Dialogues with a VKontakte girl examples. There will be no second chance: what to write to a girl in the first message

Time does not stand still, technologies are developing rapidly, and the problems of the younger generation remain the same. When guys were afraid to say a banal "hello". Today, they do not dare to start correspondence first. And, even if the young man managed to get the phone number of his passion, he does not dare to talk for a long time. But you can text. How to chat with a girl you like? What to talk about, ask? These are the questions that concern most teenagers.

good start

For a successful SMS correspondence, it is important to start correctly, in an original way. The girl should receive a message that she has not yet had. A simple greeting or emoticon will not work. The girl needs to be interested. You can show originality in the first message like this:

  • Be witty. You can make a girl an unusual compliment, a remark.
  • Be cheerful. The girl should smile when reading the message. But, the jokes have to be smart too.
  • Be educated. You can write to the girl some interesting fact, the news that you just heard.

To start a dialogue, and not just play "one goal", the girl must receive a question from the guy. How to ask it? It is better to start a correspondence with a question. Then the passion will understand that you are expecting a reciprocal step from her. It is important that the question is simple, easy. She shouldn't have to think about the answer all evening. The simplest, most common option is the question of how the day went.

The message must not contain errors. Before sending an SMS message, be sure to check the punctuation and spelling. If the proposal, the question is not built correctly, you can not wait for an answer. When writing, you need to be yourself. Do not try to seem smarter, better girl. She will immediately feel excessive efforts. Too much humor will also play into your hands. Everything should be in moderation.

How to keep the attention of your passion?

If the girl, nevertheless, answered your question, started a dialogue with you, you need to keep her interest. If a guy can keep up a conversation in a telephone conversation, he is even more interesting in live communication. The purpose of the correspondence is to let the girl know about your character, interests, hobbies. And, if she likes your wit, she will want to meet you in real life sooner.

You can keep your attention in the following ways:

  • Share your interests. Football, cooking, martial arts will definitely interest the fairer sex.
  • Find common interests. Find out what the girl is interested in, try to find something in common in your hobbies and preferences.
  • Tell me that you would like to devote yourself more to your hobby. She will understand that you have a rich life, a rich worldview.
  • Be smart. Do not write a banal “ha ha” on a funny comment from a passion. Come up with an equally funny, original response.

Be sure to flirt. If she is already answering you, is involved in a dialogue, flirting and compliments will be pleasant to her. It will only fuel the conversation. In addition, the object of adoration will clearly understand that you like her. After a little flirting, you can move on to direct action. Try to show her in SMS correspondence that you are constantly thinking about her. Show that you remember everything she talked about, wrote. Ask more questions about her personally.

Successful end of correspondence

To continue in common with a girl you like in real life, you need to know when to stop, end the correspondence. Don't send endless messages to your crush. Intrusiveness, excessive perseverance will only scare her away. In the end, the girl has her own personal affairs, worries, she cannot always answer you.

If your loved one regularly ends the conversation herself, it is better to wait until she writes first. You need to give her time to solve her problems, and not to strain even more. The end of the conversation should always be positive. A funny message gives you a reason to write to you tomorrow. You can tell a girl that you are going to a concert, meet friends. Then next time you will have a topic for discussion.

The end of the conversation might look like this:

  • Always write "good night".
  • Write that it was fun and interesting for you to chat today.
  • Let her know what you think of her.
  • Tell us what you plan to do after talking with her.

After the SMS correspondence is regular, successful, you can safely invite the girl on a date. And even that has to be done right. Avoid officialdom, direct standard phrases (“I invite you on a date”). Say that you are going to a bar, cinema, theater, ask if she would like to keep you company. Even if you get rejected, it's not the end of the world. Perhaps the girl already has plans for this evening, and you will be able to meet in real life next time.

What to chat with a girl in VK?

The modern world without social networks seems impossible. And for teenagers, teenagers, young people, virtual life seems more real than usual. Most of the communication is done via internet mail. Also, social networks are a great option for dating. How to meet a girl in VK?

