An interesting scenario for February 23 for kindergarten. Knightly theme of the holiday

Designed for holding a holiday for several groups at once. The script contains riddles, games, competitions and various options for scenes in order to make the holiday on February 23 in kindergarten memorable not only for children, but also for guests: dads and grandfathers.

Scenario for February 23 in kindergarten

Coming February 23 in kindergarten. Under the march, the children enter the hall and become a semicircle near the central wall.

— Hello, dear guests. Hello dads. Today we have prepared congratulations for you. But above all, the song.

The song GOOD SOLDIERS sounds:

Served in our army
Our grandfathers and fathers.
The boys will get big
There will also be good guys.

I'm going to serve as a tanker
Learn to shoot at a target!

I have a simple dream
Conquer the height.
I dream of becoming a pilot
But first I'll grow up.

I would go to captain
Swim in rivers and seas
I will protect Russia
On warships.

Let's grow strong
For the Motherland to bloom,
And know neither wars nor troubles
Only peace and sunshine!

Scene for February 23 in kindergarten

Olya: - And my dad is the best!
Misha: No, it's not true! This is my dad the best!
Olya: Why is your dad the best?!
Misha: - Yes, because he knows how to drive a car. Here!
Anya: - Well, what's so special about it? All dads know how to drive. My dad is truly the best!
Misha and Olya together: - Why?
Anya: - My dad is the best dad in the world, because he works as a teacher! Do you know what it's like to be a school teacher?
Misha: - No, we don't know, we're still small.
Olya: - And what does it mean to work as a teacher at school?
Anya: - It's hoo. That's what it means! In general, the work associated with the risk to life.
Olya and Misha: - We understand.
Olya: - And yet, my dad is the best!
Misha, turning to Olya: - Does your dad also work at the school?
Olya: - No, not at school, but at a construction site! He builds houses for people, schools, factories.
Dima: - This is my dad the best.
Misha: Why?
Dima: - My dad is the best, because he works as a DJ on the radio, at work he has a microphone and big headphones. Like this!
Lisa: - And my dad is the best, he works as a strongman!
Lenya: - And my dad is the goalkeeper of the hockey team.
Nastya: - And my dad treats people! He has a steto… stetophone…. In general, he has a listener. I don't pronounce the scientific name yet.
Johnny: And my dad is the best. When he comes home from work in the evening, he hugs me, and after dinner we play different games. We also read books together.

All together: - My dad is the best.

Of course your dads are the best. And we will check this now. Dads and children, go to the start.

Games with dads on February 23 in kindergarten

  1. You need to drive the ball with a club into the goal located on the finish line.
  2. You need to pinch the ball with your knees and run to the finish line.
  3. You need to throw a small ball into the basket.

- Well done! Both dads and kids did a great job. And now I will ask dads to sit down and rest, and we will continue our performance.

Continuation of the scene.

We heard a lot of good things about dads today. Guys, do you know poems about dads?

“Now let’s please our dads and sing them a song.”

We will serve in the army.
Glory to the pilots, tankers,
Infantrymen - brave
Sailors, gunners,
Glory to all fighters!

The children sit down. Leading:

“Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the birthday of the army and navy together with the whole country. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. And professional soldiers do it: they protect your happy childhood and the peaceful work of our citizens. Guys, do you know what troops guard the borders of our state?

The host introduces the military guests to the children and invites them to be on the jury in order to evaluate the skills of the guys.

Riddles for February 23 in kindergarten

1. The turtle-steel shirt is crawling,
She knows neither pain nor fear.
The enemy is in the ravine, and she is where the enemy is.
What is this turtle? (Tank).

2. Like unprecedented wonderful flowers,
Umbrellas flew from the sky. (Paratroopers).

3. Iron fish swims underwater
The enemy, threatening with fire and misfortune,
Iron fish dives to the bottom,
She guards her native seas. (Submarine).

4. Flying, not a bird
Buzzing, not a beetle? (Airplane)

Dancing on February 23 in kindergarten

One of the invited guests says to the guys dressed in sailor suits:

— I see you have a lot of sailors here! They probably want to show us something?

Children of the senior group of the kindergarten are built in columns and say:

We guys are sailors
Dancers, merry fellows!
Our Marine Russian Fleet
Hello to you today.

