How to make a lip tattoo. Permanent lip makeup - reviews, description of the technique and consequences

It's good if nature endowed you with natural beauty that does not require the "intervention" of cosmetics. But what about a working woman who needs to constantly put on “war paint” with an absolute lack of time? Sacrificing 30-40 minutes of precious sleep in the morning to use them to apply full-fledged makeup? And then, during the day, constantly refresh it, tint, powder, spending extra minutes and resources on cosmetics? Tiresome and troublesome. Fortunately, in the modern beauty industry there is a wonderful alternative - permanent makeup.

What is Permanent Makeup / Tattoo

Permanent make-up is a great opportunity to save time, to become a “bearer” of high-quality make-up 24 hours a day in any climatic/weather/living conditions, to avoid possible allergies to decorative cosmetics, to correct and mask facial imperfections.
Historically, tattooing appeared (as the name suggests) from the art of tattooing, which is rooted in antiquity. Cases of decorating the body with drawings were recorded as early as the Paleolithic era, continued in Ancient Egypt and Rome, and were established in cosmetology at the end of the 19th century, due to the advent of an electric tattoo machine.

Technically, permanent makeup is a light version of an ordinary tattoo, in which dyes are injected under the skin more superficially, and the pigment is removed from the skin rather quickly (on average, from 1 to 3 years). We will look at the differences between permanent makeup and tattoo in more detail below.

Types of permanent makeup

Cosmetologists carry out several types of such procedures: lip tattoo, eyebrow tattoo, eyelid tattoo, eye tattoo. With the help of permanent eye tattoo, a visual base for makeup is created - eyeliner with the possibility of lengthening or retouching with shadows, modeling eyebrows in any shape, drawing the direction and density of hairs.
But the most popular and demanded procedure today is permanent lip tattooing.

The nuances of permanent lip makeup

The essence of this procedure is as follows:

  1. First, the shape and color of the pigment are selected with the master. You can designate the form yourself, or a specialist draws it. After the form is approved, an anesthetic is applied, and after 30 minutes you can start the tattooing process. The most commonly used pain reliever is lidocaine. Unpleasant painful sensations are possible, but it is tolerable.
  2. After one and a half to two hours of work, you can get recommendations on lip care for the first time after tattooing.
  3. Lip tattooing in a month must be corrected, since it is impossible to do everything perfectly in one session. At the second session, the master will correct the coloring and make corrections in the shade.


  • lips become brighter and more expressive;
  • it is possible to correct their irregular shape;
  • the new shape and color will give the lips a seductive volume
  • the master will select the most suitable shade according to your skin type, hair color, eyes, etc.

Color palette of permanent lip makeup:

How to choose a tattoo artist

A real specialist in carrying out such a make-up procedure undergoes serious training, must be certified and have diplomas confirming this. Therefore, to select a good master, a reputation based on word of mouth is not enough. Wherever your make-up studio is located - in Moscow, in Siberia or in the Far East - be sure to take an interest in the certificates of a specialist and check out the portfolio of his work, confirming the level of qualification.

What to look for:

  • Before starting the procedure, a qualified specialist will necessarily take a picture of the lips for color analysis.
  • Next, the master applies a sketch of the contour with the possibility of editing by the client. An agreement is drawn up (taking into account the diseases suffered by the client) and the date of the procedure is set.
  • The tattoo studio should be meticulously assessed for the cleanliness, sterility of needles, antiseptics, and the appearance of the masters.

Methods for applying permanent makeup

  • Lip liner. In the event that you are naturally the owner of beautiful lips that do not require significant correction, this method will help emphasize their contour. More natural, close to natural shades of color are applied.
  • Contour with a little shading. Usually this option is used when the client wants to bring the contour drawing as close as possible to the natural color of her lips. You can also smoothly shade a clear contour, giving the lips volume and swelling.
  • Permanent lipstick is the best way to radically change the color of your lips. This type of micropigmentation, due to the visual volume, will make the lips more sexy.

Rehabilitation after the procedure requires compliance with certain rules. You can not wash with water, steam, visit the steam room, sauna, swimming pool and solarium, use cosmetics and any means other than those prescribed by a specialist. Don't peel off the crusts!

