Individual wishes to kindergarten graduates. Parting words to kindergarten graduates from the teacher, head, parents

Graduation in kindergarten, as a rule, consists of several traditional blocks, which can be interchanged. These blocks have historically developed and include the main content of graduation in kindergarten, which, of course, cannot be done without.

  • introduction;
  • memories of how today's graduates began their kindergarten journey;
  • congratulations to graduates with kids;
  • “passing the baton” from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades;
  • checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school;
  • children's gratitude to their teachers and all teaching and service staff of the kindergarten;
  • gratitude from parents;
  • parting words from kindergarten staff to graduates.

What no kindergarten graduation is complete without is poetry. Poems will create the appropriate mood for graduation in kindergarten: where necessary - funny (for example, when talking about the childhood of graduates), where necessary - lyrical (when talking about how graduates do not want to part with kindergarten). Poems will make graduation in kindergarten even more vivid, emotional, and will help both children and parents remember it for a long time, preserving memories of kindergarten for a long time.

It is important to correctly place the emphasis in the use of poetry in order to build the correct emotional outline of a kindergarten graduation: somewhere to laugh with the children and parents, and somewhere to be sad, so that both children, parents, and teachers can feel the full importance of this a wonderful part of life’s journey – preschool education.

In this material you will be presented with poems to choose from for various thematic blocks of kindergarten graduation.

In essence, these poems can become a ready-made script if you add prose connectives to them - the words of the presenter.

Block "Introduction"


The sun is shining in the window,
And the birds sing.
They probably already
They also know about the holiday!
The birds flew in and sat
And they look out the window to us,
It's like it's coming here now
Our movie about the kindergarten!
It's like we're on the screen
Let's see our whole path
My friend, you will never be a kindergartener
Don't forget, darling!
Today we will remember
How did we come here
As if birds flew by
Weeks and years.
We will say goodbye, friends,
It's time for us to go to school!
Childhood passes
And, alas, the game is over!..


Oh, is this the day?
Has he come yet?
Last holiday, graduation,
He finally found us!..
Well, maybe we should wait
And not let them go?
After all, how will we live without them?
I still don’t understand...
Came here at three years old
And they were good
So smart already
Even though they are kids.
They knew how to eat and drink themselves,
They still knew how to sleep.
How to read and how to count,
We were able to find out here.
Now they can draw
Read and sing songs,
And they know how to eat quickly,
To make it in time for lunch!
How you grew up right here
Before our eyes.
No wonder here they are, eyes,
Look - everyone is in tears!..
Today is your graduation day,
You have grown up, friends!
And no matter how much we want,
I can't leave you.
We're sending you on your way now,
We'll pack your luggage,
But everyone will know for sure
That he is OUR graduate!

Block “Memories of the first steps of graduates”


I was three years old.
Mom told me
Since I myself didn’t know about it,
That I’ll go to kindergarten on Monday
And I will find true friends there!
At first I held on to my mother for a long time,
Then he somehow broke away from her,
I entered the group crying and roaring!
And there... I found a lot of toys there!
Our teachers were also there!
There are probably no more beautiful teachers!
Can we take you to school with us?
And we will take our nanny!
She comforted us just wonderfully,
When we cried, she sang songs to us,
And the kids are unhappy
They instantly became calm!
What if we accidentally get a bad grade at school?
No one can comfort us better than a nurse!
We don’t know yet how we will live without you,
We don’t imagine, we don’t understand!
Can we take some toys with us?
And, if possible, also pillows?
What if I feel sleepy at school?
Can I take my bed with me?
How we don’t want to part,
Say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten!
School is probably good
But I really want to go to kindergarten again!


When we brought the children
Here for the first time in my life,
They were so worried at the door,
And the children instantly got used to it!
At first I didn't want my mom
Let go son,
And soon my mother could not
Find my son -
He was so busy playing
With your favorite teacher!
You have always been like this
Carefully and attentive!
Like our miracle babies

We've grown up over the years!
Recently we just came to the garden,
And then we went to school...
We don’t know how it will be there,
But we thank you
For giving the children everything,
Perhaps like family!

Block “Congratulations to graduates with kids”


Oh, how big you are!
You're almost up to the ceiling!
And call you kids
The hand won't rise.

They took you on a sleigh
And they carried it in their arms,
Now stand firm
You are on your own two feet!

We want to be big like you
Become faster
Live like you, so as not to be the first,
And on the top floor!

We promise it's worthy
We will replace you, friends,
After all, without you, that is, without the elders,
No way in kindergarten!

We promise that toys
We won't break things here.
And we won't be each other
Never offend here.

