Henna for hair: benefits, is there any harm. Types, shades, how to use and wash off. Henna hair coloring: personal experience and useful tips

What to mix henna with? How to prepare the paint? What will be the end result? You will find answers to all these questions in our article containing a photo catalog with the results before and after staining.

Many of us have heard about medical hair coloring with henna. And someone has long renounced chemical dyes, preferring a natural remedy. If such painting is new to you, you should first study the advice of professionals.

  • ALWAYS do a test color by applying the mixture to a small section. So you will avoid unpleasant surprises, at the same time you will find out what color this mixture gives to your curls. After all, the same composition can give different shades on different hair.
  • Be careful with mixtures containing coffee. If the dye is left on the hair for a long time, the caffeine can enter the pores, causing headaches.
  • So that henna does not dry out hair, you can add oils (essential or olive) to it.

How to make paint

  1. It is advisable to prepare the mixture in a plastic or ceramic bowl.
  2. It is not recommended to apply paint immediately after preparation. Let it brew until the mixture changes color to a darker one. To do this, store it in a warm place, after adding lemon juice or vinegar.
  3. The longer the paint remains on the hair, the more reliable the effect. Do not wait for the result after 15 minutes, staining can take from 1 to 8 hours.
  4. The amount of henna and the total weight of the mixture depends on the length and color of your hair. It can take up to 100 grams of henna for short hair, 100-200 for medium hair, and 300-500 for long hair. On light hair, the result is more noticeable.
  5. We advise you to cook more than the required amount. The rest of the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. Henna dilution liquid should not be too hot. If you heat the mixture, do not bring it to a boil - this will degrade the coloring properties.
  7. The optimal density of the mixture should resemble sour cream in consistency. To make the paint flow less, add diluted gelatin.

How to apply henna to hair

Gloves should be used (so that the skin of the hands does not stain). After you have applied the mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap or a regular transparent bag and wrap your head with a towel. Apply petroleum jelly or oil to the skin along the hairline so that the henna does not leave marks on the face. Dye is easier to apply on wet hair than on dry hair. To color your hair better, dry it with a warm jet of a hair dryer. When you have finished dyeing, wash off the henna until the water runs clear.

It is important to know: henna continues to change the color of your hair after removing the mixture. After a couple of days, the shade may change.

So, we've learned the basics. What are the options for hair coloring?

50 options for dyeing hair red

200 g henna, 1 cup lemon juice, juice of 1 lime, 10 drops of patchouli essential oil, 4 tsp. ground cloves, water.

The mixture is infused for 18 hours. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

100 g henna, 220 g lemon juice, 7 tbsp. spoons of corn syrup, 3 tbsp. cloves, 13 drops of frankincense oil, 13 drops of benzoin oil, 6 drops of rosemary oil.

We insist the mixture for 15 hours. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

100 g henna, lemon juice, coffee, yogurt

We dilute 100 g of henna with lemon juice to a thick paste, add cold coffee, diluting to the consistency of sour cream. We insist the mixture for 3-4 hours. Add yogurt (1:1 ratio). Apply to hair. Then leave the paste on the hair for 2.5 hours.

100 g henna, lemon juice, 2 bags of ground cloves, a cup of plum juice.

Mix 100 g of henna, lemon juice and add 2 bags of ground cloves, bringing the mixture to a thick paste. We insist the mixture for 12 hours, then add a cup of plum juice, bringing to a state of sour cream. Apply to hair and hold for 7.5 hours.

75 g henna, lemon juice.

We insist 20 hours. Dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

6. Rose oil

200 g henna, 75 g lemon juice, 75 g filtered water, 3 tbsp. ground cloves, 20 drops of rose essential oil.

The mixture was infused for 8 hours, then another 1 day in the refrigerator, after which it was applied to clean hair and kept for 5.5 hours.

7. White wine

50 g pectin, 150 g white wine, 150 g water, 100 g henna, cinnamon

50 g pectin + 150 g white wine + 150 g water = heat the mixture for 12 minutes, stirring every minute. We insist 1 hour, then add 100 g of henna, we insist 3 hours. Add cinnamon for fragrance and apply to hair and leave overnight. We wash off the paint in the morning.

8. Red wine

100 g henna, 200 g red wine, 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

We dilute the mixture with water until we get the density of sour cream. We insist 3 hours. Apply to hair for 1 hour.

100 g henna, raspberry tea, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, olive oil, red wine vinegar, turmeric, paprika.

Brew strong raspberry tea with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. We dilute 100 g of henna with 1 cup of tea. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and 4 tbsp. red wine vinegar. Add a pinch of turmeric and paprika. Let the mixture brew for an hour and a half. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

Henna, lemon juice, lavender and tea tree essential oils, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika.

Mix henna with lemon juice, add lavender and tea tree essential oils, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika. Mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. If the mass dries up, dilute it with lemon juice. Apply to hair and leave for 4 hours.

Today, the fashion for everything as natural, healthy and natural as possible has penetrated into all spheres of our life. The beauty industry is not far behind, and today the budget and simple procedure is held in high esteem by many fashionistas.

Today we will talk about the benefits of henna and basma coloring, how to do hair coloring at home on dark and blond hair in order to get red and black shades of hair after dyeing.

We will also find out what shades of coloring powder exist in nature and how to achieve the color we need based on them.

Henna has become one of the first beauty products for women in the East. And it is not surprising, because this, a well-known remedy for a long time, has a whole set of truly healing components! She applied drawings to the body or nails, used to create tattoos and color hair, giving them a beautiful copper tint.

