How to store expressed milk and how much. How to properly defrost breast milk. What is the purpose of the reserve?

If a nursing mother creates a breast milk bank for her own needs, she chooses those containers that are convenient for her. If we are talking about expressing and freezing donor breast milk, then the issue of packaging is a matter of bilateral agreement. Storage containers should be comfortable for the breastfeeding mother and comfortable for the host family at the same time, as they may have their own ideas about this. In most cases, the container is provided by the host family, so it makes sense to discuss this issue before starting cooperation on the exchange of donor breast milk.

Where can expressed breast milk be stored?

- In freezer bags for fruits and vegetables

These packages are sold in super- and hypermarkets. They are specifically designed to freeze food, are certified to not release any substances into the food, are strong enough and have a secure latch so they don't tear or open during storage (of course, if they are quality freezer bags). Since the daily portion of donor milk rarely exceeds the volume of 200 ml, so that it is not “lost” in the bag, it is better to use packages of the minimum volume that are on sale.

- In clean baby food jars

If a mother buys industrial baby food for a child, then sometimes a fairly large supply of these jars accumulates in the house. They come with a well-closing lid, and the glass itself is inert and great for long-term storage. Jars must be thoroughly washed before use. Also, do not forget the old trick with a bursting frozen full jar, so you need to freeze the jars not completely filled so that milk, like any liquid, has a place to expand. Glass jars are also convenient because they are reusable. When the milk from the jar is eaten, it can be washed and reused to store the next portion. The disadvantage of jars - they take up a lot of space in the freezer.

- In sterile jars for analysis

In pharmacies, sterile jars for analysis are on sale. They are small, they have a measuring scale in milliliters, which is convenient for determining the amount of milk in a jar. According to the terms of their intended use, it is assumed that such jars can be cooled and frozen, therefore they are made of inert plastic, which does not release anything when cooled and frozen. Such jars take up less space in the freezer than the previous ones, but still more than soft plastic bags.

- In ice packs

Although such packages are not convenient for everyone, some mothers adapt not to defrost the entire package at once, but to carefully cut off a few cubes from it and defrost exactly the small portion that is needed for feeding. When using such bags, you need to pay special attention to their strength, as they are often made of very thin plastic, and they tear easily.

- In any strong bags or containers intended for food storage

In principle, breast milk is the same food for the baby as the rest of our food, so any containers designed for cooling and freezing food are suitable for storing it. It is only necessary not to forget about the general rules of hygiene.

- In sterile bags used by the food and biological industries to store samples

If parents have the opportunity to purchase such packages in bulk, then they may also be suitable for storing breast milk, as they are designed for cooling and freezing, and are made of durable and inert plastic.

- In special bags for breast milk

This option is offered to us by manufacturers of goods for children. They are small, usually marked with a scale that allows you to determine the amount of milk in the bag. But these packages are of different quality even from the same manufacturer, and, despite their high cost, according to mothers, it happens that they are torn and opened during storage.

- In special containers for breast milk

This is the most expensive option for storage containers, and such containers are significantly more expensive than even special packages. These containers are strong enough that they do not crack, but they can leak if the lid is screwed loose or askew, which is easy to do in a hurry. And they take up more space in the freezer than all the previous options. The advantage of this option is that the containers are reusable, they, like baby food jars, can be washed and used again.

No container for breast milk increases or reduces its shelf life. When choosing any container option, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and carefully monitor the safety of the container during storage and defrosting, since losing even 100 ml due to the fact that the bag burst is very disappointing.

If you choose any rigid plastic containers, then you need to make sure that they do not contain BPA.

Interesting information about the effect of various types of containers on the content of nutrients in breast milk is

Is there any point in expressing breast milk ? Whether it is advisable to pump while breastfeeding is still actively discussed by both young mothers and specialists. It is not uncommon for doctors to promote pumping for no reason, without providing convincing motives to support such a need.

But if you follow the WHO recommendations, there is no need to express milk with a properly established lactation. Under such conditions, mother's milk in the breast is produced on demand, since the release of the hormone oxytocin occurs at the exact moment when the mother needs to feed the baby.