Children of the senior group of the kindergarten perform the APPLE dance.

Children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten perform the dance of the SAILOR.

- Well done boys! We love the holidays always. Are we going to play now?

Competitions for February 23 in kindergarten

Children are divided into teams. The winning team is the one that completes the task first. Task examples:

  1. Who is more likely to carry a weapon.
  2. Who will transfer the wounded fighter sooner (a plush toy can act as a fighter).
  3. Who is more likely to pull the cord.

We thank Khanverdiyeva I.R., teacher of kindergarten No. 1330, Moscow, for the material provided.

NOTE TO THE EDUCER: Specialized store of toys and didactic materials for preschool educational institutions — store "Kindergarten" - You can purchase various role-playing costumes for children, including caps, sailor costumes, caps, berets of the Airborne Forces and much more by February 23!

Scenario matinee senior group "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland"

Children enter the hall to the music "Our Motherland is strong"
Vedas.: Good afternoon, dear parents and my beloved guys.
1 child: Today is a holiday in the group and we are glad to all the guests.
It's great that we are all here again here.
2 children: We live as one happy family in a team,
And every day our garden is dearer and dearer.
3 children: Are you comfortable in our hall? We will sing and dance for you.
We congratulate all men! Dads together? Begin.
Ved.: Dear children! Dear guests! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of all the defenders of our Fatherland, the defenders of peace, freedom and happiness. The soldiers and commanders of our army are on duty day and night.
And to congratulate not only your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army, but also our boys, the future defenders of our Motherland.
We sincerely congratulate all the brave Russian soldiers and thank them for their military work and loyalty to the Fatherland. We wish them good health and great happiness.
Friends! Today is our army day! She is not stronger in the world.
Hello defenders of the people! Russian army -
Children: Hello!
The song "A soldier has a day off!" piano
4 children: All our grandfathers and dads once served in the army,
They learned to defend Russia, they were always fit.
They wore a uniform and a cap, played sports diligently,
They learned to shoot very accurately, and they were not afraid of a pistol.
Today we congratulate brave, strong and cheerful men,
And on the day of the Defender of the Fatherland, we wish you health, joy!
5 children: We have a special day today for boys and men
Every citizen knows Defender of the Fatherland Day.
So that the children have good health,
After all, the boy is a future soldier.
To be enduring in training and in combat
Protect your beloved Motherland!
Oznavayka "Bogatyrskaya"
Ved.: Guys, what military professions do you know? (tankers, gunners, pilots, sailors, cavalrymen, paratroopers, missilemen, signalmen, scouts, radio operators, border guards, submariners, etc.) Our boys are the future defenders of the Fatherland. Will they be able to answer questions or continue the proverb?
1. What animal is the best assistant to the border guard?
2. On what machines do military pilots serve?
3. What is the difference between different types of troops? (uniform, emblems, shoulder straps)
Peace builds - and war ... (destroys)
Difficult in learning ... (easy in battle)
There is safety in numbers)
One for all and all for one)
Shchi and porridge ... (our food)
The brave wins... (the coward dies)
They answered the questions, but we will see now if everyone knows how to dance.
6 dev.: Our boys do not know what bearing and become!
All the girls are in love with you, because you are the defenders of the country!
7 children: I'm almost big, I can be a sailor.
I can even go swimming without asking.

I'm not afraid of a hurricane, let the ocean rage.
Dad, mom, do not worry: I will return from distant countries.
Dance "Apple"
Ved.: How proudly the words sound: "Defender of the Fatherland"! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready to defend our Motherland and us at any moment.
Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and courageous.
Let's now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts, we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.
The girls sing ditties.
8 dev.: We sing for you today and we have one motive:
On the twenty-third, we want to congratulate you with the girls!
9 girls: Lucky for us, girls, we are very happy.
After all, the boys in our group are the most beautiful!
10 girls: Today we congratulated all the guys on the twenty-third.
Wish them good luck from the bottom of their hearts from all the girls.
Ved.: I think every boy wants to wear the uniform of a pilot, sailor, paratrooper. But to serve in the army one must be not only smart, courageous, strong. There is still a lot to know! So, from childhood, let's cultivate in ourselves the qualities necessary for the defender of the Fatherland. Now we will hold fun contests to make sure once again that all the boys are ready to serve in the army, we will test your dexterity, speed, endurance. To make the contests fun and provocative, we will divide dads and boys into two teams. Now we'll see how strong our dads are? Our dads are masters, they argue things.
If you don't believe me, check it out yourself!
Competition: "The most dexterous" for dads. (3 balls) "Don't cry girl"
Three fathers come out and participate in the competition: who will inflate the balloon faster
Vedas.: Well done, that's how dads! Everyone can! Well, what can our boys do?
And let's see!
Game "Report" dad + children.
"2 hoops with balls"