In a quiet hour we will sleep quietly
And finish the whole lunch,
And we can study at school
Four and five!

We'll grow up very soon,
We'll go to school too!

Block “Passing the baton” from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades"

Our baton
We pass it on to you!
We'll tell you in words
And we’ll sing you a song!

Get into kindergarten
You have useful knowledge,
To go to school
No delay for you.

We learn everything at school
Then we'll tell you.
We hope the program
You will be tough!

Keep all your toys
Don't break them
Just in case you
Save them for us.

What if we get bored there?
And do we want to play?
It's a difficult thing -
Get A's!

We'll run to the kindergarten
To expensive cars,
To dolls and teddy bears
To loved ones and family!

Let's go back a minute
We are in a golden childhood,
Nice and bright
And such a good thing!

Graduates sing a song about toys to the tune of “Tired toys are sleeping...”.

1. Fun toys are waiting,
Books are waiting
Well, when will the kids come to them?
Will they come again?

Let the lessons end
Their feet will bring them to the kindergarten,
To play
Here again.

2. Kids, you are staying
Here without us
We will go to study
To first grade.

Well, you live together,
You still need to grow up
To take you
To first grade!

Block “Checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school”


There is so much knowledge on the planet!
You can’t even count them all at once!
We will now check how you read,
How you write and how you think!
At school you need to know the numbers firmly
To understand your grades!

The presenter reads the quatrain, the children answer in chorus according to the meaning “Yes” or “No” or the word that fits the meaning. The presenter confuses the children by offering them the “wrong” rhymes.

Poem-game “Marks”

The school has a mark of five.
Will we receive it?
Are we always happy about it? (Yes!)

Get twos more often
And don’t be discouraged.
This is not a secret at all.
Is this the right advice? (No!)

If a deuce is not a problem,
Is this just nonsense? (No!)

Does knowledge give us light? (Yes!)
And good in our world
The rating will be four.
Is mom happy and proud? (Yes!)

Better than a D
A score of three is considered.
And I'll give you guys some advice:
After all, better grades (Yes!)

You shouldn't be lazy at school,
It's always good to study
Always be an excellent student? (Yes!)

Well done! I think you will be very good students!

Riddles with choral answers in school subjects

We want to write numbers -
We take it into the box... (notebook).

We want to write letters -
Let's take it in stripes... (notebook).

Draw a huge house
Want. I’m taking a big one... (album).

I draw simply, without a pointer.
Help me with the drawing... (paints).

Cool at school there is a lesson:
There, like hares, jump and gallop
Let's jump and gallop
And we chase... (ball).

This is not literature
This is our... (physical education).

And my beloved, of course,
We will have... (change).

I'm not used to it in kindergarten
Receive grades... (in the diary).

What is behind your shoulders?
Mom can't even lift it!
Weighs eight kilograms
How many questions do they ask us?
I take it this way and that,
This is my school... (backpack).

It contains pens and pencils,
Get them and know, write.
And although it is very small,
We really need... (pencil case).

You can get a deuce
And not get straight A's,
If at the time you need
You won't learn... (lesson).

We go to school,
Working at desks
We won't go with you
If there is... (day off).

I really need chalk in my hand,
When you go out... (to the board).

There are also old boards,
And there are... (interactive).

It's cool to learn from them,
And they need... (computer).

To know the subject well,
We will study at... (excellent)!

Block “Children’s gratitude to their teachers and all teaching and service staff of the kindergarten”

Before reading the gratitude poem, you can name the kindergarten employee to whom gratitude is intended by name and patronymic.

Thank you everybody,
Dear teachers,
So beloved and dear!
You taught us
Everything we could
We played with you
They laughed and sang.
Probably sad
Without us, you, alone...
Today we thank you for everything
Thank you!

We are our teachers
Here we are now giving thanks!
You were able to teach us
How to put on a coat yourself,
And tie your shoelaces
They also taught us
And now we can go -
Also yourself - in first grade!

Head of our
Thank you for your attention,
For all, all, all problems
Such understanding!
Our kindergarten is the coolest
We know this for sure
And you, of all the managers -
The best in the world!

Without a methodologist at all
You can't go to kindergarten -
They'll definitely say that
All my friends.
It was so interesting
This is where we work,
What from our activities
We can't tear ourselves away!
Maybe you'll go
And to school with us too?
There the skill is yours to us
This will help you learn!

Thanks for the music
To our teacher!
After all, now everyone is better
We sing and dance!
And maybe at school
They'll take us into the school choir!
We will definitely produce
There is a sensation in the choir!

