What guys don't like about Orthodox girls. What do guys like in a relationship. What men don't like in women: things to think about

A woman is called upon to excite the sexual fantasies of men, to inspire and seduce. But not all women can conquer the surrounding men, or at least win them over, with all their desire. There are some of the most common mistakes that catch the eye of the strong half of humanity and completely discourage the desire to start any kind of relationship with such a woman. All these misses can be divided into seven categories:

1. "Appearance is not the main thing ...". A very gross misconception! Of course, intelligence, sense of humor and other human qualities of women are important for men, but all this does not forgive a careless appearance, especially if this is not a one-time occurrence, but a permanent condition.

Dirty clothes, bad breath, smeared makeup, dirty hair, as well as unshaven legs - all this completely kills any desire on the part of a man. A well-groomed appearance is the same work on oneself as self-education, it must be approached no less responsibly.

2. "I'm not worthy ...". Men immediately notice what a woman thinks about herself. An insecure, closed, depressed girl hopelessly loses all her sexuality in the eyes of men.

On the contrary, when a woman demonstrates confidence and self-satisfaction with all her behavior, this is a signal of her sexual potential. Uncertainty is given out by dull eyes with an absent look, clumsy control of one's own body, passivity in relationships, a tendency to complain, confused speech and nervous laughter.

3. "Look at me, I'm sexy!". Too much effort to become attractive to the opposite sex can have the opposite effect than you expect. Acting, aggressiveness, too revealing clothes in inappropriate situations - all this is a pronounced game of "seducing everything and everyone." Looking at such a game, intuition tells men that something is not clean here: either the girl is not popular and is trying to fix things by “storming”, or she can ask for a “reward” for continuing the relationship. In any case, this will scare away normal men, and will only attract a certain contingent of not very pleasant personalities, do you need this?

4. "Cold on the outside, passionate on the inside." A woman may really want to be sexy and attractive, but her actions and behavior tell men otherwise. Such women may not engage in flirting, be embarrassed to show interest, or even act masculine. It seems that she is a "cold ice" without feelings and sympathies, but this is not so. You need to learn to show your disposition and interest in men in order to receive reciprocal sympathy.

5. Bad habits. They scare everyone, not just men. In our time of struggle with smoking and alcohol, many men have abandoned these "harmful things". They are unpleasant to a woman with a cigarette or drinking hard liquor. More innocent, but at the same time, no less repulsive habits include constant chewing gum, biting nails, wringing hands, shifting from foot to foot, etc. Getting rid of bad habits will not only make you more attractive in the eyes of others, but also will improve well-being.

6. A lot of things ... Men call these women "Christmas Trees." They have a lot of cosmetics, jewelry, jingling and clattering things, as well as intricate hairstyles and too heavy perfume. All this heap of accessories and cosmetics makes it impossible to see the woman herself. Men like naturalness, only slightly emphasized, not suppressed.

7. Vulgar behavior. Frank sexuality is a very powerful weapon in the hands of a skilled woman, and it must be used discreetly. If it is used obsessively, it begins to repel. A man recognizes revealing clothes when he knows that this outfit is solely for seducing him alone, and not for conquering everyone around him, leave your sexiest outfits for meetings alone. Also, flirting with several boyfriends at the same time will discourage further communication.

Guys have a lot of qualities that girls like, but there are also a lot of negative ones. In this topic, we will look at how guys repel a girl.

And so what girls don't like in guys:

When a guy spends a lot of time at the computer, this girl is very infuriated. After all, you actually change it to movies and games. The girl begins to suffer from a lack of attention. It is because of this that there are many quarrels in our time.

When a guy's phone constantly rings, it's very annoying for a girl. The girl again wants attention. And what your attention to her can be if you are constantly talking on the phone. Therefore, try to get involved in telephone conversations less. Or turn off your mobile phone a little when you meet, if possible.

The guy pays attention to other girls - this girl is very angry. She starts to get jealous. And she just can't understand you. After all, you are with her, why do you need someone else. Therefore, try to look less at other girls, or learn to hide it skillfully.

Very high self-esteem - such character traits repel a girl from herself. After all, it is unpleasant to be next to a person who is like the navel of the earth. Around such a person, the girl begins to feel unnecessary. Therefore, try to land a little and pay attention to your companion.

Rudeness - girls love guys who can communicate beautifully. When a person is rude, it really spoils the relationship between a girl and a guy. Therefore, try to be more cultural in communication.