You need to start with the correct design of your personal page in contact. To interest your passion, you need to upload high-quality photographic material. The guy's calling card is an ordinary photo portrait, but in a good extension. There should be a minimum of entourage, photoshop, a maximum of naturalness.

On your page, the girl should find photos from her personal life, with friends, from vacation. She will understand that you have fun, enjoy your free time, you have a hobby. So you are an interesting person, and you have something to talk about. It is equally important to mark up photos with other girls. The passion will have a question about these representatives of the weaker sex, and you will have a reason to talk about them, start a conversation.

Before starting a conversation in VK, carefully analyze the girl's page. This will reveal something in common. So, from the profile on the social network you will learn:

  • Hobby girls;
  • Her interests in groups;
  • How often does she visit VK;
  • How many fans does she have?
  • Who are her friends (maybe you have common ones).

Don't start with a letter right away. First, add the passion as a friend. If she accepts your offer, you can start talking. You don't have to send her a private message. You can start with a flattering comment under the photo, rating the avatar.

Proper social networking

There are several rules of correspondence with a girl. By following them, you will definitely be able to make a new acquaintance. First, you need to decide on the purpose of communication. You just want to chat, find a new friend, or plan to build a serious relationship later. Depending on the purpose and choose the style of communication.

The general rules for online correspondence are as follows:

  1. Be positive. A girl should have fun, just chat with you. Appropriate humor is always welcome. But ridiculous sarcasm will only repel the fairer sex.
  2. Be literate. Spelling and punctuation errors are simply unacceptable. Believe me, the first thing women pay attention to during correspondence is literacy. In the absence of such, your communication will end before it begins.
  3. To be polite. At each conversation, greet the girls, and then say goodbye. Elementary politeness, ethics will attract a girl.
  4. Be intrigued. To provoke a girl, keep the intrigue. It will be interesting for her to communicate in this spirit. Next time she will start the correspondence herself.
  5. Be interested. Show interest in hobbies, hobbies, girl's life. If a young man only talks about himself, few people will like it.
  6. Be different. You can turn from a brutal macho into an incorrigible romantic.

Correspondence examples

What to talk about with a pen girlfriend? How to answer her questions? As soon as you write "hello" to her, she will have a lot of questions. And the first one is “who are you”. And this is natural, because the woman does not know you, she has not seen you before. Try to answer this question for yourself, and write. Your message might be: “Hi, I'm Andrew. I'm a cool, fun guy, and I'd love to hang out with you."

Also, the girl will definitely be interested in what you need from her. There is no need to play around here, but to talk about your goals. Be sure to compliment your passion that she is beautiful, and it is very interesting for you to start a correspondence with her. It is a correspondence, do not try to immediately meet with her. Everything should be gradual, take its course.

How to chat with a girl you like? Here are real examples of the first messages with which you can start a conversation in contact:

  • "Hello Kate. My name is Sasha, and I am also fond of this musical group (sport, book). I saw you have the same community. I have plans to attend their concert, but have not yet decided whether it is worth it. Please advise."
  • “Hello, Marina. My sister's birthday is next week and I still haven't decided on a gift. So I decided to ask the girls on VKontakte about the options for a present. Tell me, please."
  • "Good afternoon, Christina. I think I saw you at the Central Department Store last night. You are very beautiful both in life and in the photo. I just thought I'd give you a compliment."

These are all general, approximate phrases that can be adjusted to the interests of the girl. But, the message should contain a polite greeting, compliment, question (request). In any case, the girl will give you an answer, and after that the dialogue will begin.

Remember that she will not fall in love with you right away. There is no need to rush things. Always keep her interested. Regularly send her online poems, pictures. They can be both romantic and humorous. Everything depends on the woman. Once your conversations become casual and regular, you can ask her for her phone number. After all, chatting with a girl online is just one of the ways to communicate. Already with a live conversation, real love can come.

Talking to a girl who likes the Internet is easier than in real life. In a couple of clicks, you can find out everything about her: where she works or studies, what her hobbies are, what films she watches and what music she listens to. But what to write to her in the first message in a contact so that the girl pays attention and wants to continue the conversation? In our article, we will talk about what must be in the first message, and what should not be there, and at the end of the article you will find several examples of successful online dating ...

