Blacklist of foreign grooms from England. SOS: blacklist of suitors

To verify a man's identity online, first of all, ask him as many questions as possible. If he does not answer specific questions posed, it is better to stop correspondence.

After several letters, write to him that you are going to his city and can meet him. If a man is not in the mood for a meeting initially, then he will disappear completely out of fear or write that he is busy these days.

If a man has very good studio photos, then ask him to send photos at work, near home, with his family, with children and with friends. If he ignores requests, then, most likely, he is impersonating someone else.

Type in the search bar his email, first name, last name, his nickname on the site, it is possible that sites where he can be registered will appear. For example, a man writes that he wants to marry you, but he is registered on numerous adult dating service sites.

See how long the man has been registered on the site. If it’s been several years already, and his profile has been added to favorites, for example, 835 times, then most likely you won’t be able to have a serious relationship with this man.

The desire to meet a foreign groom is quite natural for Russian girls and women, because the standard of living abroad is much higher than in our country. To this end, they hang out on international dating sites, looking for a suitable candidate. Through virtual communication, new relationships are established and married couples are created. But is it always safe for a girl to communicate with her fiance from the computer? There are often cases of deception and fraud on the part of men, as a result of which offended and disappointed brides suffer material losses.

Who are scammers?

Girls who decide to look for a groom on international dating sites must clearly understand the danger that awaits them there. You can’t blindly trust the first man you meet. The difference between online dating and a real meeting is that you do not see who is hiding behind the mask of the photo posted on the site. A man with a pleasant appearance and a Hollywood smile can write that he is a military officer, but in fact turn out to be an old lecher.

If you fall into the clutches of a scammer posing as another person in order to deceive and extract money from foreigners on the Internet, you will not immediately suspect danger. This “groom” leads the girls so skillfully by the nose that they begin to open up and even fall in love with the man. Fraudsters on websites use fictitious names and other people’s photographs in order to attract Russian girls with their beautiful appearance and fictitious high social position. There are special services for checking the uniqueness of photos; one such program is described in this video:

Suspects who, from the first days of correspondence, complain about their fate and ask for money, should immediately arouse suspicion. To do this, they come up with a lot of plausible stories: troubles from their ex-wife, illness of a small child, death of a relative, etc. Some men even say that they came to Russia to meet their bride, but they were robbed along the way, so they have no money to get to the girl . The money requested is small, about 1 thousand rubles, because it is easier for the bride to part with such a sum than with a larger one.

Compassionate beauties run to the bank and pay the required amount on the card of the male swindler in the hope of helping the groom. But after that he disappears from the site, and the girl realizes that she was deceived. It should be remembered that foreign men always have the opportunity to withdraw cash from a credit card or apply to a bank branch for a loan. Abroad, it is the height of indecency to ask money from friends or acquaintances, especially from your fiancée. The heroine of the video below, a woman no longer young and stupid, nevertheless suffered from the deception of an American scammer.

Where can I find blacklists of foreign grooms with photos?

According to statistics, about 70% of foreign men submit an ad on a dating site not at all with the goal of finding a wife. And only 2 out of 100 Russian girls successfully marry a foreigner. The rest of the men receive shame, humiliation, violence, and insults. Fraudsters who deceive gullible girls are nicknamed “judas” of dating sites. To avoid becoming a victim of an impostor, before starting correspondence with a man, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the black lists of foreign suitors and check if your virtual acquaintance is among them.

Many Internet resources, including the dating site Mamba, publish such blacklists of foreign men. You just need to enter the phrase “black list of suitors” into the search, and pages will open with the names and photographs of scoundrels who have already managed to mislead someone. You can find extensive information about scammers and simply disgusting men on the Antidate women's forum. It's a good idea to blacklist cheaters. Such sites have helped many girls avoid unpleasant moments. But there are pitfalls here too.

There are a huge number of photographs of men on the Internet; copying them from there and posting them in your profile is as easy as shelling pears. The real owner of the photo has no idea what is happening. The groom's profile is blacklisted by the girl, even though the man in the photo has done nothing wrong. The impostor under a fictitious name will continue his dirty activities on the site, using the name of another person next time. It is impossible to stop a swindler; such a groom will never leave his real contacts anywhere.

Also, a woman’s revenge can lead a man to be blacklisted. The woman whom he refused will easily send the questionnaire there, saying: “If you don’t belong to me, you won’t belong to anyone.” It is impossible to judge unambiguously about suitors who are on blacklists. But we need to think about why the man got there, and how to avoid becoming a victim of an attacker. When meeting someone, you should find out more about this person, try to see what is hidden. If the groom is cheating, you will definitely feel it.