Therefore, it is worth expressing milk only if there is a need to save it for a nursing mother. Below we will talk about when to do it, how to express milk correctly, as well as how to store it properly at home.

When should you practice pumping?

So, whether you need to express milk after feeding depends on the situation. In fact, there are not so many cases when you need to express. But it is precisely in those cases that will be mentioned that it is really necessary to do this. If questions arise about why pumping after feeding and whether it should be done, a woman can always ask her doctor.

So, expressing breast milk should be practiced in the cases listed below:

If the baby was born prematurely

When a baby is born prematurely, sucking reflex he doesn't have one yet, so he just can't breastfeed. However, the body of such a baby can easily assimilate mother's milk, and, moreover, it is vital for a premature baby to receive natural nutrition, which will provide him with all the necessary substances, which will activate his growth and improvement of all body systems.

The presence of pathologies in the baby, a poorly developed sucking reflex

Babies who have a poorly developed sucking reflex are called "lazy suckers" in medicine. A poorly developed sucking reflex may be associated with various reasons, among which are pathologies central nervous system . But even if such a problem occurs, this is not a reason to suspend lactation. You can practice pumping and bottle feed your baby to make it easier for him to suckle.

The formation of lactation

After begins to be produced, which is not yet milk. Colostrum is thicker, richer. And although it is produced a little, but the baby is very quickly saturated.

Breast milk appears 2-3 days after the birth of a child, and its volume is usually very large. The kid just can't handle it. That is why mom has to release her breasts, which are getting heavy. After all, if the baby does not suck out the milk, this is a signal for the body that it needs to be produced less. In order to ensure sufficient milk production, it is necessary to carry out pumping. But you need to do this only until the chest is relieved and softened.

Insufficiency of lactation

Many new mothers come across advice that milk should be expressed if it is produced little, in order to stimulate its production in this way. However, not all doctors give such recommendations. After all, breastfeeding and pumping are completely different things.

It is feeding that best stimulates the stay of milk. However, if a woman is still trying with all her might to establish lactation, you can try all available methods. So, if the mother stays next to the baby and thinks about him while pumping, this helps to stimulate the release of milk.

Stagnation of milk and the threat of mastitis

This condition can develop if the baby does not suckle properly, if the child has a poorly developed sucking reflex. Also stagnation leading to development , possible if a woman expresses incorrectly. With mastitis, you need to try to decant aimingly, from those slices that have hardened.

The use of drugs that are excreted in breast milk

During breastfeeding, very few drugs, both plant-based and synthetic-based, can be used. If, nevertheless, circumstances develop in such a way that a nursing mother is forced to take medications that are prohibited during feeding, it is necessary to regularly express and pour milk. The baby during this period will have to be fed mixtures. However, this way you can save lactation.

If the mother knows that she will have to start a course of treatment, you can try to prepare breast milk for the future, knowing how to freeze it properly for storage.

Inverted, flat nipple

But if even with the help of such a device it is not possible to establish a baby’s nutrition, you will have to express the breast and practice feeding with a bottle.

The need to be separated from the baby

If breastfeeding is a priority for the mother, but at the same time she needs to be away from time to time, pumping is a real way out of the situation. A similar situation occurs if the baby is being treated without a mother. Then you can express milk and transfer it to a medical facility.

Harvesting for the future

To practice natural feeding for as long as possible, mothers sometimes feed the baby in parallel and express milk to use it in the future.

However, it makes sense to do this only if the mother plans to stop breastfeeding soon, but wants to provide the baby with such a valuable product for as long as possible. It is important to remember how much milk costs in the freezer. It also has its own expiration date. In addition, during such storage, mother's milk to a certain extent loses its properties.

How to express breast milk correctly manually?

A mom who is going to practice pumping for a reason needs to know more than just how to pump breast pump right, but also how to express breast milk with your hands correctly.

So, before you start expressing breast milk with your hands, you need to properly prepare for this process. To do everything the way you want, you should initially watch a video on how to express milk manually.

If a woman needs to stimulate the flow of milk, it is necessary to carry out the procedure next to the baby or at the same time look at his photo and think about him. Ideally, you need to touch the baby. Approximately 15 minutes before the start of the process, it is worth drinking some warm water or tea, then doing a light breast massage or letting the child touch it. A warm shower helps stimulate lactation.