If you do not adhere to these rules, then correcting makeup will be more difficult and expensive, since the specialist will definitely see poor care.

Differences in the technique of permanent makeup and tattoo

The permanent method involves the use of special equipment that is different from tattoo machines. The depth of pigment injection is also different. In this type of makeup, only natural pigments with a mineral base are used. Special pigments do not cause allergies and are designed for tattooing on the face. Tattoo inks cannot be used in permanent make-up. There is no temporary tattoo, and permanent makeup will only last a few years.

About the painlessness of the procedure

Anesthesia is used for a painless procedure. Each client experiences pain individually. The well-being of the client during the procedure is also important - if necessary, intermediate anesthesia is used.

How long will a permanent tattoo last?

The duration of the service depends on several factors.

  • Skin type.
  • The amount of ultraviolet that a client receives in a tanning bed or from the sun. UV rays destroy the pigment, so you need to use special products with a good degree of protection in the area where the procedure was performed.
  • Features of age. In young women, such makeup is less than in adults. This is due to the slow process of cell renewal in adult women.
  • If the immune system is strong, the body will quickly get rid of the pigment.
  • Any cosmetic procedures that affect cell renewal force the pigment to be removed from the body faster.
  • Light colors come out faster.

If you follow all the instructions, usually masterfully made permanent lip makeup can last up to three years.

Popular today, lip tattooing is an effective procedure that will help you always look attractive and save time on make-up. Many girls opt for full-fill permanent makeup because it creates the effect of lipstick-filled lips. To get an impeccable result, you need to carefully consider the choice of salon and master.

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Tattoo, performed using the technology of full filling, is the introduction of pigment over the entire surface of the lips. For this purpose, one shade is used, which provides excellent color saturation.

Usually, for this purpose, a dye is used not in a natural tone, but in the color of lipstick. However, if desired, the master can apply a pigment of a natural range.

By filling the lips, it is possible to correct their shape and improve color. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the effect of applying lipstick. In addition, this procedure allows you to emphasize the dignity of appearance.

After performing permanent makeup, you can do without lipstick for a long time. In this case, the lips will always have a rich color and look very well-groomed. In addition, it will be possible to lead an active lifestyle and avoid the need to constantly adjust the make-up.

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Advantages and disadvantages

This type of tattoo has a number of indisputable advantages:

  1. Permanent makeup lasts quite a long time - from 6 months to 3 years.
  2. With the help of this procedure, it is possible to mask minor flaws in appearance. Tattooing allows you to cope with a faded shade, lowered corners and a fuzzy contour. Professional masters can hide even congenital appearance flaws - for example, a "hare lip".
  3. Thanks to the procedure, the lips will become brighter and clearer. In addition, tattooing allows you to give them a visual volume.

At the same time, tattooing also has certain disadvantages:

  1. The procedure is invasive in nature, that is, it involves a violation of the integrity of the skin.
  2. If the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are violated, there is a risk of infection with the herpes virus, HIV infection and other diseases.
  3. Recovery can take a long time. In addition, there is a risk of complications.
  4. After the procedure, there may be an exacerbation of herpes infection.
  5. The pigment can provoke the appearance of an allergy.
  6. Due to the thinness and sensitivity of the skin, there is a risk of pain.

Features of the procedure

Before starting permanent makeup, you need to consult with the master, who will advise the color scheme and the method of introducing the dye. It is important to consider that the procedure should be carried out to mask the shortcomings and emphasize the merits. In this case, the result should look as natural as possible.

When performing the procedure with a thin needle, a preliminary contour should be outlined, after which the final contour should be applied with a thicker tool.

The last line should not be so clear in order to get as close to the natural result as possible.

Then you need to perform shading to fill the entire surface of the lips. In this case, it is very important to strictly observe the depth of introduction of the coloring composition. All lines should be neat, and the coloring should be uniform.

What to do after the session

Since permanent makeup involves damage to the skin, after its implementation, the treated areas may turn red. They often appear swollen and irritated. On the second day, a crust forms in this area. It is strictly forbidden to remove it yourself - it should come off in a couple of days.

The master will definitely prescribe healing and disinfecting compounds for skin treatment after the procedure.

The recovery period lasts about 14 days, while the final color can be assessed in a month.

