How to beat off a guy from another girl: step by step instructions for action. Plan-interception: how to recapture a married man from his legal wife? How to beat off a man from another woman tips

First of all, this essay is not for those women who consider their position as mistress to be temporary before that of the nth wife. I do not consider these women the subjects of my research, and therefore I will write about others.

To be a mistress is to be in a wonderful state of life, which, with the help of my advice, can be made even more attractive. The fact is that those grown up on Soviet-Christian morality consider the pleasure of sex a sin, and therefore, even being in such a “sinful” state of a mistress, they do not know how to enjoy life and reproach themselves for the fact that it passes. Let's try to figure out how to help grief.

So who becomes the mistress?

1. A woman who was not married, but she really wants to go there, so she goes for sexual contact in order to fulfill the desire inspired by her society and mentality.

2. A divorced or widowed woman, naively believing that children need a good father, better than the previous one (or just a living parent).
These two categories try to choose unmarried men, or divorce married men. God is their judge. Let them get out on their own, as best they can, I am not their assistant, see why above.

3. Married women who do not enjoy marriage and therefore have sex on the side.

4. Loose women who need sex.

Women from the third point are in unstable equilibrium. They can be divided into two subgroups: those with whom the husband does not want to sleep, and those who do not want to sleep with her husband. I'm not talking about those husbands who cannot - they need to be treated, and if it doesn't work out, ask permission to communicate on the side and enjoy life. For those to whom the husband has cooled down, I will not, like Cosmopolitan magazine, advise changing garters and wearing perfume in intimate places. So he, the goat, needs it, since he does not appreciate the one who is next to him. You can change without a twinge of conscience. True, oddly enough, such and such wives, rejected by their husbands, do not particularly want carnal pleasures, and go to third-party sex with the eyes of an antelope bullied by a lion.

Those who themselves have cooled off towards their husband must choose: either tell their husband about it and get him, if not approval, then at least formal consent. Either conspire or divorce. The spectrum is wide and everyone chooses for himself. That is, each.

The fourth group remains - free women who do not want to get married. So they are those who are called mistresses, and not "leaders of husbands", "prodigal wives" and "Bridget Jones diaries".

One of my acquaintances, a smart feminist lady, said: “In fact, such problems (wife and mistress) are a sign of our time. Because the institution of mistresses (geishas, ​​hetairas, courtesans, London actresses and Parisian demimonde ladies) has existed for centuries. In Russia, the Decembrists were fond of fidelity to their wife, and everyone else ... The witty answer “If I have a cook at home, then why can’t I dine in a restaurant” causes laughter, but the attitude towards my wife is behind the answer. That is, at home - a wife, an "honest" woman who gives birth to heirs (if you're very lucky, then a little educated, but more often not), and outside the house - a lover who has nothing to do with procreation, but is smart, educated and uncomplexed in sex.

Since the current mistresses have rather forgotten the rules of London actresses and Parisian demi-monde ladies, let me yourself give them some advice:

1. Never love your married lovers - this is bad manners. Their wives love, let them have enough.

2. Enjoy every hour, every minute of your position. You are the joy and celebration in the life of a man, and the wife is everyday life. True, there are more weekdays than holidays, but that's why the holidays are sweeter.

3. Do not be sad that he spends public holidays with his family, and not with you. Firstly, he would like to run away (well, except perhaps for the birthday of the children), and secondly, let him not be the light in the window for you and the one and only. Where, I ask, are your friends, girlfriends and fans? Did they melt away with the advent of a lover? Do not forget about them, as it is with them that it is fun to spend the New Year and Easter. And if you still want to celebrate with your lover, then you have fallen in love and see point 1.

4. The more busy you are, the more important and respected you become for him. Don't sit and wait, like Yaroslavna. Get down to business, and answer the proposal to meet: "With joy, my dear, let's check our work diaries."

5. All these tips from glamor magazines about how you should always be wearing makeup and curls for him - forget it. He has already seen you naked, from the shower and without makeup. If about
comes to you, then what's the difference whether you're wearing makeup or not. He saw you natural, and it didn't scare him away, so relax.

6. If you want to cook something for him, do not turn it into a habit (honey, I know all men are hungry after such sex. I only have a bagel, so let's go eat a piece of meat on a spit somewhere). And if you did, then do one dish that your wife does not make. Let him know that he can eat such dolma only at your place.

Now let's talk about two important things - money and polygamy. Money is a very sensitive topic, so getting it right is like walking on a knife's edge.

First of all, know: you are a luxury! And you have to pay for luxury. He has no extra money for a mistress - let him have a wife and be satisfied. Only “honest givers” from paragraphs 1 and 2 agree for free, thinking that with their nobility they will evoke a reciprocal feeling in a man and he will love them for their disinterestedness and altruism. Figushki! It is from such poor things that greedy bitches are then obtained, taking revenge on her husband for months and years, when they had to hide their nature under the guise of a noble disinterestedness. It is they who insist on reducing child support and the number of meetings with children from their first marriage.