Preparing to meet: a few important rules

Before starting a conversation, you need to:

  1. Tidy up your page. We choose a good avatar, fill out the “About Me” section, publish beautiful photos, etc.
  2. Choose a girl. We choose a girl from our city, weed out fake accounts, we find common interests, possible topics for conversation.

How to properly prepare your page in the social. networks to meet and choose the right girl, we described in detail in. Be sure to read this article before you start writing your first post.

What should be the first message to a girl: 3 main questions

The first message should be brief, but should directly or indirectly answer the 3 main questions, which will surely appear in the head of any girl after she reads your "Hi".

These are the questions:

  1. Who you are: what is your name, how did you find it online;
  2. Purpose of acquaintance: chat, have fun, go on a date;
  3. Reason why you chose it: what do you have in common, what do you like about it.

The order of these theses may vary depending on the situation.

The main task the first message is to interest the girl, make her pay attention to you. To do this, you do not need to write a whole sheet of text or come up with complex greetings. 1-2 well-chosen simple sentences are enough.

Don't forget to say hello and introduce yourself the name your friends call you. Avoid too familiar forms ("Sanya", etc.). Yes, the page already has your name on it, but the introduction is a simple form of introduction etiquette.

Don't know what excuse to come up with? Desire to chat- this is already a great pretext for the first message. Do not intimidate the girl by talking about the desire to start a family and have children, even if you are really looking for a future spouse.

Carefully review her page - pay attention to books, music, films and publics. How is a girl different from others? What is she proud of? What unites you?

Write that you saw on her page a photo from a recent concert of your favorite band or that you noticed a selection of Nolan's works in her videos. Show her that she is not just another girl to whom you “copy-paste” the prepared text, but that she is special. She will at least be interested in what kind of person you are, if you point out the commonality of interests, and she will want to continue communication.

Examples of successful dating phrases

Here are 3 original examples from the life of starting a conversation on VK that can be used as a model.

Example 1. A beautiful compliment is an original conversation starter

Hi, Olya! My name is Vadim. I stumbled across your page by accident and wanted to get to know you. Painfully charming smile on the avatar :)

Well, hello, Vadim! Thanks for the compliment…

Or maybe we will meet and continue communication outside the Internet?

I'm sorry, but I don't go on dates with the first person I meet.

You can go to my page - there is quite a lot about me. You won’t learn so much about a stranger from the street if someone approaches you to get acquainted :) By the way, I also have a Rottweiler. Maybe we can meet and walk the dogs? How about tomorrow evening?

Fine. Here is my number +79212345xxx

Example 2. Shared Passion - Travel

Hello Sveta! I was looking for posts on the hashtag Baikal in the news, and accidentally landed on your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. Wouldn't it take me a long time to ask a couple of questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Grisha)

Hello! It's nice to meet you :) Few people get to Baikal from our city - now it's closer and cheaper to fly abroad than to such a distance. Ask what you want. I'll try to answer)

Or maybe we'll meet somewhere for a cup of coffee? I think that it will be more convenient. In general, I really like to travel around Russia. I can give you more interesting routes)

And why not?)) Today I'm busy, but I can tomorrow after work. I finish at 8 at Amethyst. Comfortable?

Yes, it's convenient. Leave your number please. In case I lose you there)

79213345ххх see you soon)

How not to start a correspondence: the most common mistakes

The most common mistakes are:

  • platitudes The first post must be original. You can’t start a conversation with cliches or hackneyed phrases, for example: “Hello! How are you?". If you write something like that - in 9 cases out of 10 she will simply ignore the message;
  • Hints of a sexual nature. And this includes not only messages like: “I would like to take a closer look at you!”, But also “compliments” to the girl’s figure, even if she herself put herself in a swimsuit with a profile photo;
  • Use of slang expressions and obscene words. It seems that this is understandable, but many of the first messages from men are still replete with various “che”. And if a girl decided to ignore you or immediately sent you off (albeit in a rude way), in no case should you call her names. Even if you never cross again, keep your face and don't stoop to that;
  • The presence of grammatical errors. Check what you write. Pay special attention to commas. No one will find fault if small punctuation errors slip through the message, but a complete lack of understanding of the grammar of the Russian language will definitely scare an adult girl away;
  • Deception. Using a "fake" page or one where there are no personal photos. Put yourself in the place of a girl: if you were in her place, would you get acquainted with a person who has no friends on the page, and a Hollywood actor or the latest Lamborghini model is depicted as a profile photo?