How to check the identity of a man on the Internet from different countries?

To find out what the man you are chatting with on a dating site is really like, feel free to ask the groom about everything. The more questions you ask, the faster you will find out what the gentleman breathes. Pay attention to how accurately and frankly the man answers you. If your questions go unnoticed and there is no concrete answer to them, it is better to stop dating.

Ask the man for his exact mailing address and home telephone number. If he is not committed to a serious relationship, you will not receive this data. If the groom decides to give you his contact information, tell him through a few letters that you are coming to his city on business and want to meet. You understand what the scammer’s reaction will be - he will disappear from your life forever.

Do you like the photos of the handsome man posted on the site? But they may be strangers. To check this, ask the man to send a photo near his home, work, with his children, parents or friends. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to assess the financial situation of the groom based on the photographs you see. If you don’t have the photos you want, then there’s reason to think about it.

To avoid becoming victims of male scammers, girls should adhere to several rules. Make them a habit, and then the threat will pass by. Here are the main recommendations:

  • The most important thing is to make acquaintances only on trusted sites with a good reputation. The owners of not all marriage agencies carefully check information about their clients. Look at the reviews about the site, whether the office location, phone number, e-mail are indicated, and whether a feedback form is provided. If the site owner asks you for a copy of your passport, make a mark on the scan “for marriage agency” so that the document is not used for personal gain. Choose sites where men pay for the correspondence, and you will not be required to have a credit card number to deposit funds.
  • Do not give the groom your personal information, address, phone number, email until you know him from all sides.
  • If during the conversation something about the man confused you or seemed suspicious, refuse further communication.
  • Do not pay for any site services via SMS messages (payment for a man’s contact information, any compatibility tests, etc.), scammers can empty your phone account.
  • Never send money to anyone. Remember that they can defraud you of funds in any, most cunning way. Stay alert.
  • Do not forget that you can also be blacklisted, so under no circumstances ask a man for money or gifts. Even if the groom himself proposes to you, it is better to refuse - hunters for scammer girls catch them with live bait.

By taking into account all of the above, you can easily avoid typical mistakes when corresponding with a foreign man on a dating site, avoid danger and not miss your, sometimes only, chance to find family happiness abroad. Be always vigilant.

(about virtual marriage scammers)

Features of scammers on matrimonial sites


Lovely girls and women. These days, many of us prefer (and often successfully find) our soulmate through the Internet. This letter from personal experience will give food for thought. Don't choose by appearance, look by mind and intellect. A photo of a handsome man from any country, including the most “desirable” countries for women from Russia, can turn out to be bait for luring out money. Be careful, use a webcam, find out more about the country of the person you are corresponding with, about the customs and even the area where he lives. In many countries, just the name of the area can already say a lot about your fiance.....

If you are interested in eastern (and western and in the Russian Federation) dating with real men who seriously intend to start a family, register on the Marriage Dating website and start correspondence today. Knowledge of the English language is not at all necessary - message templates for communication developed by psychologists and linguists are provided for you. Just select the appropriate message and with one click you will send an impeccably composed message in 2 languages ​​to the person you are interested in. Replies can be sent in the same way - choose from the list. Moreover, there is an individual on the site. support, including language support. The site has strict anti-spam and anti-scam controls.

In search of simple female happiness

Where are you - my one and only! These are the dreams and thoughts with which I end the day and start a new day. Are you interested in knowing how long I have been concerned about this topic? Eternity!

Yes, you heard right and were not mistaken - for ages I have been looking for my place in the sun and next to my beloved man. And it began with the fact that one day in the city of Nadezhdensk, 3 friends decided to arrange their destinies, and with the help of international marriage agencies. Such an agency recently appeared in our city.

Why marriage abroad? The explanation is simple: for lack of an opportunity to arrange their destiny in their own city. Then children, work. But we have already heard a lot about marriages with foreigners and with positive results. Well, as in the proverb: the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest... - we rushed in search of this very fruit.

And this happened in 1996. We were processed quickly. Of course, we were not in the clouds and knew that we only had a minimal percentage of success in this matter. Moreover, we are different both in age and appearance.

