Newspaper on the theme of autumn for school. DIY autumn wall newspapers. We welcome autumn. Wall newspaper options for the Autumn Ball at school

How to reflect a riot of colors and all the charm of autumn in a wall newspaper is described and clearly demonstrated in the materials of this thematic section.

Interesting ideas for an original interpretation of the eternal theme “Golden Autumn”. Wall newspapers, which reflect the characteristic seasonal changes in nature, and the bright events of kindergarten life - themed autumn holidays, excursions and matinees. Trees painted in different colors, migratory birds, photo reports from significant events of the golden autumn...

Autumn can be beautifully depicted not only in poetry, but also in a wall newspaper.

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Showing publications 1-10 of 72.
All sections | DIY autumn wall newspapers. We welcome autumn

Autumn follows summer Autumn is coming. The wind sings yellow songs to her, lays red leaves under her feet, flies like a white snowflake into the blue. (V. Stepanov) Release wall newspapers plays a significant role in raising children in a team, has a significant impact on development, where every child...

Good day to everyone, dear colleagues, friends, guests of my page! I present to your attention wall newspaper, which we made together with the children of our group for “World Kindness Day” Give people sincere kindness. Give people sincere kindness Give daily...

DIY autumn wall newspapers. We welcome autumn - Wall newspaper “We met in autumn”

Publication “Wall newspaper “We met...”
The goal is to bring parents and educators and children closer together; after all, the newspaper depicts precisely the hand of a small child in the hand of an adult, which means the point is to remind that an adult is responsible for the child, that the teacher and parents must work together...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

In mid-autumn, I invited parents to take photographs of their children with the gifts of autumn. I printed out the photo, wrapped it in a file, and with the children we made a wall newspaper “What Autumn Brought to Us.” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of autumn changes in nature. Tasks: -form...

Wall newspaper in the preparatory group "Sorceress-Autumn" Autumn spread paint at the edge, quietly brushed across the foliage: The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed, In the autumn purple there is only green oak, Autumn consoles: - Do not regret the summer! Look - the grove is dressed in gold! Z....

Autumn is a wonderful time that transforms nature beyond recognition! Yellowed, crimson leaves falling from the trees, gentle autumn sun, a refreshing breeze - what could be more beautiful? This year autumn in our beloved city of St. Petersburg turned out to be...

DIY autumn wall newspapers. We welcome autumn - Wall newspaper for Grandparents' Day - October 28

Dear grandparents, today is your day on the calendar! Please accept congratulations from us, there are no better people on Earth than you! On October 28, the whole country celebrates Grandparents' Day! Grandparents are always the “favorites” of their grandchildren and therefore you should try to surprise, delight, impress them, but...

Tennewspaper “How good are you, Autumn!” Wall newspaper is one of the forms of working with parents in kindergarten. In our group we make wall newspapers dedicated to “Mother’s Day”, “New Year”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Maslenitsa”, etc. Also dedicated to the theme of the week or...

Showing publications 11-20 of 72.
All sections | DIY autumn wall newspapers. We welcome autumn

Goals: Educational: - Expand children’s knowledge about concepts such as "old age", "old man"; Developmental: - Develop social senses (emotions) : sympathy, empathy for loved ones, conscious friendly relationships; mental activity, culture speeches:...

The fast train is leaving for the land of Knowledge... It was with these words that a creative lesson began in the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 158. but first we decided to fantasize and came up with a fairy tale about the Land of Knowledge, where books, letters, and numbers live. The children came up with the idea that during the holidays the letters and...

DIY autumn wall newspapers. We welcome autumn - Wall newspaper for September 1. Collage poster

Publication “Wall newspaper for September 1...”
Wall newspaper “The fast train departs to the land of Knowledge...” The new school year has begun! Congratulations to all colleagues, children and their parents! I work in a mixed-age group with children from 1.5 to 7 years old. This is the poster we created for the beginning of the school year with the older children. This...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Wall newspaper "September 1st!" Just think, 83 years have already passed (since 1935, when a single date for the start of classes after the holidays was first determined for all schools - September 1! And this day has become so familiar to us that it seems that it cannot be otherwise. On this day of first-graders are waiting...

Autumn. New set of kids. The new school year. Everything is “new” for children, parents and teachers. We have 4 years of work ahead of us. After all, education is a complex process. Ahead lies the adaptation of all participants in the educational process. Collective work (in this case, a wall newspaper) is like...

At first glance, everything is exactly the same. The morning is bright and early. But who started to paint everything around so beautifully? Who found such bright colors? Bronze, fire, purple, gold. It's Autumn. It was she who came, the sorceress. And nature began to try on new outfits. Autumn...