Even the highest quality makeup will not last more than 3-5 years. After the specified time, you will have to perform a correction or make a new one.

To prevent the exacerbation of herpes after the procedure, the day before it is necessary to drink a tablet of herpevir, acyclovir or another drug with a similar effect. It is also important to remember about the restrictions after the procedure:

  • within a few weeks after the session, it is forbidden to visit the solarium, swimming pool or sauna;
  • on the first day after the procedure, it is forbidden to allow hygienic or cosmetic products to enter the treated areas.

Side effects

Before performing this procedure, you need to get the advice of a specialist. In some cases, this type of makeup provokes undesirable consequences:

  1. Herpes - most often appears in people with a tendency to this disease. To prevent this problem, before the procedure, you need to apply a special ointment against herpes.
  2. Crusts and puffiness. To cope with this consequence, you need to use healing and anti-inflammatory drugs.


This procedure has certain limitations. These include the following:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • mental disorders, including epilepsy;
  • the presence of benign and malignant pathologies;
  • skin rashes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • viral pathologies.

Tattooing is a really effective procedure that allows you to focus on the merits of your appearance. To achieve the desired results, you need to contact a qualified master and strictly follow all his recommendations. This will help you get a flawless make-up and avoid negative consequences.

Decorative cosmetics are not very durable. Even matte lipstick smudges quickly. Permanent lip tattoo is gaining more and more popularity. “Eternal” make-up is not only beautiful, but also convenient: there is no need to “bring up” beauty every day, worry about whether lipstick is smeared after drinking a cup of tea. This procedure has nuances that a woman who decides to get a tattoo should be aware of.

Permanent lip makeup has a number of advantages that make girls want to resort to a cosmetic procedure. The end result from the hands of an experienced master looks natural, natural, spectacular. The prospect of always looking at 100% becomes the goal that the representatives of the fair half cannot resist, even after learning about the possible negative consequences of “eternal” makeup.

The obvious advantages include:

  • No need for frequent lip tinting.
  • The ability to correct existing imperfections in the contour, size and shape of the lips, mask minor defects in the form of scars.
  • Make-up resistance to mechanical impact, eating, kissing.
  • A variety of techniques and shades will allow you to get as close as possible to the ideal tattoo.
  • The duration of the effect.
  • If you want to change the image, it is possible to remove the pigment using a laser method.
  • The compatibility of the dye with hyaluronic acid allows you to combine the procedure with lip augmentation.
  • The ability to refresh the face, make the image brighter.
  • The painlessness of the procedure often does not require the introduction of Lidocaine through injections - only an anesthetic cream is used.

A special indication for permanent lip makeup is asymmetry, an ugly mouth shape, the presence of wrinkles in the corners where lipstick spreads.

The disadvantages of the cosmetic procedure are the following nuances:

  • The presence of a number of contraindications.
  • The possibility of negative consequences and complications associated with the inexperience of the specialist, the individual characteristics of the client, improper lip care after tattooing.
  • Frequent cases of exacerbation of herpes require preparation for the procedure.
  • Unpleasant sensations during tattooing.
  • Long-term healing and restoration of the skin after a tattoo.
  • A failed permanent is hard to fix, and can only be removed with a laser or remover.

Before deciding on an “eternal” make-up, you should weigh all the pros / cons, carefully study the list of contraindications in order to avoid disastrous consequences. It is equally important to choose the right salon and a professional beautician with experience, positive feedback on the work done.

Color matching features

It is necessary to select the shade of the dye based on the color type (color) of the appearance, which is determined by the natural data of a person: the color of the skin, hair, eyes. Color types are divided into cold (winter, summer) and warm (spring, autumn):

"Winter" includes brunettes and girls with ashen or dark blond hair. Their skin is pale or has an olive tint, their eyes are dark. Girls with the "summer" color type are fair-haired or blonde with gray, green, brown eyes. Representatives of the cold color type have expressive eyes, but pale, almost colorless lips. When choosing a shade of permanent makeup, you should lean towards cold shades with a pink palette. These include the following colors and shades:

  • plum, cherry;
  • red-violet;
  • purple;
  • red-brown;
  • amaranth;
  • hot pink;
  • fuchsia;
  • crimson;
  • cherry red;
  • cyclamen;
  • lilac;
  • terracotta;
  • bronze.