The results were not long in coming. My friend Anzhelika was the very first to receive a bunch of letters from America after 3 months. The offers were very varied: marriage, sex for a few days, traveling together for a vacation, etc. Our Angelica is a beauty with a tall and slender figure, a bright brunette with white and delicate skin. I won’t be mistaken if I say that many lost sleep looking at her photographs. And even today she is a real Russian beauty. In three months, my Angelica’s fate was decided. A handsome, tall American man came to our town and took our friend and her two girls to America. This wonderful miracle happened at the end of 1996. And at the beginning of 1997 there was a wedding in David’s homeland. David adopted Angelica's two daughters. There is an international dating club in Atlanta and with the help of this club this miracle happened. I'm happy and happy for my friend.

Now let's get back to my story. In the fourth month after the announcement was published, I received several letters. As the correspondence progressed, many of my fans dropped out. The first reason, and a very compelling one, is ignorance of the English language. The bravest and most patient American from Chicago wrote to me for more than 3 years. I couldn't go to English courses. My family at that time consisted of 2 people (me and my son born in 1979), where I was the only working member of the family. So this very lack of money really interfered with the organization of my personal life.

In short, until 2003, I stopped my husband’s energetic search abroad. During this time, a lot has changed in my life: layoffs at work, looking for temporary part-time jobs with private entrepreneurs or with the “new Russians”, where work is without insurance and without employment contracts. It’s good that my son found a permanent job under a contract and we could already breathe freely . My working days and months were not long, since private entrepreneurs were only interested in young girls, and women of my age were not interesting to them. The ceiling for the sought-after age ranged between 33-35 years. And then live as you want. This situation, unemployment, humiliated and killed me. She could not and did not have the right to be a dependent of her son. His father died in 1982. From a friend I learned that several of my fellow countrymen went abroad in search of happiness. I went to my son and was in tears... they say help me and let me go with them to Italy. What was I thinking then? Were you afraid of going missing in an unfamiliar and alien World? ......I thought of only one thing - I had to go through this school too.

And where the path will lead. In a word, I don’t know whether I convinced my son with my arguments. He let me go in August 2003. Arriving in Italy, I stayed in Naples. They found me a job working with a sick woman in a wonderful Italian family. I know what they were thinking...and how did you, dear, communicate without knowing the language with these same Italians!!!

Oh, exactly, it’s scary and funny to remember now. For the first few months, my poor little head was seething and seething. Cramming words and phrases led to nausea, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. I wanted to learn to understand and speak simple everyday sentences in a short time. I was simply ashamed not to study. And then - I’m Russian and, moreover, Siberian. And the stubbornness to self-improvement took precedence over the fatigue and monotony of memorizing words. Of course it’s not easy... linguistic grammar is completely different from ours. And then the pronunciation of words and sentences is different.

Slowly I began to speak and understand the language. A year later I began to read a little and write.

In November 2004, I accidentally found out that a Russian newspaper had appeared, which was printed in Pompeii and published once every 15 days. Of course, I rushed to look for this newspaper and bought the second issue. In this newspaper there was an advertisement for such a pleasure... We sell computers to foreigners in installments with the installation of a Russification program.

The second advertisement was an appeal to us, immigrants and immigrant women..... Who writes poetry, who writes stories, who composes music and songs, etc. ... write to us, send us your work, and we will publish it all in our newspaper. We wish to unite you with the help and under the roof of our newspaper.

You can't imagine what a joy this was for me. I could present my poems, all my writings to the judgment of my compatriots. Like a drowning man clutching at a straw, I grabbed this newspaper with both hands. I wrote my first letter and sent several poems. I was afraid they wouldn’t like me and wouldn’t answer. To my great joy, they quickly answered me and invited me to visit the newspaper editorial office.

There I met wonderful people. I bought a computer there in February 2005. I slowly learned to use the computer on my own.

Do you know what I was thinking when buying a computer? I will answer honestly! I have seriously returned to the idea of ​​placing an advertisement in various international dating clubs to find an extraordinary and extraordinary man, of course romantic, ready to marry a simple Russian woman.

I’ll get ahead and explain why I’m not looking for or haven’t found a man in Italy, especially since I’ve already settled into this society quite well.

A little about Italians.
Italians and family. Italians and divorce

What types of Italian men are there?

Firstly.... italian men mostly siparat, that is, they live separately for many years, but are not divorced and are always faithful to their families and ex-wives.