Cosmetic henna is a greenish powder made from the dried leaves of the lavsonia shrub. The homeland of the plant is Africa, India and Asia, so for a long time it was used only there as a coloring agent. There are many in this powder.

What are the shades of henna for dyeing hair

Since the region of growth is quite extensive, even within the same country there are products of different shades.

Indian henna

It can be found in 5 different colors to suit different hair types.

  • Black

Suitable for owners of brown hair, dark blond and black. She will not give the color of a black wing, which so scares away many girls with its sharpness, but will add golden-copper highlights and give a beautiful shade of dark chocolate.

  • Mahogany

It is also better to use it for owners of dark hair, if there is a desire to give the strands a light wine, reddish tint. Pink shimmer will create a pleasant play of light on brown and dark brown hair.

  • Burgundy

A more pronounced red shade will look good on girls with very dark hair. It will add brightness to the curls and make them more shiny.

  • Brown

If we compared black henna with dark chocolate, then it is appropriate to recall milk chocolate. Brown henna will shade medium and light blond curls well. Gives them a richer color. It looks especially impressive on hair, whose color is unflatteringly called "mouse". By removing the gray-ash nondescript shade, brown henna will not add redness or redness.

  • Golden

Ideal for blondes and girls with light blond strands, as it adds not only shine, but a beautiful natural golden hue. Makes hair softer and shinier.

We suggest you read about double hair coloring. In the article you will learn how this can be done and how it looks on the hair.

Iranian henna

We will find it only in one shade, but it's worth it! All lovers of fiery red color need it - bright, juicy, giving hair a voluminous and beautiful color. Iranian henna will never look flat.

At home, it is used in the composition with additional ingredients to achieve the optimal shade from golden to red and chocolate.

The advantage of Iranian henna, which is recognized by many fashionistas as the best remedy for treating and coloring hair, is that it stays on the hair for a maximum time, coloring them in a bright, noticeable shade for up to six months.


Very often used today by women of the middle band, gives the hair a copper sheen. Combining it with basma, you can achieve a range of natural reddish-copper colors.

How to use them in a duet to change the temperature gradation of shades, we will describe below.

white henna

It is also called colorless and it has nothing to do with the leaves of the Lavsonia plant. In fact, it is made from Cassis Italiana in a similar way, by crushing the dried leaves.

You should not expect miracles of coloring from white henna, but it can transform your hair! Healing and nourishing the scalp, it eliminates dandruff, relieves irritation, glues the scales of each hair, creating the effect of laminated strands.

How to do henna hair coloring

To carry out self-staining at home, we need:

  • 2 - 4 sachets of henna of the desired shade,
  • hot water,
  • ceramic bowl or deep plate (cup),
  • wide flat brush
  • gloves,
  • thick cream (for example, "Children's" or petroleum jelly),
  • wooden stick,
  • comb with sparse teeth.

Depending on the length of the hair, you may need from 2 to 4 25 g sachets of henna.

  1. Dilute henna with very hot, but not boiling water and stir thoroughly with a wooden stick. The consistency should be like thick sour cream.

Attention! The paint must be applied very warm, so we put it in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and we ourselves go to wash our hair.

  1. We dry the hair with a towel so that it does not flow from them, but moisture remains and divide it into a regular parting in front of the mirror - we will color it from it.
  2. In order not to stain the skin, be sure to apply a thick layer of cream not only around the forehead and ears, but also on the neck. Don't forget to wear gloves.
  3. Without wasting time, we apply the finished paint first on the first parting, then we begin to descend from it in both directions with a distance of 1 cm.
  4. Immediately after applying the mixture to the roots, distribute it along the entire length of the hair.

After the bulk of the hair is dyed, we comb it again, beat it a little so that the paint is distributed as evenly as possible, put on a thin bag or use cling film, wrap it with a towel or warm it with a hat and leave it.

Henna exposure time can vary from 7 minutes to 2 hours, it all depends on the desired effect - getting a rich shade or healing curls, hair thickness, as well as their structure.

Important! Before taking on the coloring of the entire mass, I recommend trying it on a small strand - this will allow you to calculate how much you need to keep the paint on your hair.

We wash off the composition very carefully with warm water, do not wash our hair with shampoo and do not use conditioner to consolidate the healing effect.

Remember that even an hour or two after the complete removal of henna from the hair, they continue to be dyed, so we are in no hurry to be upset or rejoice at the resulting shade! We are waiting for the final result, the complete drying of the curls, and only then we evaluate the color scheme.

Recommended reading: You will see how gorgeous the hair looks and you can repeat it in a beauty salon.

How to dye your hair with henna or basma

But, as we remember, not only henna gives our hair a beautiful color, you can use basma powder for the same purposes.

The procedure for staining itself is no different, only proportions and time are important.

To give a more saturated, but cold shade, we mix henna and basma in a ratio of 1: 2 - as you can see, there is much less henna in the composition in order to minimize the red notes as much as possible.

  • If you want to make the curls copper, but not red, mix in the reverse ratio, where henna is 2 parts, and basma is 1.
  • Well, to give a classic chestnut shine, we combine the powders in equal proportions.

We also protect our hands with gloves, and our face with cream.

Henna hair coloring with coffee

As I said above, additional ingredients are necessarily added to henna in its homeland to achieve a deeper and more saturated color.

One of these products is coffee, which has long been known for its positive properties.

To make it as successful as possible, experts recommend producing it only on natural hair of only dark tones that have not been exposed to industrial dyes in the last 6-10 months.