Description: 6 people participate in a team (1 soldier-father in each team, who stands near the landmark). There is a hoop in front of the teams, 6 pieces are tied to it. balloons, each of which contains a piece of paper with a letter. The players of each team take turns performing the following task: jumping from hoop to hoop, slam the ball, take out a piece of paper, give it to a soldier who lays out the words “Motherland” and “Russia” (“Country” for the third team), and they themselves go back and pass the baton .
Competition "Encryption" for boys
Each team receives an envelope. Each envelope contains a military-themed postcard cut into pieces, you need to assemble the postcard. As you can see, the encryption is unusual - you need to collect a postcard in order to understand what is drawn on it.
Vedas.: We often scold our children without understanding the reasons. And for dads, now let's imagine the opportunity to be a little in the role of a child.
Competition "The most capable child"(kids and dads)
To the music of “Apple”, children show a dance for one verse. For the rest of the song, the kids have to teach their dads this dance. The best "child" wins. (Music sounds. Children dance, teach their dads.)
The competition is called "The smartest" if the child did not answer, then his father answers
You can’t see with your eyes, you can’t take it with your hands, and you won’t go into battle without it. (Hooray!)
It flies - barks, falls - crumbles. (Projectile)
A man on the shore spits over the river. (Gun)
There is a turtle - a steel shirt. (Tank)
A black grouse flew, in the evening, not now, fell into a swan, I couldn’t find it. (Bullet)
Two arap - brothers, knee-high, walk everywhere with the soldiers and protect them. (Boots)
It breathes fire, it blazes with fire. (A gun)
A raven flies, all chained, whom it pecks - to that; death. (Bullet)
The black kochet wants to roar. (Gun)
Two heads, six legs, two arms, one tail. Who is this? (Rider)
Vedas: Today we are convinced that a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland is growing up in our country. And this means that we will have someone to protect our Motherland. We once again congratulate everyone on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!
11 children: We want to live under a peaceful sky and rejoice, and be friends,
We want children everywhere on the planet to know no war at all!
Peace is the main word in the world peace is very necessary for our planet
Adults need peace, children need peace, everyone needs peace.
12 children: The border guard on the border guards our land,
So that all the people can work and study in peace.
Our sea is guarded by a glorious, valiant sailor
Our native Russian flag proudly flies on the battleship.
13 children: Our hero pilots vigilantly guard the sky.
Our hero pilots protect peaceful labor.
Our native army guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up, not knowing troubles, so that there is no war.
So let all the guys grow up happy!
Song "Because we are pilots" piano
14 children The boys dream of growing up and becoming adults,
And go to work. And dads are probably dreaming again
To become boys like in childhood.
At heart, every dad is just a boy.
Sometimes he acts like a jerk. Therefore, they should be allowed
Albeit rarely, but still become boys.
The game "Tug of war" (children - dads) repeat
15 children: My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom, dad has skillful, strong hands.
And he will not refuse anyone to help, and he will say a kind word in time.
All dads have time: both work and rest.
Ladies are invited to dance - come out to dance.
Spanish dance "Paso Doble"

16 children My dad is good and I look like him.
I know he is a strong handsome man.
Competition “Whose dad is stronger? " repeat
Who has the strongest dad? Let's check? Come out if you want, take your dad. The father puts the child on his shoulders. And now we squat: who will do it longer?
Well done dads. Strength - like the heroes.