Secondly, it is not easy for an Italian man to divorce his wife. The law is completely on the side of the wife or bride. And after a divorce, a man remains like King Lear - naked and in the middle of the road. Thrown out of life, one might say. Even if a man is divorced, he will never marry, especially since there are so many single foreign women in Italy - it is not necessary to marry. Only a small percentage finds the courage to marry again. And many people prefer to change women like gloves.

I don’t like this style of “hunter” and “prey” and it doesn’t suit me. On the contrary, it even offends and humiliates. There are instructive examples for me - many of my friends cohabit with Italians, and then, when they get tired of them, they are kicked out the door. After many years of marriage. Basically, Italian men only use us foreigners as an object for sexual pleasure, but not as a person, but not as an individual, but not as a woman..... only a machine for sex. There is no need to go far for clarification... just look at street advertising posters.

Now let's go back to the Internet search engine. I could write about the results of my research for years, but I can briefly tell the secret to the whole world. So, since 2005, I gradually began to register my profile in many different clubs.

For more than six months I fluttered around Naples like a butterfly, happy and gifted with the attention of many men from all over the world. Everyone praised my beauty and admired me. Many, after 10-15 letters, already called me not something else... but my dear wife! I already began to really believe, spinning around in the mirror, trying to discern my very beauty and uniqueness, which most of my fans excitedly wrote about. The more I looked into myself and the sweeter the letters were, the more doubtful my heart became. “Am I doing the right thing in trying to believe many who write?”

After 7-8 months of correspondence, letters of this kind began to arrive...... “I’m flying out to you in two days,” wrote one from Australia, “tomorrow I’ll tell you the exact date and name of the flight. On the second day I receive a letter... “Dear, my beloved, I just left the police station. Today, when I went to buy a tour and a ticket from the agency, my apartment was robbed. They took out everything that could be taken out. Darling, send me 250 euros while I settle everything with my bank and then upon arrival to you, I will reimburse all expenses. I'm going to pick you up and we'll go back together.....

Out of 10 letters from men from different clubs, every 2-3 letters were of the same or similar nature. The other 2-3 fans, after 4-5 letters, asked for photos in a bikini or even in the nude. Then the next 2 fans invited them to their place, explaining it this way.... you arrive - I will then pay you all the expenses.

There are always 2-3 fans on this list who, during a week-long correspondence, ask questions about family, income, what my son and I have in real estate in Russia and what income. When I write the real truth on this issue: that my only treasure and jewel in Russia is my son, his family and little grandson. I immediately get an answer... they say, I'm sorry - we are not suitable for each other.

While I am writing my story to you, I managed...

Fraud on dating sites: American “military” scammers

Today I will tell you about one of the most common scenarios of deception on dating sites with foreigners. This method of fraud is now so “popular” that I think every second of us has encountered something similar. Several times a week I receive messages from women who describe almost identical situations and their doubts about the men who write to them. Apparently, for many, that same female intuition works. And they turn to me with a request to analyze the situation and dispel (and more often confirm) their doubts about each specific man.

And since situations repeat themselves over and over again, I decided to describe this, one of the most common scenarios of deception on dating sites.

So, American “military” swindlers.

The scammers who “work” according to this scenario pose as American military personnel (ranked, not private).

markerhe is an American military man serving in Afghanistan (usually) or Syria (this is a trend in recent days, scammers are also aware of political news). He may simply be a military or military doctor;

marker he is divorced or widowed, most likely has children;

markerhis service is coming to an end, and he writes that there are 1-2 months left until the end of the contract. Or another option is possible: in 1-2 months he is planning a vacation, during which he wants to meet you. In any case, he will describe everything in such a way that you will not doubt that you will soon meet a man;

markerhe sends a photo in military uniform.

In general, at first glance, the man will be absolutely positive and not arouse any suspicion.

American military scammers on dating sites

Attention! Quite often, scammers use first and last names and photos of real people, i.e. real officers of the American army.

Most commonly used names: William GBoykin, Mark Martin, Karl.W.Eikenberry, Tommy Frank, Andy Thomson, Robert Duff Lopez, Karl Eikenberry, Miller Andersen Fenlason, William GBoykin

markerHe will give you his phone number without any problems, but this number will most likely be in English.

Attention! If a man gives you a phone number and it starts with +44 70, then most likely he is a cheater. These are the phone numbers most often used by Nigerian scammers

What's next? He will write you tender letters. Literally from the first letters you will feel that these are the words you always wanted to hear. Compliments, tenderness, declarations of love, plans for the future. It’s all so beautiful... You just bathe in his love and tenderness!