  • If we use henna in sachets, we take at the rate of 1 sachet for very short hair.
  • If the paint is in the tile, as, for example, from the English brand Lush, we break off 1 cube for every 10 cm of hair.
  • For the best duet with coffee, choose brown, black or red shades.
  • We use only freshly brewed strong coffee (80 - 100 g per 150 ml of water), finely ground, and brew, as usual in a Turk.

Fill them with the right amount of henna until a thick, easy-to-apply consistency is obtained. We stain as described above with the same precautions.

You need to keep the paint for at least 40 minutes in order to get not only a therapeutic effect, but to find a bright, pleasant and natural color.

The advantages of henna staining with coffee is that in addition to shine and elimination of gray hair, we get stronger, stronger hair that will lie well and not be tangled for a few more weeks.

This method is suitable only for brown-haired women or brunettes to enhance the natural color, but what needs to be done to make the hair look truly unforgettable!

Photos before and after dyeing hair with henna

Red henna hair dye

In order to give the hair various shades of red, we use any henna, except for black or colorless. Iranian or Sudanese henna would be ideal. We add various components to vary the resulting shade.

For a pure red color, it is enough for us to dilute the henna with hot water and hold it on the hair for at least an hour, and to give a light copper tint, 20-40 minutes are enough, depending on the natural color of the hair.

What can be added to henna?

Consider the effect of additional additives to vary the shade.


Add it at the rate of 1 tsp. for 30 g of henna. Mix thoroughly, leave for 5-10 minutes and apply as usual. Keep it for at least an hour and wash off without using shampoo.

The color is deeper and more saturated with copper tints.

walnut shell

It is quite a strong dye in itself. We prepare a decoction from crushed shells.

  1. We will need about 5-6 nuts. We grind the shell and partitions from them as it will turn out.
  2. Fill with very hot water and put in a water bath for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Then let it cool down to 50-60C, filter and dilute the henna powder to the desired consistency.

We apply paint to the hair, protecting the skin of the hands and face, then rinse with warm water.

The shade obtained in this way is distinguished by a chestnut color and a deep golden sheen without redness.

Read about the newfangled way to dye your hair. The article talks about the technique and shows photos and videos of how it will look on the hair in real life.


Add it in the same way as cinnamon, 1 tsp each. for 30 g of crushed henna.

Stir and color washed hair as usual. This combination can also be used for fair-haired girls to get a bright golden-red color, which is provided by the bright yellow turmeric that is part of the composition.

Tangerine or orange peel

It does not have such an intense effect as turmeric, so it is good to muffle too intense tone with this component.

From the dried crusts we make a decoction, like from a walnut shell, and breed henna with it. In addition to the beautiful red color, the hair will smell unusually pleasant! In addition, the essential oils in the peel will restore the hair structure and have a beneficial effect on the scalp.

As you can see, you can get any shades of red from henna staining, the main thing to remember is that each additional component can be an allergen, so be sure to test it before applying.

But before embarking on the preparation of even a test composition, we will consider coloring options suitable for different initial colors of the strands.

Dyeing dark hair with henna

If you have black to dark brown hair, use only formulations designed for these shades for a noticeable color change.

  • Remember that colorless henna will not be visible at all, and the classic one is not able to give a bright red tone without additional clarification.
  • Brown henna will also be inconspicuous - its brunettes and brown-haired women can only be used as a healing mask or to achieve a slight warm tint.
  • Red henna colors will give black and dark hair juicy wine highlights, but also will not greatly affect the overall tone.

Important! Brunettes will not succeed in lightening or changing hair color by more than 1-1.5 tones!

Coloring light and blond hair with henna

But for blondes, the main danger lies in not overdoing it. In no case do not hold henna for the first time for longer than 7-10 minutes.

Blond hair is much more porous and perceives coloring pigments better, therefore, in order not to get an unnatural burning tint, it is better to underdo it a little and then re-dye it than to immediately find a “fire on the head”.

A little secret: if we applied henna to blond hair for a very short time, but still overdid it a little, we just stain with basma on top. It will muffle the resulting red and make the hair a more natural shade.

We apply henna on fair hair as part of mixtures, as described above. Cinnamon or turmeric will work very well.

You can also make the shade softer with a decoction of chamomile. To do this, we brew the usual pharmacy chamomile in a filter bag according to the instructions and dilute the powder with it.

Most fortunate, perhaps, ladies with a neutral, medium shade of hair. Such curls will immediately become a pleasant copper shade if you hold it for 20 minutes, or bright red if you leave henna for an hour and a half.

We select the desired type of paint, add any of the components described above, and try!

Can you dye gray hair with henna?

The process of dyeing gray hair is complicated in itself, since they have no pigment at all, they perceive the paint completely and it is very difficult to achieve an even, and, most importantly, natural color, and if we are talking about henna, then it is worth considering a number of points.

Despite all the warnings - allegedly henna should not be used for gray hair, everyone has repeatedly observed very old ladies with orange-colored hair on the streets. To prevent this from happening, and the color to be as natural as possible, you can dye gray hair with henna only with additional additives.

We use walnut or coffee to darken the color, chamomile for a soft golden hue, but avoid turmeric or cinnamon, as the lights will only enhance the red instead of muffle it.

Keep the mixture on your hair for a long time - at least 2 hours. This will help both improve the quality of curls and reliably paint over gray strands. Wash off as usual, without shampoo.

Hair coloring with white or colorless henna

Since this procedure will not change the color of the hair, we use it in any cases, if there is a need to treat the hair.

We apply as if we had ordinary henna in front of us, and keep it on the hair for up to 1 hour. After that, wash off and enjoy healthy beautiful curls!