The girl replied to the message: what's next?

So, you managed to interest a woman and she responded to your message. How to be further? The best solution is to go straight to your goal.

If you want a close relationship, immediately invite her on a date and take a phone number. You need to take advantage of the moment while her attention is completely focused on you. The longer you delay, the more likely it is that she will refuse to meet in person.

Remember! Pointless messaging is a waste of precious time.

If the girl agreed to go on a date, you need to immediately appoint a place. Here is a selection of where you can go on a first date.

A great way to make a good impression on a date is to surprise a girl, to surprise her. Here are a few how to do it.

If a girl did not agree to a date, this is not a reason to give up. No need to remove it from contacts and send it to the black list. You can communicate with her further. Do not forget, the more you communicate with girls, the better it will turn out. In addition, if you are interested in her correspondence, then she will definitely give a second chance. A few that can be used in correspondence here.

In any case, if you want success with women, then you need to develop.

Brief conclusions

In a word, for a successful first message, it is necessary to briefly and succinctly describe the purpose of the appeal. Sometimes you can directly talk about the desire to get to know each other, but it is more effective to use some kind of pretext. Don't forget to clean up the page, double-check your grammar, and be prepared to handle objections.

Don't push the girl, keep a positive attitude and remember that the purpose of your first message is to meet. Communication just for the sake of communication in this case does not make sense. And if at first the young lady refused to meet with you, but continued the correspondence, then it’s just worth the wait. Give the girl a couple of days to get to know you better.

you can read on this blog. I will just say, so as not to take up your time, that the opener is the first message that opens your communication. This is the first message that serves as a hook for communication. Therefore, for the lead to be successful, the first message must be original, which will not be similar to other messages. If she is interested in your message, then you will meet and chat.

You can find examples of openers on the Internet, but the fact is that over time you have to learn how to compose them yourself. If you learn to invent something new in your head for every situation and for every girl, then you will not need to read articles on the Internet about how to meet a girl.

Your first task is to learn how to make leads for communication. So that after the hook you can learn how to build communication and know where to build it, in what direction.

To understand how to build leads, I chose one photo from the Internet.

So, look at this girl, peer carefully, what do you pay attention to? For a smile? Eyes? Hair? For example, ask yourself what would you write to her? “Hi, do you look amazing?” , “Hi, do you have a cool dog?”, “Hi, do you have beautiful eyes, smile, eyebrows?”. The fact is that such a pretty girl writes this all the time. You need to understand that when you write to a beautiful girl that she is beautiful, you raise her status in her eyes, she knows this and so, she was already written about it before you. For all your compliments, she will write: “Thank you” or “Thank you, I know.” In the end, you won't get caught up in anything.

In such cases, you need to behave on an equal footing with the girl, even if you may not consider yourself as attractive as she is, but the main thing is self-confidence.

Now I will show those hooks that I noted to myself in this photo with a girl.

I noted 14 of the holds that came to my attention, you can still notice the sea far from this girl on the right, but since it’s not clear whether it’s the sea or not, I didn’t take it into account.

I numbered the holds as I noticed them while looking at the photo.

1. Eyes

2. Hair

3. Eyebrows

4. Smile (lips, teeth)

5. Shirt

6. Legs

7 Collie

8. Shorts

9. Nails

10. Sand

11. Accessories

12. Rings

13. Bracelet

14. Mountains

Let's assume that you were also attentive, like me, at the end of this article there will be another test for attentiveness. Considering that guys pay attention to the eyes, hair, eyebrows, smile in the first place, then we can assume that more often they write to her about how beautiful her eyes, smile, etc. are.