How to express correctly so that the process is most effective? First of all, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Next, place the thumb on the areola from above, 3 cm from the nipple, and place the index and ring fingers below, opposite the thumb, stepping back from the nipple in the same way. The chest should be squeezed with fingers in the direction of the ribs, doing it gently but surely, squeezing out the milk. Such movements must be repeated.

A young mother needs to consider the following points:

  • To properly express stagnant milk, you do not need to feel sorry for yourself, squeezing your chest confidently enough.
  • A woman should tune in to the fact that at first she may be hurt.
  • If the whole procedure is carried out correctly, then not drops are released, but trickles.
  • To express from all the lobules, you need to gradually move your fingers in a circle.
  • It is important to ensure that your fingers do not slip on the nipple, as it can be injured.
  • If the skin of the breast becomes too wet, you should gently wipe it and your hands with a clean tissue and continue to express.
  • Pumping should be carried out not to the last drop, but until the chest becomes lighter and there is a feeling of emptiness.

How to carry out this whole process, as well as how often to express milk, the woman should be explained even in the maternity hospital. However, if certain difficulties arise with its implementation, and the question arises of what to do if it is not decanted, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

How to express with a breast pump?

To facilitate this process for modern young mothers, now widely used breast pumps . These are special devices with which you can significantly simplify pumping. Currently, there are many varieties of such devices. How much a breast pump costs depends on the manufacturer of the device, the mechanism of action and other features.

You need to prepare for the process of using a breast pump in the same way as for the manual process. It is important that the device is sterile. The breast pump is always sold with an attached instruction manual. It is important to understand it carefully, as different models work differently.

It is also necessary to take into account all the general rules of mechanical pumping:

  • The funnel of the device must be applied to the breast so that the nipple is directly in its center.
  • The funnel should fit very tightly to the chest so that a vacuum is created. To do this, the chest must be dry.
  • Next, you need to act as written in the instructions: either first squeeze the pear or pump, or press the piston handle, or turn on the device by pressing the button, if we are talking about an electrical device.
  • If the breast pump is manual, you need to constantly rhythmically press the pump, pear, piston handle.
  • The use of an electrical device requires only control - it is important to regulate the force with which it works, setting the power for itself. When the process is completed, the breast softens and becomes empty, and the milk from the trickle turns into droplets.

It is important that milk flows in an even, active flow. As a rule, pumping with a breast pump does not cause pain; discomfort when using some types of such a device appears only in the first minutes. After the end of the process, you need to thoroughly wash the breast pump and sterilize it.

How to store expressed breast milk correctly?

It is equally important for young mothers to know how to store breast milk after pumping and where to store it so that the baby receives the most useful product. You should strictly follow the rules on how to store mother's milk for the baby. Indeed, if stored improperly, it becomes not only useless, but also capable of causing harm. Breast milk is exactly the same food product as other dairy products. Therefore, it can deteriorate, turn sour. So, first of all, it is important to choose a suitable storage container.

If the mother is expressing milk at one time, a bottle is enough to store after pumping, from which she can later feed the baby. Of course, before storing expressed breast milk in a bottle, it must be sterilized.

If the mother uses an electric breast pump, then, as a rule, special containers are attached to it. In them, milk is collected, stored, and then from them you can give it to your baby by putting a nipple on top.

However, many mothers are interested in where to put milk and whether it can be stored in the refrigerator if it is supposed to stock up for a longer period. Those who are interested in whether it is possible to freeze breast milk should pay attention to special plastic containers that can be purchased at pharmacies or children's stores. Such sterile containers with contents can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the freezer.

If it is expected that the storage of expressed breast milk will be carried out for a day or more, glass jars that contained baby food are suitable. Beforehand, they, together with the lids, must be boiled in water for 2-3 minutes. However, it is better not to place glass containers in the freezer.

There are also special bags designed to store food. They are very convenient to use, as they have graduations, as well as a place for marking the date and time of pumping. Close such containers with a rivet or cord. And the answer to the question whether it is possible to freeze milk in such a package is unambiguously affirmative: it is the most convenient.