What else is worth remembering when dyeing hair with henna? Of course, about leaving after.

The nuances of dyeing hair after using henna

Experts do not recommend using henna for full hair coloring more than once a month, but the roots, of course, can be dyed more often, especially when it comes to gray hair.

Directly after coloring, as mentioned above, you should not use shampoo or conditioner. Also, do not wash your hair two days before applying henna and do not touch your hair for two days after - let the color finally “lie down”.

Then, use balms and shampoos or mousses as usual. Styling products will also not harm the hair, on the contrary, now they have additional protection!

As you can see, in order for the hair to be not only beautiful and healthy, but also bright, you need to dye it with henna! We use it on its own or in combination with additional ingredients, and enjoy the wonderful result - silky thick curls of rich color.

Henna is the material for hair coloring, which is absolutely safe when used on its own. Despite this, the home staining method can be quite troublesome, but the result can exceed all expectations.

Vegetable dyes have long been in the service of the beauty of all mankind. In ancient Egypt, for example, red henna was used to help change skin color. This dye of natural origin is extracted from the uppermost young leaves of Lavsonia. The shrub is cut off, the leaves are placed in the shade to preserve the coloring pigment and are ground into powder.

Typical variety of henna

Before you understand how to dye your hair with henna, you need to decide what shade you want to get. The end result depends entirely on the type of coloring powder itself. In addition, the type of hair, their actual condition, and the type of the previous dye have an impact.

Indian hair henna

Indian henna for hair has seven different shades, depending on the intensity of dyeing and the choice of the powder itself. You can get both black and golden shade of hair. Colorless henna is often used, which heals the hair sheet from previous damage. All shades of this type of powder belong to a warm palette with reddish undertones. If you mix in different proportions, you can achieve a richer variety of colors and maximum color saturation.

Manufacturers have developed five basic shades of Indian henna:

  • Golden. Suitable for women with light brown hair and blondes.
  • Brown. Designed specifically for brown-haired women and owners of light brown hair.
  • Burgundy. Hair takes on the shade of aged expensive wine, but this solution is not for everyone. Women with dark hair should focus on their own color type.
  • Mahogany. Looks great on natural brown hair.
  • Black Indian henna hair dye. As a result of coloring, a deep dark brown tone with hints of bitter chocolate is formed.

Indian henna for hair: reviews, scope

The benefits of this vegetable hair dye are endless, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. Among the positive characteristics are rapid growth, strengthening of the roots, a cure for dandruff. All useful properties accumulate with a longer use of the substance. Henna has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair follicles.

The effect of the procedure can last up to 4 months. As they grow, it will only be necessary to tint the roots. In addition, it is this product that allows you to perfectly paint over gray hair, and the resulting shade will pleasantly surprise you with resistance to sunlight and salt water, which is extremely important on vacation.

Iranian henna

The main difference between Iranian and Indian henna is that it allows you to dye the hair in a chestnut color with minimal glimpses of copper and reddish undertones. It is advisable to use such material for dyeing only for those girls who want to get natural shades of hair of different tones.

Iranian henna is represented by one variety and has a narrower color range, which eliminates the occurrence of rich copper and red tones. Hair acquires a calmer and more natural color, fat content decreases at the roots, the structure becomes denser, which makes them more well-groomed, shiny, flowing.

Sudanese henna

The powder is produced in Saudi Arabia and allows you to get a beautiful copper undertone, the saturation of which remains for a long period of time. This is the henna for hair, reviews of which are always positive. The dye is of the highest quality, with a minimum content of impurities.

How to dye your hair with henna at home

Regardless of the type of henna, dry powder is diluted to the consistency of sour cream with hot water. It is advisable to use a glass container for work, in order to avoid unwanted reactions. After that, the substance is applied to the head, starting from the back of the head, along the entire length of the hair. Colored hair is protected with a plastic cap and placed in heat, which usually helps organize a terry towel. Often, basma is involved in the staining process, which allows you to get a darker, deeper and more saturated shade. By varying the proportions of basma and henna, you can easily look for new images and achieve harmless changes in your own appearance. True, it is quite difficult to get rid of the resulting redhead, and with the illiterate use of funds, a greenish tint may occur.

Basic principles of staining

  1. When dyeing hair on dark hair with one henna in the standard proportion, which is indicated in the instructions on the package, you can get a red tint. Blond and gray hair can take on a cardinal bright orange color if Indian henna is used.
  2. The interaction of henna and basma can give the redhead a noble sound. To do this, you should use the following principles:
  • two parts of basma per part of henna - a bronze shade;
  • one part of basma per part of henna - chestnut color;
  • one part of basma and two parts of henna - dark chestnut;
  • four parts of basma to one part of henna - black;
  • simple basma gives a green tint when stained.

Atypical henna staining at home

The above formulas for the proportional formation of the dye can be enriched with some natural ingredients that allow you to get atypical tones. Coloring hair with henna will not become more difficult, but you can improve natural shades without much hassle.

  1. A teaspoon of cocoa will give the shade a hint of mahogany undertones. This solution will help visually rejuvenate the face.
  2. A few drops of iodine will help create golden overflows.
  3. Red-chestnut undertones allows you to create a decoction of onion peels. A mixture of henna and basma is simply diluted with a decoction instead of water.
  4. A decoction of hibiscus will give the hair a clear reddish tint.
  5. Cinnamon powder added to henna will help to achieve a pleasant chocolate shade.
  6. For short hair, it is enough to use fifty grams of dry powder.
  7. For medium hair, it is rational to use a volume equal to 150 grams.
  8. Long hair may require the use of 200 grams of dry powder.