WITH another parties are kept women. These are mistresses on allowance - for the fact that a man pays them for their vital needs, they sell him their freedom. Such women become just a tool to satisfy lust. A prostitute for a long time and with an obligation of fidelity - that's what a kept woman is.

A mistress can and should be able to accept gifts of any value from a man. But, only if they are a luxury. That is, those that, on occasion, can be returned to him and her daily vital needs will not suffer from this. For example, you can accept perfume as a gift, buy shampoo yourself. Buy shrimp and Kiev cake - as you say, dear. Potatoes and bread if you please yourself. Gold earrings are accepted with gratitude. The same amount to pay for the apartment is rejected with indignation. Otherwise, see above about kept women.
Do not be tormented by remorse about how much money he spends on you. You do not ask him for money and gifts. Hinting is not forbidden, only subtly.

And then, the gift brings pleasure to the one who gives it, more than to the one who receives it. What if the perfume he chose for you smells like dried lizards? He chose them according to his taste, not yours. So relax again and thank you again. Then you can give the perfume to your girlfriend - an “honest giver”, she will be happy with them. And you will tell him that you liked them so much that you constantly used them and they quickly ended.
Conclusion: let it be spent on you. When he leaves you, he will remember how much he spent on you and will regret leaving. What is invested in a lot, just do not give up.

Now about polygamy. Your married lover sleeps with you and your wife. And do not believe that he does not sleep with his wife because he does not want to. Sleep and how. You shouldn't worry about it at all. His sperm is not a toothpaste from a tooth tube, it will not be spent to the end, and the wife should be satisfied, to don't put a spoke in your wheel. Moreover, never compare yourself to her. It's the same as a third-rate athlete running along the same track with a master of sports. You are a master of sports in sex. Know that! For this you were chosen, and not for beautiful eyes. So to compare yourself with his wife, only time to waste and humiliate yourself.

How often does he visit you? Once a week? Once in two weeks? He says that he can’t do it more often, because work, home and so on? It is quite possible to believe. He would be glad to heaven, but sins, that is, worries, do not allow. What is it - the master of sports in sex is idle! Therefore backwaters yourself another lover. And feel free to let the first one know:

Honey, you're too busy, and besides, you have me and your wife, and I only have you. I think that it will be difficult for you to protest against the fact that another close person will appear in my life.
Well, what can he say to that? What does he love? He doesn’t like that, otherwise he would have divorced a long time ago and would have married you. What is spending money? So it does not contain - you were warned about this by me above. Just take care of safety and contraception - if anything, you will be treated together.

There is no betrayal in your relationship. He doesn't cheat on you with his wife. You don’t cheat on him with another, because you don’t owe him anything, you don’t love him, and you didn’t give an oath of allegiance. And if the second one is about the same busy, then their visits will just amount to the average frequency of the floor.
new acts in the family.

A few more tips:

Choose positive family men. They are already used to taking care of the family, which means that they will take care of you if necessary.

Choose busy honest campaigners - they are responsible for their work and earn good money. You will not be tormented by the conscience that his children will be left without bread and butter if you dine with him once again in a restaurant.

Choose lovers of average sexuality. He and his wife are like that, and you will wake up the tiger in him and devastate him so that he only has enough for his wife a little more. And okay, no more looking around.

That's about all I wanted to say so far. I have only touched on some aspects, greatly simplifying them. I may be asked why a free woman should not choose a free man? I answer: this state is unstable. The couple either scatters or gets married and after some time falls into a state that is described in this essay. Only a couple in which he is married can be stable, and she does not want to marry him. Then they will live happily ever after.

And finally: from time to time, remind your married lover that you are not going to break up his family - let him know that you are not only a luxury, but also a treasure!

The love triangle is an age-old problem that has been known for centuries. You have fallen in love with an unfree person and are trying to recapture a boyfriend or girlfriend from your current partner. Is it worth it, and if so, how?


  • Deal with your feelings. Maybe it's not love, but just another sporting interest?
  • Or maybe you don’t need this guy / this girl, but it’s about yourself? After all, there is such a category of people who do not like it when someone is good;

Well, if you are completely sure that you want to recapture a guy or a girl, then you need to do this:

How to take a boyfriend away from a friend

The situation is as old as the world. You finally found your ideal, but he's already taken. And this is not surprising - after all, ideals do not lie on the road, and you are not the only one who needs a real prince. One way or another, the man of your dreams is dating another girl, and, at first glance, they are quite happy. So what to do now - cast envious glances after a sweet couple or take fate into your own hands? Obviously, most will prefer the second option. There is no other way out but to beat off the guy you like from the opponent, there is no choice.

