Game didactic aids for the development of manual motor skills of preschoolers. Didactic games "development of fine motor skills of hands"

margarita solovyova
Card file of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills

A game "Journey of the Fingers"

Purpose of the game: Development and finger coordination training, development fingertips, development of attention.

Equipment: a sheet of paper on which 2 houses are depicted at different ends, "islands" to move your fingers.

Game progress: the child sets his fingers near the first house. Then he begins to move his fingers along the islands to another house, without taking his fingers off the other. "bumps".


you can move around, for starters, using 2 fingers;

all fingers must participate;

you can not tear off the first finger without rearranging the other.

A game "Scissors"

Purpose of the game: Coordination of movements, training of the muscles of the hand, concentration

attention development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: the tray on which the scissors lie (better plastic with blunt ends) and several sheets of thick colored paper. Cut lines are marked on some sheets.

Game progress: The presenter guesses riddle: Two ends, two rings, and carnations in the middle. After the child has guessed, the host offers to cut the paper with scissors. If the child copes easily, he is given the task to cut along the lines and perform complex movements to cut the pattern.

It should be noted that, acquiring the skills to confidently hold scissors, the child will then be able to hold a pencil just as confidently and draw precise lines on paper.

A game "Colorful clothespins"

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of the hands, color recognition training, development of attention.

Equipment: 2 sets of baskets with colorful wooden clothespins (12 pcs.). The basket can be replaced with a cup or plate, a plastic bucket. The main thing is that the clothespins easily cling to the edges.

Game progress: The leader and the child each have a basket with colored clothespins. The host takes the basket, puts it on the table and asks the child to give him a clothespin and name its color. Then the facilitator shows how with three fingers you can attach a clothespin to the edge of the basket. When the child has mastered this action and can easily attach clothespins, for example, all clothespins of the same color and name their color, he is given the task of attaching clothespins in a certain color sequence, go to perform a certain sequence of clothespins as on the leader’s basket. You should pay attention to the fact that the leader attaches clothespins with three fingers, because the child must see the correct movements.

Repeated repetition of the movement of unclenching and squeezing the clothespins trains the fingertips, provides a tonic massage and pressure on the points of the muscles responsible for activating the speech centers of the brain.

A game "Find a Surprise"

Purpose of the game: The development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements; patience training.

Equipment: Wrappers (10-15 pieces, small items(badges, buttons, etc., popcorn, nuts.

Game progress: The presenter wraps the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. The child must expand all wrappers and neatly fold.

A game "Collect all the stones"

development of attention.

Equipment: Pebbles, sand, basin.

Game progress: Throw pebbles into the sand. First, invite the child to collect pebbles with the first three fingers of his right hand (skill consolidation).

Purpose of the game: The development of fine motor skills of the hands, development fingertips,

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The development of fine motor skills through didactic games, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard The younger age of children is the period when almost all motor skills that a person owns are formed and developed.

Game didactic aids for the development of manual motor skills of preschoolers

I bring to your attention a card file of didactic games aimed at developing fine motor skills of preschoolers. These games are easy to make, they do not require large financial costs, but they bring a lot of benefits and joy to children.

To teach children to unscrew and tighten covers of different diameters, to visually determine their given location and color according to the scheme.
Cultivate interest in learning, perseverance.
Wooden bases with built-in necks for lids (rectangular base designed for 6 lids arranged in a row; square base designed for 9 lids arranged in three rows), sets of lids of various colors and diameters, card diagrams with options for alternating lids according to color.
Game progress
The teacher puts a wooden base, a container with lids and a diagram card in front of the child. Then he shows how to perform this task, while emphasizing the sequence of actions (examining the diagram, finding the cover required by color, determining its place on the basis, twisting the cover). Next, the teacher suggests unscrewing the covers and proceeding to the next version of the scheme.