17 children: Our Russian army's birthday is in February.
Glory to her - invincible, glory to peace on earth.
Trumpets loudly sing: "Our army - salute!"
Ved.: That's what kind of squad we have - very friendly preschoolers.
All the boys of the whole country should be brave:
So that the borders are protected, so that mothers smile!
18 children: Well, our holiday is coming to an end.
For the fact that the sun shines on us for the fact that there is no war,
Thanks to those who protect the peace of their native country.
Today we congratulate all the defenders of the country.
All soldiers protect the Earth, sky, peace and labor
For all children to live happily in the world.
Ved.: An hour of fun has flown by, we were glad to see you!
And now we are waiting more than once a year, but every holiday be here!
I don't want to say goodbye, but we must part!
Exit from the hall

Nina Sinitsina
Scenario of a sports and gaming holiday by February 23 for preschoolers

Sports and gaming holiday


6 toy guns and 6 toys; 2 balls; rope; 15 paper airplanes and 2 hoops; 20 balloons; 2 cut postcards

in files.

presenter: Our dear men, we congratulate you on "Defender of the Fatherland Day" We wish you strength, courage and good luck. To make us women feel safe next to you.

Well, now a little about the history of this holiday.

This holiday there were several titles:

Soviet Army Day

Birthday of the Red Army

Birthday of the armed forces and the navy.

Now this holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Why exactly 23 February and not some other day? But because 23 February 1919. The Red Army defeated the German troops. The day of the first victory was the birthday of the army. Since then, no one can defeat us. There was not a single invader who did not feel the power of the weapons of our Army. Here is such a story holiday!

presenter: I ask all the boys to get up and come to me. (divided into two teams).

First, a little warm-up. And in it we will determine the team captains. First, the first team of 5 people participates.

Choose a girl to blow before the start!

1 contest "Who is faster"

We put the chairs one less than the players. We play until one player remains - the captain of the team! (Repeat with other team).

presenter: Well done fighters! They did great! The enemy cannot resist such an onslaught! We want to give you greeting cards for this! Oops, someone cut them! Boys, could you help me put together the right postcard?

2 contest "Collect Postcard"

Each team receives an envelope in which a postcard is cut. We need to collect a postcard.

presenter: That's great! You did it! I’ll tell you a secret, girls only know how to cut, but fix it ... they can’t do it! But they are such beauties, like real princesses. To prove it, they are ready to go to any lengths.

3 contest "Who will eat the lemon faster"

Participants from girls are invited to eat an apple for speed, then a lemon.

presenter: Now the boys have to hit the enemy in the air and capture the enemy's territory. You see a hoop target - you need to fly through it.

4 competition "Air battle"

Keeping a hoop at a distance of 3 m is a target. An airplane for each. You need to throw it over the target and get into enemy territory.

presenter: Now the traditional competition. Let's see whose team is stronger?

5 contest "Tug of War"

presenter: Well, our girls are bored! It's time for them to come up with a task ... So, so! Do you like to make faces at the mirror? So this is what will help you now.

6 contest "Show-off"

girls one by one (8 people) must show the audience what is shown on the card. Without words! Only gestures and sounds.

presenter: Now a game of wits (with audience). Solve riddles!

7 competition "Puzzles"

1. He came from a fairy tale

Knocked softly on the house

In a bright red cap -

Well, of course it is…. (Dwarf)

2. She was a dwarf's girlfriend

And of course you know (Snow White)

3. The man is not young

Here with such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas)

4. Thumbelina's groom is blind

Lives underground all the time.... (Mole)

5. And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself,

Just call her guys... (Malvina)

6. Over my simple question

You won't spend a lot of energy.

Who is the boy with the long nose

Did you make it from a log? (Papa Carlo)

7. Who are the guys at the border

Protects our land

To work and study

Could our people calmly? (Border guard)

presenter: Well, we know that a border guard is guarding us at the border. And who guards our peace of mind at home, with whom we are not afraid to walk along the dark streets, behind whose broad back we feel confident? Well, of course, these are our dads!

I call two dads from each team, one at a time. Children must draw their portrait.

8 competition "Jumping Artist"

1 draws the head, 2 the torso, 3 the arms, 4 the legs, 5 the hair, eyes, nose and mouth. We give portraits to dads!

9 competition for captains "Take away the candy"

Captains. Each has a racket in his hand, on which lies a candy. You need to take the candy from the opponent.

10 contest for dads "Focus"

Put the coin on the table and cover it with a saucer. Explain that you will take the coin without touching the saucer. Then show the coin you have been holding in your hand so far.

11 competition "Clear the field"

Finally, the enemy mined all the escape routes. And you children will have to clear everything, but not with your feet!