Mom should take into account that the contents should not be poured from one container to another: you need to express it immediately into the container in which it will be stored.

How long can milk be stored?

It is important for every mother to clearly know how much expressed breast milk is stored, so as not to make a mistake and not give the baby a spoiled product. First of all, it is important to know how long breast milk is stored at room temperature. Without a refrigerator, it can be stored for no more than 4 hours. Therefore, you can store the product for future use only for one feeding. It is important that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Those who are interested in how long breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator should take into account that at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees it can be kept for about 4 days. But it is very important at the same time that the temperature is constantly the same, so it is better to keep it near the back wall of the refrigerator. How much breast milk is stored in the refrigerator also depends on the quality of the unit. If the refrigerator works intermittently and is not able to maintain the same temperature, it is better not to risk keeping the milk in it for several days.

Another issue that is important for mothers seeking to store frozen milk for the future is how long breast milk can be stored after pumping in the freezer. How long breast milk is stored in the freezer depends on the temperature regime. If the freezing temperature is approximately -18 degrees Celsius, the shelf life of the product is about six months. You can get a huge amount of time with low-temperature storage, which is why freezing is so popular among moms.

Freezing Rules

Before freezing milk, it must be refrigerated in the same container in which it will later be stored in the freezer. Care must be taken not to overfill the milk. The fewer transfusions, the more sterile and of high quality the product will be. When the container is completely cool, it must be placed in the freezer and turn on the freezing mode. It is important to immediately allocate a separate shelf or drawer in the freezer for storing baby food in order to exclude its contact with any other products. You should also sign the containers, be sure to indicate the date when the freezing was carried out.

How to store breast milk if you have a long move?

To provide your baby with safe and healthy nutrition, it is best to buy special devices before moving:

  • cooler bag with ice packs;
  • thermal bag with the same elements;
  • a thermos that is able to retain not only heat, but also cold, for which it must first be cooled and pour chilled milk into it.

With such devices, the baby can be provided with a fresh and high-quality product even in conditions of moving.

How to feed your baby with expressed milk?

For those mothers who want to know how to properly breastfeed their baby, you can watch the corresponding video or just take into account important points. First of all, it is important to properly reheat the frozen product.

How to warm up expressed milk?

Before warming up baby food from the refrigerator or freezer, you need to take exactly the amount that the baby needs. You need to warm it up in a water bath, in a special device on which the bottles are heated, or in hot water. It is best to gradually defrost the product in the refrigerator to a liquid state, and later reheat using the methods mentioned.

Do not use convection or microwave ovens for heating. Since exposure to microwaves is fraught with the fact that beneficial substances are destroyed, and the structure of milk will also change, such a product can harm the baby. After warming up, the product can only be used once - all residues after feeding should be discarded. Shake the bottle before you start feeding.

How to use milk that has been expressed?

Depending on how much milk can be expressed at one time, a woman can use it in different ways. So, it is used as the main food, children's cereals are bred with it. However, if you boil mother's milk, preparing cereals, omelettes and other children's dishes on it, the final product will not be useful for the baby. Indeed, after boiling, the beneficial substances in its composition will be destroyed, and the protein will become poorly absorbed.

Important Points

New mothers have a lot of questions about pumping, and the answers to some of them can be found below.

Should both breasts be pumped?

It all depends on what goals the woman is pursuing, for how long she intends to part with the baby, and, accordingly, how much breast milk will have to feed the baby.

If the mother is expected to leave for several hours, and she will have to feed with expressed milk once, then expressing from one breast is quite enough. But if the absence of the mother takes a longer time, then full feeding with expressed milk from a bottle can be ensured by expressing both breasts.

How often should you pump?

A woman must independently determine how much to feed the baby and how often you can express your breasts. However, you should not do this more than once an hour. It is best that the interval is from one and a half hours to three. To make everything as convenient as possible, you can give one breast to the baby, and express the second.

How many times do you need to pump?