Yes, it's bad to some extent. Perhaps many will condemn you - that's how vile, broke such a wonderful union. But after all, the guy is not a bull on a string, whoever pulled after him wandered there. If you manage to achieve the goal, and you start dating, then everything was not so cloudless in their pair. So, as they say, it's better to do it and regret than not to do it and regret it anyway.

So, several scenarios are possible. But in any case, before you fight off the guy, you will have to carefully take care of yourself. Hairstyle, manicure, makeup, clothes - everything must be perfect. After all, men love with their eyes - at least this applies to an important first impression. So get as close as possible to perfection and move on.

Option one: you know the opponent

Option one - the prince meets with your friend. It can be a classmate, colleague or even a friend (hopefully not the best). There are pros and cons to this situation. All the minuses are associated with moral torment. Agree, it is quite difficult to take a guy out from under the nose of a familiar person with whom you communicate quite well. And then, when the goal is achieved, you will probably have to face it every now and then.

In addition, mutual acquaintances and friends can take the side of the girl left without a boyfriend. Ideally, if you find another man for your friend, so that she withdraws herself. Then you can gladly rush to console the rejected prince. But this is not always the case, so before you beat off a guy from a friend, think a hundred times and decide for yourself whether the game is worth the candle.

If the decision is still made, then begin to act. The advantage of hunting the prince of a friend is that you can become a regular in their company quite naturally and naturally. Make sure that your appearance is always welcome. Joke, laugh, set a cheerful mood for any party and carefully look at your opponent.

Our task is to understand what attracts him so much in her and the imperceptible adoption of these qualities. Just don't overdo it. This should not be visible to anyone. If you suddenly start wearing the same pink short skirts or suddenly become addicted to skiing, those around you will immediately declassify you. The mission will be considered a failure.

Option two: the opponent is unfamiliar to you

Suppose the prince prefers to meet her separately from all your honest company. And to get acquainted with his beloved in the near future, well, it doesn’t shine for you. Well, all this saves you from pangs of conscience. The operation to seize power can be started without hesitation. Become his friend. Let your communication be easy and relaxed. Walk together in the park, laugh, listen carefully to all his problems.…

With a friend, you don’t need to strain or show off, he will soon realize that you are a very important person in his life. And there is already close to love and you will be able to recapture the guy. There is a point of view that a man and a woman cannot be just friends for a long time, in principle, in the end, nature takes its toll. If this is at least partially true, then the mysterious stranger is simply doomed to defeat.

If this is not your boyfriend, he often seems more attractive. Girls tend to live in illusions, put themselves in the place of the girl with whom this guy is now in a relationship. In dreams, build an ideal relationship with him, thereby further inflaming passion in yourself.

But what if it's not love at all, but sports interest? You must certainly try to recapture the man from your girlfriend and finally understand for yourself these feelings are real or not.

Befriend a Companion

Become the best friend of your opponent in order to be able to be with her boyfriend more often and closer. If you get into the trust of the “girlfriend” enough, she will introduce you to her boyfriend herself, and will also introduce you to him from the best side.


To recapture a guy, you must become the exact opposite of a newly minted girlfriend. Work on the image to radically differ from her. Opposites and contrasts always attract attention.

heartfelt conversation

Start a heart-to-heart conversation with your opponent and find out how she really relates to her chosen one. What if she doesn't love him? For you, such information will be very useful and save you from remorse.


When a rival complains about her boyfriend, support her, but do not urge her to leave him. This will seem suspicious.

Acquaintance with a friend

Introduce your competitor to your friend and see how she will react to his attentions.


Arrange a date for your rival with your friend and make sure that you and her boyfriend are at the meeting point.

Comfort and understanding

Comfort and sympathize with Him.

If you are still unfamiliar with your rival

You need to urgently become a friend to the guy and behave unobtrusively and naturally.

Interests and hobbies

Take an interest in his life and hobbies. Always listen to what he tells you. Men love it when a girl knows how to listen to them.


How to beat off a guy if he has another? It is necessary to scout out the girls of what behavior he likes, and stop seeming too inaccessible in his eyes.

Always show yourself only from the best side, thus you will quickly get his location and attention.


Always be cheerful, proactive and energetic.