They did exercises with us
You every day in the morning!
To our teacher
Physical training! Hooray!
Have you thought about your health?
And you tempered us,
How to take care of yourself
We learned from you.

Don't get sick either
In kindergarten without us!
For us you are a health worker -
Simply top class!

Dear chefs!
What will we do without you?
Tasty food
We will never forget!
Can we leave school?
We'll come
May you sometimes
Were you able to feed us?

THANK YOU everyone
Let's talk in chorus!
For everything, for everything, for everything

Block “Gratitude from Parents”

Such a kindergarten
Definitely not anywhere else.
You and I will not be lost
On land and even in water!

How reverent you have always been
With our kids!
Did you draw with them?
Paints, pencils,

You sang songs with them
The dances you danced
With you, so cheerful,
They were never bored!

We'll be leaving you soon...
We will miss you very much.
For those who have not been here in kindergarten,
Maybe they don't understand us...

Only we will tell them
How great it was for us!
Very very children
They love their second mothers!

You really were
By real mothers:
So good, kind,
Talented, brilliant!

You taught them a lot:
Play together and be friends
And get big
And in general, live correctly!

We'll be parting soon.
The kids will go to school.
But they are a favorite in kindergarten
They will always find a way!

So don't be sad
They'll come running to you again
After all, they know that in kindergarten
Teachers are always waiting!

Block “Farewell words of kindergarten staff to graduates”

Now you are leaving us, what a pity for us!
The doors will close soon...
And when we start telling,
Maybe no one will believe it!

We will talk for a long time
And, interrupting each other,
Talk, talk about you,
Remembering your names...

To all friends, acquaintances, colleagues,
For those who didn't know you, we'll tell you about you.
How did you play together in the group?
They danced like waltzes together.

And what smart children
We went to this group, let’s say!
We remember everything you did
Because everything is important to us.

We loved you very, very much
They knew everyone - who loved what,
Some people have porridge, some people have cutlets.
We won't forget this now.

And now you are leaving us.
And we won't see each other again.
We'll be a little upset, of course.
And maybe we'll shed a little tears.

But all summer in everyone you meet
Children on the way to work
We will recognize the features
Yours, the best children in the world!

We'll be worrying all autumn:
How are you there without quiet time?
How are you doing without our parting words?
Without support, without our affection?

The New Year will come - and the same:
What would it be like without a holiday in kindergarten?
Please, everyone, tell us:
“I’ll come to your kindergarten again!”

Of course, the kids will come to us
The day you go to class.
Dreamers and naughty girls...

You, beautiful and naughty,
You, those who no longer exist,
Go around the whole beautiful world,
Our whole huge white light!

Goodbye, dears!
You are about to take flight.
You are simply very dear to us.
May you always be lucky in life!


At the end of the last spring month, the next academic year ends, and the whole country gives beautiful congratulations to the graduates of 2018 who graduated from kindergarten and school.

Educators, first teacher, subject teachers, class teacher and parents address future first-graders, students of grades 4, 9 and 11 with welcoming words.

Children are given good parting words at matinees, ceremonies in honor of the last bell, and graduation parties. In poetry, prose and songs, the children are wished success in their studies, joy, happiness and all the earthly blessings that one can only dream of. These wonderful words motivate boys and girls for further development and evoke a strong desire to live up to the expectations placed by adults.

Beautiful congratulations to kindergarten graduates 2018 from parents in verse and prose

The most beautiful congratulations to kindergarten graduates 2018 from parents can be expressed both in poetry and in prose. It’s better for moms and dads to prepare them in advance and rehearse them several times immediately before the matinee.

Rhyming couplets and prose phrases should sound bright, inspiring and joyful. Let children feel how much adults love them and how proud they are of their children who have overcome their first, but very important stage in life.

Future first-graders are congratulated on successfully completing kindergarten and subsequently entering school; they wish to be attentive in class, obey teachers, diligently complete homework, participate in the cultural life of the school and make friends with the children in their class. Perhaps these words are not very original, but they always turn out to be appropriate and act inspiring, the site reports. After such parting words, the children have a clear goal to do everything so that mothers and fathers do not become disappointed in their heirs.

A selection of beautiful congratulations in poetry and prose for kindergarten graduates from parents

Congratulations guys

Happy first graduation!

We are, of course, happy for you,

But we're a little sad.

You won't come to kindergarten anymore,

New things await you,

But toys and cribs

They will always remember you.

We wish that at school

You all got excellent grades.

And, of course, with warmth

Remember kindergarten!