It all depends on the life situation in which the young mother finds herself. In some cases, you have to practice this all the time, sometimes only periodic pumping is enough to ensure uninterrupted natural feeding. If this process is regular, then it is important to focus on the time when the baby is used to breastfeeding. Of course, the mother must take care of the required amount of breast milk while she is absent.

Do I need to pump at night?

If the baby is separated from the mother immediately after birth, it is very important to pump at night, as this process will help maintain lactation. But for the successful establishment of lactation, you need to do this at least once every three hours. During this period, you can prepare milk for the future, or simply pour it out if the newborn cannot consume such an amount. The most important thing these days is to establish a feeding process, which will help regular pumping. If the baby no longer suckles at the breast at night, night pumping is not needed.

Will it be possible to feed the baby and at the same time pump the second breast?

It is very difficult technically to practice such a thing. However, some women still succeed. Many mothers believe that this method allows them to stimulate milk production. If this does not interfere with the baby, you can practice this method. However, most women find it distracting from the baby. Therefore, it is desirable to still distinguish between feeding and pumping.

How long does this process take?

The procedure that a mother performs without a breast pump lasts approximately 20-30 minutes. Using a breast pump speeds up the process - it takes about 15 minutes.

Should I mix milk obtained at different times?

This is not necessary, regardless of the size of the portions received. It is worth feeding the baby only the product that was expressed at one time.

Is it acceptable to feed the baby with milk that has been stored for more than 4 hours outside the refrigerator?

Despite the fact that breast milk in theory does not spoil for 6 hours, being at temperatures up to 25 C, it is not worth the risk. It is especially dangerous to give a baby a bottle that has been stored for so long in the summer.

What is the best way to express - with a breast pump or manually?

Using a sterile breast pump is reliable and safe. However, it is better to choose the method, guided by the individual feelings of the mother. Proper hand pumping, provided that the mother adheres to all the rules, can also be practiced.

Is frozen food good for a baby?

Even if breast milk has been exposed to low temperatures, it is still much healthier than any artificial formula. However, it is important to adhere to the technology of freezing and defrosting and not to boil it after defrosting.

Can you drink your breast milk?

Most doctors believe that for adults, breast milk is not as beneficial as some resources make it out to be. It provides an immunostimulating function, but nothing more. After all, the purpose of this product is to feed babies, but not adults.

Mother's milk is a product whose composition has not yet been repeated. It is this that in the first days of a baby's life is the only and most valuable food. In addition, it is a source of strong immunity crumbs for the rest of his life.

Every mother wants to give her child as much as possible. That is why many try to save excess "product" for subsequent feedings. The need to store milk also arises when a mother, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby.

Most mothers have experienced situations where breastfeeding is not possible. The most common of them are:

  • separation of mother and baby for a while;
  • mother taking certain medications;
  • refusal of the baby from the breast;
  • various diseases of the mammary glands, etc.

But even in these situations, your baby can eat mother's milk if you save it after pumping.

Ways to store breast milk

  • The shelf life of milk depends on the storage method you choose: at room temperature, in the refrigerator or in the freezer.
  • Boiling expressed milk is prohibited! Under the influence of high temperature, beneficial substances are destroyed: enzymes, vitamins, trace elements, immunoglobulins, prebiotics.

How to store breast milk at room temperature

The composition of mother's milk allows you to feed your baby with it, even if after pumping it was not in the refrigerator for several hours. This means that you can leave a bottle of milk in the room for a short time without worrying that it will go bad. It is important to remember that milk, while in the room, should not be exposed to direct sunlight, because. this will lead to an uncontrolled increase in its temperature. So, it will no longer be possible to count on its suitability for use.

Approximate storage times at room temperature are as follows:
up to +15 degrees - 24 hours
from +16 to +20 degrees - 12 hours
from +21 to + 25 degrees - 5 hours
above +25 degrees about - 3 hours

We take milk with us for a walk

It is much easier for a modern nursing mother to remain mobile thanks to various accessories and devices. So, for going on a long walk, it is convenient to carry milk in a thermal bag or a thermos for bottles. They keep the original temperature of the milk. And you can feed your baby without resorting to heating the contents of the bottle.