The dependence of the amount of dry powder on the length of the hair

In questions about how to dye your hair with henna, you should follow one simple rule. The dye cannot be saved and spared, the hair should literally bathe in it, each hair should be wrapped in henna from all sides. It is better to initially prepare a little more substance than to catch up with the shade with repeated staining.

It is necessary to wash off the substance from the hair without shampoo, but with a balm, which will allow better removal of powder particles from the hair. The final shade should be expected on the third day after staining.

How long should the powder be left on the hair

The question of how long to keep henna on hair is ambiguous. The time for applying the powder depends entirely on the initial condition of the hair. In addition, you must have at least the slightest idea of ​​​​what shade you want to get. In order for the hair to become a pleasant red, henna is applied for 5-10 minutes. Exposure to dark hair increases up to two hours. Some women, wanting to paint over gray hair, withstand a mixture of henna and basma all night.

Dyed, highlighted, chemically permed hair absorbs the dye much faster due to its porosity - this must be taken into account when calculating the exposure time.

How to dye dark hair with henna

Henna powder is ideal for coloring dark hair. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that after such staining, vegetable dye may not give quite the expected results. Henna fits perfectly on dark hair, but it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of coloring.

Henna is diluted to a predetermined consistency and applied to the hair in the usual way. Along the entire visible hairline, the skin is pre-treated with a cream that will help avoid stains in these areas.

Before work, it should be noted that the strands dry out quickly and become much heavier, so it will be useful to stock up on special clips.

If you wash off the dye after half an hour, you can get a beautiful and rich color. Henna on dark hair never gives extremely bright shades, it only ennobles and deepens the natural color.

Possibilities of colorless henna

Coloring hair with henna, which is called colorless, also has its foreseeable advantages. These are also dried and crushed parts of lavsonia, but the material was taken not from the stems, but from the leaves, which causes the absence of a coloring pigment. The main value lies in the amazing healing properties of such henna, but few know how to dye hair with henna without color.

Even a few stains carried out with colorless henna can eliminate the need to go to a beauty salon. The canvas of hair will acquire amazing silkiness, volume, shine and obedience.

  • colorless henna works to strengthen the hair follicles, prevents subsequent hair loss, improves blood circulation in the scalp;
  • active hair growth is stabilized;
  • oily and dry dandruff disappears;
  • oiliness of the scalp is regulated;
  • the structure of each hair is improved, the hair acquires a strong internal density;
  • curls become elastic, shiny and voluminous.

Despite all the advantages of such a natural dye as henna, the powder has one significant drawback - with frequent use it causes dry hair, for greater benefit it is not enough to know how to dye hair with henna. A simple tip will help to avoid such manifestations: a few drops of essential oil of your choice are added to the gruel before staining. Any oil will eliminate the occurrence of dryness and is characterized by additional properties. For example, ylang-ylang oil gives hair a unique mirror shine, jojoba nourishes tired, drooping hair from negative influences, wheat germ oil revives brittle and thinning hair. This approach will completely eliminate all the negative effects of any type of henna, but when using oils, do not neglect the dosage - two or three drops are enough.

If you pay attention to the reviews about this vegetable dye, they always sound positive. It is noted that, subject to the correct choice of the type of henna, in 90% of cases it is possible to achieve the desired shade.

Whatever method of transformation a woman chooses, it is impossible to achieve perfect beauty without a kind smile and shining eyes. Enjoy life, be friendly, and the red tint of hair will complement this beautiful look in the best possible way.

Naturalness has become the latest trend of our time. While manufacturers of well-known brands continue to improve the formulations of chemical compounds, more and more girls prefer products that have long been known for their healing properties. Henna for hair is one of the most popular ways to improve the condition of the hair.

What it is?

Henna is a powder from the Lavsonia plant. Oriental women used it even before our era, which is much longer than the use of this remedy by European girls. In our country, lavsonia raises many questions and disputes, and therefore it is important to understand its essence, because it can bring significant benefits. So, lavsonia grows in warm countries. Its main suppliers are Iran, Egypt, Morocco, India. The climate of these countries, although similar, still has its own differences, which leaves an imprint on the lawson itself, for example, Indian henna has more tones than Iranian.

The production of henna can be considered waste-free, because every particle of this medicinal plant is used. So, oils are extracted from the flowers, a coloring powder is extracted from the leaves, and colorless henna is made from the stems for girls who only want to strengthen their hair with a miraculous gruel, while not coloring them.

The powder itself has a light green muted tone, reminiscent of khaki. The smell of henna is herbal and almost neutral. Ideally, the consistency should be finely ground, which is what products from Indian manufacturers are famous for. However, there is also a coarser grinding, for example, unground leaves can be found in Iranian stamps. At the same time, Iran has a much lower cost. This factor affects the ease of application and rinsing of the mixture from the hair.

It is worth saying that the tone of the powder can be close to brown. You should not be afraid of entering into the composition of artificial additives, however, you still need to be wary. The color directly depends on the type of henna, and, of course, the highest category with a light green tint is considered to be the best. Lavsonia leaves, from which such a rich color is obtained, are harvested in the summer, instantly drying them in the burning sun, while chlorophyll, which affects the color saturation, is preserved at the maximum dosage. The middle and lower grades in the name denote leaves that are subject to slow drying and have lost chlorophyll in their composition, which means that staining with them is practically ineffective.


Features of henna are directly related to its use. So, Lavsonia powder is used:

  • when coloring curls in color from red to burgundy;
  • when strengthening hair follicles;
  • dandruff treatment;
  • normalization of the fat balance of the scalp.