All line up for poetry with a gift for dads in hand

Give thanks for participating in the military-patriotic competition.

presenter: Dear boys! We give you these balloons and let everything in your life be bright and easy!

Dear parents! Our children in honor holiday prepared poems and handmade gifts for their dads, grandfathers and uncles!

Children recite poems and give gifts

presenter: Here is our holiday has come to an end. Once again, we congratulate all men on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

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Image Library:

Defender of the Fatherland Day for children of senior preschool age 5-7 years old. Scenario

(Held in the form of a thematic lesson or leisure evening)

To the music of any military march, children enter the hall and sit on chairs along the walls.

Leading. Children, today we have gathered to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. We all love and appreciate the soldiers of the Russian army. They stand guard over the world. The whole country knows the heroes of the army. And many of you want to be like them - strong, brave, hardworking, ready to overcome all dangers. Let us read poems about them, sing and listen to songs.

Four children come out, read:


So that under the peaceful sun

We lived with you

The native army preserves peace.

Planes in the sky, ships in the sea

They guard the borders of our whole earth.

G. Boyko


We love our army

She is a great force

She is fearless in battle

Destroyed all enemies.


And we sing songs about her

About valiant campaigns.

She keeps our peaceful home,

Peace and labor of peoples.


The native army is strong,

In battles, invincible.

On guard of the motherland

It stands unbreakable.

V. Sosyura

The song "Our Motherland" is performed, music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Then children of five to seven years of age perform "Exercises with flags", music. K. Myaskova, composition of movements by A. Zakolpskaya and S. Tovbina.

Four-year-old children with flags in their hands go to repeat the march between the formed columns and sit down again. Behind them, children of five to seven years old go to their places.

The facilitator offers to read the verses:

I will be a soldier

The years will fly by quickly

I will serve in the army.

I will be like an older brother

Wear a new uniform.

L. Aminzod

Eternal flame

Above the grave in a quiet park

Tulips bloom brightly

The fire is always burning here

Here the Soviet soldier sleeps.

We bowed low, low

At the foot of the obelisk

Our wreath blossomed on it

Hot fiery fire.

Soldiers defended the world

They gave their lives for us.

Let's keep in our hearts

Bright memory of them!

D. Chibisov

About the world

Everyone needs peace and friendship.

Peace is more important than anything.

On a land where there is no war

Children sleep peacefully at night.

Where the guns don't roar

The sun shines brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all the guys,

We need world peace!

T. Volgina

Adults and children sing the song “Everyone needs the world”, music. V. Muradeli, sl. S. Bogomazova.

Leading. The army has different troops: infantry, artillery, cavalry, tankers, sailors, pilots. Everyone has their own insignia, their own military weapons. The pilot has a plane, the cavalryman has a sharp saber, the artilleryman has a cannon, the tanker has a tank, the infantryman has a rifle, a machine gun. Deftly they wield weapons, bravely overcome obstacles. You children often play war games. Show your skills, dexterity and dexterity.

The game "Dzhigitovka" is held, music. T. Vilkoreiskaya, authors of movements E. Raevskaya, T. Rubin, 3. Ushakova, N. Fedorova.

Leading. Now you will hear how the music tells about the glorious horsemen. It was written by the composer Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky. It's called "Cavalry". (Performed on tape.)

1st child.

Above the high mountain

The plane is flying.

His trail is wavy

The wind will blow.

I'm for real now

I want to be a pilot

And I'll be older

I will fly to the stars.

V. Viktorov. "I want to be a pilot"

2nd child.

Pilots fly above the birds

Airplanes fight with the wind.

I. Nekhoda

Children perform the game "Pilots, to the airfield", music. M. Rauchwerger, sl. E. Sokovnina.


We are still preschoolers

And we walk like soldiers!

One, two! One, two!

Let's serve in the army

Let's keep the Motherland

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world.

V. Malkov

Children sing the song "Good Soldiers", music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Leading. Children, a brave parachutist came to visit us. She will sing her song to you. (A tutor or a six-year-old child is disguised as a parachutist). "Song of the parachutist", music. 3. Levina, sl. T. Spendiarova.


The birds are sleeping on the branches

The stars in the sky do not burn.

Lurked at the border

Border guard squad.