Eh... This is the weak point of our women! Usually this is where they “catch” us! We lack tenderness, we are all romantic girls at heart (regardless of age, life experience and degree of cynicism). And that’s why kind words, compliments and confessions make the heart beat faster. The brain refuses to pay attention to suspicious moments because feelings come to the fore...

blacklist of suitors

After you are already accustomed to communicating with him, to kind words and compliments, after you catch yourself thinking that you are starting to wait for your communication, his letters and warm words, then you are ready. The preliminary work of the fraudster is completed and the main part begins, for the sake of which all this was started.

In the further development of events, some options are also possible and I will describe the most common ones:

He bought jewelry/fabrics (or anything else that is inexpensive in the country where he is, but has great value in his/your country) and wants to give you a gift

He found a suitcase with dollars/diamonds during a military operation and wants to send them out of the country, and you are the closest person to him, which means he will send it to you

Saved a member of the royal family/sheikh/local rich man and for this he was given a lot of money that he needs to take out of the country, etc. (see above)

In general, he has some valuables that he wants to send to you (for temporary storage, to begin with). After all, you are almost his wife, he loves you so much and all that... And since all this money/jewelry (or whatever else he came up with) was obtained not entirely legally, he does not want to advertise it all, pay taxes, etc. . Therefore, he will smuggle a suitcase with money/valuables with his diplomatic friend via diplomatic pouch (which, as we know, cannot be opened) or with a Red Cross employee. A man can even write the exact dates when you need to meet the plane and your package from it. It is clear that the parcel will not arrive.

After some time, when you are already impatiently waiting for the package, he sends a letter and writes that something unexpected has happened, and the package is stuck in an African country called Ghana.

Attention! This is also one of the features of this fraud scenario. Diplomats are stopped in Ghana. Apparently there are the strictest customs officials or the most greedy customs officers. Just kidding, of course. As you understand, this is another trick of scammers, there was no parcel initially, no diplomat was going anywhere, etc.

Further, according to the scenario, the beloved almost-husband writes that you need to pay a certain amount of money in order for the parcel to be sent further (alternatively, you also need to pay so that it will not be opened). The amount may vary depending on your wealth. Conclusions about the availability of money are made based on your previous letters. He can ask for either 4,000 dollars or 800.

In parallel with the request for money, there are ardent declarations of love, assurances that he has an absolutely hopeless situation and that is why he is turning to you with such a request, that he is terribly uncomfortable, but everything turned out this way... In general, the woman is under a massive psychological attack.

If you immediately refuse to send money, then the parcel (assuming that it exists) may travel further (apparently under its own power) and get stuck at the customs of some other country and a smaller amount will be required to redeem it. And this will continue until you either send money or send the scammer himself. But even if a man is sent, you will continue to receive letters from customs, from him, from a diplomatic friend, etc. with requests, pleas, threats, demands to pay immediately, appeals to your conscience, sense of duty, etc.

Be prepared for the fact that they may send you copies of receipts for your parcel, copies of some receipts from customs. Here the calculation is made on the fact that we do not understand these foreign documents and, as Ostap Bender said, with the modern development of printing, everything can be forged

They may also call you from customs and ask you to send money. In general, processing can be carried out from all sides. Fraudsters work as a group and help each other.

What to do if you find yourself in such a situation?

Completely ignore all requests/calls and do not give in to this pressure;

Once the scammer realizes that you really won't pay, he will immediately leave you alone. Typically, such scammers “process” several potential victims at once, so as soon as he realizes that you will be of no use, he will immediately switch to another victim.

You can ask to send a copy of your passport and bank account details and gently hint that you have friends in Russian foreign intelligence and out of friendship (exclusively privately and through their own channels) they will check this data and only then will you send money to your dear future husband. At the same time, do not forget to ask if he has anything against such actions on your part?

You can mention the “419 scam” and make it clear that you are familiar with this term. Briefly for reference: this is what American law enforcement agencies call the fraud techniques used by Nigerian scammers.

I will tell you more about this fraud scenario in the next article from the “Fraud on Dating Sites” section.

ATTENTION! The site has a blacklist of suitors, which we collect together. If you have your own history of communicating with a scammer, then add information about him, with photos, links and everything else, to our blacklist. Alas, the law cannot protect us from these scammers, so let's protect ourselves!

And for such “American military” I made a separate section, because recently this is the most popular scenario for deceiving women on dating sites. Follow the link and watch carefully. Maybe you'll see some familiar faces...