Congratulations on your first graduation. Today it is time to say goodbye to kindergarten and set off on a new journey along the roads of new knowledge and hobbies to countries of unknown sciences and discoveries. I wish you not to lose interest in everything new, I wish you to find wonderful and kind friends, I wish you to overcome the path to your childhood dreams with great enthusiasm and confidence.

Today is graduation day,

Guys, we give you an order:

Don't eat too much sweets

And get ready for first grade.

Diligently gnaw the granite of science,

Infect the school with fun,

Do not know idleness or boredom,

Grow, bloom and surprise!

Today is a very important event for our children - kindergarten graduation! Congratulations to you, our kids, on the holiday! We wish you a great mood, a lot of energy and activity, a thirst for knowledge and always loud and sincere laughter. Let your first steps in school life be easy, understandable and interesting. Good luck and great success to you!

The garden sees you off, children,

On a new, bright, good path!

Let all over our planet

Tears and sadness will not comprehend!

Sparkles glow in the eyes,

Curiosity is your strong point!

May you have joyful discoveries

Everyone will bring a lesson!

Inspiring congratulations from the teacher to graduates of 2018 in kindergarten

Very touching and inspiring congratulations from the teacher to the graduates of 2018 in kindergarten will open the program of the festive matinee. The teacher will read them from the stage of the assembly hall or any other room where the event is planned to be held. With beautiful poetic works or reverent texts in prose, the mentor will congratulate his wards on the end of the very first responsible period in life and praise the kids for the diligence, activity and attention that they always showed in thematic classes. Yes, of course, not everything worked out right away. Some knowledge and skills came easier; understanding more complex aspects required effort, but overall the guys were almost never lazy and were able to achieve impressive success. The basics of writing and reading, the basics of counting and a general understanding of the world around us - the teachers managed to convey all this to their students in a pleasant, unobtrusive playful way that stimulates the desire to learn further. And now future first-graders will apply the acquired knowledge at school and remember the kindergarten and their favorite teachers with great warmth and love.

A collection of inspiring congratulations from a teacher for kindergarten graduates

First graduation ever!

Whose is it? He is, of course, yours.

We congratulate you together,

We hug you tightly.

We wish you joy at school,

Only get "A's"

Make your mom proud...

And in the corner so as not to stand.

And your friends, girlfriends,

More new toys

After all, you are a big child.

There's a children's graduation in the kindergarten!

For the past few years, you have lit up this kindergarten with your irrepressible energy and love of life. As you say goodbye to the kindergarten today, don’t forget those who worked here and tried to tell you as much as possible about the world. As you enter a new, amazing stage of your life, sometimes think about your kindergarten, because it was here that you first learned what friendship and mutual assistance are.

You came to kindergarten as kids,

They played and studied here.

You found good friends here

And you plunged into a bottomless world of knowledge.

School is coming soon, first grade

You will be spun around without looking back.

Just don't forget that

How we played hide and seek together.

How they grew and developed

New heights were reached.

Sometimes you quarreled, swore

But they always took the right path.

Dear children, today is your first prom in your life! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. You have become adults and are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. Ahead lies school everyday life, new friends, discoveries, knowledge. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

Happy first graduation, kids!

You have become quite big.

My dear boys

And the girls are golden,

There are roads ahead of you -

Only you walk boldly,

Meet a lot of happiness

And good, faithful friends.

You will read a lot of books

And learn science.

Growing out of my pants,

Don't forget kindergarten!

Poems and congratulations in prose to graduates 2018 from the first teacher

Beautiful poems and congratulations in prose to graduates of 2018 from the first teacher are the best, pleasant and joyful gift that a teacher can give to his matured students. For 4 years from the moment they first came to school until today, the children and the mentor were together and worked as one friendly team, aimed at a single result. And now the time has come to thank each other for everything that happened, and move forward with a confident gait to meet new challenges and bright meetings.

But the moment of farewell is always associated with slight sadness and there is no escape from it. The teacher is happy for his own boys and girls, is proud of them as if he were his own children and very sincerely hopes that they will continue to be just as kind, diligent and attentive, will successfully cope with the school curriculum, enter a prestigious university, find a good job in their specialty and will make this world a little better and brighter. After all, these are the aspirations that were instilled in children in elementary school.

A collection of poetic and prose congratulations from the first teacher for graduates of 2018

Four years flew by like birds.

And today I proudly say -

Graduates are now you, graduates

Stages of the first school path!

You still have a lot to go through

And you may be wrong more than once!

But I wish that studying would become

The most important task for you!