DIY autumn wall newspapers. We welcome autumn - Wall newspaper “Oh, what a beauty autumn” in the second junior group

Upon completion of the “Golden Autumn” project in the second junior group, a wall newspaper was created. Photos of children on an autumn walk were used to create it. Children played with fallen leaves on the kindergarten playground, collected autumn bouquets, enjoyed the beautiful autumn weather. This...

Tasks. Introduce children to joint creativity, the ability to negotiate and help each other. See the big picture in a small proposed composition. Develop imagination and creativity. Materials. A sheet of Whatman paper on which the teacher has previously drawn...

Not only high school students, but also students in grades 5-7 are looking forward to the autumn ball at school with special trepidation. This colorful and memorable event is an excellent opportunity for all schoolchildren to show their creative abilities, join interesting group activities and relax with friends. A successful Autumn Ball at school is distinguished, first of all, by a good script - funny, a little touching, original and dynamic. Important components of a beautiful evening in honor of the Autumn Ball are the variety of numbers (songs, skits, dances) and the festive decoration of the hall (wall newspapers, posters, balloons, flowers). Next, you will find a selection of interesting ideas for holding an Autumn Ball at school, which will certainly make your holiday bright and memorable.

Autumn ball at school - scenario for high school students (video ideas)

As a rule, high school students and young teachers deal with organizational issues for holding the Autumn Ball at school - their creativity gives good results in the form of non-trivial ideas for the holiday scenario. Of course, the traditional version of the Autumn Ball script with funny scenes, dances and poems on the theme of the arrival of autumn can also be made bright and interesting. But you must agree that the flexible framework of this holiday begs for experimentation and a non-trivial approach. At the same time, it is important to preserve, even in the most original scenario for the Autumn Ball, several key points that make this holiday special. We are talking about choosing the king and queen of the evening, an autumn waltz performed by high school students, beautifully decorated in accordance with the season of the year. Therefore, the optimal option would be a scenario that skillfully combines both the original idea and the traditional components of the Autumn Ball at school.

Ideas for a script for the Autumn Ball at school for high school students

As for script ideas for the Autumn Ball at school for high school students, there can be many options. Let's start, perhaps, with more traditional ideas, which, however, will help make the holiday extraordinary. For example, high school students can organize a scenario for the Autumn Ball at school in a historical spirit, trying to embody a real ball from the middle of the nineteenth century. Long evening dresses, black tailcoats, candles, classical music and other surroundings of that era will help to recreate the amazing and very romantic atmosphere of the balls of the past. The script itself should not only be solemn, but also contain elements of humor. For example, you can stage several funny skits with the participation of the famous Lieutenant Rzhevsky. It is very important to maintain the style of the evening as a whole, so all participants must speak using speech patterns of that era. In general, such a scenario should be replete with beautiful dance performances in appropriate costumes. To emphasize the autumn theme, you can decorate evening dresses and suits with autumn leaves - natural or cut from colored paper. In addition to humorous scenes in the script, ballroom dancing and poetry reading, you can also add funny competitions. For example, play funny forfeits with teachers. Moreover, tasks for such forfeits can be either thematic or simply funny.

Original version of the script for the Autumn Ball for high school students

Another unusual option for the Autumn Ball is a scenario in the disco style of the 80s. In this case, it will be much easier to get the necessary costumes. For example, you can look for matching outfits in your parents' closet or at a flea market. To connect the 80s disco style with the autumn ball, you can use small thematic techniques. For example, songs about the autumn of those years, which can be both the musical accompaniment of the numbers and the basis for numbers with songs-remakes. The scenario itself for the Autumn Ball at a disco-style school should be very dynamic and fun.

Funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for students in grades 5-7

For students in grades 5-7, it is better to choose a funny script for the Autumn Ball at school. Firstly, such a humorous format will allow schoolchildren to relax and play their roles with pleasure. And secondly, a funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school is easiest for students in grades 5-7 to implement. Judge for yourself, a few funny skits, a couple of comic dance numbers, funny remake songs - this is an excellent basis for such a scenario. In addition, good humor, seasoned with interesting stories from school life, will make the holiday relaxed and interesting.

Funny scenario for the Autumn Ball in KVN style for grades 5-7

If we talk specifically about ideas for a funny version of the script for the Autumn Ball, then the most popular among students in grades 5-7 are options in the style of famous humorous shows. For example, the KVN format has not lost its relevance over the years. In order to hold the Autumn Ball in this format, classes will need to be divided into separate teams. You can also involve teachers in the game, in particular, young ones with a good sense of humor. The script should be based on typical competitions of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful: greeting, warm-up, STEM, captain competition, musical task. Each of the competitions can be “tailored” to an autumn theme. For example, the greeting could be called "Hello Autumn" and ask teams to introduce themselves using the most popular myths or opinions about the season. This way you can beat every competition.