How to win a guy's heart

  • Love yourself for who you really are.
  • Never doubt whether it is worth conquering your loved one at all, insecurity is a bad helper in such matters.
  • Become his best friend, who will always be there, no matter what happens.
  • Let him understand more often that only with you he will always be fine.
  • Never refuse help to your beloved man, but also do not let him sit on his “neck”, because a real man is obliged to solve his problems on his own.
  • Never let a guy know that you are jealous of him.
  • Never reproach your loved one, do not complain about his coldness.
  • To recapture a guy from his girlfriend, change more often, do not be afraid to surprise him pleasantly.
  • Establish friendly relations with his family and friends, enter his circle of friends.
  • Find common interests and hobbies with a guy.
  • Give him something handmade. For example, you can knit him a warm sweater.
  • You should not be too intrusive, but at the same time, in some situations it is necessary to be persistent and stubborn.
  • In no case do not demand from your young man any gifts, beautiful courtship and special treatment.
  • Always watch your appearance and demeanor.
  • Never try to enter into someone else's role, be yourself - natural.
  • Learn to be patient and long-awaited.
  • Notice as often as possible all his positive qualities, and also contribute to their development.
  • You can write him a handwritten friendly letter.
  • Never be afraid of rejection from your boyfriend, because rejection is not yet a sign of the end of your relationship.
  • You should not make a guy the center of the entire universe, you should not forget about your work, hobbies, friends and girlfriends.

How to beat a girl if she has another guy

Imagine the situation: you really like a girl, you want to date her, but, alas, she already has a boyfriend. Or another young man begins to take your soul mate, and he succeeds in doing this. And what to do? Poke you in the face like a real man? Such an act can only leave you in a double loss, since in addition to the departed girl, you will make yourself serious problems with a competitor. That is why we decided to dedicate today's article to the topic: "How to recapture a girl from a guy?".

As already written above, in order to recapture your girlfriend, you should in no case influence your competitor in any way. Even if you have more opportunities and forces. Yes, and it can be not only in him - drive the first one, the second one will come. The case may be you, perhaps over the years of a relationship you have eaten your tummy, and the opponent has a toned healthy body. Naturally, a girl has the right to the best, and it does not matter at all from whom she takes the best. So why don't you? Let's try to get back ours.

This case is more complicated, if only because the chosen one, being in a long relationship with you, got acquainted not only with your good, but also with your bad features. And so far he knows the competitor only as a cheerful and kind person. To get your princess back, you'll have to seduce her again. Play the good boy you were n years ago. Just do it very carefully, without falsehood and pretense.

You need to stop making scenes of jealousy, putting pressure on her and letting her know that you know about flirting on the side. Just be with her as often as possible, give gifts, remember happy moments and take her to interesting places. So she will not have any thoughts or time to build something on the side.

We beat off someone else's girl

It also happens that you liked someone else's girl who already has a relationship. Let's try to figure out what to do in this case. First, you must interest her. And so that the impression you made turned out to be stronger than what the current boyfriend made on her. You must seduce her in every possible way, give gifts and take her to restaurants. She must understand that she is unlikely to ever be better than with you.

By the way, a situation may come when her young man finds out everything and begins to threaten. This can also be beneficial, because the girl, having seen how you got a couple of bruises, will understand what kind of animal this former is.

And, perhaps, the most important answer to the question “how to recapture a girl from a guy” is to be decisive, confident and several times better than your opponent. The girl must understand, the choice is obvious.

And let them say that it’s not good to beat a man away from a friend, that there will be many men, and a sincere girlfriend will be one ... And you would probably agree with this, BUT when you can’t think about anything else except this handsome man, you distinguish the smell of his eau de toilette in the crowd, lose self-control at the sound of his voice, etc.

Then, as extenuating circumstances, you immediately remember that it is you who deserve the best, and in the end, why not try to realize your “I want” and amuse your pride.

In general, when all doubts are expelled, and you firmly decide to act, then the girl who is now with the object of desire ceases to be a friend, acquaintance or colleague, she becomes simply “different”. And this other one prevents you from being the happy owner of the man of your dreams. It was because of her that you sometimes had to feel inferior, crushed, destroyed.

But instead of openly smearing it on the wall, I suggest you act more cunningly. And it doesn’t matter if you are going to build a relationship with a married man, brag about a new conquest to your girlfriends, or take revenge on another, the ultimate goal is clear: how to recapture a man. And a clear algorithm leads to this goal, each of the steps of which must be carried out with the utmost accuracy.

First, the general rules:

  • You don’t need to rely only on impeccable external data, just like you can’t complex that the other one is much more beautiful. Success is based on a competent line of conduct.
  • The rule of permanent contacts. It is difficult to determine how to recapture a man if you do not cross paths with him anywhere. The strategy only makes sense if you are in contact with this guy somewhere.
  • Do not rush. Patiently and persistently following each step to the end allows you to move on to the next.

And now I propose to study those cherished seven steps that will lead you to it:

Step 1. We accustom ourselves

In order not to violate the rule of constant presence in his life, you must get his phone number. Find an excuse to exchange numbers. Of course, modern technologies and databases make it possible to take possession of a phone number without the owner's knowledge, but it's better to get it voluntarily.