Greed - all girls are scared off by such a trait. After all, they want some gifts and surprises in the future. And how can they be expected from you if you are greedy.

Not responsibility - such a trait of your character simply destroys all the hopes of the girl for a future family life with you. After all, you as a man are simply obliged to take responsibility for your actions. Girls love decisive and self-confident guys.

Passivity - girls love active guys. If you are passive, then the girl understands that in the future, she will have to pull you along. And not every girl is ready for this.

Keeping promises - if you promise something, then you must do it. Girls do not like guys who disagree with words and deeds. Therefore, try to watch your words.

A bad sense of humor - such a negative quality of yours is very annoying to a girl. Therefore, try to either joke less, or joke, so that the girl would be funny.

I advise you to pay attention to your negative qualities. After all, often guys cannot understand why I don’t have a girlfriend or why my girlfriend is so bad. In fact, the problem is all in us. If a person is drawn to the good, then good people meet on his way. Therefore, I advise you to spend your free time on self-improvement. And then on your way you will meet a worthy girl.

In a relationship, many women behave with a man completely wrong. Some of the things that they do make the stronger sex very angry, bringing life together to the brink.

For some reason, many representatives of the weaker sex are convinced that only a man, but not a woman, should make efforts in developing relationships. That's the whole problem. Absolutely every woman, equally with her partner, should monitor her behavior, not allowing some traits of her character to spill out. So, in order to keep the relationship from cracking at the seams, women should stop doing certain things for a man.

1. Let him solve problems on his own.

No, we do not urge you to completely deprive your beloved of support. But don't overstep the bounds. Whatever problem arises, let him make his own decision and understand the situation, even if it is not easy for him.

In no case do not take the whole matter into your own hands, covering the man with your "mighty" back, confidently rushing into battle. Yes, no one argues that a woman, from a moral point of view, is sometimes much more resilient than men. And even if you saw a way out of the situation before him, just give him time to come to the end himself. Simple support from you will be more than enough. Every man wants to be sure that he is a protector for his woman, and not vice versa.

2. Try to patronize him less

No one argues that a woman should love and take care of her man, but overprotectiveness only harms relationships. Do not take on the role of his mother, he and she are enough in full. All these jumping around your beloved, manifestations of boundless care, feeding almost from a spoon must be excluded.

The man is not your child. He is your stone wall, behind which nothing threatens you, this is how you should feel. No need to babysit him, give gifts, arrange surprises, being one step away from buying flowers for your man. You don't have to take on his role either. Otherwise, your partner will someday simply cease to feel like a man, being next to you.

3. Don't Emotional

This refers to those moments of life when a woman, too prone to emotional outbursts, begins to demand the same from a man. No need to specifically provoke him into a conflict, touching and throwing unpleasant words at him. Of course, at first your beloved man will endure such antics, but there is a limit to everything. Representatives of the stronger sex are not used to shedding tears, burying their faces in the pillow, and tearing their hair in tantrums. They deal with experiences differently, mostly by simply suppressing them internally. And it just needs to be accepted.

Even if you see that your man is worried about something - do not demand an explanation from him if he wants - he will share with you himself. Do not regard this as his distrust and disrespect for you. It's just that men are not used to showing their weaknesses, preferring to cope with emotional experiences alone. And maybe he will put up with this behavior of his woman and will not break off relations, but no one will give a guarantee that someday he will not have one on the side that will give joy and lightness instead of constant pressure and withdrawal to emotions.

This article will focus on the appearance that scares. The guy just won't confess. But he doesn't like it. The guy is annoying. And the girl does not even guess, or simply “scored”. In order not to be mistaken like that, it is better to read the list of TOP 10 "What guys don't like in girls."

  1. Make-up camouflage

If a girl knows how to make up chic, and does it like a pro, then makeup does not annoy the guy. But you need to be able to paint so that it looks natural and beautiful. A guy should not be afraid to smear war paint in a fit of tenderness, or ask for a kiss, hinting that lipstick is better to wipe with a napkin, and not with his shirt.

  1. The image of the pink fairy

Pink is the most feminine and delicate color. But when there is too much of him in the clothes and image of a girl, this scares the guy. Unless he has a special predilection for infantilism in behavior. A lot of guys do not like the image of a fairy princess, except in kindergarten. A bit of childishness, playfulness and lightness in girls attract guys, but not 90% of the pink things in the closet.