Border guards do not sleep

At home border.

Our waters, our land,

Our waters guard.

S. Marshak. "Border guards"

parachutist. Children, I want to play with you the war game "Report". An urgent report must be delivered from the headquarters to the border outpost. Listen to my command! Build one after another! (Children stand in two groups behind their leaders). By horses! Trot forward march! (Children portray galloping horsemen, music by I. Potolovsky “Horse” or any other, for example, the song “Tachanka”, music by K. Listov).

parachutist(after the end of the music). Squads, stop! Get off! We are at the railway station. Get ready to board the train! (Children stand one after another, bending their elbows). Go! (Children depict a moving train, music by V. Gerchik for the game “Trip out of town”).

Parachutist (after the end of the music). We arrived at the final station. It's not far from here to the outpost. But you need to get to it very carefully, quickly and one at a time. Squads, form up! (Children stand one after another at one end of the hall. At the other end, opposite the columns of children, two chairs are placed with flags lying on them. The leader gives a package to the last in the column). Get ready for the run! When the first fighters come running to the outpost, let them give a signal. Only then will the next ones run. (On command, the first from each column run to the chairs, trying to overtake each other. Having reached the chairs, the children take the flags placed there and wave them. This means that the following fighters can run - the road is free. Having come running, the second, in turn, give a signal to those then they pass the flags to the third, those to the fourth, etc. The last of the children run with packages. The squad wins, the last fighter of which is the first to deliver the report - puts the package on a chair. The parachutist hands the pennant to the winning squad, and to the music of any march of a cheerful character, the children go to their places in groups.) The parachutist, together with the children, watches the performances.


I'll draw a rocket

I'll circle it with blue paint,

On board a big star

I'll paint in plain sight.

Grow up - they will give a rocket

Definitely me too...

Until then, this drawing

I'll stick it on the wall.

M. Plyatskovsky. "I will draw a rocket"


Early in the morning I wake up

I am charging.

I squat and jump

I want to be an astronaut.

To control a rocket

You need to be brave and strong.

The weak are not taken into space, -

After all, flying is hard work!

Cosmonaut, fly ahead!

It will be my turn.

I'm still training

To fly above the clouds.

No time to play today

We are busy with other

paper rockets

We work together.

We colored them brightly -

Let them fly now!

The brave astronauts

Playing kindergarten.

We are brave pilots

We want to become faster:

In real rockets

We will fly into space.

Above us the stars are bright

Burn up in the sky.

Raise the Russian flag

On Mars and the Moon!

I. Serpin. "Rockets"

Leading. Now you will see how our children are preparing for the future flight into space.” (The game "Cosmonauts", music by E. Tilicheeva, author E. Sokovnina.)

Then the host conducts several attractions at the choice of the host. For example, tug of war; "Who will find the hidden package with an important report?"; "Hit the target." Only 3-4 competitions.

Leading. We cheerfully celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day - Day of the Russian Army. Let's march together again. The celebration is over. (To the sound of F. Gershova’s march “Bashkir Horse”, children go around the hall (group room) in a circle and leave.)



(Music by A. Novikov, composition of movements by A. Zakolpskaya, S. Tovbina)

Children stand along the side walls of the hall equally on each side. Everyone has flags in their hands. At the performance, the children turn after the leaders.

For 8 measures of the 1st part of the march, 10 people go in two columns, five on each side, moving towards each other. Keeping to the right side, the columns pass one by the other and by the end of the 8th measure they stop, forming a semicircle (Fig. 1 and 2). And on bars 8-16, other children, having passed, like the previous columns, by the end of the 8th bar, form two corridors facing the audience, in front of the semicircle (Fig. 4).

The march is played first. At the musical introduction, the children standing in a semicircle turn behind the other leaders standing in the center and march in pairs between two corridors towards the audience for 8 measures (Fig. 5). After that, dispersing one at a time, the children go through the corridors and stand in a semicircle. At the same time, the children standing in the corridors disperse in pairs in opposite directions (Fig. 6) and, having met, in front of the semicircle, go forward in fours (Fig. 7), by the end of the 8th measure, everyone raises flags above their heads.


Music by A. Filippenko Words by T. Volgina

We have tankers

There are sailors

There are artillerymen

Sharp arrows.