Don't wait for him to call first - you may never wait. Find a reason to call him yourself: Birthday, Valentine's Day, World Bicycle Day or just to find out how the day went.

No need to lay out your entire biography to him at once. After reading the statistics about which women attract men, you are unlikely to see the definition of “talkative” there. In order not to annoy him with long chatter, limit yourself to a couple of questions. If you make sure that the conversations do not drag on, he will remain at a loss: why did she call anyway? And he won't get tired of you.

At this stage, you let him get used to you, developing the habit, albeit for a short time, but still for obligatory communication with you. Over time, on a subconscious level, dependence on your calls will appear.

Don't want to wait a long time? But it seems to me that since I started this game, thinking about how to recapture a man, it’s worth patience. Slowly, gradually, with clear movements, a polished diamond becomes a piece of jewelry art. And you, too, are a master—a master of the art of seduction.

Of course, every woman knows the easiest way to get a man: get drunk and seduce. But then there will be unpleasant memories, questions “what happened?”, looking away, avoiding meetings ... In general, the picture is unpleasant and even a failure in achieving the goal of how to recapture a man. It is much more interesting to be patient, but to make sure that he comes to you. And not for one night.

Step 2. Checking Achievements

When you manage to awaken his interest and accustom him to you, stop calling. You can determine the degree of his readiness for this test by the conversations on his part. If he began to ask questions, keep up the conversation, take an interest in your affairs, then you did everything right.

Stop calling and wait. This time, he himself must call to find out what happened. If this does not happen, you will have to start all over again. But if he called - congratulations, half the way has been successfully completed and you can move on.

Step 3. Infiltrating the rear

Now you need to gently intrude into his relationship with another woman. Periodically ask him questions, wonder if they are all right. From his answers, even from the changing tone of the conversation, you can understand about his attitude towards the other, about the degree of attachment to her.

Never speak ill of her. By criticizing her, you will immediately show that you are aiming for her place.

Better tell him they look great from the outside. These joyful feelings and positive emotions in a guy will be attached to your calls, and he himself will look for a reason to talk to you.

Step 4. Quarrel moment

The next step also requires patience. Moving towards the intended goal, how to beat off a man, wait for the quarrel of the man of your dreams with his other. Every couple has a fight at some point. So wait for this moment. And since by that time you will already become his full-time psychologist, he will definitely be the first to tell you about the quarrel.

If this revelation comes over the phone, you should offer to meet one-on-one for a leisurely conversation in a calm environment. The meeting should take place at your or his home, where no one interferes.

Step 5. Comfort

By agreeing to accept comfort from you, the guy most likely expects to receive it in bed.

Well, I do not! Another test for your patience is not to pounce on the object of adoration right away. This sentimental conversation should take place in the kitchen, in the hall on the couch, on the balcony for a cigarette ... The main thing is not in the place where the final blow will be.

It is important not to touch him while he talks about the other and complains about her. Otherwise, in the future, your touches will be associated with him not with you, but with the one he was talking about at that time.

Step 6. A moment of intimacy

That's when the guy speaks out, you can timidly and seemingly casually touch him, hug him a little in a friendly way, take a sip ... Believe me, he will take further initiative in his own hands and bring you to bed himself.

Last step:

Get out of bed first. Come up with a reason: offer him a smoke or bring a drink.

Don't walk around naked and don't wear his shirt. It is important for you to show that you are not going to load him with obligations and tie him tightly to yourself. You won't like it, but know that the first thought that will appear in his head is the desire to disappear as soon as possible. Therefore, when thinking about how to keep a man after sex, the most competent behavior would be to get up, get dressed and, sitting on the edge of the bed, ask him not to tell anything else (you kind of don’t want to hurt her). Tell him you'll be glad if he stays your friend. So you will make it clear that the bed was not decisive for you, the main thing is a good relationship with him. He will definitely come to you again, and not to discuss relationships with another ...

If you are interested in searching worthy man to create a strong relationship and family, if you have been looking for some time, you should have noticed that most of the worthy candidates, as a rule, are already taken. This is the law of life, all the best places under the sun are already occupied, and in order to place your own sunbed in such a place, you first need to oust the previous owner from the territory. And to do this is not easy.

Concerning men, then in this regard, everything sometimes happens by itself. They are characterized by windiness, so the process of changing partners is commonplace for our time. But one who has a specific goal cannot rely on chance. Below we will look at ways to turn luck to face you and your back to your opponent.

Get in touch correctly. Before going into close contact, you need to be well prepared. Your first appearance in his field of vision can provide most of the success right away. You must draw attention to yourself. May the day when you decide to get to know him better under any pretext, you will look your best. The best clothes that correctly emphasize the figure and hide its flaws, professional makeup, fresh hair - in general, you must be in your best shape to make the right first impression. If you manage to interest him right away - half the battle, consider it done.