To teach children to string balls with a hole on the rod, visually determine the location and color of the balls according to the diagram.
Develop fine manual motor skills - visual perception, attention, thinking, memory.
Cultivate learning skills.
Wooden bases with rods fixed in them (cotton buds), depending on the length, designed for 8 and 10 balls; a set of balls of different colors (large beads); cards - schemes with various options for alternating balls by color.
Game progress
The teacher can work with one or two children. First, he shows the principle of stringing a ball with a hole onto a rod, then demonstrates the course of action: analyzing the circuit, finding the right ball, stringing it on the rod. After the show, the teacher invites the child to continue the game. Next, change cards.

To teach children to perform correlative actions, coordinate the movements of both hands, analyze the plan, select balls or chips by color, follow the sequence of laying them out.
Strengthen knowledge of colors.
To develop the accuracy of hand movements, hand-eye coordination, focused attention.
Cultivate cognitive interest, perseverance, purposefulness.
Wooden bases with notches arranged in a row; container for storing balls and chips of different colors; layout diagrams.
Game progress
The teacher invites the child to consider a wooden base, then asks them to choose balls or chips of the same color and fill in the recesses with them. Next, the teacher introduces the child to the scheme and gives a sample of actions (we analyze the scheme, find the ball of the right color, lay it out according to the scheme, etc.) After the child has mastered the instructions, you can offer him another version of the scheme.

Teach children to pull the string according to the pattern around the chips.
Develop correlative actions, coordination of both hands, small hand movements, visual perception, attention, thinking.
Cultivate cognitive interest, perseverance.
Wooden base with chips (power buttons of different colors) arranged according to a certain pattern; cord with a tip.
Game progress
The teacher can work with one child or several children. First, it is proposed to consider the board, to hold a finger along the path of the chips. Then the teacher shows how to pull the string around the chips. Then the children begin independent work, in case of difficulties, the teacher

Teach children to correctly take and open a clothespin, find its location by color.
To develop small hand movements, correlating actions, coordination of actions of both hands, visual perception, attention, memory.
Cultivate an emotional attitude to the results of their work, perseverance, patience.
Transparent container, along the edge of which colored stripes are glued; set of colored clothespins.
Game progress
The teacher can offer two children to play at once. At the beginning of the game, children must master the manipulation of the clothespin (open-close). Then the teacher shows a chain of actions, after which the children independently perform these actions.

To teach to perform correlative actions, develop the accuracy of hand movements, visual-motor coordination, coordination of the actions of both hands;
Form focused attention, learn to act through trials; pay attention to the properties of objects (shape, size, etc.), explaining that correlation according to these features is a condition for the successful completion of actions.
Boxes of the same shape, but different sizes, different colors.
closes boxes of different shapes (choice of two);
closes boxes, different in size;
closes boxes, different in color.

To consolidate the ability of children to push flat geometric shapes into a special hole.
Continue to form subtle hand actions, the ability to act with your fingertips.
Improve coordination and accuracy of movements.
Jars with slots:
1) for geometric shapes;
2) for multi-colored caps;
3) for caps from felt-tip pens.

Continue to correlate objects by size and take it into account in your actions; develop attention;
Learn to act sequentially, laying out objects from left to right; to consolidate knowledge of the words “big”, “small”;
Learn the rhythmic alternation of values.
Develop fine motor skills.
Large and small circles (squares, ovals, triangles, etc.); clean strips of paper; geometric mosaic; sample with a finished ornament.
The teacher exposes a sample with a finished ornament; draws attention to how beautiful the pattern turned out. Pointing to the first circle, he says: “Big circle, small, etc.”. Shows how to impose forms from left to right without skipping the contour, draws attention to the rhythm of the alternation of forms, once again reminds them of their sequence: large - small. Children perform, focusing on the sample.
color alternation.

To learn to perceive an object with the help of a circling movement and use the resulting image in visual activity (in a drawing);
Understand that the outlining movement outlines the contour of the subject; name the object and its image.
Develop fine motor skills.
Patterns for outlining: Christmas tree, hare, bear, apple and other items.
First, consider the patterns, teach the child to see the whole object in the pattern. If the child finds it difficult to correlate the template with the picture, then help to circle the outline of the object with the index finger (according to the template); then the child traces the contour with a pencil according to the template together with the adult and, finally, the child acts independently.