Our Motherland is strong

She saves the world! (2 times)

We have rockets

There are also ships.

Our astronauts

Wonder of the whole earth.

Our Motherland is strong

She saves the world! (2 times)

We are proud of our

Peaceful country

And invincible

Army native!

Our Motherland is strong

She saves the world! (2 times)


Music by V. Muradeli. Words by S. Bogomazov

Why make noise and fight?

We have nothing to share!

Friendly things are arguing

Don't spill them with water!

Peace is the main word in the world.

Our planet needs peace!

The adults need the world

Children need the world

Everyone needs the world!

It flies over countries

Rushing through the ether

cherished, desired,

The big word is "peace"!


Music by T. Vilkoreiskaya

8-10 boys participate in the game. They become two columns, in the right hand of each - a flag.

Each participant in the game has a chair with a flat horse's head tied to the back.

After the command "On the horses!" on measures 1-2, the children take four steps towards the chair and, throwing their legs over the seat, sit on the “horse”.

Bars 3-10. "Jump", rhythmically hitting the heels on the floor and waving flags.

On the second quarter of the 10th measure, they shift the flag to the left hand and continue to gallop (until the 18th measure).

Bar 18. They stand on the left side of the chair, shifting the flag to the right hand, and on measures 19-24, as it were, “run” next to the “horse”.

Bars 25-26. Four steps bypass the "horse".

Bars 27-33. “They go”, lying on a chair on their back, waving a flag.

Bars 34. They get to their feet.

Bars 35-40. Become the right knee on the seat of the chair. The hand with the flag is extended forward.

Bars 41-42. Steps in place in front of a chair.

Bars 43-49. They stand on a chair and “ride”, waving a flag.

Bar 50. They jump off the horse.

At the command "Quiet!" raise the flag high.


Music 3. Levina

Words by G. Spendiarova

Smoothly. Leisurely

The motor carried me

Above the roof, above the mountains.

Closer to the sun and moon

And I'm not scared at all

And I'm not afraid at all!

And then the pilot said

Slowing down our flight:

“There is a kindergarten below us,

Children look at the sky

Children are looking at the sky.

I stepped on the roof

Cheeks burned by the wind.

The clouds are flying by

My hand is on the ring

My hand is on the ring.

I broke away, and then

The parachute deployed.

I see the earth in the depths

And I'm not scared at all

And I'm not afraid at all!

Zinaida Dobrikova

“Together with dad, we are friendly,

together with dad we are strong"

Average age

Location: Kindergarten Music Hall

Time spending: February

Members: children of the middle group, parents


To instill a sense of pride, respect for the Russian army, love for the Motherland;

Strengthen the relationship between the family and the kindergarten, intra-family relations;


Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the health of children;

Formation of a sense of duty and love for the fatherland, respect for those who serve, fostering a sense of patriotism;

To promote the psychological rapprochement of children, the development of positive emotions, the education of strong-willed qualities: feelings of mutual assistance, mutual assistance, support, endurance;

Continue to introduce Russian folk games;

Develop competitive quality: speed, agility, endurance;

Ensure high physical activity of children.

Equipment: flags by the number of children; costume details for skits: cap for son, hat for dad, hat and beads for mom; masks: moon, sun;

Children enter the hall to the music "Defenders of the Fatherland" with flags, line up loosely and perform rhythmic exercises with flags. (remove flags, sit on chairs)

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are very glad to see you in our hall. We gathered, of course, not by chance. Today we congratulate all men, our grandfathers, dads, boys with a wonderful holiday- Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!

To the music, Tosca enters the hall with a pillow in her hands, yawns, sits down on a chair and falls asleep.

Leading (looks at Tosca with surprise, tries to wake her up)

What's happened? I don't understand!

Who you are? Why are you here?

Yearning (displeased)

Quiet, quiet, scream!

Let me get some sleep.

I'll take a nap for now.

I'm Green Tosca.

But it's not a bed!

On holiday how can you sleep?

Longing what's over holiday?

I do not know anything!

Hear your cries

I don't want anymore (falls asleep again).

Leader Here you go! We have holiday, and then Green Tosca appeared. What to do? Invented! Come on guys, let's sing a song for our dads, and longing will leave us.

Song "1,2,3 - we're going" (children sing a song, then sit on chairs)

Longing wakes up, stretches, rubs his eyes. He gets up from his chair, looks at everyone with displeasure.

Tosca Well, why are you making noise here? You're disturbing my sleep!

Host: Why did you come here? There is no place for melancholy and boredom, because you will not get bored with us.

Longing How you miss me! Wait a bit. Now your guests will sit for a bit and start yawning.

Host I think you're wrong. Our dads know a lot of games they play with their kids. If you don't believe me, ask them yourself.

Yearning (with irony) Dear dads, tell me, what kind of games do you play with your children? (dads call games) I don't believe, I don't believe! Now you can tell me anything! Where is the proof?

Presenter Please, now you will see everything!

Son (in a cap)

We played papa

Into the fastest paprika

The best papo:

I drove, dad drove.

Dad (in Hat)

For a long time I disagreed

Didn't mean to puff seriously

And then how it broke up -

And I went, and drove!

Knocked down a wardrobe, a chair fell,

It became crowded in our apartment.

Let's go to the yard

And we fly at full speed.

Mother (in a hat)

Good! Mom said. -

Everything is in the dust. There is no boot.

Traveling in different countries

They come in dirty trousers

They threw me alone.

In general, yes! Mom said. -

On the weekend, I'm flying in a big rocket

Together with you to the moon!

Presenter What a wonderful game "Papovoz"! Let's play it now! Guys, who wants to take a ride on a paprika? Come out and invite your dads. Look at what wonderful papa carriers are here! Dear dads, put your dear children - passengers on a plane, on a horse, on a car, on a ship - and let's go!

To the song "We played the papoovoz", music. A. Pingina, sl. And Usacheva, dads roll their children.

Longing Wow, what strong dads you have! It was even envious! Let the dads rest, while we play the Russian folk game "Golden Gate" with grandfathers. (The teacher invites two willing grandfathers - leading: the sun and the moon, they put on their respective hats, stand facing each other, join hands and raise them, forming a gate. The rest of the players also join hands and go through the gate in a string.)


Golden Gate

Missing not always

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited.

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The gates close at the last word and catch the one who at that moment was passing through them. Children, knowing that the gates close at the end of the poem, rush to quickly slip through them. The caught player stands behind the sun or the moon and the game continues until all players are divided into two groups. After that, the team of the sun competes in a tug-of-war against the team of the month.

Longing Now grab the rope.

Who is the strongest of the guys?

The one who pulls

Will be the strongest!

Competition "Tug of war"

Leading. Well done, Green Tosca, amused our grandfathers, and now let's play with the boys - brothers in a Russian folk and very active game "Grandfather Mazai"

Rules: choose "grandfather Mazai"(from among the brothers, the rest agree on what movements they will show, the children walk in a circle, holding hands and say words:

Hello, grandfather Mazai!

Get out of the box.

Where we've been, we won't say

And we will show you what we did.

Children act out (fishing, mowing, picking berries, washing). If he guesses correctly, the children run away, "Mazay" catches them.

Presenter And now I want to invite our dads to play their favorite winter Russian folk fun "Storm of the Snow Fort".

Two snow forts are being built (from chairs and white fabric). two teams (adults and children) stand behind the snow fortresses, each holding a snowball (a ball), they begin to throw snowballs to the music. As soon as the music ends, the team that has the most snowballs left in the fortress wins.

During the game, Tosca quietly leaves.

Leading. Where is Tosca? Oh, I know where she's gone! Tosca decided that she did not belong here - we had so much fun. And now it's time to congratulate our men on holiday.

Child 1. The holiday is on the calendar

Everyone knows about it.

And guys in february

Congratulations dad.

Child 2. We live together with dad,

We play fun

And always two

We help mom.

Child 3. My grandfather dear, we are all proud of you!

And I'll tell you a secret: there is no better grandfather in the world!

I will always try to equal you in everything!

Child 4. Boys, congratulations

We are with a holiday to all of you!

We wish you cheerfulness.

You are super duper class!

Child 5. All the defenders of the country

We congratulate you today!

All soldiers protect

Earth, sky, peace and labor.

To all children

Lived happily in the world.

Host Once again, congratulations to all men on holiday.

Bogatyrsky health

We wish you now.

So that you can at any time

Protect the country and us!

We wish you happiness, health and a peaceful sky above your head.