Be near. Become his friend. Do not worry if "she" is against it and will not hide it. Inside you should not give a damn about it, and in words you should express "sincere" surprise at such an aggressive reaction to you and express "sincere" regret that she is such a hysterical and alarmist. But you could become good girlfriends, right? You are a conflict-free person, you get along well with everyone, so it’s not clear why she got so angry?

Make the enemy work for you. The more she gets angry, and the more he arranges scenes of jealousy, scandals and, the better contrast you will show against her background, always so calm, cheerful, easy to communicate. It will be very easy for him with you, while at home a scandal will constantly await him. Ideally, this will lead to the fact that from the home hell of constant drinking, he will run to you, as if to a quiet haven of cozy relaxation in a pleasant company. If this happens, then success is already in your pocket, it remains only to consolidate it.

Keep surprising him. Novelty is what men are looking for in any new relationship, nature itself tells them to run away from their ex, using for this the most ordinary feeling of boredom, sewn into each of us in the deepest layers of the brain.

Just be unusual, mysterious, interest him. You have to be the fresh sea breeze blowing into his old, musty bungalow. Unexpected meetings are good. Provocations, sharp words, jokes (only not addressed to him, by no means) are also good. Show him that your range of interests is wide and varied. Show that you are smart and educated, that your curiosity causes a lot in this world. Show that you are always ready for a wide variety of experiments.

In sex, be ready for anything. By the way, about experiments. The surest way to beat off a modern man is to be relaxed and liberated in sex. Of course, it’s not worth letting him into the closed citadel of his own bedroom right away, but when you let him in, don’t be afraid to seem too loose. Provoke him to experiments in sex and willingly agree to any that he offers. Within reasonable limits, of course.

Sex with your rival must have bored him for a long time. She, most likely, got lazy, stopped surprising him, mistakenly believing that he already belongs to her, so there was nothing to try. It is especially good if, as a result of numerous scenes of jealousy, their bed life has generally come to naught lately. It will take several weeks, or even days, and he will think: what do I get from her at all and what is the point in continuing such a relationship. So, more sex, unbridled and bold. And don't repeat her mistakes in the future.

Praise him constantly. The proverb that the way to a man's heart lies through him is somewhat outdated. A modern man is rarely hungry in terms of food. But female admiration, female compliments and enthusiasm, in our age of emancipation and radical feminism - this is the real hunger of today's average man.

Satisfy him, and you will very soon become his muse.. Compliment him every day, his mind and ingenuity, his courageous appearance, praise his deeds and actions, way of thinking, emphasize his successes and show with all your might that you recognize and understand his significance in this world. It is very, very unlikely that your opponent does the same. Especially if she already works for you, constantly criticizing and jealous of him every day. Remember, your task is not just to show yourself from the best side, but to make a competent contrast, demonstrating the qualities that your opponent is deprived of. Thus, it will be smart to study your enemy, his habits and habits, to collect as much information as possible about her. This will help you coordinate your next steps.

Don't run after him. It is also important to understand that obsession can play a very cruel joke: he will simply take advantage of you and forget, believing that you are not even worth his attention. Male psychology is arranged in such a way that if a woman shows her interest too openly, then a protective mechanism is triggered that makes the man shun this woman. She begins to seem to him unworthy of him, and he treats her dismissively. So do not follow him, always leave some mystery in yourself. Let your bastions look impregnable, and he will have the illusion in his head that these bastions were taken only thanks to his courage and courage.

The love triangle, consisting of a man, wife and mistress-razluchnitsa, has long become a byword. Is it worth blaming a woman who fell in love with an unfree representative of the stronger sex? The question, as they say, is curious.

However, the scenarios for the development of events are even more curious: leave everything as it is, leave the “married man” or recapture him from his legal wife. If you are leaning towards the latter method of solving the problem, then you will surely be interested in how to take a married man out of the family and keep him close to you.

So, you are "lucky" to create a relationship with a married man, and now all your thoughts are directed to transferring your status from "mistress" to a life partner.

However, on the way to family happiness there is an obstacle in the form of a legal wife and a stamp in the passport. Is it possible to destroy someone else's marriage? Women in love confidently answer: "Yes."

