  • antibacterial components - extracts of string, chamomile, calendula and so on.

The cleansing properties of soap are based on the ability of the foam to absorb dirt and prevent it from reuniting with the surface. Benefits of the children's product:

  • safe for skin;
  • easy leaching from fabric fibers.

Its disadvantage is its low effectiveness in combating stubborn stains on things. But in the first months of life, the discharge of a breastfed baby has no odor. They are relatively easy to wash if the item is immediately soaked and soaped. Some mothers do not use detergent at all to wash urine-stained diapers.

Is it possible to wash a newborn's clothes with laundry soap? It is characterized by a high content of alkalis (0.15-0.20%). It contains no more than 72% fatty acids. pH level – 11-12. The product has antibacterial properties.

You can’t use laundry soap on a child’s skin, but it copes well with dirt on things, including difficult stains. The disadvantage of the product is its specific smell, but with thorough rinsing it disappears.

When purchasing laundry soap, you should pay attention to the composition. The traditional remedy contains only natural ingredients. But some manufacturers add bleaching agents, dyes and flavors to it. This product is not suitable for washing children's clothes.

Note: For the convenience of housewives, baby and laundry soap is produced in the form of shavings. It dissolves easily in water, forming abundant foam.


What powder should I use to wash newborn clothes? It should not contain potentially harmful substances. It is impossible to completely remove powder from fabric fibers; its particles remain in them after drying and come into contact with the baby’s skin, and can also penetrate the bloodstream.

How to safely wash baby clothes for newborns? When choosing a powder, you should pay attention not only to the mark “for newborns” or “0+”, but also to its composition.

The product should not contain:

  • phosphate additives - they destroy the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, reducing its resistance to external factors, and when they penetrate the blood, they change its formula;
  • chlorine – it dries out the epidermis, causing irritation and itching;
  • optical brighteners - they remain on the surface of the fabric after rinsing.

A-surfactants (anionic surfactants) should be absent or there should be a minimum amount of them in the composition, since they disrupt the course of redox reactions in the body and destroy some enzymes;

Some powders use nonionic surfactants instead of A-surfactants. They do not disintegrate into ions in water, hold contaminants in solution and are biodegradable.

How to wash a newborn's clothes in a washing machine? Almost all washing powders are designed for machine and hand washing. The most popular means:

Reviews from parents show that “Tide”, “Eared Nanny” and “Karapuz” often cause allergies in children, but “Stork” is the safest option in this regard.

Expensive brands (Amway, Garden, BabyLine, Sodasan, “Our Mom”), as a rule, produce baby powders with the safest possible composition. Their price is compensated by the high concentration of active substances. The lines of many manufacturers include washing gels. Their advantage is that they have small particles that can be easily rinsed out.

Tip: When purchasing powder, you should pay attention to the packaging. It must be intact, with a list of components and an expiration date. It is advisable to feel the plastic bag - under normal storage conditions the substance should not clump.

Soap nuts

How to wash clothes for newborns without chemicals at all? You can use soap nuts - the fruit of the sapindus plant. Their dry shell contains a large amount of saponins - natural surfactants. It should be packed in a cloth bag and placed in the drum of the washing machine. Experience shows that nuts can only cope with minor stains.

General washing rules

How to wash baby clothes for a newborn? Basic recommendations:

Subtleties of machine wash

Using a washing machine saves mom time and effort. Many models are equipped with a “Children's Wash” function. When activated, the water is heated to a high temperature, and rinsing is performed in a large volume of liquid. In addition, this mode gives things softness.

If there is no special function, you should select a mode depending on the type of fabric and use double or intensive rinse. The amount of powder or gel is determined by the instructions. It is important not to exceed the dosage.

At what temperature should I wash clothes for newborns? It is better to clean diapers and bed linen at 80-90 ºС. For delicate items, you can use a low temperature, but not less than 40 ºС.

Features of hand washing

It is impossible to wash things by hand in water at 90 ºС. The way to solve the problem is to wear two pairs of gloves: cotton and rubber.

Washing steps:

  • Dissolve powder or soap in hot water. For convenience, soap can be grated, poured with boiling water and stirred to form foam.
  • Lather individual stains or apply powder lightly moistened with water.
  • Immerse the products in water and leave for 15 minutes or several hours (depending on contamination).
  • Rub the fabric with your hands, paying attention to stains.
  • Rinse things by changing the water 3-4 times, its temperature should be lowered.

After soaping, it is better to immerse diapers contaminated with feces in water with potassium permanganate (it should have a pale pink color). If there are difficult stains on white items, you can use hydrogen peroxide - pour the solution onto the stain and rinse the item. Diapers can be periodically boiled in water with the addition of laundry soap. But not too often, otherwise they may turn yellow or grey.


Speaking about how to iron baby clothes for newborns, it is important to note that before the navel heals (in the first 3-4 weeks), the baby’s clothes should be ironed on both sides, using the highest possible temperature and the steaming function. This is necessary to prevent infection from entering the wound.

In the future, you can iron clothes on one side. Some mothers believe that they can do without an iron. It is enough to fold things evenly after washing and drying.

Advantages of ironing:

  • gives things an aesthetic appearance;
  • disinfects fabric due to high temperature.

Arguments of opponents of ironing children's underwear:

  • sterility prevents the baby’s immune system from developing normally;
  • Using an iron disrupts the breathability of the fabric.

Washing children's clothes is a responsible task. It is important that the product not only provides cleanliness and an aesthetic appearance, but is also safe for the child’s sensitive skin. The most reasonable thing is to combine several laundry preparations. Laundry soap is suitable for removing stains, baby soap or nuts - for cleaning lightly soiled items, powder without phosphates and A-surfactants - for daily use. It is important to rinse things thoroughly. After using a new product, you need to monitor the child’s reaction - even the most natural product can cause an allergy.