Dear children! I am proud to see you graduate from 4th grade. Congratulations on your graduation night! For you, this is only the very beginning of your training, but you have all shown that you are ready to continue working. Today is an important day, because soon I will see you completely different. Over the years, you have not only gained the necessary knowledge, but also found true friends and comrades. I wish you that the time spent together will be remembered for a long time, and that friendship will overcome all adversity and obstacles.

So you fluttered out of elementary school -

It will be like this in any day and time;

All you have to do is get used to your new role.

Adult fifth-graders - middle level!

You gained happiness in elementary school:

We learned a lot of things you need...

It's a pity to leave! But it's time to say goodbye...

Happiness to you guys and success to you!

Dear children, you have passed the initial stage of school life and have successfully overcome your first obstacles, made your first discoveries, and achieved your first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed the fourth grade, now your adult life begins and you have more serious goals ahead of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge, strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Elementary school graduate!

There is something to be proud of today!

What to congratulate at school and at home

And be pleasantly surprised!

Let in the land of useful knowledge

It will be very interesting

Exciting, funny,

Bright, fun, wonderful!" alt=" Congratulations to graduates of 2018 in poetry and prose for kindergarten and school" width="600">!}

Inspirational and wonderful congratulations to graduates from parents on the last call of 2018 are more like parting words. Moms and dads are sincerely happy that their children successfully completed school, learned a large amount of diverse knowledge and acquired a lot of useful skills. Now their entry into real adult life, full of trials and temptations, will be painless and will bring many new meetings, interesting acquaintances and extraordinary events.

Some will go to university, receive a prestigious education and become influential people who change the destinies of countries and peoples. Others will find themselves in art and sports, others will choose more prosaic professions and will bring feasible benefits to people in megacities, regional centers and remote villages.

All of these are wonderful paths that lead to happiness, recognition and well-being. The main thing is not to lose such qualities as understanding, empathy and compassion. It is they, and not money, power and position in society, that make a person sincere and real.

A list of good congratulations on the last bell of 2018 for graduates from parents

Graduates, we sincerely congratulate you,

We wish you strength - the path in life is difficult,

But you value what will be most important:

Friends, health and comfort in the family!

We wish you to find your calling.

Let those who believe in you be near you

Your cherished wishes will come true,

May your life be successful.

So that there are fewer mistakes in life,

You remain yourself forever,

May you live cheerfully and carefree

Hope is with you, faith and love!

Graduates, dear children, today this special and exciting moment has come for you, saying goodbye to school and entering adulthood! Let the storm of life not frighten you, but only strengthen your determination and perseverance! Let the life experience acquired over these years at school guide your destiny, and let the knowledge support your success! May your heart always be open to love and friendship! Congratulations!

Today graduation is spinning around you,
A beautiful certificate was presented
Your home school greeted you
11 years in a row.

Today I wish you guys
We wish you great success,
Let fate give you an A
In your new life diary.

May your happiness be bright,
Let love be fiery
Let the desire for new knowledge
Always stirring your blood.

Congratulations on your graduation! Now we have 11 years of school behind us. Now a different life awaits you, in which there is room for independent decisions, reasonable actions and confident aspirations. I wish you to fly high and constantly find yourself at the top of your next successes and achievements. I wish you never to regret the choice you made and to constantly continue to move towards your cherished dream.

Graduates, happy journey to you,

After all, your choice means a lot!

Believe in yourself, don't worry,

I wish you every luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of,

May life lead you to success!

I want you to understand everything:

Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Cool, funny congratulations to graduates of 2018 from their parents on video

On the day of the end of the school year, at the final assembly, schoolchildren receive a lot of congratulations from the director, head teacher and teaching staff. Usually, children in official uniform are addressed with solemn, inspiring speeches, stimulating them to move forward and achieve their goals.

Funny, funny and cheerful congratulations to the 2018 graduates are received from parents at the graduation party dedicated to the end of school. Moms and dads wish their children all the blessings of life, good health, great happiness and successful admission to university to acquire their favorite profession.

Such performances look bright, colorful and attractive, turning the graduation celebration into an extraordinary show that will be remembered for a lifetime by both the adult participants and the heroes of the occasion. There are no strict format restrictions here. It all depends on the creativity of the initiative group of parents and the desire to congratulate their children in a truly original and unexpected way.

How parents can congratulate graduates in a cool and fun way - examples in the video

Best congratulations to graduates of 2018 from the class teacher

From the class teacher, congratulations to the graduates of 2018 should be very joyful, optimistic and inspiring. The teacher can address his students in poetry or prose, greeting them with the last bell and the long-awaited graduation from school. It will remind the children of how they met after 4th grade and how much time they have spent together since then. Not everything always went well in the relationship, but both the children and the teacher always tried to do everything to competently resolve a difficult situation and eliminate the problems that were inevitable for any team.

Sometimes it was difficult, because students in grades 9-11 are no longer kids from kindergarten, unconditionally taking the teacher’s words as a basis. Teenagers have their own opinions on many issues, and they passionately want teachers and parents to respect them.

But in the end, thanks to the sensitivity and tact of the class teacher, all conflicts dissolved, and the students became even more friendly and united. And now, at their own graduation party, smart girls and boys with great joy accept congratulations from their mentor and very sincerely thank him for his full support, tolerance, care and attention given from the bottom of his heart. In turn, the class teacher wishes his students all the best and asks them not to forget the school and all the knowledge that it gave.

Options for the best congratulations from the class teacher for graduates of 2018

Congratulations sound today

For you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Today you are very big,

Today you are graduates.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

We have walked this path together.

Even though you are saying goodbye to school

You will remain my children.

Don't forget your home school

And come by sometimes

To tell you what they have become,

And how are things going for you?

Congratulations to our students on their Graduation! This significant event will be remembered for a lifetime. I wish you that your first steps into adulthood are easy. May good luck accompany you, and may your chosen path fill your life with good impressions and a lot of opportunities! Develop, never stop learning new things, strive for the best. Good luck and happiness to you!

You guys have a graduation party,

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

When you came to 1st grade,

You were just kids!

Well, now it's a completely different matter,

You've grown up and there's no way to know

You walk through life firmly, boldly,

And the teachers are happy for you!

Don't forget your home school

You spent many bright years here,

Well, visit me more often,

Good luck on your chosen path!

My dear graduates! How sorry I am to part with you, but I understand that you are already adults and that it’s time for you to move on a new path. I wish that your road in life is as smooth as a runway, and that you fly high enough to see how beautiful this world is. Happy holiday, my dear children!

Today you are leaving for a new life,

Now you say goodbye to school forever.

Remember all the good things that happened here.

And I wish you love, kindness and strength!

Now everyone has their own path...

Let there be a lot of impressions and joy,

Successful decisions, only the right steps,

Friends of today and extraordinary days!

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In kindergarten, each child for the first time encounters a certain closed society in which everyone takes his place. In addition, it is in kindergarten that children find their first true friends, and some, their first love. Here children learn to communicate with other children and learn how to behave in a given situation. That is, for every child, kindergarten is the first institute of life, which it is advisable to undergo without fail. In terms of its significance, the day of graduation from kindergarten is no different from a school graduation party. So on this holiday you should definitely congratulate the child. If you don’t know how to do this, then ready-made congratulations on graduating from kindergarten are what you need.

You're almost like a dad now!
You're in a suit, with a diplomat!
Will you dance the dance?
And poetry for everyone to read!
Adult, smart, handsome,
I already bought a backpack for first grade!
Books and notebooks are waiting,
I've already played hide and seek
Our son is very big!
Mom's, dad's golden!

You've already grown up - you're almost a schoolboy,
Kindergarten left behind
High rises await you in life,
Let all the descents be behind us.
Just learn to live in truth,
Just learn to be a human being
Let everyone say - you are our man,
Strong, brave, just a man!

Never forget this day!
The kindergarten doors are closing,
And another time will begin -
The amazing world believes in you!
There will be wonderful years ahead
You will meet a lot of friends at school,
In the world of knowledge, science, study
Don't be lazy, don't be bored, be brave!

What kind of holiday are we suddenly having?
Kindergarten graduation!
You'll be starting first grade soon,
You will be happy to learn!
Soon you will become a student -
A grown girl now
Serve you, without a doubt,
You will be the best example to everyone!

Our baby has already become an adult:
We won't go to kindergarten anymore,
School is now our future home!
In kindergarten we have graduation,
We're seeing everyone off to school today,
We wish you to study diligently!
It’s just great to always receive,
I often remember my dear kindergarten there!

Our joy is that you graduated from kindergarten,
The first graduation is your first essay,
The ball glitters and everyone is in elegant dresses,
The boys are dressed like gentlemen.
You grew up somehow quickly and although,
You are still a child, you are a child,
Time flies quickly, remember!

Today is a special day, today is a bright day.
Today even the clouds do not cast a shadow on us.
And there in heaven they know and support us,
After all, very, very soon, you will go to 1st grade.
Kindergarten summer, kindergarten days
You will remember tomorrow, because they are joyful.
Seryozhka and Alenka, Maksimka and Andrey
You are unlikely to forget all your friends.
Therefore, I wish that it is a bright time,
When there are kids rushing on the swings,
I was always with you, and I remembered when
You will understand that our childhood is gone forever.

Cute little ones grow up so fast
They will go to school for the first time in the fall.
Sends the boys off with slight sadness
The kindergarten that became their second home.
They will make the children of the year older,
They will only be remembered forever
First friendship and first songs,
Favorite kindergarten where we grew up together.

Goodbye, kindergarten!
Hello school!
The first joys, quarrels, worries -
You will carry the memory of them through the years.
The time has come to say goodbye to kindergarten,
Soon you will be at school.
In your life, let it be everywhere and always
The star of good luck and happiness is shining!

Our baby - here's your first graduation!
You've finished kindergarten, first class!

Your prospects are great!
Grow up soon, a bright person,
Make friends, love people!
Back to school soon - you're already big!

Today you have become a little older,
Leaving my dolls on the couch,
You're running to the first ball quickly,
And for mom - this ball is treasured!
Days flew by carefree
You swapped dolls for books.
You're growing up! And one is sad
Your favorite black and white bear!

Music employee Staff Parents

Graduation in kindergarten - congratulations to the children

“How they have grown up so much!”, “We didn’t have time to look back...” - the parents of the little fidgets gasp in one voice.
The kids have grown up and recently learned to walk and talk. It seems like only yesterday that they came to kindergarten for the first time with their mothers hand in hand - and now it’s time to say goodbye to the kindergarten, to the warm, dear, hospitable home. School is ahead - school joys, school friends, breaks, bells and copybooks. First difficulties, answers at the board, assessments and homework.
And now the boys and girls are preparing to say goodbye to kindergarten. Mothers excitedly straighten the prom dresses and hairstyles of elegant fashionistas, and tie the boys’ ties. Graduates repeat poems and songs learned specifically for the graduation ceremony. After all, everything should be solemn on this day! There will certainly be congratulations to the teachers, nannies, all the kindergarten workers, parting words to the children, responses from the parents, and a lot of songs and dances. I really want this bright and joyful day to remain in the memory of the children.
This is the first graduation in my life. A beautiful holiday, but at the same time sad, because children begin to say goodbye to childhood. I really want to stop them: “Don’t rush to grow up, don’t, because you can’t get your childhood back. Live in it a little longer, enjoy the carelessness of childhood.” Childhood is the most carefree, happiest time. How many times, already as adults, do we all mentally return to childhood and think - what a happy world this is! Therefore, we wish that every child today will definitely have their childhood dream come true in their inevitable adult life.
To help educators, the site contains children's graduation scripts, colored invitation forms, posters and pictures for graduation decorations.

All the ladies are in ballroom dresses,
And gentlemen to match them,
Today we need to be adults,
And I want to run to my mother.
Did you like playing here?
Sometimes I didn’t want to go home
It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten,
And we celebrate graduation. ©

Girl at graduation

Today you will say goodbye
To all teachers and children.
But you always, baby, know:
They are waiting for you here, they will meet you here.
You come to us sometimes
Tell me about your successes,
And if you're sad, then we
We will support you with warm laughter! ©

Congratulations to the teachers

Graduation parties rush through the gardens in a crowd -
They hurry, they fly, they tear hearts to pieces...
Thank you very much, dear ones,
Because our offspring are funny
Now we are ready to go on a new path;
And to you - goodness, health and patience,
Warmth of soul and business acumen,
Good luck, victories and so much inspiration,
So that you have more than enough for the rest of your life;
So that they don’t call you “educators”,
So that each of the children is in love with you!..
We are very sorry to part with you...
Thank you and bow to you! ©

Congratulations to the children

Dear children!
A sad moment comes:
Desks and books are waiting for you,
The school is calling you into battle...
Congratulations, children,
Our graduates!
You will remember these
Golden days -
Autumn is still far away
But, saying goodbye now,
We ask you one thing:
Remember us at school! ©

You are letting us go today,
Like a flock of cheerful birds.
And you involuntarily drop it
Tears from your long eyelashes!
How much kindness and affection you have,
And there is no one wiser in the world than you!
You probably came from a fairy tale
And they raised us for so many years!
Do not be sad! We will definitely
We will visit you again and again!
Our nannies and teachers
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ©

We are very big now
Soon we will be schoolchildren,
But we decided everything together:
We won't forget kindergarten!
Let us say goodbye to him today,
The memory will always remain,
How we quarreled, made up,
How they played in the garden, yes! ©

The little locomotive of childhood rushes along the road
Stations flash past the window like birds.
He will take the boys further today.
Goodbye, station called “Kindergarten!”
Dolls and cars, a neat row of books,
As they follow you, they look at you.
And it’s as if they were whispering: “(child’s name), don’t be sad!
Happiness to you, joy! Bon Voyage!" ©