However, to begin with, firmly decide whether to do so at all. If you are still not sure, but are inclined to take someone else's boyfriend out of the family, try to think about the following nuances:

  1. Reciprocity of desire. Are you the only one striving to recapture your lover, or does he want to end those relationships and start new ones? Does the man really want to leave the family, or is he just deceiving you, saying that everything is terrible there? It is no secret that many “married men” are satisfied with such a situation when a familiar wife is waiting at home, and an ardent lover is in another apartment.
  2. moral aspect. When it comes to personal happiness, many women are not in the mood for sentimentality and moralization. Mistresses are ready to fight for a man almost with their fists. And yet, before taking a married man away, try to think at least a little about his child. First of all, it is he who will become the main victim of the collapsed family. Can you bear such a burden? In addition, suddenly the legal wife will drink after the divorce (there have been cases), and the man will be forced to take the children to himself. Do you agree with this development of the situation?
  3. The seriousness of intentions. Be honest with yourself and decide whether you really love your lover or just want to take revenge on your spouse and prove to everyone that you are better? The frivolity of intentions may backfire with the fact that a new relationship will not satisfy you. After all, having got a man, you can get bored and go in search of a new “victim”.
  4. Confidence in a lover. You can beat off a guy, but how to gain confidence that having betrayed one woman, he will not leave you? Did he tell you at the first meeting that he was married, or was the beginning of the relationship overshadowed by deceit? Suddenly, in the future, he will meet a younger and prettier girl, who also decides to find her family happiness on the wreckage of another marriage? In general, it is important to be confident in the feelings of your lover.

So, a lot of questions are spinning in the head of a resolute homeowner, she is overcome by thoughts of how to recapture her beloved from her wife. If all bridges are burned and moral aspects are discarded, let's talk about how to behave with a married man. The advice of a psychologist, in general, is standard.

  1. Through the stomach. Of course, it is unlikely that he comes to you to eat delicious borscht. However, this method can be used if the wife offers him permanent convenience foods or completely inedible snacks. To pamper your lover, you have to become a real culinary specialist.
  2. No scandals. To force a man to be with you more often or even leave the family altogether, provide him with complete peace of mind, do not demand anything, try not to argue with him, do not bother with unnecessary questions. Such advice is especially effective if an eternally dissatisfied spouse is waiting for him at home, who grumbles so that he nailed the shelf, fixed the toilet, etc.
  3. Minimum requirements. A woman on the side should be distinguished by the ability to be content with little. A lover needs to be made clear that you love him not for mink coats, diamond earrings or expensive perfume. Convince him that he is the greatest value for you. Of course, you shouldn't refuse gifts!
  4. Sincere joy. A woman in love will rejoice at every visit of her lover, every minute spent next to him. Relationships will become stronger if a man understands that you need him. Perhaps this is what will prompt him to leave a family in which the legal spouse only imitates joy.
  5. The word "Yes". A mistress should not have a headache. In other words, a woman does not refuse sex when her lover offers it, in addition, she often takes the initiative herself. This is necessary so that a man can safely prove his sexuality and realize his masculine instincts.
  6. Diverse sex. One of the reasons for the connection on the side is the monotonous family sex life. The chances of repelling a man will increase significantly if the mistress improves the quality of intimate relationships. A woman needs to agree to various experiments in sex, especially those that the legal spouse brushes aside.
  7. interest in his work. Some mistresses take the guys away with the help of a seemingly completely uncomplicated way - a sincere interest in his career, difficulties. If the wife can ignore the social life of her husband, then the mistress should take into account this aspect. This way you will be in a better position.

Psychologist's advice also warns about undesirable methods. First of all, put out of your mind such an ambiguous method as lipstick on a shirt, long black hair on shorts, or a few drops of perfume on a sweater. It is likely that you will still be able to beat him off. Only now he will leave, most likely not to you, a traitor, but in a completely different direction.

If the legal spouse knows about your existence, do not be like her, making scandals to your lover. Be sure to calm and support him so that he sees in you a confident and non-hysterical woman who understands everything and does not pretend to anything.

However, there is an opposite opinion, the supporters of which believe that using the above methods alone you will not be able to recapture a man.

He can just get used to living in two houses and never leave his wife. Therefore, provoke him to jealousy. Show that he can lose you with his hesitation. This should not be a direct betrayal, but it is necessary to hint at the fans.

To increase your chances and strengthen relationships, you can also use a hint in the form of a horoscope for your mistress. Study carefully the features of the zodiac sign of your chosen one and adjust your tricks. So, how to win someone else's man ...


  1. Surround your lover with maximum care, more tender, emotional than the one he receives at home.
  2. Do not resist extreme activities and entertainment. Join some of his antics.
  3. Do not put pressure on your lover, forcing him to make a choice: "I or she." He will decide when to go to you.


  1. Become an ideal to recapture Aquarius from his legal wife.
  2. Impress him with your culinary abilities. He loves to eat delicious food.
  3. For Aquarius, the sexual side of life is important, so do not give up experiments.


  1. Become a real angel for him, unlike a not always happy wife.
  2. Sincerely love him, constantly showing and telling that you will wait and love him always.
  3. Praise and express gratitude to your lover for every little thing.
  1. Do not just put up with his many shortcomings, but also love him so imperfect.
  2. Protect from all sorts of routine activities and troubles. Let him face this only at home.
  3. To beat off Pisces, be sure to listen to everything he talks about, follow his advice and recommendations.