  1. Sheer tights in the cold

Someday boys become fathers. It will be important for them how the chosen one takes care of the child. But up to this point, nature is so conceived that guys unconsciously always analyze how a girl is a good option for childbearing. And if she persistently tries to freeze herself that very place, she looks irresponsible and at least stupid. If a girl takes care of herself, it is very attractive to normal guys. Much more than sharp hints of intimacy in appearance.

  1. Mini at panty level

The image of a girl of easy virtue always attracts attention. But in fact, rarely anyone likes it. Vulgarity is rather ridiculed by guys. Not everyone is looking for a riddle in a girl, and a puritanical image is not at all necessary. But any emphasis on sexuality should be in moderation. By the way, his complete absence also annoys the guys.

  1. False hair

They are everywhere! On the pillow, in the shower, on the armchair, on the couch ... And that's not even the point. How to stroke such a girl without being afraid to tear something off? Hair has always been the main weapon of girls. According to them, a man could judge her health, even if unconsciously. If you really grow hair, then qualitatively, as imperceptibly as possible.

  1. killer nails

Guys have nightmares about scissorhands. So cute, in rhinestones, with modeling. Huge, yet specially pointed! Perhaps this is a means of self-defense? This is how guys perceive unnaturally long and sharp extended claws. It is difficult to call them nails.

  1. Puffy duck lips

All selfies are pouty? A guy can seed her Instagram and be embarrassed to show it to friends. It is better to figure out how to add passion to the image in other ways.

  1. Undyed roots hair

Being a dyed blonde is a big responsibility. But brunettes are not spared either. Hair needs to be taken care of. Guys don't like any such hint of unnaturalness in girls.

  1. peeling varnish

It is high time to make it fashionable, because every girl has faced such a problem at least once in her life. The varnish began to peel off, and it was either too lazy or not possible to wash off. There should always be special nail polish remover wipes in your purse.

  1. Spirit shower

The guy does not like it when flies die from the train of his girlfriend's perfume. Let even very good and pleasant spirits. The golden rule is that you need to perfume yourself in such a way that you yourself can barely feel this smell in a minute.

And in the next article, the guys will tell you what they don’t like about the behavior of girls.

It depends on the appearance and behavior whether you can attract the attention of a girl, arouse interest and love.

Clothing, mannerisms, the way you communicate are all important if you want to be successful with girls.

Read carefully what not to wear and how not to behave.

out of fashion clothes

Girls follow fashion and they will pay attention to your five-year-old jeans or an outdated hat. For such things, girls figure out at once that you have problems with money or taste. Both that, and that will not add to you points in competitive struggle. If you really have problems with money, then buy simple things that will not lose their relevance in the future. If you don’t have good taste, read magazines for men, they are laid out on the shelves how to dress now.

Overly fashionable clothes

And too many accessories and decorations. Girls don't like this at all. If you love jewelry, wear one at a time, otherwise you can look like a gypsy baron. The same goes for accessories. no need to wear everything at once, especially bright colors. There is a risk of looking like a gay bohemian.

Tasteless Combinations

The notorious socks with sandals are not the worst thing. Sweatpants with non-athletic shoes, sports jackets and sweatshirts with jeans and shoes, etc. Forget the combination of sportswear and non-athletic shoes. The opposite combination, by the way, can work. For example, now you can wear trousers and sneakers, for example. But, if you're not good with trends, dress in simple clothes that are easy to pair with each other.

General neglect

Be sure to trim your nails, visit the hairdresser and dentist, shave your armpits, and brush your teeth twice a day. Take a shower in the morning and evening, wash your clothes and use deodorant. Clean your shoes and take care of your skin. In general, take care of your appearance, women will appreciate it.

Boasting and egocentrism

If you have everything in order with the appearance, but you do not have a girlfriend, it may be in the wrong behavior. Showing off and showing off is the last thing you can do to impress a girl. Don't brag about it. Women love modest, moderately silent, but attentive men.

Insensitivity and cruelty

Cruel or insensitive behavior towards pets, children and the elderly will not only turn a girl away from you, but you will simply fall to the bottom in her eyes. But sensitive, compassionate men really like women. Show generosity and nobility, and you will win the heart of a girl.


Be sure to pay for a girl on first dates. Don't skimp on flowers. For women, the manifestation of male generosity is the best compliment. You don't need to spend too much on the first meetings, but the candy-bouquet minimum should be a gift from you, otherwise the girl will think that you don't like her as a woman. In general, show moderate generosity and the girl will be grateful to you.