Girls with the color type "autumn" and "spring" are recommended to lean towards the choice of warm tones. "Autumn" brown-haired women with a copper tint and red-haired personalities have golden skin, and eyes are light brown, hazel, amber. "Spring" young ladies nature endowed with light and thin skin and wheaten hair. Eye color - light blue, light gray, light brown, light green.

The “warm” color type will suit the tones:

  • caramel;
  • ocher;
  • peach;
  • salmon pink;
  • beige;
  • warm pink;
  • bodily;
  • coral pink;
  • burnt sienna.

A permanent makeup specialist should be an experienced makeup artist who will help the client determine the color type, choose the shade, taking into account her tastes and manners. He will produce a test pencil sketch in the selected tone for a preliminary evaluation. The girl will have to walk with a permanent for a long time. It is important that she likes herself and is confident in her attractiveness.

In both color types, it is recommended to avoid using too bright colors and their shades, such as red, scarlet, burgundy, bright plum. Provocative makeup is not universal and cannot be suitable for any meetings, evenings, celebrations that you will have to visit over the next few years.

An important condition for a permanent tattoo is maximum naturalness and naturalness, which will emphasize natural beauty, highlight a certain area of ​​the face, and give freshness to the skin.

Types of permanent tattoo

There are several varieties of permanent lip makeup that differ in the technique of introducing a coloring pigment. The end result of each technique is different. Which technique do you prefer? Depends on the goal and desire that the client would like to receive from makeup:

Type of equipment Description
1. Shading Shading can be partial or complete. This technique is also called "permanent lipstick". The end result has the effect of painted lips and is suitable for girls who want:
  • change the natural color to a brighter one;
  • correct the irregularity of the form;
  • hide a minor defect;
  • increase volume slightly.
2. Contour Contour tattoo can be chosen by girls who by nature have beautiful lips and want to emphasize this part of the face, make it more expressive. The shade of the pigment is chosen not too bright, so that the mouth looks more natural.

This type of tattoo can be combined with full shading. It looks great on plump lips. The contour can be selected with partial shading and make them clearer.

3. 3D effect 3D tattooing is represented by performing permanent makeup in several stages. The technique involves the use of 3-4 shades of the same color, which smoothly transition from light to dark. To achieve the goal, 2-4 sessions may be needed, each of which continues after the skin has completely healed.

Girls make lip tattoos with a 3D effect to visually enlarge them and correct asymmetries. With 3D tattooing, there is partial and complete filling with pigment. Partial shading allows the lips to look voluminous, sexy, natural. A full fill is a decorative tattoo that gives the lips a neatly painted look.

4. Watercolor Watercolor technique (powder spray or contourless tattoo) is used to create a light look. The peculiarity of tattooing is the absence of contour drawing. The pigment is introduced in layers, and the procedure is performed in 2 stages. To perform the tattoo, light colors are selected. The result of makeup is a gentle naturalness. Lips become voluminous, acquire naturalness, attractiveness.

Execution technique

Tattooing should be done in a salon or a specialized office. Performing permanent makeup at home is fraught with health-threatening consequences. The pigment must be applied exclusively by a qualified master. The scheme of the procedure in all techniques is identical, differing only in certain nuances regarding the introduction of paint and the number of courses. Below is a brief step-by-step description of the pigment application process, which consists of 3 steps:


To prepare for a tattoo, you should beware of exacerbating herpes. If there is a tendency to the manifestation of the disease on the lips, then a week before the procedure and a certain period after it, it is recommended to use the antiviral drug Acyclovir in tablets. Do not drink alcohol before the procedure.


Before entering the paint, you should ask about the composition and manufacturer of the pigment. It is important that it does not contain harmful components, has a pH level close to that of the skin, is easily injected and does not evaporate.

The session begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetic residues and applying an anesthetic.

Next, the paint is injected with a machine with a thin needle. The technique and depth of application depends on the type of makeup. The process may take 2-3 hours. If we are talking about the 3D effect, then there is a phased application that requires several sessions.