  1. Cancer is difficult to "steal" from the family, because you need to be careful in relationships and when communicating. Avoid taunts and sarcastic ridicule.
  2. Subtly feel every emotion and desire of Cancer, surrendering to it completely, including in sex.
  3. Cancer needs to be pampered with their appearance. Show that you save your figure for him.


  1. See life the same way. Sharing his opinions and views will only add extra points to you.
  2. Be positive, giving Sagittarius smiles and a positive mood. Meet him always with sincere joy.
  3. So that your lover does not run back, do not complain about the relationship and the current situation.


  1. There is no need to accuse Taurus of being too attached to his wife or busy with a career. Workaholism is a hallmark of Taurus.
  2. Constantly caress your beloved, avoiding rudeness against someone else's, but such a native Taurus.
  3. Do not forget to flirt with him, but remember about the jealousy of a man.


  1. Demonstrate only refined manners. A lion can only be beaten off by a real queen.
  2. Show that relationships can be selfless, so do not ask Leo for permanent gifts, let him give them himself.
  3. Say that you dream of a family and children. Just do it unobtrusively.


  1. The Virgo can be charmed only by complete disinterestedness. Let him think that the mistress belongs only to him.
  2. Don't hold a grudge against Virgo. He will simply state that you can be offended to your heart's content.
  3. To recapture the Virgin from his wife, you need to make your appearance simply brilliant.


  1. The psychology of Libra is characterized by constant changes in mood. Be prepared for such changes.
  2. Address him by name, trying to avoid all sorts of "sun-cuties".
  3. Dress in such a way that he only dreams of undressing you, tearing everything off your body.


  1. It is impossible to criticize and scold Scorpio. However, he likes to sting and offend, apologizing later after his behavior.
  2. Be sure to praise the married Scorpio, showing your admiration for his virtues (any, including physiological ones).
  3. If possible, fulfill all the requests of Scorpio (naturally, within reason).


  1. No need to be offended by the Gemini for inattention and lack of concentration. Find out his good qualities.
  2. He is the owner, so he requires a lot of time to be devoted to him.
  3. Try to fulfill all his desires, especially if he lacks such behavior in the family.

Magic to help

Some mistresses fall in love with their "married" so much that they turn to love magic. A special conspiracy will help recapture a man and tie him to himself, but it’s extremely difficult for a non-professional to do such a ritual correctly.

Weigh all the risks, think about the moral side, but if you cannot be stopped even by God's punishment (there is such an opinion), then proceed with the implementation of your plan. Before performing the plot, determine what kind of relationship binds the lover and his wife. If the connection is strong, then additional lapels and cooling will be needed. If there are constant quarrels in the marriage, then it will be much easier to beat the guy off.

To implement this plot, you need to first prepare the following components:

The plot must be done as follows. Scratch your and the male name on the candle with a needle. Then smear it with jasmine oil, put it in a candlestick and say these words: “Like names, so fates are intertwined. Water, earth, fire united, decided on business, were crowned with heaven. We'll be together forever and ever."

Wait until the candle burns out completely. Collect the remaining droplets of wax and roll your hair or nails into them, place everything in a pot filled with earth. At the end of the ritual, plant a flower in it.

During watering, repeat the magic words every time. This conspiracy will intensify as the flower grows. After a while, you will feel that the feelings between you and your lover will only grow stronger.

Conspiracy number 2. Amulet

This conspiracy will help repel a man, tie him to you and strengthen the sexual energy between you.

To properly perform the ritual, cut out two small circles from plain paper, and the third from foil. Write your and men's names and dates of birth on paper mugs and put a foil mold between them.

Make a hole in the workpiece with a gypsy needle. Thread a woolen red thread into it, and tie a few knots at its end.

Conspiracy number 3. Fiery hair

To make this conspiracy and tie your lover to you, you will need a few "married" hairs. Start a fire in the yard or in a fireproof pot in the house.

Take 5 of your hairs and 3 hairs of a man, hold for 5 minutes in the palm of your hand, while representing a happy family life. Then throw them into the fire and say authoritatively: “Were crowned with fire, not debunked by anything!”

Keep your gaze on the fire for a short while and mentally thank him for his help.

Then toss some dry grass into it as payment. The plot will be over when the flame completely goes out on its own.

To take a man away from the family, you will need a lot of endurance and patience. However, even if you follow all the advice of a psychologist, follow the recommendations described above, this does not mean that you are guaranteed personal happiness. Perhaps your chosen one is only good as a lover, but not a husband.

To beat off someone else's man or not, it's up to you, because you can't command your heart!