Storing milk in the refrigerator

The refrigerator allows you to keep food fresh for a longer time due to the temperature, which is significantly lower than room temperature, on average it ranges from 0 to +4 degrees. Storing breast milk in this way also does not affect the composition of the nutrient fluid. It is important to know the following points here:

  • the maximum storage period is one week;
  • milk must be placed closer to the far wall of the refrigerator, and in no case in the door.

Freezer - a place of long-term stocks

Many nursing mothers, especially in the first months, are characterized by excessive milk production, which the baby cannot fully consume. In such cases, the most suitable option, in order to preserve an indispensable product for the child, is to express and freeze. After expressing milk, special containers designed for this purpose are filled and placed in the freezer.

Frozen milk can be stored for about a year, given that this is a separate chamber. If the freezer used is located in the refrigerator itself, and for it in this case the temperature regime is about -6 degrees, then this period is halved - about six months.

Where to store milk

When deciding how to store expressed breast milk correctly, you need to pay special attention to storage containers.

To preserve the freshness of milk at room temperature at home or on a walk, it will be enough to pour it into a plastic or glass sterilized bottle.

When stored in the refrigerator, given that you use the product within a week, you can also use regular sterilized bottles. Aluminum containers are not recommended.

To freeze milk, you can purchase special bags or plastic containers (cups), with airtight locks and lids. Both those and others have a measuring scale and the ability to put down the date of freezing on them. They are made from certain materials that do not tend to tear and burst from low temperatures.

How to freeze and thaw breast milk

There are a few key points to consider if you want to preserve milk after pumping by freezing it.

  1. breast milk should not be drastically cooled to sub-zero temperatures. You must first bring it to room temperature. Then place in the refrigerator for a while, and after that - shift to freeze. Thanks to gradual cooling, everything that is useful and nutritious in milk will be preserved as much as possible.
  2. breast milk should be frozen in portions designed for one use. This is due to the fact that re-freezing of expressed milk is not allowed.
  3. it is impossible to mix portions of milk that differ in pumping time before freezing. This will prevent damage to it.
  4. when defrosting, the milk must go through the reverse processes of freezing - the package of milk taken out of the freezer must be placed in the refrigerator for some time, and after bringing it to room temperature, warm it up to +37 degrees.
  5. when heating, the use of microwave ovens and stoves is not recommended, since under their action the main amount of useful components is destroyed.
  6. even if all the freezing conditions have been met, breast milk can still spoil, so always smell and taste it before feeding. The sour smell speaks of its depravity.

Do not forget that mother's milk is of the greatest value and benefit right after pumping, when it has not been stored for a day under certain conditions. Breastfeeding your baby directly should always be a priority. And the stored reserves must be used as a last resort, as well as with the gradual introduction of complementary foods, adding it to cereals, vegetable purees, scrambled eggs.

The period of breastfeeding for the baby and his mother plays a significant role. Women's milk contains a large number of substances that are useful and necessary for the baby, contributing to its healthy development. It has been proven that with breastfeeding, children get sick much less than with artificial feeding. Breast milk contains antibodies that protect the baby from pathogens.

Feeding a newborn with women's milk is much more beneficial than baby food, but only if the mother knows how to preserve the beneficial qualities in the expressed product and follows all the recommendations for storing the baby's natural food.

Of course, feeding in a natural way is much more practical for a woman and more beneficial for a growing body. There comes a time when it becomes necessary to express breast milk for a variety of reasons. These include:

  • Problems with nipples and breasts. The cracks that appear when sucking by a baby are very painful, and at the same time they heal for a long time. Giving the baby a bottle, it will be possible to heal the cracks in 2-3 days;
  • Insufficient lactation. Frequent pumping stimulates the mammary glands, which increases the amount of milk. Having squeezed out a few milliliters, a woman will be able to give it to her baby at the next feeding;
  • Absence of mommy for a while. When a woman needs to leave her baby for a long period, all responsibility falls on her family. Having breast milk in stock, you can not worry about the nutrition of the baby;
  • The baby refuses to breastfeed. Some babies find it easier to eat from a bottle, this is due to a weak sucking reflex.

The product must be decanted with high quality, and only then left for storage. Observing all the moments of this procedure, the quality of milk, its purity and taste are ensured.