Immediately the shade will be much richer and brighter. It can appear in its proper form only after the skin has completely healed. Evaluate the final result after 3-4 weeks.


The first 1-2 days there will be a slight swelling - this is a normal reaction of tissues to injury. When the micro-wounds begin to heal, the lips should take on a crust, and itching will appear on the 3-4th day - this is a sign of a normal regeneration process. At home, lips are recommended to be smeared with a wound healing agent with an anti-inflammatory effect. Removal of crusts is prohibited in order to avoid infection and the formation of gaps in the pigmented area.

How long does it heal

The process of restoration of the epidermis takes from 10 to 20 days. We can talk about complete regeneration after 3-4 weeks. When the skin on the lips finally heals, you can judge the result and color of permanent makeup.

How long does it last

The tattoo lasts 2-5 years. It all depends on:

  • skin type;
  • hue intensity;
  • age;
  • immunity;
  • exposure to UV radiation.

Makeup will last longer if you use sunscreen.

How painful is the procedure

Natural lip tattoo is a beauty that requires sacrifice. How painful it is to achieve it, it is unambiguously impossible to answer. Everyone's pain threshold is different. Some compare this pain to a mosquito bite, while others clench their fists white-hot.

In 90% of cases, an anesthetic ointment is used: Super Numb, Dr. Numb, TKTX, Deep Numb, SXYAN. The remaining 10% are sensitive girls who require the use of Lidocaine injections.

Contraindications and possible complications

Condition that is a contraindication for tutuazh:

  • increased body temperature;
  • blood disease;
  • the presence of a mole, a fly, a pigment spot;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • cancer of any localization;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • pregnancy, lactation, menstruation;
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections, SARS.

It is not recommended to resort to tattoos for people prone to allergies. A negative reaction to the pigment can be manifested by severe swelling, itching, peeling, rash. This complication will require treatment with antihistamines.

So, we have heard many times about the wrong, unpleasant consequences of lip tattooing (such as herpes or difficulty in wearing) or ugly,. However, a lot of time has passed since the days of low-quality procedures and the beauty industry has become more professional.

These are the consequences of incorrectly applying the pigment to the wrong depth (of the skin).

Now the situation is radically different. All techniques for applying a permanent to the skin are superficial - this makes the procedure not only safer, but at the same time, it helps the pigment to have a stable shade that will lighten over time. This , also, is an advantage. Such a tattoo is safe, as it does not leave scars.

3. Is there a fundamental difference in technology? Is the technique of applying a tattoo similar to the technique of applying a tattoo?

Yes, the application technique is similar, there is only a difference in depth. So, it can be argued that old tattoo techniques - tattoo. They penetrated 0.8 mm of the skin, remaining on average for 10 years (and such a tattoo is still very difficult to remove). It was a real one, which, on average, stays on a person for up to 10-15 years without correction.

On average, a lip tattoo stays on the skin for about a year. When the pigment is completely gone from the skin, you need to redo the tattoo. The current technique does not require correction and is completely safe.

As for tattoo inks and tattoos, there is a difference, but not a fundamental one. Here is the same set of colors that helps to get other shades (black, green blue, which helps to get brown).

An old lip tattoo (which was done using an old technique) takes on a purple or lead hue. It is quite difficult to remove such a tattoo and the use of a laser is mandatory here. Also, the old technique of lip tattooing is different in that earlier masters made a clear contour and went beyond the edges of the lips, thus trying to enlarge the lips. And here's what came out of it.

So, in this example, the wrong lip tattoo looks like this due to the fact that red and brown shades were used. Subsequently, black pigment was added. After such a black color goes away, such a disaster turns out.

4. How deep does a tattoo needle penetrate into the skin? How long does it stay on lips?

First, there are a variety of options for tattoo needles. The degree and depth of penetration under the skin depends on the type of needle. But all of them "get" not deep, by and large, we only scratch the skin. The color turns out natural - it quickly leaves the skin, which does not allow it to change.

14. What advice can you give to girls who are just thinking about lip tattooing?

Most clients (young girls) cannot objectively evaluate their appearance, they want to add more color and completely change the shape of the lips. However, I always advocate naturalness. It is necessary to make sure that the lip tattoo emphasizes the natural beauty of the client and facial features as much as possible. Your eyebrow color, your lip color.