First time in the garden without my mother,
Tears, long-awaited evening,
Porridge in the morning, tea with cookies,
The first poems
Morning exercises and exercises -
Kindergarten, its own rules.
Daytime sleep, walks, dinner,
Quarrels, fights, friendship again.
These years have flown by...
How? Nobody noticed!
Kindergarten, don't be sad,
We have to go to school!
We say goodbye to you -
Here it is, the first graduation! ©

See also:

Congratulations on your friend's wedding
Congratulations to the newborn
Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day
Funny congratulations to a female colleague
Beautiful congratulations to a woman
Congratulations to parents at the wedding
Cool congratulations to your wife
Congratulations on graduation in kindergarten
Congratulations on your wedding day from mom
Congratulations to a friend on her wedding

Congratulations to kindergarten for graduation

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Funny and cheerful

Funny and cheerful,
Capricious, stubborn,
A little naughty
With pigtails, curly….
We are very, very different
They brought you the children.

Today with gratitude
For all your efforts,
Patience, understanding,
With love education
We say thank you
For what you could

Compassionately and affectionately,
With severity, with a fairy tale
Find the magic key
What opened your hearts
Children, and us, parents.
Please accept
Gifts and recognition
On our behalf.

Keywords: Congratulations from parents at graduation in kindergarten, elementary school
You can congratulate: Kindergarten teachers, primary school teacher

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Have our children really grown up?

Really, really
Are the carousels empty?
Our kids have grown up
And we graduated from kindergarten!

We are terribly happy for them
Let all barriers disappear
Let everything be as it should be
For boys and girls!

May the sun always shine on them,
Every day he looks out the window,
Soon young marathon runners
They will teach at school.

They'll fly away like birds,
So let's have fun
Let your faces laugh
So as not to upset us!

Keywords: children, kindergarten graduation
You can congratulate: "children", "children"

Congratulations to kindergarten for graduation

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Parting words to kindergarten graduates

So the boys have grown up,
The last year has flown by.
You are no longer a preschooler,
You are a serious people.

Nowadays, it seems, kids
With lollipops in hands,
Tomorrow - fashionable, with a haircut,
Learn the basics in school
Slowly figure it out
To delve into the wilds of physics,
To learn the secrets of formulas,
Study, count, write...

You have no time for jokes today,
Very short period
Before serious adult matters,
Well, go for it! To those who dared
The kindergartener will look after you sternly,
He will say: “Bon voyage!”
Mothers will bless everyone,
Dads will just cheer you up.

Keywords: kindergarten, mothers, fathers, preschool children
You can congratulate: "preschoolers", "first graders"

Congratulations to kindergarten for graduation

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Guys, we are immensely proud of you!

Guys! We are immensely proud of you!
Today you are especially great!
It probably sounds very loud and proud:
"You are kindergarten graduates."
Please accept congratulations from moms and dads,
We wish you new successes and victories!
Let every moment be joyful,
It will leave a shining mark on your heart!

Keywords: Guys, graduates, congratulations
You can congratulate: Kindergarten graduates

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Kindergarten is over, guys!

Kindergarten is over, guys!
Today is your graduation.
Like the legendary pirates
You are eager to get into battle!
Mom and dad ask you: “Stop,
Don’t rush to grow up!”
We bought a cake for you today,
To hold it for at least an hour.
Have a fun holiday together
Let's spend it with you!
Where can you sit still!
Then let's dance and sing!

Keywords: kindergarten, graduation
You can congratulate: kindergarten graduates

Congratulations to kindergarten for graduation

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For kids on their graduation day

For kids on their graduation day
Wishing moms and dads again
Be very inquisitive
So that, having played enough during the day, at night
Not only to sleep soundly, sweetly -
In dreams, laugh and fly!
Memorize poems and songs,
To make life more interesting,
And be known as "why"
And the kindergarten - to remember and love!

Keywords: mom, dad, wish, kids
You can congratulate: kindergarten graduates

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Congratulations FROM PARENTS

Thanks to the teachers,
Thanks to the nannies.
To the fairy tale creators.
Everyone is sad now.

Children graduating from kindergarten,
A world of games and joy.
Replaced mothers
You give them no fatigue.

We will always remember
We care about you.
And sometimes children
Bring some porridge.

Bow from the parents,
For love and affection.
And a million flowers for you,
For children and fairy tales.

Keywords: congratulations FROM PARENTS
You can congratulate: Kindergarten staff