Breast milk can be extracted independently or with the help of a breast pump. It is recommended to purchase the apparatus that is designed for boiling and disinfection. Before starting the procedure, you should thoroughly wash and dry your hands with your chest.

It is better to express in a sterile, well-washed vessel. Bottles with liquid will certainly be marked, prescribing the time and date. This is necessary in order not to make a mistake with the shelf life when using. The container does not need to be completely filled.

Any woman is surprised to see her expressed breast milk. After all, it has a certain number of differences from the usual. In contrast to cow's or goat's milk - women's milk, after a while it splits into layers. The fattest component rises to the top, forming a layer. But this does not mean that the product is sour: with slight shaking, it again becomes the same type.

Expressed fluid at different times of the day also has a different appearance. Since a large number of factors affect its content and even shade. Fat content can also change both daily and in one pumping process. This production before feeding has the appearance of "fat-free" in comparison with that which was expressed at the end of feeding. This is facilitated by the milk ejection reflex at the end of lactation, a more saturated liquid arrives in the breast.

The color of the human product also tends to change. Colostrum often has a yellowish or slightly orange hue. The duration of the change of colostrum into finished milk can take 1.5-2 weeks. During this time, the color changes imperceptibly and acquires a bluish-pale hue. Other factors also affect the color of the “mature” product: the woman’s diet and the intake of any funds.

If mommy during lactation consumes soda or fruit juices and jam, then dyes will affect the shade, making it orange-pink. When frozen, yellowness is sure to appear.

A pinkish tint also means that the composition contains blood. One of the reasons for this is cracked nipples. In this case, it is necessary to heal the wounds. Maternal blood will not harm the baby, you can continue feeding. But if blood is still getting in 2-2.5 weeks after the birth of the child, the woman needs to contact a specialist with this problem.

Breast milk is usually stored in a sterile, tightly sealed container. Which can be made of both plastic and glass. Opinions differ about what quality this container should be from in order to save all the useful substances in it for the growth and immunity of the baby. Recent experiments have proven that breast milk is effectively preserved at room temperature, both in plastic and glass containers.

The Breastfeeding Questions and Answers literature recommends this method of selecting a container to hold a baby's food:

  1. glass container in the first place;
  2. a container made of durable plastic on the second;
  3. polypropylene containers on the third.

When a mother rarely uses breastfeeding with expressed breast milk, there is not much difference from what raw materials the vessel is made and its storage principle.

Ease of use is the main reason for choosing dishes for storage. Some plastic bags are directly attached to breast pumps. Leaving natural food for a long time in such containers is not recommended.

Studies have proven that human milk has a unique ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, which contributes to the preservation of the quality of the dairy product for up to 12 hours at room temperature.

In 1987, the International Journal of Childbirth wrote about a famous experiment. The liquid was decanted into washed but untreated containers. It was divided into two vessels, one of which was left at a temperature of 19-22° C, and the other at 2-4° C. After 10 hours, an analysis was made from both containers. The degree of bacteria from each vessel was practically the same.

When a woman is absent for 4-5 hours, skipping feeding time, then food for the baby can be left in the room. The container with the product does not require heating, and all useful components will retain their effect.

How long can breast milk be stored after pumping

It should be remembered that the quality of storage in a warm place will vary depending on the temperature:

  • Colostrum (up to 6 days after the birth of the baby) up to 12 hours at room temperature 27-32 degrees;
  • Mature breast milk: up to 15 degrees no more than a day; from 19 to 22 degrees to ten o'clock; at a temperature of 25 degrees no more than six hours.

When there is no refrigerator nearby, you can use freezers in small cooler bags or simple thermoses. Initially, it must be filled with ice to cool the flask. When pouring liquid for storage, ice should be poured out of a thermos. For sterility, it is better to use ice from boiled water. Before use, the product should be heated in a steam bath.

Storing breast milk is a unique opportunity to solve many problems that are associated with a violation of the diet of the baby. Even if the mother is forced to be absent for some time, the baby will continue to receive protection, love and all the useful substances. But the most important thing is to follow all the rules for storing the product of this essential food for your baby.