How about all the other leads? Cloth? How about a collie? She hugged him so tightly that she has a special interest in this pet, maybe it's her dog, or maybe it's so conceived for a photo shoot, but the lead is very good. Note that I noticed the rings and bracelets almost last. She loves accessories, you can see it by the number of them on her hands.

My opener:

She will not be able to answer this message: “Thank you, I know”, or “Thank you”, she will need to answer in detail, if, of course, she reads your message. I show no interest in her person, and at the same time I show subtly concern for a pet that may be hers. The fact is that in America, girls buy their pets just for this, to get to know each other. You approach her, say: “Wow, what a cool dog you have” and away you go…. but I digress.

Now come up with your own unusual opener, and here is the 14th point, where the mountains are, I noted for a reason. It is better not to touch the mountains, it is better to touch on what is connected with it in the opener. If you say: “I know that mountain, I was on it”, she will tell you: “Well done” and this will end the communication. But if she was on that mountain, that's another option.

So you wrote to her, she answered you, and then what? What should I write to her next? Ask: "How are you?" Think for yourself, you just made her answer you, and what did you come up with in an original way to get acquainted with a girl on Vkontakte. And then you immediately trivially transfer the topic to a template that everyone uses, here you need a different strategy.

What should I write to a girl in the second message?

We analyzed the first message, but what should the girl write in the second message? I have not seen this on any site, so I will write on my own. Suppose you wrote her an opener in the first message, she replied to it, the second message should be the same opener. That is, you continue to get acquainted at the same pace. You started an original acquaintance, you must continue it so as not to slow down the pace of communication.

First post - Me (opener): Hello, you hugged your pet so tightly that I began to worry about him, because so many jewelry on his hands definitely left prints on his body.

She can answer anything here, well, let's figure out a couple of options:

No. 1. She: This is not my dog, this is a friend, I took her to a photo shoot with my girlfriend

You look good together, I suggest you think about taking this charming Collie to your guardianship.

No. 2. She: I took it slightly, it seemed to you.

Second message - Me (opener): How did I not immediately feel your concern for him and how often do you arrange walks along the beach?

The rule of first messages to a girl.

Remember the rules of the first messages. They definitely should not have vulgarities, or any hints of bed scenes. Even if you set the goal of sex from the very beginning, your communication should seem to the girl more like a game than a manifestation of your open wild fantasy. There are no easily accessible girls, even prostitutes are not given to everyone, remember this. Be tactful and attentive, notice every detail of her wardrobe and everything that is next to her, even the most insignificant detail can be beautifully beaten and turn communication into just a storm of pleasant surprises on her part. She will definitely notice your special care. The first message should be such that the girl could not answer: “Yes” or “No”, so that your message at least prompts her to a detailed answer with three, four words. Your first message should not have an error, because at the beginning of communication, the girl may immediately be disappointed. If you're not sure about your spelling, use an editor, Microsoft Word will do for a spell checker. Do not put her above yourself, she is the same as you, therefore it is forbidden to sprinkle her with compliments in the first message. Choose those who are online. Don't be intrusive. It's like fishing, in which you throw a bait that the fish should bite on. You cast your bait and wait for the same girl to take your bait.

Your homework: note to yourself the peculiarity of the girls that you will now see in the photographs that I have chosen. What do you see, what clues, where would you start getting to know them?

And I promised for dessert a mindfulness test to defuse constant reading a little.

Wandering through the expanses of contact, you suddenly saw a very beautiful girl. And immediately there was a desire to get to know her. To do this, you need to take the first step and write her the first message. But then you fall into a stupor, and nothing but a banal "hello", followed by emptiness, does not climb into your head. And thoughts arise: “if I write this to her, she will not answer, but if it’s different, then she will freeze.” In short, the brain is already porridge.

So, let's start in order.

Before writing the first message

First, if you want, then you must have cool profile, correctly filled out and with good photos. Because the reaction of the girl by 70% will depend not on what you write to her, but on your photos, how cool you look on them.