Ideas for a parody script for the Autumn Ball for students in grades 5-7

Another current option for a funny scenario for the Autumn Ball in grades 5-7 is a parody concert. Here, students’ imagination can be practically unlimited, since this format is quite free. The only thing you should avoid is bad and offensive parodies of teachers, which can really ruin the mood of teachers. Otherwise, if you stick to the “golden mean” you can get a very fun holiday. As numbers for such an Autumn Ball, you can use comic poems about autumn, for example, about bad weather and autumn depression, which worsens within the school walls. Also suitable are dance numbers like musical medleys, that is, in the form of musical mixes from different directions. It is better to take melodies for such dances in contrast, for example, start with rock and roll and move on to tango, etc.

Original script for the Autumn School Ball based on the film

An original and at the same time funny script can be written in the style of a famous film, for example, “Back to the Future” or “Gentlemen of Fortune”. You can also write a script - a mix of different popular films. The main thing is to adapt the script to the school theme, in particular, adapt it to the format of the Autumn Ball - various scenes, interesting numbers, fun competitions. At the same time, the plot of the chosen film and recognizable characters must certainly be present.

Ideas for dancing at the Autumn Ball at school, video

Dance numbers occupy a special place in the concert dedicated to the autumn ball at school. This is one of the most dynamic, interesting and at the same time quite simple numbers to perform, which are always popular among schoolchildren. Ideas for dancing at the Autumn Ball at school can be drawn from the daily life of the class, the latest world news, or from similar videos on the Internet. Among the current options for the Autumn Ball is the classic waltz. As a rule, several pairs of high school students are chosen to perform a waltz, who can dance with each other or invite teachers to dance. Despite the stunning beauty, many are afraid to perform the waltz at the autumn ball because of the risk of making a mistake in the steps. In addition, the classical waltz is not suitable for every version of the Autumn Ball at school. For example, if a funny script format is chosen, then the ideas for dancing for the Autumn Ball at school should correspond to it. Most often in this case, musical mixes from different directions are taken, which can be played with humor.

Original dance parody of the Autumn Ball at school

Another current funny option is a dance parody of the Autumn Ball. For example, you can stage a funny dance about how current schoolchildren will dance in 20-30 years if they are invited to the Autumn Ball. A more traditional, but no less relevant option is a good dance in a modern style. It should preferably be based on a popular melody of a song about autumn, and the movements can be taken from its video clip or choreographed yourself.

Wall newspaper options for the Autumn Ball at school

A wall newspaper is the easiest way to decorate the hall for the Autumn Ball thematically. As options for wall newspapers for the Autumn Ball at school, you can use ready-made templates and realize your creative abilities. Traditionally, the design of a wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball is done in the appropriate color scheme - red, yellow, orange. It is these colors that symbolize the arrival of autumn and therefore will help create the desired color scheme for the room. In addition, not only the external design is important, but also the content. In particular, it is worth adhering to the format of the upcoming holiday when writing the content of the wall newspaper. In other words, if there is a fun concert in honor of the Autumn Ball, then the wall newspapers should be filled with jokes and funny poems. And for a classical ball, it is better to prepare wall newspapers and posters with beautiful and touching congratulations and poems by great classical poets. You will find several interesting options for wall newspapers for the Autumn Ball at school below.

An interesting greeting for the Autumn Ball at school

An integral part of absolutely any scenario for the Autumn Ball at school is a greeting. Moreover, it must be interesting, perhaps funny, and catchy, since it is the greeting that sets the tone for the entire autumn ball at school. We will not repeat that the format of the greeting, like the wall newspaper and poetry, must coincide with the main format of the concert. At the same time, it should stand out slightly and be even a little brighter than the other numbers. For this purpose, the greeting can use invited guests, for example, famous graduates of the school from past years or charismatic professional presenters. It is also important to prepare the right musical accompaniment, which will emphasize the importance of the greeting and the beginning of the concert. In addition, the scenario of the Autumn Ball at school itself is quite short in time (usually 1-1.5 hours), so the greeting should be given at least 5-7 minutes. It is also important to involve not only high school students, but also middle school students in the greeting. For example, make several pairs of presenters from different classes. This is necessary in order to emphasize the unity of schoolchildren of all ages and their important role in holding the concert.