This effect is achieved thanks to the beneficial components that can be seen in this plant. So, the composition contains an acid that binds keratin in the hair structure, smoothing fluffy scales. The tannins and essential oils found in lavsonia are responsible for the shine of curls, comparable to professional lamination.

It is impossible not to say about chlorophyll, which contributes to persistent and bright coloring. The process of coloring curls does not harm, because the coloring pigment only covers the curls, without being introduced into the natural structure of the hair. Hair after henna procedures is not afraid of the aggressive sun and sea water, because invisible protection envelops and covers with a thin, imperceptible film. Continuing the theme of henna staining, it is important to say about the hypoallergenicity of the product. Natural henna in bags, consisting only of powder, does not cause any unpleasant symptoms in people with sensitive skin. This gives it superiority over chemical dyes.

However, today you can buy lavsonia in various forms. For example, liquid henna is a ready-to-use product. The powder in such products has already been turned into a slurry of ideal consistency with the addition of various hair benefits, for example, burdock oil. Such additives are not a simple marketing ploy, because any herbal dyes dry curls, and oils serve as neutralizers of this process.

Tinted henna- Another frequent inhabitant of supermarket shelves. It is a tinted balm based on henna. At the same time, dyes, emulsifiers and other chemical compounds can also be observed in the composition, and therefore it is important to carefully study the list of components before buying. Otherwise, tint products are really good, because the content of various softeners in them has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, which acquires a light shade.

Professional henna also available for sale. Interestingly, in colorless formulations, not lavsonia is used, but cassia. This is another type of medicinal plant belonging to legume varieties. Only henna from Lavsonia can be considered real. For eyebrows, a mixture obtained from Lavsonia powder is used. At the time of the procedure, not only the hairs, but also the skin are colored and healed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unfortunately, such a vegetable dye has its drawbacks, which in specific cases overlap the advantages. However, let's start with the positives. As stated earlier, natural henna is a completely natural product, impregnated with many oils and vitamins. It allows you to get rid of dandruff and make hair follicles stronger, further enhancing their shine. Another important factor is the possibility of using henna by pregnant and lactating women. It can be used both for coloring and for mixing healing masks. The disadvantages of henna include:

  • incompatible with conventional paints. So, henna cannot make a red-haired beauty out of a brunette with dyed curls. The maximum possible effect is a thin copper overflow of hair in the sun;
  • Henna is difficult to paint over with chemical paints. On blond hair, the color can easily turn green after such procedures;
  • blondes who decide to dye their curls with henna will acquire this shade for an indefinite time. It is almost impossible to wash off henna from light strands, because it tenaciously eats into the scales of the hair;
  • ineffective in painting over gray hair;
  • has a negative effect on perm, straightening elastic curls;
  • long and frequent use negates all the beneficial properties of the plant, making the curls dull and split ends.

Summarizing the above, we can say with confidence that henna is able to transform hair, giving it a mysterious shade, however, it is important to feel the measure in its use.


If you want to entrust your hair to professionals, it is recommended to treat the choice of a henna manufacturer with particular trepidation. And you should start with the study of Indian henna, because it is she who wins in terms of thoroughness of grinding and a variety of tones.

A prominent representative of henna from India is the brand Lady Henna. In its assortment you can see natural brown and red henna. It is worth noting that in order to obtain a soft brown tone, henna in the composition is mixed with another natural dye - basma. Besides, Lady Henna represents natural dyes based on henna. Thanks to dyes, the color palette of products varies from copper-red tones to burgundy. However, the word "natural" in the name does not exclude chemical components, and therefore an important factor here is to check for possible allergies to components.

Another representative of Indian henna, which can be bought in Russia - Aasha. It is also represented by species diversity. So, henna can be divided:

  • ayurvedic;
  • herbal.

The first type, presented in several shades, saturates and nourishes the hair, giving it a light tone from red to brown. Herbal henna, which contains a colorant, can become a permanent paint, however, as in the previous case, allergic reactions are possible. Completely natural herbal henna cannot be considered.

Khadi is a brand of natural cosmetics from India. In its assortment you can see shampoos and hair oils, as well as cosmetics for face and body skin care. Didn't stay Khadi and away from the production of henna. Five stylish shades, one neutral and two types of basma - that's what the brand owns today. It is worth saying that each product is completely natural and contains nothing but henna and basma.

In addition to Indian henna, you can also find Moroccan henna on sale. Manufacturer Sahara Tazarin produces a 100% natural finely ground product that is in no way inferior to Indian. It is worth saying that the price of such products is an order of magnitude higher, because Moroccan lavsonia is considered one of the richest in essential oils and other useful substances.


Henna in all its variety of tones can be colored or colorless. The brightness of the shade depends on the variety and country of origin. So, it is believed that you can get the most fiery red shade with the help of Sudanese lavsonia. Iran and India cannot be compared with it in saturation, however, with the knowledge of some tricks, they can give an equally attractive tone.

What color happens?

Indian Lawsonia is available today in several colors, namely:

  • gold;
  • chestnut;
  • swallowtail;
  • burgundy;
  • tea tree.

However, it is important to be on the alert here, because the natural color of henna is only red, which means that chemical or natural dyes were added to the paint. The latter, of course, will only make your hair more beautiful. Chemical additives contain, in most cases, paraphenylenediamine, which is famous for its mass of allergic reactions. It should be avoided and not settled for beautiful shades with it. You can use pure lawsonia powder mixed with various additives.