To form in children ideas about the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to each other.
Learn to identify parts and combine them into a whole.
Continue to develop attention and memory.
Develop fine motor skills.
The contours of the petals are white - 30 pieces, yellow circles - 5 pieces.
Consider a chamomile (there are petals, an eye); find petal-like daisies (petal outlines) and an “eye” (yellow circle). The teacher shows how to arrange the daisies on the table. Then the child performs independently.


“Who is more likely to roll the tape? »

Purpose: to develop motor skills of fingers and hands, to form the speed and accuracy of movements.

Equipment: two ribbons fixed at one end on sticks (length 50 cm, the same width and the same color.

Game progress:

The teacher calls two children to him, shows the tapes and says: “We will play. This is a tape. We need to roll the tape. Whoever turns faster, that’s a gift.” "One, two, three - cool." First, the teacher shows how to twist the stick to roll the ribbon.

Then the teacher invites two children to perform the shown action. Two other children help - they hold the free ends of the ribbons, standing on the same line marked by the teacher, trying not to leave it. The winner is the one who first rolls the tape by twisting the stick and winding the tape around it.

You can also arrange team competitions. Children are given more ribbons. At the command of the teacher, several people from one team and the other begin to twist the ribbons at once. Prizes for the winners - a badge, a sticker or something similar.

A complication may be the task to collapse the tape in a certain time. For example, the teacher says: "I will count (clap)." The teacher together with the children begins to clap, the child twists the ribbon. If he did, he gets a prize; if he didn't, the tape goes to another child and everything starts all over again.

"Journey of the Fingers"

Equipment: a sheet of paper, which shows 2 houses at different ends of the "island" for moving fingers.

Game progress:

the child sets his fingers near the first house. Then he begins to move with his fingers along the islets to another house, without taking his fingers off the other “bump”.

you can move around, for starters, using 2 fingers;

all fingers must participate;

you can not tear off the first finger without rearranging the other.

"Make Beads"

Purpose: to teach how to make beads from cut tubes from felt-tip pens; to teach to make simple combinations on the instructions of the educator and according to the scheme, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, to teach to concentrate on one type of activity, to develop perseverance.

Equipment: a box, multi-colored tubes from a felt-tip pen, of various lengths (from 1 cm to 3.5 cm, laces of different colors and different lengths from 20 cm to 35 cm, a sequence diagram for stringing tubes - 5 pcs.

Game progress:

children are given multi-colored tubes from a felt-tip pen, of various lengths (from 1 cm to 3.5 cm, laces of different colors and different lengths from 20 cm to 35 cm, a sequence diagram for stringing the tubes. At first, samples of beads were shown to the children and offered to make the same beads for their favorite dolls. Explain to the children how to hold the cord correctly so that it is more convenient to string rings.At first, it was simply suggested to the children to collect beads, and then the task became more complicated, and it was necessary to collect beads of a certain color, or long, or string long and short tubes.

"Make a pattern or picture out of rubber bands"

Purpose: To teach children to make a pattern from bank rubber bands, to develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, hand-eye coordination, to learn to work according to a pattern.

Equipment: a plate that is cut out of plywood, plastic rods with 22 caps are fixed on it over the entire plane, the distance between them is 3-4 cm; multi-colored bank rubber bands in a box; schemes depicting pictures or figures - 6 pieces.

Game progress:

in this game, children are offered to make a pattern from bank rubber bands, pulling them on posts that are fixed on plywood. It was explained that various shapes can be made from these elastic bands: a square, a rectangle, a triangle.

At first, they taught the children how to do this work correctly: to complete the figure, you need to take the elastic band and fasten it to the post, and then stretch the elastic band to the desired length with the fingers of your right and left hands and fasten it to the posts. Then the children are invited to perform any figure, to follow the actions of their hands.

"Make a pattern of matches and sticks"

Purpose: To teach children to reproduce the pattern by laying out figures from matches and sticks, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, imagination, hand-eye coordination. Learn to work according to the model, compare the work done with the model.

Equipment: matches in a box; multi-colored sticks in a box; pattern samples; strips, rectangles, squares of multi-colored cardboard for laying out a pattern.

Game progress:

this game consists in laying out a figure according to the model from matches or counting sticks. It was also necessary to compare the work performed with the sample.

To complete the work, you need samples of patterns and matches and counting sticks. Children are invited to work in an art workshop, to make a pattern from sticks. You can follow the prepared samples or come up with a pattern yourself.

“Good luck! »

Purpose: development of dynamic coordination, alternation of hand movements.

Game progress: (2-10 people play) during the game, children build a column from their hands, producing various generally accepted combinations. For example, fist - fist - palm.

Rule: You can't be wrong. The hand that made the mistake is removed.

"Bunny and the Mirror"

Goal: Improved coordination, automation and smooth shifting.

Game progress: left palm up, make a "goat". We put the right hand on top of it, which also depicts a “goat” (back side up). We expose up and down the middle and ring fingers of both hands and move them in opposite directions.

"Who will remember? »

Purpose: To develop memory, fine motor skills.

Equipment: a box with colored sticks of different sizes, samples drawn on the tables.

Game progress:

an adult shows a sample to a child for 5-10 seconds. The child must carefully consider it and remember the order in which the sticks are placed. The adult removes the table, and the child independently lays out the drawing that he has just seen from the sticks. At the end of the work, the child compares the drawing with the sample.

Game with clothespins "Charging for fingers"

Purpose: development of fingertips, development of attention.

Equipment: Clothespins

Game progress:

With a clothespin, we alternately “bite” the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

“A silly kitten bites hard, he thinks it’s not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)

But I'm playing with you, baby, and if you bite, I'll tell you: “Shoo! ".

"Gliding on skis"

Purpose: development and training of coordination of finger movements, development of fingertips, development of attention.

Equipment: two corks from plastic bottles.

Game progress:

We put the corks on the table upside down. This is skis. Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. We move on “skis”, taking a step for each stressed syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,

We love the fun of a cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

Corks from plastic bottles can be used as "cars" and play "racing".


Purpose: development and training of coordination of finger movements.

Equipment: carpal expander (rubber ring)

Game progress:

The child takes an expander, squeezes it for each stressed syllable to the beat of the poem “I adore all my friends” by E. P. Pimenova. After each line, there is a change of hands.


Equipment: round hair brush.

Game progress:

the child holds a round hairbrush with his hands, rolls the brush between his palms, saying: "Pine, fir, spruce trees have very sharp needles. But juniper will prick you even stronger than spruce."

"Knead the dough"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity and complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands.

Equipment: saucepan, 1 kg of peas or beans

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, saying: "Knead, knead the dough, There is a place in the oven. There will be buns and rolls from the oven."

"Take the peas"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity and complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands.

Equipment: peas, saucer.

Pour the peas on a saucer. The child takes a pea with his thumb and forefinger and holds it with his other fingers (as when picking berries, then he takes the next pea, then another and another - this way he picks up a whole handful. You can do this with one or two hands.

It is known that early childhood is the period most amenable to pedagogical influences. Everything is mastered and learned for the first time, there are no skills yet, there are no ideas, knowledge, but the predisposition to assimilation is great, the ability to learn is high, since there are innate mechanisms that serve as the basis for the formation of mental qualities. If you do not pay attention to certain areas that can be most successfully implemented at this particular age stage, then in the near future a delay in the formation of significant skills is almost inevitable.

sensory parenting, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and feels the environment.

The child at each age stage is the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education of a preschooler. The smaller the child, the more important sensory experience is in his life. At the stage of early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. After all, it is not for nothing that early age is called the golden age of sensory education.

There is a huge selection in stores today. educational games and toys. And yet, many teachers create their own, which are no less, and sometimes even more loved by children.

"BALLOONS" (3-4 years) Target. Learn to correlate the color of balloons with the color of sticks; consolidate knowledge of the names of primary colors and their shades; form an idea of ​​​​spatial relationships and the correct pronunciation of prepositions over, under; cultivate independence.

Material. Balloons and sticks of the same color cut out of colored cardboard.

Rules of the game. Children match sticks to balloons according to the color or its shade.

“PICK BY FORM” (3-4 years) Target. Learn to select geometric shapes in accordance with the color and shape of the liners; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes; develop thinking, speech; cultivate perseverance.

Material. Colored insert cards and different geometric shapes.

Rules of the game. The teacher distributes the sheets to the children. Children select the necessary shapes by color and shape and insert them into the holes of the liners.

“BUTTERFLIES” (3-4 years) Target. Teach children to select rounded liners according to size and color; exercise in comparing and summarizing objects in shape and color; draw the attention of children to the difference in objects in size; to form an understanding of the words big - small; enter them into the active dictionary; cultivate perseverance in the performance of work.

Material. Butterflies of different colors cut out of thick cardboard, plastic corks of different colors and sizes.

Rules of the game. Round holes are carved on the wings of butterflies; on large wings - large, on small - small. The task of children is to choose the right color and size of plastic corks.

“MULTICOLORED RUG” (4-5 years) Target. Learn to assemble an ornament by color from triangles; develop logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills of hands; develop a sense of color and form.

Material. Multi-colored triangles of the same size.

Rules of the game. The task is to assemble a square from triangles of the same color or fold squares of different colors into one ornament.

Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands should begin long before entering school. Parents and teachers who pay due attention to exercises, games, various tasks for the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements immediately solve 2 tasks: firstly, they indirectly affect the overall intellectual development of the child, and secondly, they are prepared to master the skill of writing, which in the future will help to avoid many problems of schooling.

Aristotle said: “The hand is a kind of external brain”, "The hand is the instrument of all instruments".

Finger games develop the child's brain, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, fantasy.

The method and meaning of these games is that the nerve endings of the hands affect the child's brain and brain activity is activated. Therefore, it is so necessary to start developing the fingers and hands of the child from an early age. This type of correctional and developmental work, like no other, organically combines the possibility of playing and learning. Thanks to finger games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate.

To start finger games with a warm-up of the fingers: flexion and extension, as well as use finger massage, you can use rubber squeaker toys for this exercise.

It is difficult for kids to pronounce the text, it is enough for them to perform movements together with adults or with their help.

Exercises are selected taking into account age characteristics. For the development of fingers, you can use games: sorting through cereals, spinning tops, "fun strings", balls filled with flour, starch or semolina, developing paths, fastening and unbuttoning buttons, fastening different locks, winding threads on balls, twisting threads from cotton wool, colored clothespins, an irritant pool, various types of designers, mazayki.


Firstly, we want to offer to consider this caterpillar. This manual consists of five circles fastened together with ribbons, Velcro, rivets. Each circle is decorated with an applique. There are always buttons, fasteners, ribbons, Velcro, etc. You can work with a small group of children with a whole caterpillar, as well as separately for one child with a part he likes, that is, a separate circle. What makes it possible to organize independent activities.

Next Benefit "Find your home". Fine motor skills of hands develop when unscrewing and tightening the lid, counting skills develop, counting skills are fixed, knowledge about color is fixed, the ability to examine an object is formed.

"Didactic Cube". Here you can also solve many problems. To cultivate cognitive interest, perseverance, to form the ability to examine an object, unfasten buttons, Velcro, lace up, unfasten and fasten a zipper, introduce geometric shapes, color.

"The sun and the hedgehog with clothespins". Carry out in the form of a game: "Where is the sun's rays?", "Where is the hedgehog's spines?", "Let's do". In this game, each child has the opportunity to pinch a ray or a needle, thereby developing fine motor skills, children's knowledge of color, and forming elementary counting skills.

"Great Bags" And "tactile boards".

The bags contain different fillings. (cereals and seeds). We distribute bags of different colors to a group of children, thereby developing tactile memory - this is the ability to remember the sensations of touching an object.

The purpose of this work: development of perception of the surrounding world, development of imagination, fantasy, speech, the ability to express in your own words your feelings from touching any object.

Stages of working with tactile boards:

1. Give the child a signal to close his eyes;

2. Put in his hands a disk with the installation for the examination;

3. Ask what reminds him when he touches (strokes) disk surface;

4. Touch feeling is different (fluffy kitten, prickly hedgehog);

In addition to these games, we use finger gymnastics, finger theater, a magic bag and other didactic games in our work. That is, all our work is aimed at developing visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, fine motor skills and connected speech.

And we want to end our speech with a statement by Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest threads stretch - streams that feed the source of the creative thread, in other words, the more skill in the child's hand, the smarter the child.

See the options for games for children described in the consultation

Fine motor skills contribute to the development of the speech center of the brain - this is a scientifically proven fact. Therefore, games for fine motor skills are the best means of accelerating the process of forming a child's speech skill. In addition, games for the development of fine motor skills allow you to teach your child the basic basics of self-care. You can use such techniques at home without consulting teachers and pediatricians. This page offers simple and advanced fine motor activities designed for the home.

Try to choose different games every day to develop fine motor skills in children, so you can increase their beneficial effects. Alternating activities for the development of fine motor skills also expand the horizons of the baby and enrich his vocabulary.

Games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of a preschool child

Stringing. The principle of the pyramid - something with a hole must be put on or strung on a stick, string, straw for juice, a dry twig, etc. To play for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, everything that can be strung is suitable: large buttons, beads, pasta, bagels and drying. I remember how my still very young son was happy to put on a bagel bag in turn on his fingers, and then gnawed the toy with no less pleasure!

Paper toys. Plain paper toys - what could be easier! But these games for fine motor skills of the child’s hands will bring no less benefit than the most expensive “razvilki” from the store. Teach your baby to crush small leaves, roll them into balls, fold them like an accordion, fold them into snails or tubes - all these are wonderful exercises for little fingers that require almost no cost. And then all these "snails", "balls" and "accordions" are perfectly used in games.

Together with the baby, you can make a voluminous collage or application. Your treasure will be happy to tear, twist and roll paper balls, and you stick them on a sheet of paper in the form of clouds or sheep, flying snow or crumbling leaves. The plot of the picture depends on your and your baby's imagination - compose a fairy tale or story while you are doing needlework.

When the child grows up, teach him how to fold paper "boats", "airplanes" and other origami toys - instructions can be found in abundance on the Internet. Playing these games for the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers, your baby will not only enjoy the "paper" creativity, but also perfectly develop the fingers.

Didactic games for the development of fine motor skills in children

Guessing. In order to organize didactic games for fine motor skills, take a pair of children's socks, put a small toy in each (for example, a ball in one, and a cube or toys from kinder surprises in the other). Invite the child to guess by touch what is “hidden in the sock”. The game is almost endless, because you can hide not only toys! Put in socks, for example, a walnut, a coffee spoon, a cap from a plastic bottle, a clothespin. Look around and you will see a lot of little things that will come in handy for this game.

I am a magician! The principle of a didactic game for development is the same as in Guessing. Take a few paired toys or, for example, two walnuts, two clothespins, two caps, two pieces of sponge, two cases from kinder surprises. Items can be any, the main thing is that you put the same sets of these items in two boxes (or two paper bags). The kid does not see what is inside, but he is a "wizard" and can pull out the same little things from two different boxes. Without looking, with one hand he pulls out, for example, a piece of a foam rubber sponge from one box. And, feeling for exactly the same piece of sponge with the other hand in the second box, he pulls it out to the surprise of the “spectators”. A real "wizard"!

Clothespin games to help develop fine motor skills

Games that promote the development of fine motor skills can be played with the most common household appliances. By the way, about clothespins. Amazing handy "simulators"! An ordinary clothespin (just try not to be very tight!) Can become a bunny's ear, a hedgehog's needles, and rays of the sun. You just need to cut out fairly large silhouettes from cardboard (by the way, they will come in handy more than once!), And the kid will be happy to make needles for a hedgehog and a Christmas tree, decorate the sun with rays, and the cloud with rain.

Attach a few clothespins to a piece of fabric, and the baby will be happy to unhook them. And if mom or dad attaches a few pieces to their clothes, the child will be happy to help “remove the burdock”.

More complex games for fine motor skills with clothespins - attach them to a stretched rope. And then you can hang drawings on this string - here you have a gallery of the first masterpieces of the child!

Another option for using clothespins to play fine motor skills for children is as tweezers or tongs. With the help of clothespins, you can grab and shift various objects, especially soft ones (pieces of fabric, woolen pompoms, pieces of thick multi-colored knitting threads).

More educational games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands in children

Games that develop fine motor skills are simple, can be used anywhere, do not require expensive equipment. More options for classes can be found further down the page. There are games that develop fine motor skills of hands and other useful skills, such as artistic taste, accuracy, dexterity, speech, etc.

Mosaic. Mosaic is an educational game for the development of fine motor skills, it consists in laying out any patterns or images from small details. It can be purchased mosaics, and home-made. For example, painted shells from boiled eggs, small geometric shapes (can be cut from colored thick paper or cardboard), even pieces of food - remember, cookies, chopped vegetables, cereals, dried fruits? At first, the child learns to simply lay out the simplest paths and houses, then the “drawings” become more complicated. And in the future, home-made mosaics can be glued onto cardboard and get a “real picture” (from shells, from beans and dry peas, from buckwheat, millet, rice). And even insert the creation into a frame and hang it in a prominent place!

Constructor. The designer is an educational game for children for fine motor skills, which is advisable to first acquire from large parts: cubes, pyramids, cylinders. They are easy to fold and destroy. Then the size of the details decreases, but the details themselves should be more and more. And here, the details can already have large fasteners in order to assemble specific products. Types of designers are very different - from plastic and wooden to metal and magnetic. Please note: the attachments on the parts are desirable different, so that the baby learns to connect them in various ways. Today, for example, build a wooden house from "logs", next week create a spaceship from tubes with magnetic tips. And after a while you fasten the toothpicks with plasticine balls - I wonder what you can do?

Laces- these are the most accessible and useful educational games for the development of fine motor skills of hands, which allow your child to learn the basics of self-care. With your own hands it is easy to make a "simulator" for the baby. You will need cardboard, a hole punch, a thick thread and a piece of ordinary adhesive tape (adhesive tape). Cut out the figure of any object or animal from cardboard (for example, a little man in clothes that needs to be laced up; or a shoe; or a leaf of a tree). Or you can use those "Cardboard figures on which clothespins were attached. Now you make holes with a hole punch. And make a cord out of a thick thread or twine - wrap one end tightly with a piece of adhesive tape so that the edge of the thread does not fluff and it is more convenient for the baby to lace up. The other end of the thread is better tie in a large knot. Now the lacing is ready. Moreover, the figures can be replaced often; cutting and punching holes in a piece of cardboard is not at all difficult. You can also lace up dad's shoes, especially new ones. But old, clean ones will work too.

Developing activities with a child for fine motor skills of the hands

Plasticine exercises for fine motor skills of hands are a great job for children's fingers. Rolling balls, making "worms" and "twig trunks", sculpting "flat cakes", smearing plasticine on a plank in the form of a picture background is a wonderful workout for the baby's fingers. I offer two simple recipes for making "homemade clay", i.e. salt dough. For a lesson for fine motor skills in a child, they usually do not paint it (they paint the finished craft), but, if necessary, you can tint it with food coloring.

First option:

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 glass of water.

Knead the dough for developing activities for fine motor skills and put in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 hours. Get ready-to-use homemade plasticine. The mass for modeling, which they did not have time to use, is always stored in a hermetically sealed container or in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Second option:

  • 1/2 cup flour;
  • 1/2 cup salt (if "Extra", then less);
  • 1 tablespoon of starch;
  • water.

First, mix all the "dry" products, this responsible work can be done by the child himself. Then, adding a little water, knead a stiff dough. Such a "bun", wrapped in a plastic bag, can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Self-service. And these are also games with the development of fine motor skills. We thread large buttons into loops, cracking Velcro, fastening and unbuttoning sandals, combing the doll’s hair and braiding her braid, pulling and pulling knee socks and socks ... All these actions can be beaten - for example, compete who will quickly put on a jacket and fasten the “zipper”. Or click buttons on a blouse, put your fingers into gloves yourself - all these self-service skills mastered in the game will help the baby feel confident: “I can already!”

Pencil games aimed at developing fine motor skills

circled- these are games aimed at developing fine motor skills, this can be done not only with a pencil or felt-tip pen. For crumbs, wonderful exercises are just tracing with your finger (for example, tracing an inverted mold in the sandbox with your finger - you get a “picture”!). And in general, you can circle anything. Here, for example, is such a game with a pencil for fine motor skills: fold a sheet of paper (shape and size do not matter, the main thing is that the sheet is unnecessary). Then arbitrarily tear out a piece from the middle and straighten the sheet. The resulting hole is circled by the child on the sheet of the album, and the flight of fantasy begins! It is thought out what “it is”, and whole pictures are drawn around the outlined figure!

Scribble. Show your child how to draw different lines on a piece of paper: straight, curved, broken, zigzag. He will “work” with pleasure and decorate the sheet with his scribbles. When the child's hand is already confident in holding the pencil, play some games.

  1. Take turns with the baby on one sheet, draw several different lines so that they intersect. Decorate the resulting “sectors” after crossing in different ways. Let the child simply paint one “piece” with his favorite color, make the other striped or “speckled” (apply short strokes), decorate the third with large dots, cover the fourth with squiggles, etc.
  2. Give your child a piece of paper, a cotton swab, and some paint. Let him dip a cotton swab into the paint and “poke” the sheet where he wants. You will get a scattering of large dots. Show your child that some dots can be connected. Some kind of figure will turn out: a fish, a flower, a house - it depends on what you “see” at the points when explaining the game. And the next time the baby himself will begin to look for something of his own in the “constellation” of points. And, I think, it will surprise parents more than once with pinpoint masterpieces!
  3. Exactly the same game, only the kid puts dots with colored pencils, two or three colors. And by connecting the dots, you can already find several colored shapes "one into the other." And then give mom a mysterious drawing, let her figure out who or what drew her favorite treasure. Blue cat and mahogany? Or a yellow boat and a green house?
  4. Show your child how to draw a pencil across the paper without lifting the lead from the paper. It turns out a long, long "road" - with turns, loops, running in one direction or the other. On this "path" you can lead a small toy. For example, say that the bunny was running away from the fox and "confused the tracks", and the fox is now running after the cunning hare. Now invite your child to draw their own "track" - a great game for the development of fine motor skills of children's fingers!
  5. On this principle (long lines with turns and zigzags), you can build the first labyrinth for the baby. Usually, children, having understood the rules, are very addicted, leading “hedgehog to mushrooms”, “dog to house”, “butterfly to flower”, etc. through the labyrinths. And the heroes of the labyrinth can be schematically drawn or small toys can be used.

Other activities for the development of fine motor skills in children

Drawing and prints. The volume of one page does not allow to talk in detail about other activities for the development of fine motor skills of hands, so I will simply list some more.

A lesson with a child in drawing for the development of fine motor skills can be carried out using the following means:

  • finger paints;
  • brushes;
  • cotton buds;
  • sponges for washing dishes;
  • bird feathers;
  • old toothbrush...

Imprints with small stamps:

  • lids and bottoms of plastic bottles, jars and plastic cups;
  • matchboxes;
  • incised and deployed in the form of "petals" cardboard tubes and straws for juice;
  • slices of hard raw vegetables (potatoes, carrots);
  • large curly buttons;
  • cork stoppers;
  • with my own hands...

Fingerprints during the fine motor skills class for children can be made on paper, on fabric, on plasticine, on modeling paste, on sand, on snow ...

An ink pad is easy to make from a dishwashing sponge. Apply a small amount of paint to the foam surface of the sponge, distribute evenly. Apply the stamp to the sponge and make prints!

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