Secondly, Don't rely on any particular girl.. Because for so many reasons, communication may not work out. For reasons beyond your control. She may be in a bad mood, her beloved hamster has died, and so on. Anything. And after a bad start, it will be very difficult to successfully continue communication.

Thirdly, when the value of a particular girl at the dating stage is high for you, you start doing ineffective things, and she merges.

So. After you have more or less put your VK page in order, you can write the first message.

What exactly to write to a girl?

In fact, it is not so important what is written in it, because the girl looks at whether it is worth talking to you or not. Next, I will talk about several options for the first message. But above all else, you must remember the basic rule. And use it in cases where nothing original comes to mind.

Write to the girl what you want to say right now. Do not pretend and try to appear as someone who you really are not. If you saw her profile and you want to talk about the weather, do it. Or about how she spends the evening. If she liked you, she will appreciate your initiative and continue the conversation with pleasure.

Also, at the beginning of communication, consider the following point: do not make simple compliments, do not communicate with a girl from a position from below. Most guys immediately start sucking up. They write how cool she looks, what cool pictures and the like. Such a beginning of communication is a huge minus, and most likely, it will not be crowned with success.

The best recipe for first posts is provocation, intrigue or directive message .

I like the last option the most, because you can immediately see what the girl is like and how she treats me.

Example of a directive first message

Hi dear)

we meet tomorrow!

what time are you free?

And then you take the number and make an appointment. Minimum loss of time, maximum efficiency. The disadvantage of this method is that not everyone agrees so. BUT! If she likes you, then she may still not immediately leave her number, but she will make it clear that there is potential for further communication. And don't forget that girls really like guys. And if you write this to her in the first message, then you are one.

Message - Intrigue

  • Hello! I know something about you!
  • What are you)? didn't even believe it at first
  • I liked that you combine 2 qualities that are basically incompatible, many men don’t like them, but I think it’s even a “+” for a girl

The intrigue is good because it practically forces the girl to keep up the conversation herself. The female gender is a curious creature, and she will quickly want to find out what exactly you know about her.

Message - Provocation

Provocation is needed in order to evoke strong emotions and start the thought process.

It will be difficult for a girl to resist responding to such a message. And this is what you need.

Another thing is that this article provides examples of only the first message. And even if you get a good answer to it, continuing the conversation is no less effective.

Here are the main theses for communication after the first message:

  • Be confident and in a good arrogant guy.
  • Do not communicate with a girl from a position below, but at least on an equal footing.
  • Create more intrigue and non-standard situations in communication.
  • Do not delay the correspondence, take the phone and call.

Now you know what to write to a girl in the first message and how to start a conversation, or on a dating site. Good luck!

School of Yuri Okunev

Hi all! We continue our conversation on the topic of communication with the fair sex. So, you have already found the strength to get to know her, and she even let you into her friend zone. What to do next to continue and develop relations? What to write to a girl in VK today or tomorrow as part of everyday communication? What to talk about with her after meeting?

You know, you can, of course, give as much universal advice as you like on the universal rules for communicating with ladies, but the effectiveness of such recommendations will be extremely doubtful. After all, each person has his own preferences, interests and “fads”. And in order for a particular young lady to like communication with you, you need to find out and take into account her tastes in the future.

To do this, at the very beginning of the acquaintance, you can “test the soil”. Ask her what she does in her free time, if she has a hobby and what, if she has pets at home, if she reads books/magazines, what series she watches, what music she listens to, where she likes to walk. Well, then draw conclusions and work in the appropriate directions.

And be prepared for the fact that you will have to start watching/reading/listening to the same thing as her. At a minimum, to make it easier to find topics for conversation. And as a maximum - in order to explore the subtle facets of her personality.

About some nuances

  • It is better at first not to discuss topics such as religion, family relationships, former partners, financial situation. With them, you can raise some painful issues that will definitely not benefit the relationship. Yes, and then it's simply uncivilized, because you barely know her. There is no need to dump the whole truth about yourself. Your revelations may be uninteresting to her, may confuse her, or make her think of you as an overly sensitive guy who needs to speak out on a sore subject. All this will be absolutely not in your favor. Although there is nothing wrong with the same subtlety of nature, it is better to show it only to those closest to you.
  • It is absolutely not necessary every time to decide for a long time what to write to the girl after “hello”, to come up with some tricky topics for conversation. It’s enough just to throw her a cool track, repost something, send a photo or give a link to a site that can be useful to her.
  • Try to write in a positive way, make compliments, share some interesting information. Easy to communicate and friendly people are always liked by everyone.
  • I am sure that you will have a great temptation to write to the beauty you like ten times a day. But I strongly recommend doing this. Firstly, because few people like too obsessive men (if anyone likes them at all). Secondly, because people are usually much more attracted to members of the opposite sex, keeping at a certain distance. They seem more self-sufficient, more distant. You just want to draw them closer to you J So write without fanaticism, increase the number of letters gradually.
  • If a smart, well-mannered girl won your heart, then you, if necessary, will have to grow up to her level. This means that you will have to learn, at a minimum, to write without errors (the Internet is full of free spell checkers). And, of course, once and for all to refuse obscene words and vulgar jokes.

Of course, the principles of communication I have cited do not at all pretend to be strict rules. After all, you are free to choose the communication strategy that you consider best for yourself and your particular situation. If you still decide to follow my advice, then I hope that they will really help you!


  • How to write a “hello” to a girl in an original way?

I've come across this question many times, and each time I'm surprised by it. You know, it all depends on who you're going to meet. If we were talking about schoolchildren, then we could come up with many options. But if you belong to the adult category of citizens, then inventing some kind of crazy “rolls”, in my opinion, is absolutely useless.

But if you really want to say something instead of the usual "hello", then it could be some kind of joke. Well, like "No! Won't go!!! My grandmother's pink hat won't suit you!!" or “Is it really good that Saturday is today, and not tomorrow, like yesterday?”.

Or you can write some completely unexpected question, in the spirit of “Do you know how to take a picture in the garden so that everyone thinks that I am in the Canary Islands?”. Or ask some question with a claim to a high intellectual level. Like “What can you say about the differential and integral features of the phoneme?” or “Do you know how many electrodes bipolar transistors have?”.

Starting a conversation with any of these phrases, you can wait for her answer, support the topic with some kind of remark, and only then introduce yourself. “Do you know what a phoneme is? Cool, me too. By the way, my name is Vitya, and how are you? And don't care that it all sounds kind of crazy. You wanted to stand out, right?

Of course, the communication scheme may be completely different. The young lady may try to answer with a joke, simply remain silent, or stun you with the correct answer to an abstruse question. As they say - "Chess is an unpredictable game."

  • How to write to a girl that she is beautiful?

Here again, you can try to show off by coming up with some original phrase. But for the sake of variety, I propose to conquer it with my sincerity and straightforwardness. Of course, it’s better not to talk about your admiration for the appetizing forms of the young lady, but complimenting her shiny long hair, radiant smile or sky-blue eyes is very much allowed.

Directly in plain text and write: “Hi! You know, I saw your post on a friend's page and couldn't take my eyes off your avatar. You are a real beauty! And I'm sure she's smart too." Somehow like this...

  • What if she doesn't want to talk?

If it so happens that the young lady does not show much interest in you and it will be noticeable that she does not want to talk to you too much, then do not impose yourself! After all, not every lady attracts you, either, right?

Believe me, if you like her, then she herself will look for a reason to talk to you.

It will help you better understand how to properly communicate with a girl in contact or in real life. It is written in a very simple language and talks about the differences in the psychology of representatives of different sexes. I advise you to read!

If you still have any questions on the topic of personal relationships with young ladies, then you can safely ask them in the comments to the article. I will definitely answer.

I am already working on new materials and I advise you to subscribe to the newsletter from the site so as not to miss the moment when they are published.

Allow me to digress for today. I sincerely wish you all peace, kindness and great mutual love! Always yours, Yuri Okunev.