  • So, from a mixture of henna, you can get a chocolate tone if you mix it with cocoa or coffee, as well as with walnut or nutmeg shells.
  • A light palette of red is available by mixing henna on a decoction of orange peels. For blondes, chamomile infusion or lemon juice is the best option.
  • The languid color of hibiscus is easily achieved when mixed with beetroot juice, plum water or red wine. In this case, the ideal shade will turn out with both Iranian and Indian lawsonia. Natural dyes will not harm your hair.


Coloring curls with henna is always an interesting process with a share of adventurism, because shades may vary. The color can successfully lie on dark and dyed hair, creating a beautiful tone. Henna will fall on light brown curls much brighter, delighting with a copper overflow. According to experts, the maximum manifestation of color occurs on the second day.

Today, beauty salons are moving away from classic coloring, offering more modern options. So, in the salon you can try the trendy ombre henna. Dark roots in it smoothly turn into clarified tips. At home, it is almost impossible to achieve such a result.

And also henna lightening is now possible, which is perfect for pregnant and lactating women who want to change the tone of their curls. Absorbent varieties of henna are mixed here with beneficial fruit acids, brightening hair for maximum benefit. According to clients, the hair after the procedure becomes better than after dyeing.

Classical henna painting can easily take place at home.

How to paint at home?

Home hair coloring is carried out in several simple steps. So, if coarse henna is chosen, it is important to sift it through a sieve. This will help make the natural hair dye easier to wash off. The amount of powder depends on the length of the hair. For long strands, it is enough to use 2-3 bags of 100 grams, for short ones - one package is enough for 3 applications. You also need to prepare your workplace, polyethylene and a warm hat or towel to keep the mixture on curls. The best option would be the area near the mirror, because the thoroughness of the painting will play a decisive role in the final result.

Henna hair coloring at home - in the next video.

How to breed?

Preparation of a decoction or water for dilution is an important step on which the discovery of the henna coloring pigment depends. Chamomile tea, plum infusion or ordinary boiling water should be cooled to a temperature of 70 degrees. After breeding henna, you need to let it brew. This may take three or more hours. Readiness litmus test - a slightly darkened powder. Some experts advise diluting the already infused mixture with kefir or lemon juice. The latter, it should be said, negatively affects the firmness and elasticity of the curls, making them dry. In addition to the acidic environment, it will not be superfluous to include ylang-ylang or rosemary oils in the composition.

How to apply?

The finished composition of the consistency of liquid sour cream is applied to the hair with a sponge or brush. According to experienced girls, it is more convenient to use a brush from any other paint than combs or sponges. You should start from the roots, moving smoothly to the tips. It is worth noting that the coloring of the full length of the hair occurs a maximum of once every six months, because henna is not afraid of sunlight and salt water, which means that fading is not characteristic of it. Finishing the regrown roots is the only procedure required after applying henna.

Is it better on dirty or clean hair?

Henna, unlike chemical dyes, is applied only to clean, freshly washed hair. So the pigment penetrates the hair better, reliably fixing the saturated color. In addition, the fact that it is not recommended to wash your head for two days after the procedure also speaks in favor of clean curls.

How much should you keep?

The duration here can vary significantly. So, for a light shade, you should hold the mixture for 40 minutes, for a rich and bright one - all night. Only experiments will help determine the right time. Treatment of hair requires an exposure of 20-30 minutes. After the procedures, the mixture is washed off the head with shampoo, adding a hair mask.


How to dye your hair with henna yourself

Hair coloring is a procedure that women have been doing for many centuries. If now most women use chemical dyes, earlier natural substances were used, for example, henna.

Henna is a powder obtained from the leaves of the lavsonia shrub, which grows in regions with a tropical climate. According to the place of origin, it is divided into Indian, Sudanese, Egyptian, Iranian and Yemeni. Sudanese and Yemeni gives a brighter shade due to the high content of dyes in it.

Composition and useful properties of henna

She received the coloring ability due to the content of dyes and tannins in it, in addition, it contains substances that favorably affect the condition of the hair:

  • Chlorophyll- a substance that gives the shrub a green color. It is a strong antioxidant, thanks to which it rejuvenates and has a beneficial effect on the scalp as a whole.
  • hennotaninic acid- the main coloring agent. In various types of henna, its content is from 1 to 4%. It is she who gives a fiery shade to the hair and the more hennotaninic acid, the brighter the color will turn out when painting. Also, this substance has tannic and antibacterial properties. Thanks to this, it relieves inflammation of the scalp, reduces the amount of dandruff and strengthens the hair.
  • Polysaccharides- moisturize the skin and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Pectins- absorb toxins, reduce the fat content of the hairline. In addition, pectins envelop each hair, as a result of which visually the hair looks thicker and more voluminous.
  • resins- make curls shiny and silky.
  • Essential oils and vitamins- tone up, improve blood circulation and the condition of the scalp in general, which positively affects the condition of the hairline.


Traditionally, henna was intended to dye hair red, it is called red. However, now on sale you can find henna, which can dye hair in different colors.

Basic shades: burgundy, black, chestnut, white. In addition, colorless henna is sold, from which the coloring matter has been removed. It is used as a firming mask.

All these colors are obtained by mixing henna powder and basma powder in various proportions. This is indicated on the packaging of the drug. Exceptions: white henna, which is a brightening agent.

Pros and cons of henna hair coloring

Positive sides:

  • Doesn't harm hair. Henna is a herbal preparation, it does not have a negative effect on the hair.
  • Low price - cheaper than chemicals for coloring.
  • No special skills required to use.
  • Allows you to achieve a stable and bright color.
  • Improves the condition of the hairline.