15. How to choose a tattoo master, so as not to be mistaken?

First of all, You should come for an initial consultation. This will help to determine exactly what kind of lip tattoo the client wants, to find contact with the master and to be completely convinced of the need for a lip tattoo procedure. Also, it is worth paying attention to the work of the master, especially the healed ones. It is by the healed works that quality and professionalism can be determined.

More risk of infection lies in improper care after the procedure. It is almost impossible to get an infection during the procedure.

Personally, I really love clients who came "from a girlfriend" - these girls have already seen the healed work, and they are completely confident in their desire to get a tattoo.

Also, a good master must be an artist, since it is impossible to draw a tattoo on a client’s face using a stencil and pattern. The most important thing in the work is to draw the right sketch.

16. What about hygiene? What aspects should be paid attention to?

All materials are disposable: needles, caps, gloves. All tools that are used many times (such as tweezers) are disinfected in a special lamp, solutions. Also, it is better to wrap the tattoo machine in a disposable film so that there is no cross-contamination (from a person to the machine and vice versa).

More risk of infection lies in improper care after the procedure. It is almost impossible to get an infection during the procedure.

17. In your opinion, will the tattoo procedure be popular for a long time?

I think so. The tattoo procedure will be popular for a long time. Tattoo looks as natural and attractive as possible, because it is a safe procedure that is aimed at emphasizing beauty, but not changing it.

In order not to constantly touch up lipstick during the day, you can do permanent lip makeup.

In order not to constantly touch up lipstick during the day, you can do permanent lip makeup, the photo will show how it looks. With it, you can significantly correct their shape, hide cosmetic defects or make them visually more voluminous.

What are we dealing with?

Just like a decorative wearable pattern, permanent makeup (micropigmentation) is a type of tattoo. However, there are significant differences between the two techniques.

Firstly, to create color-saturated, eye-catching decorative images, the introduction of pigment under the skin to a considerable depth (up to 2 mm) is required. The main task of permanent makeup is to create a natural shade of the lips, so the depth of punctures with this method is half as much.

Secondly, the bright synthetic pigments injected under the skin during a tattoo, unfortunately, remain there forever. You can remove them only together with the fabrics into which the paint was introduced. With the permanent method, only natural dyes are used. Over time (most often it takes 3-5 years), they are able to completely resolve.

The stability of such pigments directly depends on the type of pigments used and the rate of metabolic processes in the body. The rays of the sun also have a significant effect on the durability of dyes: under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, they burn out much faster.

Advice! If you decide that the tattoo turned out too dark, you should not panic. After all, the color of permanent makeup of the lips after healing changes and brightens. It will be possible to see the final result only in a few weeks.

The effect of the procedure

Lip tattoo is used to:

  • emphasize their natural contour, make them more expressive;
  • correct the natural shape of the lips;
  • give them volume, make them visually more plump;
  • remove visible defects: scars, asymmetry, etc.;
  • correct the contour, swollen as a result of age-related changes; very often, with such a correction, a full color tattoo is also carried out, which allows you to return faded colors to your lips; the natural color of permanent lip makeup is obtained by selecting dyes 1-2 tones brighter than your own;
  • tattooing can also be used as a substitute for makeup.

The indisputable advantage of permanent makeup is the fact that tattooed lipstick looks more neat and does not spread. In the case of an allergy to any cosmetics, it is perhaps the only way to make up.

Advice! So that the tattoo does not “drip”, within a week after its application, in no case should you take a long bath or visit a bath or sauna. When washing, you should avoid getting water on the permanent makeup area.

Types of lip tattoo

Depending on the tasks assigned to the master, one or more execution techniques are selected:

  • the watercolor technique of permanent lip makeup is considered the most delicate, making lips only 1-2 tones brighter; shades are selected closer to natural; sometimes it is called contourless;
  • lightening of the skin around the lips (“light kyle” tattoo): forms a clearer contour, contributes to a visual increase in volume; often necessary with significant skin pigmentation;

  • 3D permanent lip makeup: requires the highest professionalism and a sense of color from the master; for tattooing, a whole palette of shades in one color scheme is selected; lips, darker at the edges, gradually lighten towards the center; thanks to this transition, they seem voluminous;
  • contour: used to emphasize the natural contour of the lips or its correction; to change their shape, a new contour is drawn, the gap between it and the natural one is painted over; areas falling out of it are highlighted; with this method, permanent lip makeup with shading (photo) or without it can be used;
  • full tattoo.

Advice! It is problematic to achieve with the help of any one method of changing the shape of the lips or their visual increase, therefore, several methods are used for correction.

Application techniques

When creating permanent makeup, two techniques are used: hardware and manual. Most often, masters give preference to only one of them. However, both of them have both advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of the hardware method include:

  • high accuracy;
  • reducing the chances of errors;
  • the ability to control the amount of pigments;
  • lack of blots (pigment spreading).

However, this method is more painful. Since the lips are very sensitive due to the presence of a significant number of nerve endings in them, this method requires the use of sufficiently strong drugs for anesthesia.

The advantages of non-hardware technology include:

  • less pain in the procedure;
  • the ability to control the depth of entry of the needle;
  • applying fewer punctures, so the skin recovers much faster after such a procedure;
  • shorter duration of the procedure;
  • more natural contour shape and pattern.

Unfortunately, the probability of errors when using this type of technique is much higher than with the hardware method, especially in the case of insufficient qualifications of the master.

Advice! Even the simplest permanent make-up of the lip contour (see photo) must be done only in proven salons. After all, its improper execution threatens with the appearance of serious inflammation and, as a result, the appearance of scars.

Can I remove a tattoo I don't like?

Permanent tattooing is, in fact, an artistic art that requires not only considerable experience, but also the ability to "see" the future shape and color of the lips. In this case, natural skin tones, the thickness of the subcutaneous layer and the type of face of the client must be taken into account. In the case of the slightest mistake, the result can be unpredictable.

The most gentle and safe method of removing permanent makeup is a laser:

  • its rays are capable of crushing the pigment into tiny particles, which, penetrating into the circulatory system, are removed from the tissues; however, only dark pigments can be crushed with a laser;

  • removing a tattoo in a single procedure will not work; first, the laser will split the dyes in the upper layer of the epidermis, after a 30-45 day break and the skin has healed, the deeper layer is removed; thus, several procedures may be required for complete removal;
  • sensations during exposure to laser beams are quite painful; after each session, as well as after a tattoo, a slight swelling may remain in the lip area for a week.

To remove light areas of pigmentation that are not amenable to laser, a chemical effect on the skin or an electrocoagulation procedure may be necessary. In case of serious consequences of illiterate application of permanent makeup, even surgical intervention and corrective cosmetic surgery are possible.

How long will it take to recover?

The healing of permanent lip makeup, when applied correctly, occurs quite quickly. In the first days, a slight swelling appears in the area of ​​​​the lips, and a small ichor begins to ooze in the area of ​​microtrauma. Drying of the crusts should not be allowed, otherwise the pigment will not take well.

On the second day, the swelling slightly increases. Perhaps the appearance of temporal asymmetry. Starting from the fourth or fifth day, a slight itching appears, indicating the beginning of the restoration of the epidermis. Some of the crusts at this time may already begin to fall off.

During the entire recovery period, to accelerate the healing process, the application of hydrocortisone ointment and Boro Plus ointment to the lip area is required. At the same time, they take Acyclovir.

Advice! When applying the ointment, the color of the lips can sometimes change. Since after some time it will again acquire its original appearance, you should not worry too much about this.

With normal skin regeneration, healing occurs within 5 days after the procedure. However, the desired shade will begin to appear only after 10 days, and the final result of staining will be visible after a month.

Tattoo correction

Even the most experienced master cannot predict how the pigment will behave on a particular skin. And in some parts of it, it may look different. After all, the skin is the most complex living organ. Its reaction to dyes directly depends not only on genetic characteristics, but also on lifestyle and even type of nutrition.

Therefore, about a month after applying permanent makeup, you should definitely visit the salon to make a correction. At this stage, the master paints over the lighter areas, highlights the dark ones and corrects the shape of the contour.

Advice! Even the consequences of unskilled tattooing, for example, irregularities or the so-called blue lips, can be corrected.