Negative sides:

  • The dye penetrates deep into the hair structure, which can adversely affect the color of the strands during subsequent dyeing.
  • Herbal powder is difficult to wash out with water, which may cause a non-uniform color.
  • Strongly stains gray and discolored curls.
  • Some people may have allergic reactions.
  • When stained with henna, it is impossible to predict the final color. It depends not only on the initial color, but also on the type of henna, the quality of the preparation, the exposure time and the individual reaction of the body.
  • With frequent use, it dries out the hair.

How to get different shades

Henna + basma

The easiest option is to add basma powder to henna powder. Depending on the proportion, you can get different hair colors.

Depending on the initial factors, the resulting shade may vary from person to person. For example, the thinner the hair, the brighter the color will be. The original color of the strands is of great importance - when dyeing dark hair with pure henna, only a reddish tint will be obtained. But if you dye your blond hair with it, it will turn red.

In addition to basma, other substances can be added to obtain various shades.


There are several ways to get a golden hue:

  • Henna is bred with a strong infusion of chamomile: 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile pour 50 ml. boiling water and insist 30 minutes. The decoction does not need to be strained. Chamomile moisturizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp.
  • Turmeric or saffron powder is mixed with henna in a 1:1 ratio. These spices are strong antiseptics and antioxidants, which have a strengthening effect on the hairline.
  • The golden color intensifies with increasing acidity, so henna powder can be diluted with kefir, sour cream or rhubarb decoction. With this method of dyeing, the hair will acquire a special shine, since the slightly acidic solution washes away the mineral film that forms when washing with water.


Chocolate shade can be obtained by mixing henna with coffee, ground cinnamon or walnut shell infusion.

  • Henna with ground cinnamon is mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • When mixing with coffee, there are several ways: 1. You can mix 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee and 1 tbsp. l. henna and dilute the mixture with hot water. 2. And you can make a strong infusion of coffee - 1 tbsp. l. 100 ml of boiling water and dilute a bag of paint. Both methods are quite effective.
  • Walnut shell infusion can be prepared by pouring 2 tablespoons of crushed shells with a glass of water, bring to a boil, and then insist 40 minutes. Dilute henna powder with the resulting infusion. The same result is obtained by diluting the paint with strong tea.

All these substances contain tannins, which have drying properties, which helps to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and reduce the amount of dandruff.


To obtain a reddish tint, henna must be diluted with beetroot juice, red wine, infusion of hibiscus tea, or mixed with cocoa powder in equal proportions. In addition to getting a red tint, the use of these components improves the condition of the hair, as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients.

There is no exact proportion when diluting henna with infusions. It is diluted with infusion until a thick slurry is obtained. Depending on the humidity of henna, the amount of the additional component may vary.

What other colors can you get

Despite the many options that allow you to get different shades, as a rule, the effect is not very stable. Approximately 2-3 weeks after dyeing, the shade disappears, and the hair acquires such a color as if it had been dyed only with henna. Exception: basma and turmeric. When dyeing thin and gray hair, the shade usually lasts longer.

The process of dyeing hair with henna at home

Hairdressing salons usually do not practice this procedure, so this process will have to be done at home. For women with long hair, it is better to invite an assistant.

How much henna is needed depending on the length of the hair:

  • less than 10 cm long - 100 grams;
  • to the collar zone - 200 gr.;
  • on the shoulders - 300 gr.;
  • to the waist - 500 gr..

What you need

  • hair clips;
  • a comb, preferably with a special edge to highlight the strands;
  • a cape to protect clothes from paint;
  • shower cap;
  • old towel;
  • a glass container for diluting henna, since a metal container can enter into a chemical reaction with henna, and a plastic or ceramic one will stain;
  • a spoon for stirring;
  • paint brush - you can take a regular wide paint brush or buy a special one.

Coloring process:

  • Paint preparation. Pour the powder with hot water and, stirring constantly, bring to the consistency of sour cream. Cover and insist 30 minutes. When dyeing dry hair, you can add a tablespoon of cream or a few drops of any unrefined oil to the mixture.
  • Divide the hair with clips into 4 parts, divide each part into strands. Apply paint alternately to each strand.
  • Apply paint to the roots. Massage your head and comb.
  • Put a shower cap on your head, wrap it with a towel and soak from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Rinse hair thoroughly with warm water without using shampoo.
  • The exposure time of henna depends on the color of the hair. When staining, it varies from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and when toning, from 5 to 30 minutes. The lighter and thinner the hair, the less time should be.
  • Since henna dries the hair slightly, it is not recommended to use it more than once a month. Before repeated use within a month, a moisturizing mask should be made.
  • To obtain a lasting color, do not use shampoos and balms for 3 days after staining. This is due to the fact that the henna dye reacts negatively to alkali.
  • If after coloring an undesirable color is obtained, then you can try to wash it off. To do this, generously lubricate the curls with warmed vegetable oil, leave for 10 minutes and then rinse with soap and water. If necessary, repeat the procedure. The color will become less bright, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely wash it off.

How to choose the right henna

To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to know how to choose it correctly. There are several rules, following which you can count on a good purchase.

  • Choice of place of purchase. It is best to buy henna in specialized cosmetics stores and Ayurvedic stores. In street stalls or markets, the product is not always certified, in addition, it is subject to temperature changes, which adversely affects its properties.
  • Best before date. Expired henna will not harm the hair, but the resulting color may be unexpected.
  • Price. A very cheap powder can be of poor quality, resulting in poor dyeing of the hair.

Video instruction: